Measuring the Impact of Promotions on Brand Switching When Consumers Are Forward Looking Author(s): Baohong Sun, Scott A. Neslin, Kannan Srinivasan Source: Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 40, No. 4 (Nov., 2003), pp. 389-405 Published by: American Marketing Association Stable URL: Accessed: 28/01/2010 14:55 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact American Marketing Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Marketing Research. BAOHONGSUN, SCOTTA. NESLIN,and KANNANSRINIVASAN* Logitchoice models have been used extensivelyto studypromotion elasticities response. This articleexamines whether brand-switching derivedfromthese modelsare overestimated as a resultof rationalconsumeradjustmentof purchasetimingto coincidewithpromotion schedules andwhethera dynamicstructural modelcan addressthisbias.Using simulateddata,the authorsfirstshow thatif the structural modelis corelasticitiesare overestimatedby stand-alonelogit rect,brand-switching models.A nestedlogitmodelimprovesthe estimates,butnotcompletely. Second,the authorsestimatethe modelson realdata.The resultsindicate thatthe structural modelfitsbetterandproducessensiblecoefficient estimates.The authorsthenobservethe same patternin switchingelasticitiesas they do in the simulation.Third,the authorspredictsales assuminga 50% increase in promotionfrequency.The reduced-form modelspredictmuchhighersales levelsthandoes the dynamicstructural model. The authorsconcludethat reduced-formmodel estimates of elasticitiescan be overstatedand thata dynamicstrucbrand-switching turalmodelis bestforaddressingthe problem.Reduced-form modelsthat includeincidencecan partially, not address the issue. though completely, The authorsdiscuss the implicationsfor researchersand managers. Measuring the Impact of Brand Switching When Forward Looking Logit choice models have proved an invaluabletool for studying consumer decision processes. The models have generatedinsights into issues such as marketsegmentation (Bucklin, Gupta,and Siddarth1998; Chintagunta,Jain, and Vilcassim 1991; Kamakuraand Russell 1989), statedependence (Guadagniand Little 1983; Keane 1997a, b; Seetharaman, Ainslie, and Chintagunta 1999), and competitive asymmetries(Allenby and Rossi 1991). A fundamentalfind- Promotions on Consumers Are ing is that promotions influence consumer choice; that is, they cause consumers to switch from BrandA to Brand B. Gupta(1988), Chintagunta(1993), Chiang (1995), Bucklin, Gupta,and Siddarth(1998), and Bell, Chiang,and Padmanabhan (1999) have examined the magnitudeof the brandswitching effect, at least relativeto dynamic effects such as stockpiling, and have found that brandswitching accounts for the majorityof the currentperiod promotioneffect. A relatedresearchstreamhas studiedconsumers'dynamically rationaldecisions aboutquantityand purchasetiming: Golabi (1985), Assunq.o and Meyer (1993), Meyer and Assunqdo (1990), Helsen and Schmittlein (1992), and Krishna(1992, 1994a, b) study how promotionuncertainty determines consumers' optimal forward-buyingbehavior. Erdem and Keane (1996) and G6nialand Srinivasan(1996) develop stochastic structuraldynamic programmingmodels to accommodate consumers' forward-looking behavior. G6ntil and Srinivasanfind that consumerscan accelerateor deceleratepurchasesto coincide with a promotionschedule as long as they have sufficient inventory.Erdem,Imai, and Keane (2003) develop a dynamic structuralmodel in which consumersform futureprice expectationsand decide when, what, and how much to buy. These articlesdemonstratethat dynamic structural models are important for capturing *Baohong Sun is AssistantProfessorof Marketing,Kenan-FlaglerBusiness School, University of North Carolina (e-mail: sunb@bschool.unc. edu). Scott A. Neslin is AlbertWesley Frey Professorof Marketing,Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College (e-mail: H.J. Heinz II Professorof Management, Marketing, and Information Systems, Graduate School of Industrial Administration,Carnegie Mellon University (e-mail: kannans@andrew. The authorsthankTilin Erdem, Eric Bradlow,and participants in the marketingseminarat Universityof Michigan;the Tuck School Marketing Workshop;National Universityof Singapore;Universityof California, Riverside; HarvardUniversity;Yale University; WashingtonUniversity; and Duke Universityand in the MarketingSummerCamp at Carnegie Mellon Universityfor valuablecomments on previousversions of this article. They also thankAndrewHayes, Tuck School of Business, for valuable researchassistance.The authorsthankthe threeanonymousJMRreviewers for several constructivesuggestions. 389 Journal of MarketingResearch Vol. XL (November2003), 389-405 JOURNALOF MARKETING RESEARCH,NOVEMBER2003 390 rational consumer adjustmentsin purchase timing due to expectationsof futurepromotionactivity. Our researchbuilds on the study of the brand-switching effect by (1) demonstratinga potentialupwardbias in logitestimated switching elasticities and (2) showing that a dynamic rationalmodel can significantlyalleviate this bias. The intuitionbehind the bias is that the logit choice model does not take into account consumers' rational purchasetiming adjustmentsmade to take advantageof a deal. The bias misidentifies the promotion purchases as brand switches and therefore overestimatesthe switching effect. Keane (1997a, p. 311) describes the situation as follows: "Suppose after a few years of shopping I realize that my favorite supermarketalways cuts the price of my favorite detergent,say Era, from $4.00 to $3.50 duringone week of every month. Most other shoppers at the store realize this too. So those who like Era adopt a decision rule that says: 'Only buy Era if the price is $3.50, and then buy enough so that my inventorywill last at least 7 weeks (the longest possible time until the next sale)'.... If one were to estimate a MNL [multinomiallogit] model for detergentchoice in the store, the price elasticity of demand for Era would appear enormous."' The subsequent numerical example is motivated by Keane's (1997a) research.1Consider two consumers: One prefersBrandA and one prefersBrandB. In a no-promotion environment,their purchasesmight be as follows: Week 1 Consumer1 2 Consumer A B 2 3 4 A B 5 6 A B 7 8 A B Now consider that BrandA is promotedin Weeks 2 and 6. Assume that Consumer2 does not react to this promotion; there is no switching effect. Consumer 1 reacts by accelerating the second purchaseforwardfrom Week 3 to Week 2, not purchasingin Week 5 in anticipationof a promotion,and purchasingin Week 6 when the promotionoccurs: Week 1 2 Consumer1 2 Consumer A B A 3 B 4 5 B 6 7 A A B 8 Note that the promotion has not changed consumers' brandchoices; it has only changed the timing of Consumer l's purchase.However,when a logit model is used, it reads data from purchaseobservationsonly and associates higher probabilitiesof purchasingBrandA with promotionsavailable for Brand A. The model overestimates the brandswitching effect because it is designed to "fit"the statistical relationshipbetween purchase probabilitiesand promotion availability without recognizing the purchase-timeadjustment of a forward-lookingconsumer.2 A nested logit model may partlyalleviate the overestimation problemby calculatingbrandswitching conditionalon a promotion-drivenpurchase-timingdecision. However,this ]Weacknowledgethe stimulatingcommentsraisedby an anonymous revieweron a differentarticleby one of theauthors,whichalso servedto motivatethisexample. andit canalso inducelargerpurchasequantities, 2Notethatpromotions is not difficultto constructexamplesthatshowthatthis effectcan also effects.This thereforemay inducean upwardbias in brand-switching accentuatethe bias. However,we simplifythe analysisby focusingon brandchoiceandpurchaseincidence. model is a reducedform in thatit does not model the process of dynamic decision making: It still "fits" the relationship between probabilityof purchasingand promotionavailabilities of Brand A. In general, logit and nested logit choice models are too simple to take into account consumers' forward-lookingbehavior.For example, nested logit models naturally capture purchase acceleration but do not easily capturepurchasedeceleration.A dynamic structuralmodel in which the purchase-timingdecision is endogenized is designed to model this behaviorexplicitly. In additionto more accurateestimation of brandswitching as a result of marginal additional promotion, another potential advantageof a dynamic rational model is that it can avoid overpredictionof brandswitching when there is a shift in promotion policy. Keane (1997a) conjectures that the logit model would be especially ineffective if a brand were to change its promotionpolicy, because the model does not describe how consumerpurchasestrategiesadaptto the new policy. The intuition that logit choice models overstate the switching effect makes sense but simplifies the problem in two ways. First, logit models completely ignore the purchase-timingdecision and consider promotionsolely as a brand-switchinggame. As we mentionedpreviously,techniques exist to examine choice and timing decisions jointly (Bell, Chiang, and Padmanabhan1999; Chiang 1991; Chintagunta 1993; Gupta 1988). Second, the intuition does not explicitly take into accountconsumerpreferences.Modeling heterogeneityis an inherentpartof any logit model and may help alleviate the bias. Therefore, we undertakethe following steps to demonstrate the existence of bias and prescribe a solution for it: First, we develop a dynamic structuralconsumer-decision model of incidence and choice. The potential advantageof the structuralmodel is more accuratebrand-switchingelasticity estimatesbecause it endogenously models the process by which