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Growing Ads & repeated text: 1879, 1880, and 1881 issues
Last Updated January 2010
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$3.00 MADE FROM 25 Cents. 25 cents’ worth of Gilt-Edge Butter
Maker will increase product and market value of butter produced
$3.00. Gives butter a rich golden color the year round.
Increases product 6 per cent [percent]. Increases quality 20 per
cent [percent]. Prevents butter from becoming rancid. Makes
July, August and Winter butter equal to best June product. Sold
only in boxes, by druggists, grocers and general storekeepers.
Send stamp for “? to Butter-Makers.” Address, Butter Improvement
Co. [company], Buffalo, N. Y. [New York]
$5 OUTFIT SENT FREE to those who wish to engage in the most
pleasant and profitable business known. Everything new.
Capital not required. We will furnish you everything. $10 a day
and upwards is easily made without staying away from home over
night. No risk whatever. Many new workers wanted at once. Many
are making fortunes at the business. Ladies make as much as men
and young boys and girls make great pay. No one who is willing
to work fails to make more money every day than can be made in a
week at any ordinary employment. Those who engage at once will
find a short road to fortune. Address H. Hallet & Co. Portland,
Maine. 23-ly
$10 AUDIPHONES For Hearing through the Teeth. Write for
circulars. H. E. Mathews, Agent, 606? Montgomery Street, San
$10 OUTFIT FURNISHED FREE, with full instructions for conducting
the most profitable business that anyone can engage in. The
business is so easy to learn and our instructions are so simple
and plain, that any one can make great profits from the very
start. No one can fail who is willing to work. Women are as
successful as men. Boys and girls can earn large sums. Many have
made at the business over one hundred dollars in a single week.
Nothing like it ever known before. All who engage are surprised
at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money.
You can engage in this business during your spare time at great
profit. You do not have to invest capital in it. We take all
the risk. Those who need ready money, should write to me at
once. All furnished free. Address TRUE & CO. Augusta Maine. 23ly
$13 WILL BUY 1000 fine cigars at J.W. Shaeffer & Cole, 323
Sacramento St., S.F. (No Drummers employed.)
$30 WILL BUY 1000 fine cigars at J.W. Shaeffer & Co.’s, 323
Sacramento St. [street], S.F. [San Francisco]. (No Drummers
$45 WILL BUY 1000 FINE cigars at J. W. Shaeffer & Co.’s
[company’s], 323 Sacramento St. [street], S. F. [San Francisco]
(No Drummers employed
100 DIFFERENT articles for 30 cents. (Stamps taken) Useful to
All. A great deal for little money. Box 111, Lowell, Mass.
1880 Francatelli’s Great Cook Book. Best cook book in the
world. Francatelli’s Modern Cook Book of French, English, German
and Italian Cookery, is a practical guide to the culinary art in
all its branches and is ?? the best and most complete cook book
in the world. A new and enlarged edition of it for 1880 is just
ready[?] Complete in 600 large octavo pages, with 64
illustratioins, 1500 recipes, bills of fare, etc. strongly
bound. Price $5.00 a copy. Every cook should have it. Every
family should have it. Every hotel should have it.
The above book is for sale by all Booksellers ?? copies will be
sent to any one, prepaid upon [unreadable] T. B. Peterson &
Brothers, No. 506 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Pa. ??? wanted,
send for circular [unreadable] send for Peterson’s Catalogue of
1880 THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE! The standard machine of today. Regarded so by the best informed people the world over.
This machine is the one to-day that is opening the eyes of the
public to the difference between a good sewing machine and a
poor one. And people are demanding the best, because it is the
cheapest. We invite the people to look at the NEW HOWE, and we
take pleasure in recommending it as the best machine of the day.
It is the lightest schuttle machine in the market; only one hole
to thread in the schuttle. And is guaranteed to outlast any two
other machines made. The company build no inferior grades of
machines, but each one is finished with the greatest care. In
fact they are so thoroughly constructed and finished so
carefully, and are sold so reasonably that bogus inventors had
no profit in starting a Howe factory at every cross road,
therefore they seek other fields where margins are greater.
Riggs & Young, Agents for Utah. R. Firgle, Logan, Agent for
Cache County.
47,846 Packages Sold. Of what? Is the question asked. Nothing
more or less than the celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. The cures it
has performed are its own recommendation, and no family should
be without it in the house. For sale by all druggists.
A (top)
A. E. SALTER, ??? to the Kimball Manufacturing Company, Corner
of Fourth and Bryant Streets. San Francisco Cal. [California]
All descriptions of Carriages, Stage Coaches, street cars?, and
other wagons ??? ???, and particular attention paid to
repairing, under the superintendence of Mr. George P. Merrill.
Orders promptly attended to by mail.
THE ABOVE CUT is a fine representation of Mccormick’s New Iron
Mower in full operation. [Large illustration above) The
McCormick reapers, mowers and self binders are the very best
machines of the kind now being manufactured, and possess many
points of superiority over all others. J. L. Case & Co’s
threshers are very superior machines. Champion grain drills and
steel beam ?? draft plows are specialties. Cooper Manufacturing
Co’s engines and saw mills. Steel barb wire (both two and four
lath.) Fish Brother’s celebrated farm, freight and spring
wagons always in stock. I unhesitatingly warrant the quality of
all the above goods, and give more satisfaction to purchasers.
The following are agents for them; Goodwin Brothers, Logan; T.
Richardson, Smithfield; A. C. Hobson, Richmond; Starker & Son,
Franklin; Harkness & Phelan, Oxford; Marsh Valley Co-op, Oneida.
John W. Lowell, General Agent for Utah
THE ABOVE MAP shows the “Abel Spearns Ranchos,” the center of
Los Angeles Valley. 200? Farms already sold and improved,
within the Artesian Well Belt, and having water near the
surface. For sale in sections or ??? by Alfred Robinson,
Trustee, 121 ??? Street, [unreadable line] or apply to WM.
[William] R. Olden, Anaheim, Cal. [California] or concerning the
Colony to Rev. Robert Strong, Westminster, Cal. Terms: onetenth? cash, balance 1.8 and 8 years. Interest at 10 per cent
payable at end of each year. The larger squares represent
townships ??? miles square containing 58 sections. The smaller
squares within the SPEARNS RANCHOS, represent 161 acres. Roads
are proposed to be laid out on every section line forming blocks
of one mile square, with roads on all sides and on many quarter
section lines. Send for circulars.
AGENTS READ THIS. We will pay ???? of ?? per month ????????? We
mean what we say. Sample free. Address Sherman & Co. [company],
Marshall, Mich.
Knowledge. ??? Quarto $15.00. Address. A.L. BANCROFT & CO.,
San Francisco, Cal. [California]
AGENTS WANTED -- Live Agents in every county for the
Encyclopedia Britannica, American Reprint. The leading
encyclopedia of the world. An order a day will pay $100 a week.
Some agents take as high as 9 orders in one day. This book
offers ??? inducements to teachers and others out of employment.
A.L. Bancroft & Co. [company], 711 Market Street, San Francisco.
ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having been duly appointed administrator
of the estate of Rodger ???., late deceased, by the Probate
Court of Cache County, Utah Territory. Notice is hereby given to
all the creditors of said deceased, and all persons having claim
against said deceased or estate, that they are required to
exhibit the same with ??? and vouchers to the undersigned,
Robert Sweeten, at Mendon, in said county, within ten months
after the first publication of this notice, or the same? will be
forever barred. And all persons owing said estate are hereby
requested to settle their indebtedness with the undersigned
without delay. Robert Sweeten, Administrator of said Estate,
Mendon, Oct., 29, 1879. oct80-41.
ALL KINDS OF WORK in stone and marble done to order. Grave
Stones & Monuments Designed and executed in the most artistic
manner. We refer with pride to specimens of our work, which
cannot be excelled in the Territory, either in design or
workmanship. We keep on hand a large stock of MARBLES and
different kinds of STONES, from which patrons may select.
PLASTER PARIS and CENTRE PIECES kept in stock. Prices
ALL PHOTOGRAPHS made at the New York Gallery, No. 25 Third St.,
S. F. [San Francisco] are guaranteed to be first class. Prices
to suit the times. J. H. Peters, Proprietor.
AMONG THE VALUABLE IMPROVEMENTS in mining machinery is the late
Mechanics Fair of San Francisco was “Russell’s Amalgamator,”
manufactured by E.F. Russell & Co., 261 First Street, for which
they have received their silver medal awarded on first premium
for best amalgamator.
ANY ONE! Will Say that is Right. The verdict of the people is
that the cheapest place to buy your TEAS, COFFEES and GOCERIES
Of every description, WHOLESALE and RETAIL is at the Tea
Warehouse. We make a specialty of FINE TEAS! We purchase our
TEAS at the first of the season FOR CASH, which enables us to
sell at LOW FIGURES, And it will be to the advantage of those
??? in conference to CALL ON US. Our Motto is “Small Profits and
Quick Returns.” Goods Arriving Daily in Large Quantities—Call
You Forget It” oct-if ---ANY SERIOUS EFFECTS FROM ICE AND SNOW Can be averted by
imparting to residences and business houses, a proper degree of
warmth. To do this it is only necessary to purchase Heating and
Cooking Stoves and Ranges, at the establishment of M. H. Farnes,
Logan, Utah. In addition to Stoves, there can be found a
complete stock of Tinware, Brass Kettles, &c.; and also Doors,
Sash, Locks, Hinges. Call and Inspect Goods and Prices. oct103m.
AT THE PEOPLE’S DRUG STORE, Logan City, Utah, Is the best place
to buy all kinds of Drugs, Medicine, &c. D.B. Lamoreaux, Prop.
[Proprietor] oct30-6m.
AT THE BOOK STORE You will find at very Low Prices any School
Book you want. A good selection of Composition Books,
Bookkeeping Blanks, all kinds of Writing Paper and Envelopes,
Gold and Steel Pens, Penholders, Lead Pencils, Pencil
Sharpeners, Common Slates, Noiseless Slates, all kinds of
Copying and Writing Inks, Ink Stands, Book Stamps, Book
Satchels, Book Straps, Students= Tablets, Memorandum and Pass
Books, &c., &c., School Books School Supplies. Lm
ATTENTION ONE AND ALL! This is a dry season and you will want a
Straw Cutter for hay is scarce. The U.O. Foundry Machine & Wagon
Manufacturing Company will manufacture you one on the best and
most improved pattern as cheap as you can purchase the same of
eastern makers. Having Built Six Shingle Mills And Five Saw
Mills, we have gained experience sufficient to say that we will
put up machinery as cheaply and well as eastern manufacturers.
10,000 Carriage Bolts Just Received and for sale Cheap for cash.
One Car Load of Wagon Stock Received a short time ago, which we
offer for sale cheap. Wheelbarrow Wheels, Either Wrought or Cast
Iron on hand. Brass and Iron Castings At the Lowest Market
Price. Blacksmithing. We make a specialty of in all its
branches. Address Ezra D. Carpenter. Superintendent. sept1-ly.
THE AUDINET, A new invention that enables the deaf to hear at
church, concerts, theater and all ordinary conversation. Send
for circular D. S. Hanes?, Pacific Coast Agent. ??, No. 120
Kearny street, San Francisco.
Caution! Different versions!!
AYER’S AGUE CURE is an infallible cure for Feber and Ague in al
its forms. The proprietors warrant it, and their word is as
good as a U. S. bond. Try it.
Caution! Different versions!!
AYER’S Ague Cure has saved thousands of lives in the malarial
districts of this and other countries. It is warranted a
certain and speedy remedy, and free from all harmful
B (top)
THE BAIN WAGON! The Bain Wagon is now enjoying the Largest Sale
of any Wagon in the West, and it is because they are honest,
reliable, and very durable. Call and see them now as improved.
Prices reduced to suit. Sulky Plows vs. Gang Plows. Make
inquiry from us of the advantages of Sulky Plows, and then
examine The Cassady – Oliver Chilled - Sulky Plows. By using
The Triumph Grain Drill, you will get full crops, as the grain
stands the winter and drouth [drought] well. The improved “S”
Barb Steel Fence Wire Has the barbs fast on both wires, can
neither turn or slip. It is the best now in use. We keep a
general line of Agricultural Implements at our Depot in Ogden,
corner Main and Fifth Streets. Sebree, Ferris & Holt, Ogden.
Salt Lake City, Terminus N.R.R., Idaho, Kelton, Utah.
BAKERY have opened a Bakery in Ricks and Bitter’s store, third
St., Logan, and will keep on hand fresh bread, pies, cakes,
buns, &c. Cakes made to order. Ice Cream and Summer Drinks.
Lunches put up to order. I invite the public to give me a call.
John O’Brien. 43-lf
BASE BALLS AND BATS. I have a complete line of Base Balls and
Bats for the sporting trade. Base Balls sell at from 10 cts.
[cents] to $1.50 each. Bats from 10 cts. [cents] to 83 cts.
[cents] each. J.T. Hammond, Bookseller and Stationer, Logan
City, apr11-Im.
BEAUTIFIERS. Ladies, you cannot make fair skin, rosy cheeks and
sparkling eyes with all the cosmetics of France, or beautifiers
of the world, while in poor health, and nothing will give you
such good health, strength, buoyant spirits and beauty as Hop
Bitters. A trial is certain proof.
BEES, Hives, Honey, Extractors, pure Italian Queens, Books, etc.
for sale. Send for circular. H. M. Cameron, 232 Sutter St., H.
Berlin wool, in beautiful colors, just received at Cardon’s.
THE BEST GALLERY in Northern Utah Is At T. B. Cardon’s Third
Street, Logan. Photographs Taken and Pictures Enlarged in the
best style of the art. Chromes and Steel Engravings Of Any Style
And At Any Price. [Illustration] Watches, Clocks, And Jewelry,
Of all Kinds. Buying only of responsible dealers I am prepared
to warrant my goods. Repairing done by skilled workmen. sept11ly.
THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. Averill mixed paint. Manufactured by
the California Paint Company. The best, most durable, most
beautiful and cheapest paint in the world for buildings outside
and inside on wood, brick, iron, or tin, and for all purposes
for which paint is used. [illustration]
It is without an
equal. This paint is prepared in liquid form, ready for use,
requiring no further addition of oil or spirits. It is of pure
white, and of any shade or color. It is composed of pure
linseed oil, strictly pure white lead and zinc which, by our
process of manufacture, are so thoroughly united that they
cannot separate. Hence, it will never chalk, crack, or peel off
and for brilliancy of color, and beauty of finish, it has no
rival. Buildings painted with this paint, five years ago, look
bright and fresh as if newly painted. Of no other paint can
this said. It is put up in convenient packages containing from
one quart to ten gallons. Be sure and send for sample cards of
colors and price lists, which are mailed free on application.
O. S. Orrick, general agent, 403 Market Street, San Francisco,
BIG PAY with stencil cutouts. What costs 4 cts. sells rapidly
for 50 cts. Catalogue free. M. Spencer, 112 Wabash St. [street],
Boston, Mass.
BILLIARDS! (photo of billiard table) Buy only of P. LIESENFEED
? His tables are best! His cushions are superior to all others.
His table have the best finish, and surpass anything made on
this coast or in the world. And can be found in the best
saloons, such as Professor Rudolphe’s, The Arion, Frank etc.,
and principal families on the coast. Nothing more suitable for
XMAS PRESENTS than an elegant billiard table. Low prices, in
accordance with the times. Billiard tables from $300 ? to ?
Also pool tables, Jenny Lind, Pigeon Hole and Parlor
[unreadable] at lowest rates. Send for price list to P.
Liesenfeed, 545 to 540 Market St., San Francisco.
BIG PAY with stencil ??? What costs ??? sells rapidly for 50
cts. Catalogue free. M. Spencer, 112 Wabash St. [street],
Boston, Mass.
BOOT AND SHOE making in all its branches.
at “Our Shoe Shop.”
Good work, low prices
BOOTS AND SHOES. John Sullivan, N. E. cor [corner] Battery and
Jackson Sts. [streets], San Francisco, offers to make to order
the best French Calf Leather Boots, at from $5 to $9?,
California Leather Boots, ?, Gaiters? and Alexia Ties?, $5 to
$6, French Calf Oxford Ties? of? California, $3.50; Boys’ and
Childrens Boots and Shoes made to order. Persons in the country
ordering Boots and Shoes to the amount of Twelve Dollars or more
will be allowed a reduction of four per cent, so as to make the
express charges light. I sell Boots and Shoes of My Own
manufacture only. Boots and Shoes sent C. O. D. Positively one
BRANSON KNITTER! Improved is claimed as the simplest, most
durable and profitable in the world. Price $25.00. Can teach
you to knit in an hour. Will knit a sock in five minutes.
Agency of Chicago Scale Company. “Little Detective” weighs ?
oz. [ounces] to 25 lbs. [pounds] Send for circular. J. W.
Snell, Idaho Store, Salt Lake. 52-3m
An extract
Nature’s remedy for croup, sore
inflamed eyes, etc. A specific
have it. Price 50 cts. [cents]
of Fir Balsam. No compound but
throat, colds, kidney troubles,
for Croup. Every family should
and $1 per bottle.
Burnham’s Abietene. An extract of Fir Balsam. No compound but
Nature’s remedy for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kidney Troubles, etc.
Hundreds of testimonials of its virtues can be produced. Price
50cts. And $1 bottle.
BUTTER-MAKING IN JULY AND AUGUST. Butter-making can be carried
on in hot weather as successfully as in June by using the GiltEdge Butter Maker. It reduces time of churning one-half.
Increases production 6 to 10 per cent. Storekeepers pay 3 to 5
cents a pound extra for butter made with it. Sold by druggists,
grocers and general store keepers. Send stamp for “Hints to
Butter Makers.” Address, Butter Improvement Co., Buffalo, N.Y.
Butter Improvement Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Gentlemen – Please accept
a sample of butter made from “hay-fed” cows and with the use of
your Gilt-Edge Butter Maker, without its use the butter made was
almost as white as lard, while with its use (as you will observe
from the sample sent you) the butter is of a very beautiful,
even golden color leaving nothing to be desired in that
direction. Several of my neighbor dairy farmers have tried your
powder and are loud in its praise. It passes in market as
“creamery butter” and is worth from 3 to 5 cents per pound more
than dairy butter. H.C. Bryant.
Buy Only the Genuine. Three quarters of all the sewing machines
sold throughout the United States in 1879, were Singers. Beware
of Bogus Agents and Counterfeit Machines, gilded and varnished
to hide their defects. The genuine Singer still leads all other
Sewing Machines, having taken the First Prize over all of its
competitors more than Two Hundred Times. WHY? Because it is
the Simplest, most easy to be understood; Light Running, and the
most durable Machine in the World. The Genuine Singer has found
its way into more households than all other sewing machines
combimed. Why? Because its brilliant record of Twenty-Eight
Years has established the fact that one of them will last as
long as two machines of any other kind. Singer is the only
Sewing Machine in the United States that is counterfeited. WHY?
Gold is continually counterfeited. Brass and Tin are not worth
it. Many references can be given of parties living in Logan and
adjacent settlements who have SINGER MACHINES which have been in
constant and hard service from FIVE TO EIGHTEEN YEARS and still
they are not worn out, but do good and honest work. Ask any one
who has a GENUINE SINGER and we warrant they will give it a
splendid character. We defy any other machine to produce such a
record. Why give up a certainty for an uncertainty. CALL AT
OUR OFFICE, Next door East of Logan Leader, Logan, and examine
the latest improved GENUINE SINGER. We are sure you will say it
is a Daisy. Sales will be made on the Installment Plan --- Ten
Dollars w[hen] Machine is received and $5 per month till paid.
A full line of parts and accessories and Genuine Singer Oil kept
in stock. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Machines
cleaned and repaired. Old machines taken in exchange for new
ones at a fair valuation. The Singer Manufacturing Company,
Franklin Merrill, agent for Northern Utah! Jan1-tf ---BUY THE BEST. The best photograph is always the cheapest, but at
the Imperial Gallery, 724 ½ Market Street, San Francisco, you
get not only the best but the lowest priced work in the city.
C (top)
C 4S 50 ? Agents wanted. Sells request ? particulars free. ? M.
Spencer, 612 Washington St., Boston, Mass.
CACHE VALLEY HOUSE on Third Street, between Main and Washington
Streets. Logan City – Utah. Best Hotel North of Ogden. Terms
$1.50 per day, meals and Beds, 50 cents Each. Liberal Rates
Given to Boarders by the Week or Month. Conveyances always
ready to carry people to and from the depot and surrounding
settlements. Paul Cardon, Proprietor. apr30-tt.
CALF LEATHER BOOTS, at from $5 to $9, California Leather Boots,
$6, Gaiters and Alexia Ties?, $5 to $6, French Calf Oxford Ties?
$4 California, BOOTS AND SHOES. John Sullivan, N. E. cor
[corner] Battery and Jackson Sts. [streets], San Francisco,
offers to make to order the best French $3.50. Boys’ and
Children’s Boots and Shoes made to order. Persons in the country
ordering Boots and Shoes to the amount of Twelve Dollars or more
will be allowed a reduction of four per cent, so as to make the
express charges light. I sell Boots and Shoes of MY OWN
MANUFACTURE ONLY. Boots and Shoes sent C. O. D. Positively one
price. ---CALVERT’S Carbolic Sheep Wash $2 per gallon. T.W. Jackson, San
Francisco, Sole Agent for the Pacific Coast. [Illustration]
CAMELLINE for the complexion and teeth, supersedes everything.
Price, 50c [cents] and $1. Sold by Druggists and general
CAMELLINE for the complexion and teeth. The only safe and
reliable article of its kind. Certificates of its purity from
well known physicians accompany each bottle. Price, 50c [cents]
and $1 per bottle. Sold by Druggists and general dealers.
Cancer and Tumor Cured. Read in another column of this paper
the advertisement of W. Green, of Oakland, Cal. He cures Cancer
and Tumors and requires no pay until cure is made. He cannot
send medicine. Write him full description.
CANCER AND TUMOR CURED Without the use of the knife or loss of
blood. [Pointing Finger Graphic] NO PAY REQUIRED TILL CURED.
[Pointing Finger Graphic] Cancer in alcohol to show, Birthmarks
and warts removed, Address W GREEN?, Oakland, Cal [California].
CANCERS A SPECIALTY without the knife or exciting pain.
Dr. [Doctor] Cook, 244 Post Street, San Francisco. ----
CANNERS’ AND SOAP MAKERS’ Presses, Dies &c., Jewelers’ Tools and
Special Machine Work of all Kinds. F. A. Robbins, Manufacturer,
7 First St. [street], San Francisco
CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS carpets and oil cloths Stanford House!
Wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods and clothing, boots,
shoes, hats, carpets, etc. Groceries, glassware, queensware and
hardware. Joseph Stanford, proprietor, Corner Main and Fourth
Streets, Ogden, Utah. Orders along the line of the Utah &
Northern Railroad promptly filled. Staple and Fancy Glassware.
Staple and Fancy Glassware. 2d-ly
Carpets! Carpets! A nice line of Carpets at Z.C.M.I Hemp,
Ingrain, Tapestry and Brussels. Call and see before going to
conference. 4-tf.
CARRIAGES. H. M. Black & Co., carriage makers 74 and 76 New
Montgomery St., one block from Palace Hotel, San Francisco. All
kinds of Spring and Thorough Brace Wagons, Express Wagons,
Stages, Soda and Butcher Wagons, Grocery, Livery and Surveyor’s
Wagons, etc. Wagons and Carriages of every description made to
order. Genuine imported Wagons constantly on hand and for sale.
Orders from the country promptly attended to.
Carter’s Exhibition.
Mr. C.W. Carter, the well known Utah photographer and exhibitor
of Utah’s Scenery, is now in Cache Valley, traveling to exhibit
in Logan and adjacent cities and settlements, his [unreadable]
views of Utah, and pictures connected with the early history of
the Church, which have given universal satisfaction wherever
exhibited. Each picture will be fifteen feet square, illumined
by the One-Hydrogen Cadmium Light, which is equal to
[unreadable] candles. Extra to his regular program, he will
show the pioneer [unreadable] of the [unreadable] of July,
18[unreadable] that took place in Salt Lake City; the different
sides of the Joseph Standing Monument, the Logan Temple and
Tabernacle, and others. The first exhibition will be at
Providence on Wednesday, Jan. 5th, and at Millville, Friday, Jan.
7th. Mr. Carter claims that he is the only man in the world that
photographs scenery and exhibits the same in this manner.
CAUSTIC SODA and all Soap-Making Materials for sale by T. W.
Jackson, 12 California Street, San Francisco.
C. J. HAWLEY & CO [company] This popular and reliable house will
not only fill all country orders for every description of
groceries, but will fill orders for any and all descriptions of
goods needed in the household or the farm. Give particular
description of goods needed and remit by Wells Fargo & Co.
