CLASSROOM LAW PROJECT Selecting the Next President Handout 2 Techniques of Persuasion VISUAL TECHNIQES AND STAGING (film, pictures, tv, etc.) Appeals. Every ad, political or otherwise, has at its center an appeal. This is the main message of the ad and it is designed to speak to a viewer's emotions: insurance ads appeal to fears of disasters; cosmetics ads appeal to personal ego; many high-ticket products appeal to greed. Political ads are no different. Ads for candidates can appeal to positive feelings such as patriotism or pride but they can also elicit fears, especially if they are attack ads. These fears include things like war, crime, job loss or poor education. They may even imply that their opponent is untrustworthy or that he will take health benefits away from your parents or even that he will lead the country into war. Consultants are always looking for "hot button" issues -- issues that will be effective with a large percentage of voters. Once found, they will include these issues in the major appeal of the ad and sometimes in several minor appeals as well. Background locations. Where the candidate is when he is shown, or where the opponent is shown to be in an attack ad, is critically important to what is being communicated. Kennedy was shown walking along the beach. Perot was almost always in a paneled den or office. Clinton was most frequently surrounded by people. Each of the backgrounds is used to communicate a variety of things about the candidate. Camera Shots. A camera shot is a continuous view taken by a camera, from the time it starts recording to the time it stops. To convey positive feelings, a political ad might use shots that show the candidate shaking hands with supporters, or shots that show the American flag. Clothing. What a candidate is wearing is carefully chosen to show the viewer something "important" about him. An expensive suit shows power, taste, authority. Shirt sleeves show hard work and empathy with ordinary people. Jacket over the shoulder shows ease, warmth, confidence. A loosened tie usually indicates the same characteristics. Depicted Actions. What the candidate is doing in a support ad and what the opponent is doing in an attack ad are important. Getting off a plane shows characteristics like international expertise and concern, familiarity and caring about the whole country, or just plain old power. Interacting with the family shows caring. Holding hands with a spouse does the same. Signing papers shows ability to get important things done. Greeting ordinary people shows popularity and caring. Speaking from a podium emphasizes power and good ideas. In the opponent, the activity is sometimes representing as "silly" or weak. A good example is the 1988 ad that featured Dukakis's helmeted head popping out of the top of an army tank. The opponent is sometimes shown with an incriminating "other." Candidates are usually doing things in color. Opponents are usually doing things in black and white. Emotion-communicating faces. While any scene, any piece of music, any statement can induce emotion, the most common emotional device is the human face: the fear and anger in the face of teen druggie, the admiration and enthusiasm in crowd faces, babies' faces crying, fierce, LESSON 4 5 CLASSROOM LAW PROJECT Selecting the Next President uncaring expressions on the faces of opponents. All of these faces and their expressions are carefully planted in ads. A most common approach is to take the face of an opponent at its most unattractive and show that face as background for words written on the screen to indicate what awful things he has done. Faces are probably a candidate's most direct conduit to creating feelings in viewers. Film editing and camera use. Slow-motion is commonly used to increase the salience of an image. Extreme close-ups increase our perceptions of importance. They're also used to emphasize emotion, evil, and truthfulness. Often the camera comes in closer to the candidate as he begins his pledge to us voters--whatever that pledge may be. Jump-cuts occur when scenes are edited together and the central figure moves suddenly from one location to another. Shooting from above the candidate when he's greeting a crowd provides an impression of warmth and bonding. Black and white pictures usually mean the topic is serious and, most likely, negative. Framing. The positioning of objects and people within a television frame to convey certain meanings or to achieve effects. For example, a candidate might be framed close up and from a low angle to make him or her seem more important. Lighting. Different styles of lighting may be used in political ads to achieve particular effects. For example, strobing lights and the use of black and white can help make a candidate's opponent seem threatening or unpleasant. Music. Music is used to help create a mood for a political ad. For example, a positive ad might feature patriotic music, while a negative ad might use music that creates an ominous or unpleasant mood. Almost all political ads use music. It's usually orchestral, stately, designed to sound inspiring to a broad spectrum of listeners. Volume of music is very important. A common approach is have a crescendo of sound at the end of an ad. Background music is borrowed from horror movies when the ad attacks an opponent. Music is often fiercely patriotic-sounding. Props. Props are objects shown in the scenes. The most common prop is the American flag. Desks are important props. Headlines in newspapers are props used to verify statistical and factual claims ("If the newspaper said it, it must be true.") A podium