Trends in Biomedical Science - Classroom test 1 Practice. 시험 용지에 쓰지 마세요 Are the following statements True (O) or False (X)? 1. The feet of astrocytes completely surround capillary walls to control the substances from the blood that reach neurons in the brain. 2. The axon terminal is where the neuron communicates with the next cell. 3. Neurofibril nodes, or nodes of Ranvier, are the gaps along myelinated axons between the myelin wrapping. 4. Axons are usually small and branching, and they may be quite numerous. Most neurons have only a single dendrite, and it may be very long. 5. Interneurons are housed entirely within the CNS. They process, store, and retrieve information, and “decide” how the body responds to stimuli. 6. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) is involved in synthesis of membrane lipids and calcium storage 7. Nuclear pore complexes allow the transport of molecules across the nuclear envelope. 8. Cytoskeleton keeps the shape of the cell and helps move materials in the cell. 9. The dendrite carries information away from the neuron’s cell body toward other neurons, with which it makes connections called synapses. 10. Genes, neurons, and circuits function as the building blocks of behavior. 11. Axons form synaptic connections with targets. 12. Development of the human brain ends at birth. 13. Diet during early development cannot cause changes lasting into adulthood. 14. The epigenetic code gives the genome more flexibility than the fixed DNA code alone. 15. Once a signal reaches a cell, proteins carry information inside. Proteins pass information to one another. The information may finally pass to a gene regulatory protein that attaches to a specific sequence of bases on the DNA. 16. The brain has about one million (1,000,000) nerve cells. 17. The brain works both electrically and chemically. 18. The term "terminal boutons" refers to the swollen ending of the presynaptic axon terminal. 1 Trends in Biomedical Science - Classroom test 1 Practice. 시험 용지에 쓰지 마세요 The following questions are multiple choice. Choose the best answer. 19. Myelination affects nerve impulse conduction in which of the following ways? A) slows the nerve impulse by exposing only limited parts of the axon B) speeds up the nerve impulse of the cell C) permits nerve impulses to travel continuously along the entire axon D) all of the above 22. Different neurons may have many differences. What is not different? A) The number of nuclei B) The number of receptors C) The types of receptors and ion channels D) The location of ion channels 23. Efferent neurons transmit nerve impulses A) from the CNS to muscles or glands 20. Structurally, the nervous system consists of which two subdivisions? B) from the spinal cord to the brain C) between interneurons in the CNS A) central and peripheral D) from sensory receptors to the CNS B) sensory and motor C) somatic and visceral D) somatic and autonomic 24. Which organelles contain digestive enzymes? A) lysosome 21. Chemical transmission of nerve impulses causes the axon and the dendrites to develop specialized structures called A) terminal buttons B) peroxisome C) nucleus D) mitochondrion B) mitochondria C) spines D) cell membrane 2 Trends in Biomedical Science - Classroom test 1 Practice. 시험 용지에 쓰지 마세요 25. The plasma membrane is effective in isolating the cytoplasm from the extracellular fluid primarily because 28. Nervous tissue cells that play several supporting roles but do not transmit impulses are called A) the lipid "tails" in the phospholipid bilayer form a sheet that repels water A) nerve cells B) neurons B) the rigid composition of the plasma membrane forms a waterproof barrier C) glial cells D) dendrites C) peripheral proteins are attached to the inner or outer membrane surface D) integral proteins form channels that let water pass in and out of the cell 1. 26. The two types of cells in nervous tissue are A) nerve processes and nerve fibers B) neurons and glial cells The action of neural circuits and how well they are made determines: a. Human digestion b. Human behaviors c. Human skin color d. Human strength. C) neurons and glial cells D) dendrites and axons 2. 27. Cells in which tissue type are specialized to transmit electrical impulses from one body region to another? A) connective Where is the genetic information for a neuron held? a. The cell body b. Many processes coming out from that c. The dendrite d. The synapse B) epithelial C) muscle D) nervous 3. What carries the output of the neuron, or the way it communicates with other cells? a. Axon b. The cell body 3 Trends in Biomedical Science - Classroom test 1 Practice. 시험 용지에 쓰지 마세요 4. 5. 