September 2011
SAP Best Practices for
Environment, Health and
Safety Management
Solution Scope Document
Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16
69190 Walldorf
SAP Best Practices
SAP Best Practices for Environment, Health and Safety Management: Solution Scope
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SAP Best Practices
SAP Best Practices for Environment, Health and Safety Management: Solution Scope
External Process
Business Process Alternative/Decision Choice
Typographic Conventions
Type Style
Example text
Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field
names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and
Cross-references to other documentation.
Example text
Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables.
Names of elements in the system. These include report names,
program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key
words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for
example, SELECT and INCLUDE.
Example text
Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths,
messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as
names of installation, upgrade and database tools.
Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the
ENTER key.
Example text
Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the
system exactly as they appear in the documentation.
<Example text>
Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these
words and characters with appropriate entries.
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SAP Best Practices
SAP Best Practices for Environment, Health and Safety Management: Solution Scope
Purpose ................................................................................................................................... 5
Supported Business Processes or Scenarios ......................................................................... 5
EHS Management Product Safety (935) ....................................................................... 5
EHS Management Dangerous Goods Management (936) ........................................... 5
EHS Management Industrial Hygiene and Safety (937) ............................................... 6
EHS Management Waste Management (938) .............................................................. 6
EHS Management Business Compliance Services (939) ............................................. 7
REACH: Substance Volume Tracking (Sales) (944)..................................................... 7
EHS Management: Activate Document Splitting (960) ................................................. 8
EHS Management: Recipe Development on PLM Web UI (974) ................................. 8
EHS Management: Occupational Health (975) ............................................................. 9
EHS Management: Substance Volume Tracking (Purchasing) (990)........................... 9
EHS Management: Global Label Management (991) ................................................... 9
EHS Management: Audit Management (999) ............................................................. 10
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SAP Best Practices
SAP Best Practices for Environment, Health and Safety Management: Solution Scope
SAP Best Practices for Environment, Health, and
Safety Management
1 Purpose
This solution scope provides an overview of the processes and functions covered by SAP Best
Practices for Environment, Health and Safety Management. It describes the functions and
explains their business purposes.
The solution scope does not provide technical explanations of how to use the
functions. For more information on this topic, see the Business Process
Documentation documents.
2 Supported Business Processes or Scenarios
2.1 EHS Management Product Safety (935)
This scenario covers the life cycle of a finished product starting from the development phase
(R&D) up to the sales cycle (SD). It describes how to maintain chemical, physical, safety, and
other data for the substances that are used and processed in the EHS Management specification
database; this is information that is gathered during R&D. The amount of data that you have to
maintain can be greatly limited by using the reference functionality: Data that you maintain for
one specification can be passed on to all other specifications that have the same properties.
When the product is available and all of its data is maintained correctly, this data is used to
create material safety data sheets (SDSs, MSDSs), which you then manage in the EHS
Management report information system. The product safety component supports you in adhering
to a specified sequence of steps when creating and releasing new MSDSs. Historical versions of
MSDSs can be tracked.
The Safety Data Sheets are required during the sales cycle because legislation obliges
producers to send this kind of report to their customers. EHS Management automatically handles
this during the sales process (order, delivery) and makes sure that a customer is always in
possession of an up to date safety data sheet.
Process Flow
This building block deals with the following processes:
Maintaining and updating substance data
Maintaining phrase data
Creating and releasing safety data sheets
Printing safety data sheets
Automatic shipping of safety data sheets to customers
2.2 EHS Management Dangerous Goods Management
This scenario describes how data relevant to dangerous goods can be maintained in compliance
with the respective legal provisions. The data relevant to dangerous goods can be kept in the
EHS Management specification database and then transferred to the dangerous goods master,
an independent object in the SAP Sales and Distribution module.
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SAP Best Practices
SAP Best Practices for Environment, Health and Safety Management: Solution Scope
When a sales order or delivery is created, basic dangerous goods checks can be performed,
especially whether the specified quantity of the product in question can be transported on a
specified route by a specified means of transport.
When a product that is subject to dangerous goods regulations is shipped, the delivery note has
to contain certain additional dangerous goods related information.
Process Flow
The following processes are provided to support the dangerous goods management scenario:
Creating delivery
Creating a sales order and performing a dangerous goods check
Creating a standard delivery and delivery note
2.3 EHS Management Industrial Hygiene and Safety
This scenario deals with management of hygiene-related and safety-related information and
measures, performance of risk assessments, creation of standard operating procedures (SOPs)
and drawing up a hazardous substances register.
