Office of Sponsored Programs
300 College Street, NE
P. O. Box 7461,
Orangeburg, SC 29117-0001
(803) 536-8394
Elbert R. Malone
Assistant Vice President
of Sponsored Programs
Deborah N. Blacknall
Grants Administrator
& Assistant Officer
Deitra S. Briggman
Grant Coordinator I
Tammie Geter
Grants Administrator
Compliance Officer
Gwendolyn Mitchell Ulmer
Grants Administrator II
La Verne Proctor-Streeter
Grants Administrator
Grant Writer
Stephanie E. Blair
Grant Coordinator I
Debra D. Williams
Office of Sponsored Programs
Mr. Elbert R. Malone
Assistant Vice President
Project Manager
Joseph Jamison
Program Assistant
Catherine L. Summers
Public Information Coordinator
Office of Sponsored Programs
(803) 536-8733
Office of Sponsored Programs
We’re on the web!!!
Elbert R. Malone
Assistant Vice President for Sponsored Programs
Engineering Building Room 201A and 327 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 3
Equipment #11 
Fruitfly Genetics Laboratory
Dr. David Scott
DOE Natural Attenuation Research
Dr. John B. Williams
Medical Science and Neurophysiology Laboratory
Dr. Liljana Bozinovska
Determination of the Presence of Food-borne Pathogens to Enhance Food Safety in Orangeburg County
Dr. Sheriase Sanders
The SC State Balloon Project
The Robotically Controlled Telescope
A Partnership in Observational & Computational Astronomy (POCA)
The Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS)
Dr. Donald Walter
Detection of Sphingomonas Strains for Use in Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Degradation
Dr. Waltena Simpson
Environmental Policy Institute (EPI)
Dr. Reinhardt Brown
The 1890 Mobile Technology Center
Mr. Delbert Foster
Belcher Hall Room 305/352
Mr. Mario Ricoma
Nance Hall Room 202, 206, and 303
Dr. James Keller
Smith Hammond Middleton Gym Room 131
Dr. Barry Frishberg
Descrip on: Available for rou ne bench‐top centrifuga on. The HN
‐SII is a rugged, no‐nonsense unit with an outstanding track record for reliable performance. 
Equipment Name: AccuSpin Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Compact, economi‐
cal high‐speed micro‐
centrifuges, ideal for nucleic acid research and other microliter volume separa ons. 
Equipment #13 
Equipment Name: Mass Spectrometer 
Equipment Name: Isotemp (Fisher Scien fic) Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Oven Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is a technique for measuring long‐lived radionuclides that occur naturally in the environment. AMS uses a par cle accelerator in conjunc on with ion sources, large mag‐
nets, and detectors to separate out interferences and count single atoms in the presence of 1x1015 (a thousand million million) stable atoms. Used for a wide variety of da ng and tracing applica ons in the geological and plan‐
etary sciences, archaeology, and biomedicine Equipment #16 Cetac LSX 213 LASER Abla on (LA) Laser abla on is a tool used to deliver small amounts of mate‐
rial from the surface of solid samples directly to the ICPMS analyzer for elemental analysis. The Cetac LSX 213 is capable of etching craters ranging from 10 microns to > 200 microns in diameter with an op cal resolu on of be er than 2 microns in a variety of pa erns including single, linear, rastering and depth profiling. This technique is ideal for analyzing radioac‐
ve waste materials stored in glass as well as rocks and other geological mate‐
Belcher Hall AT&T Lab
Dr. Arnold Murdock
Quan ty: 1 Equipment #12 Equipment #14 1890 RESEARCH LABS 1&2
Wireless and Internet2 Access and 1890 Research Labs 1&2
Mr. Anthony Caldwell
Equipment Name: IEC HN SII Centrifuge Equipment #15 Dionex 5000 Ion Chromatograph (IC) Ion Chromatography allows for the separa on and detec on of inorganic species such as arsenic (III) and arse‐
nic (V) as well as less toxic organic compounds of arsenic. The system is equipped with an on board electro‐
chemical detector but can easily be coupled to the more sensi ve ICPMS. The Dionex 5000 IC is also capable of separa ng and de‐
tec ng such polyatomic anions and ca ons as perchlorates, amines, nitrates and chlorates. Equipment #17 Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyzer (TOC) with Solid Sampling Module (SSM) The Natural Organic Ma er (NOM) content of natural waters is known to affect the transport of toxic trace metals in the environment. The Shimadzu TOC‐VCSN can deter‐
mine total organic carbon concentra ons from 4 µg/L to 25,000 µg/L. The solid sampling unit allows for the analysis of TOC in viscous or solid samples as well. COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS AND ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY
Engineering Building Room 204
Dr. Hasanul A. Basher
Engineering Building Room 201A and 205
Mr. Ervin Russell
Lewis Lab Annex Building Room 322
Dr. Zheng Chang
Hodge Hall Room 302 Dr. Rahina Matab and Dr. Mahtabbuddin Ahmed
Hodge Hall Room 310 Dr. Rahina Matab
Hodge Hall Room 314
Dr. Nasrollah Hamidi
Hodge Hall Room 321
Dr. Nazimuddin Mohammed
Hodge Hall Room 327
Dr. Joe Emily
Equipment #18 Wya Dawn Heleos Asymmetric Field Flow Frac ona on (AFFF) Asymmetric Field Flow Frac ona on (AFFF) is used to separate and detect par‐
culates including nanomaterials using mul ‐angle laser refrac on. The Wya Dawn Heleos can separate and determine par cle molar mass in the range of < 103 to 109 g/mole (Daltons) and molecular size from 10 to 500 nm. AFFF can be coupled to the ICPMS detec on system to provide elemental analysis in addi on to its molar mass and par cle size measurement capabili es. 2 Equipment #19 Leica CM1850 The Leica cryosta c microtome is used to prepare biological samples for obser‐
va ons by cu ng ssues into thin slices. Element specific bioimaging using laser microdissec on and ICP‐MS gives a quan ta ve and visual map of the elemental composi on of im‐
portant ssue structures. Dr. Joe Emily 803‐536‐8783 43 The Office of Sponsored Programs
South Carolina State University
Division of Research and Economic Development
and Public Service
Hodge Hall Room 201A and 327 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment #6 
Equipment Name: Agilent 7700 Induc vely Coupled Plasma Spectrometer (7700 Series ICP‐MS, ASX500 Series‐ ICPS Sampler) Quan ty: 1 Descrip on : As ICP‐MS has evolved to become the premier technique for trace metals analysis, capable of detec ng trace elements at the part‐per‐trillion level depending on the matrix and other condi ons. Elbert R. Malone
Assistant Vice President for
Sponsored Programs
Equipment #7 
Equipment Name: Direct Q 3 Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Direct‐Q systems deliver both pure and ultrapure water directly from tap for use with a wide variety of applica ons. A number of versa le solu ons exist to match specific needs, including systems with mul ple flow rates and corresponding storage volumes that are equipped with integrated or external reservoirs and designed for under bench‐, bench‐ or wall‐moun ng. Research is critical to SC State University. The University has made a concerted effort to make research a
major part of its mission.
Equipment #8 
Through grants and contracts, the University has amassed a great inventory of equipment to conduct cutting
edge research. This document, University Research Instrumentation at SC State University, gives a preview of some equipment used to create new innovations from the minds of some of the world’s most knowledgeable faculty.