[company], or by P. O. order to 213 215 Sutter St. [street], San
THE CHAMPION. Professor Rudolphe, the champion billiard player
of the world has just established a Billiard Parlor on Hardie
Place, between [unreadable] Kearny Street, San Francisco. As
Professor Rudulphe is the best player in the world, it is fair
to presume that he has no superior as a judge of good Billiard
Tables. He has selected the celebrated [unreadable] Billiard
Tables for his Parlor, and parties who wish to buy the best will
always select tables from the warerooms of the same
CHAMPION SAFE of the world. Manufactured by Detroit Safe
Company. A sure protection from fire and burglars. Sargent,
Greenlief, and Yale Time Locks. Hart’s Patent Emery Wheels,
Benicia Buck Skin Gloves, &c. SamL. [Samuel] B. Paige & Co.
[company], Agents. New Montgomery Street, Palace Hotel, San
CHARLES FRANK, Notary Public, bank and passage agent, Drafts
sold on the United States and Europe. Prompt attention given to
collections, LOGAN, UTAH.
CHEAP WHEAT LANDS—Four Sections, 1 ½ miles from P???burg
Station, S.P.R.R. in Merced County, ready for cultivation, for
sale at $3.50? per acre by McAlce? Brothers, 202? Sansome St.
[street], S. F. [San Francisco]
Citizenship Papers. Having been appointed deputy clerk of the
First District Court, I am prepared to issue First Citizenship
papers to applicants. Chas. Frank Logan, Utah, Oct 20th, 1880
COMPOUND OXYGEN Drs. Starkey & Palen new [line unreadable] for
consumption, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, dyspepsia, headache,
debility, neuralgia, rheumatism and all chronic an dnervous
disorders. Prepared by Drs. Starkey & Palen, [unreadable] Use
at home. All directions in package. Information and samples
can be had of H. E. Mathews, ?? Montgomery street, San
Francisco, Cal.
COMPOUND OXYGEN. Prepared by Drs. Starkey & Palen,
Philadelphia, Pa., for consumption, asthma, _ dyspepsia,
catarrah, headache, debility, rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. Send
for [unreadable] free. K.E. Mathews, 606 Montgomery St., S.F.
CONCORD CARRIAGES. [illustration of a carriage] Removal. The
Concord Carriage Repository has removed to No. 46 New Montgomery
street, next to Palace Hotel, San Francisco, where a full stock
of AConcord@ buggies and wagons, the genuine AConcord Harness@
and E. M. Miller & Co.=s (Quincy Ill) buggies and carriages will
be constantly kept on hand. T. S. Eastman, Agent. 46 New
Montgomery St. S. F. [San Francisco]
CONCORD CARRIAGES. [illustration of a buggy] Buggies and
Express Wagons: E. M. Miller & Co.’s, (Quincy, Ill.) Buggies,
Phaetons and Carriages, Hill’s genuine Concord Harness, Whips,
Robes, and Blankets of every description for sale. Below Cost.
T. S. Eastman, Agent, 46 New Montgomery St., next to Palace
Hotel, San Francisco.
CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice,
having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the
formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and
permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, and
all Throat and lung Afflictions, also a positive and radical
cure for General Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after
having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of
cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering
fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human
suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire it, this
recipe, in German, French, or English, with full directions for
preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp,
naming this paper, W. W. Shehan 140 Powers’ Block, Rochester,
CONSUMPTION postively cured. All sufferers from this disease
that are anxious to be cured should try Dr. Kissner’s Celebrated
Consumptive Powders. These Powders are the only preparation
known that will cure Consumption and all diseases of the throat
and lungs–indeed, so strong is our faith in them, and also to
convince you that they are no humbug; we will forward to every
sufferer, by mail, post paid, a free trial box. We don’t want
your money until you are perfectly satisfied of their curative
powers. If your life is worth saving; don’t delay in giving
these powders a trial, as they will surely cure you. Price, for
large box, $3.00 sent to any part of the United States or
Canada; by mail on receipt of price. Address, Ash & Robbins, 3rd
Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 27-ly
only two first class houses in the city. G. S. Edd?,
Proprietor. Continental Hotel and Walker House 52?-?y
Note: several versions!
CO-OPERATION! The Manufacturing And Building Company of Logan.
Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Rustic, Tapered Siding
and Furniture. Planing and Turning done on Short Notice. HomeMade And Imported Furniture Etc., at Company’s store, Main
Street, Logan. Also Dealers in General Merchandise, At Store,
three blocks west of Z.C.M.I. A large quantity of Good Home-Made
Cheese, Made at the Company’s Dairy, on hand and for sale at
Wholesale or Retail. Henry Ballard, Prest., H. Hayball, supt.
Address all correspondence to Chas. Nibley, Sec’y. sept1-ly.
Note: several versions!
CO-OPERATION. The Manufacturing And Building Company of Logan.
Manufacturers of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Rustic, Tapered Siding
and Furniture. Special Inducements Offered on Building
Contracts. Planing and Turning done on Short Notice. Prices of
Planing: surfacing,--25 cts. [cents] per 100 ft. [feet].
Planing, Rustic, &c.,--60 cts. Per 100 ft. Planing, Tongue and
Grooved and Beaded — 70 cts. Per 100 ft. Moulding reduced 25
percent. Home-Made And Imported Furniture Etc., at Company’s
store, Main Street, Logan. Also Dealers in General Merchandise
At Store three blocks west of Z.C.M.I. Henry Ballard,
Prest.[President], Chas.[Charles] Nibley, Manager. sept11-ly.
A COUGH, COLD, catarrh or sore throat should not be neglected.
‘Brown’s Bronchial Troches” are a simple remedy, and will
generally give immediate relief. Imitations are offered for
sale, many of which are injurious. The genuine “Brown’s
Bronchial Troches,” are sold only in boxes.
COUGHS -- “Brown’s Bronchial Troches” are used with advantage
to alleviate Coughs, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, and Bronchial
Affections. For thirty years these Troches have been in use,
with annually increasing favor. They are not new and untried,
but, having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an
entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among
the few staple remedies of the age.
COUNTRY MERCHANTS. The best house in San Francisco for notions
and stationery, toys and fancy goods, combs and brushes, etc.
Sadler & Co., 605 Market St., S.F., Grand Hotel Building. Send
for new catalogues and price list.
CRAWFORD & FISHER, Attorneys at Law, Oxford, Idaho. Special
attention given to all matters before the U.S. Land Office.
CROQUETS. This interesting game is becoming more popular every
year. I now have a full line of Croquets consisting of four,
six and eight ball sets in five different styles, which sell at
from $1 to $7 per set. J.D. Hammond, Bookseller and Stationer,
Logan City.
CURE FOR CANCER. Red Clover cures Cancer, Salt Rheum, and all
other blood diseases. For references and full particulars
address W. C. Needham, sole agent for Pacific Coast, P. O. Box
424? 422?, San Jose, Cal [California]
D (top)
THE DAILY EXAMINER Of San Francisco will be sent to subscribers,
posting or express charges prepaid, at $7.50 per Year. The
Examiner, Established in 1865, is the leading Democratic organ
on the Pacific Coast, and is the City and County official Organ.
---- The Weekly Examiner, a quarto of 56 pages of reading
matter, will be sent per mail or express at $3 per Year. ---The Market Reports of the Examiner are of the most reliable
character and persons engaged in business should give it a
trial. ---- Both papers are conducted so as to make them welcome
visitors to the home circle. All advertisements of a certain
character are rigidly excluded from their columns. ---- Families
will find under its weekly columns devoted to matters affecting
“The House and Farm” the most reliable information. The Daily
receives the latest Telegraphic Dispatches and the Weekly
contains the latest received until going to the press. ---- A
great struggle is before the Democracy and it behooves the
Democrats of the Pacific States to make a gallant fight in the
next Presidential contest. Subscribe for the Daily or Weekly
Examiner. Wm. [William] S. Moss, Philip A. Roach, Geo. [George]
Pen. Johnson. Wm. [William] S. Moss & Co. [company], 833 (or
633?) and 835 (or 635?) Washington St. [street]
THE DAILY REPORT published by the stock report publishing
company! W. M. Bunker, A. C. Hiester. The Daily Report
delivered to subscribers in the city at ?? per month Mail
subscribers, one year, $10, six months, $5, three months, $3.
Weekly Stock Report, the great mining, financial and general
newspaper of the Pacific Coast. Contains all the ?? and other
stock transactions complete and the financial news for the week.
Subscription: One year, $5, six months, $3, three months, $1.50.
Publication Office: No. 222 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal.
DAILY STOCK REPORT published by the Stock Report Publishing
Company W. M. Bunker, A. C. Hiester. Daily Stock Report
Delivered to subscribers in the city at ? per month. Mail
subscribers, one year, $10, six months $5, three months, $3. --- Weekly Stock Report, The great mining, financial and general
newspaper of the Pacific Coast. Contains all the mining and
other stock transactions complete and the financial news for the
week. Subscriptions: One year, $5; six months, $3; three months,
$1.60. Publication Office: No. [number] 222 Montgomery St.
[street], San Francisco, Cal. [California]
DAVID JAMES The well-known dealer in Pumps, Piping, Gas and
Steam Fixtures Has established a Branch House at Logan.
Competent workmen alone are employed. A good stock of material
on hand. Cooking Ranges Supplied with Reservoirs and Fixtures
for hot water. All kinds of work done at the Lowest Rates.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. sept1-ly.
The Deaf Hear Through the Teeth Perfectly, all Ordinary
Conversation, Lectures, Concerts, etc. by New Channels to the
Nerves of Hearing by means of a recent wonderful scientific
invention – the Dentaphone. For remarkable public tests on the
Deaf also on the Deaf and Dumb, see the New York Herald, Sept.
28, the New York Christian Advocation Nov. 20 Etc. Every deaf
person should send for free illustrated descriptive pamphlet to
the American Dentophone Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
DENTISTRY. Go to Dr. Cochrane, 850 Market street, San Francisco,
if you want first-class work at low rates. Cochrane stands at
the head of his profession.
Careful! Similar ads!
DO NOT FAIL TO SEND For our New Price List. More complete than
ever. Contains descriptions of everything required for personal
or family use. With over 1000 Illustrations. Send nine cents for
it, (Stamps will do.) We sell all goods at wholesale prices in
quantities to suit the purchases. The only institution in
America who make this their special business. Address Montgomery
Ward & Co., 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ills. [Illinois]
Caution! Similar ads!!
DO NOT FAIL TO SEND for our price list for 1880. Free to any
address upon application. Contains descriptions of everything
required for personal or family use with over 1,200
illustrations. We sell all goods at wholesale prices in
quantities to suit the purchaser. The only institution in
America who make this their special business. Address
MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., 227 & 229 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ills.
DOBYN’S SURE CURE [illustration] for catarrh, cold in the head,
neuralgia, toothache, and all kindred complaints. Found at
Last. H. Loomis, 320 Sansome St., S. F. 10c. per box
Just arrived, a choice lot of Drugs, Paints, Oils, &c. at
Ormsbys Drug Store. Call and evaluate goods.
DR. F. HILLER, Sr., Surgeon, 112 Mason St., San Francisco,
offers superior advantages of treatment to patients suffering
from deformities, especially Rickets, Curvature of the Spine,
Hip-Joint Diseases and Diseases of Women. Patients from the
country supplied with suitable accommodations.
112 Mason Street. S. F. Having had an extended and successful
practice of more than thirty years in all the departments of
operative surgery and obstetrics, I have during my extended
travels devoted the past few years especially to the study and
treatment of a case? of diseases which is increasing yearly to
an alarming extent. For this purpose I have visited the
orthopedic institutes of London, Paris, and in Vienna and other
cities of learning where I became acquainted with the masters of
the profession and had the opportunity to witness the results of
modern treatment and appliances for these forms of diseases.
Armed with the experience of a long term of practice and a
thorough knowledge of modern medicine and surgery, I feel
justified to offer expert? superior advantages of treatment to
patients suffering from deformities, especially from Rickets,
Curvature of the Spine, Deformities of the Chest, hip joint
disease, and diseases of women requiring surgical assistance.
Patients from the country supplied with suitable accommodations.
F. Hiller,Sr., M.D.
Dr. Mintie’s English Dandelion Liver Dyspepsia Pill.
[Illustration] Cures dyspepsia. Cures biliousness.
It clears
the liver of bile. Cures foul breath, coated tongue, giddiness,
pimples, sallow complexion, it is sugar-coated and [unreadable].
DR. SPEER, (Graduate of Harvard University) Special Diseases A
Specialty. Call or address H.J. Speer, M.D. 11 Kearny St.
[street], San Francisco, Cal. [California].
Caution! Different versions!!
DR. SPINNEY & CO. 11 Kearney St. [street], San Francisco. There
are many men from thirty to sixty years of age suffering from
general prostration and a weakening of the system which they can
not [cannot] account for. Dr. Spinney will guarantee a perfect
cure in all such cases and a complete restoration of the
physical and nervous powers. Call or address as above. Send for
Dr. Spinney & Co.’s [company’s] new pamphlet. See Adv’t
[advertisement] in ? ? Chronicle.
Caution! Different versions!!
DR. SPINNEY & Co. 11 Kearny St. [street], San Francisco. There
are many men from thirty to sixty years of age suffering from
general prostration and weakening of the system which they can
not [cannot] account for. Dr. Spinney will guarantee a perfect
cure in all such cases and a complete restoration of the
physical and nervous powers. P.S.—For special diseases of short
standing a full course of medicines, sufficient to cure, with
necessary instructions will be sent to any address on receipt of
chemicals. Assayers’ materials. Mine and Mill supplies in full
stock and of best quality, such as long experience enables us to
select. John Taylor & Co. [company], 118 and 121 Market St.
[street], and 15 and 17 California St. [street]. San Francisco.
E (top)
EAGLE EMPORIUM. New Goods New Goods. Staple and fancy dress
goods! In all the new styles. Elegant line of embroideries.
Maltese, Breton, Chiney, and other Laces in endless variety.
Buttons of every shade & style. Silk fringes and ??? Dress
silks from 50 cents up. Brocade cross grain and cord edge.
Ribbons. Splendid line of curtains, nets, Marseilles and Terry
quilts, toilet covers, mats, towels, table damasks, new designs
in cretonnes. Custom made and wove corsets in all colors.
Endless variety of hair ornaments. Braid pins, bows and ties,
handkerchiefs, ruchings and linen sets. Gloves and hosiery to
suit the most fastidious. A complete assortment of Ladies’
Misses’ and Childrens’ underwear. All the best and most
desirable brands of bleached and unbleached domestics. An
immense stock of clothing! Hats and caps, boots & shoes. The
choicest stock of groceries! To be found in the city. Fruits,
candies, nuts. Hardware! Crockery and glassware. Stoves and
ranges. Agents for Dupont blasting, sporting, and Rifle powder.
Wm. [William] Jennings & Sons. Nos. 82 to 88 East Temple, and
1202 to 1208, First South Street, Salt Lake City,
EAGLE EMPORIUM. Novelties in dry goods and notions, for presents.
Cloaks and [unreadable]; Burt’s fine shoes. The largest and most
available stock of clothing! Boots and shoes, hats and caps in the
city. Stoves and ranges. Wm. Jennings & Sons. A Happy New Year!
EAGLE HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. S. P. Teasdel’s mammoth
establishment, in the various departments of which may be found
every description of family supplies and general merchandise.
Wholesale and retail buyers will find it greatly to their
advantage to inspect our stock and prices. Address all
communications to S. P. Teasdel, P. O. Box 352, Salt Lake City.
ECONOMY IN LIVING. In these days of easy communications to the
remotest part of the country, there is no reason why people
should run up enormous grocery bills at country stores, paying
in many instances double prices, when a few lines will secure a
supply of any quantity, large or small, and any quality of
provisions desired, from the Pioneer Grocery Establishment of
Scarboro & Co., 531 Washington Street, San Francisco. See price
list in another place, and send for sample order to satisfy
yourself of what savings you can make.
EGGLESTON’S SENSIBLE TRUSS. The new Elastic Truss has a pad
distributing forces all evenly in cup-shape, with selfadjusting [unreadable] adapted easily all parts of the body.
While the [unreadable] just as a person would with the
[unreadable]. [unreadable] is held securely [unreadable]
Eggleston Truss Co., Chicago, Ill.
Caution! Different versions.
ELECTRIC BELTS. Bands and Appliances for the cure of nervous,
chronic and special ??? can be procured? from the Pulvermacher
Galvanic Co., 623? Montgomery St. San Francisco, Cal.
[California]. Send for free pamphlet and the Electric Review,
containing full particulars. Avoid bogus appliances of every
description claiming electric qualities.
Caution! Different versions.
ELECTRIC BELTS. Bands and Appliances (the only genuine) can be
procured from the Pulvermacher Galvanic Co., Cincinnati, O., New
York, N. Y., or San Francisco, Cal. Send to the office nearest
you for free pamphlet and The Electric Review, containing full
particulars. Avoid bogus concerns, especially from those who
Pretend to send so-called Electric belts, etc., on trial.
Now that we have long evenings every one will want something to
read in order that evenings may be spend with pleasure and
profit. I have recently received over 400 volumes of Choice
Works. Call and see if you can’t find the very tools you want.
J. T. HAMMOND, Bookseller and Stationer. Oct30-1m
WORLD. No skill required in its application. Excels in
Durability, Beauty, Brilliancy and Fire Proof Quality any other
paint made. ITS COST is no more than pure lead and oil – which
is unmixed and not ready for use – whereas the ENAMEL PAINT is
all ready for use, will cover more surface than any other paint,
giving no trouble or waste in mixing, possessing greater beauty,
and outwearing any other – facts which warrant us in the
assertion that for a period of ten years it will save the
consumer fully FIFTY PER CENT. AS A HOUSE PAINT it is the most
perfect substance known, possessing unsurpassed beauty, great
brilliancy of color, adhering firmly to the wood, and giving the
richest, most agreeable and uniform tints. Our Wagon and
Machinery Paints From the finest vermillion to the cheaper
colors, are especially fine. Every person owning a wagon, or
any kind of machinery, should keep a can of it on hand, and
occasionally give them a fresh coat of paint. It would take but
a few hours alone?, while it would add to the durability and
appearance of the articles a hundred times its cost. Its
Convenience of Form is Readily Apparent. Being already mixed of
the proper consistency to put on, requiring no thinner, and of
any required shade or color, and in any quantity desired, aside
from its other advantages, make it desirable for FARMERS and
others who may not be skilled in the art of mixing and tinting,
but who wish to do their own painting. The use of these paints
obviates the necessity of procuring skilled labor, as any one
can apply them. With this paint the consumer has to purchase no
oil, pigments or dryers. He has no mistakes in shading to
correct, and it is only necessary to ascertain the number of
square yards to cover and the shade to apply, which can at once
be purchased, so mixed that it will spread evenly, flow
smoothly, and dry rapidly. These facts, together with there
being No Waste, make it the most convenient paint ever made.
Put up in ¼,1/2, 1, and 5 Gallon Packages, and in Barrels, Pure
White, and any shade of color desired. Also EUREKA PAINT in 1
and 2 pound cans, same quality as Enamel. Send for sample card
of colors and price list, which are mailed free on application,
to G. F. Culmer, General Agent for Utah Territory, Salt Lake
City, C. Traveller, agent for Richmond. Franklin Co-op, agent
for Franklin. Smithfield Co-op, agent for Smithfield. sept11tf.
F (top)
F. F. PETERSEN. House and Sign, Painter. Waterproof Canvas
Signs a specialty. Logan, Utah. feb?-tf.
F. JACOBSON & SON, Main Street, Logan, About two blocks South of
U.O. Foundry Are prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing &
Horseshoeing. Having engaged a good Wagon Maker, who will
commence work Nov. 13th, we can, after that date, do all kinds of
Wagon Work at bottom prices. 7-tf
F. Petersen, House, Sign and Coach Painter, Logan, Utah feb6?
F. S. RICHARDS, Pros. Atty. [atorney] City Atty. [attorney],
Weber Co. [county] Ogden City. R. K. WILLIAMS, Formerly Chief
Justice Supreme Court, Ky. [Kentucky].
LAWYERS. They practice in all the Courts of the Territory.
Office in Peery Block, Fourth St, OGDEN, UTAH.
F. W. SPENCER Pianoforte Company. Owing to the increasing
demand for our Matchless Spencer Pianos and Smith American
Organs of Boston, we have greatly enlarged our place of business
and now have one of the largest and finest stocks of instruments
on the coast, including the Matchless “Spencer Pianos” square
and upright; also Steinway’s, Knabe?, Chickering, Emerson,
Miller’s, Bradbury’s and other makers, at all prices. Mason &
Hamlin, George Woods and “Smith American Organs of Boston,” sold
on installments if desired. Send for circulars. F. W. Spencer
& Co., 26 and 25 Fifth St., San Francisco. N. B.–Pianos tuned,
repaired and for rent.
A FAVORABLE NOTORIETY – The good reputation of “Brown’s
Bronchial Troches” for the relief of Coughs, Colds and Throat
Diseases has given them a favorable notoriety.
FEEBLE LADIES. Those languid, ??? sensations, causing you to
feel scarcely able to be on your feet, that constant drain that
is taking from your system all its elasticity, driving the bloom
from your cheeks, that continual strain upon your vital forces,
rendering you irritable and fretful, can easily be removed by
the use of that marvelous remedy, Hop-Bitters. Irregularities
and obstructions of your system are relieved at once while the
??? causes of periodical pain is permanently removed. Will you
need this? ---FIFTY CENTS in postage stamps will get the most brilliant and
complete weekly newspaper to the world. The San Francisco Weekly
Chronicle prints regularly 72 columns, or eight pages of news,
literature and general information, also a magnificent
Agricultural Department, and 50 cents will pay for it for three
months, including postage, to any part of the United States.
Napoleonic Blood. Sired of Louis Napoleon II. Native bred in
Illinois. Age ? years next June. Weight 1,500 lbs. Height 16
3/4 hands. Color, dark dapple grey. Time record, ???. Took
diploma as best horse on ground at Cache Co. [county] Fair in
1879. Will be found during the season at Logan House, Logan, on
Fridays and Saturdays of each week, and the rest of the time at
his home in Hyrum. The owner is prepared to have charge of
mares while breeding. For further particulars apply to S.L.
Swensen, Hyrum. apr16-tf.
THE FINEST! Homebred Stallion in Cache Co. [county]. Daniel
III. He is of “Royal George” of Oregon, on the side of his dam,
and sired by a horse of French Norman and “Snap Dragon” descent.
His color, a rich chestnut, of fine build, and has a good record
for colts in Cache Valley. Will stand for the season every
Monday and Tuesday at the Tithing Office Barn in Logan City.
And during the remainder of the week at the residence of
proprietor James Meikle, Smithfield. apr23-1m.
FIRST-CLASS BOARDING HOUSE 600 Bush St., San Francisco.
Centrally located, commanding a magnificent view of the city and
bay. Is especially designed as ??? portable baths? For ladies
and gentlemen visiting the city [unreadable line] and running
water in each room. Board first class in every respect. Mrs.
FIRST PRIZE. [illustration] State fair and mechanics institute
fair, awarded to the California Elastic Truss for the best
Improved Trusses. Address or call at the California Elastic
Truss Co. 702 Market St., S. F. Send for Catalogue. Hundreds
of wonderful cures. California Elastic Truss.DOBYN’S SURE CURE
[illustration] for catarrh, cold in the head, neuralgia,
toothache, and all kindred complaints. Found at Last. H.
Loomis, 320 Sansome St., S. F. 10c. per box
A FOOL ONCE MORE. For ten years my wife was confined to her bed
with such a complication of ailments that no doctor could tell
what was the matter or cure her, and I used up a small fortune
in humbug stuff. Six months ago I saw a U. S. flag with Hop
Bitters on it, and thought I would be a fool once more. I tried
it, but my folly proved to be wisdom, two bottles cured her.
She is now a well and strong as any man’s wife, and it cost me
only two dollars. Such folly pays – H. W. Detroit, Mich.
FOR an irritated throat, cough or cold, “Brown’s Bronchial
Troches” are offered with the fullest confidence in their
efficacy. They maintain the good reputation they have justly
FOR 1880. SUBSCRIBE Now for the City Argus. It is the brightest,
spiciest and most readable and interesting weekly paper on the
coast. $4.00 per year or 35 cents per month. Sent post paid on
receipt of price. Sample copies free. Published every Saturday
by The Argus Company, 305 Kearny St., San Francisco.
Established 1870.
FOR BRONCHIAL, ASTOMATIC, and Catarrahal Complaints, and Coughs
and Colds, “Brown’s Bronchial Troches” manifest remarkable
curative properties. Imitations are offered for sale, many of
which are injurious. The genuine “Brown’s Bronchial Troches”
are sold only in boxes. --FOR COLDS, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS and all affections [afflictions]
of the Lungs, take Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.
FOR DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, bloody flux, cramps in stomach, and
colic, whether affecting adults, children, or infants, Dr.
Pierce’s Compound Extract of Smart-Weed is a sovereign remedy.
It is compounded from the best brandy, Jamaica ginger, smart
weed, or water-pepper, anodyne, soothing and healing gums. For
colds, rheumatism, neuralgic affections [afflictions,
infections], and to break up fevers and inflammatory attacks it
is invaluable and should be kept in every household. Fifty cents
by druggists.