The basis of the industrial hygiene and safety scenario is the definition of workplaces and a
workplace hierarchy in the company. Hygiene and safety have a large impact on employees
(concentration of chemical agents in the air, noise, bright light, posture stress) and related safety
measures with respect to the workplaces. The impacts are summarized and evaluated in a risk
assessment. Ratings allow you to rank the impacts according to seriousness.
When processing or handling hazardous substances, it may be legally required or at least
advisable to post standard operating procedures, containing, among other information,
emergency first aid measures, and disposal recommendations. The necessary substancespecific data is maintained in the EHS Management specification database, and using the
workplace hierarchy that was defined, SOPs can be assigned to the individual workplaces. The
creation of the SOPs is similar to the creation of Material Safety Data Sheets, with defined steps
to release a SOP and management of historical and current versions.
Process Flow
The following processes are provided to support the EHS Management Industrial Hygiene and
Safety scenario:
Defining work areas
Maintaining IHS data
Integration of storage locations for hazardous substance register
Maintaining exposure profiles
Generating substance register
Defining safety measures
Creating and displaying SOPs
2.4 EHS Management Waste Management (938)
The Waste Management module within EHS Management is used to execute a variety of
different waste disposal processes. The function modules are used to integrate standard
functions of SAP solutions in waste disposal processes. The more deeply integrated the
processes are, the more standard functions of the SAP solutions are used to include commercial
and logistic requirements.
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SAP Best Practices
SAP Best Practices for Environment, Health and Safety Management: Solution Scope
The following basic waste disposal business processes are available:
Legally compliant disposal processing
Legally compliant disposal processing using internal quantities
Legally compliant and commercial disposal processing
Legally compliant, commercial, and logistic disposal processing
The processes can be configured and run using the standard functionalities of EHS Management
Waste Management. Additional function modules are available to execute other waste disposal
processes, but are not part of the standard system.
This document focuses on the legally compliant disposal processing and waste processing
tasks, which are executed by the environmental department.
2.5 EHS Management Business Compliance Services
This scenario describes the maintenance of chemical, physical, safety, and other data for
substances with the help of a data provider. The amount of data that you have to maintain can
be reduced if a third-party provider maintains the basic information and creates the relevant
The data comes back to you in the form of load files and compliant MSDS in PDF, which can be
used in the EHS Management report information system. The data can be fully integrated in the
automatic report shipping process.
Process Flow
The following processes are provided to support the EHS Management Business Compliance
Services scenario:
Request for compliant MSDS to a third-party provider (fill-out forms)
Import of some basic substance data
Import of MSDS in PDF
Shipping of MSDS to customers in PDF
2.6 REACH: Substance Volume Tracking (Sales) (944)
The scenario Substance Volume Tracking (Sales) shows you how the system tracks new
substance amounts that you order or produce. It also shows how the system can warn you and
is even able to block the process if certain amounts of a substance are exceeded. The scenario
also guides you through the follow-up process of reregistration when you need to raise a
substance threshold that has been reached or even passed.
Process Flow
This scenario consists of the following steps:
Creation of purchase orders
Creation of process orders
Running of SVT reports
Showing tracked amounts and carrying out follow-up activities
Key Points
Process variant: SVT within procurement
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SAP Best Practices
SAP Best Practices for Environment, Health and Safety Management: Solution Scope
Process variant: SVT within manufacturing
2.7 EHS Management: Activate Document Splitting
EHS Management Activate Document SplittingDocument splitting enables a complex display of
documents. It ensures that you can draw up complete financial statements for the selected
dimensions at any time.
Using the document splitting procedure, you can also create a segmented display of a (partial)
balance sheet, according to a legal requirement (for example, GAAP), or according to areas of
The Segment field is a standard field in the totals table for New General Ledger Accounting
(FAGLFLEXT) New FI drilldown reporting functions let you create segment financial statements.
Document splitting is only relevant for the general ledger; it does not need to be visible from
within the sub ledgers.
Key Points
Extensibility and flexibility – to add new fields, you can create management reports,
supplementary balance sheets, and profit–and–loss statement for industry–specific and
enterprise–specific purposes.
Increased data quality – the results of the document split are visible in the document
itself. This eliminates the need for additional check steps in alternative lists, and
improves data quality.
Accelerated closing – The elimination of additional periodic splitting programs
significantly speeds up the closing process.
