Important Guidelines in Preparation for ACN's Expansion into Latin

Important Guidelines in Preparation
for ACN’s Expansion into Latin America
ACN is excited to announce the next phase of our international expansion to Latin
America, beginning with Mexico in the first quarter of 2014. We are committed to
ensuring this launch is a success – and you can do your part to help make that possible!
Remember, every country is unique, and the Latin American countries are no exception,
as they will have their own unique products and services and compensation plan.
Therefore, please ensure you read and understand the following important information.
Prior to ACN’s Launch into Latin America, Current IBOs CAN:
Begin generating excitement around the upcoming launch.
Share with your contacts in Latin America that ACN will soon launch operations.
Host private, informational meetings with up to three people.
Share that ACN will offer personal care products, health and nutrition products and services. Details will be made available closer to
Talk about ACN’s business operations in its current 23 countries.
Remind prospects that our business will be designed specifically for the Latin American market.
Prior to ACN’s Launch into Latin America, Current IBOs CANNOT:
Speak publically on behalf of ACN in Latin America.
Create websites or purchase urls in the name of ACN.
Create and/or distribute marketing materials of any kind.
Host public or private meetings for more than three people or conference calls to promote ACN, its products or
business opportunity.
Discuss specifics on the products or the Compensation Plan in Mexico or any other Latin American country as these details are still
being finalized.
Discuss the income that you or other IBOs are earning, or make claims to what an IBO in Latin America could
potentially earn.
Request that someone sign any agreement or make a commitment to join your specific team.
Marketing ACN’s Products:
To become an IBO in Mexico, prospects must have an address in Mexico and a Mexican Tax ID.
IBOs can only sell ACN products to residents in the country in which the products are offered.
For example, Latin American IBOs cannot sell the personal care products to customers in the U.S.
Latin American IBOs can build their businesses in any of ACN’s other 23 countries, but can only sell products available in
those countries.
For example, Latin American IBOs can sell Flash Wireless service to customers residing in the U.S.
It is every IBO’s responsibility to abide by and enforce ACN’s policies. Following these guidelines will
ensure ACN is able to open the market properly and without any issues or delays. ACN will provide
complete details once recruiting and customer acquisition can begin in Mexico.
Latin America
ACN Opportunity LLC, 2013 LatAmGuide_121013