FOR SCROFULA IN ALL ITS FORMS, whether Ulcerations of the Flesh
or Bones, Enlargements of the Joints, Glands, Swellings,
Eruptions, Tumors, &c., Dr. Jayne’s Alterative has been found
pre-eminently successful. By its action on the blood, it
destroys the virus or poisonous principle from which these
diseases originate, and drives it from the system.
FOREWARNED FOREARMED. Physicians and Invalids use with
confidence The Kaiser Celebrated German Elixir for Consumption
and throat and lung diseases. It is rich in the medicinal
properties of tar, wild cherry, etc. Is rendered perfectly
harmless to the youngest child. This would have proved an Angel
of mercy in the household of those unhappy parents at Vallejo,
Mexico, Dixon, Beaver, Utah, and numerous other places, whose
children were slaughtered by a quack medicine recommended by its
owner to cure croup, possessing no properties calculated to cure
it, but instead, a deadly drug which has slain its thousands. Be
sure you get only German Elixir. The genuine bears the Prussian
coat of arms and the fac-simile [facsimile] signature of Dr.
Kaiser. Samples at all drug stores. Large size, 75 cents. Chas.
[Charles] Langley & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Sole Agents.
FOUR POINTED BARB WIRE. [Illustration] The best in the market.
Iowa Barb Steel Wire Company Manufacturers. S. Roskelley,
agent, Smithfield, Cache Co., Utah.
FRANCIS Smith & Co. (Company). Manufacturers of Sheet Iron Pipe,
No. (Number) 130 Beale Street, San Francisco. Iron cut, punched
and formed, for making pipe on ground where required. All kinds
of tools supplied for making pipe. Estimates given when
required. Am prepared for coating all sizes of pipes with a
composition of coal tar and ???.
Wheels and Reels. Balusters, Newel Points, Columns and all kinds
of Ornamental Turning or Building Purposes. Workshop one block
east of President M. Thatcher's residence. Oct1 3md?
FRUIT TREES OF ALL kinds for sale at half price, wholesale or
retail. Reliable agents wanted everywhere here in California.
Send for price list and catalogue. Milton Thomas, Los Angeles,
Cal. [California]
FURNISHING GOODS. Gents’ dress and over shirts, underwear,
gloves, &c., in great variety, at Jones & Jenkins’ store on
Third St. 14 tf
FURNITURE HOMEMADE AND IMPORTED. Family supplies and all kinds
of General Merchandise. Co-Operation The Manufacturing and
Building Company of Logan, Manufacture Doors, Sash, Mouldings,
Rustic Tapered Siding and Furniture. This Company can offer
Special Inducements on Building Contracts. Planing and Turning
done on short notice. Prices of Planing: Surfacing 35 cts. per
100 ft.; Planing, 60 cts per 100 ft.; Planing, Tongue and
Grooved and Beaded, 75 cts. per 100 ft.; moulding reduces 25 per
cent. In our Store on Third St. 3 blocks west of Z.C.M.I. will
always be found a complete stock comprising all lines of General
Merchandise, and a large and varied stock of Home Made and
Imported Furniture will always be found at our Furniture Store
on Main Street, Logan. C.W. Nibley, Manager. Henry Ballard,
FURNITURE! Jenkinson Brothers Dealers in Household Goods,
Bedsteads, Bureatus, Tables, Lounges, Mattresses, Picture
Frames. Fixings for Singer Sewing Machines. Also agent for the
Newton Wagon. Logan City; Utah jul1-ly
FURNITURE. New and second-hand at auction prices. H.
Schellhass’, 11th St., Odd Fellow’s Building, Oakland, Cal.
Country orders promptly attended to.
G (top)
GARDEN CITY COM’L [commercial?] COLLEGE. H>B> Worcester, Princl
[Principal] San Jose, Cal. [California], Box 400?. First-Class.
Centrally located. Well equipped. Full corps of Teachers. All
branches belonging to modern Business College. Send for
circular. ---GARLAND’S VEGETABLE COUGH DROPS. The greatest known remedy for
all Throat and Lung Complaints. For sale by all druggists.
GEM 13-14-15 Puzzle. 1,000,000 sold in two months. Fascinates
old and young. ??? silver, stem winding ??? watch given for the
quickest kind? Of solution conditions in box. Circular blocks.
[Unreadable] Don’t waste time sending ??? or on cheap trash, but
??? direct and work for the price. 1 box ??? for ??, 12 for
??, post paid. Agents wanted. E. H. Uradner, [unreadable]
Sacramento, Cal. A cheaper box 110, 12 for ??.
Cache County was organized on the 4th of April, 1857?, with the
following boundaries: All that portion of Utah Territory bounded
south by Morgan, Weber and Box Elder Counties, west by Box Elder
County, north by latitude forty-two degrees north, and east by
the summit of the Ridge mountains, between Cache and Bear Lake
The government of the County is vested in the County Court,
composed of the Probate Judge, who is ex officio the presiding
officer, and three selectmen who hold office for three years,
one being chosen every year. Regular terms begin on the first
Monday in each season of the year.
The judiciary power is vested in the Probate Court, presided
over by the Probate Judge, who is elected biennially and holds
his office for two years. This court is always open. The Clerk
of the Court is appointed by the Judge, and is ex oficio County
Elections are held biannually, on the first Monday in August, in
each even numbered year.
Present population of the county, about 18,000? County seat,
Logan City.
CAUTION!!! Transcribers: Following are two different versions of
“Cache County Officers” and “Precinct Officers.” Be sure to
select the correct one, or to make changes as needed.
VERSION 1 (used 1880-09-10)
PROBATE JUDGE Milton D. Hammond.
SELECTMEN M. W. Merrill, Richmond; C. O. Card, Logan; Wm
[William] H. Maughan, Wellsville.
CLERK James T. Hammond.
RECORDER James T. Hammond.
ASSESSOR and COLLECTOR Chas. [Charles] W. Nibley.
SHERIFF Alvin Crockett.
CORONER EZRA D. Carpenter.
JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Jas. [James] A. Leishman, Wm. [William] E.
CONSTABLES Jas. [James] Adams, Eli Bell.
Providence Precinct.
CONSTABLE William Reading.
Hyrum Precinct.
CONSTABLE Henry H. Petersen.
Paradise Precinct.
CONSTABLE John Bradley.
Wellsville Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Thos. [Thomas] Bradshaw.
CONSTABLE Thos. [Thomas] R. Leavett.
Mendon Precinct.
CONSTABLE Walter Paul.
Newton Precinct.
Justice of the Peace – Foster Curtis.
Constable – Hans P. Larsen.
Clarkston Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Wm. [William] V. O. Carbine?
Trenton Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE No J. P. qualified.
CONSTABLE Noah Lindsay.
Lewiston Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Geo. [George] Leavitt.
CONSTABLE H. M. Rawlins.
Richmond Precinct.
CONSTABLE O. M. Stewart.
Smithfield Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Wm. [William] A. Noble
CONSTABLE Thos. [Thomas] G. Winn.
Hyde Park Precinct.
CONSTABLE Absolom Woalf..
Benson Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Chas. [Charles] Reece.
CONSTABLE Josiah Ricks.
Millville Precinct.
CONSTABLE Gilbert Weaver.
Petersborough Precinct. No officers elected.
PROBATE JUDGE Milton D. Hammond.
SELECTMEN E. R . Miles, Smith[field]; C. O. Card, Logan; Wm
[William] H. Maughan, Wellsville.
CLERK James T. Hammond.
RECORDER James T. Hammond.
ASSESSOR and COLLECTOR Chas. [Charles] W. Nibley.
SHERIFF Alvin Crockett.
CORONER EZRA D. Carpenter.
Logan Precinct.
JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Jas. [James] A. Leishman, Wm. [William] E.
CONSTABLES Jas. [James] Adams, Eli Bell. Providence Precinct.
CONSTABLE William Reading.
Hyrum Precinct.
CONSTABLE Henry H. Petersen.
Paradise Precinct.
CONSTABLE John Bradley.
Wellsville Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Thos. [Thomas] Bradshaw.
CONSTABLE Thos. [Thomas] R. Leavett.
Mendon Precinct.
CONSTABLE Walter Paul.
Newton Precinct.
Justice of the Peace – Wm [William] B. Griffin.
Constable – Hans P. Larsen.
Clarkston Precinct.
Trenton Precinct.
CONSTABLE Noah Lindsay,
Lewiston Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Geo. [George] Leavitt.
CONSTABLE H. M. Rawlins.
Richmond Precinct.
CONSTABLE O. M. Stewart.
Smithfield Precinct.
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Wm. [William] A. Noble
CONSTABLE Thos. [Thomas] G. Winn.
Hyde Park Precinct.
CONSTABLE Absolom Woalf..
Benson Precinct.
CONSTABLE Wm. [William] Ricks.
Millville Precinct.
CONSTABLE Gilbert Weaver.
Petersborough Precinct.
Logan City was incorporated by an act of the Territorial
Legislature, approved Jan. 17, 1866, and it embraces all that
portion of Cache County contained within the following
boundaries, to wit: Commencing at the South bank of the Logan
River, at the mouth of Logan Canyon, thence in a northerly
direction along the base of the mountains three miles, thence
west to the Logan and Hyde Park Canal; thence southerly along
said Canal to a point where the Hyde Park ditch is taken out of
said Canal, thence west on the line of said ditch to the
southeast corner of the north half of the southwest quarter of
section fourteen, township twelve north, range one west, thence
west one half mile, thence north one fourth mile, thence west to
the west bank of Little Bear River, thence south along the bank
of said Little Bear River, thence in an easterly direction along
the bank of said river to the place of beginning.
Its location is the best that could have been chosen in northern
Utah for a large city, with numerous commercial interests and
manufacturing establishments. Ample water power for any number
of mills is furnished by Logan River, with its branches, which
flows directly through the city. Being situated at the foot of a
grand range of mountains, and being the center of a number of
pretty villages it presents a beautiful appearance. The Utah and
Northern Railroad passes through the valley on the west side of
the city.
Municipal elections occur biennially (even years), on the first
Monday of March. The city is divided into five municipal wards,
each of which is represented in the common council by any
Alderman chosen from the ward by the electors of the city at
large, which latter also choose at the same time, a complete
list of city officials being at present as follows.
CAUTION!!! Transcribers: Following are two versions of “Logan
City Officers.” Please be careful to select the correct one or
make any necessary changes.
MAYOR W. B. Preston.
ALDERMEN T. X. Smith, M. Thatcher, Wm. [William] Hyde, H. K.
Cranney, C. O. Card.
COUNCILORS J. H. Martineau, H. Ballard, R. Davidson, C. D.
Fjeldsted, B. M. Lewis
RECORDER T. B. Cardon.
TREASURER Geo. [George] Hymore?
MARSHAL Alvin Crockett.
The following are the Committees of the Common Council
ON MUNICIPAL LAWS M. Thatcher, C. O. Card and H. K. Cranney
ON WAYS AND MEANS T. X. Smith, C. D Fjeldsted, R. Davidson.
ON REVISION OF ORDINANCES C. O. Card, J. H. Martineau, H. K.
ON FINANCE R. Davidson, M. Thatcher, Wm. [William] Hyde.
ON IMPROVEMENTS B. M. Lewis, T. X. Smith, H. K. Cranney.
M. Thatcher.
ON UNFINISHED BUSINESS Wm. [William] Hyde, R. Davidson and T. X.
ON PUBLIC WORKS H. Ballard, J. H. Martineau, and B. M. Lewis.
ON PUBLIC GROUNDS J. H. Martineau, C. O. Card, H. K. Cranney.
SANITARY REGULATIONS H. K. Cranney, T. X. Smith and R. Davidson.
VERSION 2 (Used 1880-09-10)
MAYOR W. H. Preston.
ALDERMEN J. H. Martineau, Wm. [William] Hyde, Robert Davidson,
John B. Thatcher, H. K. Cranney.
COUNCILORS C. D. Fjeldsted, C. O. Card, James Quayle, R. S.
Campbell, C. B. Robbins.
RECORDER W. K. Bassett,
TREASURER Geo. [George] Hymore
MARSHAL Alvin Crockett.
The following are the Committees of the Common Council
ON ELECTIONS R. Davidson, C. D. Fjeldsted and William Hyde.
ON JUDICIARY C. O. Card, H. K. Cranney and John B. Thatcher.
ON FINANCE John B. Thatcher, R. Davidson, C. B. Robbins.
ON CLAIMS James Quayle, J. H. Martineau, and C. O. Card.
ON POLICE AND CITY PRISON C. D. Fjeldsted, H. K. Cranney and J.
H. Martineau.
H. K. Cranney.
ON STREETS AND ALLEYS R. S. Campbell, C. O. Card and James
ON IRRIGATION William Hyde, C. B. Robbins and R. Davidson.
and John B. Thatcher.
and C. B. Robbins.
ON ENGRAVING AND PRINTING C. B. Robbins, R. S. Campbell and John
B. Thatcher.
ON QUARANTINE H. K. Cranney, C. D. Fjeldsted and James Quayle.
ON CEMETERY John B. Thatcher, James Quayle and J. H. Martineau.
GEO. [GEORGE] BARBER & SON Main Street, - Logan, Utah, General
Produce and Commission Merchants, Buy and Sell FRUIT, GRAIN AND
VEGETABLES, And keep constantly on hand FARM AND GARDEN SEEDS,
FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRUITS, &C, We also handle the celebrated
SCHUTTLER WAGON, And will keep on hand a good supply of Wagon
Timber, Iron, Bolts, &c., &c, 24ly
GEO. [GEORGE] W. Shreve, 214 Bush St., San Francisco.
[illustration of crossed rifles] Importer and Jobber of guns,
pistols, fishing tackle and sportsmen’s goods.
GILHAM’S Green Hoof And Healing Ointment [illustration] For
Collar Galls, Harness Galls, Saddle Galls, Burns, Scalds,
Bruises, Old and Recent Wounds, Brittle Hoofs, Fever in Feet,
Founder Sand Cracks, Quarter Cracks, Scratches or Grease. For
cuts, burns, and all Flesh wounds in Human Flesh. This Ointment
has no equal. It’s the Only Ointment in the United States that
ever received a medal. For sale and recommended by all Traders,
Druggists and Harness Makers Main & Winchester. 214 and 216
Battery St., S.F. Wholesale Agents.
[Text written on an illustration of a pipe]. Chimney Pipes &
Tops. Vases, Flower Pots, Fire Bricks, 213-1310, 1312 Market
St., S.F. Manufactory at Lincoln, Cal. [California]. Send for
Illustrated Catalogue.
GOLD MINING. Silver plated amalgamating plates for saving gold
used in Quartz, Placer and Gravel Mining. Warranted the best
made. Prices greatly reduced. San Francisco Gold, Silver and
Nickel Plate Works, 653 and 655 Mission St., between New
Montgomery and Third streets. Send for circular. P. G.
Denniston, Proprietor.
THE GOLDEN ERA. The Oldest, Ablest, and Best family paper in the
Pacific Coast. Only Three Dollars Per Year. J.M. Bassett, Editor
and Proprietor, San Francisco.
GOLDEN GATE HOTEL, No. 134 Fourth Street, Bet. [between] Mission
and Howard. San Francisco. Henry Dederky?, Prop’r [proprietor].
The Best And Cheapest Mechanics’ Boarding House in this City.
Two lines of cars pass the door.
GOOD ADVICE To secure the best articles, at the most reasonable
price, always deal with men who practically and thoroughly
understand their business. If you intend purchasing a piano,
organ, or any kind of musical instrument, instruction book,
sheet music, strings, or anything in the musical line, you will
find it to your interest to order from George Careless, Utah’s
popular music dealer, No. 1234, 1st South Street, Salt Lake City.
GOOD LAND AND SURE CROPS. There has been a steady and tolerably
rapid advancement made in the growth of a majority of the towns
in ???, Butte, T???, and Shasta counties. Especially is this so
in the agricultural districts where the land produces at least
fair crops in all seasons – wet or dry – as does the land on the
Reading Ranch. Those looking for homes in California where
diversified farming will pay every year; where wood and water
are plenty and easy to be obtained, and other desirable
advantages are to be had, should address the proprietor of the
Reading Ranch. Some 14,000 out of 20,000 acres of the grant
remain for sale at comparatively low rates, in quantities to
suit purchasers, on easy terms. Prices range from $3 to $30 per
acre. The tract is between two and three miles wide, with the
Northern Division of the C.P.R.R. passing centrally through its
entire length. Send postage stamp for map and further
information, to Edward Frisbie, the proprietor of Reading Ranch,
Anderson, Shasta County, Cal. [California]. ---GOODWIN BROTHERS. At the old stand on Third Street Logan Utah,
are still conducting a General Mercantile Business. They desire
to return thanks to the generous public for patronage heretofore
bestowed and respectfully ask a continuance of the same. Friends
and customers will always find the Best and Newest goods at the
Lowest Prices. nov13-3m.
GRATEFUL WOMEN. None receive so much benefit, and none are so
profoundly grateful and show such an interest in recommending
Hop Bitters as women. It is the only remedy peculiarly adapted
to the many ills the sex is almost universally subject to.
Chills and fever, indigestion or diseases of the liver, constant
or periodical sick headaches, weakness in the back or kidneys,
pain in the shoulders and different parts of the body, a feeling
of lassitude and despondency, are all readily removed by these
GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, [illustrated with drawing of man’s head
encircled with text – Sir Astley Cooper’s Vital Restorative] is
a certain cure for nervous debility and all the evil effects of
youthful follies and excesses. Dr. Mintie will agree to forfeit
five hundred dollars for a case of this kind the vital
restorative, under his special advice and treatment, will not
cure. Price $3 a bottle, four times the quantity, $10. Sent to
any address, confidentially by K,. Mintie?, M.D. Send for
range. Open to development Along the Utah Northern Railway. No
section of the Union at present offers greater inducements to
the mining prospector, farmer, stock-raiser, capitalist of
laborer than the vast region north of Ogden penetrated by the
Utah and Northern Railway, now over 300 miles long. This line
traverses the most extensive and fertile valleys of Northern
Utah, it crosses the great Snake river gold fields and the best
grazing lands of Idaho, has rendered easy of access the Salmon
river Yankee Fork and Caribou mining region and has entered the
Territory of Montana.
GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. P. Liesesfeld’s [illustration of a
billard table] Billiard Sales Rooms, 585, 589 Market St. cor.
Second St. San Francisco. First class Hotel Billiard tables
reduced from ???? & ??? Plain Billiard Tables from $50 to $???
Latest patent. Callender’s ??? place ??? reduced from $?? to
$??. Billiard Cloth, Balls, Trimmings at the lowest figure.
Parlor Bagatelle. Prices from $15 to $???. The new gains
“Chinese Start Co.” price $?? . Send for Catalogue.
Caution! Different versions!
Gustaveson’s Life Lasting Hobble is the best, safest and most
durable hobble ever made, and is very cheap in price.
Gustaveson’s Eureka Nose Sack with or without ventilation. The
best in the market, and as cheap as any. Gustaveson’s Hook Pin
Spur is the most convenient Spur ever made. The above articles
were all invented and patented by me. They have superior
merits, and are guaranteed to give satisfaction. Ask your
storekeepers for them. On the 10th of October, 1881, I am going
to GIVE AWAY an $80 set of Harness, to the lucky ticket holder,
and I invite all parties visiting Salt Lake to call at my
establishment, register their names and receive a ticket for the
drawing of the Harness. I deal in all articles pertaining to
the Saddle and Harness business, and guarantee good goods and
low prices. Send for circular. Address, C. J. Gustaveson, Box
1032, Salt Lake City. Store??? 68 Second South St. 26-6m
Caution! Different versions!
GUSTAVESON’S INVENTIONS! [illustration of horse and tack] C. J.
Gustaveson’s Patents Salt Lake City. In the above cut fig. 1
gives an inside view of one fetlock band of Gustaveson’s Lifelasting Hobble. It is round, smooth, and lined with soft
leather. It does not turn at all on the fetlock, owing to the
peculiar construction of the connecting chain and bolt, and
hence can never chafe the horse. Fig. 2 is a side view of the
fetlock band. Fig. 3 is Gustaveson’s newly patented Hook-Pin
Spur; the most convenient spar ever made. Fig. 4 shows the
inside of Gustaveson’s Nose Sack and Fig. 5 shows the outside
and perforated bottom by which the sack is ventilated. Fig. 6
shows the sack in use. This nose sack has many advantages over
any other. Prices as low as the old style. Given away–An
Eighty Dollar Set of Harness, to the lucky ticket holder. I
wish every one of my customers, old and new, to come and
register their names and post office addresses at my Harness
Shop, and receive a ticket for the above prize free of all
charge. To be given away October 19, 1881. Harness, Saddles,
Collars, Bridles, Lines, Halters, Whips of all kinds, Stirrups,
Sinches [cinches], and in fact every article pertaining to the
above lines of goods, manufactured from the best materials and
sold wholesale and retail. Ask your storekeepers for the above
goods. Uncle Sam’s Harness Oil, the best known in the United
States, always on hand. I offer special inducements to the
trade for all articles sold by me. C. J. Gustaveson, Nos. 66
and 68 Second South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Address P. O.
Box 168.
H (top)
H. DINWOODEY Salt Lake City Utah: Full line of Carpets!
[Illustration] Lamberquins, Furniture! Cornices Lace Curtains,
Upholster Goods, Baby Carriages, Feathers and Wallpaper
H. N. COOK BELTING. M’fgr [manufacturer] of Oak Tanned Leather
and Hose, Belt Lacing. Mail, express and ??? ???? Factory and
office, 413 Market St. [street], San Francsico.
H. W. O. MARGARY, Attorney and Counselor at Law, and Notary
Public. Office is Canfield’s Brick Block, Ogden, Utah. P. O.
Lock Box, 106? Sep29tf
HALL’S PULMONARY BALSAM price 50 Cts [cents]. An Immediate and
Permanent Cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup,
Influenza, Catarrh, Loss of Voice, Incipient Consumption, and
all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Ask for the California
Pulmonary Balsam, and Take no other. Sold by all Druggists.
blood purifier and alternative in use. It quickly cures all
diseases originating from a disordered state of the blood or
liver. Rheumatism, neuralgia, blotches, boils, pimples,
scrofula, gout, dropsy, tumors, salt rheum, and mercurial pains
Readily yield to its purifying properties. It leaves the blood
pure, the liver and kidneys healthy, and complexion bright and
clear. For sale by all druggists.
article in use for restoring gray hair to its original color and
promoting its growth.
HANSON & NIELSEN one door east of Tithing Office, the pioneer
and leading merchant tailors of Logan. A fine stock of home
made and imported goods on hand. Gentlemen’s own material made
up. First class work and lowest prices guaranteed. N. B. – We
pay the highest price for wool. mar12-tf
HANSON & THOMAS. One Door East of Tithing Office, The Pioneer
and Leading Merchant tailors of Logan. A fine stock of home made
and imported goods and ready made clothing kept on hand.
Gentlemen’s own material made up. First class work and lowest
prices guaranteed. N.B.-We pay the highest price for wool.
Temple and Tithing orders will be taken. Mar12-tf
Street, Logan, is prepared to do all kinds of TAILORING.
Gentlemen's own material made up. Reasonable, and Good Work
guaranteed. Cloth exchanged for Wool. sept1-ly.
HE STILL LIVES. Some years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, of the World’s
Dispensary and Invalid’s Hotel, of Buffalo, N. Y. and London,
was sent for to examine a terrible disease of the knee joint,
resulting in ulceration and extensive sloughing of the bone and
tissues. The man’s life had been despaired of by the previous
attendants. Amputation at the thigh was promptly decided upon
and skillfully performed by Dr. Pierce, and as after treatment
to purify the blood and prevent a recurrence of the malady the
doctor’s Golden Medical Discovery was freely prescribed. The
man’s system was thoroughly purified and strengthened, he
rapidly gained his ??, the stump healing nicely, and he is today a happy man. This case was among the first in which this
wonderful blood purifier was tested. It has since manifested
its wonder and power over the worst scrofulous and other blood
diseases. Taken for a time it so purifies and strengthens the
system as to strongly fortify it against the encroachments of
diseases. Sold by druggists. Middleville, Mich., Feb. 15th,
1879 Hon. R. V. Pierce. Dear Sir–I would say that I have sold
your medicines for seven years. The Golden Medical Discovery is
the best cough remedy I have ever used and is the best cough
remedy I have ever used and is the best cough remedy I have ever
used and in every case where I have recommended it, it has
cured. I have used it in my family for my children. It cures
their coughs and colds in a day or two. My wife has used it
several times when down sick. It invariably gives immediate
relief. Its sale increases daily. J. B. Kester, Druggist.
HELP YOURSELVES BY MAKING MONEY when a golden chance is offered,
thereby always keeping poverty from your door. Those who always
take advantage of the good chances for making money that are
offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not
improve such chances remain in poverty. We want many men,
women, boys and girls to work for us right in their own
localities. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary
wages. We furnish an expensive outfit and all that you need,
free. No ones who engages fails to make money very rapidly. You
can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare
moments. Full information and all that is needed sent free.