Equipment Name: Denver Instrument Scale Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Balances that combine the latest advances in weighing technology with a superior, yet simple, user‐
interface. Instrument offer simple menu‐driven opera on, easy‐to‐read display, an extensive list of applica ons and the most comprehensive standard serial interfacing. The outstanding research achievements and productivity of our faculty are exemplified by the diversity and
innovativeness of proposals submitted by our researchers to a wide range of federal, state, private and local
agencies for extramural funding. Research partnerships with other educational institutions, private sector
corporations and federal agencies have provided extraordinary opportunities for forming unique collaborations to solve a broad spectrum of societal problems.
Equipment #9 
Equipment Name: Agilent Technologies Heat Exchanger Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: A device used to transfer heat from one fluid to another without direct contact of the fluids. Heat exchangers usually maximize the transfer of heat by maximizing the contact surface area between fluids, as when the warmer fluid is passed through a series of coils or thin plates. A car radiator is a heat exchanger, transferring the heat in a liquid that has circulated through the engine to the air. Our record of research achievement is growing. This growth requires the University to continue the expansion of its research infrastructure, thus reinforcing its support of faculty researchers by providing modern, hitech facilities, equipment and laboratories. The growth of research at SC State University is a direct result of
the commitment made by the administration to enhance it, and it is my pledge to ensure the longevity of this
Equipment #10 
Equipment Name: Anaerobic Bio Reactor, Coliform Incubator Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: 2860 Thermo Fisher Scien fic Precision Coliform/Fecal Coliform Heated Circula ng Water Baths/
Incubators is a reliable and dependable addi on to the Thermo Fisher Scien fic Baths, Ovens, Incubators, and Cryogenics Storage family of products. Dr. Joe Emily 803‐536‐8783 42 3 Frui ly Gene cs Laboratory Room 126A Hodge Hall South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Hodge Hall Room 327 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment #1 BioRad IQ5 Thermocycler 
Each Bio‐Rad real‐ me PCR system combines a thermal cycler with an op cal reac on module for singleplex and mul plex de‐
tec on of fluorophores. Every real‐ me PCR system features ther‐
mal gradient func onality. Equipment Name: Gas Chromatograph Quan ty: 2 Descrip on: GOW‐MAC Gas Chromatographs Series 350 (3) with thermal conduc vity detec‐
tors, coupled with a dedicated computer installed with DACS chart recorder so ware. Equipment #2 
Varian 3900 GC The Varian 3900 occupies less than half the workspace of many gas chromatograph (GC) units. Simple to use syringe trigger mechanism starts the GC upon injec on. Electronic flow control of detector and injector eliminates knobs to turn off, thus sav‐
ing me, increasing long term precision of the GC. Equipment Name: Corning pH Meter Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: A pH meter is a laboratory instrument that measures the pH of various materials. Equipment # 3 
Varian 430 GC Equipment Name: Spectra/ Chrome Frac on Collector Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Durable, general purpose, frac on collector. That can collect up to 174 frac‐
ons in 12 to 13 mm diameter tubes. Equipment #4 
The Varian 430‐GC offers the same outstanding performance as the 450‐GC but in a compact, single channel package that occupies about half the bench space of conven onal mul ‐channel GCs for a safe, less clu ered work envi‐
ronment. It is the perfect alterna ve for dedicated or rou ne use. Equipment Name: Total Organic Carbon analyzer Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: While providing an ultra wide range of 4 μg/L to 30,000 mg/L, these analyzers boast a detec on limit of 4 μg/L through coordina on with NDIR. This is the highest level of detec on sensi‐
vity available with the combus on cataly c oxida on method. In addi on, the combus on cata‐
ly c oxida on method makes it possible to efficiently oxidize not only easily‐decomposed, low‐
molecular‐weight organic compounds, but also hard‐to‐decompose insoluble and macromolecular organic compounds. Beckman Coulter Microfuge 22R Equipment #5 
Provides life science researchers with op mized pelle ng of DNA, RNA, and protein on the benchtop. A brushless induc on drive offers maintenance‐free and quiet opera on. Standard 24‐place fixed angle rotor holds 1.5–2.0mL tubes and features an integral O‐
ring for safety. Digital display shows set and actual run condi ons in me, rpm/rcf, and temperature. Opera ons in med, hold, or pulse (short run) can be selected. Dr. David Sco 536‐8511 dsco 4 Equipment Name: Atomic Absorp on Spectrometer Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: is a spectroanaly cal procedure for the quan ta ve determina on of chemical ele‐
ments employing the absorp on of op cal radia on (light) by free atoms in the gaseous state. In analy cal chemistry the technique is used for determining the concentra on of a par cular ele‐
ment (the analyte) in a sample to be analyzed. Dr. Joe Emily 803‐536‐8783 41 Frui ly Gene cs Laboratory Room 126A Hodge Hall South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Hodge Hall Room 321 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment #7 
Equipment Name: Pressure Reactor Percival Incubator Quan ty: 1 
Descrip on: A Pressure Reactor, some mes referred to as a pressure tube, or a sealed tube, is a chemical reac on vessel which can conduct a reac on under pressure. The pres‐
sure can be caused by the reac on itself or created by an external source, like hydrogen in cataly c transfer hydrogena on. Internet capabili es. 
Equipment #8 and #9 
IntellusUltra and IntellusUltra Web Server– An environmental control system offering Ethernet and Specialty ligh ng ‐ includes op onal patented lamp bank system. Op onal barriered or adjustable lamp banks Sturdy 18‐ and 22‐gauge steel interiors and exteriors ‐ offers solid products built to last, versus lower‐
quality aluminum op ons. Equipment Name: Dell Op Plex and HP L1910 Computer Windows Vista 
Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instruc ons given to it in a variable program. Welded seams ‐ which enhance product quality, as compared to pop‐riveted seams. An environmentally friendly powder coat finish ‐ make products more durable, a rac ve, scratch‐
resistant and long‐las ng. 
ing contaminated by outside elements. Equipment #10 
Magne c door gaskets ‐ ensuring a ght seal to each chamber, elimina ng worries about research be‐
Equipment Name: WS‐ 6 Downflow Sta on The highest quality solenoid valve ‐ available on the market, a more reliable and cost‐effec ve alterna‐
ve to propor onal valves. Quan ty: 1 
Descrip on: The unique FE‐WS6 Downflow Work Sta on draws fumes, odors and airborne par cu‐
lates down into a stainless steel work surface and away from the operator's breathing zone. Con nuous‐running condensing units ‐ adding years to the life of the chamber. Proven experience and exper se with dimmable ballasts, alone or in combina on with light sensors for precise irradiance control. 
