Instructions for completing Form #3 are in Section II.B.3 in the EPC Manual Anne Arundel Community College Educational Policies and Curriculum Committee School EPC USE ONLY Form #3 - New Course EPC NO.: BCTS-16 Date Submitted: 10/20/06 BCTS Department Engineering Technologies Kahtleen Happ Signature of Approving Dean 10/23/2006 Date Chris Kilian Signature of Approving Department Chair Sina Sepehri Initiator 9/20/06 Date Phone Extension of Initiator EPC Subcommittee Review Sybille Clayton Subcommittee Chair 10/30/2006 Date 2470 EPC Committee Action Approved Disapproved 11/8/06 Date Academic Council Action Approved Disapproved 11/15/06 Date New Course Information 1. Suggested Course Prefix & No.: ENT 260 2. Suggested Course Title: Solid Modeling with SolidWorks 3. Credit Hours 3 5. Lab Fee 6. Other Fees (Travel expenses, admission fees, etc.) Yes Brief Justification: 7. Approved Course Prefix & No. : 4. Anticipated date of initial offering: No Amount: Yes No ENT 260 Fall 2007 $35 Amount: Cost of software and upgrading software Check any or all that apply: Program Requirement Submit Form: N/A Specify program Program Elective N/A (Designing and Drafting +Certificate) General Education #6 – General Education Course Diversity #6a – Diversity Course Computer Competency #7 – Computer and Information Technologies Worksheet Other - Specify Special Topics umbrella or regular special topics course EPC Form 3 – Revised 10/04 2436 Date Approved If you checked general education, select all of the following categories that apply: Arts and Humanities Biological & Physical Sciences English Composition Health/Fitness/Wellness Interdisciplinary Mathematics or Computer Technology Mathematics or Computer Technology or Biological & Physical Sciences 8. Statement of purpose and need for the course: 9. Catalog Description Over hundreds of years, engineers have developed methods of acturately representing 3dimensional objects on paper using 2-dimensional drawings (called "drafting"). With the arrival of the computer, software was developed to take over the job of creating these 2-dimensional drawings. The most recent trend is to use computers to create 3D drawings directly, that is, to create technical drawings that directly represent a solid model of the object. Increasingly, mechanical engineering companies are using advanced solid modeling software instead of the older 2D based software. Until recently, the engineering technologies department had no course using this advanced software. Then, two semesters ago we offered a special topics course in this area using the software SolidWorks. That course (ENT 280 ) has been successful, and we are now proposing to have it become a “regular course”. ENT 260 Solid Modeling with SolidWorks 3 credit hours – 2 hours of lecture and 3 hours laboratory weekly; one term Learn to use SolidWorks, the next generation of 3D CAD software. SolidWorks is a fully editable solid-modeling CAD software used to produce 3D drawings of solid models. The course will start by first discussing 2-dimensional entities, then gradually creating 3-dimensional solid models and then finally integrating those models into an assembly. The student will also learn how to extract drawing views from 3D solid models. This course assumes a basic knowledge of orthographic drawings. Lab fee $35 10. Does this course require any of the following? If so, please list these along with other notes and special requirements in the course description. a. Co-requisites: Yes No Please list courses: b. Prerequisites: Yes No Please list courses: 11. Has this course been taught as a special topics course? If yes, enter the course number and semester(s) taught: 12. Credit Hours: - 3 Choose one: Credit-bearing course Yes No ENT 280, taught Spring 2006 and Fall 2006 Developmental equivalent credit hours 13. Contact Hours Calculation List contact hours per semester. Please read “Time Requirements for Award of College Credit” in Section III.F.3 of the EPC Manual Lecture Laboratory (specify type) Recitation Other (specify type) Total Contact Hours EPC Form 3 – Revised 10/04 Contact Hours 30 45 Computer lab 75 14. Colleges and Universities consulted during course development: N/A 15. Level at which four-year colleges and universities offer this course: This is a “career/skills” type of course, and would be taught in the first two years. If course is usually an upper level course, explain why it is being offered at freshman/sophomore level. 