Full CV - Caltech

Natasha Hodas
California Institute of Technology, Chemical Engineering
Portland State University, Environmental Science and Management
Email: nhodas@caltech.edu, nhodas@pdx.edu
Website: http://www.its.caltech.edu/~nhodas
Ph.D., Atmospheric Science, 2014
Rutgers University, Department of Environmental Science, New Brunswick, NJ, GPA 3.97
Advisors: Dr. Barbara Turpin (Atmospheric Science), Dr. Qinyu Meng (Public Health)
Thesis: Variability in the fraction of ambient PM2.5 in indoor air and implications for
air pollution epidemiology
M.S., Atmospheric Science, 2011
Rutgers University, Department of Environmental Science, New Brunswick, NJ, GPA 3.97
B.S., Atmospheric Science, Magna Cum Laude, 2007
Cornell University, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Ithaca, NY, GPA 3.79
Research and Academic Appointments
2014 - Present
National Science Foundation Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral
Research Fellow (NSF AGS-PRF)
Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Advisors: Dr. John H. Seinfeld, Dr. Richard Flagan
Research Focus: Thermodynamic properties of atmospheric aerosols, Aerosol-water
vapor interactions, Climate, air quality, and health impacts of ambient pollutants
2015 - Present
Adjunct Research Faculty
Environmental Science and Management, Portland State University, Portland, OR
Research focus: Atmospheric physics and chemistry, measuring and modeling
aerosol properties and impacts
2008 – 2014
Graduate Fellow
Rutgers University, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, New Brunswick, NJ
Research Focus: Indoor air quality, Human exposure to particulate air pollution
2006 – 2007
Teaching Assistant
Cornell University, Dept. of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Ithaca, NY
Courses: Atmospheric Thermodynamics, Global Change
Research Assistant
Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Department of Geosciences, Geneva, NY
Research Focus: Meteorology, Lake-effect precipitation events
Grants, Awards, and Honors
2014 – 2016
Principal Investigator, “The influence of particle phase state morphology on the
hygroscopic behavior of atmospheric aerosols,” $172,000, National Science
Foundation Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
2015 – 2016
Co-Investigator (Principal Investigators: John H. Seinfeld, Olga V. Kalashnikova),
“A new paradigm for monitoring hazardous types of airborne particulate matter by
combining multiangular polarimetric remote sensing with in-situ observations and
chemical transport modeling,” $447,570, Caltech-Jet Propulsion Laboratory
President’s and Director’s Fund
2011 – 2014
Principal Investigator, “Refined ambient PM2.5 exposure surrogates that account for
outdoor-to-indoor transport and their application in epidemiology studies,”
$126,000, United States Environmental Protection Agency Science to Achieve
Results (STAR) Fellowship
Principal Investigator, “The sensitivity of estimated ambient PM2.5 exposures to
uncertainty in the physicochemical properties of ambient organic aerosol,” $25,000,
Air Pollution Education and Research Grant (APERG) from the Mid-Atlantic
States Section of the Air and Waste Management Association
Student Travel Grant to attend the 32nd Annual American Association for Aerosol
Research (AAAR) Conference; September 30 - October 4, 2013, Portland, OR
Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Research Award
from the Rutgers University Office for the Promotion of Women in Science,
Engineering, and Mathematics
Paul Barbara Travel Scholarship to attend the Organic Particles in the
Atmosphere: Formation, Properties, Processing, and Impact Workshop, Telluride
Science Research Center; July 29 - August 3, 2012, Telluride, CO.
2008– 2011
United States Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National
Need (GAANN) Fellowship
Cornell University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Academic Excellence
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
Hodas, N., Loh, M., Shin, H.-M., Li, D., Bennett, D., Weschler, C. J., Lioy, P., Jantunen, M., Jolliet,
O., McKone, T. E., and Fantke, P.: Indoor intake fraction of fine particulate matter: Review of
influencing factors, Indoor Air, advanced online publication, doi:10.1111/ina.12268, 2015.
Natasha Hodas- Postdoctoral Fellow, Caltech
Hodas, N., Zuend, A., Mui, W., Flagan, R. C., and Seinfeld, J. H.: Influence of particle-phase state
on the hygroscopic behavior of mixed organic-inorganic aerosols, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15,
5027-5045, 2015.