Humidifica on ‐ various op ons available when me culous control of humidity is very important. Equipment #11 
Equipment Name: Varion Gas Chromatograph Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: In a standard configura on the CP‐3800 accommodates up to three injectors and three detectors, all opera ng simultaneously. In addi on the CP‐3800 is easily configured to perform on‐ line analyses for monitoring cri cal gas and liquid processes. Zeiss Axiostar Plus Microscope 
Equipment# 12 
Equipment Name: Pressure Steam Sterilizer 
Quan ty: 1 
Equipment #13 
Equipment Name: Tu nauer Autoclave‐steam sterilizer Zeiss Axiostar Infinity‐Corrected Microscope, with trinocular photo head, phase contrast turret condenser and two phase contrast objec ves. Two 10x, 18 PL eye pieces (with 30mm moun ng tubes), one of which is fo‐
cusable Trinocular viewing head with two light paths 1) to the viewing eye pieces, or 2) to the camera port A 1.25 NA phase contrast turret condenser with five posi ons: PH1, PH2, PH3, dark field, and bright field with iris Two objec ves: Zeiss CP achromat 10x PH1, CP achromat 40x PH2. The phase objec ves can also be used for brigh ield microscopy Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Tu nauer manual autoclaves set the standard for steam Steriliza on. The Tu nauer man‐
ual autoclave is designed to complement any healthcare and laboratory facility. Manual autoclave will sa sfy all of your steriliza on needs. Dr. Nazimuddin Mohammed 803‐536‐7975 40 Dr. David Sco 536‐8511 dsco 5 DOE Natural A enua on Research Davis Annex 105 & Hodge Hall 213 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Hodge Hall Room 321 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 ITEM Research Uses Reac ‐Therm III hea ng/s rring module Provides hea ng and s rring of samples in prepara on for GC/MS anal‐
ysis with triple block func on Reac ‐Vap Evaporator; Thermo Scien fic; 27‐port For use with triple‐block Reac ‐Therm hea ng module Denver Instruments Analy cal Balance To determine sample masses to convert GC/MS results into concentra‐
ons Equipment # 2 Eppendorf Compact Centrifuge & Accessories To process sample volumes down in prepara on for GC/MS analysis 
SPECTROQUEST SQ2800 UV/VIS To train students in spectrophotometrc analysis of environmental man‐
agement of water ranging from chlorophyll to nutrient enrichment ‐ compliments GC/MS work NICOLET IS5 FT‐IR KBR ENGLISH IR Spectrometer capabili es are ideal for student training complementary to GC/MS for environmental remedia on sites involving contamina on from petroleum compounds ISQ Single Quadrapole Mass Spectrometer To iden fy and quan fy chemicals in environmental samples from con‐
taminant plumes and other sources. Equipment # 1  Equipment Name: Isotemp Basic Freezer  Quan ty: 1  Descrip on: Secure storage for chromatography applica ons Isotemp* General Purpose Series chromatog‐
raphy refrigerators combine performance and security required for everyday chromatography applica ons. Capaci es from 27 cu. . to 72 cu. . Equipment Name: Isotemp Oven Quan ty: 1 Equipment #3 
Equipment Name: Isotemp Incubator Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Incubators with gravity flow circula on provide accurate, efficient hea ng for rou ne laboratory procedures: drying and staining of slides, paraffin em‐
bedding, ssue culture work, incuba on of an body tests, microbiological determi‐
na ons, crystalliza on studies, and more. Electrical receptacle inside (5A at 120VAC) to plug in a s rrer, shaker, or other apparatus. Equipment# 4 Excel 40 Dissolved Oxygen / pH meter 
To determine dissolved oxygen concentra ons in environmental sam‐
ples and train students in calibra on & respirometry Excel 60 Dissolved Oxygen / pH meter To determine dissolved oxygen concentra ons in environmental sam‐
ples and relate to variable condi ons of pH and salinity Excel pH meter To determine pH of aqueous solu ons Equipment Name: Fermentor/ BioReactor Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: This advanced system regulates up to 32 parameters each, in one to four fer‐
menters. Over 120 parameters total. Can easily integrate and control your own analyzers, pumps, sensors and other ancillary devices directly from the BioFlo 310. A user‐friendly touchscreen controller integrates it all, simplifying setup and opera on. Equipment #5 Cole Palmer Peristal c pump groundwater sampler 
To collect groundwater samples without cross contamina on Hydrolab Mul parameter meter To simultaneously measure field condi ons of pH, temperature, DO, conduc vity, & REDOX Vantage Pro Weather Sta on To collect local weather data on temperature, wind speed, rela ve hu‐
midity, & rainfall Dr. John B. Williams 536‐8518 Equipment Name: Therma Flex 1400 Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: The Thermo Scien fic NESLAB ThermoFlex recircula ng chiller is designed to pro‐
vide a con nuous supply of fluid at a constant temperature and volume. The recircula on sys‐
tem incorporates highly reliable plumbing connec ons to eliminate leaks. Integrated air and fluid filters minimize wear to mechanical parts, which lowers life me maintenance costs and improves system reliability. Equipment # 6 
6 Equipment Name: 1600C, 1650C and 1700C tube furnace Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Tube furnace with computer Ethernet and over temperature controller. Ver cal tube furnace. Dr. Nazimuddin Mohammed 803‐536‐7975 39 Medical Science and Neurophysiology Laboratory Hodge Hall 104 South Carolina state University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Hodge Hall Room 314 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment #15 
Equipment Name: HPR – Series High Pressure Transmi er (Pressure Vessel ) Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: The HPR‐Series of High Pressure Chemical Reac‐
tors is designed for researchers who are interested in inves ‐
ga ng the feasibility of pressurized chemical reac ons or pro‐
cessing problems in their laboratories Equipment #17 
Equipment Name: HPLC Palm Quan ty: 1 Descrip on : High‐performance liquid chromatography (some mes referred to as high‐pressure liquid chromatog‐
raphy), HPLC, is a chromatographic technique used to separate a mixture of compounds in analy cal chemistry and biochemis‐
try with the purpose of iden fying, quan fying and purifying the individual components of the mixture. Some common ex‐
amples are the separa on and quan ta on of performance enhancement drugs (e.g. steroids) in urine samples, or of vita‐
min D levels in serum. Equipment #19 
Equipment Name: Thermal Analysis Controller Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Simultaneous Thermal Analysis (STA) generally refers to the simultaneous applica on of Thermogravimetry (TGA) and differ‐
en al scanning calorimetry (DSC) to one and the same sample in a single instrument. The test condi ons are perfectly iden cal for the TGA and DSC signals (same atmosphere, gas flow rate, vapor pres‐
sure of the sample, hea ng rate, thermal contact to the sample cru‐
cible and sensor, radia on effect, etc.). The informa on gathered can even be enhanced by coupling the STA instrument to an Evolved Gas Analyzer (EGA) like Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) or mass spectrometry (MS).[1] Equipment #21 
Equipment #16 
Equipment Name: Chiller Biosignal amplifier Biopac MP35 ‐ Used in teaching ac vi es for courses B491 Brain Science Lab and B415 Medical Physiology Lab and in research. Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: A chiller is a machine that removes heat from a liquid via a vapor‐compression or absorp on refrigera on cycle. This liquid can then be circulated through a heat ex‐
changer to cool air or equipment as required. Equipment #18 
Equipment Name: Differen al Scanning Calorimeter Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Differen al Scanning Calorimeters (DSC) measures temperatures and heat flows associated with thermal transi ons in a material. Common usage includes inves ga on, selec on, comparison and end‐use performance evalua on of materials in research, quality control and produc on applica‐
ons. Proper es measured by TA Instruments’ DSC Differen al Scanning Calorimeters techniques include glass transi ons, "cold" crystalliza on, phase changes, mel ng, crystalliza on, product stability, cure / cure kine cs, and oxida ve stability. Equipment #20 
Equipment Name: Automated Micro Viscometer PCR unit. Biorad RL‐TM ‐ Used in teaching ac vi es for the course B415 Medical Physiology lab and for research. Quan ty: 1 Asset Descrip on: The systems are designed specifically for the molecular weight and structure characteriza on of poly‐
olefins, but with the ability to handle other polymers, such as polythiophene, PEEK and PVF that require temperatures up to 160°C to Plate reader, Biorad iMark ‐ Used in teaching ac vi es of the course B14 Medical Physiology lab and research. Equipment Name: Thermo Electron Corp. Orion 3 Star pH Benchtop Quan ty: 1 Asset Descrip on: Easy‐to‐use single‐channel meter with im‐
proved stability algorithm to increase calibra on and measure‐