rationalconsumersadjusttheirtiming decisions in response to promotion uncertainty. In accordance with Keane (1997a), we believe this will be particularlyeffective in evaluatingchanges in promotionpolicy. Second, we comparethis model to variationsof both stand-alonelogit choice models and choice/incidence models, taking into account heterogeneityin consumerpreferences.We conduct the following analyses: *Syntheticdata simulation:Assuming that the structuralmodel is correct, we generate purchase-timingand choice decisions, modelson the andwe estimatelogit,nestedlogit,andstructural data.This simulationshows thatthe logit and nested logit models produce upwardly biased estimates of promotion-induced brandswitching, comparedwith the true effect as generatedby the structuralmodel. The logit model resultsare more upwardly biased thanthose of the nested logit model, suggesting thattaking into accountpurchasetiming at least partiallyaddressesthe bias issue. *Empiricalestimation:We estimate the logit, nested logit, and structuralmodels on real data and compare brand-switching elasticities across the models. We find that the structuralmodel fits the databetter,and the elasticity resultsmirrorthe synthetic datasimulation.The logit model elasticities are greaterthanthe nested logit elasticities, which in turnare greaterthanthe structuralmodel elasticities. *Policy simulation:Startingwith the real data, we increase the promotionfrequencyfor one brandand use our models to predict sales with and without the policy change. This is a test of on BrandSwitching Impactof Promotions theLucascritique(Lucas1976),whichstatesthatpolicymodels thatdo notaccountforadjustments agentsmakein response to a "regime"change producebiased predictions.As we expected,we findthatthelogitandnestedlogitmodelspredict muchhighersalesforthebrandwithincreasedpromotion than does the structural model model;this is becausethe structural addressesthe Lucas critiqueby modelinghow consumers changetheirpurchasetimingin responseto policychange. Overall,the results suggest that logit choice models overestimate brand-switchingelasticities. Although nested logit models partially mitigate the problem, a structuralmodel, such as the one we propose, addresses the problem comprehensively. We proceed as follows: First, we develop the structural model. Second, we present our synthetic data simulation, our empiricalestimation,and our policy simulation.Finally, we conclude with a summaryand discussion of the implications for both researchersand managers. MODELINGCONSUMERDECISIONSIN A STRUCTURAL FRAMEWORK Dynamic StructuralDecision Models There is a growing body of literaturethat establishes that consumersare forwardlooking in their purchasedecisions. The evidence includesthe observationthatconsumersstockpile product in response to promotions (Blattberg,Eppen, and Lieberman1981; Neslin, Henderson,and Quelch 1985). The apparentreasonconsumersstockpile is thatthey realize the lower price, which is availableonly temporarily,is worth the additionalfutureinventorystoragecosts. Severalarticles have models that formalize this process (Assunqdo and Meyer 1993; Blattberg, Eppen, and Lieberman 1981; Erdem, Imai, and Keane 2003; Gbntiland Srinivasan1996; Krishna 1992, 1994a, b; Sun 2003). We propose a dynamicstructuralmodel for analyzingthe effect of promotionon brandswitching in an uncertainpromotion environment.Our primary theme is that forwardlooking, rational consumers make it difficult for nondynamic models to measurebrandswitching. Therefore,the key phenomenawe incorporateare promotionexpectations, brandchoice and incidence, and dynamic utility maximization. The need to model promotionexpectations and brand choice is obvious given our purpose.The dynamic rational model literatureassumes that consumers either maximize long-term utility or minimize long-term costs under a weekly consumptionconstraint.We believe thatutility maximization,is more appropriatefor our needs, because we want consumersto have the option of forgoing or accelerating consumption. Comparingthese aspects with those in previousliterature, Blattberg,Eppen, and Lieberman(1981) focus on promotion but assume that the promotion schedule is known; in addition,they do not model brandchoice, and they assume that the consumerminimizes costs subjectto a consumption constraint.Assunglioand Meyer (1993) maximize consumer utility and model promotionexpectationsbut do not model brand choice. Krishna (1992, 1994a, b) considers brand choice and models promotionexpectationsbut assumes that customers minimize costs subject to a consumption constraint,as do Blattberg,Eppen, and Lieberman.Erdem and Keane (1996) maximize utility and examine brand choice but consider product attributes,not promotion. Gbntil and 391 Srinivasan(1996) consider promotionexpectations, but do not model brand choice, and consider cost minimization. Erdem, Imai, and Keane (2003) consider brandchoice and purchasequantityin a dynamic utility maximizationframework. Our model is similarto theirs in that it also drawson the generalframeworkof Hanemann(1984) to model utility for consumption.However, we tailor our model to investigate the impactof promotionon brandswitching. For example, we treat heterogeneity using a continuous distribution rather than the latent class approach adopted by Erdem, Imai, and Keane.We also use a simpler promotionexpectations model that focuses on the promotionschedule of individual brand-sizes. This article differs from that of Sun (2003), who endogenizes the consumption decision and investigatespromotioneffect on endogenous consumption. Model Specification We model the consumer decision process as a dynamic programming problem under promotion uncertainty.We assume thatconsumeri = 1 ..., I visits the storeon the periodic (e.g., weekly) basis t = 1 ..., T. On each store visit, the consumer decides whether to buy and which brandto buy given the observed promotionsand expected future promotions of the j = 1, ..., J brand-sizes. We denote the nopurchasechoice by j = 0. The objective of consumer i is to determine, for each of a series of store-visit occasions, whetherto purchasethe category and if so which brand,so as to maximize the sum of discounted expected futureutility, Uit, over the finite planninghorizon. T d ijt 1 at-iuj max E (1) T The indicatorvariabledijt= 1 if consumeri chooses brandj at time t, and dijt= 0 otherwise for j = 1, ..., J. Because j = 0 indexes the category decision, diot = 1 means that consumer i decides not to buy the product category (i.e., "chooses"alternative"0"),and diot= 0 means thatconsumer i decides to buy the productcategory in week t. The length of the finite decision horizon is T, and 0 < 8 < 1 is the discount factor to reflect that consuming now is preferredto consuming later (Erdemand Keane 1996; G6ntil and Srinivasan 1996). We denote the mathematicalexpectationoperator as E(.). Foreach week t, we define the consumer'sutilityfunction over thatweek's consumptionof each brand-size,Cijt,and of consumptionof a composite of other goods, Zit. Thus, the utility is given by J (2) (2) +cx1Z, U UitI = j=lI ijtCijt +cliZit, where xli measures the benefit from consuming the composite of other goods.3 The term Vijtdenotes the consumption benefit associated with consuming brandj. We model this as follows: (3) ijt= 2ij X3iLastijt. 3Note thatwe assume thatthe composite good is not storable,so we view Zit as either purchaseor consumption.This is to simplify our model, the purposeof which is to explain behaviorin the focal category. JOURNALOF MARKETING RESEARCH,NOVEMBER2003 392 The utility function is state dependent and stochastic, as Hanemann(1984) introduces.The variableLastijtindicates whetherconsumeri purchasedbrandj at purchaseoccasion t- 1. The benefit from consumptionof brandj depends on Lastijt.The coefficients X2ijmeasure consumer i's intrinsic preferencefor brandj. The parameterX3icapturesthat consumers' learning of the quality of a productor their familiarity with a productcan influence their consumptionpreference for a product.This state dependencephenomenonis also referred to as purchase-event feedback (Ailawadi, Gedenk, and Neslin 1999). We normalizethe price of the composite goods to be one. At each period, consumeri has income yit and incurs costs as a result of purchasingbrandsin the category,consuming other goods, managing category inventory, and incurring stockouts, in accordancewith budget constraint:4 J (4) yit = i Pijtdijt + Zit + 81i j=l + 82il Invijt j=1 - Invijt jjl where (5) Pijt= Priceijt- PromijtDscntijt. The variablePijtis the net price paid by consumeri, Priceijt is the everydayprice consumeri pays for brandj in week t, Promijtis a dummy variablefor the presence of a price promotion, and Dscntijtdenotes the value of the price promotion. The consumer'sinventoryof brandj at the beginningof week t, Invijt,is given by (6)t = ijt = Invij(t- 1) + qijt- Cijt. The variableqijtis the purchasequantityduringperiodt. We calculate consumption, Cijt, on the basis of previous research(Gupta 1988; see also Ailawadi and Neslin 1998), except we keep track of consumption and inventoryat the brandlevel. We first calculate Cit, total category consumption in each week, as Cit = Ci), where Ci is consumer i's average weekly lInvijt, consumptioncalculated from min(_ the data (Ailawadi and Neslin 1998; Gupta 1988). The calculation shows thatthe consumerwill consume Ci as long as he or she has that much inventoryon hand.To calculateCijt, we assume that if the consumer has positive inventory of various brands,he or she consumes the brandsin order of preference(Vijt).Given that Invijtis the inventoryof brandj at time t, 81i6 = Invijtmeasurestotalholdingcost; 81idenotes unit holding cost. In