6. 7. c. The dendrite d. The synapse disease, while only 10-15% of cases in fraternal twins show this pattern. What does this show? a. A strong environmental effect and strong genetic effect in developing schizophrenia What is the name of the electrical impulses, which travel along one neuron? b. A weak environmental effect and strong genetic effect in developing schizophrenia a. Neurotransmitter release c. b. Action potentials A weak environmental effect and weak genetic effect in developing schizophrenia c. Voltage regulator d. A strong environmental effect and weak genetic effect in developing schizophrenia d. Potentiation. 8. a. Activate receptors on the target neurons A genetic defect, when a sequence of DNA is deleted from chromosome 15, can cause Angelman syndrome in some people, but it can cause PraderWilli syndrome in other people. What did the inheritance pattern show: b. Pump sodium out of the neuron a. c. Bind to promoter regions of DNA If the deletion was inherited from father, then they have Prader-Willi syndrome, or Angelman syndrome. d. Open to let potassium out of the cell. b. If the deletion was inherited from mother, then they have Prader-Willi syndrome, or Angelman syndrome. c. If the deletion was inherited from mother, then they have Prader-Willi syndrome, but if the deletion was inherited from the father, they had Angelman syndrome. d. If the deletion was inherited from father, then they have Prader-Willi syndrome, but if the deletion was inherited from the mother, they had Angelman syndrome. What do neurotransmitters do? Metabolic pathways can make methyl groups important epigenetic tags that may silence genes. What important nutrients are used in this pathway? a. Folic acid b. B vitamins c. SAM-e (S-Adenosyl methionine) d. A, B, and C For twin pairs where schizophrenia occurs, in 50% of cases both identical twins in a pair develop the 9. Both mice and people have a gene called agouti. What is not true about the agouti gene in mice? a. When a mouse's agouti gene is completely unmethylated it has a yellow coat color, is obese and prone to diabetes and cancer. 4 Trends in Biomedical Science - Classroom test 1 Practice. 시험 용지에 쓰지 마세요 b. When the agouti gene is methylated (as it is in normal mice) the coat color is brown and the mouse has a low disease risk. c. If the agouti gene is switched on all the time, it blocks a receptor in the satiation center of the brain. a. positive, negative b. negative, positive The agouti gene can not be switched off by a change in the diet of the mouse during its early life. c. negative, negative d. positive, positive d. 13. When a neuron is depolarized, the inside of the cell membrane is ____ and the outside of the cell membrane is ____. 14. Cocaine and amphetamines mainly affect which neurotransmitters? 10. The purpose of myelin is to a. promote the release of pre-synaptic neurotransmitters. b. insulate axons to increase the speed of electrical impulses. c. open and close channels. d. create GABA. 11. What allows ions to enter the neural cell? a. Myelin sheaths b. Neurotransmitters c. Dendrites d. Channels 12. When a neuron is resting, the inside of the cell membrane is _____ and the outside of the cell membrane is _____. a. positive, negative b. negative, positive c. negative, negative d. positive, positive a. serotonin b. acetylcholine c. dopamine d. GABA 15. Jon and Hon are identical twins, but they were separated at birth and raised in different countries. When they meet as adults, they talk about all the ways in which they are the same, but also the ways in which they are different. Compared to identical twins that have been raised together, Jon and Hon probably a. have more characteristics in common than most twins because they didn't have to prove to anyone that they are different. b. are as similar as identical twins who were raised in the same household. c. have fewer characteristics in common than most twins because their environments were different while they were growing up. d. have the same percentage of similarities as non-identical siblings. 16. The main function of myelin is to 5 Trends in Biomedical Science - Classroom test 1 Practice. 시험 용지에 쓰지 마세요 a. form a protective coating over nerve axons. b. affect the speed of nerve impulses. c. block the reception of acetylcholine. d. aid a nerve's receptivity to neurotransmitters by increasing the number of receptor sites available. 17. The part of the nerve cell specialized for conducting information is the 20. The charge that exists across the nerve cell membrane is a result of differing a. amounts of DNA and RNA. b. types of neurotransmitters on either side of the nerve cell membrane. c. types of neurons inside and outside the nerve cell membrane. d. concentrations of ions on either side of the nerve cell membrane. 