to help grow your Facebook Business Page

25 Simple Facebook
Marketing Ideas
to help grow your Facebook Business Page
Written by Kyle Raffo | Expand Digital Media
© Copyright 2013. Expand Digital Media
25 Simple Facebook
Marketing Ideas
Help your business grow using the
power of Facebook. Reach a worldwide audience through the priceless
ideas and advice in this short book.
Creating a Facebook Page from scratch
should really be your goal if your page is
isn’t easy. Some will say getting a lot of
going to affect the bottom line of your Likes is the most important thing, however,
business. Following the advice given in
cultivating an audience that is engaged,
this short book will take you through each
loyal and regularly shares your content
step required to reach this goal.
Get more people to
your Facebook Page
“Having a Facebook Page
allows customers to know,
like and trust you.”
– Kyle Raffo
Get more people to
your Facebook Page
Looking for more great advice, tips
and ideas? Head over to our
Knowledge Base today at:
1. Use QR Codes
4. Have a Shop or Office?
Why not put a QR code up at your place of
If you have a physical location for your
business? This will lead people to your
business, whether that be a shop or office,
Facebook page and encourage them to
put up a sign telling people they can find
‘Like’ you. You can create your QR Code
you on Facebook. Don’t forget to remind
for using a free online generator.
your employees to tell your customers
they can also find you on Facebook.
2. Tweet to your Followers
5. Send a Newsletter
You could tweet about something which is
happening on your Facebook page to en-
Do you send email newsletters on a regu-
tice your followers on Twitter to go to your
lar basis? If so, announce that you have a
Facebook page. Remember, it doesn’t al-
Facebook page in the newsletter and be
ways have to be something like a competi-
sure to give people a reason to visit it and
tion. It could well be a great conversation
click “Like.” Thats not all, make sure you
that’s happening.
have a link to your Facebook page in every
newsletter you send. Simply add it to the
3. Promote on Products
footer with links to any other social media
Do you have products that are sold in
store or online? Well why not promote your
6. Use a ‘Like Box’
Facebook page on these products. It
could be as simple as a QR Code for cus-
Add a Like box to your website. Grab the
tomers to scan or even a business card
code from Facebook and kindly ask your
that includes your Facebook details.
website designer to add it to your site.
Get more people to
your Facebook Page
Looking for more great advice, tips
and ideas? Head over to our
Knowledge Base today at:
7. Write a Blog Article
Writing an article about your Facebook
page is a great way to gain attention. Everybody wants something for nothing so it’s
most effective if you are offering something on Facebook, but if not, just give
them a good reason to “Like” you.
8. Your Email Signature
Adding a simple link to your Facebook
page in your email signature allows you to
inform nearly every person you contact.
Also, consider putting a link to your Facebook Page on your business cards as well
as putting it on all your employees’ email
signatures too.
9. Facebook Logo
Most people know what the Facebook
logo looks like. If nothing else, the use of
the logo suggests to people that they can
find you on there even if they don’t have a
physical link to click on.
What should I post on
Facebook Pages?
“Either write something
worth reading or do something worth writing.”
– Benjamin Franklin
What should I post on
Facebook Pages?
Looking for more great advice, tips
and ideas? Head over to our
Knowledge Base today at:
10. The Facts
13. Live Stream
Post facts related to your industry or ones
Broadcast a live seminar, press conference
you believe will interest your fans. You’ll
or interview right on your Facebook page.
get a lot of people interacting on your
Using a fantastic app called Livestream page when you open their eyes to these
allows you to facilitate live streaming on
facts or statistics.
your page.
11. Live Q & A
14. Ask a Question
Ever thought about having a live question
Think about it... if you want people to com-
and answer session on your Facebook
ment and reply to your posts, then ask
page? You can have someone from your
questions! It’s a guaranteed way to get
business monitor the page for an hour us-
people commenting.
ing a specific topic to spark people’s questions.
15. Fans asking Questions
12. Fan of the Week
You could always ask your fans to post
their questions on your page ready for you
Pick a Fan of the Week or Fan of the
to answer them. This is a great way to find
Month and feature them on your page. You
out your customers thoughts as most peo-
could include a prize for this person but
ple tend to find asking questions more
don’t think you have to make it into a con-
comfortable over Facebook compared to a
test to win anything. You’re simply saying
telephone call or email. Hopefully you’ll an-
thank you for being a great fan and people
swer some important questions which may
will tend to really appreciate this!
have otherwise gone unanswered.
What should I post on
Facebook Pages?
Looking for more great advice, tips
and ideas? Head over to our
Knowledge Base today at:
16. Post some Photos
19. Visit other Blogs
If you’ve spent any amount of time on
Find other people’s blog posts and share
Facebook, you will have seen the number
links to them on your page.
of funny photos that get posted. Find photos related to your business or any photo
20. Tag People
that makes a great statement. Chances
are, your photo will be shared and more
If you like another Facebook page, why
people will discover your Facebook page.
not Tag them. To mention others, just type
In addition, people love to comment, share
“@” and the business page name. You may
and like photos.
end up getting new fans because of it!
17. Include Videos
Millions of videos are on YouTube so don’t
think they always have to be yours. If you
find something of interest, post it. Funny,
interesting, thought provoking or inspiring
videos are always great choices.
18. Have a Blog?
Having a blog or news feed for your business is always a great idea! And, you
shouldn't forget to share these articles on
Facebook too. In addition to posting a link
to it, ask people a question related to the
article to get them commenting.
Tips on posting to your
Facebook Page
“Don’t find customers for
your products, find products for your customers.”
– Seth Godin
Tips on posting to
your Facebook Page
Looking for more great advice, tips
and ideas? Head over to our
Knowledge Base today at:
21. Lets Get Personal
People love to chat on Facebook and
you’ll be surprised by how many responses you get by asking people how
their days are going, what their plans are
for the weekend or how the weather is
where they are.
22. Have Some Fun
Use photos and videos as a way to inject some fun into your page. Ok so you’re serious about business, but it doesn't mean
you cant have fun on your Facebook page!
23. Repeat What Works
Over time, you’ll notice patterns (especially
if you use the Facebook Insights feature).
Certain types of content will get a better
response compared to others so make
sure you keep that in mind when you’re
brainstorming upcoming posts.
Remember, a good response shows that
24. Stay Relevant
Will people find it interesting? Helpful? A
lot of pages tend to update their page with
“Company News.” That’s okay from time
to time, but don’t bore your fans.
25. Be True and Authentic
You and your business have a personality
so why not show it? People will respond
positively to the personality of your business but make sure that whoever is posting on your Facebook Page is showing the
best face of your business.
your successfully engaging with your Facebook audience!