Address Stinson & Co. Portland, Maine. 23ly
HORSES OF THE AMERICAN TURF which have trotted in 2:20 or
better. Adelaide – ???. Albemarle – 2:19. American Girl – 2:16
½. Bodine – 2:10 ½. Bonesetter – 2:20. Camore – 2:19 ¾. Colonel
Bowls – 2:10 ½. Co?? – 2:19 ½. Cozette – 1:19. Croxie – 2:19 ¼.
Dexter – 2:17 ½. Dick Sulveller – 2:19. Edw’d ??? – 2:10. Edwin
Forrest – 2:18. Fiesty Fisety Golddust – 2:20. Flora Temple –
2:19 ¼. Frank – 2:20. Geo. Palmer – 2:20. Goldsmith Mold – 2:12
¾. Slowing – 2:17. Great Eastern – 2:18. Hennis – 2:19 ¼. Henry
– 2:20. Hopeful – 2:14?. Judge Fullerton – 2:18. John H. 2:20.
Lady Ma??? – 2:18 ¼. Lady Thorn. – 2:18 ¼. Little Fred – 2:20.
Lucille – 2:01. Lucille Goldust – 2:16 ??. Lucy – 2:18 ¼. Lola –
2:15. Mambrino Gift – 2:20. May Quota - ????. Midnight – 2:18 ¼.
Nancy Hackett – 1:20. Nettie – 2:18. Occident – 2:16 ¼. Prospero
– 1:20. Prot??? – 2:17 ??. R??? – 2:13 ¾. Red Cloud – 2:18.
Santa Claus – 2:18. Slow-Go – 2:18 ??. Smuggler – 2:13 ¾. St.
Julian – 2:12 ¾. Thos. [Thomas] L. Young – 2:19 ½. Use Gylham’s
Green Hoof and Healing Ointment. It is the best and one of the
most remarkable external applications in Use. Try it and You
will use no other. It cures without Fail, Collar and Harness
Galls. Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Brittle Hoofs, Fever in Feet,
Quarter and band Cracks, Scratches or ???, King Bone?. And
Fever. Thrush, Corns, Callous, Contracted Hoofs, Sprains, Suedy
Toes, Mange and External poison, Never has there been An
Ointment that Could heal so rapidly all Wounds, Sores, and
Surface Diseases of Horse, Cows, Sheep, Poultry, Etc. Etc. The
Leading Ointment of the Pacific Coast, Sure Cure in all cases,
Cures Sprains and Spavins. It is used by all leading turfman
foremen and gives universal satisfaction. For Cuts, Burns, and
all Wounds on Human Flesh this Ointment has no equal. For sale
and Recommended by all Traders, Druggists, and Harness Makers,
Main & Winchester, 211 & 216 Battery Street, San Francisco. Clip
this out and save it for reference.
HOUSEKEEPERS Needing fine Queensware and Glassware will do well
to call at Z.C.M.I. They have just received their first
shipment of Opaque China Ware, and will be able to sell at very
reasonable prices. The latest and best patterns of Glass and
Queensware always on hand at Salt Lake or Ogden Prices. feb27
HUMBUGGED AGAIN. I saw so much said about the merits of Hop
Bitters, and my wife who was always doctoring and never well,
teased me so urgently to get her some. I concluded to be
humbugged again, and I am glad I did, for in less than two
months use of the Bitters my wife was cured and she has remained
so for eighteen months since. I like such hum bugging. – St.
Paul Chronicle.
HUMPHREYS’ HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC No. 28 in use 25 years. The only
successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and
Prostration from over-work or other causes, $1 per Vial, or 5
vials and large vial powder, for $?. Sold By Dealers Generally,
or sent post free on receipt of price. Humphreys’ Homeopathic
Medicine Co. [company], 100 Fulton Street, N. Y. [New York]
It has no stems, cams, or tappers, and adjusts itself to the
wear of the shoes and dies. For simplicity, economy, durability
and effective working, it exceeds anything ever presented to the
public, and will do the work of five stamps, with one-fourth the
power. Price, 860 ? lb. hammer, $600. Double Mill, $850 ?, 1200
lb. $600 ? $1,160. F.A. Huntington, 213 Fremont Street, San
[Street], San Francisco. For simplicity, durability and
rapidity of action, these machines have no equal, cutting from
3,500 to 4,000 per hour. They are now used by all the principal
Millmen on the Pacific Coast. PRICE, Complete, with One Saw $450.00 The inventors refers to the following parties who have
the Machines in use?: MacPherson & Wetherbee? - San Francisco,
Pope & Talbot - San Francisco, Hanson & Co. [Company] - Redwood
City, Hick? & Hallingston - Woodside, Harrington & Son Pescadero, H. ???? - Pescadero, A. Saunders - Point Arena, A.H.
Dayle? & Co. [Company] - Carson City, Nev [Nevada]. Steam
Engines, Sawmills, Planing, Lath and Picket Machines, sic, made
to order at short notice. F.A. Huntington, 230 Fremont Street,
San Francisco.
HYRUM RICKS. T. Bitter, Green Grocery Store! The undersigned
have commenced business on THIRD STREET, LOGAN, UTAH: And
purpose carrying a complete stock of GROBERIES [groceries],
GROCERIES, And we propose to keep on hand FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC
FRUITS, And all kinds of VEGETABLES, and will deal in Butter and
I (top)
IDAHO TERRITORY. THE UTAH & NORTHERN railway, as noted above,
crosses Eastern Idaho, every mile of which is valuable either
for its pasturage, its agricultural, timber or mineral lands.
Idaho is called the "Gem of the Mountains," on account of its
great diversity of resources, its mild and healthful climate,
its wonderful mineral springs and its fine scenery. It is 400
miles long by 800 wide, contains some 20,000 inhabitants, and
its mines have yielded $65,000,000. Wide areas of grazing lands
sustain cattle, horses and sheep, winter and summer, while the
valleys produce all cereals and vegetables, of the temperate
zone, besides apples, pears, grapes, peaches, plums, apricots
and other fruits. Good roads lead to different parts of Idaho
from stations on the Utah & Northern Railway.
ICE. Now is the time to order ice-making machines for the
coming season. AETNA Iron Works, San Francisco.
challenges the world to produce as good a machine.
Sold at one
half the price of others and guaranteed not to break. Rock
Breaker and Cornish Rolls Combined. Rock Breaker and Pulverizer
combined in one machine for pulverizing very [every] ore.
Furnaces for chlorodizing and desulphurizing ores.
Concentrating Jigs and Slime machines for concentrating. Gold,
Silver, Lead, and Copper Ores. Amalgamators, and plans for
working ores by the various processes. Address M. R Dodge, care
of Prescott Scott & Co. [company] San Francisco, California.
IN 1850 THE “BRONCHIAL TROCHES” were introduced, and from that
time up to the present their success in Colds, Coughs, Asthma
and Bronchitis has been unparalleled. No household should be
without “Brown’s Bronchial Troches,” as by their early use most
troubles of the Throat induced by cold can be overcome.
IN MAKING ANY PURCHASE or in writing in response to any
advertisement in this paper, you will please mention the name of
the paper.
IN MAKING ANY PURCHASES [Small image of a hand pointing] or in
writing in response to any advertisement in this paper, you will
please mention the name of the paper.
AN ITEM TO CUT OUT. That the Stewart Sewing Machine embodies
all the advantages of the leading machines and has many distinct
improvements of its own. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases
or money refunded. Call or send for circular at our new office,
111 Butter St. [street], S.F. [San Francisco]. H.H. Josselyn &
Co. [company]. Agents for Pacific Coast. Agents wanted in
every town and city on the Coast. Send for terms.
INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, 824 and 826 Kearny St. [street], San
Francisco, $1.25 and $1.50 per day. H. C. Partridge, Proprietor.
Two Concord Coaches, with the name of the Hotel on, will always
be in waiting at the landing to convey passengers to the Hotel
free. Be sure you got into the right Coach. If you do not, they
will charge you.
IRON PIPE, Plain and Galvanized, Brass Cocks for Water and
Steam, Garden Hose, Best 3 ply. Fittings, Sheet Zinc, Lead Pipe,
Sewer Traps, Boilers, Bath Tubs, etc. Send for Price List. W.R.
Allen, 701 Market Street, San Francisco. John Rogers & Sons,
General Stock and Sale Yards, Cor. Market and Ninth Sts., San
Francisco. Dealers in Hay and Grain at Lowest Market rates. John
Rogers has been well known in S.F. for the last twenty-six
ITALIAN BEES. I have on hand and for sale a Choice Lot of Bees,
very strong and healthy, in kidder hives. Apply to George
Hibbard, Apiarist, Logan. 12-1m
AN ITEM TO CUT OUT. That the Stewart Sewing Machine embodies
all the advantages of the leading machines and has many distinct
improvements of its own. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases
or money refunded. Call or send for circular at our new office,
111 Butter St. [street], S.F. [San Francisco]. H.H. Josselyn &
Co. [company]. Agents for Pacific Coast. Agents wanted in
every town and city on the Coast. Send for terms.
J (top)
Caution! Different versions!
Orthopedic Surgery and the Medical and Surgical Diseases of
Caution! Different versions!
Deformities, &c., P. O. Box 25 LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, UTAH.
J. F. REED General Retail Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Clothing. Boots, Shoes, &c. He keeps constantly on
hand a choice and Complete Stock Of these Goods, which he sells
at Bed Rock Prices In Exchange for Goods, Grain and Produce
taken at Market Prices. 3d St., between Main and Washington,
Logan, Utah. sept11-6m.
J. H. Brown & Sons Pioneer Marble works, Logan Utah. Workshop on
Second St.,Opposite the tabernacle. All kinds of work in Stone
and Marble done to order. Grave Stones [gravestones] &
Monuments Designed and executed in the most artistic manner. We
refer with pride to specimens of our work which cannot be
excelled in the Territory, either in design or workmanship. WE
keep on hand a large stock of Marbes and different kinds of
STONES, from which patrons may select. Plaster Paris and Centre
[center] pieces kept in stock. Prices REASONABLE!
J. HAYBALL, anatomical bootmaker, Logan.
J. HUTCHINSON’S NURSERIES, Oakland, Cal. [California]
Established in 1832. An immense stock of New and Rare Plants,
Evergreen Trees and Ornamental Shrubbery. Cypress for Hedges,
One to three years old. Roses, Fuchsias, Pinks, magnolias,
Camellias, Daphnias Etc. Etc. In endless variety, at bedrock
Prices! Seeds and Bulbs of all kinds. Send for Catalogue.
J. W. Hitchcock, Dentist, Logan City … Utah.
T. Hammond’s Book Store. Sep1l ly
Office over Jas.
J. W. SHAEFFER & CO., 321 and 323 Sacramento St., San Francisco,
employ no drummers. Cigars sold very cheap.
Caution! Different versions!
J.W. TUCKER & CO. Jewelers And Silversmiths, 131 Kearny St., San
Francisco, Agents for all American Chronograph, Swiss and
English watches.
Caution! Different versions! 1880-12-17
J.W. TUCKER & CO. Jewelers And Silversmiths, 131 Kearny St., San
Francisco, Agents for all American watches. Importers of Swiss
and English watches. Fine watch repairing a specialty.
JACKSON’S AGRICULTURAL Machine Works and Foundry. Sixth and
Hinsone? Sts. Near Southern Pacific Railroad, San Francisco.
[Illustration] Manufacturer of Feeders and ??? with recently
??? Spreader. Horse Forks for headings? Or hay folding derrick.
[unreadable lines] Ad by Roy Jackson, Prop’r.
JACKSON’S LIGHT WEIGHT HORSE FORK. [illustration of a horse
fork] Jackson’s Agricultural Machine Works and Foundry. Sixth
and Hinsone? Sts. Near Southern Pacific Railroad, San
Francisco. For circular and further information, address as
above. Byron Jackson, Proprietor.
JAKE HEUSSER, Practical Gunsmith. Importer and dealer in all
kinds of rifles, with every modern improvement. Breech and
muzzle loading shot guns. Pistols and ammunition of every
description. A large variety of fishing tackle and pocket
cutlery. Rifle Clubs supplied with the best guns at liberal
discount. Regulation rules of the National Rifle association on
hand. No. 139 Main St. Salt Lake City, P.O. Box 625
JAMES E. FOOTE, Agent for Studebaker Wagons and Carriages, and
dealer Harness, Whips, Saddles, Bridles, Blankets, &c. Ogden
city, Utah. oct6-tf.
Caution! Different versions!
JAS. H. MARTINEAU, U.S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor and CIVIL
ENGINEER, LOGAN, CACHE CO., UTAH. Surveys for mining claims for
location or for obtaining patents. Also County surveyor and
Notary Public. Deeds carefully prepared and all kinds of
Notarial business carefully attended to. Office on Washington
St., between First and Second Sts. [streets]. LOGAN, UTAH.
Caution! Different versions! 1880-12-17
JAS. H. MARTINEAU, U.S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor CIVIL ENGINEER
AND NOTARY PUBLIC Surveys for mining claims for location or for
obtaining patents. Deeds carefully prepared and all kinds of
Notarial business carefully attended to. Office on Washington
St., between First and Second Sts. [streets]. LOGAN, UTAH.
Caution! Different versions!
JAS. [JAMES] H. MARTINEAU, U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor, Civil
Engineer and Notary Public. Surveys for mining claims made for
location or for obtaining patents. Also County Surveyor and
Notary Public. Deeds carefully prepared and all kinds of
Notarial business carefully attended to. Office on Washington
St., between First and Second St. Logan, Utah.
JOB PRINTING, by arrangements recently made with a Salt Lake
firm, The Logan Leader is prepared to take orders for every
description of book and job printing, at prices and in a style
guaranteed to give satisfaction. Leave orders at the Leader
office. B. F. Cummings Jr., Editor and Business Manager.
JOB PRINTING, having entered into an arrangement with the Star
Printing Company of Sale Lake, we are prepared to take orders
for every description of JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING BALL TICKETS,
CERTIFICATES, etc. BOUND OR UNBOUND. Also Dodgers and Posters
of All Sizes and Styles.
JOB PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE. A half interest in the finest book
and job printing office in one of the most prosperous and
attractive localities in California may be purchased at a
decided bargain, if applied for immediately. Has three presses,
steam power, and is fully equipped for all classes of work, from
a visiting card to a three sheet poster. It is now paying
handsomely and will bear closest investigation. Owner is
compelled to sell on account of sickness. Prices of half
interest $2700. Apply to or address Carlos White, ???? St.
[street], San Francisco.
JOE POHEIM [illustration] The Tailor 724 Market and 283
Montgomery St., has made immense reduction for the next 60 days
to make room for Spring and Summer goods. Business suits made
to order from $30.00.
Pants made to order from $5.00. Fine
elegant suits worth always had for $25.00 Fine Cassimere? suits
$30.00 French beaver suits from $40.00 Overcoats from $20.00 A
perfect fit and best of workmanship guaranteed or no sale.
Samples on rules for self measurement sent to any address 724
Market & 283 Montgomery St. San Francisco
Caution! Different versions!!
JOHN BENCH, PAINTER, Glazier and Paper-Hanger, Work done at the
Cheapest Rates and on the Shortest Notice. sept1-ly.
Caution! Different versions!!
JOHN BENCH, PAINTER, Grainer and Paper-Hanger. Logan, Utah.
John Rogers & Sons, general ??? and also The Trade of all who
want the The Very Best Goods At The Lowest Prices. sept11-ly --JONES & JENKINS, Dealers in General Merchandise, Including full
lines of Dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, Lamps, and
glassware, gents’ hats and furnishing goods, provisions, and all
kinds of family supplies. Lower prices cannot be obtained in
Cache County than those we offer.
JOSEPH C. TODD. Engineer and Machinist, Paterson, N.J. [New
Jersey] and 10 Barclay St. [street], N.Y. [New York]. Flax,
Hemp, Jute, Rope and Bagging Machinery, Steam engines and ??? of
every description. ??? machinery for ?????? Owner and exclusive
manufacturer of the new Patent Hazier? Portable engine. These
engines are a great improvement over the old style, and are
admirably adapted for all kinds of ???? and mechanical purposes.
Send for descriptive circular. Address as above.
JUST ARRIVED at P. A Nielsen’s, a well selected stock of men’s
clothing, hats, caps, and furnishing goods. The best ever
brought to Cache County. Prices low. 15 tf
JUST ARRIVED! Carl C. Johnson, dealer in musical instruments of all
kinds, such as organs, violins, guitars, [unreadable], accordions,
[unreadable], also a large and complete assortment of Toys, Toys.
Pictures and picture frames. Mr. Johnson is also agent for the
celebrated Crown Sewing Machine, which should be examined by those
wishing to purchase a good sewing machine. All goods are sold at the
lowest price.
JUST THE THING FOR CAMPING PARTIES. Canvas Cot, [unreadable] 27
[unreadable] cubit ft. Just the thing for camping parties.
Address Gilbert & Moore, sales agents, 19 and 20, Sutter St.,
San Francisco, Cal. Dealers in furniture of every description.
Send for circular. Four styles.
K (top)
KELLY BARB WIRE. Cheapest and best fence made. Costs only half
as much as board fence. Write for circular giving particulars.
Huntington, Hopkins & Co., Agents, San Francisco and Sacramento.
KENDALL’S SPAVIN CURE is sure in its effects, mild in its action
as it does not blister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to
reach every deep-seated pain, or to remove any bony growth or
other enlargement, such as spavins, splints, curbs, callous,
sprains, swellings, any lameness and all enlargements of the
joints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purpose for
which a liniment is need for man or beast. It is now known to
be the best liniment for man ever used, acting mild and yet
certain in its effects. Statement made UNDER OATH. To Whom it
May Concern – In the year 1873, I treated with “Kendall’s Spavin
Cure” a bone spavin of several months growth, nearly half as
large as a hen’s egg and completely stopped the lameness and
removed the enlargement. I have worked the horse ever since
very hard, and he never has been lame, nor could I ever see any
difference in the size of the back (?) joints since I treated
him with Kendall’s Spavin Cure. R.A. Gaines. Enosburgh Falls,
Vt. [Vermont]. Feb. 6th (?), 1878 (?). Sworn and inscribed to
before me this 13th day of Feb., A.D. 1878. John G. Jenne,
Justice of the Peace. Send address for illustrated circular
which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No remedy
has ever met with such unqualified success to our knowledge, for
beast as well as man. Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for
$5. All druggists have it or can get it for you, or it will be
sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors, Dr.
B.J. Kendall & Co., Enosburgh Falls, Vermont. Crane & Brigham,
agents. 520 Market St., San Francisco.
KNOB HILL POULTRY YARDS, Sonoma, Sonoma Co., Ca. Thos. O.
Morris, Breeder of all the leading varieties of throughbred land
and water fowls, included the celebrate Langshans. [Illustrated
with a rooster’s head]. The greatest variety on the Pacific
Coast. Eggs in season, and warranted to carry safety any
distance. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Price list ??
L (top)
LADIES ATTENTION! An elegant line of ladies’ cloaks just received at
Z.C.M.I. at $4.75 to $25.00. Buy one for Conference.
THE LADIES’ FAVORITE. Among the many thousands of ladies who
have used Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription and pronounced it
their favorite remedy, because so efficient in the diseases and
weaknesses peculiar to women, are many who are well and
favorably known in the world of letters, as well as artists,
musicians, and a whole host of names from the brilliant ranks of
wealth and fashion. It is pre-eminently the ladies’ Favorite
Prescription, its use, while being far more safe and efficient,
exempting them from those painful, caustic operations, and the
wearing of those mechanical contrivances made like Peter
Plader’s razor – sellers’ razors – to sell, rather than to cure.
-- KILLMORE, Ind., March 20th, 1878. Dr. R. V. Pierce. Dear Sir
– Your Favorite Prescription has restored me to perfect health.
Yours truly, Grace Choate, 123 Eutaw Street, BALTIMORE, Md. --June 10th, 1878. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. Dear Sir – My
wife was a hopeless invalid for nearly 20 years. Your Favorite
Prescription has cured her. Thankfully yours. R. T. McCay.
LADIES! Of Logan and Cache County, Will find a Full stock of
Millinery and Fancy Goods, Ladies’ Underwear, Linen Suits, & c.,
at Mrs. James’ opposite Cardon’s, Logan, Cache Co. apr23-1m.
LAND Good land that will raise a crop every year. Over 11,000
acres for sale in lots to sale. Climate healthy. No droughts,
bad floods, nor malaria. Wood and water convenient. U. S. Title
perfect. Send stamp for illustrated circular, to Edward
Frisbie?, Proprietor of Reading Ranch, Anderson, Shasta County,
Cal. [California]
THE LARGEST! THE CHEAPEST! THE BEST! A semi-weekly at lower
rates than any Weekly published west of New York. A Great
Literary Enterprise. “Set in a Silver Sea!” A Serial Story, by
E.L. Farjeon, was commended in The Weekly Union of January 7th.
Back Numbers Containing the Story Always on Hand.
Unprecedented. Within the past two months the actual bona-fide
circulation of the Weekly Union has increased 5,000 copies!
This increase in the short period named is unprecedented in the
history of journalism on the Pacific Coast. This increase is
still to rapid progress, and promises to continue indefinitely.
The reasons are obvious. First: The Weekly Union is the only
paper of its class on this coast giving a double ??? each week
for one price. Second: The Weekly Union is on the paper which
publishes first class original stories, and is therefore the
very best literary paper published in California. Third: The
Weekly Union is by far the best medium of News. Its issue to
send weekly parts makes it the vehicle of the very latest
intelligence from all ??? fields. Fourth: The Weekly Union is
the cheapest paper published in the State, giving the issues
each week of sixteen pages, each for the very low price of 3
[cents] [32 cents] per annum. Fifth: The Weekly Union presents
a greater variety of valuable miscellany on all subjects than
any of its contemporaries. Sixth: The Weekly Union is the most
ably and carefully edited, most independent and by far the most
readable journal published on the coast. It is because all
these points are true that the increase of circulating is
unprecedented, and its standing at the head of journalism is
???. Address, Record Union, Sacramento, Cal. [California].
THE LARGEST Baptist paper on the Pacific Coast Herald of Truth
Rev. Granville, S. Abbott, B. D., Editor. Published semimonthly. Galkie’s? Life of Christ, over 300? pages, bound in
cloth, free to every subscriber sending $1.25, the subscription
price, and 15 cents postage, etc. Balance of this year free to
new subscribers for 1881. Address, C. W. Dearborn, Sec’y
Oakland, Cal.
THE LATE DUKE OF BRUNSWICK’s WILL—which left his whole fortune
to the town of Geneva—has just been declared null and void. That
grateful town has already spent $1,400,000 of the fortune on a
commemorative monument to the Duke, and perhaps as much on a
magnificent opera-house.
LATEST NOVELTIES in spring goods arriving daily at Z. C. M. I.
R. S. Watson, manager
THE LIFE-LASTING HOBBLE with or without buckles, manufactured
only by C. J. Gustaveson. This hobble is a new invention lately
patented by Mr. Gustaveson, and it is infinitely superior to any
other known hobble. One style is made with a buckle, the other
without. This hobble is very much more durable than any other
made; it fits the horse perfectly and cannon in any way chaff or
injure the animal. Parties who have once seen it will use no
other. Cooperative and other stores will find it to their
advantage to handle this hobble. Favorable terms to wholesale
buyers. Address, C. J. Gustaveson, Box 1029, Salt Lake City,
who also keeps at his store on 2d South St., a large assortment
of the best harness, saddles, &c. Prices very low. 52-2nf
LODGING HOUSE. Rooms to let by the week or month. Terms
Reasonable. Mrs. Dawson. 606 Pine Street, San Francisco.
LOGAN BRANCH OF Z.C.M.I. is the place for ladies to buy Dress
Goods and notions; Gentlemen to buy Hats, Shirts, Underwear, &
c.; Mechanics to buy tools?; farmers to buy Agricultural
implements; Shoe and Harness makers to buy Leather, Nails, &c.;
Tailors to buy Cloth, Linsey, Thread, &c.; Builders to buy
Nails, Locks, Butts, &c., all to buy Standard Groceries. sept11tf.
LOGAN BRANCH Z.C.M.I. Offer a complete line of Fall and Winter
Parlor, Bedroom and Office Heating Stoves.
Groceries, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps, QUEENSWARE at bottom
We are “Headquarters” in Northern Utah and Southern Idaho for
Grain, Butter, Eggs, etc. Our facilities in this Line are such
that we are enabled to handle all kinds of Produce
advantageously to both Consumer and Producer.
Orders: By Mail Promptly Attended to. Correspondence Solicited.
R.S. Watson, Manager, H.S. Eldredge, Supt.
LOGAN BRANCH Z. C. M. I., offer a complete line of staple &
fancy dry goods;clothing, gents’ furnishing goods, hats & caps;
an immense stock of boots and shoes, fancy and staple groceries,
hardware and cuttlery; a full line of agricultural implements at
bottom prices. Order by mail promptly attended to.
Correspondence solicited. R. Watson, Manager; H. S., Eldredge,
LOGAN HOUSE, Logan City, Utah, Best Furnished Rooms, Best
Tables, Best Accommodations in town. Meals and Rooms 50 Cents
Each. Reasonable Reduction by the week. J. R. BLANCHARD,
Caution! Different versions!