addition, I(= Invijt- Ci) is an indi< Ci and equal to cator function equal to 1 when 11 costs (for a more thor0 otherwise. This capturesstockoutqlInvijt ough treatment,see Erdem, Imai, and Keane 2003). The combinationof Equations2, 4, and 5 yields the following: 4Note that we include inventorycosts in the budgetconstraint,which is equivalentto including it directly in the utility function.For a similartreatment, see Erdem,Imai, and Keane (2003). J (7) Uit = li(Priceijt- V[ijtCijt- PromijtDscntijt)dijt] j=l - Invijt- xli2iI txli li j=1 Invijt Ci + j= 1 Oxliyit. We add a few adjustmentsto Equation7. First, note that ali represents price response. Previous researchers have found that response to changes in regularprice is different from response to promotional price discounts (Guadagni and Little 1983; Mulhernand Leone 1991). We allow for the possibility of having differentialresponse to price promotions and regularprice by introducinga new parameter,a4. Second, we set -cli6li = c5i, where a5i represents the change in utility from increasing inventory by one unit. Third,we set -Cli2i = x6i,where x6irepresentsthe change in utility if the consumer is out of stock. Fourth,note that choices are mutually exclusive so that 1j = odijt = 1, and + when no category purchase is made, Uit = 1 = lijtCijt + Ci) + liYit.Therefore, yit, 5i = 6iI( across alternatives, is independentof which does not change lInvijt __InVijt or the decision. and will not affect brand choice category dijt We thereforetreat it as a constant and set it equal to zero (Erdem,Imai, and Keane 2003)5 and thus can state our utility function as follows: (8) Uit = (WijtCijt cxliPriceijtdijt + C4iPromijtDscntijtdijt) j=l 1 + Invijt+ Invijt Ci 6iI{ x5i We model promotion availability and consumer perceptions of promotionavailability.As do Gntil and Srinivasan (1996) and Assunqdo and Meyer (1993), we assume that promotionof each brand-sizefollows a first-orderMarkov process and is independentacross alternatives:6 (9) Prob(Promjt= lIPromj(t-1)= 1) = tj1, and (10) Prob(Promjt= lIPromj(t-1) = 0) = tjo, for j = 1 ..., J, where denotes the probabilityof promojl there was tion in periodt, given that promotionin period t 1 for brand-sizej. Similarly, itjodenotes the probabilityof promotionin period t, given that there was no promotionin periodt - 1. The parametersdescribethe frequenciesandthe 5We can relax this assumptionand allow total shopping expenditureto affect purchasedecision by assuming a nonlinearutility function.We leave modeling expenditureeffect for furtherresearch. 6Wechecked this assumptionby calculatingand comparingEquations9 and 10 and then doing the same using Promj(t- 2) insteadof Prom(t- 1).We found thatthe t - 1 conditionalswere differentwhereasthe t - 2 conditionals were virtually the same. For example, for the Heinz 14 oz. bottle, - 1)= Prob(Promjt=1IPromj(t-1)= 1) = .02, whereasProb(Promjt= 1IPromj(t 0) = .06 (the chance of a promotionin week t is greaterif the brand-sizehas not just been promoted).The second-orderconditionalsfor this brand-size are Prob(Promjt= 1IPromj(t- 2) = 1) = .05 and Prob(Promjt= lIPromj(t- 2)= 1) = .05, or virtually identical. Similar patternshold for the other brandsizes. on BrandSwitching Impactof Promotions temporal correlationof promotions over time. We assume that consumers learn these probabilities;G6ntil and Srinivasan (1996), who also estimatea structuralmodel, find evidence thatconsumerscan do so, as do Krishna,Currim,and Shoemaker(1991), who use a consumersurvey. Note thatthe utility function(Equation8) andperceptions of promotion availability imply that loyal consumers are especially likely to adjustpurchasetiming (e.g., by acceleration). Considerthe consumerwho entersthe store in time t and finds Brand A on promotion. The consumer does not need to buy the product category now (inventory is high) and realizes that doing so only adds inventorycosts in the future. However, the consumer realizes that because the brandis on promotionnow, it may not be next week, and by buying now, the consumercan ensurefutureconsumptionof BrandA. This futureconsumptionbenefit is especially high for consumerswho preferBrandA, and that is why they are intrinsicallymore likely to adjust purchasetiming. Timing adjustmentby loyal purchasersis the key intuitivereasonfor the upwardbias in switching estimates; in taking this phenomenoninto account,the dynamic structuralmodel should provide more accurateswitching estimates. Our focus is the impactof promotionon brandswitching, so it is naturalthat we model consumerpromotionexpectations ratherthan price expectations. Our emphasis on promotion expectationsis also based on the following reasons: First, modeling price expectations would add more complexity by increasingthe size of the dynamic programstate space. Second, including these expectations would only make our case stronger,because there would be even more consumer adjustmentof purchase timing. Third, the three price-relatedquantitiesare regularprice (Priceijt),availability of a promotion (Promijt),and depth of a promotion (Dscntijt).We believe thatconsumersare most likely to form expectations for the availability of a promotion. Krishna, Currim, and Shoemaker (1991) find that consumers are more likely to have opinions of promotionfrequency than promotion depth. Fourth,the variationin regularprice per ounce was fairly small in our data (mean and standarddeviations are $.0561 and $.0015, $.0389 and $.0017, $.0461 and $.0015, $.0480 and $.0016, $.0274 and $.0010, and $.0349 and $.0014 for the six brand-size combinations in our application).So plus or minus two standarddeviationsis on the order of an 8% change, whereas the average price promotiondiscountis on the orderof a 15%to 30% change. Finally,we assume thatit is easier to learnthe probabilityof promotionon the next occasion conditional on currentpromotion than to learn the likelihood of a change in regular shelf price. Therefore,it is more rationalto make the effort to learnwhen promotionswill be availablebecause it is easier and the payoff is higher. The simplest way to incorporatefutureprices when solving consumers'dynamicprogramsis to treatthe prices constantover the time horizon.Gt~ntiland Srinivasan(1996) follow this approach.We insteadrepresentthe prices as random draws from a normal distributionwith mean and variance specific to the brand.The mean and variance remain constant over time. The results we reportin this article use this specification.We also follow a similarapproachfor depthof promotions. We observe that constant prices yield similar parameterestimates and identical managerialimplications. 393 The solutionto the dynamicprogramdefinedby Equation 1 and the specificationof our utility function is such that at any time period and given any state, the optimal solution is the solution to the dynamicprogramfrom that time forward. The consumer's optimal choice is thus the solution to the Bellman equation: (11) = maxE Vit(Lastit,Invit,Promit) dijt YST-tUiT T= t + 8Et = maxfUit [Vi(t +1)(Lasti(t +1), Invi(t +1), Promi(t +1)]1 d ijt There are three state variables:last purchase,inventory,and promotion;Lastit,Invit,and Promitare vectors that denote consumeri's previouschoice, inventory,and currentpromotion status for all brands, respectively. The value function Vit depends on the state at time t for consumer i. It is the maximum expected discounted consumption utility for a consumer who makes decisions about purchase incidence and brandchoice given Invitunits of currentinventory,last purchaseLastit,and observed promotionPromit. Heterogeneityand Estimation Previous research suggests that consumers are heterogeneous in their preferences, sensitivities to marketing-mix variables, holding costs, and stockout costs (e.g., Allenby and Rossi 1991; Chang, Siddarth, and Weinberg 1999; G6ntil and Srinivasan 1993; Kamakuraand Russell 1989; Krishna, Currim, and Shoemaker 1991). It is also known that ignoring unobservedconsumerheterogeneitymay lead to biased parameter estimates (Heckman 1981). Let (pi denote a vector of length J + 5 that representsconsumeri's utility parameters((Xli,(X2ij,(X3i,(4i, 5i, (X6i)Tfor j = 1, J, whereT denotes the transpose.Then, we assume that pi multivariatenormally distributedwith the following mean vector and covariancematrix: N(90, -i- (12) where po= (a1, a21' 9), 2J, a3, (X4, X5,a6) is the mean of ...., matrixof dimensionJ + pi, and Xp is a variance-covariance 5 in which the diagonal elements denote the corresponding variance of each parameter.Thus, we need to estimate the mean and variancefor each of these parameters.In addition, we capturethe potential for loyal users to be more promotion sensitive by allowing the intrinsic preferencea2ij and promotioncoefficients (a4i) to be correlatedwith correlation p. Thus, all the off-diagonal elements of lp except p are constrainedto be zero. A positive (negative)p indicatesthat consumers who like the brand are more (less) promotion sensitive than average.Let 0 = (a1, a2j, a3, a4, a5, a6, al Qxa4(Ta5(a6, forj = 1, ..., J represent 1j0)We then have the all the ac33 Ga2j, jl, parametersto be estimated. probability of choosing brandj conditionalon piand 0 (Pijt0,qi]): (13) Pijt(e, pi) = Prob(dijt= 10, (pi). We assume that the value function of choice j is distributed by an i.i.d. errorterm tijt, which follows an extreme value distribution. The probability of consumer i making a sequence of purchasedecisions dijt,j = 0, ..., J is given by JOURNALOF MARKETING RESEARCH,NOVEMBER2003 394 (14) Pi(, = 17 (Pi) t lj dijtPijt(O, (Pi)- Integrationover the distributionof (piyields the likelihoodof observing consumeri's sequence of purchasedecisions: Pi(6) = E[Pijt(0, qPoi)O] (15) = 1 17 t1t