is a prop and sometimes other people can serve as props. Once, a U.S. Senate candidate in Wisconsin even used a cardboard stand-up of Elvis as a prop. Slogan. A memorable phrase used in a political campaign, or a series of political ads. Viewers remember the slogan and associate its message with the candidate. Sound Effects. The sound effects employed in political ads can also help to create a mood. For example, sound effects, such as a loud "boom" or a repeated pounding, might be featured in a negative ad to help create a threatening mood. Background noises are important and seldom consciously noticed by viewers. Sirens, traffic noise, drumbeats are commonly employed. A good way to pick up use of music and background sounds, of course, is to look away from the screen during the ad. You'll find a lot going on there that you'd otherwise be unlikely to notice. Supers and Code Words. Supers are words printed in large letters on the screen. They appear over a background that is supposed to exemplify whatever is being said by the super. A super says, "Pay attention to this factoid or claim." It is often a phrase that communicates outrage at something LESSON 4 6 CLASSROOM LAW PROJECT Selecting the Next President the opponent has said or done such as, "RAISED TAXES THREE TIMES IN THREE YEARS." A super can also emphasize the larger appeal being made in the ad such as: "WRONG FOR YESTERDAY. WRONG FOR TOMORROW." Supers can use code words, which are words that sound simple but carry significant unconscious meaning for viewers. For example, when the word "values" is used in ads, it makes the candidate sound upright and moral, but often the exact values represented by the candidate are not made clear. The implication of the ad is that the candidate featured has values, but his or her opponent does not. Many argue that "crime" and "welfare" are code words that encourage viewers to look at these issues through a racial lens. Even a seemingly innocuous word like "yesterday" can be a code word if the meaning is implied to be that someone or something is too old and no longer relevant, rather than meaning it just occurred in the past. CONTENT and the MESSAGE Bandwagon encourages the listener to do something because it’s the popular thing to do. (“More and more of us want new blood in Washington, and we’re voting for Jones.”) Card Stacking presents the evidence in a partial or slanted way. (“The average income of Americans has risen every year since the election of President Jones,” omitting the statistic that the income of all citizens except the top 20% has actually fallen.) Glittering Generalities says little specifically, but conveys emotion. (“John Jones has made this nation a better place.”) Name Calling uses negative labels to stigmatize opponents. (“Michael Dukakis is a card-carrying liberal.”) Plain Folks emphasizes similarities with the average citizen. (“I was born in a two bedroom house and walked to school with my brother.”) Product Comparison is a persuasive technique used in advertising. The political ad features a comparison between the featured candidate and his or her opponent. It depicts the opponent as inferior. The intended effect is to make viewers question the values or motives of the opponent. Security is a persuasive technique used in advertising. The ad draws on voters' fears by telling them that their jobs, families, or their lives will be in jeopardy—unless they vote for the featured candidate. Straw Man sets up an opponent’s weak argument so that it can be knocked down. (“They believe that a 12-year-old child should be able to sue her parents, and they are wrong.”) Testimonial shows an endorsement by a famous and respected person. (“I’m voting for George Bush,” declared Ronald Reagan.) Transfer uses symbolic images to enhance a candidate’s profile. (Visits to war memorials, scenes with heads of state from other countries, etc.) Logical Fallacies include Appeal to Emotion summons fear, anger, or pity to secure agreement with an argument or position. (“If we don’t fight crime my way, your child won’t feel safe walking the streets.”) LESSON 4 7 CLASSROOM LAW PROJECT Selecting the Next President False Cause insists on a causal relationship because one event preceded the other. (“As soon as Jones was elected, congressional corruption was revealed.”) False Dilemma presents only two choices when there are a variety of possibilities. (“Choose Smith and you’ll get inflation; choose Jones and the budget will be balanced.”) Hasty Generalization bases a conclusion on insufficient evidence, usually a fractional sampling. (“Somalians don’t want our help — look what they did to an American soldier.”) Loaded Questions constructs biased questions with predetermined answers. (“When did you abandon your party’s platform on that issue, Senator?”) Slippery Slope claims that one event will lead to an uncontrollable chain reaction. (“First they outlaw machine guns, and then they will take your hunting rifles.”) TYPES OF ADS Negative - One candidate portrays the other in an unfavorable light. Warm and Fuzzy - Candidates make the viewer feel good about the country or his/her campaign. Humorous - Candidates elicit a laugh or smile from the viewer. Scary - Candidates evoke images of fear (usually combined with a Negative ad). ALSO IMPORTANT Target Audience is the group of people advertisers and politicians aim their pitch at. The members of a target audience often share certain characteristics, such as age, gender, ethnicity, values, or lifestyle. Compiled and adapted from many sources among them: and other websites that are now unavailable LESSON 4 8