VISION STATEMENT (what it wants to become) McDonald's I'm

VISION STATEMENT (what it wants to become)
I’m loving it.
One for everyone. Everyone for one.
Common store in Philippines
Customer is always right.
Transformed lives, transforming the world (Romans 12:2).
MISSION STATEMENT (why we exist/our purpose)
To present the teachings of the Bible in a warm, friendly environment where you can freely
receive the love of God and find the life that God intends for each person.
This remains at the core of everything we do.
1. TEACHINGS: always remaining faithful to the word of God (all Scripture is God-breathed, 2
Tim 3:16).
I always want to be inspired and being able to inspire through the word of God. This has to
be at the center of all that we do or we will simply be no different from any other club or
2. WARM AND FRIENDLY: always maintaining a loving community (love one another, John
I always want this place to be a safe place for anyone to come and feel loved, accepted. I
don’t want anyone leaving without having talked to anyone. I know there are times when we
don’t want to talk to anyone, but even in those times, I hope that we can at least offer or
extend our love, prayer, and friendship.
3. FREELY RECEIVE: always receive love of God for healing, encouragement, hope (John
I always want this place to be where we connect with God, and know God in a deeper level.
Monday through Saturday we get hit and hurt and feel hopeless and despair, but I want
everyone to be able to come here and receive God's love.
4. LIFE: always realizing your true identity (for a future and hope, Jeremiah 29:11).
I always want us to be able to find our true purposes for our lives.
2012 – TRUST
“To give someone our life, money, what is of value to us, but also our worries, our
“Rely on someone beyond our abilities; receive unconditional support; go w/ you everywhere.”
1. Trust takes time, especially as we get older. We say, “We build trust,” and hence, it is
someone that requires time, but on the other hand can quickly be destroyed.
2. Trust involves honesty, being true with our actions and behavior and with others and
3. Trust brings unity and is the glue to relationships. Trust must be the foundation to every
relationship, between people, but also with God.
2013 – EXPAND
1. Individually
Nakama Bible Fellowship – an international church in Kobe
How to stretch our own spiritual growth by constantly meditating on Scripture.
Ex.: study new parts of Scripture, not just ones we are familiar with.
2. Physically
How best to reach out to those around us by getting our own place.
Ex.: permanent location, school.
Being an active participant in finding and solving the needs in our society.
3. COMPASSION (volunteer, prayer)
How to be more helpful and caring for others by so that I can be a blessing to others less
4. GENEROSITY (finances)
How to steward our God-given resources to help those in need, to reach to those we
ourselves are not able to.
Ex.: charity organizations, friends with real-felt needs.
Nakama Bible Fellowship – an international church in Kobe