Biochem Review

SBI 4U: Unit 1 Review – Biochemistry
Some important terms:
Enzyme-substrate complex, equilibrium, hydrophilic, hydrophobic, macromolecule,
peptide bond, semi-permeable, monomer, polymer, amino acid, monosaccharide,
nucleotide, saturated, unsaturated, hydrogenation.
Things you should know and be able to do:
 Identify and describe the four macromolecules: Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins,
and nucleic acids
o Structure (diagram?)
o Functional groups
o Polarity
o Functions in living things
 Understand the four main types of biochemical reactions: neutralization, redox,
condensation, and hydrolysis
o Reactant(s)
o Product(s)
o Importance in living systems
 Understand the role of enzymes in catalyzing reactions:
o Lock & key = enzyme/substrate complex
o What is denaturation, what can cause it, and how does it affect enzyme
 Structure and function of some main parts of the cell, especially the cell
o What does it mean to say that the cell membrane is a fluid mosaic? How
about semi-permeable?
o Passive transport (diffusion, facilitated diffusion and osmosis)
o Active transport (protein channels, endocytosis, exocytosis, membraneassisted transport)
A few questions for you to try, if you are so inclined.
 Chapter 1 Self-Quiz, page 85 #5, 11, 15, 17
 Chapter 1 Review, pages 86 – 87. #7, 12, 32 (a & b), 17, 23, 26