ment accuracy. Ideal meter to help meet USP requirements. Spectrophotometer Biorad SmartSpec Plus ‐ Used in teaching ac vi es of the course B415 Medical Physiology lab and research. Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: AMVn is a falling ball viscometer which measures the rolling me of a ball through transparent and opaque liq‐
uids according to Höppler's falling ball principle. Measurement is possible with as li le as 150 µL sample volume. Results are given as rela ve, kinema c or dynamic viscosity. AMVn is compact and economical, and saves space in the lab. Can also use the quick and easy analysis of the op onal Windows so ‐
ware to calculate the dilute solu on viscosity, intrinsic viscosi‐
ty, rela ve viscosity and other proper es of polymer solu ons. Equipment Name: Viscotek VE7510GPC Degasser Equipment #22 
Biosignal amplifier Biopac MP150 ‐ Used in teaching ac vi es for course B491 Bran Science lab and research. Equipment #23 
Equipment Name: Viscotek VE122 Solvent Delivery System Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Flow injec on polymer analysis (FIPA) is designed to be a fast precise and accurate analy cal tool for rou ne pro‐
cess and quality control measurements. This technique provides quick and easy, simultaneous measurements of Mw, IV, size and % polymer for liquid process/produc on/research samples. Dr. Nasrollah Hamidi 803‐536‐8506 38 Gel Image reader Biorad EZ Gel Doc ‐ Used in teaching ac vi es of course B415 Medical Physiology and research. Dr. Liljana Bozinovska Phone Number 536 8515 Email 7 Dr. Sheriase Sanders Determina on of the Presence of Food‐borne Pathogens to Enhance Food Safety in Orangeburg County Hodge Hall Building, Rm 119 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Hodge Hall Room 314 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment #9 
Equipment 
‐BIOLOG‐ Microbial Iden fica on System: includes a Microsta on Plate reader, computer and moni‐
tor, database so ware 
‐Autoclave (Table Top) 
‐Hotplate/s rrers (2) 
‐Ultra Low Freezer (‐86˚C) 
‐Incubator 
‐ Research Refrigerator 
‐Biological Cabinet Laminar Flow Hood 
‐Water Dis lla on Purifier 
‐Unispense Dispenser 
‐Water bath (5L) 
‐Vortex Mixer 
‐Micropipe ers (set of 4 different sizes‐10ul, 50ul, 200ul,1000ul) 
Equipment Name: Thermo gravimetric Analyzer TGA ‐7 Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Thermogravimetric analysis or thermal gravimetric analysis is a type of tes ng performed on samples that determines changes in weight in rela on to a temperature program in a controlled atmosphere. TGA is commonly employed in research and tes ng to determine characteris cs of materials such as polymers, to determine degrada on temperatures, absorbed moisture content of materi‐
als, the level of inorganic and organic components in materials, decomposi on points of explosives, and solvent residues. It is also o en used to es mate the corrosion kine cs in high temperature oxida on. Equipment #11 Equipment #10 
Equipment Name: Vacumn Pump Quan ty: 1 
Descrip on: A vacuum pump is a device that removes gas molecules from a sealed volume in order to leave behind a par al vacuum Equipment #12 
‐Portable pipets(2) This lab is s ll in the process of being set up and all equipment has not been fully assembled. Equipment Name: Viscotek GPC Max Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: The GPCmax is the world’s leading solvent and sample delivery module exclusively for GPC/SEC applica ons. Designed by GPC/SEC prac oners to deliver unparalleled robustness and performance for these demanding applica‐
ons, it provides the reliable and stable chromatographic founda on for the Viscotek advanced detec on systems Equipment Name: Viscotek TDA 302 Triple Detector Array Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: The Viscotek TDA sets the standard for GPC/SEC technology and is the world’s leading mul ‐detector pla orm. As a Triple Detector Array it employs refrac ve index, viscometer and light sca ering detectors all ac ng in concert, with each detector providing complimentary data on the macromolecules being analyzed. Equipment #13 
Equipment Name: Gateway FDD1940 Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: A computer is a general purpose device which can be programmed to carry out a finite set of arithme c or logical opera ons. Equipment # 14 
Dr. Sheriase Sanders 516‐4688 8 Equipment Name: LCMS Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC‐MS, or alterna vely HPLC‐MS) is an analy cal chemistry technique that combines the physical separa on capabili es of liquid chromatography (or HPLC) with the mass analysis capabili es of mass spectrometry. LC‐MS is a powerful technique used for many applica ons which has very high sensi vity and selec vity. Generally its applica on is oriented towards the general detec on and poten al iden fica on of chemicals in the presence of other chemicals (in a complex mixture). Dr. Nasrollah Hamidi 803‐536‐8506 37 Hodge Hall Room 314 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 The SC State Balloon Project Room 222, Hodge Hall and Field Loca ons South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment #1 
Equipment Name: Dell Computer Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: An electronic device for storing and pro‐
cessing data, typically in binary form, according to instruc‐
ons given to it in a variable program. Equipment #3 
Equipment Name: DMA 5000 Density Meter ( Anton Paar) Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: The DMA 5000 M is the most accurate density meter on the market and is ideal for numerous fields of applica‐
on and successful con nuous opera on in the laboratory. First
‐class digital density measurement provided by the robust DMA Genera on M density meters is applied in industrial quality control, in research, at authori es and standards organiza ons. This series of density meters provides unparalleled ease‐of‐use and ensure complete transparency and traceability of the sam‐
ple filling and measurement process. Equipment Name Equipment #2 
Equipment Name: Gateway Computer Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instruc ons given to it in a variable program. Equipment# 4 
Equipment Name: Constant Temperature Bath Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: The CANNON CT‐500/518 baths maintain accurate temperature control of ± 0.01°C within the range of 20°C to 100°
C, providing the temperature sensi vity required by ASTM D 445 for kinema c viscosity measurements with glass capillary viscom‐
eters. Two electric hea ng elements inside the bath rapidly heat the medium to any desired temperature within the range. A cool‐
ing coil, when connected to tap water or a cooling system, per‐
mits opera on below or slightly above ambient temperature. The SC State Balloon Project partners with colleagues at Orangeburg‐Calhoun Technical College and launches meteorological balloons to heights of 100,000 feet (20 miles) recording meteorological data (temperature, pressure, etc.) and the ozone content of the atmosphere which is radioed to the ground in real me during ascent and descent. Currently the project is used for student and teacher research ac vi es with launches from campus or schools in the area. Equipment includes: 1) A Model KTU‐2 Ozonezonde/Ozonizer Test Unit and Air Flow meter for calibra on. 2) Ground sta on receiving equipment including a YAESU receiver, Yagi a enna and interface materials to a laptop computer to receive, record and plot in real me all transmi ed data. 3) Balloons and parachutes to carry and return payloads. 4) Ozonesondes and radiosondes as payload devices for measuring and transmi ng data to the ground. 5) Numerous supplies such as helium tanks, power supplies, etc. to support the launch. 6) Online movie of our July 2010 launch: h p:// Equipment #5 
Equipment Name: HPLC Palm Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: High‐performance liquid chromatography (some mes referred to as high‐
pressure liquid chromatography), HPLC, is a chromatographic technique used to separate a mixture of compounds in analy cal chemistry and biochemistry with the purpose of iden fy‐
ing, quan fying and purifying the individual components of the mixture Equipment Name: Chiller ( Cryocool) Immersion Cool Students and faculty inflate the balloon Ground sta on equipment Quan ty: 1 Equipment #6 
Descrip on: A data center chiller is a cooling system used in a data center to remove heat from one element and deposit it into another element. Chillers are used by indus‐
trial facili es to cool the water used in their hea ng, ven la on and air‐condi oning (HVAC) units. Round‐the‐clock opera on of chillers is crucial to data center opera on, given the considerable heat produced by many servers opera ng in close proximity to one another. Equipment #7 
Equipment Name: Gonetek Desktop Control Unit Quan ty: 1 Equipment# 8 Descrip on: The OMSOMAT 090 enables the measurement of the average molecular weight (Mn) of polymers that are soluble in aqueous or organic solvents within the range of 10,000 to 2,000,000 g/Mol. 
