Strategic Management and Business Policy

MGT 489
Winter Session 2009 – M/W 3:20 – 5:30 PM
Dr. James B. Avey
Phone: 963-3381
Shaw 332
Office Hours: 1:15 – 2:15pm
Monday/Wednesday or by appointment
Understanding Business Strategy: Concepts and Cases by R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson, and Michael A.
This is the capstone course for the College of Business Administration, concentrating on the formulation and
application of management policy on the whole organization, with particular emphasis on the development and
implementation of strategies.
To develop and apply multidisciplinary management skills to the tasks of identification, analysis, and
implementation of solutions to situations facing varying types of organizations. A key objective will be to bridge
the gap between managing theory and practice through the analysis of cases representing varying external and
internal environments of organizations. Students will develop skills required for effective management analysis
and consulting.
In the formulation and application of management policy, the course involves analysis of textbook and live cases
in which the student applies knowledge acquired in functional areas such as accounting, finance, economics,
operations, and human resources. The course demonstrates the complexity of management problems and the
interrelatedness of organizational functions as well as factors external to the organization. Ethical and
international considerations are given specific attention.
I expect that everyone in this class (Instructor included) will conduct him/herself in a professional manner. It is
the policy of Central Washington University to not discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation,
disability, race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin in its educational programs. I, the Department of
Management as well as the faculty of the College of Business Administration at large strongly support this policy.
If you feel that some form of discrimination has been directed at you, please contact me immediately or the
Department Chair, Dr. Hugh Spall.
ATTENDANCE: You will be expected to attend all classes. There is a relationship between showing up for
class and being able to make class contributions beyond the element of just being in the classroom. I’ll take
attendance randomly during the session. Your best plan is to show up for class. In the event that you do miss
class, you will need to find a classmate willing to share their investment of coming to class and taking notes while
you were absent. Not to overstate the obvious, but forewarning me of your expected absence with a genuine
explanation would be professional behavior.
My discretion will be used in determining the need for make-up exams, your situation and plan of action.
Varying points of view, constructively offered, are welcome and rewarded.
Professional conduct in the class does not include sleeping, reading newspapers, texting, completing other
activities, or conducting of other non-class related activities during the class period.
The level of discussion will be at college level. If you find yourself struggling with general vocabulary in
the material or on the exams, you may not yet be at the level of performance you need to continue through
the class. Please see me if this is the case and we can discuss what this means for you.
The instructor reserves the right to deviate from the schedule given here as deemed necessary.
The Management faculty wants to assist their students in comprehending ethical issues in business and
applying an ethical framework to business decision making. Ethical issues will be covered in class and
students can expect to be tested on their ability to recognize such issues and apply an ethical framework to
business decision making.
CHEATING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED: Any student caught cheating will be removed from class with an
“F”. They will also be subject to the fullest provisions of the student handbook, including suspension and/or
expulsion from the university. Plagiarism on assignments will be considered as cheating. Looking at another
students’ exam during a test is also considered cheating. Any other misrepresentations of one’s work or
performance will be subject to consideration as cheating.
Cases assigned for team analysis and presentation will be determined at a later time. Some consideration will be
given to the interests of class members in selecting cases; however, I will make the final decisions based on
instructional objectives.
Management 489 consists of both lecture-discussion and case analysis. You will need to read the assigned
material before each class. Assigned cases will also be analyzed and presented by teams of approximately 5
class members. All students should read and analyze each case and be prepared to participate in class
Grades are based on performance in the following areas:
Two Exams and Exercises: There will be two exams covering material from the text, lectures and case
analyses. These exams may be a combination of essay, matching, short-answer and multiple-choice
questions. The course material builds on itself so that concepts require knowledge of material covered earlier
in the course. As a result, you are responsible for all material previously covered for quizzes, discussion and
exams. Take the time to read and understand the material since the test will not include simple questions. The
questions will be written using a level of business terminology expected of university graduates. The quiz
exam questions are meant as a measure understanding and competence. In addition there will be exercises in
class where all students are expected to participate.
Group SWOT Analysis Presentation: Each student will be assigned to a team responsible for analyzing
and presenting a SWOT Analysis of a firm which the instructor will provide. The team will be required to
investigate the firm and look at internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and
threats. The group will present a summary of their SWOT analysis to the class (30-45 minutes) and lead the
class through a discussion of the firm according to information they found. Each individual in the group will
present a relatively equal amount of time and material. Handouts to the class are highly recommended. In
general, each member’s grade will be equal however peer evaluations (rubric below) will be considered in
determining final grade.
ETS (A) Field Exam. 10% of the grade will go toward the ETS field exam. Details will be provided in
ETS (B) Case Analysis. 10% of the grade will be based on the case analysis. Details will be provided in
Participation. 20% of the grade will go toward participation in the form of daily case analyses, daily
current event application (individual analysis and 5 minute presentations) and frequency of verbal
contributions. A contribution is a verbal comment or question that generates though, reflection or
discussion of some kind related to the course content.
