Memory Changes in Healthy Young and Older Adults

Memory Changes in Healthy Young and Older Adults
David A. Balota, Patrick O. Dolan, and Janet M. Duchek
Washington University
Address correspondence to: David A. Balota
Department of Psychology
Washington University
St. Louis, MO 63130
Aging and Memory
The present chapter provides a review of the literature addressing changes in memory
performance in older adults (often retired individuals with an age between 60 and 80 years),
compared to younger adults (often college students around age 20). While it is well-established
that memory performance declines in older adults (e.g., Kausler, 1994; Ryan, 1992), it is now
clear that not all aspects of memory are impaired (e.g., Balota & Duchek, 1988; Burke & Light,
1981; Craik, 1983; Schacter, Kihlstrom, Kaszniak & Valdiserri, 1993; Shimamura, 1989).
Dissociations across age groups with respect to impairments in different memory types/processes
have provided (a) insights into the influence of aging on neuropsychological underpinnings of
memory, and (b) leverage for memory theorists to develop a better understanding of normal
memory functioning.
This chapter involves three sections: First, we provide a summary of selected empirical
findings that document the nature of age-related changes across a wide set of memory tasks.
Although it is beyond the scope of the present chapter to review the rich literature concerning
memory and aging, this section will acquaint the reader with examples of paradigms used to study
distinct aspects of memory and the conclusions that researchers have reached regarding the
influence of age on each memory type/process. Second, we discuss the major theoretical
perspectives that have been proposed as explanatory constructs for these age-related memory
deficits. Finally, we provide an overview of recent developments that shed some light on
understanding the possible neurological underpinnings of aging on memory functioning.
Review of Empirical Findings
At the onset, it is useful to make a distinction between (a) memories that are revealed
through intentional retrieval of a previous experience, and (b) memories that are manifested in
subsequent behavior without the direct recollection of the previous event. The former is
declarative (explicit) memory, and is exemplified by the question “What did you have for dinner
last night?”, while the latter, less well defined category, is called non-declarative (procedural or
Aging and Memory
implicit) memory (e.g., Squire, 1986), and might be reflected in one’s memory for riding a
bicycle. Specifically, although it may be difficult to explicitly describe how to ride a bicycle,
your non-declarative memory for the procedure is easily demonstrated by success in riding a
Declarative Memory
Within declarative memory, one can distinguish between memories that are episodic in
nature – pertaining to personally experienced events in a particular setting at a particular time
(e.g., what you had for dinner last night) – and semantic memories that reflect our general
knowledge of facts, words and their meaning (e.g., who is the author of “The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn”). In general, the evidence regarding episodic and semantic memory indicates
that older adults have a much larger disruption in episodic memory tasks than in semantic
memory tasks.
One useful way of organizing the episodic memory literature is to use the informationprocessing framework (e.g., Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968) in which stimuli are transformed into
qualitatively distinct memory representations. Within this framework, one can distinguish
between three major memory stores: sensory, short-term, and long-term.
Sensory memory. Sensory memory systems hold information in a relatively raw
(uninterpreted) format for brief periods of time. Visual/iconic (Sperling, 1960), auditory/echoic
(Crowder, 1976), and tactile (Watkins & Watkins, 1974) sensory stores have been identified
experimentally. The research addressing sensory memory in young and older adults indicates
that there is relatively little age-related change in these systems. For example, Kline and OrmeRogers (1978) presented participants with two fragments that were not meaningful by themselves
but when fused together in the same spatial location would produce a visual word. Visual
persistence of the first stimulus fragment after its offset allows the participant to combine it with
Aging and Memory
the second stimulus fragment to identify the complete word. Kline and Orme-Rogers found that
older adults were better at identifying the fused word with increased inter-stimulus intervals,
suggesting that older adults visual span was slightly better than younger adults (also see DiLollo,
Arnett & Kruck, 1982; Gilmore, Allan & Royer, 1986). Parkinson and Perry (1980) found
similar evidence of age invariance in the auditory analogue called echoic memory.
Primary/Short-term memory. Primary memory is reflected in our ability to maintain
small amounts of information in immediate awareness for a short period of time, e.g., maintaining
a phone number until it is dialed. In most primary memory tasks, age differences again appear to
be relatively small. Consider the results from the often-used Brown-Peterson task. Participants
are required to remember just three letters for a brief period of time. However, instead of
allowing rehearsal during the retention interval, one ensures that attention is directed towards a
secondary task (e.g., subtracting by 3s from a 3 digit number). Puckett and Stockburger (1988)
found similar levels of memory for young and older adults across the delays. This suggests not
only equivalent primary memory capacity but also comparable rates of forgetting (see Craik,
1977; Zacks, Hasher, & Li, 1998, for reviews).