dijtPijt(O, (pi)fpi6O)d(pi, where ( is the domain of the previous integration, and f(@pi|)is the multivariatenormalprobabilitydistribution function for yi conditional on 0. Thus, the log-likelihood function to be maximizedis (16) log L(6) = log[Pi(0)]. i=1 There is no closed-form solution for the underlyingpurchase probabilitiesin Equation 13. In addition, calculating Equation15 requirescomputationof multipleintegrals.The dimensionof the integralsis too large for traditionalnumerical integrationmethods; instead, we use simulated maximum likelihood, which employs Monte Carlo methods to simulatethe integralsratherthan evaluatethem numerically (Keane 1993; McFadden1989; Pakes 1986). Because inventory is continuous, we have the problem of a large state space. We adopt Keane and Wolpin's (1994) interpolation method by calculating the value functions for a few state space points and using these to estimate the coefficients of an interpolationregression. We then use the interpolation regressionfunction to provide values for the expected maxima at any other state points for which values are needed in the backwardrecursionsolution process. The adoptionof simulationand interpolationsignificantly reduces the computationburden, which also enables us to take into account unobserved consumer heterogeneity.We begin the simulation with a starting value for 0. Next, we draw a set of parametersfor a given consumer. We then solve the dynamicprogrammingproblemfor the entire time span. We repeatthe process for that same consumer,with a different set of pi. This generates Pijt.We then go through this process for the next consumer.After all consumersare finished, we have Pijtfor each consumer,and we can calculate the likelihood function. Using simulation, we then numerically calculate gradients and obtain a new 9. We repeatthe entire process until we can no longer improvethe likelihood function.7 (17) We compare our structuralmodel with several conventional reduced-formmodels that are used to study consumer responseto promotion.Using a multinomiallogit model, we model the conditional probabilitythat a household chooses brandj. The probabilityof choosing brandj given thata purchase is made is 7Note that taking into account unobservedheterogeneityassuming continuousheterogeneitydistributionrequiresthe dynamicprogrammingproblem to be solved for each draw. A simpler treatmentof heterogeneity is latentclass approach,as Erdem,Imai, and Keane (2003) adopt. = J liut . where (18) Wilt = -xliPriceijt + + 2ij + oX3iLastijt X4iPromijtDscntijt. Note thatEquation18 correspondsto the structuralmodel in its specification of intrinsic preference, state dependence, price, and price promotion.However, it does not consider purchaseincidence or dynamicdecision making. Nested logit is one method for modeling purchase incidence, though it does not explicitly model optimal dynamic decision making. In this framework,the probabilityof category purchaseincidence dependson the expected maximum utility from the brand-choicedecision. This expected maximum utility is given by CatVal = log(IJ lewit), which reflects the established brand preferences and marketing activity in the category at purchase occasion t (Ben-Akiva andLerman1985). Purchaseincidence is thenrepresentedas (19) (20) Pit(diot = Rt ioi + R* eRit 0) = = 1+eiR* + lliCit + t32iCatValit and E 1j3i Invijt j=I + 34iI InVijt - Ci +5iPromTimeit. tj=lt We define inventoryand consumptionas we did previously. The variable PromTimeitrepresentsthe time since the last promotion.It is meant to capturethat consumers may hold out until the next promotionin a reduced-formsense (Mela, Jedidi, and Bowman 1998).8 To calculate PromTimeit,we calculate the average time between promotionsin the category, which is 1.6 weeks. If the time since the latest promotion in the category seen by consumeri is greaterthan half the average, PromTimeitequals 1; otherwise, it equals 0. Given this definition,we expect P5ito be negative.The likelihood function for this nested logit model is Dijt -Dit - (2j1) L l" ewrt / 1.*.R + e lt ijt 1 + e e Reduced-FormModels e W.*.t Pit(dijt = ldiot = 0) = 1+ Dit R* it eR jt where Dijt is a dummy variable that equals 1 if brandj is chosen by consumeri in week t, and Dit is a dummyvariable that equals 1 if the productcategory is purchasedby consumer i on trip t. We examine two additional models of incidence and choice. First is a logit model with no-purchaseas an alter8Note that including the variable PromTimein the nested logit model enables consumers to consider a next-periodpromotion possibility when makinga purchasedecision that maximizes theircurrentutility.It is far too simple and ad hoc to capturethe complicateddecision process generatedby forward-lookingbehaviorand its interactionwith promotionexpectations. on BrandSwitching Impactof Promotions native (Chiang 1991; Erdem and Keane 1996; Erdem and Sun 2002). Our motivationfor considering this model is to make the purchase incidence model more similar to our model, which also treats no-purchaseas a distinct alternative. Second, we estimatea static version of our model. This assumes the discountfactor8 = 0, so consumersdo not consider future periods. Accordingly, we also do not include inventoryand stockout costs because they requiredynamic optimizationon the partof the consumer. ANALYSES SyntheticData Simulation In our first analysis, we simulate synthetic data using the structuralmodel with a known set of parameters,and we estimate various logit models and the structuralmodel on these data. We intend to show that if consumers follow a rationalpurchasestrategy,conventionallogit models overestimate brandswitching due to promotion. We generate the data from our proposed dynamic structuralmodel for 200 consumersduringa 50-week horizon.In essence, we assume that the structuralmodel is the "true" model. There are two brandswith marketsharesof 70% and 30%.Table 1 shows the trueparametervalues for generating the synthetic data. We compare five models: (1) a logit choice model with brandpreference,price, and promotion as independentvariables;(2) a nested logit model; (3) a logit model with no purchaseas a choice alternative;(4) the static version of our dynamic model;9 and (5) the dynamic model.10 Table 1, Column 2, shows the true parameter values (mean and standard deviations) for the synthetic data. Columns 3-7 reportthe averagemean and average standard deviations over 100 simulationsfor each parameter.Table 1 shows the following: First, the structuralmodel is estimated correctly; the average estimated parametersin Column 7 correspondto the trueparameters.Second, the nonstructural models consistently overestimatedthe coefficient for promotion. The upwardbias is highest for the logit model and lower for the three choice/incidence models. The results conform to our expectationsbut do not clearly demonstrate an upwardbias in switching elasticities, which can be equal even if the raw coefficients are unequal(Ailawadi, Gedenk, and Neslin 1999). We calculate promotion-switchingelasticity as the percentage change in purchaseprobabilityof brandj with and without promotion, conditional on category purchase, for consumeri for brandj at week t: (22) esijt = Prob(dijt= ldiot = 0, Promijt= 1) - = = = Prob(dijt ldiot 0, Promijt 0)] /Prob(dijt= Idiot = 0, Promijt= 0). 9This is a structuralmodel that assumes immediateutility maximization. Consumersdo not take into account future utilities. We thereforeassume the discount parameter8 = 0 and that there are no inventoryeffects. 10Notethat to simplify, we assumed for the simulation that consumers know future regular prices. This assumption is relaxed in our empirical application,in which we assume that consumersview futureregularprices as randomdraws from a normaldistributionwith constant mean and variance over time. 395 We calculatethis quantityfor each householdfor brandj for an arbitrarilyselectedWeek 8, a week when Brand1 was not promoted.We simulatepromotionavailabilityand use average price discountto representpresentpromotiondepth.We use 100 randomdraws to simulate consumerheterogeneity. Note that to make the promotion elasticities comparable across models, we calculate the preceding equation for the same consumersfor each model, specifically the consumers who makea categorypurchasein Week8 in the no-promotion case. In this way, we focus only on the brand-switching aspects of the variousmodels. To complementthe switching elasticity,we also calculatethe percentageof the immediate sales "bump"thatis due to switchingratherthanacceleration or deceleration.11This quantityis comparableto that calculated by other researchers who investigate the switching effect of promotions(e.g., Bell, Chiang, and Padmanabhan 1999; Gupta1988). Using the same simulationmethodas we do to calculate the switching elasticity, we classify promotion-weekincrementalpurchases as brand switches (A), acceleratedpurchases (B), and deceleratedpurchases (C). The switchingpercentageis thusA/(A + B + C). Table 1 presents the switching and switching percentage results and shows the following: First, logit models overestimatepromotionelasticities more thanthe structuralmodel. The t-tests show that the differences are significant.We use the word "overestimate"because the structuralmodel is the true model, we estimate its coefficients accuratelywith that model, and its elasticities are thereforethe true elasticities. Second, all the reduced-form models overestimate the brand-switchingeffect. The upwardbias is highest for the stand-alonelogit choice model and second highest for the nested logit model with purchaseincidence. Logit with nopurchaseoptions and the static structuralmodels also result in higher switching elasticities. The results suggest that logit choice models overestimate the brand-switchingeffect of promotions.The addition of purchase incidence helps alleviate this bias but not completely, apparently because the incidence models are a reducedform of dynamic decision making.Therefore,such a model does not fully capturethe consumer'srationalpurchase strategy and confounds switching with purchase timing. EmpiricalApplication Data. We used ketchup data collected by ACNielsen.12 The calibrationsample consists of 8823 observationsof 173 households that made 1473 purchasesof ketchupduring51 weeks from 1986 to 1988 in Sioux Falls, S.Dak. We excluded occasional purchasers by randomly selecting householdsthatmade more than4 purchasesof ketchupduring the 51 weeks. We also only chose households that purchased at most one unit of ketchup on each purchaseoccasion; single-unitpurchasersrepresent98% of all households 11Notethat we cannot calculate this quantity for the stand-alonelogit models or the static structuralmodel because these models either do not consider purchase displacement (logit) or do not enable consumers to accelerateor deceleratepurchases(static structural).However,it providesa useful basis for comparing the nested logit and no-purchaseoption logit with the dynamic structuralmodel. 