Joseph Bento and Esther Rich High School Health Education Curriculum Map (9th Grade) (1 Semester Class) Textbook: Glencoe Health 2007 Assessments Objectives Standards Month Content Skills September/ February Health & Wellness Learn to make healthy choices & practice healthful behaviors. Understand how heredity, environment, & other factors affect your health decisions. Take steps to avoid risky behaviors Plan & practice healthy behaviors. Unit 1 Scenario Based Test (Teacher Designed) Students will be given a scenario & will have to navigate several questions that will relate to the scenario they were given. Article Summaries Getting Along with Your Teacher Volunteering Homeroom Zombies Explain how the nation’s health goals relate to individual, family & community health. Describe the criteria for evaluating health information. Understand the importance of health literacy for achieving & maintaining good health. Demonstrate how to take responsibility for your health. Analyze how influences such as heredity, environment, culture, media & technology impact health. Compare how health messages are delivered through media & technology. Promote your own health & reduce risk. Describe the consequences of taking risks. Evaluate importance of abstinence form risk behaviors including sexual activity, drugs, etc. Content Standards: FCS 1.1.5 Define goals for life-long learning and leisure opportunities for all family members. 1.1.6 Develop a life plan, including pathways to acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to achieve individual, family, and career goals. 13.4.3 Apply the roles of decision making and problem solving in reducing and managing conflict. National Health Education 5 Students will demonstrate the ability to use decisionmaking skills to enhance health. 6 Students will demonstrate the ability to use goalsetting skills to enhance health. Reading 2.2.3 Analyze story elements. 2.3.4 Synthesize information from a variety of sources. Writing 1.3.1 Revises text, including changing words, sentences, paragraphs, and ideas. 4.2.1 Evaluates and adjusts writing goals using criteria. Communication 3.1.1 Applies skills to plan and organize effective oral communication and presentation. 3.3.1 Applies skills and strategies for the delivery of effective oral communication Health/Fitness 4.2.1 Creates a plan and monitoring system using personal health, fitness, and nutrition, based on life and employment goals. October/ March Food & Nutrition Make healthy food choices throughout life Dietary Analysis (Choose My Plate) Analyze the relationship between Ed Tech 1.3.3 Analyze, synthesize and ethically use information to develop a solution, make informed decisions and report results. Content Standards: FCS Nutrients in your diet play a unique & essential role in keeping healthy Students will write down everything that they eat for two days & then will enter the information into a web site that will tell them how well their diets were. Students will then analyze their strengths & weaknesses & explain what they will do to change their diets. ChooseMyPlate is a tool that can help choose healthful foods for meals & snacks. Learning to read food labels to help make healthy food choices. Classroom Based Assessment (CBA): Cafeteria Choices Students will be asked to compare two food labels & then explain why one label is healthier than another. They will then explain what they should eat with one of the foods to make it more “nutritious.” Maintain a healthy weight to protect health & prevent disease. Understand how nutrition needs change throughout life. Being physically active benefits health in a variety of ways Article Summaries Good News About Fast Food nutrition, quality of life & disease. Evaluate various influences on food choices. Describe the immediate & long term benefits of nutrition on your body. Describe the functions of the six basic nutrients in maintaining health List nutrients in a variety of foods Explain the relationship between nutrition, health promotion & disease prevention. Apply balance, variety & moderation when making food choices Describe the effects of healthful eating behaviors on the body systems Formulate healthful meals & snacks as part of a balanced diet Analyze the information on food labels Compose eating plans to meet changing nutritional requirements, such as dietary needs, allergies, etc Associate the relationships between body composition, diet, & fitness Describe the importance of maintaining a healthy weight to promote health & prevent disease Demonstrate healthful ways to manage weight Explain the risk of fad diets Describe the causes & symptoms of eating disorders Assess specific nutritional needs of different groups Describe proper nutrition for pregnant women, mothers, babies & young children. Demonstrate health promoting behavior that will enhance & maintain wellness 14.1 Analyze factors that influence nutrition and wellness practices across the life span. 14.1.1 Explain physical, emotional, social, psychological, and spiritual components of individual and family wellness. 14.1.2 Analyze the effects of psychological, cultural, and social influences on food choices and other nutrition practices. 14.2 Evaluate the nutritional needs of individuals and families in relation to health and wellness across the life span 14.2.1 Analyze the effect of nutrients on health, appearance, and peak performance. 