Hodas, N., Sullivan, A. P., Skog, K., Keutsch, F. N., Collett Jr., J. L., Decesari, S. Facchini, M. C.,
Carlton, A. G., Laaksonen, A., and Turpin, B. J.: Aerosol liquid water driven by anthropogenic
nitrate: implications for lifetimes of water-soluble organic gases and potential for secondary
organic aerosol formation, Environ. Sci. Technol., 48, 1112-11136, 2014.
Hodas, N. and Turpin, B. J.: Shifts in the gas-particle partitioning of ambient organics with transport
into the indoor environment, Aerosol Sci. Technol., 48, 270 - 280, 2014.
Hodas, N., Meng, Q. Y., Lunden, M. M., and Turpin, B. J.: Toward refined estimates of ambient
PM2.5 exposure: Evaluation of a physical outdoor-to-indoor transport model, Atmos. Environ.,
83, 229 - 236, 2014.
Hodas, N., Turpin, B. J., Lunden, M. M., Özkaynak, H., Baxter, L., Burke, J., Thevenet-Morrison,
K., and Rich, D. Q.: Refined ambient PM2.5 exposure surrogates and the risk of myocardial
infarction, J. Exposure Sci. Environ Epidemiol., 23, 573 - 580, 2013.
Baxter, L. K., Dionisio, K. L., Burke, J., Sarnat, S. E., Sarnat, J. A., Hodas, N., Rich, D. Q., Turpin,
B. J., Jones, R. R., Mannshardt, E., Kumar, N., Beevers, S. D., and Özkaynak, H.: Exposure
prediction approaches used in air pollution epidemiology studies: Key findings and future
recommendations, J. Exposure Sci. Environ. Epidemiol., 23, 654 - 659, 2013.
Baxter, L., Burke, J., Lunden, M. M., Turpin, B. J., Rich, D. Q., Thevenet-Morrison, K., Hodas, N.,
and Özkaynak, H.: Influence of human activity patterns and residential air exchange rates on
modeled distributions of PM2.5 exposure compared to central-site monitoring data, J. Exposure
Sci. Environ. Epidemiol., 23, 241 - 247, 2013.
Rich, D. Q., Özkaynak, H., Crooks, J., Baxter, L. K., Burke, J., Ohman-Strickland, P., ThevenetMorrison, K., Kipen, H. M., Zhang, J., Kostis, J. B., Lunden, M. M., Hodas, N., and Turpin, B.
J.: The triggering of myocardial infarction by fine particles is enhanced when particles are
enriched in secondary species, Environ. Sci. Technol., 47, 9414 - 9423, 2013.
Hodas, N., Meng, Q. Y., Lunden, M. M., Özkaynak, H., Baxter, L. K., Zhang, Q., and Barbara
Turpin, B. J.: Variability in the fraction of ambient fine particulate matter found indoors and
observed heterogeneity in health effect estimates, J. Exposure Sci. Environ. Epidemiol., 22,
448-454, 2012.
Laird, N., Sobash, R., and Hodas, N.: Climatological conditions of lake-effect precipitation events
associated with the New York State Finger Lakes, J. Appl. Meteorol. Clim., 49, 1052 - 1062,
Laird, N., Sobash, R., and Hodas, N.: The frequency and characteristics of lake-effect precipitation
events associated with the New York State Finger Lakes, J. Appl. Meteorol. Clim., 48, 873 886, 2009.
Natasha Hodas- Postdoctoral Fellow, Caltech
Skog, K. M., Baltensperger, U., Broch, S., Collett, Jr., J. L., Crippa, M., Decesari, S., Fuchs, H.,
Gomm, S., Hodas, N., Hofzumahaus, A., Holland, F., Kaltsonoudis, C., Laaksonen, A., Lim,
Y. B., Poluzzi, V., Prevot, A. S. H., Sullivan, A. P., Tuprin, B. J., Wolf, R., and Keutsch, F. N.:
Gas-phase formic and glyoxylic acid formation from aqueous aerosol processing of glyoxal
during PEGASOS, submitted to Environ. Sci. Technol.
Sullivan, A. P., Hodas, N., Turpin, B. J., Skog, K., Keutsch, F. N., Gilardoni, S., Rinaldi, M.,
Decesari, S., Facchini, M.C., Poulain, L., Hermann, H., Widensohler, A., Neitz, E., Twigg, M.