Secondary/long-term memory. It is well established that older adults, relative to younger
adults, have more difficulty with episodic secondary memory tasks such as answering the
question “What did you have for dinner last night?”. These deficits might occur at three distinct
stages of episodic secondary memory: encoding (the initial storage of the memory), retention
(the maintenance of the memory across time), and retrieval (the utilization of the stored memory).
Regarding encoding, it appears that even when instructions encourage the formation of rich,
elaborate memory traces, older adults are less likely to do so (Craik & Byrd, 1982; Rabinowitz &
Ackerman, 1982; see also Craik & Jennings, 1992 and Kausler, 1991 for reviews). Turning to
retention, which is inherently more difficult to isolate because of differences in initial encoding,
results suggest that when initial encoding is equated there is relatively little difference between
Aging and Memory
older and younger adults in rate of forgetting across retention intervals (see Giambra &
Arenberg, 1993; Park, Royal, Dudley & Morrell, 1988; Rybarczyk, Hart & Harkins, 1987).
Finally, turning to retrieval, there is clear evidence of age-related changes. In particular, there is
considerable evidence that age differences in memory performance diminish when retrieval is
facilitated by providing additional cues at the time of the memory test. For example, largest age
differences are found in tests of free-recall, diminished age differences in cued-recall, and often
times little or no age differences in tests of recognition (Craik & McDowd, 1987, Rabinowitz,
1984; Smith, 1977).
Encoding Specificity. According to Tulving and Thomson’s (1973) encoding specificity
principle, it is important to consider the degree of match between the encoding and the retrieval
operations instead of simply emphasizing either encoding or retrieval processes. This principle
was explored in a study by Duchek (1984) who crossed encoding context (semantic vs rhyme)
with retrieval context (semantic vs rhyme). The results of this study indicated that, compared to
younger adults, older adults were especially poor in the conditions in which there was a match
between the semantic encoding and semantic retrieval conditions. Duchek argued that the
distinctiveness of the semantic encoding and retrieval operations appear to be decreased in older
adults compared to younger adults (also see Craik & Byrd, 1982).
Memory for context. Another way to consider the age-deficits in secondary episodic
memory is the memory of particular details or the context of prior events. Interestingly, even
under conditions in which young and older adults are equated on memory for target items, older
adults are poorer at recalling specific details of what they had studied. For example, Schacter,
Kaszniak, Kihlstrom, and Valdiserri (1991) had older and younger adults study fictitious facts
(e.g., "Bob Hope’s father was a fireman") presented by either a male or female experimenter.
While overall memory for the facts was similar, older adults were impaired in remembering the
gender of the experimenter who presented the facts. This work falls under the important
Aging and Memory
distinction between source and item memory (Johnson, Hashtroudi & Lindsay, 1993).
Specifically, one can sometimes remember an event, but cannot remember when or where it was
initially experienced. There is accumulating evidence indicating that older adults have specific
deficits in source information (see Hashtroudi, Johnson, & Chrosniak, 1990; Spencer & Raz,
1995 for a recent meta-analysis). We will return to the topic of source deficits in the final section
of the present chapter.
Semantic knowledge. Who wrote “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?” Do dogs have
wings? Is Jrunsk an English word? The fact that one can answer such questions easily and
quickly suggests that we have stored a large amount of information that is well organized for
rapid retrieval. One approach to understanding semantic memory is to assume our knowledge is
stored as an organized network of words or concepts (‘nodes’) connected to other related
concepts via associative/semantic pathways. When a node is ‘activated’ (by exposure to the word
or concept, or by attention directed to it), activation spreads from one activated node to other
related nodes in the network making them more accessible for subsequent processing. This
mechanism of spreading activation is thought to mediate many aspects of both memory and
higher order cognition (Anderson, 1983).
The principle task used to measure semantic spreading activation is the semantic priming
paradigm. In this task, two stimuli are presented sequentially, and the relation between them
(prime and target) is manipulated. Participants are faster and more accurate to make a response
(such as name the word aloud) if the second word (NURSE) is semantically related to the first
word (DOCTOR), compared to an unrelated baseline (BOOK).
