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American Experience
Ideas that contributed to the
Constitution. The Mayflower
Compact, The Declaration of
Independence, and the
Articles of Confederation.
Anti-federalists felt that the
Constitution made the national
government too strong and did not
provide adequate representation for
the people.
Articles Of Confederation
First American constitution
passed in 1777, which
created a loose alliance of
13 independent states.
Bill of Rights
First 10 amendments to the
US Constitution. Contains the
freedoms of citizens such as
Freedom of Speech.
Britain's Traditions
contributed to ideas behind
our constitution, they were
the English Bill of Rights
and the Magna Carta.
A settlement in which each
side gives up some of its
demands in order to reach
an agreement.
Document that sets out
laws, principles,
organization and processes
of a government
Constitutional Convention
gathering of state
representatives on May 25,
1787, to revise the Articles of
Confederation (later became
the Constitution).
Selected individuals from different
states that attended the
Constitutional Convention. They
wanted to keep their talks secret so
that they could explore every issue
without any pressure.
An economic condition
stemming from loss of
income and debt.
Enlightenment Thinkers
• John Locke: declared all people had natural
rights (life, liberty, property); believed
government was agreement between the
ruler and the ruled.
• Montesquieu: stressed importance of
separation of powers; believed government
powers should be clearly defined and divided.
Executive Branch
Branch of government that
carries out laws
John Locke
Enlightened thinker: declared all
people had natural rights(life,
liberty, property). He beleived that
government powers should be
clearly defined and divided.
Judicial Branch
Branch of government that
decides of laws are carried
out fairly
Land Ordinance of 1787
Created to set up
territories in the
Northwest territory.
Legislative Branch
Branch of government that
passes laws.
stressed importance of
separation of powers; believed
government powers should be
clearly defined and divided.
New Jersey Plan
One house legislature with one
representative from each
state, strong national
government with 3 branches,
favored small states.
Northwest Ordinance
Guaranteed basic rights to settlers,
and outlawed slavery
Provided a way to admit new states
to the nation, set up a system to
govern new territories
To approve
Roger Sherman
Helped to create the Great
Rome's Republic
Founding Fathers considered
the history from this
government who gave us a
"Warning" of what does not
Shay's Rebellion
Showed Americans that
the Articles of
Confederation did not
Three-Fifths Compromise
Allowed 3/5 of the slaves
in any state to be counted
as part of the population.
Virginia Plan
Strong national government
with 3 branches, 2 houses of
legislature based on
population, favored big states.
Weaknesses of the Articles
of Confederation
Weak central Government,
Government had less power
than the states, Americans
were afraid of Government