21. The channels that transport sodium and potassium within the axon are called a. axon. b. cell body. a. DNA and RNA channels. c. soma. b. membrane channels. d. neurilemma. c. neurons channels. d. ion channels. 18. A nerve impulse is a/an __________ event; and the communication between neurons is a/an __________ event. 22. Neurons conduct an action potential a. chemical; electrical a. when sodium is pumped out of the neuron. b. acetylcholine; catecholamine b. c. dendrite; axon when molecular gates open to allow sodium ions into a neuron. d. electrical; chemical c. when the electrical stimulation dips below -70 millivolts. d. only if surrounded by a myelin sheath. 19. An action potential actually occurs because 23. The "all-or-nothing event" refers to the fact that a. the interior of the nerve cell becomes positive. a. nerve cells are continuously active. b. the interior of the nerve cell becomes negative. b. action potentials occur completely or not at all. c. c. potassium ions enter the nerve cell. an electrical current crosses the synapse completely or not at all. d. sodium ions leave the nerve cell. all the neurons in a particular "lobe" of the brain fire or none of them fire. 6 Trends in Biomedical Science - Classroom test 1 Practice. 시험 용지에 쓰지 마세요 24. Electrically charged particles of the elements __________ are crucial in the transmission of the nerve impulse. a. iron and sodium b. iron and potassium c. sodium and nickel d. sodium and potassium 25. In the nervous system, electrical charges are set up because of unequal concentrations of ions inside and outside the cell. This state is known as a(n) a. resting potential. b. equilibrium potential. c. state of potential nerve energy. d. action potential. 27. Arrange these action potential events in their proper sequence: 1. threshold voltage is reached 2. K+ gates begin to open 3. K+ gates close 4. Na+ gates begin to open 5. Na+ gates begin to close 6. membrane repolarization begins a. 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 6 b. 4, 6, 3, 2, 1, 5 c. 4, 6, 2, 1, 5, 3 d. 1, 4, 2, 5, 6, 3 28. Local anesthetics 26. The term "voltage regulated" means that the membrane a. voltage gated ion channels open and close with changes in the membrane potential. b. potential is controlled by the Na+/K+ pumps. c. gates will not respond unless the voltage is "regular." d. potential can only be controlled by an oscilloscope. a. block the closure of voltage regulated potassium ion channels. b. stimulate the opening of voltage regulated potassium ion channels. c. block the opening of voltage regulated sodium ion channels. d. stimulate the opening of voltage regulated sodium ion channels. 29. Which glial cells myelinate axons in the CNS? a. astrocytes b. microglia c. oligodendrites d. Schwann cells 7 Trends in Biomedical Science - Classroom test 1 Practice. 시험 용지에 쓰지 마세요 30. The membrane of a resting cell leaks sodium and potassium ions, but the ____ keeps the membrane potential near a constant value. a. sodium/potassium pump. b. transport of calcium ions. c. closing potassium channels in the membrane. d. closing sodium channels in the membrane. 31. The Na+/K+ pump does not just compensate for the "leakiness" of the cell membrane to these ions, but actively helps keep the intracellular fluid more negative than the extracellular fluid. This is because a. it is involved in cotransport of Ca2+ out of the cell. b. it helps trap organic anions in the cytoplasm. c. for every two positive K+ charges it brings into the cell, it moves three positive Na+ charges out of the cell. d. for every two anions it pumps out of the cell, it pumps three anions in. Axon, Nucleolus, Dendrites, Synapse, Myelin Sheath, Nodes of Ranvier, Cell body, Terminal Buttons, g. Look at the diagram of developing nerve cells. (Diagram C). Match a number to the following names. signaling molecule, concentration gradient, receptors, primary transcription factor, target DNA sequences, activated genes, secondary transcription factors e. Look at the diagram of a cell (Diagram A). Match a number to the following names. Cytoplasm, Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi complex, Microtubules, Mitochondria, Nucleus, Ribosomes , Plasma membrane f. Look at the diagram of a neuron and other cells (Diagram B). Match a number to the following names. 8 Trends in Biomedical Science - Classroom test 1 Practice. 시험 용지에 쓰지 마세요 Diagram A Diagram B 9 Trends in Biomedical Science - Classroom test 1 Practice. 시험 용지에 쓰지 마세요 Diagram C 10