To the extent that priming
occurs, researchers can infer the degree of spreading activation between nodes and the relative
integrity of the underlying semantic network. The majority of these studies have found either
older adults producing slightly larger semantic priming effects than younger adults, or very
similar semantic priming effects (see Laver & Burke, 1993, for a review). For example, Balota
Aging and Memory
and Duchek (1988; see also 1989; 1991) manipulated the strength of association (strong:
ANIMAL-DOG vs. weak: ANIMAL-SWAN) and the delay (Stimulus Onset Asynchrony, SOA,
ranging from 200-msec to 800-msec) between the prime and target words. For both younger and
older adults, priming was greater for strong associates, and greater with longer SOAs. Similar
findings have been reported in studies in which one measures priming amongst nodes that are
actually instantiated within the experiment itself (e.g., Balota & Duchek, 1989; Howard, Heisey,
& Shaw, 1986; Rabinowitz, 1986; Spieler & Balota, 1996). Thus, as long as one measures the
automatic (non-attentional) spread of activation within the semantic memory network, this
component appears to be relatively in tact in older adults.
In contrast to the automatic activation of representations in memory, there are
breakdowns in some semantic memory tasks that demand more attention. For example, if the
participant is required to maintain the prime information for an extended period of time, older
adults do produce some deficits in the semantic priming task (e.g., Balota, Black & Cheney,
1992, see, however, Burke, White, & Diaz, 1987). In addition, the most common memory
complaint of older adults is the Tip of the Tongue (TOT) experience in which one is trying to
explicitly recall the name of a person or a low-frequency word that fits the appropriate context
(Sunderland, Watts, Baddeley, & Harris, 1986). The TOT experience involves an explicit feeling
of knowing the correct word, but a frustrating inability to actually produce it from memory. This
problem in name and word retrieval in older adults has been demonstrated in both diary studies of
memory problems and in experimental studies (e.g., Burke, MacKay, Worthley, & Wade, 1991).
These results may reflect a specific deficit in accessing the phonological codes necessary to
retrieve a word from activated semantic/lexical codes (see Burke et al. 1991, for further
Prospective Memory. Memory most typically involves retrieving something that has
been previously stored. Recent research has focused on a different type of memory called
Aging and Memory
prospective memory, wherein one must remember to perform some action in the future, e.g.,
remembering to take a dose of medicine at scheduled intervals. Researchers have distinguished
between prospective tasks that are time-based (taking medicine every 8 hours) and those that are
event-based (relaying a message to a friend next time you see her; Einstein & McDaniel, 1990).
Time-based tasks require more self-initiated retrieval processes and, perhaps not surprisingly
(given the findings reviewed above), reveal the largest age-related deficits (see Anderson &
Craik, this volume, Chapter xx).
Procedural/Non-Declarative Memory
Procedural/Non-declarative memory is a broad category reflecting a number of
phenomena that clearly reflect the memory of prior events or episodes, however, this type of
memory typically does not require explicit recollection of the past. Some of the most intriguing
evidence supporting the distinction between declarative and non-declarative (or explicit and
implicit) memories arose initially from studies of amnesics. While amnesics, by definition,
perform poorly on declarative memory tasks such as free recall or recognition, they do relatively
well on indirect, non-declarative memory tasks. For example, having been exposed to the word
‘Green’, they will be more likely to respond ‘Green’ when later asked to complete the word
fragment G_e__, even though ‘Great’ is a more common word.
Interestingly, several studies have shown non-significant age differences in a variety of
non-declarative repetition priming tasks such as word fragment completion (e.g., Dick; Kean, &
Sanders, 1989; Light, Singh, & Capps, 1986), speeded lexical decision (Balota & Ferraro, 1996),
and category exemplar generation (Light & Albertson, 1986). In all of these studies, the response
to the stimulus is not identical across exposures to the stimulus, and so, “memory” is not simply a
reflection of stimulus-response practice effects. In addition to these procedural tasks, there are
also studies in which the subject is required to implictly acquire a new pattern of stimulusresponse mappings (e.g., acquiring a pattern of 10 randomly ordered keypresses). The results
Aging and Memory
from these studies also indicate that there is relatively little age-related change in this type of
implicit learning (e.g., Howard & Howard, 1992; 1997; Moscovitch, Winocur, & McLachlan,
1986). One should acknowledge that some age-related changes have been observed in certain
aspects of procedural/non-declarative memory tasks (e.g., Curran, 1997; Howard, 1988; Howard
& Howard, 1997; Ross, Yesavage, Hill, & Bower, 1986). However, the general conclusion from
this area of research is that studies of procedural/non-declarative memory tasks indicate that if
one observes age-related changes, these are relatively small compared to declarative tasks such as
recall and recognition performance (see LaVoie & Light, 1995, for a summary).
Summary of Empirical Findings
The distinctions among types of memory systems and processes have proven valuable to
our understanding of the effects of age on memory performance. It is clear that the largest
memory deficits appear in the storage of long-term episodic memories, and that memories that
place minimal demand on attention (such as sensory memory tasks, implicit memory tasks, and
semantic priming tasks) produce relatively little age-related change in performance.