Equipment Name: Gonotec Membrane Osmometer Radiosonde (small box on le ) and Ozonesonde Balloon, parachute and payload at launch Quan ty: 1 Dr. Nasrollah Hamidi 803‐536‐8506 36 Dr. Donald Walter 803‐533‐3773 9 The Robo cally Controlled Telescope Ki Peak Na onal Observatory near Tucson, Arizona South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Hodge Hall Room 310 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 SC State is part of the Robo cally Controlled Telescope (RCT) Consor um which manages the 1.3 meter telescope at Ki Peak Na onal Observatory 50 miles west of Tucson. The observatory includes: 1) A 1.3 meter, cassegrain reflec ng telescope housed in a protec ve dome. 2) An imaging CCD camera with a field of view of 9.8 arcminutes square. 3) Numerous broad and narrow‐band filters centered on standard bandpasses for observing objects in the spectral range of 330 nanometers to 1000 nanometers. The filters are especially suited for observing comets, stars and extragalac c objects such as supernovae. 4) Various computers and network devices to allow remote access in real me or the preferred mode which is a the robo c mode where observa ons are submi ed over the Internet to a queue and managed by scheduling so ware without hu‐
man interven on. Equipment #1  Equipment Name: Delso Nano C par cle Analyzer  Ownership: Dr. Mahtab  Quan ty: 1  Descrip on : The DelsaNano C uses photon correla on spectroscopy (PCS), which determines par cle size by measuring the rate of fluctua ons in laser light intensity sca ered by par cles as they diffuse through a fluid, for size analysis meas‐
urements and electrophore c light sca ering (ELS), which determines electrophore c movement of charged par cles un‐
der an applied electric field from the Doppler shi of sca ered light, for zeta poten al determina on. Equipment The 1.3 meter telescope is on the le , enclosed in the dome shown on the right. Equipment #2  Equipment Name: Spectrophotometer‐ Carry 50 BIO  Ownership: Dr. Mahtab  Quan ty: 1  Descrip on: The innova ve design of the Cary 50, which incorporates a Xenon flash lamp, enables it to offer many ad‐
vantages over tradi onal UV‐Vis spectrophotometers. The Cary 50 is controlled by the new Cary WinUV so ware. This Windows based so ware features a modular design which makes it easy to use. And of course, the Cary 50 can be fi ed with the full range of accessories to provide extra capabili es. Dr. Donald Walter 803‐533‐3773 10 Dr. Rahina Mahtab 803‐536‐8876 35 A Partnership in Observa onal & Computa onal Astronomy (POCA) The NASA Kepler Project Computa onal Physics Lab, Room 306 Davis Hall South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Hodge Hall Room 302 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment #6 
Drs. Jennifer Cash and Donald Walter conduct astronomical research using ground and space‐based observa ons including NASA’s Kepler Observatory satellite. They have partnered with colleagues at Clemson University, the Na onal Op cal As‐
tronomy Observatory and NASA Ames to study pulsa ng stars near the end of their life. Image analysis and computa onal techniques are applied to the data from a variety of sources. There is significant undergraduate involvement and support. Much of the work is conducted in the Computa onal Physics Lab, Room 306 Davis Hall, and the faculty offices of Cash and Walter. Specific equipment includes: 1) UNIX‐based worksta ons and laptops: Linux, Mac‐OS X and SUN Solaris. 2) Astronomical image analysis so ware: Image Reduc on and Analysis Facility (IRAF). 3) Computa onal and modeling so ware: Interac ve Data Language (IDL). 4) The Computa onal Physics Lab currently holds only the few worksta ons needed for this work, but is designed to handle 50 or more worksta ons and/or Linux clusters for future expansion. Equipment Student researchers using the Linux worksta ons while Dr. Cash instructs them in the use of IDL. Equipment Name: Centrific Centrifuge Ownership: Dr. Mahtab Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Fisher Scien fic 225 bench top centrifuge. Has max speed of 5,100 RPM and max force of 3,400 x G. Capacity of 24 x 15 mL tubes. 115 V, 60 Hz, 5 A Equipment #7 
Equipment Name: Water Bath Ownership: Dr. Mahtab Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Precision Circula ng Water Baths ideal for applica ons where temperature uniformity and control are cri cal, such as enzymes and serology. Available in three different models, these high performance baths range in capacity from 19 liters to 89 liters and in‐
clude a stainless steel diffuser shelf and a gable cover as standard equipment. Equipment #8 
Equipment Name: Fluorimeter Ownership: Dr. Mahtab Quan ty: 1 Asset Descrip on: An instrument for detec ng and measuring fluorescence Power and data outlets for worksta on expansion. Equipment #9 
Equipment Name: Water Purifica on System Ownership: Dr. Mahtab Quan ty: 1 Asset Descrip on: The Milli‐Q Advantage system has been designed to deliver high quality ultrapure water adapted to every user's needs in today's laboratory environment. Equipment #10 
Equipment Name: Balance‐ Analy cal 01‐910‐005 Ownership: Dr. Mahtab Quan ty: 1 Asset Descrip on: It is a balance scale. Dr. Rahina Mahtab 803‐536‐8876 34 Dr. Donald Walter 803‐533‐3773 11 The Cyclone Global Naviga on Satellite System (CYGNSS) Computa onal Physics Lab, Room 306 Davis Hall South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Hodge Hall Room 302 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment #1 
Equipment Name The University of Michigan is the lead on a 6‐year NASA satellite mission designed to make accurate measurements of ocean and surface winds including tropical storms and hurricanes. CYGNSS will launch a group of 8 small satellites that will be used to improve extreme weather predic ons. SC State will receive a subaward beginning in January 2013 that will fund both sci‐
en fic research as well as outreach. Dr. Stephen Katzberg, previously a NASA Visi ng Professor at SC State and now re red to Orangeburg, will conduct the scien fic research with SC State undergrads. Dr. Walter will conduct outreach to teachers and the community on related topics. 1) Windows and UNIX‐based worksta ons and laptops. 2) C++ and other compliers for modeling as well as future satellite tool so ware. 3) The Computa onal Physics Lab currently holds only the few worksta ons needed for this work, but is designed to handle 50 or more worksta ons and/or Linux clusters for future expansion. 4) CYGNSS project website: h p://aoss‐ Equipment Equipment Name: Isotemp Oven Ownership: Dr. Mahtab Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Ultra‐low temperature freezers that combine the highest reliability and superior perfor‐
mance with cost‐effec ve opera on and innova ve features. These ultra‐low temperature freezers safe‐
guard precious samples with advanced technology pla orms, maximum temperature recovery, micro‐
processor controls and high‐quality construc on. Equipment #2 
Equipment Name: HPLC Ownership: Dr. Ahmed Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: HPLC systems are currently used in a wide variety of fields. Higher relia‐
bility in analysis data and higher efficiency in total analysis workflow are required for faster development of new drugs, for be er food safety, and for mee ng higher standards in environmental regula ons. Many analysis techniques use LCMS, which requires a front‐end HPLC system to provide solvent delivery performance in the mi‐
cro to semi‐micro range and injectors with low sample carryover. Equipment #3 
Equipment Name: Lauda Ownership: Dr. Mahtabbuddin Ahmed Quan ty: 1 Equipment #4 Linux worksta ons in Room 306 Davis Hall. Power and data outlets for future expansion. Dr. Donald Walter 803‐533‐3773 
Equipment Name: Biofuge Pico Ownership: Dr. Mahtab Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: This incredibly small microliter centrifuge is one of the quietest models available. Its leading edge design and build quality provide this centrifuge with excel‐
lent performance and reliability. Equipment #5 
12 Equipment Name: Centrific Ownership: Dr. Mahtab Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Compact benchtop unit provides an economical alterna ve to higher‐
priced clinical centrifuges. Ideal for rou ne blood separa ons in physicians' offices and small clinics. Also handles applica ons in educa onal and industrial labs. Dr. Rahina Mahtab 803‐536‐8876 Dr. Mahtabbuddin Ahmed 803‐536‐8979 33 Detec on of Sphingomonas Strains for Use in Polycyclic Aroma c Hydrocarbon Degrada on Hodge Hall South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Lewis Lab Annex Building Room 322 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment #6 
Equipment Name: RC‐ TAP Quan ty: 1 Accuspin Micro,17 W STD RTR
Microcentrifuge; Micro 17; Ventilated; Cap. 24 1.5/2.0mL; Max.