14.2.2 Analyze the relationship of nutrition and wellness to individual and family health throughout the life span. 14.2.3 Analyze the effects of food and diet fads, food addictions, and eating disorders on wellness. 14.2.4 Analyze sources of food and nutrition information, including food labels, related to health and wellness. National Health Education 3 Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products, and services to enhance health. 7 Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. Reading 2.2.2 Apply understanding of complex organizational features of printed text and electronic sources. 2.3.2 Evaluate informational materials, including electronic sources, for effectiveness. 2.3.4 Synthesize information from a variety of sources. 3.1.1 Analyze web-based and other resource materials (including primary sources and secondary sources) for relevance in answering research questions. Writing 1.5.1 Publishes in formats that are appropriate for specific audiences and purposes. 2.1.1 Applies understanding of multiple and varied audiences to write effectively. 2.2.1 Demonstrates understanding of different purposes for writing. Communication 3.1.1 Applies skills to plan and organize effective oral communication and presentation. 3.3.1 Applies skills and strategies for the delivery of effective oral communication and presentations. Health/Fitness 1.5.1 Evaluates the relationship of nutrition planning to physical performance and body composition. 2.1.1 Evaluates dimensions of health and relates to personal health behaviors. 3.2.2 Evaluates health and fitness information, products, and services. Ed Tech 1.3.2 Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media. 2.4.1 Formulate and synthesize new knowledge. November/ April Mental & Emotional Health Identify stigmatizing words associated with mental illness & discuss the impact their use has on people who have Identify signs that may indicate a person may be contemplating suicide. List what can be done to help a person that may be contemplating suicide. Classroom Based Assessment (CBA): Dear Stressed & Depressed Students will be asked to read a letter from a student who is “Stressed & Depressed” & will write a response on how this student can manage their stress & get help for their depression using techniques learned from this lesson. Article Summaries She Used to be Pretty Why Didn’t He Hate Me? What’s your Group ID Suicide: Causes Seasonal Affective Disorder: SAD Identify the characteristics of good mental & emotional health Develop ways to meet your needs in healthful ways Compare the relationship between mental health promotion & disease prevention Define developmental assets Construct strategies for developing a healthy identity Correlate how self esteem & a positive outlook benefit your mental & emotional health Identify emotions that influence your overall health Examine changes that occur during adolescence Compare & contrast the positive & negative effects of peers, family & friends on emotional health Demonstrate strategies for communicating emotions & needs in healthful ways Fine Arts 4.2.1 Analyzes, evaluates, and creates presentations that integrate the arts with other content areas. Content Standards: FCS 12.1.1 Analyze physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual development. 12.2.4 Analyze the effects of life events on individuals' physical, intellectual, social, moral, and emotional development. 13.1.3 Compare physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual functioning in stable and unstable relationships. 14.1.1 Explain physical, emotional, social, psychological, and spiritual components of individual and family wellness. National Health Education 4 Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. 7 Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. Reading 3.2.2 Apply understanding of complex information, including functional documents, to perform a task. 3.3.1 Apply appropriate reading strategies for interpreting technical and non-technical documents used in job-related settings. Writing 1.5.1 Publishes in formats that are appropriate for specific audiences and purposes. 1.6.1 Applies understanding of the recursive nature of writing process. 3.2.1 Analyzes audience and purposes and uses appropriate voice. 3.2.2 Analyzes and selects language appropriate for specific audiences and purposes. 3.2.3 Uses a variety of sentences consistent with audience, purpose, and form. 3.3.1 Uses legible handwriting. 3.3.2 Spells accurately in final draft. 3.3.3 Applies capitalization rules. 3.3.4 Applies punctuation rules. 3.3.5 Applies usage rules. 3.3.6 Uses complete sentences in writing. 3.3.7 Applies paragraph conventions. 3.3.8 Applies conventional forms for citations. 4.1.1 Analyzes and evaluates writing using established criteria. 4.1.2 Analyzes and evaluates own writing using established criteria. 4.2.1 Evaluates and adjusts writing goals using criteria. Communication 1.2.1 Evaluates effectiveness of and creates a personal response to visual and auditory information. 3.1.1 Applies skills to plan and organize effective oral communication and presentation. 3.3.1 Applies skills and strategies for the delivery of effective oral communication and presentations. Health/Fitness 1.2.1 Evaluates effectiveness of and creates a personal response to visual and auditory information. 3.1.1 Applies skills to plan and organize effective oral communication and presentation. 