Aging and Memory: Theoretical Perspectives
We will now briefly review the major theoretical accounts of the observed age-related
changes in memory performance. Each of these perspectives provides a different framework for
organizing the extant literature and a theoretical explanation for the memory deficits by positing
some underlying mechanism that may be impaired with aging.
Speed of Processing
According to a speed of processing perspective, aging is accompanied by a general
slowing in cognitive processing that appears to include all components of processing (e.g., Birren,
Woods, & Williams, 1980; Cerella, 1985). Evidence for this approach is demonstrated by
predicting mean response times of older adults from the mean response times from younger adults
across a set of conditions within tasks and also across tasks (Brinley, 1965). Simple linear
Aging and Memory
functions often account for over 90% of the age-related variance across a wide variety of
Recent versions of the processing speed perspective have further explicated the
relationship between reduced processing speed and age-related memory decrements. In
particular, Salthouse (1996a) has argued via large scale psychometric studies and path analyses
that processing speed serves as a mediator between age and various cognitive functions, such as
memory functioning. For example, in one study, Salthouse (1996b) reported that age was related
to a general speed factor (derived from a number of processing speed measures) and age was
related to memory performance; however age was only weakly related to memory performance
after statistically controlling for the effect of processing speed. Likewise, the results of path
analyses indicated that age is only indirectly related to memory performance and is mediated by
speed of processing.
Thus, according to this framework, age differences in memory do not reflect changes in
memory processing per se, but instead merely reflect age differences in the speed of processing.
Although there is little doubt that older adults process information at a slower rate than younger
adults, and this will be a substantial component to any theoretical account of age-related changes
in cognitive performance, one potential concern with the general slowing perspective is that it
does not provide a straightforward account in the patterns of age-related deficits, and lack thereof,
in different components of memory performance reviewed above.
Reduced Processing Resources
The notion of reduced processing resources (also sometimes referred to as attentional
capacity) represents a slightly different viewpoint from the speed of processing framework.
Attentional capacity refers to the limited pool of cognitive resources available for allocation for
any given cognitive task (Kahneman, 1973). A difficult cognitive task requires more attentional
capacity than a simple cognitive task. It has been suggested that reduced attentional resources
Aging and Memory
impair older adults’ ability to engage in more cognitive demanding strategies, such as deep,
elaborate encoding operations that facilitate later memory retrieval (e.g., Craik & Byrd, 1982;
Salthouse, 1982). In support of this notion, Rabinowitz, Craik, and Ackerman (1982) found that
older adults are less likely to encode specific contextual detail about to-be-remembered items.
Instead older adults encode information in a more general, automatic manner which typically
leads to poorer retrieval cues and subsequent performance (also see, Hashtroudi, Johnson, &
Chrosniak, 1990). Thus, a reduction in attentional capacity may lead to a more general encoding
strategy and poorer memory performance.
The reduced attentional capacity view has been criticized as being too vague and without
any clear specification and elaboration of the core construct of attentional capacity (e.g., see
Salthouse, 1988). More recent attempts examining age differences in the effect of dividing
attention at encoding and retrieval may provide a clearer understanding of the role of attentional
control and resources in memory performance. For example, a recent study by Anderson, Craik,
and Naveh-Benjamin (1998) suggests that there are no age differences in the cost of dividing
attention at encoding or at retrieval on actual memory performance, instead it is the engagement
of encoding and retrieval operations that demands more attentional resources for older adults.
Future work along these lines has considerable potential to better understand the nature of
capacity reductions in older adults.