Equipment #7 
Equipment Name: TriaThler Mul label Tester ( Hidex) Speed/Force 13,300rpm/17,000xG; LED display; Variable speed/rcf
Quan ty: 1 control; Timer (1 min. to 99 min.); w/24-place rotor and bio lid;
Descrip on: Triathler is a single‐sample counter, which provides fast and accurate re‐
sults for several life science and environmental applica ons. It can count all radioiso‐
topes including tri um in a variety of sample formats. Due to its very small size and light weight, Triathler can be taken into the field to measure samples on the spot. Although compact, Triathler has many advanced features such as advanced spectrum analysis using a mul channel analyzer (MCA), Instant DPM results, single‐photon luminescence coun ng, and op onal alpha beta separa on. 9.5L x 8.9W x 13.8 in.H; 120V 60Hz Maximadry 20-75, 115V
Pump, Vacuum; Fisher Scientific MaximaDry; Oil Free; Single-Stage;
115V, 60Hz; 1/6hp; 20L/min.; 15psig; 75 torr Equipment #8 
Equipment Name: HP Compaq 6000 Pro SFF PC Quan ty: 4 Descrip on: A computer is a general purpose device which can be programmed to carry out a finite set of arithme c or logical opera ons. Since a sequence of opera ons can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. Hotplate Stir Analog 7X7, 120V
Sorvall* ST 16 Centrifuge Series Equipment #9 
Equipment Name: Gateway Desktop Computer ( E Series) Thermo Scien fic* Sorvall ST 16 centrifuge series offers excep onal capaci‐
ty, ergonomic features and value for rou ne sample processing on the benchtop. Quan ty: 5 Descrip on: A computer is a general purpose device which can be programmed to carry out a finite set of arithme c or logical opera ons. Since a sequence of opera ons can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. Ideal for rou ne processing, the new Thermo Scien fic Sorvall ST 16 centri‐
fuge series combines excep onal capacity, ergonomics and value with mar‐
ket‐leading capabili es including unparalleled produc vity and throughout as well as excep onal ergonomics. Design innova ons enable safe, simple and comfortable opera on every day even in the most demanding labora‐
tory environments. Equipment #10 
Equipment Name: Spectech ST360 Counter Quan ty: 11 Descrip on: The Spectrum Techniques ST360 Radia on Counter represents the latest technol‐
ogy in bench top nuclear counters. Offered as a direct replacement for the popular ST350, this new instrument features many improvements and addi ons to enhance applica on and flexi‐
bility for Nuclear Science instruc on, Nuclear Medicine and Health Physics training. Scien fic Mul skan FC – Filter‐based Microplate Photometer for Equipment #11 
Equipment Name: HP Compaq dc 5700 small Form Factor Research and Rou ne Applica ons Quan ty: 2 Mul skan FC is a reliable and robust microplate photometer designed to perform a wide variety of rou ne and research applica ons. Descrip on: A computer is a general purpose device which can be programmed to carry out a finite set of arithme c or logical opera ons. Since a sequence of opera ons can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. Dr. Zheng Chang 803‐536‐7924 32 Dr. Waltena Simpson 803‐536‐4539 13 Detec on of Sphingomonas Strains for Use in Polycyclic Aroma c Hydrocarbon Degrada on Hodge Hall South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Lewis Lab Annex Building Room 322 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment #1 
Eppendorf Mastercycler® Thermal Cyclers Equipment Name: Sodium Iodide Detector Quan ty: Descrip on: The second most common type of radia on detec ng instrument is the scin lla on detec‐
tor. The basic principle behind this instrument is the use of a special material which glows or “scin llates” when radia on interacts with it. The most common type of material is a type of salt called sodium‐iodide. The light produced from the scin lla on process is reflected through a clear window where it interacts with device called a photomul plier tube. Equipment #2 
Equipment Name: Geiger Muller Counter Quan ty: Descrip on: A Geiger–Müller counter, also called a Geiger counter, is a type of par cle detector that measures ionizing radia on. They detect the emission of nuclear radia on: alpha par cles, beta par ‐
cles or gamma rays. A Geiger counter detects radia on by ioniza on produced in a low‐pressure gas in a Geiger–Müller tube. Each par cle detected produces a pulse of current, but the Geiger counter can‐
not dis nguish the energy of the source par cles. Invented in 1908, Geiger counters remain popular instruments used for measurements in health, physics, industry, geology and other fields, because they can be made with simple electronic circuits. Equipment #3 The Mastercycler® family offers ul mate reliability combined with easy to use so ware. The universal block can work with all common consumables and increases the range of ap‐
plica on flexibili es. The Mastercycler gradient has SteadySlope® technology ensuring op ‐
mal, constant hea ng and cooling rates, which means that results of gradient experiments can be transferred to rou ne applica ons. Provide simple, flexible programming and a choice of gradient or nongradient blocks Key Features—Provide hea ng and cooling via Pel er technology—u lize a heated lid. 
