NIA Graduate Program: Spring 2015 FULL COURSE LIST GEORGIA TECH Aerospace Engineering (MS and PhD) AE 6012 Q Turbulent Flows Menon AE 6042Q Computational Fluid Dynamics Ruffin AE 6344 Q Aircraft Design II Mavris AE 6361 Q Propulsion System Design I Tai/Schutte AE 6445Q Combustor Fundamentals Scarborough AE 6520Q Advanced Flight Dynamics Clarke AE 6760Q Acoustics I Cunefare AE 6766Q Combustion Sun AE 8803QGE Special Topics: Optimization for Design of Engineered SyGerman AE 8803QSA Special Topics: Wind Engineering Sankar *Synchronous (live) course received or delivered from NIA. + Course instructor on-site at NIA NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MS and PhD) MAE 495-601 MAE 495-602 MAE 495-603 MAE 501 MAE 518 MAE 521 MAE 535 MAE 543 MAE 562 MAE 586 MAE 589-602 MAE 589-604 Graduate Preparation: Engineering Statics and Dynamics Graduate Preparation: Thermodynamics and Fluids Graduate Preparation: Engineering Structures and Vibrations Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics Acoustic Radiation I Linear Control and Design for Mimo Systems Design of Electromechanical Systems Fracture Mechanics Physical Gas Dynamics Project Work in Mechanical Engineering Special Topics: Fundamentals of Product Design Special Topics: Mechanical Design Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering (courses only) ECE 506 ECE 515 Architecture of Parallel Computers Digital Communications *TR 1:30 -3:00 PM *MW 9:00 - 11:00 AM *MW 3:00 - 7:00 PM *MWF 11:00 - 12:00 AM *MWF 1:00 - 2:00 PM *TR 1:30 - 3:00 PM *TR 1:30 - 3:00 PM *TR 8:00 - 9:30 AM *MWF 1:00 - 2:00 PM *TR 9:30 - 11:00 AM Asynchronous streaming media ECE 516 ECE 520 ECE 521 ECE 534 ECE 535 ECE 542 ECE 544 ECE 552 ECE 573 ECE 575 ECE 579 ECE 592 System Control Engineering Digital Asic Design Computer Design and Technology Power Electronics Design of Electromechanical Systems Neural Networks Design of Electronic Packaging and Interconnects Renewable Electric Energy Systems Internet Protocols Introduction to Wireless Networking Introduction to Computer Performance Modeling Special Topics: Electric Motor Drives ECE 712 ECE 719 ECE 736 ECE 751 ECE 776 Integrated Circuit Design for Wireless Communications Advanced Microwave Designs Power Systems Stability and Control Detection and Estimation Theory Design & Performance Evaluation of Network Systems & Services Engineering (courses only) EGR 590-601 EGR 590-602 Engineering Leadership and Strategic Change Managing New High-Tech Product Launches EGR 590-603 EGR 590-605 Industrial & Systems Engineering (courses only) ISE 501 ISE 540 ISE 541 ISE 553 ISE 589 ISE 716 Statistical Engineering Using Six Sigma DMAIC Process Managerial Finance for Engineers ISE 723 ISE 748 Production Planning, Scheduling and Inventory Control Quality Engineering Introduction to Operations Research Human Factors in Systems Design Occupational Safety Engineering Modeling and Analysis of Supply Chains Special Topics: Simulation Modeling with SIMIO Automated Systems Engineering Asynchronous streaming media Asynchronous streaming media Asynchronous streaming media ISE 754 Materials Sciences and Engineering (courses only) Logistics Engineering MSE 500 MSE 555 MSE 556 MSE 565 MSE 580 MSE 702 MSE 705 MSE 757 Modern Concepts in Materials Science Polymer Technology and Engineering Composite Materials Introduction to Nanomaterials Materials Forensics Defects in Solids Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials Radiation Effects on Materials Defects, Diffusion and Ion Implantation in Semiconductors Advanced Topics: High Temperature Deformation of Materials Advanced Topics: Mechanical Properties of Nanostructured Materials MSE 770 MSE 791-602 MSE 791-603 Asynchronous streaming media These courses are offered asynchronously and utilize WEB accessible streaming or CDROMs delivered to the student. For updates on asynchronous courses go to: + Course instructor on-site at NIA NORTH CAROLINA A&T UNIVERSITY Computer Engineering CSC 506 CSC 510 CSC 541 CSC 573 CSC 575 CSC 579 CSC 591-601 CSC 591-602 CSC 600 CSC 750 CSC 776 CSC 791-601 CSC 791-602 Architecture of Parallel Computers Software Engineering Advance Data Structures Internet Protocols Introduction to Wireless Networking Introduction to Computer Performance Modeling Special Topics: Social Computing Special Topics: Advanced Algorithms Computer Science Graduate Orientation Service-Oriented Computing Design & Performance Evaluation of Network Systems & Services Asynchronous streaming media Special Topics: Social Computing Special Topics: Advanced Algorithms These courses are offered asynchronously and utilize WEB accessible streaming or CDROMs delivered to the student. For updates on asynchronous courses go to: OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering ( MS and PhD) MAE 503 Flight Mechanics Newman MAE 507 Ground Vehicle Aerodynamics Britcher MAE 602 Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamics Ahmed MAE 603 Advanced Mechanics of Solids Hou MAE 672 Design of Experiments Landman MAE 746/846 Advanced Control Methodologies Newman MAE 780/880 Engineering Optimization Hou MAE 787/887 Life Cycle Engineering Bao * Synchronous (live) course received or delivered from NIA XX ONLINE Course. Primarily received at desktop. *XX TR 1:00 - 2:15 PM *XX TR 9:30 - 10:45 AM *XX MW 1:00 - 2:15 PM *XX TR 2:45 - 4:00 PM *XX TR 1:30 - 2:45 PM *XX MW 5:00 - 6:15 PM *XX M 4:20 - 7:00 PM *XX TR 5:45 - 7:00 PM UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND Aerospace Engineering ( MS and PhD) ENAE 633 ENAE 652 ENAE 656 Helicopter Dynamics Computational Structural Mechanics Aeroelasticity Selected Topics in Aerospace Engineering; Introduction to Aviation for Pilot Training ENAE 788F * Synchronous (live) course received or delivered from NIA +Course instructor on-site at NIA UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Chopra Lee Haas *TR 9:30 - 10:45 AM *MW 5:10 - 6:25 PM *F 2:00 - 5:00 PM Bechara *T 4:00 - 6:40 PM Civil Engineering CE 6010 Computational Methods in Civil Engineering Lung XX TR 5:00 - 6:15 PM Chemical Engineering (courses only) ChE 6618 Chemical Reaction Engineering Koenig XX MW 5:00-6:15 PM Electrical and Computer Engineering (MS and Ph.D.) ECE 7858 Digital Control Systems Tao XX MW 3:30 - 4:45 PM Photovoltaics Gupta XX TR 2:00-3:15 PM Phase Transformations Defects and Microstructure in Materials Deformation and Fracture of Structural Materials Soffa Zhigilei Agnew XX MW 5:00 - 6:15 PM XX TR 3:30 - 4:45 PM XX TR 5:00-6:15 PM Finite Element Analysis Statistics for Engineers & Scientists Digital Control Systems Panzer Richards Tao XX MW 6:30 - 7:45 PM On-line course (asynchronous) XX MW 3:30 - 4:45 PM Decision Analysis Patek XX MW 6:30 - 7:45 PM ECE 6502 Materials Sciences and Engineering (MS and Ph.D) MSE 7340 MSE 6020 MSE 6320 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MS and Ph.D) MAE 6710 MAE 6430 MAE 7860 Systems Engineering (MS and Ph.D.) SYS 6014 Almost all CGEP courses from UVA are delivered in a real-time, interactive format. UVA believes that there is educational value in real-time intereaction between faculty and students and between students. CGEP students are stronly encouraged to attend their UVA coures in real-time. CGEP students are discouraged from enrolling in UVA CGEP degree programs if they believe they will not be able to usually attend classes in real-time. VIRGINIA TECH Aerospace and Ocean Engineering (MS and Ph.D) AOE 5114 AOE 5144 AOE 5304 AOE 5305 AOE 5314 High Speed Aerodynamics Boundary-Layer Theory Advanced Naval Architecture Marine Engineering Naval Ship Sys Design & Effect Grossman Schetz McCue-Weil Hudson Brown XX ARR XX ARR XX ARR XX ARR XX ARR Civil and Environmental Engineering (MS and Ph. D.) CEE 4114 CEE 5724 Fundamentals of Public Health Engineering Environmental Monitoring and Sampling Vikesland Gallagher XX W 4:00 - 6:45 PM XX T 7:00 - 9:45 PM CEE 5984 SS: Sustnbl Transprtn Infrastr Flintsch XX R 7:00 - 9:45 PM Satellite Communications Introduction to Space Science I: The Solar Wind and Magnetosphere Applied Linear Control Artificial Intelligence & Engineering Apps. MacKenzie XX MW 4:00 - 5:15 PM Clauer Southward Vanemann +*TR 9:30 - 10:45 AM TR 12:30 - 1:45 PM XX M 7:00 - 9:45 PM Systems Engineering Process Vanemann XX M 7:00 - 9:45 PM Management Information Systems Engineering Project Management Geraghty Harmon XX R 4:00 - 6:45 PM XX T 4:00 - 6:45 PM MSE Seminar Mater Sci Surfaces Interfaces Asryan Kelley ARR *MW 12:30 - 1:45 PM Radiation Heat Transfer Turbomachinery Applied Linear Control Digital Signal Processing Advanced Engineering Acoustics Advanced Topics in Thermodynamics Computational Fluid Dynamics Heat Transfer Mahan O'Brien Southward Wicks Fuller von Spakovsky Tafti *TR 11:00 - 12:15 PM *TR 8:00 - 9:15 AM ARR *MWF 10:10 - 11:00 AM *+ TR 2:00 - 3:15 PM *TR 9:30 - 10:45 AM *TR 12:30 - 1:45 PM XX - Online Course Electrical Computer Engineering (MS and Ph.D) ECE 4644 ECE 5164 ECE 5764 ECE 5984 Engineering ENGR 5004 Industrial Systems Engineering (MS and Ph.D.) ISE 5134 ISE 5174 Materials Science and Engineering (MS and Ph.D.) MSE 5016 MSE 5234 Mechanical Engineering (MS and Ph.D.) ME 5324 ME 5424 ME 5564 ME 5714 ME 5734 ME 6104 ME 6434 # Courses are available for graduate credit XX ONLINE course. Primarily received at desktop. **Synchrounous (live) course delivered at the Peninsula Graduate Center MSE and ME courses are delivered at NIA Headquarters. *Synchronous (live) course received or delivered from NIA + Course instructor on-site at NIA.