16. Have you have consulted with Truxal Library staff to ensure that adequate resources (books, reference materials, online databases) are available to support this course/program? Yes No 17. Grade Policy: A/F If Pass/Fail, give brief rationale: Pass/Fail 18. Repeatable for additional credit: Yes No If yes, enter maximum credits allowed: 19. Maximum section size: If fewer than 20, state rationale: Lecture Lab Other(specify type) Recitation 20. Facility Required: 18 18 Class is taught in the computer lab and is very interactive. The lab has 18 student stations General Purpose Special Purpose Explain what kind of Special Purpose facility is needed: Computer lab with computers capable of running the software SolidWorks. 21. Continuing Education Share – Is this course to be shared with Continuing EducationYes If yes, state rationale: This is a skills type course that has no prerequisite. No The checklist that follows contains the documentation required to accompany this proposal form. Submit all documents in one email to the EPC Committee Chair and the Secretary. Form #3 Checklist (See “Instructions for Submitting Electronic Forms” in Section II.B of the EPC Manual) Document Form # 3 – New Course Form Form #3A – Course Outline WIDS7 Course Outcomes Summary Form #10 – Recommendation to Create a New Course Lab Fee In addition, if appropriate, please submit the following forms: Form #6 – General Education Course Form #6A – Diversity Course Form #7 – Computing and Information Technologies Competency Designated Course EPC Form 3 – Revised 10/04 Attached N/A Form #3A – Course Outline Instructions for completing Form #3A are in Section II.A.4 in the EPC Manual ARNOLD, MARYLAND Course Information: Course Name: Solid Modeling with SolidWorks Course Number: ENT 260 Credit Hours: 3 Initiator: Sina Sepehri School: Business, Computing and Technical Studies Department: Engineering Technologies Date: 9/20/06 Catalog Description: ENT 260 Solid Modeling with SolidWorks 3 credit hours – 2 hours of lecture and 3 hours laboratory weekly; one term Learn to use SolidWorks, the next generation of 3D CAD software. SolidWorks is a fully editable solid-modeling CAD software used to produce 3D drawings of solid models. The course will start by first discussing 2-dimensional entities, then gradually creating 3-dimensional solid models and then finally integrating those models into an assembly. The student will also learn how to extract drawing views from 3D solid models. This course assumes a basic knowledge of orthographic drawings. Lab fee $35 Division Of Subject Matter: Lecture Hours Main Topics 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Drawing Sketches for the Solid Models Editing and Modifying Sketches Dimensioning and Adding Relations to Sketches and Base Features Creating Reference Geometries Basic Modeling and Editing Features Advanced Modeling Tools Assembly Modeling Constructing Drawing Views Working on Final Project Testing/Lab testing Total EPC Form 3 – Revised 10/04 2 2 4 2 2 6 4 4 0 4 30 Lab Hours 3 3 6 3 3 9 6 6 3 3 45 Detailed Course Outline Main Topic 1.0 Drawing Sketches for the Solid Models 1.1 Sketching Environment 1.2 Sketching Terminology 1.3 1.4 1.5 Lecture Hours Lab Hours 2 3 Drawing Geometric Entities; Lines, Circles, Arcs, Polygons, Splines, Ellipses and Parabolic Curves Display Tools; Zoom, Pan, Redraw Deleting Sketched Entities 2.0 Editing and Modifying Sketches 2.1 Editing Sketched Entities 2.2 Moving, Rotating and Scaling Sketched Entities 2.3 Creating and Editing Patterns 2.4 Modifying Sketched Entities 2 3 3.0 Dimensioning and Adding Relations to Sketches and Base Features 3.1 Adding Geometric Relations to Sketches 3.2 Automatic Relations 3.2 Dimensioning the Sketches 3.4 Understanding a Fully Defined Sketch 3.5 Opening Existing Files 3.6 Advanced Dimensioning 3.7 Viewing Section Properties 3.8 Extruding Sketches and Creating Base Features 3.9 Viewing the Model in 3D and Changing Orientation 3.10 Displaying Modes for the Model 3.11 Assigning Basic Materials 4 6 4.0 Creating Reference Geometries 4.1 Sketching Planes 4.2 Reference Geometry 4.3 Using Contour Section to Model 4.4 Creating the Cut Feature 4.5 Understanding Feature Scope 2 3 5.0 Basic Modeling and Editing Features 5.1 Basics of Modeling Tools 5.2 Editing the Feature of Models 2 3 6.0 Advanced Modeling Tools 6.1 Creating Sweeps 6.2 Creating Cuts 6.3 Creating Lofts 6.4 Deform and Flex Features 6 9 7.0 Assembly Modeling 7.1 Creating Bottom-Top Assemblies 7.2 Creating Top-Down Assemblies 7.3 Moving and Rotating Component 7.4 Creating, Editing and Deleting Subassemblies 7.5 Using the Visibility Option in Assemblies 4 6 EPC Form 3 – Revised 10/04 8.0 Constructing Drawing Views 8.1 Drawing Documents 8.2 Creating Standard Drawing Views 8.3 Adding Annotation to Drawing Views 8.4 Bill of Materials 8.5 Adding Sheets to Drawing Views 8.6 Creating and Editing User Defined Sheet Formats Working on Final Project Testing/lab testing Total Textbooks Title SolidWorks 2006 for Designers References (Optional) EPC Form 3 – Revised 10/04 4 6 4 3 3 30 45 Author Publisher ISBN Sham Tichoo CAD CIM Technologies 1-932709-04-5