Letter grading is on standard percentage scale:
Exam 1 (Chapters 1-3 and class discussions)
Exam 2 (Chapters 4-6, 8 and class discussions)
Group SWOT Analysis Presentation
ETS A (Exam)
ETS B (Case Analysis)
Participation/ Current Event Application
Avey MGT 489- Class Schedule- Monday and Wednesday
Course Topic
Class Introduction
Get Into Groups
Chapter 1(21)- The Foundations of Strategic Management
Current Event Application Group 1
Chapter 2 (14)- Leading Strategically
Current Event Application Group 2
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday- No Class
Chapter 3 (23) - Analyzing the External Environment
Current Event Application Group 3
Tower Exercise: Organizational Evolutions
Medieval Phone
Exam 1 (58)– Room: Black 129
Chapter 4 (14)- Analyzing the Firm
Dr. Bill Provaznik on Assessing a Firm’s Financial Health- Ameritrade Broker,
International Corporate Strategist, Business Strategy Professor
Chapter 5 (13)- Business-Level Strategy (if time)
Mark Anderson, CEO and President of Anderson Hay and Grain
Chad Youngquist, Owner Pillar Homes- Corporate Social Responsibility
Planning 2: Game Theory Exercise
Game Theory Discussion
Chapter 6 (7)- Multiproduct Strategies
Decision Making- Delphi Technique
Desert Survival
President’s Day- No Class
Chapter 8 (9)- Competing Across Borders
Current Event Application Group 4
Trust within and between Organizations
Exam 2 (43)– Room: Black 129
Project Work Day
Group Presentations- SWOT Analysis- 30 minutes each- Room: Black 113
ETS Exam A- Exam- Room: Black 129
Group Presentations- SWOT Analysis- 30 minutes each- Room: Black 113
ETS Exam B- Written Case Analysis- Room: Black 129
Finals Week
1) Please remember that our schedule is relatively flexible. When it is necessary, we will
adjust our pace.
2) The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus. Any changes will be
communicated to you well in advance.
3) Additional homework may be assigned depending on progress and need.
4) It is expected that all students will have the text/chapters and additional materials read
before coming to class.
5) It is expected that all students keep cell phones, i-pods and other electronics off during
* The professor reserves the right to add up to 3% of the final grade for exemplary participation.
Students with disabilities who wish to set up academic adjustments in this class should give me a
copy of their "Confirmation of Eligibility for Academic Adjustments" from the Disability
Support Services Office as soon as possible so we can discuss how the approved adjustments
will be implemented in this class. Students without this form should contact the Disability
Support Services Office, Bouillon 205 or or 963-2171.
Planning to graduate in June? The deadline to apply is the second Friday of Winter quarter.
Planning to graduate in August? The deadline to apply is the second Friday of Spring quarter.
Planning to graduate in December? The deadline to apply is the second Friday of Summer quarter.
Planning to graduate in March? The deadline to apply is the second Friday of Fall quarter.
Questions? Call Degree Checkout 509-963-3524
Peer Assessment
Teamwork/Leadership Skills Assessment
Never offers to lead
Occasional leadership
Regularly demonstrates
Takes on leadership role,
feels responsible for the
success of the group
Listening to others
Doesn’t exhibit listening
behavior, often interrupts others
or ignores them
Exhibits listening behavior
some of the time
Exhibits listening
behavior most of the
Listens actively, sometimes
helps others understand
what a group member has
Sharing one’s own
Contributes nothing to the
group or ideas that are not well
thought out
Has contributed ideas with
some promise
Frequently contributes,
well thought out ideas
Always contributes well
thought out process
Ability to take a useful
group role
Behavior is detrimental to
group functioning
Behavior has very
modestly helped the group
achieve its objectives
Behavior frequently
helps group achieve its
Behavior always helps the
group achieve its objectives
Accepts responsibility
for activities
Takes no responsibility for any
Rarely takes responsibility
for activities
Often takes
responsibility for
Willing to take
responsibility for all
Timely submission of
work assignments
Assignments always late,
Assignments delivered at
the possible date
Work assignments
delivered on time
Self motivated and
competes work without any
Instructions: Circle the description for each category that represents each group member. Evaluate everyone else in
your group but not yourself. You are anonymous. Your name is requested only to confirm that your evaluation was
Instructor/ Class _______________________________
Your Name______________________________
Person being assessed_____________________
Oral Presentation Rubric for SWOT Analysis
Logic of arguments is not
made clear.
Surface level.
Listener can follow
presentation with effort.
Some, but does not
make connections
across ideas.
Presentation is generally clear
and well organized.
Good understanding of topic by
use of topical and disciplinary
knowledge and vocabulary.
Presentation is clear, logical and
Deep understanding of topic.
Use of
No communication aids
were used or their use
detracted from
Communication aids
were poorly prepared or
used inappropriately.
Communication aides
professionally present clear and
concise information in a highly
visible, easily read way
demonstrating an excellent
command of the technology.
Style and Delivery
Looks only at notes or
away from the audience.
Barely audible.
Listeners are so distracted
by difficulty with grammar
that focus is absent.
Doesn’t know what do
with hands.
Personal appearance is
inappropriate for occasion
and audience.
There is eye contact.
Can be heard.
Listeners can follow but
some grammatical
errors are prevalent.
Avoids distracting use of
Communication aids contribute
to the quality of the presentation
by outlining the presentation of
clear and concise information in a
highly visible, easily read way
demonstrating a good command
of the technology.
Appropriate eye contact is made.
Voice volume is appropriate.
Sentences are complete,
grammatically correct, and flow
Able to use hands to
communicate/enforce important
Personal appearance is
appropriate for occasion and the
Understanding of
Personal appearance is
somewhat inappropriate
for the occasion and
Eye contact is used to gauge
reaction and understanding.
Voice ringingly clear.
Sentences are complete,
grammatically correct, and flow
together easily. Words are
chosen for their precise meaning.
Professional use of gestures.
Personal appearance is
completely appropriate for the
occasion and the audience.