3.3.1 Applies skills and strategies for the delivery of effective oral communication and presentations. Ed Tech 1.2.1 Communicate and collaborate to learn with others 2.2.1 Develop skills to use technology effectively. 2.2.2 Use a variety of hardware to support learning. 2.3.1 Select and use common applications. 2.3.2 Select and use online applications. Fine Arts 4.2.1 Analyzes, evaluates, and creates presentations that integrate the arts with other content areas. December/ May Alcohol, Tobacco & Drugs Chemicals in tobacco products can harm the body. Secondhand smoke is also harmful & there are ways to reduce exposure. Alcohol use can harm the body & brain. Problem drinking & alcoholism harms both the drinker & those around them. Drug misuse & substance behavior can be life threatening. Psychoactive drugs can affect the central nervous system & can be damaging to the developing brain of a teenager. Deciding not to use drugs promotes health Drug & Alcohol Brochure Students will be assigned a drug & will have to design a brochure explaining what the drug is, how it affects people who use it, & resources that people can use to get help if they have a problem with that drug. Article Summaries Alcohol Ecstasy Marijuana List harmful substances in tobacco & tobacco smoke Examine the harmful effects of tobacco use on body systems Compare the physical, mental, social, & legal consequences of tobacco, alcohol & drug use. Discuss the benefits of a tobacco free lifestyle Develop strategies for preventing tobacco use List community services that relate to the prevention of tobacco, alcohol & drug related diseases Discuss harmful effects of tobacco, alcohol & drugs on fetuses, infants, & young children Examine laws, policies & practices that help prevent tobacco, alcohol & drug related disease Identify factors that influence decisions about alcohol use & your health Discuss the role alcohol plays in unsafe situations Develop strategies for preventing the use of alcohol. Describe the short & long term effects of alcohol use Discus the consequences of drinking & driving. Explain the dangers of drug & alcohol use Content Standards: FCS 7.4.1 Assess health, wellness, and safety issues of individual and families with a variety of disadvantaging conditions. 7.4.2 Analyze management and living environment issues of individuals and families with a variety of disadvantaging conditions. 7.4.3 Analyze personal, social, emotional, economic, vocational, educational, and recreational issues for individuals and family with a variety of disadvantaging conditions. 7.4.4 Discriminate between situations that require personal prevention or intervention and those situations that require professional assistance. 7.4.5 Analyze situations which require crisis intervention 7.4.6 Summarize the appropriate support needed to address selected human services issues. National Health Education 4 Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health & avoid or reduce health risks. 6 Students will demonstrate the ability to use goalsetting skills to enhance health. 7 Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. 8 Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health. Reading 2.3.2 Evaluate informational materials, including Develop refusal strategies concerning alcohol use. Describe the harmful effects of alcohol on the fetus Discuss the differences between prescription & over the counter medicines Describe substance abuse & examine the health risks Identify harmful effects of marijuana, inhalants, steroids, psychoactive drugs & other substances Develop strategies for avoiding drug use Develop alternatives to drug & substance abuse electronic sources, for effectiveness. Synthesize information from a variety of sources. 3.2.2 Apply understanding of complex information, including functional documents, to perform a task. 3.3.1 Apply appropriate reading strategies for interpreting technical and non-technical documents used in job-related settings. 2.3.4 Writing 1.5.1 Publishes in formats that are appropriate for specific audiences and purposes. 2.1.1 Applies understanding of multiple and varied audiences to write effectively. 2.4.1 Produces documents used in a career setting. Communication 1.2.1 Evaluates effectiveness of and creates a personal response to visual and auditory information. 2.1.1 Analyzes the needs of the audience, situation, and setting to adjust language and other communication strategies. 3.3.1 Applies skills and strategies for the delivery of effective oral communication and presentations. Health/Fitness 2.4.6 Understands legal implications of drug, alcohol, and tobacco use. 3.1.3 Evaluates environmental risks associated with certain occupational, residential, and recreational choices. January/ June Human Sexuality Sexually transmitted diseases are highly communicable infections that are contracted through sexual contact. Poster/PPT/Brochure Information on STD Students will be assigned an STD or Birth Control Method & will create an informational Poster or PowerPoint or Explain how sexuality develops Identify the physical, mental/emotional, & social changes that occur during adolescence Identify decision making skills that promote individual, family & Ed Tech 1.3.2 Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media. 2.1.1 Practice personal safety. 2.2.1 Develop skills to use technology effectively. 2.2.2 Use a variety of hardware to support learning. 