Reduced Working Memory
Similar to the attentional capacity viewpoint, the notion of reduced working memory
capacity asserts that both the storage capacity and manipulation of information in working
memory are limited with increasing age. According to Baddeley’s (1986) model, working
memory may be viewed as involving a verbal loop and visual scratchpad that maintains
phonological and visual information in an active state across time. Baddeley also argues that
there is an executive control system that coordinates information flow across these and other
Aging and Memory
memory systems (e.g., semantic and long-term) to accomplish the goals of a given task. In
support of this notion, Salthouse, Mitchell, Skovronek, and Babcock (1989) have demonstrated
that older adults’ performance declines as a function of the increasing complexity of mental
operations involved across various tasks that tap working memory (e.g., verbal reasoning, spatial
visualization). There is ample evidence of age differences across a number of working memory
tasks (e.g., see Craik & Jennings, 1992). Moreover, this limitation in working memory capacity
can result in poorer retention of integrated information, such as found in text comprehension
where working memory demands are relatively high (e.g., Cohen, 1979; Light & Albertson,
1988; Stine, 1990). Similar to the attentional capacity view, the reduced working memory
capacity notion has been criticized for its lack of specification and clarity (e.g., Hasher & Zacks,
1988). In fact, it is difficult to disentangle reduced working memory capacity from attentional
capacity because most conceptualizations of working memory involve some notion of attentional
Automatic vs. Controlled Processing
Based upon our empirical review of the aging and memory literature, it is clear that some
aspects of memory performance decline with increasing age (e.g., episodic recall), while other
aspects of performance are spared with age (e.g., semantic/implicit priming). One approach to
better understanding this pattern is to rely on a distinction between automatic and attention
demanding processes (see Hasher & Zacks, 1979). According to this framework, the automatic
processing of information requires little attentional capacity, is independent of conscious control,
and occurs without intentional effort. Thus automatic processing does not interfere with other
ongoing cognitive activities and does not benefit from practice. Hasher and Zacks further argued
that certain characteristics of information were encoding automatically, such as temporal
parameters, spatial location, event frequency, and word meaning. Most important for the present
discussion, automatic processes are assumed to be immune to the effects of increasing age.
Aging and Memory
On the other hand, the effortful processing of information places a drain on attentional
capacity, occurs under conscious control, and is executed intentionally. Thus, effortful
processing interferes with ongoing cognitive activity and can benefit from practice. Although
some attributes of the stimulus can be encoded in memory automatically, others require the
intentional, effortful processing that is involved in more elaborate encoding and rehearsal
strategies. Given that effortful processing requires attentional capacity and attentional capacity is
reduced with age, it is assumed that memory tasks that involve effortful processing will be
detrimentally affected by age (e.g., free recall).
While the automatic vs. effortful processing distinction has proven to be a useful way of
viewing memory performance in older adults, the evidence for some of the proposed distinctions
has been mixed. For example, there have been reports of age-related deficits in attributes that
were assumed to be more automatic in nature, such as memory for spatial information (e.g., Light
& Zelinski, 1983; Naveh-Benjamin, 1987;1988), temporal information (e.g., Naveh-Benjamin,
1990), and event frequency (e.g., Kausler, Lichty, & Hakami, 1984; Kausler, Salthouse, & Saults,
1987). Thus, these results suggest that the encoding of such information is not impervious to the
effects of aging.
Contextual/Environmental Support
The contextual/environmental support framework represents a more “functional”
approach to age-related memory decline. Craik (1986) argued that the extent to which age
differences will exist depends upon the specific nature of the task demands. Specifically, if the
demands of the task are more “stimulus-driven” and provide environmental support (i.e., context)
for retrieval, then age-related memory differences will be minimized. However, if the task does
not provide retrieval support and thus demands more self-initiated retrieval processes, then agerelated differences will be large. This functional view of age-related memory deficits explains
why age differences are larger in episodic free recall tasks, than cued recall, o r recognition tasks.
Aging and Memory
In free recall, there is minimal external context to guide retrieval. Both cued recall and
recognition tasks provide such context. In terms of semantic memory, age differences should not
exist in priming tasks given that the context (i.e., the prime) guides the activation of the target
word. Likewise, implicit memory task performance may be age independent because such tasks
do not require a deliberate, self-initiated search of memory, as do explicit tasks. Of course, one
may ask here what function does contextual support serve within this framework. The notion is
that contextual support serves to help guide memory processing. Because (as noted below) older
adults’ have been viewed as being more susceptible to interference from irrelevant stimulation,
contextual support may be especially important in keeping them “on track” during memory tasks,
thereby producing the age-specific boost in memory performance.
Recently, there has been interest in the notion that age-related deficits in cognitive
performance may arise from a decreased efficiency in the ability to inhibit partially active
representations (e.g., Duchek, Balota, & Ferraro, 1995; Hamm & Hasher, 1992; Hasher,
Stoltzfus, Zacks, & Rympa, 1991; Hartman & Hasher, 1991; Spieler, Balota, & Faust, 1996).
The idea is that an efficient processing system must (a) activate information that is relevant to the
task at hand, and (b) inhibit information that may be partially activated, but irrelevant to the
current task demands. This work has in large part been motivated by the theoretical framework of
age differences in working memory and comprehension developed by Hasher and Zacks (1988).
According to this framework, inhibitory mechanisms serve to limit information entering
working memory that is along the "goal path" of comprehension. Of course, one can assume that
this attentional gating will not always be perfect and thus some "nongoal path" information may
enter working memory. When this occurs, the inhibitory mechanisms serve to dampen the
activation of non-goal path ideas. Thus, inhibition serves two primary roles: (1) in allowing
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information to enter working memory, and (2) in suppressing activation of irrelevant information
in working memory.