The Logan Leader. Logan City, November 4, 1881. This paper is
entered at the Post Office at Logan City, Utah, as second class
matter. All advertisements and correspondence must be handed in
not latter [later] than Wednesday to insure insertion in the
issue of the current week.
Caution! Different versions!
The Logan Leader. Published weekly at Logan, Cache County,
Utah. Subscription rates: one year $3.00. Six months $2.00.
Three months $1.00. Single copy 10C. Advertising rates very
liberal. Junction Printing Association Publishers and
The Logan Leader. Vol. I. Logan, Cache County, Utah, Friday,
July 30, 1880. No. 47.
The Ogden Junction, daily and semi-weekly. Published at Ogden,
Weber County, Utah. Largest circulation of any newspaper in the
Northern country. Advertising rates moderate. Junction
Printing Association Publishers and Proprietors.
Careful! Different versions!
The Logan Leader. Published weekly at Logan, Cache County, Utah
by Cummings Brothers. B. F. Cummings Jr., editor and business
manager. Subscription rates: One year $3.00, Six months 2.00,
Three months 1.00, Single copy 10c. Advertising rates very
The Logan Leader. Vol II. Logan, Cache County, Utah, Friday,
December 24, 1880. No. 16.
JOB PRINTING, by arrangements recently made with an Ogden firm,
The Logan Leader is prepared to take orders for every
description of book and job printing, at prices and in a style
guaranteed to give satisfaction. Leave orders at the Leader
office. B. F. Cummings Jr., Editor and Business Manager.
Careful! Different versions! P.1 1880-12-17
The Logan Leader. Published weekly at Logan, Cache County, Utah
by Cummings Brothers. B. F. Cummings Jr., editor and business
manager. Subscription rates: One year $3.00, Six months 2.00,
Three months 1.00, Single copy 10c. Advertising rates very
The Logan Leader. Vol II. Logan, Cache County, Utah, Friday,
December 17, 1880. No. 15.
The Ogden Junction, daily and semi-weekly, published at Ogden,
Weber County, Utah. Largest circulation of any newspaper in the
Northern country. Advertising rates moderate. Junction
Printing Association publishers and proprietors.
Careful! Different versions!
The Logan Leader. Published weekly by Cummings Brothers at
Logan City, Cache Co., Utah. Logan City, October 28, 1881.
Careful! Different versions!
THE LOGAN LEADER. Published weekly by the Junction Printing
Association, at Logan City, Cache Co., Utah. Logan City,
September 3, 1880.
LOGAN MEAT MARKET. (Formerly Z.C.M.I.) Just South of Logan
HAMS and BACON a Specialty. Jan9-1y
LOOK HERE. Photographs taken in the Latest Style and Finish.
Special attention given to Copying and Enlarging Old Pictures.
Portraits in Oil, Ink and Water Colors a specialty. Picture
Frames, Mouldings, [moldings] Etc. Constantly on hand at
Kirkham’s Fine Art Gallery. Second St. [street], Logan. mar12ly.
A LOOSING [i.e. LOSING] JOKE. A prominent physician of
Pittsburgh said jokingly to a lady patient who was complaining
of her continued ill health, and of his inability to cure her,
“Try Hop Bitters!” The lady took it in earnest and used the
Bitters, from which she obtained permanent health. She now
laughs at the doctor for his joke, but he is not so well pleased
with it, as it cost him a good patient.
LOST! LOST!! LOST!!! But Found! Found!! Found!!! – a poor
widow woman has found it at last. You can all find it by
calling at C. C. Johnson’s Music Store and seeing the new
improved Crown Sewing Machine and the World’s Wonder, the
Organelle?, and other things that you all want. C. C. Johnson
Transient and
Lone Mountain
from house $1
cottages with
Lovely, Prop.
605 and 607 Pine St. [street], San Francisco.
Permanent Patronage solicited at Lovely’s. Take
care? Cor. [corner] Bush and Kearney one block
to $1.50 per day; $6? to $10 per week; five
gardens; sixty family and single rooms; O? S.
[proprietor] Established by the same, September,
M (top)
M. D. Hammond agent for the Schuttler Wagon, and dealer in Iron,
Steel, Bolts, Wagon Material, Wagon and Seat Springs, Plows,
Wagon Covers, Sulky and Gang Plows, and all kinds of Farm
Machinery, at prices to suit the times and on REASONABLE TERMS.
Also Doors, Sash, Door Locks and Hinges, Etc. I have recently
removed to the County building, opposite Tabernacle, Main
Street, Logan, Utah. Sept11-ly
exhibitions. [Unreadable text] C. T. Milligan. 728? Chestnut
St., Philada ---THE MAGIC PHOTOGRAPH. A wonderful discovery. Sample ??? 1 for
23 cents, 2 for 30 cents. $1.00 per doz. Agents Wanted.
Spence & Co. [company], 537 Market St. [street], S.F. [San
persimmon hanging from a tree branch] Seven best varieties –
All grafted. Fruit grown at San Rafael, Cal., 10 inches in
circumference. 1, 2, and 3 year old trees for sale. Agents
wanted. Henry Loomis, 320 Sansome St. San Francisco.
MAINE NEWS. Hop Bitters, which are advertised in our columns,
are a sure cure for ague, biliousness and kidney complaints.
Those who use them say they cannot be too highly recommended.
Those solicited should give them a fair trial, and will become
thereby enthusiastic in the praise of their curative qualities.
– Portland Argus.
McAlister & Son, Logan City - - - Utah. Manufacturers and
dealers in Plain and Fancy HARNESS, saddles, whips, with prices
as low as the lowest. CONCORD HARNESS a speciality. Also dealers
in W???, Singer and Ward SEWING MACHINES. Sep11-ly
MENZOSPRING, manufacturer of artificial limbs office and
address, ?? Geary Street, San Francisco. Descriptive circulars,
blanks for measurements with instructions and price list, free
on application.
Feathers, [unreadable], a full stock just received at Mrs. James; half
block west of Y.C.M.I., 3rd Street, Logan. Also coats and
[unreadable], ladies underwear, corsets, infants [unreadable], robes,
etc., etc.
MINES AND MINERS Are of little value unless the receipts exceed
the expenditures. The Robertson Process enables parties to make
money in mines where they could not otherwise pay expenses. The
means used to extract the gold and silver from ores is very
simple and effective. The fact that some parties denounce it who
know nothing of its working is in its favor. John A. Robertson,
P. O. Box 552?, Oakland, Cal. [California], owns the patent.
MONEY SAVED. The New York Ink Co. [company] 20 Sutter St.
[street], S.F. [San Francisco], Cal. [California]. Will send
you on receipt of $1.00 their pamphlet for making all colors and
10 kinds of ink. ????. Average cost 25 cts. [cents] per
gallon. Also ??? and baking powder. All warranted ??? . We
also sell the Manifold writer, which will make and perfect
copies of written documents in a few minutes.
Good for
circular. Agents wanted.
Modesty. Modesty is to a woman what the delicate bloom is to
the peach – its greatest beauty but once gone, no human power
can restore it. Many modest women suffer in silence for years
with the most painful affections of the delicate vital organs of
the body, rather than to impart the knowledge of their
sufferings to a physician. This great army of martyrs will be
rejoiced to know that at last a purely vegetable and harmless
remedy has been discovered, which cures immediately all diseases
and weakness of the kidney and bladder, no matter of how long
standing or of what nature. It is the wonderful OREGON KIDNEY
TEA, which is sold by all druggists and challenges ? the world.
MONEY TO LOAN $500,000 To loan, in one sum or in amounts to suit
on Country Property at current rates of interest by John T.
Little, 302 Montgomery St. [street], Room 1 and 2, San
MITCHELL Spring Wagons. No other Four Spring Wagon has the Burr
patent Body, except the Mitchell Four Spring. They are the best
in the market. Call and see them during conference. L. B.
Mattison, Gen. Agent, Salt Lake City. One-half block South
Theatre. 27-tf
MITCHELL Wagon. Examine the late improvements on the Mitchell
Wagons for 1881. For sale by T. Jessop & Bro., Agents,
Millville, Utah. L. B. Mattison, Gen. Agent, Salt Lake City,
Utah. 27-tf
MONTANA. MONTANA'S GOLD AND SILVER mines now almost in sight of
the Utah & Northern Railway, have yielded $150,000,000, and the
annual yield since 1864 has averaged $8,500,000. Over 20,000
lodes and 2,000 placer mines have been recorded. Alder Gulch, in
which Virginia City is located, has alone poured out $40,000,000
in glittering dust. Iron, lead, coal, copper and cinnabar are
also plentiful.
Nearly 40,000,000 acres of pastoral and 10,000,000 acres of
agricultural lands are found on this grand domain, not one-sixth
of which is claimed or occupied. The native beach grass is a
winter and summer feed equal to oats. Cattle, horses and sheep
keep fat the year round in the open air. Profits in the cattle
or sheep business have always averaged from two to three per
cent per month on all capital invested. Losses of cattle, sheep
or horses on the range, from all causes, rarely reach and never
exceed two per cent per annum. Wheat, oats, rye, barley, and all
hardy vegetables are produced in great abundance and of quality
unexcelled. Apples, pears, plums, grapes, Siberian crabs, and
nearly all small fruits are produced in different localities.
Yellow and white pine, spruce, cedar, marble, granite, limestone and sandstone are abundant.
Montana boasts a dozen rivers as large and beautiful as the
Mohawk or Juanita -- three of which are navigable -- and being
beautifully watered by hundreds of ice-cold streams and crystal
lakes, water power is therefore illimitable. All streams are
full of trout and other fish; the elk, deer, antelope, moose,
bear, mountain sheep and many kinds of small game abound.
Numerous hot mineral springs, and a mild, invigorating
atmosphere are among the attractions for health-seekers. Wages
in Montana are double those paid in Illinois. Churches, schools,
libraries and good daily and weekly newspapers are more numerous
than in sections of similar populations East. There is daily
mail and express and the telegraph to all important points.
The shortest, quickest, best and only reliable summer and winter
route in Montana is that via the Union Pacific and Utah and
Northern Railways.
MONTGOMERY’S Temperance Hotel, 227 and 229 Second St. S. F. [San
Francisco] Board and Room per day, 50 cents to $1; per week $1
to $5. Six meal tickets, $1. Passage to and from Hotel free.
MONTREAL HEARD FROM. R.L. Mosely, of Montreal, Canada,
certified Sept. [September] 7, 1879, that he had suffered
terribly from dyspepsia, and was completely cured by taking
Warner’s Safe Bitters. He says, “My appetite is good, and I now
suffer no inconvenience from eating hearty meals.” These
Bitters are also a specific for all skin diseases.
page religious and family paper, established in 1881. $3.50?
per year, 25 cts [cents] per month, 5 cts [cents] a single copy.
Sample copies sent free. P.O. box [unreadable] 7 Montgomery
Avenue, San Francisco.
THE MOST POPULAR and fragrant perfume of the day “Hackmetack” –
try it. Sold by O. C. Ormsby, druggist. Oct30-ly
MOULDERS wanted at the Risdon Iron Works San Francisco.
MRS. DR. Jennison’s REMEDY FOR DIPTHERIA and all afflictions of
the throat. All should keep it constantly on hand, as it is a
sure cure for this terrible disease. Find directions for use
and symptoms of the disease with every bottle. Joyful news.
No more deaths from this disease where this medicine is used.
Retail? price, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Wholesale agents, San
MRS. J.E. HYDE Braid and Embroidery Stamping AND HAIR FLOWER
WORK Family Wreaths Made to Order oct10-tm ---MRS. JANE PALMER, MILLINER. All kinds of Millinery and Fancy
Goods Constantly on hand. Logan, Utah.
MRS. M. P. SAWTELLE, M. D. GYNECOLOGIST. Office—Thurlow Block,
corner of Sutter and Kearney Sts. [streets], San Francisco.
Office hours from 11 until 3 when she will diagnose and treat
diseases of women. Editor and publisher of Medico-Literary
Journal a monthly, devoted to the diffusion of medical knowledge
among women. Terms, three dollars a year in advance.
MRS M.P. SAWTELLE, M.D. GYNECOLOGIST. Office -Thurlow Block,
corner of Sutter and Kearney Sts. [streets]. San Francisco.
Office hours from 11 till 3 which she will diagnose and treat
diseases of women. Editor and publisher of Medico Literary
Journal, a monthly, devoted to the diffusion of medical
knowledge among women. Terms, three dollars a year in advance.
MRS. MYERS Has again resumed practice after the illness of her
family. Careful nursing given. She has a sure and speedy remedy,
without ?, for Female Complaints also a Specific which is a sure
cure for Scrofula. She has also opened a Private Lying-In
Hospital where ladies from the country can be attended with the
greatest care. Office hours, 7 to 9? P.M. ??? St. [street], San
Francisco back of Palace Hotel.
N (top)
N. CURRY & BRO. 113 Sansome Street, San Francisco. Sole Agents
for the [illustration of crossed rifles] Sharps Rifle Co., of
Bridgecourt Conn., For California, Oregon, Arizona, Nevada,
Washington Territory, and Idaho. Also, agent for W. W. Greener’s
Celebrated Wedgefast,, Chokebore, Breech-loading Double Guns,
and all kinds of Guns, Rifles, and Pistols made by the Leading
Manufacturers of England and America. Ammunitions of all kinds
in quantities to suit.
NATIONAL SURGICAL INSTITUTE (Western Division) 219 Bush St. S.
F. Devoted to the treatment of Cripples, Piles, Fistula, &c.
Send for circulars.
NEILSEN & HENSTROM, Artistic Tailors, Third Street, Logan, First Door
East of Post Office. Gents’ suits, overcoats, etc. Made to order
from homemade or imported goods. A good stock kept on hand to select
from. Prices reasonable.
NEEDHAM’S red clover Blossoms and extracts cure cancer, salt
rheum and all blood diseases. For reference circulars, and
particulars, address W. C. Needham, P. O. Box 422, San Jose,
Cal. Sole Agent of Pacific Coast.
NEW AND SECOND-HAND at auction prices H. Schellhass’, 11th St.
[street], Odd Fellow’s Building, Oakland, Cal. [California].
Country orders promptly attended to.
NEW CO-OP. STORE! If you want to buy goods cheap go to the
above place, opposite Z.C.M.I., Logan City, Cache County, where
they sell all kinds of merchandise at the most reasonable
prices. Home-made goods a specialty. Bids for lumber on stock
will be received by C.B. Robbins, superintendent. n12-ly
NEW FURNITURE STORE. N.A. Linquist Has opened a store on Third
Street, Logan, next door to Leader Office, with a splendid stock
of Home Made & Imported Furniture, including all articles
pertaining to a complete stock. Prices are the lowest to be
obtained in Cache County. Sam. Smith, Salesman. 10 2?
THE NEW HOWE SEWING MACHINE! The standard machine of today.
Regarded so by the best informed people the world over. This
machine is the one today that is opening the eyes of the public
to the difference between a good sewing machine and a poor one.
And people are demanding the best, because it is the cheapest.
We invite the people to look at the New Howe, and we take
pleasure in recommending it as the best machine of the day. It
is the lightest schuttle machine in the market; only one hole to
thread in the schuttle. And is guaranteed to outlast any two
other machines made. The Company build no inferior grades of
machine, but each one is finished with the greatest care. In
fact they are so thoroughly constructed, and finished so
carefully, and are sold so reasonably that “bogus” inventors
find no profit in starting a Howe factory at every cross road,
therefore they seek other fields where margins are greater.
Riggs & Young, agents for Utah. R. Pringle, agent for Cache Co.
[County] 1-ly
NEW PUBLICATIONS are furnished by the World’s Dispensary Medical
Association, Buffalo, N.Y. [New York], and Great Russell Street
Buildings, London, England, on terms to suit the times. A new
edition of the People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, about
1,000 pages, nearly 310 illustrations, by R. V. Theron?, M.D.,
post paid $15. Invalid’s Guide Book post paid, 10 cents.
Motion as a remedial agent, Illustrating ??? cure for paralysis,
diseases of females, stiffened joints, club feet, spinal
curvatures and kindred afflictions, 10 cents. Disease of ???
Organs, 10 cents; Catarrh, its rational treatment and positive
cure, sent on receipt of one postage stamp. Address as above. --NO. 163? NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION [Unreadable line] October 2?,
1879. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler
has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and has ere no debts thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this notice, viz: Peter Benson of
Cache Co., for the S 1/2 N.E. 1/4, Sec. 19 and S 1/3 N.W. 1/4
Sec. 20, T 13 N, R. 1 W., and names the following as his
witnesses, viz: John Jenkins, of Cache Co., and Ludwig Erickson,
of Cache Co., Jno [John] B. Nell?, Register. nov6-11.
NO ALUM! NO ADULTERATION! C. J. Hawley & Co.’s strictly pure
Grape Cream of Tarter Yeast Powder. On application a sample
will be mailed to your address, postage paid, that you may
compare our Yeast Powder with others. To test yeast powder put
one-half of a teaspoonful in a goblet half full of cold water.
The pure powder will effervesce until dissolved, leaving the
water clear, while the adulterated will not. You cannot be too
careful about these adulterations, it is too late to think of it
after the harm is done. Insist upon your grocer ordering C. J.
Hawley & Co.’s Yeast Powder. Send for our new Catalogue. C. J.
Hawley & Co., Grocers, 215 and 217 Sutter Street, San Francisco.
NO MORE BACK-ACHE! No more Kidney Troubles. Oregon Kidney T.
Oregon has long been noted for the wonderful variety of natural
resources. Her hills and valleys are stored with the choicest
of Nature’s ???? gifts. The latest of these discoveries in The
Oregon Kidney Tea kind Nature’s own remedy – her last best gift
to man.” A plant which grows in mountain fortresses seldom
trodden by human feet. There are thousands afflicted with
diseases of the kidneys or urinary organs who suffer in silence
rather than to make known their troubles. Others seek relief by
the use of various patent medications which, if they do not
aggravate the disease at least do not lessen it. The Oregon
Kidney Tea is a strictly vegetable production? and will not
injure the smallest child, nor the most delicate woman but will
care ??? to the back and kidneys and retention of urine, and
all complaints arising from a diseased or ??? state of the
kidneys or urinary organs of either sex. ??? Davis & Co.
[company], Proprietors, Portland, Oregon. For sale by all
NO MORE HARD TIMES. If you will stop spending so much on fine
clothes, rich food and style, buy good, healthy food, cheaper
and better clothing; get more real and substantial things of
life every way, and especially stop the foolish habit of
employing expensive, quack doctors or using so much of the ??
humbug medicine that does you only harm, but put your trust in
that simple, pure remedy, Hop Bitters; that cures always at a
trifling cost, and you will see good times and have good health.
NO PATENTS, NO PAY. PATENTS Obtained for mechanical devices,
medical or other compounds, ornamental designs, trademarks and
labels. Caveats, Assignments, Interferences, Infringements, and
all matters relating to Patents, promptly attended to. We make
Preliminary examinations and furnish opinions as to
patentability, free of charge and all who are interested in new
inventions and patents are invited to send for a copy of our
“Guide for Obtaining Patents” which is sent free to any address,
and contains complete instructions how to obtain patents, and
other valuable matter. During the past five years we have
obtained nearly three thousand patents for American and Foreign
Inventors, and can give satisfactory references in almost every
county in the Union. Address Louis Bagger & Co., Solicitors of
Patents and Attorneys at Law. Detroit Building, Washington.
NO SALVE OR OINTMENT can heal a wound or sore of any kind.
Every educated physician will tell you that nature alone can do
this. Phosphate Soap, by its cleansing, soothing and purifying
qualities, gives nature a chance to act freely.
NO SCROFULA can be so deep seated, no sore so stubborn, but that
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla will be found helpful. It will effect a
cure, if cure be possible.
NOW YOU SEE IT. Gilt-Edge Butter Maker takes the “witches out
of the churn” and turns tedious, unsatisfactory churning into
gratifying success. Sold everywhere. Hamburg, N. Y. May 28th,
1879. John E. Pierce, Sec’y World’s Dispensary. Medical
Association, Buffalo, N.Y. Dear Sir – You’re asking as to
reputation of “Gilt Edge Butter Maker” received. We have never
kept it until lately. Have sold one case (3 doz. boxes) and it
has given the best of satisfaction. Yours respectfully, T. L.
O (top)
Note: multiple versions.
O. C. Ormsby, M.D., Wholesale and Retail, DRUGGIST, DRUGGIST,
Logan, Utah. Carries a large and well selected stock of drugs,
patent medicines, chemicals, perfumery, fancy and toilet
articles, etc. Painter’s tools, oils, varnishes, paints, etc.
etc. Agency for the celebrated Chicago Enamel Paint. Mixed
ready for use. Price reduced to $1.75 per Gallon. Grain of all
kinds taken in exchange for goods. Also a full line of CIGARS
and TOBACCOS. Sept1-6y
Ormsby & Riter. (Successors to O.C.Ormsby) Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye stuffs, Perfumeries,
Toilet Articles and all line of goods pertaining to a firstclass drug business, including Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Putty
and painters’ articles. We keep a complete and Choice stock of
Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes and Smokers’ articles. We are amply
prepared to supply the wholesale and retail trade with all of
the above lines. Investigate our stock and prices before
purchasing elsewhere. The Pioneer Drug Store will remain open at
all times, Night and Day.
O. C. ORMSBY, M.D., Surgeon and Physician, LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY.
Office at Drug Store. Main Street.
O.L. ELIASON, dealer in Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, 142 Main
St., Salt Lake City. Special attention given to repairs. All
work warranted. 19-ly
OAKLAND HOME INS. CO. OF CAL. – Capital, $200,000. This Company
is prepared to underwrite throughout the Pacific Coast at
adequate rates. It is the only local Company whose assets are
not concentrated in San Francisco and liable to be swept away in
a conflagration. Agency applications should be addressed to Ed.
E. Potter, 200 Sansome St. S. F.
OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES latest style, at Zion’s Board of Trade.36
OPIUM Morphine Habit Cured in 10 to 20 days. No pay until cured.
Dr. J. Stephens, Lebanon, Ohio.
nature’s own remedy – her “last, best gift to man” A plant which
grows in mountain fastnesses, seldom trodden by human foot.
There are thousands afflicted with diseases of the Kidneys or
Urinary Organs who suffer in silence rather than to make known
their troubles. Others seek relief by the use of various patent
medicines, which, if they do not aggravate the disease at least
do not lessen it. Even those who secure the advice of
physicians often fail to get relief, owing to the very
complicated and delicate nature of the organs affected. The
Oregon Kidney Tea is a strictly vegetable production, and will
not injure the smallest child, nor the most delicate woman, but
will cure Pain in the Back and Kidneys, non retention of Urine,
Diabetes, Inflammation of the Bladder or Kidneys, Brick Dust
Deposit in Urine, ???, Painful or Suppressed Menstruation, and
all complaints arising from a diseased or debilitated state of
the kidneys or urinary organs of either sex. Hodge, Davis &
Co., Proprietors, Portland, Oregon. For sale by all druggists.
Price, One Dollar.
ORMSBY THE PHOTOGRAPHER. 614 Market St., near the Baldwin, San
Fran. Send stamp for samples. Cabinet Photograph free.
Fresh Meat, And being carried on in the interest of the Logan
Temple, should be well patronized. Third Street. Bet. [between]
Main and Washington. LOGAN sept1-ly
OUR WELL auger is the cheapest, bores the fastest. We are the
oldest and largest firm in America. Send for our pictorial
catalogue. United States Mfg. Co., Chicago, Ill.
OUTFITS FOR RAILROADING, including tents, wagon covers,
scrapers, &c., &c., kept in stock at Zion’s Board of Trade.
OVERALLS BY MAIL. On receipt of price, I will send the
following goods by mail postage prepaid, Heavy Duck Overalls, 70
cts. [cents], Miner’s Overalls, $1.00 ???? Shirts, 35 cents.
Wool over shirt $1.00. Overalls are new styles and cannot be
pulled apart. Price lists of other goods free by mail. Give us
a trial order. E.O. Hacon, Manufacturer of Men’s Furnishing
Goods, No. 53 W. Pearl St. [street], Cincinnati, Ohio.
OVERLAND HOUSE, Main Street, below Walker House. Better
Accommodations and lower rates than any other second class house
in the city. Terms--$1 to $1.75 per day; $7 to $9 per week.
Single meals 28 cents. W.A.Pitt, Proprietor. N B—Street Cars
pass to and from the Railroad depot. ??
OWNERS OF FINE HORSES should remember that Phophate Soap is good
for man and beast. It will cure scratches, collar galls, or any
kind of a sore on horses quicker than anything else. Every
stable should keep a supply of Phosphate soap on hand. Ask your
druggist or grocer for it.
OUR LATEST TRIUMPH! The New “B” Machine, Combining Simplicity,
Durability, Speed, and Lightness to Running. This Machine is
unequaled for all kinds of Family Sewing, and is made in the
very Best possible manner, the workmanship and finish being
unsurpassed. ? Extra Inducements offered to the trade. Good
agents wanted in every county. The Howe Machine Co. [company]
673? 873? Market St. [street], San Francisco.