2.4.1 Formulate and synthesize new knowledge. Content Standards: FCS 12.2.1 Analyze the effect of heredity and environment on human growth and development 12.2.4 Analyze the effects of life events on individuals' physical, intellectual, social, moral, and emotional development. All STDs are preventable & most can be treated, but some are incurable. HIV is the virus that causes, AIDS & weakens the body’s immune system & may have fatal consequences. Learning about communicable disease & how they are spread can help prevent them. Learning about & practicing prevention strategies help the body stay healthy Infectious diseases have the potential to spread quickly throughout the world. Brochure targeted for high school students Classroom Based Assessment (CBA): Defending Jaime Students will be asked to write a speech defending a student’s right to stay in school based on a rumor that he/she has HIV. Article Summaries Sexting What’s Down There Rape community health Summarize the advantages of seeking advice & feedback when making healthful decisions Demonstrate strategies for communicating needs, wants & emotions that lead to responsible behaviors Analyze how changes during adolescence lead to an increased ability to demonstrate empathy toward others. Identify the causes of the physical changes that occur during adolescence Explain the role of hormones during puberty Relate the development of secondary sex characteristics to chemical changes that occur within the body Evaluate the effects of family relationships on physical, mental & social health Evaluate the positive & negative effects of relationships with peers Demonstrate communication skills that build & maintain healthy relationships Analyze the importance & benefits of sexual abstinence in promoting emotional health & preventing pregnancy & STDs. Demonstrate refusal strategies Analyze the relationship between good hygiene, health promotion, & disease prevention Describe the function of male & female reproductive system Examine the effects of hormones on body systems Explain fetal development from conception through pregnancy Explain the significance of genetics & its role in fetal development Discuss the importance of a healthful lifestyle before & during pregnancy Identify & explain the stages of labor Analyze the effectiveness of 13.1.4 Analyze factors that contribute to healthy and unhealthy relationships. 13.1.5 Analyze processes for handling unhealthy relationships. 13.2.3 Analyze the effects of self-esteem and selfimage on relationships. 13.2.4 Analyze the effects of life span events and conditions on relationships. 13.3.1 Analyze communication styles and their effects on relationships. 13.3.2 Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal behaviors and attitudes that contribute to effective communication. 13.3.3 Demonstrate effective listening and feedback techniques. National Health Education 4 Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks. 6 Students will demonstrate the ability to use goalsetting skills to enhance health. 7 Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks. Reading 2.2.2 Apply understanding of complex organizational features of printed text and electronic sources. 2.3.2 Evaluate informational materials, including electronic sources, for effectiveness. 3.1.1 Analyze web-based and other resource materials (including primary sources and secondary sources) for relevance in answering research questions. Writing 1.5.1 Publishes in formats that are appropriate for specific audiences and purposes. Social Studies 5.2.2 Evaluates the validity, reliability, and credibility of sources when researching and issue or event. Health/Fitness 2.4.1 Understands types of abuse and risky situations and how to respond appropriately contraceptive methods & how they prevent pregnancy & STDs Discuss some concerns that people may have about sexuality. Analyze issues surrounding sexual abuse Describe situations that can lead to rape Describe the relationship between high risk behaviors & the risk of contracting an STD Develop an analyze strategies to prevent the spread of STDs Identify the stages & symptoms of HIV infection & AIDs Explain the relationship between risky behaviors, unsafe situations, & the transmission of HIV Describe tests that are used to diagnose STDs including HIV. and safely. Evaluates dimensions of health and relates to personal health behaviors. 2.2.2 Analyzes changes within the reproductive system and sexual health-care needs throughout life. 2.3.1 Analyzes personal health practices, and how they affect communicable diseases. 2.4.8 Analyzes potential consequences of being sexually active. 2.4.9 Analyzes strategies to avoid negative health outcomes associated with sexual behaviors. 2.1.1 Ed Tech 1.3.1 Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation and plan strategies to guide inquiry. 1.3.2 Locate and organize information from a variety of sources and media. 1.3.3 Analyze, synthesize and ethically use information to develop a solution, make informed decisions and report results. 1.3.4 Use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions. Math A1.6.A Use and evaluate the accuracy of summary statistics to describe and compare data sets. A1.8.A Analyze a problem situation and represent it mathematically. A1.8.B Select and apply strategies to solve problems. Science 9-12 INQC Explain – Draw conclusions supported by evidence from the investigation and consistent with established scientific knowledge.