Hasher and Zacks (1988) further contended that older adults are more distracted by
irrelevant information (e.g., personal memories, environmental detail) and this reduced inhibitory
control allows more "nongoal path" ideas to enter working memory and remain activated, thereby
producing more difficulty in memory tasks in older adults. As a consequence, older adults tend
to compensate by more heavily relying on information that is easily accessible from memory and
relying on environmental cues or what is immediately present in the contextual situation, rather
than searching memory. It is important to note that this inhibitory framework moves beyond a
simple reduced capacity view of age-related memory deficits, by emphasizing the contents rather
than the capacity of working memory.
As noted above, there is some intriguing support for the notion that there may be age
differences in the content of working memory due to deficient inhibitory processes. Hartman and
Hasher (1991) found that older adults were more likely to have unexpected endings of sentences
still available in working memory after the information was disconfirmed and determined to be
irrelevant. Likewise, in a comprehension task, Hamm and Hasher (1992) found that older adults
were more likely to have access to competing interpretations of inferences after the correct
interpretation had been confirmed. Thus, deficient inhibitory control may underlie memory
decrements in old age.
It is unlikely that the cognitive architecture has only one inhibitory system, but rather
involves a set of inhibitory systems. For example, Kramer, Humphrey, Larish, Logan, and
Strayer (1994) have argued that inhibitory tasks that rely primarily on ventral identity based
information produce breakdowns in older adults, whereas, inhibitory tasks that primarily rely on
dorsal spatial processes do not produce breakdowns (also see Connelly & Hasher, 1993). Thus,
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an important question for future research will be to specify under what conditions, one finds
disproportionate age-related inhibitory breakdowns.
Summary of Theoretical Perspectives
All of the theoretical frameworks provide unique perspectives on age-related changes in
memory functioning. It is also appears to be the case that each framework has both its advantages
and disadvantages. On the basis of parsimony, one might argue that the reduced speed of
processing explanation for age-related deficits in memory performance is appealing. However,
because of the lack of specification of component cognitive operations in a given task, and the
complexity of the empirical evidence concerning age similarities and differences across memory
tasks, the general slowing framework may seem a bit limited from a process oriented cognitive
perspective. As previously mentioned, the reduced processing capacity explanations have been
deemed too general and vague. Also, the notion of age invariance in the automatic processing (as
opposed to attention demanding processing) of certain attributes (i.e., spatial, temporal,
frequency) has not been consistently supported in the literature. In terms of
contextual/environmental support, one might argue that this perspective does not really posit a
theoretical construct that serves as an underlying mechanism that changes with age. Instead this
perspective merely provides a functional framework relating task and processing demands.
Finally, the use of deficient inhibition as an explanatory construct for age-related cognitive
deficits also has been criticized for lacking theoretical specification and an empirical definition of
valid and reliable measures of inhibition (e.g. Burke, 1997; McDowd, 1997).
Although there are limitations to all the theoretical perspectives presented, each has been
important in providing a framework for organizing the existing literature, stimulating research in
the area, and provoking some of the more recent developments on aging and memory discussed in
the next section. As we shall see, it is possible that the neurophysiological changes with age may
help provide some constraints on certain theoretical accounts.
Aging and Memory
III. Aging and Memory: Neuropsychological Underpinnings
Healthy aging is an intriguing area because there is accumulating evidence regarding the
aging of distinct neural substrates. For example, West (1995) has provided a review of the aging
literature, and has suggested that both neurophysiological evidence and also neuropsychological
evidence indicates that the frontal lobes are especially sensitive to increased aging. Interestingly,
frontal areas have been tied to attention, working memory, and inhibitory control (3 of the major
theoretical perspectives on aging reviewed in the previous section). If indeed there are distinct
patterns of aging in different cortical subsystems then one might use aging as an assay to better
understand neurological substrates of distinct components of memory.
Medial Temporal and Frontal Contributions to Memory
Ever since the groundbreaking study of H.M., an unfortunate epileptic who had his
hippocampus removed to eliminate seizures, researchers have argued that declarative memory
performance is heavily tied to the functioning of the hippocampal and surrounding
parahippocampal areas, i.e., the medial temporal complex. Clearly, removal of these areas has
been shown to produce profound disruption in declarative memory across individuals, and across
species (see Cohen & Eichenbaum, 1993, for a review).
