The Hereditary Order of the Families of the Presidents and First Ladies of America hereby certifies that our Member James Kevin Raywalt has established qualifying lineages to the following Presidents and First Ladies by proving common ancestry with each of them: President George Walker Bush President Franklin Delano Roosevelt First Lady Barbara (Pierce) Bush President William Howard Taft President Rutherford Birchard Hayes President Warren Gamaliel Harding President Richard Milhous Nixon First Lady Frances (Folsom) Cleveland President Herbert Clark Hoover President Calvin Coolidge First Lady Abigail (Smith) Adams President John Quincy Adams President Gerald Rudolph Ford First Lady Elizabeth (Kortright) Monroe First Lady Elizabeth (Wallace) Truman First Lady Jane Means (Appleton) Pierce President George Herbert Walker Bush President James Earl Carter President William Henry Harrison President Benjamin Harrison First Lady Lou (Henry) Hoover First Lady Florence Mabel (Kling) Harding President Samuel Huntington First Lady Elizabeth (Harrison) Randolph President William Brown Ide First Lady Susan (Haskell) Ide President George Washington First Lady Edith Kermit (Carow) Roosevelt First Lady Mamie Geneva (Doud) Eisenhower President Dwight David Eisenhower By Order of the Cabinet Member No. Founder 1 James Kevin Raywalt , President Llewellyn Morgan Toulmin, Vice President Peter Arrott Dixon , Secretary General Charles Owen Johnson, Esq., Attorney General Arthur Louis Finnell, Secretary of Registry Patricia Sears Wasilik, Secretary of the Treasury Patricia Scruggs Trolinger, Archivist General Barbara Blanton Lohr, Secretary of Engraving Barrett Lee McKown, Chaplain James Kevin Raywalt, Postmaster General Charles Green Banks III, Telecommunications Commissioner