12Areason for using ketchupdata is that the consumptionrate is relative insensitiveto promotion,as Ailawadi and Neslin (1998) show. However,for otherproductcategories,ignoringflexible consumptionratemay also cause overestimationof brand-switchingelasticities. This supportsour findings. JOURNALOF MARKETING RESEARCH,NOVEMBER2003 396 Table 1 SIMULATION BASEDON SYNTHETIC DATA Parameters Price-a, BrandpreferenceoC2 Brand 1 Brand2 Promotiona4 Unit inventorycost a05 Stockoutcost (X6 Static Structural Model (4) Dynamic Structural Model (5) TrueValuesa Logita (1) Nested Logit (2) Logit with No-Purchase Alternative (3) -2.00 1.00 -3.40 (.34) 1.26 (.27) -2.68 (.16) 1.34 (.44) -2.61 (.22) 1.10 (.44) -2.30 (.19) 1.03 (.25) -2.22 (.21) 1.01 (.26) -.50 .50 -1.00 .50 1.50 1.00 -.10 .05 -.20 .05 2.51 (.29) 1.16 (.24) 1.57 (.41) .91 (.49) 2.77 (.20) 1.19 (.21) 2.05 (.33) 1.43 (.25) -.55 (.14) .56 (.15) -1.08 (.26) .51 (.19) 2.09 (.24) 1.31 (.35) -.06(.03) .05 (.02) -.22(.10) .06 (.02) -.55 (.20) .54 (.09) -1.07 (.20) .48 (.22) 1.74 (.24) .98 (.30) -.54 (.19) .52 (.07) -1.07 (.18) .50 (.20) 1.51 (.18) .94 (.24) -.08(.04) .05 (.02) -.18(.07) .06 (.02) lo0 tE1 T20 Rt21 Purchase Incidence Categorypreferencet0 .50 .25 .30 .15 .55 (.13) .26(.11) .33 (.09) .16 (.07) 1.24 (.20) .13 (.06) .69(.25) ConsumptionP .25(.10) Unit inventorycost 33 Stockoutcost 34 Breakdownof Short-TermPromotionEffect Brandswitching Purchasedisplacement .30(.09) .58 (.23) .31 (.15) -.08 (.03) .03 (.04) -.03 (.02) .02 (.03) Categoryvalue P2 Marginal Promotionof Brand 1 in Week8 Short-termpromotionalswitching elasticities Long-termpromotionalswitching elasticities .62(.18) .351 (.044) .275 (.027) .266 (.021) .237 (.019) .198 (.015) .164(.023) .156(.027) .130(.016) .121 (.013) .101 (.011) N.A. 72% 28% 69% 31% N.A. 56% 44% .222 (.029) .186 (.025) .187 (.025) .099 (.017) .054 (.016) Increased PromotionPerception(i) of Brand 1 by 50% Percentagechange of Brand 1 aggregate sales aNumbersin the first and second lines are the means and standarddeviations of each generatedparameter. Notes: N.A. = not applicable.Numberof households= 200; numberof weeks = 50; numberof observations= 10,000; numberof simulations= 100. Numbers not in parenthesesare estimatedparameters;numbersin parenthesesare the standarderrorof the correspondingparameters.The results are obtainedon the basis of 100 simulations.Average means, standarddeviations, and their standarderrors are reportedover 100 simulations.The standarddeviation of promotion-switchingelasticities are reportedin parentheses.To test whetherthe elasticities differencesamong Models 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are statisticallysignificant, we performedt-tests for the first brand.The t-values are 4.12, 4.26, 3.97, 3.86, and 4.06 for short-termmarginalpromotionelasticities; 4.18, 3.96, 4.21, 4.19, and 4.40 for long-termmarginalpromotionelasticities; and 4.85, 4.75, 5.36, 4.86, and 5.02 for policy-changeelasticities. and 96% of all purchaseoccasions. We selected six leading brand-sizesthatconstitutemore than 85% of the (unit) market share:Heinz 14 oz., 28 oz. and 32 oz., 40 oz. and 44 oz., and 64 oz.; Hunt's 32 oz.; and Del Monte 28 oz. and 32 oz. We groupedsimilar sizes (e.g., 28 oz. and 32 oz., 40 oz. and 44 oz.) togetherto reduce the computationburden.The six sizes we consideredcover more than98% of the sales of the three brandsin our study.Table 2 reportsdescriptivestatistics. The average price per oz. is $.0561, $.0389, $.0461, $.0480, $.0274, and $.0349 for the six brand-sizes.Average category purchase is 5.344 ozs. per week. We reserved an additional 4131 observations of 81 households that made 647 purchase of ketchup during 51 weeks in Springfield, Mo., for holdout sample validation.In estimatingthe models, we quantifiedprice, price discount, and inventoryrelative to a 32 oz. bottle. Thus, if a consumer purchaseda 44 oz. bottle, there is 1.375 additionto inventory(qijt= 1.375). This is a matterof rescaling that does not affect the results. We chose the ketchupcategorybecause it is a productthat consumerscan use flexibly and that has relativelylow holding costs. It is also a well-promotedcategory.As a result, ketchup is a category for which consumers can plan their Impactof Promotionson BrandSwitching 397 Table2 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS OF KETCHUPDATA Store Special Price BrandName Heinz 14 oz. (1) Heinz 28 oz. and 32 oz. (2) Heinz 40 oz. and 44 oz. (3) Heinz 64 oz. (4) Hunt's 32 oz. (5) Del Monte 28 oz. and 32 oz. (6) MarketShare Mean Price per Ouncea Frequency Mean 4.31% 39.68% 5.14% 3.37% 13.52% 19.47% (85.49%) 5.61 3.89 4.61 4.80 2.74 3.49 5.8% 19.0% 8.5% 10.9% 12.5% 18.1% .896 1.114 1.022 1.201 .481 1.065 aln the estimation,we scaled the prices relativeto 32 ozs. Notes: We selected frequentketchupusers who made at least five purchasesduringthe 51 weeks. The averagesample category purchaseis .167 bottle per week. The averagecategorypurchaseis .043 bottle per week in the originaldata from ERIM. purchasing.Most of the purchasesare single unit, and consumptionis relativelystable, as Ailawadi and Neslin (1998) demonstrate. Ketchup therefore seems an ideal category, though certainlynot an atypicalone, for illustratingrational consumerplanning. We operationalizedprice as regular,everyday shelf price. We follow Abraham and Lodish (1987) to construct the price discount,Dscntijt.We definedpromoequal to 1 if there was a price discount in that week and equal to 0 otherwise. We defined Last equal to 1 for the brand-sizethat was chosen most recently and equal to 0 otherwise (see Ailawadi, Gedenk, and Neslin 1999; Seetharaman,Ainslie, and Chintagunta 1999).13The 8 is fixed at .995 (Erdem and Keane 1996).14 Comparative model fit. The fit statistics for both insample (calibration)and out-of-sample (holdout) are provided in Table 3. Because choice models (Model 1 and 2) and choice/incidencemodels (Models 3-7) fit data to different model structures(incidence and/or brand), the overall log-likelihood values and Bayesian information criteria (BICs) are not directlycomparable.Thus, we also reportthe log-likelihood values of the brandchoice componentfor the nested logits (Models 3 and 4) to compare the performance of various reduced-formchoice models. In terms of this choice component, model fit improves from Model 1 to Model 4; Model 4 is the best-fittingchoice model. We then compared the overall log-likelihood value and BICs for Models 3-7. The overall log-likelihood (absolute)value and BICs are lower for Model 7 than for Models 3-6, indicating that the dynamic model fits data the best.15Holdout sample fit statistics supportthis finding. To better assess the fit of each model, we reportpredicted average probabilitiesand counts of each choice alternativein comparison with the sample frequency and sample count of the calibratedsample. In addition, we reportthe percentageof correctly predicted choice alternativesand Efron's R2 for both the cali3Weestimated all the reduced-formmodels with smoothed use experience ("BLOY,"or brandloyalty, as in Guadagniand Little's [1983] study). There is some improvementof log-likelihood value and BIC, but it does not affect the estimation of other parameterssignificantly.Comparisonof the model estimationcan be obtainedfrom the authors. 14Althoughthe 51-week time horizon seems long, we note that the discounted factor implies that the distanttime periods are less importantthan immediatetime periods. 