Given that the medial temporal area clearly plays a role in episodic memory, one might
ask what specific function does this area perform? Moscovitch and Winocur (1995) suggest that
medial temporal areas are at the core of an associative system that relatively automatically binds
together what is consciously apprehended (see also Cohen & Eichenbaum, 1993; Kroll, Knight,
Metcalfe, Wolf, & Tulving, 1996). The notion is that at any point in time a number of distinct
neural networks/pathways are activated via both internally generated and externally available
stimuli. The medial temporal system has been viewed as binding these distinct patterns in a
relatively automatic/modular manner to produce a record of the conscious experience.
Aging and Memory
If the medial temporal system is so important for declarative memory performance, then
why is there the interest in age-related changes in frontal systems. Moscovitch and Winocur,
among others (e.g., Buckner, 1996; Shimamura, 1995; Tulving, Kapur, Craik, Moscovitch, &
Houle, 1994), have argued that a second frontally-mediated system is also quite important in
declarative memory performance. This system operates on both the input to the medial temporal
system and the output from it. Presumably, the frontal areas provide control over the networks
that become activated during encoding and become available during retrieval. In this sense,
Moscovitch suggests that the frontal control system can be viewed as a system that works with
memory, i.e., providing the input and exerting control over the output. Moscovitch and Winocur
(1995) have reviewed a series of experimental paradigms which indicate that older adults appear
to be especially disrupted by aspects of memory tasks that involve frontal structures. In addition,
there is now considerable evidence from imaging studies of strong involvement of frontal areas in
memory performance (e.g., Buckner, 1996; Wagner, et al., 1998). Interestingly, Shimamura
(1995) has argued that frontal systems provide an important gating or inhibitory function in
declarative memory performance, and it is this inhibitory or gating function that appears to be
disrupted in healthy older adults. This of course is quite consistent with the Hasher and Zacks
(1988) inhibition model and the automatic attentional framework reviewed in Section II. It is also
consistent with the general finding that increased attentional demands may play a role in the
memory deficit observed in older adults.
Empirical Evidence Regarding Frontal-Type Disruption in Older Adults
If the frontal systems break down in older adults, what are the implications for the
distinct types of memory performance? One area that has received considerable recent interest is
not memory for information that was presented, but memory for information that is strongly
related to what was presented but did not occur, i.e., false memories. This work has been
nurtured by a compelling experimental demonstration by Roediger and McDermott (1995), who
Aging and Memory
revisited an experimental observation some forty years earlier by Deese (1959), hereafter called
the DRM paradigm. In Roediger and McDermott's first experiment, participants were presented
with a list of words that converged on a critical non-presented target word. For example, consider
being presented with the following list of words: THREAD, PIN, EYE, SEWING, SHARP,
critical target word is NEEDLE in this list. Roediger and McDermott reported that the likelihood
of recalling the non-presented critical word NEEDLE was as high as items that were actually
presented in the middle of the list.
Interestingly, Norman and Schacter (1997), Tun, Wingfield, Rosen, and Blanchard
(1998), and Balota, Cortese, Duchek, Adams, Roediger, McDermott, and Yerys (1999) have
recently reported evidence that healthy older adults appear to be more susceptible to false
memories than healthy young adults. Norman and Schacter (1997) and Balota et al. (1999) have
suggested that the increased false memories in the DRM paradigm is quite consistent with agerelated decreased efficiency of frontal lobe functioning. In support of this possibility they cite
Schacter, Reiman, Curran, Yun, Bandy, McDermott, and Roediger (1996) who found evidence in
a neural imaging study that there was increased activation in regions of prefrontal cortex when
critical non-presented lures were presented compared to the presentation of studied words.
Norman and Schacter suggested that this pattern may reflect the frontal involvement in
“resisting” or opposing illusory memory for the critical lures. In addition, Schacter, Curran,
Galluccio, Milberg, and Bates (1996) have recently reported evidence that an individual with a
lesion in the right frontal lobe produced heightened false memories. Specifically, this individual
was more likely to false alarm to information that was thematically related to the earlier studied
information. Thus, it appears that the increased susceptibility to false memories in older adults
may be related to age-related changes in frontal functioning.
Aging and Memory
As noted earlier, there are also clear age-related differences in source memory (e.g.,
Brown, Jones, & Davis, 1995; Dywan & Jacoby, 1990; McIntyre & Craik, 1987; Hashtroudi et
al., 1994; Shimamura & Jurica, 1994). Interestingly, amnesic patients with frontal lesions also
exhibit impaired source memory across a variety of tasks (e.g ., Janowsky, Shimamura, & Squire,
1989; Shimamura, 1995; Shimamura, Janowsky, & Squire, 1990), although it is important to note
that these individuals also typically exhibit item memory deficits. However, Schacter, Harbluk,
and McLachlan (1984) found source deficits in amnesics with focal frontal lesions even when
item memory was equated with control participants’ performance. Furthermore, the extent of the
source deficit was related to frontal dysfunction as measured by neuropsychological tests such as
word fluency and Wisconsin Card Sorting Task, and not merely to the severity of the amnesia.