2.8 EHS Management: Recipe Development on PLM
Web UI (974)
This scenario covers the research and development (R&D) of a product within the development
phase. It describes how to create a recipe and the corresponding formula for a product. It uses
specifications to define the input items that are linked to the raw materials to be used. It defines
the output specification that is linked to the finished material that is produced. This can be used
to describe the production process (process steps) and also to perform compliance checks to
insure the recipe meets regulatory checks.
The recipe, once created and approved, is used to create the Bill of Material (BOM). This is
linked to the recipe via the PLM function of Guided Structure Synchronization (GSS). GSS
enables the recipe and BOM product to be synchronized and to allow changes to be reviewed
and accepted by the manufacturing function.
Process Flow
This building block deals with the following processes:
Checking raw material specifications
Creating a product specification
Creating and releasing the recipe
Creating the material for the product specification
Assigning the material to the product specification
Creating the change record
Creating and synchronizing with a Bill of Material
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SAP Best Practices
SAP Best Practices for Environment, Health and Safety Management: Solution Scope
2.9 EHS Management: Occupational Health (975)
This component supports general employee occupational healthcare in your enterprise, as well
as the planning and execution of special health surveillance protocols.
Special surveillance is required for those persons who may be exposed to certain influences of a
chemical, physical, or biological nature at their workplace, or who perform activities that pose a
health hazard. Health surveillance protocols can also include vaccinations or – as in the United
States – random drug tests.
Schedule planning enables you to determine which persons need to be registered for health
surveillance protocols. You can also open medical services and plan the appropriate
appointments for each of them.
Medical service component enables you to enter and manage all the necessary examination
data, such as diagnoses, examination results, work restrictions for health reasons, and so on.
You can also import the results of medical tests from external systems. And occupational health
questionnaires are also completed in the medical service component.
Injury/illness log enables you to enter and manage data in the SAP system for any in-company
medical treatment. This includes first aid in the event of accidents or minor injuries, treatment of
old injuries, or treatment of persons who feel unwell.
Process Flow
This building block deals with the following processes:
Maintaining Examinations, Protocols and Diagnosis Types and Categories
Maintaining Questionnaires and Catalogs
Creating Medical Surveillance and Injury/illness logs
2.10 EHS Management: Substance Volume Tracking
(Purchasing) (990)
This scenario leads you through the purchasing process that allows US companies to determine
the substance quantities imported into US Customers in their SAP ERP system.
It shows you how the system tracks substance amounts that you purchase. It also shows how
the system can warn you and is even able to block the process if certain amounts of a substance
are exceeded. The process also guides you through the follow-up process of Re-registration
when you need to raise a substance threshold that has been reached or even passed.
Process Flow
This building block deals with the following processes:
Creation of Purchase Orders
Online Checks
Run SVT Reports
Show tracked amounts and carry out follow-up activities
Key Points
Process variant: SVT within Procurement
2.11 EHS Management: Global Label Management (991)
Labels are required for different purposes in an enterprise. The labels that are required therefore
depend on the product to be labeled, its properties, and its packaging. This scenario helps you to
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SAP Best Practices
SAP Best Practices for Environment, Health and Safety Management: Solution Scope
enter all your requirements for labels and additional label-specific data. You can use this data to
allow the system to determine and print suitable labels in other labeling scenarios; Make-toStock, Make-to-Order, Delivery, Goods Receipt, Generic and Sample.
For dangerous chemicals you require labels that contain hazard symbols and safety information.
Labels with dangerous goods symbols and information must also appear on the transport
packaging. In certain cases specific labels are required for individual customers. This process
describes how to create all of this data for labels.
Process Flow
This building block deals with the following processes:
Maintaining labeling scenarios
Creating label sizes and label stocks
Set up printers for label printing
2.12 EHS Management: Audit Management (999)
This scenario describes the management of Audits from an EHS Management perspective. It
demonstrates creation of audits, question lists, corrective actions, and valuation of audits to
obtain the assessment for the audit.
EHS Management: Audit Management allows companies to schedule audits for compliance with
EHS regulations and eliminate the risk of being penalized for non-conformance. It allows the
companies to proactively identify non-conformance and correct such issues to promote a safe
workplace and sustainable environment.
Process Flow
The following processes are provided to support this scenario:
Creating Audits
Creating Question List Templates
Assigning Question Lists to Audit.
Valuating the Audits
Creating and Monitoring Corrective Actions
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