Canterbury Chorale Jan Van der Roost Assessment of Musical

Canterbury Chorale
Jan Van der Roost
Assessment of Musical Achievement
Performance-based assessments-students will:
a. Perform the concert D flat Major scale with correct pitches, consistent tempo and
accurate intonation
10th grade: without notation perform the D flat major scale (1 octave) using all quarter
notes, at quarter note=100 or greater with a basic tongued articulation.
11th grade: without notation, perform the d flat major scale (1 octave) using all quarter
notes, at quarter note=120 or greater with both a basic tongued articulation, and a
slurred articulation.
12th grade: without notation, perform the d flat major scale (2 octaves) using all quarter
notes at quarter notes=120 or greater with a staccato articulation, legato articulation
and slurred articulation.
b. Perform 2 Major and minor scales starting on any pitch other that concert D flat.
10th grade: without notation, perform 2 major and 2 minor scales (1 octave) beginning
on any pitch other that concert d flat, using all quarter notes, at quarter note=100 or
greater with a basic tongued articulation.
11th grade: without notation, perform 2 major and 2 minor scales (1 octave) beginning
on any pitch other that concert d flat, using all quarter notes, at quarter note=120 or
greater with both a basic tongued articulation, and a slurred articulation.
12th grade: without notation, perform 2 major and 2 minor scales (1 octave) beginning
on any pitch other that concert d flat, using all quarter notes at quarter notes=120 or
greater with a staccato articulation, legato articulation and slurred articulation.
c. Perform the opening melody extracted from the score of Canterbury Chorale.
10th/11th/12th grade: given notation, students will perform the melody extracted from
the score of Canterbury Chorale, at quarter note=60 with appropriate slurred
articulation and correct intonation
Objective for performance based assessments: SWBAT perform the concert D flat major scale as well as
2 other major and minor scales staring on any pitch other than concert d flat. Also SWBAT perform the
opening melody extracted from the score of Canterbury Chorale individually during the student’s lesson,
with correct pitches, rhythms, accurate intonation and consistent tempo.
II. Perceptual-based assessments-students will:
a. Identify aurally the sounds of Major, and minor scales
b. Identify aurally the sounds of I, ii, IV, V chords within the context of D flat Major.
c. Identify aurally the sounds of a 4-3 suspension within the context of D flat Major.
Objective for Perceptual-based assessments: SWBAT aurally identify the sounds of
major and minor scales, I, ii, IV, V chords and a 4-3 suspension in the context of D flat
major when the instructor plays the scale, chord, or progression on the piano or with a
recording of the piece.
III. Theoretical-bases assessments-Students will:
a. Notate a D flat Major scale including notating the whole step/half step pattern for this
b. Analyze the chord progression, using Roman Numeral Analysis for m.m. 1-8 of
Canterbury Chorale.
c. Notate a 4 part chorale using the chord progression found in the beginning of
Canterbury Chorale with correct voice leading procedures.
IV. General cognitive-based assessments-students will:
a. Complete worksheets that be turned in for a grade. Topics to be included will be some
or all of the following:
i. Information about the composer (such as dates, important points during his/her
lifetime, other works, other influential composers)
ii. Information about the composition (such as when it was written, what was the
inspiration, is there a story behind the composition?)
iii. Definitions of key terms found in the music (such as legato, tenuto)
iv. Definitions of compositional techniques found in the music (such as sequence:
inversion, augmentation)
V. Aesthetic-based assessments- students will:
a. As part of the introduction for the piece, students will discuss their expectation of the
piece based on only knowing the title and composer. After learning more about the
piece and rehearsing it a few times student will compare and contrast their
expectations. At the conclusion of the piece students will complete a reflection about
what they though in the beginning and how their expectations may have changed
throughout the piece.
b. Listen to several recordings of Canterbury Chorale and discuss in small groups and as a
whole class how well a particular recording gave an authentic representation of the
VI. Creative-based assessments-students will:
a. Improvise or compose an original melody in the key of D flat Major
b. Notate an original melody in D flat Major using manuscript paper and/or notation
c. Realize a 4 part chorale using the same chord progression found in the first 8 bars of
Canterbury Chorale.
Objective for Creative-based assessments: SWBAT improvise or compose an original
melody in the key of D flat major, notate an original melody in D flat Major using
manuscript paper and/or notation software and Realize a 4 part chorale using the same
chord progression found in the first 8 bars of Canterbury Chorale individually without
teacher assistance.
Performance Rubric Canterbury Chorale
Student:__________________________ Instrument:______________________
Scales and selections
Concert D
Flat Major
___ Major
___ major
Tone quality
Scoring system would be a check system (+, √+, √, √-, -)
+: excellent
√+: very good
√: fair
√-: needs some work
-: not acceptable, practicing is not evident
n/a: not applicable
__ minor
__ minor