Double negation in the English simple sentence Author: Chakalova

 Abstract Graduation Level of Proficiency Paper Title: Double negation in the English simple sentence Author: Chakalova S. Research Supervisor: S.A. Petrenko Research Initiator: Chair of the English Philology Topical Importance: This diploma paper is devoted to the linguistic analysis of structures with the double negation in the English sentences within one predicate group. Goals: We set as a main goal the description of the usage of double negation in the English simple sentence fulfilled by grammatical and lexical means on the material of English short stories. Tasks: basing on grammatical, semantic, logical and cognitive study of double negation to define peculiarities of representation of double negation, to expose constructions, used to form intensified and non‐intensified double negation in the English short stories. Theoretical value and practical applicability: this approach defines the role of the structures with the double negation in forming functional and semantic category of intensity. The results of the study allow to offer the system of means expressing intensified assertion (enhanced or understated) or non‐
intensified structures having double negation Results: We distinguish between intensified and non‐intensified constructions with the double negation. The intensified constructions can be used to enhance or understate the utterance. Non‐intensified double negating constructions are used in imperative sentences or in trite litotes. Implementation advice: the theoretical material of the diploma thesis can be applied while studying or teaching different courses of linguistics, English grammar or in special courses on text analysis. 