burnett/ 9 honors english vocabulary list 5

1. Acquiesce
part of speech: verb
definition(s): to accept without protest; to agree or submit
synonyms: comply with, accede, consent, yield
antonyms: resist, protest
sample sentence: Management is not likely to acquiesce to union demands for raises
because the company's profits have recently been on the decline.
other part of speech forms: noun- acquiescence
2. Ambidextrous
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): able to use both hands equally well; very skillful; deceitful, hypocritical
synonyms: versatile, facile
antonyms: clumsy, all thumbs, maladroit
sample sentence: Occasionally a teacher will come across a child who displays
ambidextrous abilities when taught to write.
3. Austere
part of speech; adjective
definitions: 1. markedly simple or unadorned; simple or plain; not fancy
2. stern and cold in appearance or manner; serious, unfriendly
3. somber, grave
synonyms: severe, rigid, plain, simple
antonyms: clement, gentle, fancy, adorned
sample sentences: 1. They choose austere furnishings for the office
3. They lived an austere life in the country.
other part of speech forms: noun- austerity
4. Convene
part of speech: verb
definition: to come together in a body; to cause to assemble
synonyms: assemble, convoke, summon
antonyms: disperse, disband
sample sentence: This class convenes twice a week.
5. Countenance
part of speech: noun
definition: the appearance of a person's face : a person's expression
synonyms: visage, face, expression
sample sentence: The photograph showed his somber countenance.
6. Curt
part of speech: adjective
definition: sparing of words, terse; rude or peremptory shortness, brusque
synonyms: abrupt, blunt, snippy
antonym: circuitous
sample sentence: She was offended by the curt reply to her well-meaning question.
7. Dispel
part of speech: verb
definition: to drive away by or as if by scattering, dissipate
synonyms: disband, disperse, scatter
antonyms: assemble, congregate, gather
sample sentence: She made an official statement to dispel any rumors about her
8. Elucidate
part of speech: verb
definition: to clarify, explain
synonyms: interpret, expound, explicate
antonyms: obscure, becloud, muddy, obfuscate
sample sentence: The precise meaning some English words are sometimes hard to
other part of speech forms: noun- elucidation
adjective- elucidative
9. Finite
part of speech: adjective
definition: having limits, lasting for a limited time
synonyms: bounded, measurable
antonyms: unlimited, immeasurable, everlasting, eternal
sample sentence: There are only a finite number of possible answers to a multiple-choice
10. Morbid
part of speech: adjective
definition: 1. relating to unpleasant subjects (such as death)
2. abnormally susceptible to or characterized by gloomy feelings
3. grisly, gruesome
synonyms: bleak, dismal, lugubrious, desolate
antonyms: bright, cheerful, comforting
sample sentence: He has a morbid sense of humor
other parts of speech: noun- morbidity
11. Ominous
part of speech: adjective
definition: being or exhibiting an omen, foreboding or foreshadowing evil, portentous
synonyms: baleful, threatening, menacing
sample sentence: The letter spoke of an ominous threat of war.
12. Pensive
part of speech: adjective
definition: musingly or dreamily thoughtful; suggestive of sad thoughtfulness
synonyms: melancholy, contemplative, musing, ruminative
sample sentence: The child sat by himself, looking pensive.
13. Prerogative
part of speech: noun
definition: a right or privilege; special right or privilege that some people have
synonyms: right, privilege
sample sentence: It's a writer's prerogative to decide the fate of her characters.
14. Qualm
part of speech: noun
definition: a feeling of doubt or uncertainty; feeling of uneasiness
synonyms: compunction, misgiving, scruple
sample sentence: She has no qualms about downloading pirated music files from the
15. Reverent
part of speech: adjective
definition: showing a lot of respect, very respectful; worshipful
sample sentence: He stood before a reverent crowd of worshippers.
16. Stark
1. part of speech: adjective
1. definition(s): harsh, unrelieved, desolate
1. synonyms: (adjective) sheer, downright, grim, bleak
1. antonyms: (adjective) bright, cheerful, embellished, ornate
1. sample sentence: Many a young idealist has found it difficult to accept the stark
realities of life.
2. part of speech: adverb
2. definition: utterly
2. synonym: absolutely
2. sample sentence: By the end of his brief reign, the Roman emperor Caligula was
clearly stark raving mad.
17. Succinct
part of speech: adjective
definition: marked by compact precise expression without wasted words; using few
words to state or express an idea
synonyms: brief, terse, monosyllabic
antonyms: verbose, rambling, circuitous
sample sentence: She bought a pocket guide that provides succinct explanations for rules
of grammar and punctuation.
18. Tact
part of speech: noun
definition: a good sense of what to do or say in order to maintain good relations with others or
avoid offense
synonyms: diplomacy, discretion
antonym: insensitivity
sample sentence: The peace talks required great tact on the part of both leaders.
19. Terse
part of speech: adjective
definitions: 1. smoothly elegant, polished
2. using few words; devoid of superfluity
synonyms: brief, curt, succinct
antonyms: verbose, long-winded, circuitous
sample sentence: She gave me a few terse instructions and promptly left the room.
20. Tranquil
part of speech: adjective
definition: 1. free from agitation of mind or spirit; free from disturbance or turmoil
2. unvarying in aspect; steady, stable
synonyms: placid, serene, calm
antonyms: boisterous, raucous, tumultuous
sample sentence: The house was once again tranquil after the kids moved outside to play.