Theme: Masks (interest badge programme) Date: ____________________ Time Min Activity 05 Duty Six: ____________________ GRAND HOWL Flag Prayer Register Break Equipment Scouter Totem/skin/rock Flag/flag pole Prayer book Register As we journey into the African bush, I hope you have your happy faces on! 05 INSPECTION: Cub Grin Bones Africa has a wonderful variety of wild animals. 05 STEAM RELEASE: African Wildlife Whistle Cubs run around a designated area. When the leader blows the whistle and calls out the name of an African animal, the Cubs are to stop running and act like that animal. We had such fun acting like animals – now for some more fun looking like an animal! 10 HANDCRAFT: Animal Mask Using the template provided or your own, Cubs are to colour in an animal mask. Once coloured in, mount on a stick and hold up in front of their faces. Template; crayons; stick; scissors; glue/sticky tape The African bush is full of interesting plants, insects and animals. Let’s see what interesting things we can find. 10 ACTIVE GAME: Scavenger Hunt Bag to collect their items from nature Cubs to go out and find a variety of different natural items which they will use to decorate their African masks. African tribes have been making masks for generations – let us design one of our very own! 15 HANDCRAFT: African Mask Using the template provided (optional) and items found in nature, Cubs are to make their own African Template; scissors; crayons; glue; sticky tape; items from nature; Time Min Activity mask. Once finished, make holes on either side, reinforce with sticky tape, and thread string or elastic/elastic bands through the holes. Equipment Scouter string; elastic or elastic bands Now we have our masks, let’s use them in a traditional dance. 10 PLAYACTING: Traditional Dance African masks In Sixes, Cubs to make up a traditional dance and present to the Pack. Different masks were used for different occasions. How many different ceremonial masks can you think of? 15 ACTIVITY: Ceremonial Masks Paper; pencils Cubs need to draw 3 ceremonial masks. They should be original designs and each to draw their own. If they don’t complete all three, to be completed at home before they can earn the badge. It’s time to wish you “Good Hunting” but before we go let’s sing a hunting song. 05 SING SONG: Come a-hunting 05 NOTICES/BADGES 05 GRAND HOWL Flag Prayer Dismiss Totem/skin/rock Flag/flag pole Prayer book