Over Three Million Have Now Been Sold. Genuine Singer Sewing
Machines The only Sewing Machine in America that is
Counterfeited! It is now more: These facts tell more than
columns of flaming advertisements. Beware of Bogus agents and
Counterfeit Machines. A full line of parts and attachments kept
on hand. Old machines taken as part payment for new ones. Logan
Office, One-half Block North of Z.C.M.I. Main ST. The Singer
Manufacturing Company. Franklin Merrill, Solo Agent for Cache
and Onedia Counties.
P (top)
P.A. Nielsen, Main Street, Logan, Utah, Manufacturer of boots,
shoes, harness and saddles. My leather goods are made of FirstClass material and their quality and workmanship are guaranteed.
I also keep on hand a large stock of Merchandise, including dry
goods, men’s clothing, hats and caps, groceries, and furnishing
goods, provisions and family supplies. A fine assortment of
Ladies fancy goods just received. My prices are as low as the
P. A. NEILSEN has just received a choice and full stock of
Ladies’ goods and shoes for winter wear. These must be seen to
be appreciated. 15 tf
P.N.P. Co. (New Series), No. 88.
P. N. P. Co. [company] (New Series), No. [number] 97
P. N. P. Co. (New Series), No. 128.
THE PACIFIC, a weekly religious and family paper. The oldest on
the Pacific Coast, Established 1851. Subscription $2.50 a year
in advance. Remit to The Pacific, P.O. Box 2348, San Francisco,
Cal. [California]
PACIFIC BANK. Cor. Pine and Sansome Streets San Francisco,
California, July 1, 1880. Capital Stock, paid up.–$1,000,000.00
Surplus, $422,832.53 We desire to call your attention to the
annual Statement of this Bank and offer as ?? any that may
desire to do business with us. From our long experience in
banking we have a thorough knowledge of the business and ?? will
?? by us to render those opening accounts ?? doing business with
us every advantage appertaining to their interest. Assets.
Real Estate Bank buildings $150,000.00 ?? Receivable
1,212,361.61 Overdrafts 93,418.08 Real Estate taken for debt
3,301.00 Land Ass’n and Dock Stock 7,137.60 ?? from Banks &
Bankers 704,002.85 Cash (coin in our vault) 903,267.57 [Total]
$3,136,980.11 — Liabilities. Capital Stock $1,000,000.00
Reserve Bond (surplus) 122,832.63 Due Depositors 1,316,696.80
Due Banks and Bankers 105,419.31 Due Dividends 3,937.00 [Total]
$3,146,986.14 – We respectfully call attention to our
facilities for doing every kind of legitimate Banking Business
and solicit accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, Banks and
Bankers, Farmers, and all doing business in our line. We give
advice in detail of a all credits and acknowledge promptly all
letters and will furnish a private telegraphic ?? to
correspondents, when required. – Shipments of Gold and Silver
Bullion will have special rate and prompt returns. Being
connected by telephone with all the principal ??houses and the
Produce Exchange, we keep thoroughly posted in the Wheat, Grain
and Flour market, and are prepared at all times to make loans on
Flour, Wheat and Barley, and other approved merchandise to watch
?? Investments made on commission, and special attention given
to the negotiation of third class loans of cities, counties and
other corporations. – We buy and sell Bills of Exchange on the
Principal cities in the United States, England, France and
Germany. Collections made and prompt returns ?? at market rates
of exchange. – Telegraphic Transfers made with New York,
Boston, Chicago, and principal cities of the U. S. also cable
transfers to Europe. Letters of Credit and Commercial Credits
issued on the principal cities of the United States and Europe.
– Loans made on good collaterals or approved names. Good
Business notes and drafts discounted at lowest market rates. –
Deposits received, subject to check without notice. – National,
State, City and County Bonds and Warrants, and other Securities
bought and sold. Banking is a business that should be
reciprocally beneficial to borrower and lender. – Favor and
benevolence are not the attributes of good Banking and strict
justice and a rigid performance of contracts are its proper
foundation. A good Banker is one who takes better care of other
people’s money than his own. -- A Prudent and Conservative
Course is one of the first principles of successful Banking.
This will be our policy. Yours, very respectfully, R. H.
McDonald, President. S. G. Murphy, Cashier.
PACIFIC WATER CURE and Eclectic Health Institute, Northwest
Corner 7th And L Sts [streets] Sacramento, Cal. [California]
Being fully prepared to treat all forms of disease on the latest
and most scientific principles. Together with good rooms and
board, we with confidence ask for public patronage. For further
particulars address H.. F. Clayton, M.D., Proprietor
PAPER HANGINGS! G.W. Clark, Importer of Fine French, English and
American Paper hangings. The Newest Productions of the Leading
Manufacturers constantly arriving. Window Shades, Dealer in all
kinds of Shade Material and Trimmings. Agent for the self
Adjusting Spring Shade Rollers. The manufacturer of the Gold
band and Elegant Decorative shades for Private Real ??? a
specialty. Geo. W. Clark, 615 Market St., San Francisco.
Parties who wish to buy groceries at a reasonable price from an
old, reliable and well known firm will do well to read the price
list of Starboro & Co., in another place.
PEERLESS REAPER & MOWER. “The triumph of the Nineteenth
Century.” Farmers are requested to call and examine these
machines and especially the Pitman and connections. L. B.
Mattison, Gen. agent, Salt Lake City. One-half block South
Theatre. 27 tf.
THE PEOPLE’S DRUG STORE! Logan City, Cache Co., Utah
SUNDRIES And a general assortment of everything pertaining to
the Drug business. Cigars, Tobacos [tobaccos], &c. We buy all
our goods direct from the manufacturers and ???? and guarantee
our customers low prices and genuine articles. Physicians’
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Orders by mail receive
prompt attention. D.B. Lameraux. Sept11-ly ---PERSONS PREMATURELY GRAY can have their hair restored to its
youthful beauty, by using Halls Vegetable ???? Hair Renewer,
the best article in the market.
PHONES. For deaf people. Audiphones and earphones. Buy no
device without trial. Ask H. E. Mattews, 6? Montgomery street,
S.F. for circulars.
Note: There are many versions using different combinations of
the following statements and testimonials. Copy only those
included in your article.
See note above. PHOSPHATE SOAP. [illustration of a tin of Phosphate
Soap with words “trade mark” written across a buckled belt]
A superb article for the toilet, beneficial to the skin, giving
it a soft, velvety appearance, and leaving a soothing, pleasant
sensation after use, imparting a healthy, natural and lasting
beauty to the complexion. It eradicates the poisonous effects
of cosmetics; preventing skin diseases by acting as a constant
purifier and disinfectant; if used constantly will cure skin
diseases of long standing; is superior to any other article for
bathing infants; cleansing and healing for all eruptions on the
scalp or face of children; good for the teeth; produces a soft,
creamy lather, nicely adapted to shaving or shampooing, removes
dandruff, and gives health to the scalp without injuring the
Cheap toilet soaps manufactured from rancid and refuse grease
injure the skin and are really more expensive then Phosphate
Soap, which retails for 25 cents per cake.
If your wife is in the habit of using cosmetics of any kind,
advise her to give up the pernicious practice, as the most
harmless face powders obstruct the pores of the skin and sooner
or later injure the complexion, while Phosphate Soap removes all
impurities and assists nature in developing a natural, healthy
and beautiful skin.
It is an old proverb that an ounce of preventive is better than
a pound of cure.
Twenty-five cents invested in a cake of Phosphate Soap will save
hundreds of dollars in doctors' bills. It acts as a constant
disinfectant, preventing Salt Rheum and other skin diseases.
If your wife will persist in the use of cosmetics buy her a cake
of Phosphate Soap and tell her to use it every night before
sleeping. In that way much of the harm will be avoided, as the
skin will thereby be able to retain much of its natural vigor
and beauty. Standard Soap Co., 204 Sacramento St., S. F. [San
The genuine merits of Phosphate Soap and persistent advertising
will force every druggist, groceryman and general dealer to
order it by the gross sooner or later. Ask for it in every
store. The retail price is 25 cents per cake. We wish to sell it
only at wholesale, but in case you cannot find it we will send a
nice box of three cakes by mail, postage paid, on receipt of 85
cents in stamps. Standard Soap Co. [company], 204 Sacramento St.
[street], S. F. [San Francisco]
No salve or ointment can heal a wound or sore of any kind.
Every educated physician will tell you that nature alone can do
this. Phosphate Soap, by its cleansing, soothing and purifying
qualities, gives nature a chance to act freely.
Ladies who have injured the skin by the constant use of
cosmetics may do much to restore their faces to that beauty
which nature alone can give by constantly using Phosphate Soap.
If you wish to make your hands soft buy a cake of Phosphate
Soap, and when that is gone you will buy a dozen and recommend
your friends do the same.
Phosphate Soap costs no more than other good toilet soaps, while
its medicinal qualities make it worth ten times its price to
every man, woman and child. Sensible girls avoid cosmetics but
use Phosphate Soap for the toilet because it is fragrant, pure
and pleasant
Not only for daily use on the face and hands, but for bathing
the entire body, there is nothing equal to Phosphate Soap. It is
a thorough disinfectant and removes offensive odors of every
Thousands of articles are palmed off on the public which have no
genuine merit, but Phosphate Soap is the result of modern
discoveries of celebrated chemists.
San Jose, September 24, 1878?. To the Standard Soap Co.
[company]—Gentlemen It affords me pleasure to say to the public
that I have used and prescribed your Phosphate Soap as a remedy
in various forms of cutaneous diseases with the happiest
results. I am of the opinion that it is the mildest and most
perfect detergent that can be used, either for cleansing the
skin and leaving it soft and healthy, or for removing the fetor
and corroding influences of sores and ulcerations. I should be
sorry to be without it in shaving my face or making my toilet,
to say nothing of my good opinion of its remedial qualities. A.
J. Spencer, M.D.
San Francisco, Aug. [August] 27, 1879?
Gentlemen: I received a
package of your soap (Phosphate Soap) and it gives me great
pleasure to testify as to its superior excellence. As a toilet
soap I have never seen anything to surpass it. It also possesses
superior remedial qualities. I have used it in two cases of
obstinate skin disease, one of intolerable itching, Pruritus?,
the other an Eczema. In both great relief was obtained. Its
emollient properties are remarkable. Respectfully, W. A.
Douglass, M.D. 126 O’Farrell St. [street]
To the Standard Soap Company. San Francisco, July 19, 1887?.
Standard Soap Co. [company]—Gentlemen. The Ladies of my
household, four in number, unite with me in pronouncing your
Phosphate Soap the best ever tried for toilet use. It is
noticeable that while it readily removes impurities from the
skin, it also leaves undisturbed the natural oil so essential to
the health. It is not too strong language to say that we are
delighted with it. C. M. Sawtelle, M.D., 120 Capp street.
San Francisco, July 15, 1879. Standard Soap Co [company]—Gents:
I have tried your Phosphate Soap, and have no hesitation in
saying that it is the best toilet soap I eve used. My wife has
used it and is of the same opinion. I have paid as high as fifty
cents per cake for an article in every respect inferior to what
you sell for twenty-five cents. Henry H. Lynch, 515 Haight
We have used the Phosphate Soap in our practice, for cleaning
indolent ulcers, and also skin diseases, pimples and eruptions
of the face, so often seen in the young of both sexes, and can
heartily recommend it to the public as the most remedial agent
of the kind that we have used.—S. F. [San Francisco?] MedicoLiterary Journal.
Oakland, Cal. Aug 1, 1879. Standard Soap Co. – Gentlemen: We
have been giving your Phosphate Soap a pretty fair trial, and we
like it the best of any soap for toilet use that we have found
on this Coast. We have little doubt that it will meet with
universal favor. Mrs. R. R. Johnston, 1016 Kirkham street.
THE PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY of Wm [William] Shaw has been removed
from 115 to 523 Kearns St, San Francisco. ALL Photographs made
at the New York Gallery, No. 25 Third t., S.F. are guaranteed to
be first-class. Prices to suit the times. J.H. Peters
I hereby certify that I have been a practicing physician for
twenty-seven years, and for many chronic cases in my practice do
recommend Warner’s Safe Kidney Cod liver Cure. It was upon my
advice that G.W. Stamm, editor of the Industrial Era, obtained
this valuable remedy. A.A. Ramsay M.D., [unreadable] Iowa, May
PIANOS AND ORGANS. A $300 Organ to use a short time $100.
Pianos, $170, $200, $225, $275 and $300, in use a short time,
usual price, ? cash. Sheet Music Half Price. T. M. Antisell &
Co. [company], 865 Market Street, S. F. [San Francisco]
PIANOS and organs Spencer matchless pianos, N.Y. Grand, Square
and Upright, and Smith American organs, Boston. Save your money
by buying at headquarters. F. W. Spencer & Co., 23 and 25 Fifth
St., S. F. Send for catalogues.
PICKLES AND FRUIT. The purest home-made [homemade] Pickles and
Preserves of all kinds, put up in the good old Southern style. A
liberal discount to the trade. Address Mrs. Abbey Fisher and
Husband, 362 Howard Street, San Francisco.
PICTORIAL BIBLE. Commentator, with 450 illustrations. Is one
of the best selling books. Agents wanted. Terms liberal.
Address Wm. Garretson & Co., 620 Washington Street, San
Attention! Different versions
PIONEER DRUG STORE, O.C. Ormsby, Proprietor. Wholesale and
Retails Druggist. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Dye
Stuffs, Perfumeries, Combs, and Cloth Brushes. Toilet Articles
in Great Variety.
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, and Putty, Paint
and Varnish Brushes, Sash Tools and Graining Combs; Cord, Oil
and Machine Oils. Choice Brands of Tobacco, Cigars, and
Dealers will find our stock complete with
everything in the above lines. Produce taken at the highest
market price.
Attention! Different versions. 1881-01-07
PIONEER DRUG STORE, O.C. Ormsby, Proprietor. Wholesale and
Retails Druggist. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals, Dye
Stuffs, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles and all lines of goods
pertaining to a first-class drug business, including Paints,
Oils, Varnishes, painters articles. We keep a complete and
choice stock of tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and smokers
articles. We are amply prepared to supply the Wholesale and
Retail Trade with all of he above lines. Investigate our stock
and prices before purchasing elsewhere. The Pioneer Drug Store
will remain open at all times, Night and Day.
PIONEER STEAM MARBLE WORKS. Jas. [James] H. Brown & Son, Logan
City, Utah. Having recently enlarged their business, are
prepared to do all kinds of work in stone. They are constantly
engaged in sawing and dressing at their Steam Works all
varieties of Native And Imported Marble, Sandstone, &c.
Monuments for Cemeteries, and Marble Mantles a specialty. Call
and Inspect Work and Prices. sept1-ly.
PLYMOUTH LAP-BOARD. It is manufactured from a material
specially adapted to this purpose. It will neither warp nor
???, and with proper care will last a life time. The graduated
scale entirely does away with the need of a yard-stick or tape
measure. open one side will ???? and ???? very convenient for
???????? of the games of checkers or chess. The ??? still be
furnished either with or without the checker board as may be
desired. Liberal discounts in the trade.
For sale in San
Francisco by Wyatt Hawkin? & Co. [company]. Harrison & Dickson,
A.S. Spence & Co., W. & J. Sloane, and ??????? M’fg
[Manufacturing] Co. [Company]. ---PORTRAITS Photographs warranted true to nature in every case at
No. 739 Market Street, Opp? Dupont, S. F. [San Francisco]
POTATOES WANTED. Kansas Bill is paying the highest prices for
choice potatoes at C. C. Johnson’s Music Store. Call and see
him. apr2-tf
PRICES REDUCED Muller’s Optical Depot, 135 Montgomery St.
[street], near ?, S. F. [San Francisco] Spectacles, and their
adaptations to the various conditions of sight, have been my
specialty for thirty years. Establis
hed in San Francisco 18??. Country orders attended to.
PREMIUM TELEPHONES AND CALLS Combined, $10 per act., 328 Montgy
[Montgomery] St. [Street], S.F. [San Francisco][illustration]
PRESCOTT ORGANS! Constantly on hand and for sale by D. B.
Lamoreaux, Logan, Utah. 21-2m
PRINTER’S PROOF PRESS, complete and in good working order.
sale by Carlos White, 320 Sansome St., San Francisco.
PUBLIC NOTICE. Newly married couples or those about
contemplating housekeeping would do well to call on or write to
our friend H. Schellhaus, for their house furnishing goods of
all kinds, 11th St. [Street], Odd Fellows’ Building, Oakland, Cal
Q (top)
QUICK CURE FOR POISON OAK. A few months ago an eminent
physician who had tested the remarkable curative qualities of
Phosphate Soap for various skin diseases expressed his belief
that it would be an excellent remedy for Poison Oak. It was
accordingly tested for this purpose. A boy had been so badly
poisoned as to be confined to his bed for a week, and had his
hands all covered with sores when he began to use Phosphate
Soap. Within twenty four hours he was entirely cured of Poison
Oak by the use of Phosphate Soap.
R (top)
RAILROAD Meat Market, Farnes & Thaine, Proprietors. First
Street, near the Depot. We propose to serve our customers with
the NICEST and FRESHEST of Steaks, Cuts and Meats of All Kinds
At The Lowest Prices, And we invite customers to give us a call.
READ, READ, READ, READ, READ And Profit Hereby. Ricks & Son
Announce to the public that they have now at their store on
Third St., a full stock of Merchandise. Home Made Goods Are A
Specialty. They also deal in the celebrated La Belle Wagons.
Patronage Of their friends is solicited and also The Trade of
all who want the The Very Best Goods At The Lowest Prices.
REAL Pebble Spectacles and eye glasses, in gold, silver, steel
and rubber frames. Also ?? preservers at T. B. Cardon’s 36-tf
RELIABLE TESTIMONY. Where testimonials give the residence of
the parties it is an easy matter for any person to verify them.
Thousands of people from all parts of the Pacific Coast can and
have expressed the opinion that there is no other article in the
world equal to Phosphate Soap for common toilet use. A great
many people have tested this soap for skin diseases. Among
others we give the following from parties who have thoroughly
tested Phosphate Soap: Oakland, Cal. [California], April 5,
1880. Standard Soap Company–Gents: Some two or three months
ago, I had a boy about two years old that had suffered for a
year with a severe eruption on the head and face, caused by
teething. The child was in such misery that it would often be
awakened out of sleep by the severe itching. He would then
scratch his head and face until the blood ran from the scabs.
We tried everything we could find, but nothing seemed to give
any permanent relief until we tried Phosphate Soap. Before we
had used one cake, the child’s head and face were entirely
healed, and there has been no appearance of the disease since.
Michael Kane No. 1068 Kirkham St. Fort Verde, Arizona, Dec. 12,
Standard Soap Company–Gents: Having received your box of
Phosphate Soap, and having used only one cake of Soap out of the
three, I am happy to say that it has completely cured my sore
eyelids which was caused by the alkali dust in Idaho Territory,
in 1877, and have been sore ever since until I used Phosphate
Soap. Corporal Dennis Burke, Twelfth Infantry. San Francisco,
November 27, 1879. Standard Soap Company–Gents: After a number
of trials of soaps, I have learned that the Phosphate is
certainly the very best for shaving. I thank you for its
introduction. James P. Arthur.
Robert Pringle, Second Street, South of Tabernacle, Logan, Utah.
Agent for the Howe Domestic and Victor sewing machines. I have lately
fitted up a shop with expensive machinery and am prepared to repair
all kinds of sewing machines. This is my specialty. You can have
your old machines repaired and made good as new at a very small
expense. Attachments and extras. For all kinds of sewing machines.
Caution! Different versions!!
THE ROBERTSON PROCESS For working rebellious ores is meeting
that success which its merits deserve. The cheapness and
simplicity of the system place it within the reach of men of
moderate means. For full particulars address John A. Robertson,
the patentee, P.O. Box 552, Oakland, CA. [California].
Caution! Different versions!!
THE ROBERTSON PROCESS For working rebellious ores is remarkable
for its simplicity and cheapness. No other method is known
which so completely reduces rebellious gold and silver ores to
the same condition as free milling ore. Parties who have the
machinery for pulverizing and amalgamating can erect a suitable
furnace for using the Robertson Process at a cost of from $1,000
to $1,500, according to capacity required. For full particulars
address John A. Robertson, the Patentee, P. O. box 552, Oakland,
Cal. [California]
Caution! Different versions!!
THE ROBERTSON PROCESS is growing more popular every day for the
reason that more ore can be extracted from mines where roasting
is necessary. The simplicity and economy of this process are
important, yet the fact that more gold and silver can be saved
than by any other known method will sooner or later bring it
into use in all mines.
THE ROBERTSON REDUCTION WORKS For working rebellious ores by the
Robertson Process. We are now prepared to buy sulphurets,
telluride and other rebellious Gold and Silver ores when they
are rich enough to pay for shipment to San Francisco. We will
also work ores by the ton for parties who desire it. Assays
made on pound lots for $2.00. Send one pound by mail, with the
money, and we will return the results. Address: Robertson
Reduction Works, Office, 320 Sansome Street, San Francisco, Cal.
Rock’s Nurseries. Trees! Trees! The attention is called to my
large and superior stock of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs,
roses, grape vines, and small fruits of the most desirable
varieties for general cultivation. Also many new and rare
varieties of Japanese plants, Semi-tropical plants, Greenhouse
plants, Bedding plants. New varieties of Oranges and Lemons,
Italian Olives, etc.
The new catalogue of 1880 is now ready
and will be mailed to all applicants. John Rock, San Jose, Cal.
THE ROYAL beauties of Europe owe much of their personal
attractiveness to the influence of Ayer’s Hair Vigor, which
keeps the hair fresh and bright.
ROYCE HARVESTING MACHINES. Cheapest in the market. Call and
examine them at the Royce machine depot opposite Post Office,
Logan. C. Sessions & Co., Agents. 43
THE RUSSELL AMALGAMATOR Patented June 25th, 1878. The best and
most practical invention of the age for saving gold. Is
portable, cheap and durable. Can be packed in any locality (?).
Has been thoroughly tested. Is equally at home attached to a
quartz mill on most settings (?), black sand, gravel ore. Saves
your quicksilver and amalgam and the [unreadable] gold. Only
requires one fourth of the usual amount of water. Can be used
by hand, steam, horse, or water power. At the pans,
quicksilver, boxed and hanging plates, silver plated. Capacity
15 to 100 tons. Send for circular. E.F. RUSSELL & CO. 361
First St., S.F., Cal. [San Francisco, California].
S (top)
S. A. Kenner, Attorney at Law, Ogden, Utah. Practices in all of
the Courts of the Territory. Business from Logan and the North
promptly attended. Nov20-tf.
S. IRVING & CO. San Francisco, successors to Anderson & Leving,
have removed to ??? ??? St., three doors from ???, where an be
found a splendid assortment of Men’s Furnishing Goods.
Consisting in part of Shirts, Collars, Ties, Slacks, Underwear,
etc., at the lowest price. When you go to the city be sure to
call and see their fine stock.
S. M. PRESHAW, undertaker Ogden, Utah has a full supply of
Metallic Cases and Wood Coffins in newest styles at reasonable
prices. Orders by mail or telegraph will receive prompt
attention. My11-3m
SADDLERY GOODS at bed-rock Prices. Send for catalogue.
DAVIS, 416? Market Street, San Francisco.
SADDLES AND HARNESS! To the inhabitants of Cache Co. and
vicinity. H. E. Bowring, from Salt Lake City, having commenced
business at Logan, Cache Co., Utah, in the above line,
respectfully solicits a share of your patronage. Saddles a
Specialty. Repairs promptly attended to. Manufactory
immediately south Z. C. M. I.
SAFES. Two splendid new safes for sale. Weight, ?? pounds each,
with burglar-proof chest and the best backs. These safes are
first class in every respect, but our owner obtained them in the
way of trade and will sell them below the regular price. Call
or address, Carlos White, [unreadable] San Francisco.
SALMON RIVER MINES. FULLY 150 MILES distant from Eagle Rock, by
Gilmer & Salisbury stage route, or the Yankee Fork mines 175
miles from Black Foot by the Terminus and Chalis (Challis) stage
line, are also attracting great attention for the unexampled
richness of their gold and silver quartz. The region covers an
area of 10,000 square miles, and although only partially
explored, already promises to rival the best mining region in
the world. Mining experts unite in pronouncing the Yankee Fork
lodes the richest yet discovered west of the Rockies. Hundreds
of tons of ore, worth from $500 to $2,000 per ton, have been
packed on mules and shipped to the Salt Lake Smelting Works.
Salmon City, Chalis (Challis), Bonanza City, are leading towns.
Distance from Eagle Rock to Salmon City, 150 miles, fare $37.
Distance from Black Foot to Chalis (Challis), 175 miles, fare
$25. Fare from Omaha to either Chalis (Challis) or Salmon City,
first class, $100; second class, $75. The only route from the
East to the Snake and Salmon River Mining regions is via the
Union Pacific and Utah & Northern Railroads.