Equipment Name: Cryogenic Refrigerator System ( Cryolectric II Compressor) Quan ty: 1 Equipment #4 
Equipment Name: Pump (Canberra) Welch 1400 Duo Seal Vacuum Pump Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: A vacuum pump is a device that removes gas molecules from a sealed volume in order to leave behind a par al vacuum. Equipment #5 
Dr. Waltena Simpson 803‐536‐4539 14 Equipment Name: Liquid Scin lla on Analyzer ( Tri‐ Carb 2900 TR) Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: The Tri‐Carb® 2900TR is a computer‐controlled bench top liquid scin lla on analyzer for detec ng small amounts of alpha, beta and gamma radioac vity. Dr. Zheng Chang 803‐536‐7924 31 Wireless and Internet2 Access South Carolina State University Campus Wide Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Engineering Building Room 205 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment #16 
Equipment Name: (Rhino Robo cs) Rhino Mark IV, Carousel, Conveyor Belt, XR3 Robot, Gateway Computer Wireless Access Nodes Quan ty: 1 Devices that are used to provide wireless internet access. They typically are installed in strategic loca‐
ons within a building, outdoors, or within any area where wireless access is required. The benefits of the wireless access nodes will improve network access and bandwidth to network services and the inter‐
net. Descrip on: Computer Robo cs Equipment #17 
Equipment Name: Rhino Mark IV, Robo c Arm XR3 Quan ty: 1 Internet2 Access Descrip on: Computer Robo cs A private network that exists to support and enhance research, educa on and the development of revo‐
lu onary Internet technologies. Internet2 offers an endless array of powerful new applica ons for teaching and learning, including: •Real‐ me learning through videoconferencing and remote instrumenta on Equipment#18 
•Accessing rich mul media digital collec ons through digital libraries Equipment Name: Oscilloscope Quan ty: 9 •Crea ng new learning opportuni es through distance learning Descrip on: An oscilloscope, previously called an oscillograph, and informally known as a scope, CRO (for cathode‐ray oscilloscope), or DSO (for the more mod‐
ern digital storage oscilloscope), is a type of electronic test instrument that allows observa on of constantly varying signal voltages, usually as a two‐dimensional graph of one or more electrical poten al differences using the ver cal or 'Y' axis, plo ed as a func on of me (horizontal or 'x' axis). Ervin Russell 803‐533‐3687 •Ini a ng enhanced global awareness through engaging interna onal learning communi es 30 Mr. Anthony Caldwell 803‐536‐8738 15 Engineering Building Room 205 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 1890 Research Labs 1 & 2 1890 Building South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment #11 
Research Lab 1
Equipment Name: Programmable Power Supply Quan ty: 5 Descrip on: Programmable power supplies allow for remote control of the output voltage through an analog input signal or a computer interface such as RS232 or GPIB. Variable proper es include voltage, current, and frequency (for AC output units). These supplies are composed of a processor, voltage/current programming circuits, current shunt, and voltage/current read‐back circuits. Addi onal features can include overcur‐
rent, overvoltage, and short circuit protec on, and temperature compensa on Equipment #12 
Equipment Name: Programmable DC Power Supply Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: DC Power Supplies are commonly used in automated tes ng systems and bench top applica ons for DC‐DC converters, Telecom, Ba ery charge and simula on, Automo ve, Solar panel simula on, Burn‐in, and pla ng/electrolysis applica ons. These variable DC Power Supplies range from 600W to 15KW. Constant power opera ng enve‐
lope, current range up to 160A and high precision current read back make these power sources ideal for automa c test system applica ons as well as benchtop applica ons. Equipment #13 
Research Lab 2
Equipment Name: Programmable LCR Bridge Quan ty: 5 Descrip on: In general, the LCR bridge HM8118 (as well as all other LCR meter in this price seg‐
ment) is determined complex quan es, that means the impedance and phase angle of the con‐
nected component. These values are determined by measuring an AC current which is induced into the DUT. Based on the impedance (X‐axis) and the phase angle (angle), the device can deter‐
mine the missing value for the Y‐axis. These values are frequency dependent. Equipment #14 
Equipment Name: ( Rhino Rob cs) Rhino Mark IV, Roto Carousel , Conveyor Belt , Servo Robot XR4, Gateway Intel Pen um 4HT Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Computer Robo cs Equipment #15 
Anthony Caldwell 803‐536‐8738 16 Equipment Name: (Rhino Robo cs) Rhino Mark IV, Carousel, Conveyor Belt, XR3 Robot, Intel Pen um 4HT Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Computer Robo cs Ervin Russell 803‐533‐3687 29 Environmental Policy Ins tute James E. Clyburn University Transporta on Center South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Engineering Building Room 205 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment #6  Equipment Name: NI Elvis ( Na onal Instruments)  Quan ty: 5  Descrip on: The Na onal Instruments Educa onal Laboratory Virtual Instru‐
menta on Suite (NI ELVIS) delivers hands‐on lab experience with an integrated suite of more than 12 of the most commonly used instruments in one compact form factor specifically designed for educa on. Based on industry‐standard NI LabVIEW graphical system design so ware, NI ELVIS, with powerful data acqui‐
si on and USB plug‐and‐play capabili es, offers the flexibility of virtual instru‐
menta on and allows for quick and easy measurement acquisi on and instru‐
menta on across mul ple disciplines. Equipmentvaluedat$5,000ormorepurchasedunderthegrantentitled“EnvironmentalPolicyInstitute”toconductresearch.
Description:TheLudlumModel3030P’ssolidstatePIPSTMdetectorfacilitatesef icientandcost-effectivesimultaneousalphaandbetaradiation
samplecountingforair ilters,smearsandswipes.
Equipment #7  Equipment Name: Gateway E Series CPU, Monitor  Quan ty: 4  Descrip on: A computer is a general purpose device which can be pro‐
grammed to carry out a finite set of arithme c or logical opera ons. Since a sequence of opera ons can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. Equipment:HPxw9400Workstation(Linux/SATA)
Equipment #8  Equipment Name: PLC Programmer Logic Controller  Quan ty: 4  Descrip on: A class of industrially hardened devices that provides hardware interface for input sensors and output actuators. Equipment #9  Equipment Name: Arbitrary Func on Generator  Quan ty: 5  Descrip on: An arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) is a piece of electronic test equipment used to generate electrical waveforms. Equipment:DellPrecisionT7500Workstation
ThermalDynamics,ThermalHydraulics Equipment #10  Equipment Name: Programmable Power Meter  Quan ty: 5  Descrip on: Unique and versa le power meter capable of displaying eight (8) different power readings simultaneously. Also has it’s own “simulator” program to configure and exercise the display in the absence of RF power, and comes with remote HF coupler/sensor. Also able to interface with other user supplied couplers and external meters. Uses up to sixty (60) calibra on points to ensure accuracy of readings. Versa le, a rac ve, accurate and feature loaded power meter. Ervin Russell 803‐533‐3687 28 Dr. Reinhardt Brown 516‐4926 17 Engineering Building Room 205 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 The 1890 Mobile Technology Center 1890 Research and Extension South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 EducationalScope
The Mobile Technology Center provides learning opportuni es for diverse audiences to include: K‐12 standard‐based instruc on, workforce prepara on, entrepreneurial assistance, introductory computer training and much more! On‐boardFeatures
 12 Laptop Sta ons Equipment #1  Equipment Name: Func on Generator HM 8030  Quan ty: 3 Equipment #2  Equipment Name: 4MB Digital Oscilloscope HM03524  Quan ty: 4  Descrip on: A device for viewing oscilla ons, as of electrical voltage or cur‐
rent, by a display on the screen of a cathode‐ray tube.  Wireless Internet  100‐yard Wireless Hotspot Equipment #3  Equipment Name: AC/ DC Power Supply  Quan ty: 4 Descrip on: A power supply is a device that supplies electric power to one or more electric loads. The term is most commonly applied to devices that convert one form of electrical energy to another, though it may also refer to devices that convert another form of energy (mechanical, chemical, so‐
lar) to electrical energy. A regulated power supply is one that controls the output voltage or current to a specific value; the controlled value is held nearly constant despite varia ons in either load current or the voltage sup‐
plied by the power supply's energy source.  Satellite Television  Handicap Accessibility  Dry‐erase Walls The Mobile Technology Center travels throughout the year to various loca ons in the state, stopping at community‐centered loca ons. The Center also frequents community events such as fes vals, fairs and expos, as well as university func ons. Equipment #4  Equipment Name: Feedback Servo  Quan ty: 7  Descrip on: A servomechanism, some mes shortened to servo, is an auto‐