15Akaikeinformationcriterionis calculatedas -lnL + numberof parameters, and BIC is calculatedas -lnL + (numberof parameters)/2x In(number of observations). bration sample and the holdout sample.16These indexes paint the same picture. The comparisonof Models 6 and 7 suggests thatthe static version of our model performsworse than the dynamic version, which suggests that dynamics indeed matter. Overall, the dynamic structuralmodel fits betterthan the other models in terms of log-likelihood, BIC, and hit rates for the calibrationand holdout samples.17This suggests that our proposed model provides a better descriptionfor consumer rational purchase behavior in the ketchup category. Models 3-5 underperform the forward-looking model because they try to capture the dynamics of consumer rationalstrategyby an exogenously imposed statisticalrelationship. The assumedrelationshipis too simple and ad hoc to incorporatethe complex effects of purchasetiming and forward-looking inventory effects. The choice models (Models 1 and 2) ignore purchasetiming and cannot completely capture consumer rational purchase strategy. The static structuralmodel (Model 6) performsworse than the dynamic model because the former leaves out all the dynamics. Estimated coefficients. Table 4 reports the estimation results of the seven competingmodels; meanparameterestimates are reportedin the first line, and the standarddeviation estimates across households are reportedin the second line. We first focus on the structuralmodel (Model 7). All the mean coefficients are significant and have expected signs. The standarddeviations are also significant for all coefficients except that for stockoutcost. This providesevidence that consumers are heterogeneous. Brandconsumption preferences for the six brand-size combinations are also significantly estimated, and there are indications of significant heterogeneity in preference. The significance of the last purchase parameterreinforces the 16Efron'sR2 is calculatedas follows: x1 1 - i= 1 j t= 1 , i i ( Y j=--1 (Yijt - - - jt ijt)2 t = It conveys the proportion of the variance of the dependent variable explained by the independentvariableand is a more reliable model selection criterionfor discrete-choicemodels (Amemiya 1985). l7Note that the holdout sample consists of households in a differentcity than the calibrationsample households, so this predictive validity test is more stringentthan predictingthe choices of the same households in a different period or of differenthouseholds in the same period. 398 JOURNAL Model (7) Dynamic tion Predic- 72 84992 63 83 RESEARCH, 299 out 7365 Hold- .970 .064 8829.4 8988.4 4840.1 tion .973 .064 .1000 .0082 .0102 .0071 .0090.0339 .8316 Average CalibraProbability Structural tion Predic(6) Structural Model OF MARKETING 68 85897 58 84 306 out 7352 Hold- .941 .053 8920.5 9006.8 4868.0 Static tion .954 .055 .0081 .1017 .0067 .0087.0346 .8296 .0106 CalibraAverage Probability No- tion Predic- Alternative with (5) Logit Purchase with Logit(4) PromTime Nested 71 86195 63 82 300 out 7351 Hold- .940 .050 8937.79060.3 4870.4 tion .953 .053 .1010 .0082 .0108 .0070 .0089.0335 .8306 Average CalibraProbability NOVEMBER choices example, For brand of sample. values entire considered. the of are log-likelihood outand the report occasions purchases we of purchase are Therefore, percentage and tion Predic- 69 85895 60 84 models. 302 out 7355 Hold- .941 .051 8910.4 9042.1 4859.2 (1438.7) (2555.2) (2617.2) tion .954 .054 .0082 .1027 .0107 .0068 .0093.0338 .8285 Average CalibraProbability observations these 8823 probabilities theacross of predicted tion Predic- 68 86196 57 84 305 out 7352 Hold- .935 .050 16.75% comparable not average only are of 8947.3 9069.9 4881.8 (2569.3) (2638.4) (1458.4) purchases. when tion .952 .052 COMPARISONS .0080 .1030 .0107 .0065 .0094.0339 .8285 values Average CalibraTable 1473 product Probability FIT model are the logit 81 98 56 79 out .880 868 307 tion .043 HoldTherereport PredicMODEL the models. log-likelihood with we by logit (2) 8823. 2729.12791.1 1473.7 4131. Logit Correlation tion .904 .046 = = overall .1041 .0090.0380 .0110 .0090 .0059 CalibraAverage models nested Probability the predicted two logit sets, 82 99 54 78 the for.05627, out .873 870 310 tion .039 observations Holdobservations Predicfor of of is data oz. (1) models, Logit 2815.9 1485.3 2757.7 14 tion number all .891 .041 numberdifferent .1051 .0092 .0057 .0088.0381 .0112 Average Calibrafit occasions 51;51; Heinz Probabilityc = = across for models 74 84288 65 81 purchase 293 weeks 7380 Count of weeks Sample logit of of comparable those probability nested .0084 .0074 .0092 .0332 .8364 .0954 .0100 number Sample number and Frequency and 173; 81; average = = probabilities The occasion models oz.oz. and 32 44 logit .1635. oz. average x andand households purchase households 28 predicted oz.oz.oz.oz.oz. of of the on R2 Frequency Because 14 28 40 64 32 .05627 oz. Monte make = purchase 32 -LL BIC -LL Rate Statistics In-samplea Out-of-sampleb Heinz Heinz Heinz Heinz Hunt's Del No Efron's aNumber bNumber cTo Notes: Correctly .0092conditional Fit Parameter Predicted Hit 3 (3) Logit Nested 2003 on BrandSwitching Impactof Promotions existence of state dependence in brand preference. The results also show that price has a negative impact on purchase, and promotion increases the attractivenessof the price discount, as we expected. The coefficients for inventoryand stockoutcosts are negative and significant,as we expected. In monetaryterms,the holding cost is equivalentto a weekly price reductionof .05/ .44 = $. 11. Given an average price of approximately$1.25 per bottle, a consumerwould be indifferentbetween a 20% price cut ($.25) and holding a 32 oz. bottle of ketchup in inventory for slightly longer than two weeks. This shows much flexibility in that the consumer would be willing to stockpilea bottle of ketchupeven if it meantit was not going to be consumed immediately. The estimatesof the promotionexpectationsare sensible. The estimatedperceivedconditionalprobabilityof a promotion in period t, given that there was not a promotion in periodt - 1, is greaterthanthe probabilityif therewas a promotion in period t - 1. The implied promotionfrequencies, calculated as l0j/(1 + tjo - tjl), are 7.0%, 19.0%, 9.5%, 7.0%, 12.9%, and 15.7% for the six brand-sizes, respectively, which correspondnicely to the observed frequencies in Table2 (Heinz 64 oz. is the one exception).Overall,these results are notable:They show that the estimatedperceived promotiontransitionprobabilitiesrecoverthe actualpromotion frequencies ratherwell. This suggests that consumers indeed learn the promotion schedule. The correlation between brandpreferenceand promotionresponse is positive, showing that consumers who have a higher-thanaverage intrinsic preferencefor a particularketchup brand are also more promotion sensitive than average. Thus, brand-loyalcustomers are more likely to adjust their purchase timing to meet the promotion schedule of their favoritebrand. We now focus on the purchase incidence parametersin Model 4. The inventoryand stockoutvariablesare negative, as we expected (though only weakly statistically significant). The positive estimate of CatValitshows that consumersare more likely to acceleratepurchaseon promotion; the negative estimate of PromTimeitimplies that consumers delay theirpurchaseuntil next promotionwith the belief that the longer the time since the last promotion,the higheris the probabilityof promotion in the next period. The CatValit variable is standardfor nested logit models, but the PromTimeit variable is relatively new. Our results support its inclusion as an ad hoc way to model deceleration. Finally, the promotioncoefficient was consistentlyhigher as we moved from the structuralmodel to Model 5 and through to Model 1. These results are similar to our synthetic data simulation.We next turnto estimatedelasticities and switching percentagesto determine whether the logit, nested logit, and nondynamic structuralmodels produce greaterswitching effects. Estimatedelasticities and switchingpercentages. Table 5 shows the comparativeshort-termand long-term switching elasticities and percentage breakdownof switching versus purchase displacementfor a marginalpromotion of Heinz 28 oz. and 32 oz. in Week 11. It also reportssales elasticities when the promotionperceptionsof Heinz 28 oz. and 32 oz. are increasedby 50%.The resultsare quite similarto our simulation in that the switching effects are consistently higher for the logit, nested logit, logit with no-purchase option, and static structuralmodels than for the dynamic 399 structuralmodel. The nondynamicmodels infer more brand switching than does the dynamic structuralmodel. Given our concerns about not taking into account consumer rationaltiming adjustmentsand given our previous simulation results, the empiricalresults suggest that reduced-form models overstate switching effects compared with a dynamic structuralmodel. It is notablethat thereis not much differencebetween the two logit choice models or among the four reduced-form choice/incidence models, though PromTimeseems to help. The key seems to be the additionof purchaseincidence, but how incidence is addeddoes not make much of a difference, except in the dynamic structuralmodel. The difference between the reduced-form choice/incidence models and the structural model is managerially meaningful. The difference in short-termbrand-switching elasticities between Model 5 and the structuralModel 7 is .346 - .242 = .104. That means that Model 5 finds an additional 10.4%change in base probabilitiescomparedwith the structuralmodel. Assuming a base of roughly .40 purchase probabilityfor Heinz 28 oz./32 oz. (its marketshare) means a difference in .104 x .40 = 4.16 sharepoints. A sharepoint in the ketchupcategory is worth roughly $3 million dollars in revenue,so the differencebetween these models is a matter of $12.5 million, or $240,000 per week.18The difference between the logit choice models and the structuralmodel is .426 - .242 = .184 x .40 = 7.4 sharepoints, or $22.1 million, or $424,615 per week. These are manageriallymeaningful differences (see, e.g., Abrahamand Lodish 1987). Policy-ChangeAnalysis Senior managersare often more interestedin evaluating the effect of a significantchange in promotionpolicy rather than the effect of marginalpromotion.It is in this area that we expect the dynamic structuralmodel to distinguishitself even more from the nondynamicmodels, because the structuralmodel explicitly takes into accountthe promotionpolicy throughthe frequencyperceptioncoefficients, n. Keane (1997a, p. 312) states our expectations best: "To successfully forecast behavior after a regime change one needs to model how agents tailor their decision rules to particular regimes. One needs a so-called 'structural'model whose parametersare 'primitives'of agents' preferences,information processing systems,... which remain fixed across regimes." We expect that the structuralmodel will predictless of a gain in marketsharethanthe othermodels for the brandthat experiences a quantum increase in promotion frequency. This is because these models do not explicitly enable consumers to adjust their purchasetiming as a function of the firm's overall promotionpolicy. The choice/incidence models try to achieve this by including inventory and ad hoc variables such as PromTimeijt,but they do not do as complete a job as the structuralmodel, which models rational consumeradjustmentsexplicitly in a dynamicprogramming framework. We run a simulationin which we increasethe actualpromotion frequencies of Heinz 28 oz./32 oz. by 50% and 18Source: Information Resources (1995). Volume of mustard and ketchup per 1000 households is 5916 units; ketchupaccounts for 77% of the category and is priced at $.73 per unit. The assumptionof 90 million households translatesto a category sales volume of $5,916 x .77 x .73 x 90,000 = $299.3 million. 