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE the leading newspaper of the Pacific
Coast. The San Francisco Chronicle is the first paper on the
Coast in ability, and in the freshness and reliability of its
NEWS. Nothing that the world desires to know is omitted from
its columns. It aims to fill every requirement of a first-class
paper. Its Telegraphic Reports are the latest and most
reliable; its Local News the fullest and [unreadable] and its
Editorials from the ablest press in the country. The Daily San
Francisco Chronicle, including the Sunday Edition, sent in any
part of the United States, postage paid for $6.70 a year.
(Photo in middle of The Chronicle Building) 50 cents in postage
stamps, postal order or money. You get the most brilliant and
complete weekly newspaper in the world. The San Francisco
Weekly Chronicle prints regularly 72 Columns, or eight pages, of
News, Literature and General Information, also a magnificent
Agricultural Department; and 50 cents will pay for it for three
months, including postage, to any part of the United States, or
$2 for one year. Club rates for the Weekly. ? copies, one
year, $1.00? each. 10 copies, one year, $1.50 each. Sample
copies sent free. [unreadable] Postmaster receives
THE SAN FRANCISCO PUNCH Is the most lively and the most funny
illustrated paper ever published on the Pacific Coast. It has
three times the circulation of any other Illustrated weekly on
this side of the Rocky Mountains. Subscription 25c [cents] a
month, payable in postal stamps, in advance. Sent post-paid to
any part of the world. Address, The Punch Publishing Co.
[company], ? Market Street, San Francisco.
reasonable prices, goods of any description required for the
household, ranch or store, at lowest cash prices. Samples sent
of receipt of postage. Address: MISS E. BROWN, CARE CARLOS
WHITE, P.O. Box 2505 San Francisco
SAVINGS BANK BOOKS. The highest price paid for Balances in The
Savings and Loan (Clay St. [street]), Odd Fellows, Masonic,
French, Farmers and Mechanics, by John T. Little, 302 Montgomery
St. [street], Room 1 and 2, San Francisco.
SCHOENHOLZ BROS. [Brothers] & CO. [Company]. 110 and 112 Sixth
St. [street], cor. [corner] Mission, S.F. [San Francisco]. Sole
agents for the Genuine German Knit Hosiery for ladies and
children, both in wool and cotton. We offer the same to the
public at the very lowest rates. Families visiting the city
will find it to their advantages to call and examine the line of
goods. Also French ???? straw hats, flowers and ladies and
childrens underwear.
SCHUTTLER WAGONS! and agricultural implements on and a full
stock of the celebrated Schuttler farm, freight and spring
wagons, which are fully warranted in every respect. Also
Cortland platform spring wagons, Sulky hay rakes, hay loaders,
threshing machines, and a full supply of the latest improved
agricultural implements, which will be sold at lowest prices and
on favorable terms. A large stock of thoroughly seasoned wagon
material, iron, etc. which will be sold at bottom prices.
George Barber, Agent. Main Street, opposite Tabernacle, Logan
City, Utah.
SEND 50 CENTS In Postage Stamps, Coin or Postal Order, and get
the San Francisco Weekly Chronicle for Three Months. Encouraged
by an enormous and increasing subscription list, and with
unsurpassed facilities, the Weekly Chronicle has been enlarged
from a 64 column paper to a paper of 72 columns, and price
reduced to $2.00 per year and in connection with the change the
price has been reduced materially, making this the Cheapest,
Largest, and Best weekly publication in the United states, if
not the world. It is the Great Family Paper for the Farmer,
Miner and Merchant of the Pacific Coast. It contains eight large
pages, clearly printed with new type and on new presses, with
nine long columns to the page. It is a complete mirror of the
passing events of the world, as well as a library of literature,
amusement and knowledge. An Agricultural Department is one of
the its leading features,, which is under the management of a
gentleman thoroughly qualified for the position by education,
experience and long residence on the coast. As a medium of
agricultural information it has no superior. For freshness of
news, editorial skills, literary excellence and artistic
arrangement, it challenges competition. It supplies the
intellectual wants of all – the Farmer, the Laborer, the
Artisan, the Merchant, the Miner, the Old and the Young. The
price of this unrivaled paper has been reduced to $2 per year,
payable in advance, which includes postage. Club Rates. A club
of three subscribers one year, $1.75 each, a club of five
subscribers, one year $1.60 each; a club of ten subscribers, one
year, $1.50 each. This includes postage. Send for a specimen
copy. All Postmasters are authorized to receive subscriptions.
Send money by postal order, registered letter or by express,
addressed to Chas. De Young & Co., San Francisco.
SEND 50 CTS. In 2-cent Postage Stamps and get the leading
newspaper of the coast, the San Francisco Weekly Chronicle for
Three Months. It contains 72 columns, or eight pages of News,
Literature and general information; also a magnificent
agricultural department; and 50 cents will pay for it for three
months, including postage, to any part of the United States, or
sample copies sent free. All Postmasters receive subscriptions.
Direct all orders to Chas. De Young & Co., San Francisco.
SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Four Styles. (Picture in rectangle of camp
Just the thing for CAMPING PARTIES, Address GILBERT &
MOORE, Sole Agents. 18 and 20 Sutter St., San Francisco, Cal.
Dealers in Furniture of every description.
SHADE TREES. Several kinds of shade trees at Bishop Roskelley’s
Nursery. Apply to A. P. Welchman, Smithfield. apr3-??
SHEEP RANCH FOR SALE in Anderson Valley. The stage road between
Boonville and Christine, two miles from Christine. P. O.
Mendocino Co., Cal. [Illustration.] Containing 1,520 acres.
Good title. Well fenced and well watered, with good house, barn
and out-buildings. Good apple, peach and cherry orchard. 20
acres good plow land. About ??? good sheep. Price $16,000.
For any further particulars inquire at the ranch, of of Ruel
Stickney, Little River, Mendocino Co., Col.
SHEW’S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, The Oldest and Most Reliable in San
Francisco, has been removed to 523 Kearney St. [street] The
rooms being easy of access—only one flight of stairs. The work
produced at this establishment is equal to any in the city and
Prices About One-Half What is Charged For similar work on
Montgomery or Market St. [street] N.R.?—Old Daguerreotypes
Ambrotypes or other pictures copied to any size or style in the
highest perfection of the art.
SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma and all
Lung Afflictions[?]. Sold by O. C. Ormsby, wholesale and retail
druggist. oct10l6
SHILOH’S SYSTEM VITALIZER cures Dyspepsis, inactive liver, Sour
Stomach, &c. Guaranteed. Sold by O.C. Ormsby wholesale and
retail druggist. oct30-ty.
SHREWDNESS AND ABILITY. Hop bitters, so freely advertised in
all the papers, secular and religious, are having a large sale,
and are supplanting all other medicines. There is no denying
the virtue of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of these
Bitters have shown great shrewdness and ability in compounding a
Bitters whose virtues are so palpable to everyone’s observation.
– Examiner and Chronicle.
SIDNEY STEVENS, Wholesale Dealer in Buggies, Wagons, Plows,
Farming Implements and Machinery. Sash, Doors, &c. Also Flour,
Grain and Produce. Agent for Howe Scales and Barb Fence Wire,
North Ogden and Ogden City, Utah. sept11-tf.
A SKIN OF BEAUTY is a joy forever. [Illustration: Drawing of a
lady in a gown holding looking glass]. Dr. T. Felix Gouraud’s
Oriental Cream or Magical Beautifier. Beautifies as well as
purifies the skin. Removes tan, pimples, freckles, moth
patches, and every blemish on beauty. It has stood the test of
thirty years and is so harmless we taste it to be sure the
preparation is properly made. Accept no counterfeit of similar
name. The distinguished Dr. L.A. Sayre said to a lady of the
haut ton (a patient) -- “As you ladies will use them, I
recommend Gouraud’s Cream, as the least harmful of all the Skin
preparations.” Also ??? ???, removes superfluous hair without
injury to the skin. Mme. M.B.T. Gouraud Sole prop. [proprietor]
48 Bond St. [Street], N.Y. [New York]. For sale by all druggists
and Fancy Good Dealers throughout the United States, Canada and
Europe. Beware of base imitations which are abroad. We offer
$100 Reward for the arrest and proof of any one selling the
same. Sold in San Francisco by the leading wholesale druggists.
institution manufactures a great variety of Leather Goods,
including the following lines: Men’s Boots and Shoes, Light,
Medium, and Heavy. Fine Calf Skin Boots and Shoes; Ladies’ and
Children’s Shoes in Great Variety. Harness Made and Repaired.
Home Made Cloths of all kinds; Doors and Sash, Lumber, Shingles
and Lath are specialties. Highest Price paid for hides, pelts
and wool. Orders for any of the above taken by E.R. Miles,
Supt. Smithfield, Cache Co. Utah, or by James Meikle. Traveling
SNAKE RIVER GOLD FIELDS. It is now demonstrated beyond a doubt
that hundreds of miles of gravel bars along Snake River Eastern
Idaho - some of which are directly on the line of the Utah and
Northern Railway - are rich in deposits of fine gold. Several
companies operating in 1879, took out from $30 to $40 per day to
the man. Their large and regular shipments of dust to San
Francisco have created great excitement in mining circles, and
Western journals already pronounce these the most extensive
placer silver diggings in the world as “good prospects” of gold
are found all along the river for a distance of 400 miles.
Outfitting can be done at Eagle Rock, on the Utah & Northern
Railway, and within an hour’s walk of some of these great bars.
Now is the time to strike for fortune in this vast new region,
which will soon be overrun by miners from every State and
SOMETHING NEW FOR LADIES. Illustrated catalogue and price list
of Ladies’ and Children’s Cloaks and Suits sent free. Sullivan’s
Cloak and Suit house, 129 Kearny St., San Francisco.
Call at W. G. Child’s new store, Main Street, Ogden City, and
examine his choice and extensive stock of General Merchandise,
including Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, Boots,
Shoes, etc. He is the sole agent for Utah for the celebrated
Excelsior and Etna B Stoves, which are without an equal in this
or any other market. Call, examine figures, and save money by
buying your goods at bed-rock prices. Orders by mail when
accompanied by good references, promptly attended to. Sep11-tf
SPENCER’S Piano Palace & Oran Emporium. The latest and best
Music House on the Pacific Coast. Combination of three piano
houses in one. Spencer’s Matchless Pianos of New York, Grand,
Square and Upright. And the improved “North American Organs” of
Boston. Save your money by buying direct at headquarters.
Second hand pianos from $100 to $250. New pianos from $250 to
$550. Organs from $30 to $300. Pianos tuned, repaired and to
rent. Orders for music promptly attended to. F.W. Spencer &
Co., 23 and 25 Fifth St., opp.the Mint, S.F. –Send for circulars
and price list.
SPORTSMEN AND RIFLE CLUBS will find at Z.C.M.I. the best models
of the celebrated Winchester Repeating Rifle, Cartridges,
Reloading Apparatus, Caps, Wads, & etc. as cheap as can be
purchased anywhere. feb27-tf.
ST. AUGUSTINE COLLEGE, Benicia, California. Prices reduced to
only $175 per term, for Board, Washing, Gas, Fuel, English and
Scientific Studies, Book keeping [bookkeeping], Elocution,
Gymnastics, the Latin, Greek, French and German Languages, and
Military Tactics, Extras – Music $??, Drawing $13. Contingent
Deposit, $25? The Easter Term opens on Tuesday, January 18th?,
1880 at 2 o’clock p.m. ? Rev. [Reverend] J. H. D. Wingfield, DD,
LLD, President.
ST. DAVIDS, A First Class Lodging Hotel! Contains 120 Rooms, 713
Howard St. [street] Near Third Street, San Francisco At Oakland
ferry take Omnibus line of Horse Cars to Cor. [corner] Howard
and Third Sts. [streets] This house is especially designed as a
comfortable home for gentlemen and ladies visiting the city from
the interior. No dark rooms. Gas and running water in each room.
The floors are covered with body? Brussels carpet, and all of
the furniture is made of solid black walnut. Each bed has a
spring mattress, with an additional hair top mattress, making
them the most luxurious and healthy beds in the world. Ladies
wishing to cook for themselves or families are allowed the free
use of a large, public kitchen and dining room, with dishes.
Servants wash the dishes and keep up a constant fire from 6 A.M.
to 7 P.M. Hot and cold baths, a large parlor and reading room
all free to guests. Price of single rooms per night 50 cents,
per week from $2.50 upwards. R. Hughes?, Proprietor.
ST. GEORGE HOTEL, Just Opened, On the European Plan. 812 Kearny
Street, S.F. (Near Old City Hall). Meals served in first class
hotel style, of great variety and good quality, at all hours of
the day, for twenty-five cents. Steak and coffee fifteen cents.
Coffee and cakes ten cents. Rooms from 25 cts [cents] to $1.00
per night as per size and location. Board, per week, $1,Room and
Board, $5.50 to $7.00. Timothy Sargent, Manager.
ST. JAMES HOTEL, No. 966? Market St., S. F. Rooms en suite or
single, with or without board. Prices reasonable, according to
location of rooms. R. Orford, Proprietor. ---ST. MATTHEW’S HALL, San Mateo, Cal. [California] A Classical and
Military School for Boys 14th year. Prepares students for State
University or Practical Business. Trinity session commences
July 26. Rev. Alfred Lee Brewer, M. A. Principal.
STAMP CABINET. Just the Thing for Linen Marking Etc. This cut
represents a fac simile [facsimile] of the Cabinet (open), which
consists of fourteen articles, as follows 1.—Name in Full, any
Style Letter desired. 2.—Fancy Initial of Surname. 3.—Initials
of Entire Name. 4.—Bottle of Indelible Ink, Blue or Black,
warranted. 5.—Bottle of Ink, Red, Blue, Violet or Green. 6.—Pad
and Distributor for Colored Ink. 7.—Pad and Distributor for
Indelible Ink. 8.—Bottle of Gold Bronze. 9.—Bottle of Silver
Bronze. 10.—Camel’s-hair Brush, for applying Bronze. 11.—Twentyfive Transparent Cards, new Styles. 12.—Twenty-five Superfine
Bristol Cards, Assorted Colors. 13.—Patent Cabinet. 14.—Card
Case. Price, $2.00. Every man, woman, and child should have one
of these Cabinets as it is something entirely new and useful,
neat, clean and compact. If judiciously used, it will do all
your Linen Marking, Card Printing, etc. for years. The Indelible
Ink is manufactured expressly for this Cabinet, and is warranted
not to gum up the Stamps or wash out. The Pads, when saturated
with Ink contain enough for one thousand impressions each. Below
we give a few samples of our styles of letters, any other style
of letters desired furnished. No. [number] 1. Thomas Smith No.
2. Bertha R. Spuds. No. 3. Miss Nellie Fisher. No. 4. Chas.
[Charles] S. Banks. No. 5. Don F. Miller. In ordering, give the
number of the style of letter desired, if any other style is
wanted enclose a sample with the order. These Cabinets will be
sent to any address in the United States on receipt of price
$2.00 in postage stamps or currency, charges prepaid. Address
orders to Carlos White, 320? Sansome? Street, (Over Wells Fargo
& Co. [company] Express) San Francisco.
Establishments in this region, and their work is of the Finest
and most Tasteful description. Work ordered through us will be
executed promptly and in a style which is guaranteed to give
LEADER”. B.F. CUMMINGS, JR., Editor and Business Manager.
STOVES STOVES STOVES. Before Purchasing elsewhere do not fail to
see Z.C.M.I.’s stock of Stoves. They carry the celebrated
Charter Oak and Monitor makes, and can warrant them the best in
the market. We sell only ??? Stoves, and only ask an inspection
of quality and prices. sep11-tf ---SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CALIFORNIAN, A new western monthly published
by the A. Roman Publishing Company. Pronounced “ The bright
particular star among magazines.” Full of peculiar and diverse
interest to all readers on this coast, - and the Eastern Press
says, “ There is a charm about it that will make it welcome
everywhere.” The January, February, and March numbers now
ready. Terms, $3.00 a year. Payable in advance. Sent to any
address in the United States, postage paid. Specimen copies 25
Cents each. Address: “The Californian” 511 California Street,
San Francisco, California.
SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CITY ARGUS [text embedded inside patterned
block], Published Every Saturday. It is the brightest, spiciest,
and liveliest paper published on the coast and the Leading
Weekly of the Metropolis. All the leading sensations, portraits
of prominent persons, pictures of eventful occurrences, etc.
$3.00 per year, prepaid extra inducements offered to postmasters
and others to canvas for subscriptions, sample copies free.
Address, The Argus Publishing Co., 405 Kearny Street, San
THE SUCCESS OF THE DAY, Madam Balcear, 532 Bash? St. [street],
San Francisco. Madam Balcear, the celebrated Hair Restorer and
Scalp ?, after an experience of 10 years in this city refers
with pleasure to her many testimonials as to the success of her
treatment. Her hair restorative is invaluable to those who need
it. No minerals used by Madam Balcear in her treatment, but
herb prepared by herself.
THE SUMMER SOLSTICE. One great reason why hot weather is so
debilitating lies in the fact that the body is exhausted by the
labors of the year. Indeed, it is natural that this should be
so. In order, therefore, to resist this tendency to exhaustion
it only becomes necessary to reinvigorate the body which can
readily be done by one or two bottles of Warner’s Safe Tonic.
This remedy is being extensively used by physicians for this
purpose and is for sale by druggists in all parts of the world.
T (top)
Caution! Different versions!
T. B. CARDON, A large stock of Rockford Quick Train, Elgin,
Waltham, Springfield, Hampden and other watches. [Illustration]
Rockford The only one on time at the wind up. Jewelry, gold
pens, plated ware, spectacles, etc., etc. Repairing done by
skilled workmen and guaranteed. Logan City, Utah.
Caution! Different versions!
T. B. CARDON, Rockford Quick Train, [Illustration] Elgin,
Waltham and other watches, jewelry, spectacles, etc., etc.
Repairing done in all branches. Pictures taken large from life
also enlarged from small ones in all styles of the art. Frames,
mouldings, albums, chromos, zephyrs, &c., &c.
TAKE-IT-EASY and Live-long are brothers and are related to
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, which has lengthened many a life.
Go to Z.C.M.I. for School Books of all kinds – readers,
spellers, arithmetics, grammars, geographies, copy books,
composition and exercise books, memorandum and ?? books;
penholders – India rubber, anti-Nervous, &c; Lead pencils of all
grades; Note, Letter, Foolscap and Legal cap paper; ??, slates,
slate pencils, writing and copying ink, ink stands, etc., etc.
Everything you want at the lowest prices. Oct18-tf
A THING OF BEAUTY is a joy forever, but the nose can appreciate
some things that the eye can not. Yosemite Cologne is put up in
handsome style and the perfume is such that every husband who
purchases one bottle for his wife never has any peace after that
is gone until he purchases another.
TRUSS] Has a Pad of differing from all others, is cup-shape,
with Self-Adjusting Belt in rubber, adapts itself to all
positions of the body while the belt in the cup PRESSES BACK the
pressure the hernia is held [line unreadable]. It is easy,
durable and [remainder of line unreadable]. Eggleston Truss
Co., Chicago, Ill. [Illinois]
THOMAS & HENSTROM, TAILOR SHOP, At the Old Post Office, Logan,
made up to order. Cleaning and Repairing neatly Executed.
PERFECT FIT WARRANTED. Highest Price Paid for Wool in Exchange
for Cloth. sept1-ly.
Three million have now been sold. Genuine Singer sewing
machines. The only sewing machine in America that is
counterfeited! It is now more popular than ever. These facts
tell more than columns of flaming advertisements. Beware of
bogus agents and counterfeit machines. A full line of parts and
attachments kept on hand. Old machines taken in part payment for
new ones. Logan Office, next to Logan Leader. The Singer
Manufacturing company, Franklin Merrill, Agent for Cache and
Oneida counties.
Expectorant, which acts promptly by overcoming the spasmodic
contraction of the wind-tubes, and by causing the ejection of
the mucus which clogs them. For Whooping Cough, Croup and
Hoarseness, this medicine is equally beneficial; while for all
Pulmonary and Bronchial Disorders, it is both a palliative and a
curative, and a sure and prompt remedy for all stubborn Coughs
and Colds.
TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Your signs can be painted with gold or
colored letters far cheaper and in better style in San Francisco
than in the country. Have them painted on canvas and frame them
at home, will last for 10 years. Address, SWAN, THE PAINTER,727
Market Street, S. F. [San Francisco]
from 10 to
bushels of
price list
AND GRASS GROWERS. The Green Valley grass will yield
12 tons of hay to the acre and from 2,000 to 4,000
roots, good feed for all stock. For circulars and
address Arthur Taylor, Watson, Atchison Co. Missouri
Caution! Different versions!
TROPIC FRUIT LAXATIVE unlike pills and the usual purgatives, is
pleasant to take, and will prove at once the most potent and
harmless system Renovator and Cleanser that has yet been brought
to public notice. For Constipation, Biliousness, Headache,
Piles, and all disorders arising from an obstructed state of the
system, it is incomparably the best curative extant. Tropic
Fruit Laxative is put up in bronzed tie boxes only. Price, 50
cents. Procure descriptive pamphlet from your druggist, or
address the proprietor, J. E. Hetherington, New York or San
Caution! Different versions!
TROPIC FRUIT LAXATIVE unlike pills and the usual purgatives, is
pleasant to take, and will prove at once the most potent and
harmless system Renovator and Cleanser that has yet been brought
to public notice. For Constipation, Biliousness, Headache,
Piles, and all disorders arising from an obstructed state of the
system, it is incomparably the best curative extant. Tropic
Fruit Laxative is sold by druggists at 50 cents a box, or mailed
on receipt of price (in currency or stamps) by the proprietor.
Descriptive Book free. Address J. E. Hetherington, New York or
San Francisco.
THE TRUESDELL 1704 Market St. [street], S.F. [San Francisco].
Junction of Turk and Mason Streets. This House is well designed
for the accommodation of parties visiting the city from the
Interior. Its central location gives easy access to all the
lines of Street Cars, Places of Public Awareness, etc.
TURNER’S REGULATOR. Is proving such an indispensable article to
those suffering from liver complaint that parties are in some
cases purchasing half a dozen bottles at a time, after they have
tried it. Physicians frequently prescribe the Sacred Bark which
is one of the ingredients in this medicine. The advantage of
using Turner’s Regulator arises form the fact that its
ingredients are the result of experiment and study such as few
physicians could devote to a single object.
U (top)
Caution! Different versions.
HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Farmer, Blacksmiths and other will
find it to their advantage to call on us, as we have on hand,
COAL, IRON, BOLTS, CLEVICES, Chains, Chain Hooks, Picks,
Grubhoes, Neckyokes, Singletrees, Doubletrees, Spokes, ???,
LEWIS,President. J. B. Carlisle, Secretary. 24-ly
Caution! Different versions.
THE U. O. FOUNDRY machine and wagon manufacturing company,
Logan, Cache Co., Utah, manufacture saw & shingle mills, feed
cutters, horse powers, wood turning, lathes, brass and iron
castings, etc., etc. Horseshoeing a specialty. Farmers,
blacksmiths and others will find it to their advantage to call
on us, as we have on hand, Coal, Iron, Bolts, Clevices, agent
for the Bain Wagon. Oliver Chilled and Moline plows, Champion
mowers and Pitt’s threshers, etc. Special attention given to
repairs in Blacksmith, machine and wagon departments. Joseph
Wilson, manager, B. M. Lewis, President. J. E. Carlisle,
secretary. 24-ly
Caution! Several versions
UNITED ORDER of Hyrum, Hyrum City, Cache Co., Utah, Have on hand
and for sale White and Red Pine Native Lumber. Planing of Every
Description done with dispatch. Moulding And All Kinds Of Wood
Turning. Address all communications to J. Unsworth, Business
Manager. sept18-ly.
Caution! Several versions
UNITED ORDER OF HYRUM. Hyrum City, Cache Co. [County], Utah,
Have on hand and for sale White and Red Pine Native Lumber.
Planing of Every Description done with dispatch. Moulding and
all Kinds of Wood Turning. Address all communications to O.N.
Liljenquist. Business Manager tods16-ly
Caution! Several versions
UNITED ORDER OF HYRUM. Manufacturers of and dealers in lumber,
lath, shingles, etc. Flooring, rustic, mouldings [moldings],
doors, sash, scantling, pickets, posts, etc. Correspondence
solicited and parties who contemplate building, would do well to
first consult us. We are prepared to fill bills for white or
red pine lumber. We are prepared, at our Planing Mills, to do
all kinds of PLANING and WOOD TURNING on short notice. At our
store we keep full lines of all kinds of MERCHANIDES. Dry goods,
grocieries, boots and shoes, clothing, etc. O.N. Liljenquist,
President. James Unsworth, Secretary and Business Mangr. 41 1y
United Order of Smithfield. This institution manufactures a
great variety of leather goods including the following lines:
mens’ boots and shoes, light, medium and heavy. Fine calf skin
boots and shoes; ladies’ and children’s shoes in great variety.