ma c device that uses error‐sensing nega ve feedback to correct the perfor‐
mance of a mechanism. The term correctly applies only to systems where the feedback or error‐correc on signals help control mechanical posi on, speed or other parameters. Equipment #5  Equipment Name: Dual Power Supply  Quan ty: 4  Descrip on: Found more commonly in servers and other high‐end computers, a redundant power supply contains two (or more) power supply units inside it. Each power supply is capable of powering the en re computer and only one runs at a me. If one fails, the other power supply starts running to keep the computer powered up. The switch between the power supplies is seamless, so as not to interrupt the normal use of the computer. In the picture to the right, is an example of what a redundant power supply may look like. Mr. Delbert Foster 536‐8191 18 Ervin Russell 803‐533‐3687 27 Belcher Hall AT &T Lab South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Engineering Building Room 201A South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment#3  Gateway E Series  Quan ty: 1  Descrip on: General purpose device which can be programmed to carry out a finite set of arithme c or logical opera ons Equipment Name:  Dell Op Plex  Condi on: Good  Quan ty: 52  Asset Descrip on: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary Equipment#4  Na onal Instruments NI Elvis 114 100Ms/s  Quan ty: 5  Descrip on: The NI Educa onal Laboratory Virtual Instrumenta on Suite (NI ELVIS) features an integrated suite of 12 of the most commonly used instruments in the lab ‐ including the oscilloscope, digital mul meter, func on generator, variable power supply, and Bode analyzer ‐ in a compact form factor for the lab or classroom demonstra ons. Based on NI LabVIEW graphical system design so ware, NI ELVIS, with USB plug‐and‐play capabili es, offers the flexibility of virtual instrumenta on and allows for quick and easy measurement acquisi on and display Ervin Russell 803‐533‐3687 form, according to instruc ons given to it in a variable program 26 Dr. Arnold Murdock 803‐516‐4757 19 Belcher Hall Room 305/352 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Engineering Building Room 201A South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment#1—Room 305 Equipment#1  Equipment Name: HP Compaq dc 7800 CMT PC All  Quan ty: 3  Descrip on: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instruc ons given to it in a variable program.  Equipment Name: Dell Computer Op Plex 360  Ownership: Mr. Ricoma  Quan ty: 13  Descrip on: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instruc ons given to it in a variable program. Equipment#2  Equipment Name: Na onal Instruments – NIPXI‐ 1042Q  Quan ty: 3  Descrip on: Na onal Instruments PXI‐1042Q 8‐slot 3U PXI Chassis with Universal AC. The Na onal Instruments PXI‐1042 Series chassis are designed to meet the needs of a wide range of test and measurement applica ons. The NI PXI‐1042 Series includes the PXI‐1042 (extended 0 to 55 °C temperature range) and the PXI‐1042Q (acous c emissions as low as 43 dBA). The PXI‐1042 Series chassis incorporate all features of the latest PXI speci‐
fica on, including built‐in 10 MHz reference clock, PXI trigger bus, star trigger, and local bus. Equipment#1—Room 352  Equipment Name: Dell Op Plex 360  Quan ty: 18  Descrip on: An electronic device for storing and pro‐
cessing data, typically in binary form, according to in‐
struc ons given to it in a variable program. Mr. Mario Ricoma 803‐533‐3653 20 Mr. Ervin Russell 803‐533‐3687 25 Nance Hall South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Engineering Building South Carolina State University Room 204 Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Room 202 Equipment#1  Equipment Name: Dell Op Plex 360  Quan ty: 26  Descrip on: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instruc ons given to it in a variable program. Equipment #6  Equipment Name: 6 ½ Digit Precision Mul meter  Quan ty: 10  Descrip on: An auto ranging digital mul meter that automa cally ad just the scaling network so that the measurement uses the full precision of the A/D converter. Equipment#7  Equipment Name: HP Compaq dc 7800 CM  Quan ty: 5  Descrip on: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instruc ons given to it in a variable program. Room 206 Equipment#1  Equipment Name: Dell Op Plex 360  Quan ty: 23  Descrip on: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instruc ons given to it in a variable program. Equipment #8  Equipment Name: Programmable LCR Bridge  Quan ty: 5  Descrip on: By defini on the inductance is the ra o of the total magne c flux linkage (Λ) ... programmed voltage in an LCR meter is obtained under an open circuit condi on. Equipment #9  Equipment Name: Programmable Power Meter  Quan ty: 5  Descrip on: Unique and versa le power meter capable of displaying eight (8) different power readings simultaneously. Also has its own “simulator” program to configure and exercise the display in the absence of RF power and remote HF coupler/sensor. Able to interface with other user supplied couplers and external meters. Uses up to sixty (60) calibra on points to ensure accuracy of readings. Versa le, a rac ve, accurate and feature loaded power meter. Dr. Hasanul A. Basher 803‐536‐8474 Room 303 Equipment#1  Equipment Name: Sun Microsystems Computer  Quan ty: 27  Descrip on: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instruc ons given to it in a variable program. 24 Dr. James Keller 803‐536‐8675 21 Smith Hammond Middleton Gym Room 131 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Engineering Building Room 204 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, South Carolina 29117 Equipment#1 
Equipment Name: ( Coriva)l VeloTron Racer Mate Descrip on: provides the highest laboratory grade accuracy and repeatability, the widest load range of any commercially available electronic ergometer, high durability/low maintenance, and an authen c road feel that closely simulates riding outdoors. The system uses an innova ve patented eddy current brake built around a heavy (55lb), large diameter flywheel with an internal freewheel. It uses a fixed ra o, high efficiency chain drive. Shi ing is accomplished electronically with "virtual" gearing. Equipment#2 
Equipment#3 
Equipment Name: Flo‐1B Change Absorber Frequency Quan ty: 1 Equipment#4 Equipment #2  Equipment Name: Computer HP Compaq  Quan ty: 5  Descrip on: An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instruc ons given to it in a variable program. Equipment Name: Schwinn Air dyne Quan ty: 1 
Equipment #1  Equipment Name: 3GHz Spectrum Analyzer  Quan ty: 5  Descrip on: A spectrum analyzer measures the magnitude of an input signal versus frequency within the full frequency range of the instrument. Quan ty: 1 Equipment Name: Track Master Quan ty: 1 Equipment #3  Equipment Name: 350 MHz/ 4GSa/ 4MB Digital Oscilloscope  Quan ty: 5  Descrip on: A type of oscilloscope that uses an analog–to–digital converter (ADC) to convert the measured voltage into digital informa on. Descrip on: The TMX425 is a stress treadmill. Centering the design on the absolute safety and comfort of the pa ent. The treadmill is self‐calibra ng, virtually maintenance‐free and the safety features include a low profile deck, smooth belt opera on and an easy‐to‐reach emergency stop switch. The large 22" x 63" deck absorbs im‐
pact while providing plenty of room to run or walk, and ergonomically designed handrails inspire pa ent confi‐
dence. Manual and fully programmable rail‐mounted controllers are simple and intui ve, allowing the treadmill to be used independently from the stress system. Equipment #4  Equipment Name: Arbitrary Func on Generator  Quan ty: 5  Descrip on: An arbitrary waveform generator (AWG) is a piece of electronic test equipment used to generate electrical waveforms. Equipment#5 
Equipment Name: Humac Norm Tes ng & Rehabilita on System Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: The HUMAC NORM is the solu on for measuring and improving performance in the clinic, training room, and research laboratory. In one machine the HUMAC NORM offers 22 isolated‐joint movement pa erns, four resistance modes (isokine c, isotonic, isometric, and passive) and numerous reports to meet the measurement and exercise needs. Equipment #5  Equipment Name: Programmable Power Supply  Quan ty: 5  Descrip on: Programmable power supplies allow for remote control of the output voltage through an analog input signal or a computer interface such as RS232 or GPIB. Variable proper es include voltage, current, and frequency (for AC output units). These supplies are composed of a proces‐
sor, voltage/current programming circuits, current shunt, and voltage/
current read‐back circuits. Addi onal features can include overcurrent, overvoltage, and short circuit protec on, and temperature compensa on. Equipment#6 
Equipment Name: Mo on Analysis Corpora on Quan ty: 1 Descrip on: Mo on Analyzer Dr. Barry Frishberg 803‐536‐8652 22 Dr. Hasanul A. Basher 803‐536‐8474 23 