400 JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, NOVEMBER 2003 Model (.08) (.01) (.21) (.20) (.09) (.12) (.10) (.22) (.02) (.005) (.08) (.10) (.09) (.03) (.09) (.05) (.03) (.04) (.08) (.04) (.16) (.11) (.06) (.10) (.24) (.30) (.05) (.02) (.01) (.03) (.04) (.03) (.03) (.06) (.07) (7) Dynamic .11 .209 .110 .072 .34 .05 .20 .20 .15 .341.31 .98.09.10 .018 .16 .18.074 .011 .099 .054.056 .141 .173 .049 -.49 -.50 -.05 -.25 -.44 -.94 -.17 -.70 -1.13 Structural parameter. the of deviation (.16) (.13) (.06) (.13) (.08) (.06) (.01) (.06) (.22) (.07) (.10) (.22) (.26) (.29) (.06) (.03) (.08) (6) Structural Model .10 .29 .04 .20 .22 .15 .30(10) .17 .08 .98 -.51 -.58 1.41 -.40 -.97 -.20 -.80 -1.17 Static (.07) standard .16 estimated the is No(.07) (.05) (.08) (.02) (.29) (.10) (.29) (.14) (.15) (.03) (.02) (.007) (.08) (.07) (.14) (.07) (.22) (.10) (.08) (.33) (.08) (.07) (.09) (.07) (.07) Alternative with (5) .33 .06 .23 .28 .17 .401.76 .55.19.08 .010 .09 .17 .16 -.06 -.11 -.47 -.14 -.86 -1.10-.50 -.64 Logit -1.05 Purchase .36.17 (.01)parentheses (.02) in .03 -.08 not is that it DATA beneath with 4 (.07) (.12) (.06) (.06) (.002) (.29) (.13) (.02) (.01) (.05) (.04) (.09) Logit(4) KETCHUP .17 .05 .54 .04 .01.63.27 PromTime -.46 -.16 1.49 -.07 -.21 Nested WITH (.19) (.22) (.08) (.05) (.08) .58.22.08 1.86 .13 (.19) (.03) (.02) (.07) (.08) (.02) (.02) (.11) (.04) (.08) (.07) (.05) number . .04 .03 .04 the -.05 -.06 -.06 Table parameter; (3) Logit ESTIMATION Nested (.12) (.02) (.08) (.22) (.06) (.06) (.07) (.32) (.01) (.04) (.01) (.15) (.14) .57 .04 .09.61.25(.07)1.89 .45.24.09(.04) .051.51 .19 -.08 -.19(.06) -.51 -.17 (.03) (.21) (.07) (.04) (.02) (.13) (.10) .13 .52.23.18(.06) .25(.07) .12(.05) .07 .03 .04 -.04 -.08(.09) the of value mean MODEL with (.002) (.12) (.006)(.03) (.03) (.09) (.05) (.21) (.01) (.32) (.18) (.07) .60 .02 .07 .19(.11) .54.31.11 .20 .021.43 -.59(.12) -.14 -.05 -.17(.05) -.37(.11) 2.36 Logit Correlation (2) (1) Logit (.002) (.27) (.14) (.009) (.005)(.02) (.10) (.03) (.18) .23 -.61 (.09) estimated .15 the is estimates. various parentheses in the of not (.31) (.19) (.07) (.07) .01 .62 .02 .06 .20(.11) .67.33.16 -.12 1.48 -.05 -.15(.04) -.39(.12) 2.40 errors number top standard the the (6) (2) (3) oz. oz. 32 44 oz. 32 and p are 30o brand promotion PI a5 parameter, P2 rate (1) and and (4) (5) oz. cost a6 28 a3 each P5 and parentheses value 33 4 preference oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. between a4 Incidence in For cost 14 28 40 64 32 Monte preference purchase inventory 1 Inventory Stockout PromTime Notes: Hunt's Consumption Heinz Heinz Del Category Category HeinzHeinz preference t6o t61 Purchase t41ts0 7t51 Numbers Brand Last Promotion Unit Stockout 7E40.071 Correlation 'tlo~1720721730 7E31 Parameter Price-axl a2 on BrandSwitching Impactof Promotions assume that perceived promotionfrequencies also increase by that amount in the dynamic structuralmodel (t20 and Given that the base promotionfrequencyis 19%for c21).-19 Heinz 28 oz./32 oz., we randomly select 10% more of the weeks when therewas no promotion,assume thattherewere promotionsrunningin those weeks, and calculate the predicted percentagechange in Heinz 28 oz./32 oz. sales. The results in Table 5 confirm our expectations. The logit and nested logit models all predict substantially greater increasesin sales thanthe dynamicstructuralmodel, and the results are even more dramaticthan those for a marginal additionalpromotion.The predictedsales changes for Heinz 28 oz./32 oz. are more than double for the nonstructural models compared with the dynamic structuralmodel. For example, the nested logit model with PromTimepredicts a 19.1% increase in sales, whereas the structuralmodel predicts only an 8.5% increase. The results suggest that reduced-form models significantly overestimatethe effectiveness of a policy increase in promotionfrequencybecause they do not explicitly enable consumersto adjusttheir purchasetiming strategiesrationally in response to the new regime, and they assume the same promotionsensitivities hold for the new regime. Limitations As we noted in the model development section, we assume a simple mechanism for consumers' future price expectations. We focused on expectations of promotions; notably, regular price variations were quite modest (see "Model Specification").Therefore,we resortedto a simplifying assumptionto enhancethe computationalfeasibility of our model. Erdem,Imai, and Keane (2003) and Hendel and Nevo (2002) systematically examine the price expectation process. A comprehensive specification of both price and promotionexpectationsis desirable,particularlywhen analyzing a category in which price fluctuationsare considerable. We hope to address this issue in a future research effort. We also implicitly assume that consumersexpect promotions to be independentacross alternatives.Erdem, Imai, and Keane (2003) and Hendel and Nevo (2002) find thatthe promotionsacross alternativesmay be correlated.A simple pairwiseempiricalanalysis shows thatonly 5 of the 15 average within-storecorrelationsamong our six brand-sizesare significantlydifferentfrom 0. The magnitudeof the significant ones ranges from -.16 to .27. As partof increasingthe sophisticationof consumer expectations,we might select a higher-orderMarkov model that allows for covariation in promotions across alternatives.This would complicate the model development significantly; however, it would be a worthytopic for furtherresearch.In the interim,we conjecture that any better specification of consumer expectations should strengthenthe findings reportedhere. As consumers hold more sophisticatedexpectations of the firms' promotional strategies,they will become more adept at adjusting theirpurchasetiming, which increasesthe need for dynamic 19Notethatwe assume thatconsumerslearnthe new scheduleand update their frequency perceptions (it). The consumer may not be perfectly informed of the policy change. Because our article focuses more on how consumers adjustpurchasegiven their perceptionson promotionschedule than on how they form promotionperceptions, we make this assumption and leave perceptionformationfor furtherresearch. 401 rational models to unravel purchase-timingdecisions from brandswitching. Finally, we have assumed that the consumption rate is deterministic.As a result, the advent of a stockout is deterministic. This happensbecause our model predictsthe same choices for householdswith identicalpurchasehistoriesand holds taste parametersconstant.This may result in a bias in elasticities (for details, see Erdem, Imai, and Keane 2003). With six alternatives,the possibility of identical purchase histories should decrease as the purchasehistory increases. Given the long historyfor each household in our model, we believe that the bias arisingfrom deterministicconsumption should be minimal. SUMMARYAND DISCUSSION The themes of this article are that logit decision models can overestimate the extent of promotion-inducedbrand switching because they do not completely account for consumers' rationaladjustmentsin purchasetiming and that a dynamicstructuralmodel can addressthis problem.We have investigatedthis thesis by developing a dynamic structural model of choice and incidence and comparing it with a stand-alone logit choice model, a nested logit model with incidence, a logit model with a no-purchasealternative,and a static version of the dynamic model. The dynamic model differs from these reduced-formstatic models by explicitly modeling the process by which consumersdecide what and when to purchase,taking into account their currentinventory status and their perceptionsof future promotionactivity. Our key findings are as follows: *Ina simulation thatusesdatagenerated model, by thestructural the reduced-form modelsconsistentlyoverpredicted switching elasticitiesandthepercentage of thepromotion salesbumpdue to brandswitching. *Thestructural modelfits thedatabetterthanthereduced-form choice/incidence models. models,includingthereduced-form *Inestimatingthesemodelson realdatafor the ketchupcategory,we observedthesamepatternof estimatedelasticitiesand thatwe foundin thesimulation. switchingpercentages *Inevaluating thetotaleffecton salesof a 50%increasein promotionfrequency,the reduced-form modelspredictedmuch model. highersalesgainsthanthedynamicstructural The results suggest that, as we expected, reduced-form models overstatethe brand-switchingeffects of promotion. All four analyses contributeto this conclusion.Forexample, the simulationconvinces thatthe reduced-formmodels overstate elasticities on simulateddata,but there is no guarantee thatthe simulateddata,based on the structuralmodel, reflect reality.The betterfit of the dynamicstructuralmodel on real data, togetherwith its sensible coefficient estimatesand our observationof the same patternin estimated elasticities in real data, suggests that the simulation reflects reality well and that the higher switching effects by the logit models in the empirical test are truly overstated.The policy analysis drives home the point that the real gain from the structural model is in evaluatingmajorpolicy changes, because that is an areain which the model's explicit accountingfor the current promotionpolicy works to advantage. As we expected, in all our analyses, the stand-alonelogit model exhibits the most bias. Much, though not all, of the bias can be alleviated by estimating nested logit models with incidence; at least these models try to attain similar 402 JOURNAL OF MARKETING RESEARCH, 3.59 Model (7) Dynamic (.045)(.007) 56% 44% .242 .074 Structural (6) Structural Model and (.0017)elasticities. 