M., and Collett Jr., J. L.: Evidence for ambient aqueous secondary organic aerosol formation in
the Po Valley, Italy, submitted to Atmos. Chem. Phys.
Reports and Other Publications Turpin, B. J. (Principal Invesitgator), Rich, D. Q. (Co-Principal Investigator), Lunden, M. M.,
Hodas, N., Thevenet-Morrison, K., and Ohman-Strickland, P.: “Refined Exposure Surrogates
for Ambient PM in Epidemiologic Studies: Accounting for Temporal/Spatial Variations in
Infiltration,” Final Report for EPA Cooperative Agreement CR83407201-1, April 4, 2012.
Select Presentations
Influence of land use and human activities on atmospheric chemistry and aerosol-water vapor
interactions (Invited Seminar), Portland State University Department of Physics, November
Aerosols in the indoor environment: Transport, thermodynamics, and human exposure (Invited
Seminar), Portland State University Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering,
April 2015.
Predicting species-specific concentrations of ambient PM2.5 in indoor air (Invited Seminar),
University of California Los Angeles Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences,
February 2014.
Shifts in the gas-particle partitioning of ambient organics with transport into the indoor environment
(Poster), 2013 Gordon Research Conference in Atmospheric Chemistry, August 2013.
Variability in the fraction of ambient PM2.5 in indoor air and implications for air pollution
epidemiology (Invited Seminar), University of California Berkeley Civil and Environmental
Engineering Department, March 2013.
Refined estimates of ambient PM2.5 exposure: Evaluation of a mechanistic indoor transport model
(Platform Presentation), 31st Annual American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAR)
Conference, October 2012.
Overcoming challenges accounting for organics in ambient PM2.5 exposure estimates (Platform
Presentation), Organic Particles in the Atmosphere: Formation, Properties, Processing, and
Impact Workshop, Telluride Science Research Center, August 2012.
Natasha Hodas- Postdoctoral Fellow, Caltech
Teaching Experience
Fall 2011
Air Pollution Engineering/Source Control of Atmospheric Pollution
Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University
Fall 2010
Guest Lecturer, Seminar in Atmospheric Science
Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University
Topic: Methods for estimating community and personal exposure to PM2.5
Spring 2010
& Fall 2011
Guest Lecturer, Readings in Environmental Science
Department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University
Topic: Climate Change - observations, predictions and impacts
Spring 2007
Guest Lecturer, Special Topics in Atmospheric Science
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University
Topic: Lake-Effect Precipitation Events
Workshops and Pedagogical Development
Reaching Students: What Research Says About Effective Instruction in
Undergraduate Science and Engineering, Caltech Center for Teaching, Learning,
and Outreach
Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence (COSEE) Workshop, Deconstruct
your science to win friends and influence people: working with funders, colleagues out
of field, the public policy makers, and K-12 audiences to share your science more
broadly, Rutgers University
Seminar Course, Introduction to College Teaching, Rutgers University Graduate School
of Education
Service and Participation
2013 – Present
Mentor, Caltech Women Mentoring Women Program
Provide guidance regarding the academic and professional development of women
in STEM graduate programs
2014 – Present
Core Group Member, Indoor Air Working Group
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)-Society for
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Global Guidance on
Environmental Life Cycle Impact Assessment Indicators
Natasha Hodas- Postdoctoral Fellow, Caltech
2012 - Present
Journal Article Reviewer
Indoor Air, Building and Environment, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics,
Atmospheric Environment, Environmental Science and Technology, Science of the
Total Environment
Research Funding Proposal Reviewer
National Science Foundation (Atmospheric Chemistry)
2014, 2011
International Society for Exposure Science Annual Meeting Student Travel
Award Committee Member
Outreach and Other Service
Education and Outreach, Aveson School of Leaders, Altadena, CA, Grades 3-5
Activities and experiments focused on the water cycle and cloud formation, science
fair judge, tours of Caltech laboratories and campus
Discussion Facilitator, Environmental Citizenship and Climate Change
Rutgers University Climate Initiative, March 28, 2012
Professional references available upon request
Natasha Hodas- Postdoctoral Fellow, Caltech