Thus, the neuropsychological evidence seems to indicate that source monitoring is related to the
integrity of frontal structures.
Glisky, Polster, and Routhieaux (1995) reported a double dissociation in older adults
between frontal vs. medial temporal functioning and item and source memory performance in
healthy young and older adults. Specifically, when older participants were divided into high vs.
low frontal groups based on neuropsychological test performance, the high frontal group
exhibited better source memory performance. On the other hand, when participants were divided
into high vs. low medial temporal groups based on neuropsychological measures, the high medial
temporal group exhibited better item memory performance (also, see Craik, Morris, Morris, &
Loewen, 1990; McDaniel, Glisky, Rubin, Guynn, & Routhieaux, 1998; Parkin, Walter, &
Hunkin, 1995).
There is also evidence of an age-dissociation in some types of non-declarative memory
tasks that may involve frontal-mediated processes. As noted earlier, although older adults
typically do not exhibit an age-related deficit on such tasks, there are some examples in the
literature of such a deficit. Winocur, Moscovitch, and Stuss (1996) recently found a dissociation
Aging and Memory
between word fragment completion (the test item is a sample of letters of an earlier presented
word e.g., soldier; _ o _ _ i _ r) and word stem completion (the test item is the first few letters of
an earlier presented word, e.g., s o l _ _ _ _). The interesting findings in this study were (a) older
adults showed more of a deficit in word-stem priming than in fragment completion priming; and
(b) correlations with neuropsychological tests indicated that word-stem completion was correlated
with frontal measures, but not with medial temporal measures. Thus, these results suggest that
one can find frontal involvement even in a non-declarative component of memory and that it is
this component that appears to show age-related change.
In sum, there appears to be converging evidence that older adults have particular deficits
in frontal-type components of memory. Of course, the current descriptions have been relatively
vague with respect to what the frontal areas actually do. One possibility is that the frontal areas
are particular important for maintaining representations that modulate the activated processing
pathways associated with a given task. The notion is that when confronted with a task, the
participant must activate relevant processing pathways and control or inhibit partially activated
but irrelevant pathways. For example, in the Stroop color naming task, the individual needs to
maintain the task requirements to name the color of the stimulus instead of the word (see Figure
1). The efficiency of a system in achieving the goals of a task depends on (a) the integrity and
maintenance of the task representation across time; (b) the number of competing pathways; (c)
the strength of the competing pathways. It is possible that older adults produce larger Stroop
effects than younger adults (e.g., Spieler, Balota, & Faust, 1996) because of breakdowns in the
integrity of the attentional control system that maintains the task requirements across time. As
shown in Figure 2, one can also extend this framework to the false memory paradigm reviewed
earlier. For example, older adults may be relatively more likely to recall/recognize highlyrelated, non-presented words in the false memory paradigm (e.g., Norman & Schacter, 1997),
Aging and Memory
because of breakdowns in the attentional control system that should inhibit/control gist related
pathways, and should accentuate recollection-based pathways.
----------------------------------------------Insert Figures 1 and 2 about here
-----------------------------------------------In this light, one might argue that at least some of the age-related deficits might reflect a
breakdown in the integrity and maintenance of the task representations/goals across time. Frontal
areas have clearly been implicated in such processes (e.g., West, 1996, for a review). An
intriguing study by Multhaup (1995) provides some support for the emphasis on the integrity of
maintaining task representations/goals. In this study, older adults were given additional cues
during a memory test concerning sources of possible memory events. Interestingly, when older
adults were given these additional cues, there was an elimination of the age-related changes in the
false fame effect (i.e., an increased susceptibility to rely on familiarity of a stimulus vs direct
recollection). Clearly, future work is necessary to further explore age-related changes in the
integrity of task representations and goals in accounting for the observed changes in memory
Although it is clearly the case that the stereotype of older adults showing deficits in
memory performance is valid, it is also the case that healthy aging does not produce a breakdown
in all memory tasks. This literature has led to a rich and diverse set of theoretical constructs
proposed to accommodate the pattern of age-related changes. Given the increased knowledge of
the physiological changes in both healthy aging, and in age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s
Disease, along with the increased sophistication in cognitive analyses in teasing apart aspects of
memory performance, we believe that studies of memory and aging will provide a test bed for
future theoretical advances in human memory.
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Figure Captions
Figure 1. An attentional control framework for Stroop color naming task.
Figure 2. An attentional control framework for false memory paradigm.