Harness made and repaired. Home made cloths of all kinds; doors
and sash, lumber, shingles and lath are specialties. Highest
price paid for hides, pelts and wool. Orders taken for any of
the above by Geo.[George] L. Farrell, Logan, or Robert Bain,
Smithfield, Cache Co., Utah. 8-ly
UTAH & NORTHERN R.R. [railroad] Time Table No. 8. To take effect
September 13th, 1879, at Midnight. All Trains Run Daily.
Northward. Passenger train leaves Ogden 6:30 p.m. Passenger
train leaves Brigham City at 8:00 p.m. Passenger train leaves
Mendon at 10:12 p.m. Passenger train arrives at Logan at 10:30
p.m. Passenger train leaves Logan at 10:53 p.m. Passenger train
leaves Hyde Park at 11:15 p.m. Passenger train leaves Smithfield
at 11:22 p.m. Passenger train leaves Richmond at 11:47 p.m.
Passenger train leaves Franklin at 12:16 a.m. Passenger train
leaves Battle Creek at 1:00 a.m. Passenger train leaves Oneida
at 3:27 a.m. Passenger train arrives at Camas at 11:10 a.m.
Passenger train leaves Beaver Canyon at 1:10 p.m. Mixed train
leaves Ogden at 9:25 a.m. Mixed train arrives Brigham City at
11:15 a.m. Mixed train leaves Brigham City at 11:30 a.m. Mixed
train leaves Mendon at 2:27 p.m. Mixed train arrives at Logan at
3:00 p.m. Mixed train leaves Logan at 3:30 p.m. Mixed train
leaves Hyde Park at 4:00 p.m. Mixed train leaves Smithfield at
4:15 p.m. Mixed train leaves Richmond at 5:00 p.m. Mixed train
leaves Franklin at 5:14 p.m. Mixed train arrives at Battle Creek
at 7:10 p.m. Freight train leaves Battle Creek at 6:30 a.m.
Freight train leaves Oneida at 9:10? a.m. Freight train arrives
at Camas at 7:30 p.m. Southward. Passenger train leaves Beaver
Canyon at 12:00 a.m. Passenger train leaves Oneida at 12:10 p.m.
Passenger train leaves Battle Creek at 2:04 a.m. Passenger train
leaves Franklin at 3:?? a.m. Passenger train leaves Richmond at
4:17 a.m. Passenger train leaves Smithfield at 4:43 a.m.
Passenger train leaves Hyde Park at 4:55 a.m. Passenger train
arrives at Logan at 5:10 a.m. Passenger train leaves Logan at
5:35 a.m. Passenger train leaves Mendon at 5:50 a.m. Passenger
train leaves Brigham City at 7:10 a.m. Passenger train arrives
at Ogden at 8:50 a.m. Mixed train arrives at Ogden at 5:5? a.m.
Mixed train leaves Brigham at ?:53 a.m. Mixed train leaves
Mendon at ??? a.m. Mixed train leaves Logan at 12:20 a.m. Mixed
train arrives at Logan at 11:05 p.m. Mixed train leaves Hyde
Park at 10:35 p.m. Mixed train leaves Smithfield at 10:25 p.m.
Mixed train leaves Richmond at 10:13 p.m. Mixed train leaves
Franklin at 9:?? p.m. Mixed train leaves Battle Creek at 7:??
p.m. Freight train arrives at ??? at Battle creek at 7:40 p.m.
Freight train arrives at Oneida at ???. Freight train leaves
Camas at ????. MENDON Co-operative Store Dealers in General
Merchandise, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots and Shoes,
Notions, &c., &c. Highest Price Paid for Produce. We give 65
cents per Bushel for No. 1 clean Wheat – one-half in Cash and
one-half in Store Pay. Subject to market fluctuations. nov1 – m.
UTAH & NORTHERN R.R. [railroad] Time Table No. 10. To take
effect November 30, 1879. -- NORTHWARD -- Passenger train leaves
Ogden 6:30 pm -- Passenger train leaves Brigham City at 8:00 pm
-- Passenger train leaves Mendon at 10:05 pm -- Passenger train
arrives at Logan at 10:35 pm -- Passenger train leaves Logan at
10:55 pm -- Passenger train leaves Hyde Park at 11:15 pm -Passenger train leaves Smithfield at 11:23 pm -- Passenger
train leaves Richmond at 11:47? pm -- Passenger train leaves
Franklin at 12:10? am -- Passenger train leaves Battle Creek at
1:03? am -- Passenger train leaves Swan Lake at 2:05 am -Passenger train leaves Oneida at 3:27 am -- Passenger train
leaves Blackfoot at 7:30 am -- Passenger train leaves Camus at
11:10 am -- Passenger train arrives Beaver Canyon at 1:10 pm. - Freight train leaves Ogden daily, Sundays excepted, at 9:25 am
-- Freight train leaves Brigham City at 11:20 am -- Freight
train leaves Mendon at 2:25 pm -- Freight train arrives at
Logan at 3:00 pm -- Freight train leaves Logan at 4:00 pm -Freight train leaves Hyde Park at 4:30? pm -- Freight train
leaves Smithfield at 4:45 pm -- Freight train leaves Richmond
at 5:30 pm -- Freight train arrives at Franklin at 6:00 pm. -Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: Freight train leaves Franklin
at 7:30 am -- Freight train leaves Battle Creek at 8:10 am -Freight train leaves Swan Lake at 10:00 am -- Freight train
leaves Oneida at 12:20 pm -- Freight train arrives at Blackfoot
at 4:45 pm. -- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays: Freight train
leaves Blackfoot at 6:50? -- Freight train leaves Camus at
12:00 pm -- Freight train arrives at Beaver Canyon at 2:35 pm.
-- SOUTHWARD -- Passenger train leaves Beaver Canyon at 2:55 pm
-- Passenger train leaves Camus at 4:05 pm -- Passenger train
leaves Blackfoot at 8:05? pm -- Passenger train leaves Oneida
at 12:40 am -- Passenger train leaves Swan Lake at 2:05 am -Passenger train leaves Battle Creek at 3:00 am -- Passenger
train leaves Franklin at 3:55 am -- Passenger train leaves
Richmond at 4:17 am -- Passenger train leaves Smithfield at
4:42 am -- Passenger train leaves Hyde Park at 4:50 am
Passenger train arrives at Logan at 5:10 am -- Passenger train
leaves Logan at 5:23 am -- Passenger train leaves Mendon at
5:50 am -- Passenger train leaves Brigham at 7:40 am -Passenger train arrives at Ogden at 8:55 am. -- Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays: Freight trains leave Beaver Canyon at
8:30 am -- Freight trains leave Camus at 11:10 am -- Freight
trains arrive at Blackfoot at 4:10 pm. -- Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays: Freight train leaves Blackfoot at 7:30 am -Freight train leaves Oneida at 12:15? pm -- Freight train
leaves Swan Lake at 2:30 pm -- Freight train leaves Battle
Creek at 3:45 pm -- Freight train arrives at Franklin at 4:50
pm. -- Daily, Sundays excepted: Freight train leaves Franklin at
9:10 am -- Freight train leaves Richmond at 9:15? am -Freight train leaves Smithfield at 10:25 am -- Freight train
leaves Hyde Park at 10:55 am -- Freight train arrives at Logan
at 11:00 am -- Freight train leaves Logan at 12:30 pm -Freight train leaves Mendon at 1:05 pm -- Freight train leaves
Brigham at 3:55 pm -- Freight train arrives at Ogden at 5:35?
pm Geo. [George] W. Thatcher, Superintendent D. A. Swan, Train
V (top)
VALUABLE INFORMATION FREE. Further detailed and reliable
information in relation to different districts of Montana or
Idaho, the routes thereto, rates, etc. will be furnished on
application to THOS. [Thomas] L. KIMBALL, Gen. Pass. and ticket
agent, Omaha, Neb.
VICTIMS to Constipation and its untold miseries can keep in good
condition, by a moderate use of Ayer’s Pills, the surest, safest
and most reliable Cathartic.
VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Hillsdale, Mich. R. V. Pierce, M.D: I
had a serious disease of the lungs, and was for a time confined
to my bed and under the care of a physician. His prescriptions
did not help me. I grew worse, coughing very severely. I
commenced taking your Medical Discovery, which helped me
greatly. I have taken several bottles, and I am restored to
good healty [health]. Your respectfully, Judith Burnett
VOLTAIC BELT CO., MARSHALL MICH., Will send their celebrated
Electro-Voltaic Belts to the afflicted upon 30 days’ trial.
Speedy cures guaranteed. They mean what they say. Write to
them without delay.
W (top)
W. DAVIS, MANUFACTURER OF Horse Harness, Collars, Whips, Lashes
and Saddles of All Kinds. (Illustration of a saddle]. Wholesale
and Retail dealer in Leather, Saddlery, Hardware, Horse
Blankets, Robes, Sponges, Horse Brushes, etc. Send for
catalogue. 410 Market St., Near First Street, San Francisco.
W. R. ALLEN & CO., 761 Market St., S. F. [San Francisco] Garden
Hose, Best Quality and Lowest Price. Brass Cocks and Valves for
Water and Steam. Iron Pipe and Fittings. Send for price lists
W-S. CALIFORNIA buck or goat gloves, cheapest and best. W.
Shires, 606 Market St., San Francisco. Send for price list.
-- Logan House, Logan City, Utah. Special attention paid to
diseases of women and children.
WAGONS. Call and see the largest and finest stock of firstclass Express, Thoroughbrace, Grocer and Business Wagons, at the
Sanborn Wagon Depot, 24? and 26? Beale St., S. F. [San
Francisco] There are no Wagons equal to them.
Wallpaper. Dinwoodey. Furniture. Upholstery. H. Dinwoodey’s
Furniture. Upholstery Goods. Baby Carriages. [Illustration]
Parlor & Bed Room Furniture, Building and Roofing Paper,
Carpets, Feathers, Oil Cloths, Mats, Lace Curtains, Lamberquins,
Window Shades, Window Cornices, Hair and Wire Mattresses, School
Desks, etc. etc. H. Dinwoodey’s. 77, 1st South Street, Salt Lake
City, Utah.
WALTER A. Wood’s Machines. A full stock of Walter A. Wood’s new
enclosed gear mowers and twine self binders to arrive at
conference time. L. B. Mattison, Gen. Agent, Salt Lake City One
half block South theatre. 27-tf
WANTED canvassers for new books. The Family Physician newest
and best book out. Universal Illustrated History, Law
Encyclopedia and Forms, World Famous Women, Guide to Success,
Irving’s works, ?? works, Encyclopedia of Poetry, New book on
the Care and Culture of Children, Dr. Naphey’s Medical works,
Discussion of Live Stock, and many others of unusual merit.
Send for circulars and name the county in which you prefer to
operate. J. Dewing & Co., 420 Bush St., S. F
WANTED. Twenty-five Cords of good Pine Wood for Logan School
district Schools, for which will be paid five Dollars per cord
on tuition fees or cash paid when desired by parties furnishing
the same. For particulars apply to Ezra Crockett, at Rick’s?
Store. C.O. Card, A. Crockett, J.A. Leishman, Trustees. Logan,
Nov. 13, 1879. nov???.
Careful! Several versions
Warner’s Safe Bitters [text in black ornamental box]. It is the
best Blood Purifier, and stimulates every function to more
healthful action, and is thus a benefit in all diseases. In
eliminating the impurities of the blood, the natural and
necessary result is the cure of Scrofulous and other skin
eruptions and diseases including cancers, ulcers, and other
sofia. Dyspepsia, Weakness of the Stomach, Constipation,
Dizziness, General Debility, etc. are cured by the Safe Bitters.
It is unequaled as an appetizer and regular tonic. It is a
medicine which should be in every family, and which, whatever
used, will save the payment of many doctors’ bills. Bottles of
two sizes, prices 50 cents and $1.00. Warner’s Safe Remedies
are sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine everywhere. H. H.
Warner & Co., Proprietors, Rochester, N.Y. Send for Pamphlet
and Testimonials. [Illustration of arm and hand pointing upward
with text reading: Safe Kidney & Liver Cure. Safe Diabetes
Cure. Safe Bitters Nervine Pills. Read & Save Thyself] Ask
your druggist for it. Sold by all wholesale druggists in San
Francisco, Sacramento, and Portland.
Careful! Several versions
Warner’s Safe Kidney & Liver Cure. [white text inside black box]
A vegetable preparation and the only sure remedy in the world
for Bright’s disease, Diabetes and all kidney, liver and urinary
diseases. Testimonials of the highest order in proof of these
statements. For the cure of Diabetes, call for Warner’s Safe
Diabetes Cure. For the cure of Bright’s and other diseases,
call for Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. Warner’s Safe
Remedies are sold by druggists and dealers in medicine
everywhere. H. H. Warner & Co, proprietor, N. Y. Send for
pamphlet and testimonials. Ask your druggist for it. Sold by
all wholesale druggists in San Francisco, Sacramento and
Careful! Several versions
WARNER’S SAFE KIDNEY & LIVER CURE. [white text inside black box]
A vegetable preparation and the only sure remedy in the world
for Bright’s Disease, Diabetes, and All Kidney, Liver and
Urinary Diseases. Testimonials of the highest order in proof of
these statements. For the case of Diabetes, call for Warner’s
Safe Diabetes Cure. For the cure of Bright’s and the other
diseases, call for Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.
[illustration of a black arm & hand pointing upward, written on
in white text that says Safe Kidney & Liver Cure. Safe Diabetes
Cure. Safe Bitters Nerving Pills. Read! Save Thyself.]
Warner’s Safe Remedies are sold by Druggists and Dealers in
Medicine everywhere. H. H. Warner & Co., Proprietors,
Rochester, N. Y. Send for Pamphlet and Testimonials. Ask your
druggist for it. Sold by all wholesale druggists, in San
Francisco, Sacramento and Portland.
Careful! Several versions
WARNER’S SAFE KIDNEY & LIVER CURE [picture of man or woman
picking flowers or plants] is made from a simple tropical leaf
of rare vulva? and is a POSITIVE remedy for all the diseases
that cause pains in the lower part of the body -- for torpid
liver -- headaches – jaundice – dizziness, ???, malaria, and all
difficulties of the ???, liver and urinary organs. For female
diseases, monthly menstruations and during pregnancy it has no
equal. It restores the organs that make the blood, and hence is
the best blood purifier. It is the only known remedy that cures
Bright’s Disease. For diabetes, use Warner’s Safe Diabetes
Cure. ---- For sale by druggist’s and all dealers at $1.25 per
bottle. Largest bottle in the market. Try it. H. H. Warner &
Co., Rochester N.Y. [New York
WARNER’S SAFE REMEDIES. Warner’s safe pills are an immediate
stimulus for a torpid liver, and cure costiveness?, dyspepsia,
biliousness, bilious diarrhea, malaria, fever, and ague, and are
useful at ??? in ??? all diseases to cause a frequent regular
action of the bowels. The best antidote for all malarial
poison. Price, 25 cents a box. ---- Warner’s Safe Nervine
quickly gives rest and sleep to the suffering, cures headache
and Neuralgia, prevents epileptic fits, and is the best remedy
for nervous prostration brought on by excessive drinking, overwork, mental shocks and other causes. It relieves the pains of
all diseases, and is never injurious to the the system. The
best of all Nervines, Bottles of two sizes; prices, 80 cents and
$1.10. ---- Warner’s Safe Remedies are sold by Druggists and
Dealers in Medicine everywhere. H.H. Warner & Co. [company],
proprietors, Rochester, N.Y. Send for pamphlet and
testimonials. Ask your druggist for it. Sold by all wholesale
druggists in San Francisco, Sacramento and Portland.
WE ARE GREATLY EXTENDING and enlarging the former stock and
[unreadable] of O.C. Ormsby, and, while extending thanks for
past patronage, wish to state that we are now carrying a stock
of drugs, medicines and goods pertaining [unreadable] business
which will [unreadable] of the wholesale and retail trade of
this entire region. We cordially invite investigation
respecting our stock and prices.
O.C. Ormsby, B.F. Riter.
THE WEARY SUFFERER who is patiently enduring the hot weather and
longing for relief, gladly hails anything that will banish
monotony or lessen [unreadable], Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver
Cure does both, and it is the true “Friend in Need” to suffering
humanity. For the kidney, liver or urinary organs it is
Cache Co., Utah. Retail dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, Queensware, Hosiery, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc.
All kinds of Produce bought & sold. Everything at Bed-Rock
Prices. Call and Examine Our Stock. John Hendry, Supt.
WHAT BETTER EVIDENCE Could the people ask to substantiate the
morals of Dr. Pierce’s Family Medicine more than the fact that
they have not only yearly grown in popular favor in this
country, but the foreign demand for them has become so great as
to necessitate the establishing a branch of the celebrated
World’s Dispensary in London, England, that this blessing to the
afflicted may be dispatched from that greatest commercial center
of the world to every country and people. Golden Medical
Discovery is a concentrated, potent, alterative, or blood
cleansing remedy, that wins golden opinions of all who use it
for all humors from the common pimple, blotch, or eruption, to
the formidable scrofulous swelling. Internal fever, soreness
and ulceration, yield to its benign influence. Consumption,
which is but a form of scrofulous affection of the lungs, may in
the early stages be cured by a free use of this God-given
remedy. See articles on consumption and its treatment in
“Invalid’s Guide Book” – 10 cents post-paid Address, World’s
Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, NY. ---- Worcester,
Mon, Feb 3d, 1879. Dr. R. Y. Firnor?: Dear Sir – With
trembling hand, from my extreme age, being eighty-one, I write
to inform you of the great benefit your Golden Medical Discovery
and Reliefs? have been to me. Three years ago I was prostrated
with pneumonia, and no one thought I would recover. By the use
of those medicines I was raised to health, and by the blessing
of God and your medicines I have enjoyed pretty good health
since, though for years before this I suffered from weak lungs
and a bad cough. Gratefully yours, MARY B. FISK. ---- From a
Distinguished Physician. Prof. Green, a distinguished
allopathic physician, wrote to the Medical Record of Atlanta,
Ga., to the effect that after all other means had failed, he
sent for the Kidney Cure, (Safe Kidney and Liver Cure), and to
his astonishment cured a serious case of Bright’s Disease by
administering it, and afterwards found it equally beneficial in
other cases. He advised his brother physicians to use it in
preference to anything else for kidney disorders.
WHEN YOU VISIT Salt Lake City do not fail to call at the agency
for home made goods in the Old Constitution Building, and
examine the stock of Flannels for Dresses and Plain and Twilled
Flannels. New Styles in Shawls of different kinds. Waterproofs,
Blankets, Linseys, Cloths, and all kinds of Woolen Goods,
besides Trunks, Brooms, Soaps, and other home made goods at very
low prices. Wholesale or retail. J.C. Cutler. nov4-tf.
to the public that they have remodeled and refitted The Hotel.
The Dining Rooms are spacious, and the best meals will be served
night and day. TERMS:
Single Meals .25
Hot Lunches (as per card) .25
Room and Board per day $1.50 to $2
Room and Board per week $10 to $12
Board per week $7
An excellent Bar and Four Billiard Tables attached. A. PODLECH?
& CO. 6-ly
WHITE PRAIRIE FLOWER. Taken before retiring will insure a good
night’s rest, with an awakening in the rosy morn to health,
courage, and vigor. For coated tongue, bad breath, sick
headache, or any disturbance arising from Dyspepsia or torpid
liver, it is without a peer. Its action on disease is entirely
different from any medicine ever introduced, quieting pains
almost instantly. The hue and cry raised against it by patent
medicine men, who have foreseen in its advent the destruction of
their nefarious business, and the thousands of un-solicited
testimonials flowing in from all parts of the New World, is a
sure indication of its great merits. Trial size at all Drug
stores. Half pound bottles, 70 cents. CHAS LANGLEY & CO,
Wholesale Druggists, Sole Agents.
WILL SHORTLY HAVE a good stock of improved Buckeye Machines,
Furst & Bradley plows, hay rakes, &c., &c., at Zion’s Board of
Trade. 38 tf
Between Washington and Main Streets, Logan, Utah. Work done
neatly and promptly and guaranteed.
Several versions
WM. DRIVER & SON, The Leading Druggists Of Ogden City, Offer
special inducements to wholesale purchasers in the northern part
of this Territory. They are constantly adding to their already
Large Stock And will give satisfaction to their patrons both in
Quality and in Price. A Full Line Of The Best Liquors Always on
hand for medicinal and family purposes. Orders by mail from
responsible parties promptly attended to. sept11-ly.
WM. DRIVER & SON, Wholesale and retail dealers in wines and
liquors! The best brands always in stock. [Illustration] Wm.
Driver & Son, Leading druggist of Ogden. Send in your orders
and they will receive prompt attention.
WM. H. MILES, (Of New York City) Has Commenced the Manufacture
of Brushes! in Logan, opposite the Tabernacle, and respectfully
solicits the patronage of the public who prefer Home Products.
Brushes Made To Order. Save Your Bristles & Horse Hair. Stencils
cut for marking sacks, etc. ly.
WILSON & BRO. Manufacturers and Dealers in Doors, Sash Doors,
Windows, Blinds, Transoms, Weights, Cords and Pulleys. 18 and
20 Drumm Street. (Large Brick Building, East Side.) Between
California and Sacramento Streets, San Francisco, Cal.
WOMEN NEVER THINK! If the crabbed old bachelor who uttered this
sentiment could but witness the intense thought, ?? and thorough
investigation of women determining the best medicines to ??
their families well, and would note their ?? and wisdom in
selecting Hop Bitters as the best, and demonstrating it by
keeping their families in perpetual health, at a minimal
expense, he would be forced to acknowledge that such sentiments
are baseless and false.
THE WONDER OF THE WORLD. Good news for all. Professor Herman’s
world renowned vermin destroyer! Which is known to be far
superior to anything yet discovered. For killing rats, mice,
insects on poultry, ants, bugs, cockroaches, black beetles,
fleas on dogs, blight and insects on plants, moth in furs, tick
or scab on sheep or goats, also on cattle, etc. ---- This
preparation has been applied with great success against the
insects that attack the coffee plants, and would doubtless be
equally efficacious with the tea plants. Sold in packets at 25
cents per packet or six packets, $1.25. ---- This powder is
warranted free from all bad smell, and will keep in any climate.
It may be spread anywhere without risk, as it is quite harmless
to cats or dogs, as they will not eat it. Directions for use on
each packet. Manufactory, Gravel Lane, Houndsditch, City of
London, England. ---- The above discovery has gained for Prof.
Herman a silver prize medal at the Intercolonial Exhibition at
Victoria, Australia, of 1863, besides numerous testimonials.
Sole agent, O. C. Ormsby, druggist, Logan, Driver & Son,
druggists, Ogden City. 50-ly
X (top)
Y (top)
Z (top)
Z.C.M.I. has got a splendid lot of Lamps – Solid, Glass, Bronze,
Brass, Porcelain Column, &c. Hand, Night, and Stand Lamps in
many styles, to suit all tastes. When you want something good
and ornamental, call and get a Parlor Lamp, Chimmeys, Globes,
Shades, in tasteful designs, and the well known Illuminators,
Lanterns, Headlight Oil – 175 test – best in the market. Oct3tf
Caution!! Different versions!
Z.C.M.I. LOGAN BRANCH, Daily Receiving Large Quantities of Fall
and Winter Goods, Consisting of Linseys, Flannels, Dress Goods,
Cassimeres [cashmeres], Jeans, Ladies & Gent’s Furnishings,
Shawls, Blankets, Notions, Hats, and Caps. A most complete stock
Boots And Shoes! Staple Groceries & Hardware. Sugar, Tea,
Coffee, Dried Fruits, Lard, Bacon, Hams, Syrup, Tobacco, etc.
Wooden Ware, Lamps, Glass and Queensware, Leather & Shoe
Findings, Harness, Horse Collars, School Books, Stationery, Etc.
Etc. Nails, Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, Mechanics tools, Screws,
Locks, Butts, Rivets, and Burrs, Tin and Copper Ware. A Full
Line of The Celebrated Monitor and Charter Oak Cook and Heating
Stoves. Moses Thatcher, Manager, H.S. Eldredge, Supt. sept11-ly.
Caution! Different versions!
Z. C. M. I., Logan branch will offer at an early day a full line
of agricultural tools consisting of shovels, spades, digging
forks, hay and manure forks, hoes, rakes, mattocks, pruning
knives and shears, wheelbarrows, &c., &c., &c. In addition to
spring trade will have of dry goods, groceries, hats, hardware,
boots, and shoes, leather, &c., &c. A larger and better
assortment than ever before. Moses Thatcher, manager. H.S.
Eldredge, Sup. Sept11-ly
ZION’S BOARD OF TRADE Logan City, Cache Co., Utah. Agent for the
Improved Studebaker Farm & Spring Wagons, Buggies and Carriages.
Buckeye Machines, Furst & Bradley plows, harrows and
cultivators; South Bend chilled plows Keystone and Furst &
Bradley hay rakes. Also dealers in Iron, Steel, Bolts. All kinds
of Hardwood and Wagon material, Farm and Freight Fixtures.
Examine prices before purchasing elsewhere. Fred. Turner,
Superintendent 4-11