3.44, .085 2.92, 2.69, policy-change for 3.03, (.040) 3.80 3.81, .190 and (.052)(.006) N.A. .333 .099 Static 3.49, 3.75, are 3.57, No(.066) Alternative with (5) Logit Purchase 77% 23% .346 .109(.026) with (.067) 26% 74% PromTime .347 .108(.023) Nested Logit(4) 5 (.070) (3) Logit Nested ELASTICITIES 79% 21% .378 .117(.028) t-values (.038) 3.23, The .190 3.08, Heinz. 4.06, for 4.01, t-tests and (.031) .191 performed elasticities; we promotion (.026) significant, .196 Table marginal statistically are 7 long-term for (.040) Model 3.47 .235 andand 6 ..., 2 3.53, 1, = 2.48, m (.041) 2.08, PROMOTION with (.064)(.031) N.A. Logit Correlation .426 .135 (2) (.062)(.033) N.A. .431 .137 (1) Logit .253 Model 2.81, 2.37, between 50% by 11 Week in effect 2.88, difference Heinz of elasticities; sales (ir) elasticities promotion oz. the oz. oz. aggregatepromotion elasticity elasticity Heinz 32 32 parentheses. of 32 Perception of in and and andshort-term whether are oz. oz.switching oz.of displacement marginal change switching test switching 28 28 28 PromotionTo errors Promotion PurchaseHeinz HeinzHeinzBrand short-term Short-term Breakdown Percentage Notes: Long-term Increased forStandard Scenarios Marginal NOVEMBER 2003 on BrandSwitching Impactof Promotions phenomena as the structuralmodel by including variables such as PromTimeas a means to model consumers'holding out for the next promotion.They can also account for loyal consumers' taking most advantage of promotions. These steps improvethe elasticities and sales predictionsbut not as completely as does the dynamic structuralmodel. We have also learned the following from the particular coefficients and results of our empiricalstudy: aremorelikely withintrinsically *Consumers higherpreference fortheirpreferred brand. to takeadvantage of a promotion *Consumers appearto haveaccurateperceptionsof promotion frequencyin that our estimatedparametersfor promotion well to actualpromotion expectations corresponded frequency. is a realphenomenon, as exhibitedmostdirectly *Deceleration variable. by the significanceof thePromTime fits the data *A dynamicstructural modelof choice/incidence betterand performsbetteron holdoutdata testingthan do modelsthatattemptto coverthe samephenomreduced-form ena.Thissuggeststhattheeffortof runningconsumersthrough a dynamicprogrampaysoff in betterfit andprediction. Our findings have several important implications for researchers.First,the choice promotion-elasticityestimates derived from reduced-formmodels, especially stand-alone logit models, shouldbe interpretedwith caution.These elasticities are probablyoverstated.Second, researchersshould devote more attentionto dynamicstructuralmodels. We perceive movement in this direction (Erdem, Imai, and Keane 2003; Erdem and Keane 1996; G6ntil and Srinivasan1996; Sun 2000) and encourageresearchin this area. The cost of computationfor these models is high, but with improved computing power they are becoming more practical.That the benefit of these models is relevant to managers (i.e., more accuratepredictionsof brandswitching and sales levels) should spur the movement even more. Third, in the event that a researcheris unable to estimate a structural model, the next best model is an ad hoc choice/incidence model that includes variables such as PromTime. These variables are statistically important and help improve switching elasticity estimates. Fourth,our results encourage theoreticalresearchthatemphasizespurchasedynamics as a reason for promotion(see Blattberg,Eppen, and Lieberman 1981). There is a need for additionaleconomic models that examine the effects of dynamic rationalconsumerbehavior on promotionpolicy in a competitiveframework. MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS, CONCLUSION,AND FURTHERRESEARCH First,promotionsmay be more of a purchase-timinggame than a brand-switchinggame, as was previously believed. This is consistent with recent research that has shown the importanceof stockpiling and deceleration (Bell, Chiang, and Padmanabhan1999; Kopalle, Mela, and Marsh 1999; Mela, Jedidi, and Bowman 1998; Seetharaman,Ainslie, and Chintagunta1998; van Heerde, Gupta, and Wittink 2003; van Heerde, Leeflang, and Wittink2000). Second, managersshouldbe cautiousof panel data-based simulationsof forecastedchanges in sales due to majorpolicy changes, if the forecastingmodels do not explicitly take into account how consumers will adjust to the new policy. Such forecasts may be overoptimisticbecause they do not consider how consumers will adjust to the policy change. 403 For example, if relianceon promotionis doubled,manyconsumers who formerly bought at regularprice will structure their buying habits to purchase during promotions.These are not truly incrementalsales. Third, because loyal customers are more likely to purchase on promotionby adjustingpurchasetiming, manufacturersshould find ways to distinguishloyal customersfrom nonloyal customers and target the latter for promotion effort. Fourth,because consumerrationalpurchasestrategiescan have a negative impact on profit, manufacturersshould find ways to discourage consumers from taking advantage of promotionby adjustingpurchasetiming. For example, specifying the maximum numberof units purchasedon promotion can increasethe promotioneffect of attractingnew purchases switched from other brands or other stores but can limit stockpilingbehavior. Although our results are quite encouraging, there are remaining issues that suggest topics for further research. First, it would be worthwhile to find reduced-formmodels that capturethe incidence and choice process as well as the structuralmodel. We believe this would be possible if the reduced-formmodels contained the correct variables; for example, promotion frequency could be incorporated directly in the model (see Kopalle, Mela, and Marsh 1999). Second, as we mentioned previously, we can relax the assumptionthat consumptionis constant.For some product categories, promotionalso has a significant impact on consumption rate, which contributesto the incrementalsales increase that promotion induces (for a structuralmodel in which consumers endogenously decide how much to consume, see Sun 2003). Third,it would be beneficialto examine profit. Promotion causes brand switching, which contributes positively to profit; however, promotion induces purchaseaccelerationor decelerationand stockpiling,which may contributenegatively to profit. What promotionstrategy can balance these considerationsin the presence of a consumer who will rationallyadjustto any policy change? Fourth, as we also mentioned previously, regular price expectationsand promotiondepth as well as promotionfrequency could be modeled. This would add complexity because of the additionalcontinuousstatespace variableand is unlikely to change our basic result. However,the added insight of distinguishing between promotion and price would be important.Relatedly,ratherthan treatthe promotion schedules as independent,furtherresearchcould incorporate dependencies.Fifth, it would be especially useful to model the process by which consumers learn promotion schedules. This would enhancethe message from our Lucas critique simulation, which, for the sake of illustration, assumed that consumersreadily learnedthe new promotion schedule. Finally, estimates of brandswitching are at least indirectly related to the problem of estimating the "postpromotiondip" (e.g., Neslin and Stone 1996). The structural model we develop, embellished,for example, by incorporating endogenous consumption, the number of units purchased, and transactioncosts, would be useful for identifying the key factors that mask the postpromotiondip. Although we demonstrate the merit of the structural model, we must recognize some of the limitations of the approach.These models pose difficultestimationchallenges that necessitate simplifying assumptions. More important, JOURNALOF MARKETING RESEARCH,NOVEMBER2003 404 developing and estimatingsuch a model may be beyond the reach of most practitioners.Therefore,managersmay continue to rely on reduced-formmodels that are far simpler to estimate. By developing several reduced-formmodels for comparisonpurposes, we offer guidance for specifications that might alleviate, at least partially,the potentialbias for overestimatingthe impactof promotionon brandswitching. In conclusion, this researchprovidesencouragingsupport that more accurateestimates of brand-switchingelasticities can be obtainedby incorporatingforward-lookingconsumer behavior into structural models. 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