9-24 NeWsPaPeR - Summit High School

Volume 30, Issue 4
September 24, 2015
Summit School
Summit Eaglet
Newspaper Staff: McKayla Johnston, Kelsey Pearson, Travis Purdy, Reid Redlin, Carsten Zirbel, Makayla
Zirbel; Editor: Tyler Arend; Advisor: Nichole Hoffman
Homecoming Week 2015
Special points
of interest:
Threshing Show
Field Trip
Meeting Dates
Caribou Coffee
Town Board
Booster Club
By Kelsey Pearson
This year’s homecoming week
kicked off with coronation
where they crowned the 2015
Homecoming King and Queen
down at the Summit
Community Hall on Monday,
September 14th. This year’s
winners were Christian Ceron
crowned King and Nicolette
Kneeland crowned Queen. The
Little Miss and Mr. Summit are
Remi Hubsch and Karter
Nelson. Following Coronation
was the annual Burning of the
‘S’. The “S” was constructed by
Homecoming 2015 Royalty: Queen Nicolette Kneeland, the sophomore class.
Little Miss Summit Remi Hubsch, King Christian Ceron,
and Little Mr. Summit Karter Nelson
Inside this issue:
Eagle Happenings
Book of the Week 4
Healthy Lunches
On Thursday, September 17th, Preschool through 12th
grade headed down to the Hall once more where they
participated in the Battle of the Classes. This year, the
elementary classes took part in events such as the Nerf
Royalty Shoot, Football Toss, and Frisbee Toss. The
High School events included Mt. Dew Chug, Dodgeball
tournament, and Tug-o-War. This year, there was an
event added to the Battle of the Classes; the human
foosball tournament which took place down at the park
after lunch. The overall winners of the Battle of the
Classes were the seniors, placing 2nd were the juniors,
and following in third were the sophomores.
(Continued on page 3)
Summit Eaglet
Eagle Happenings
Thursday, September 24th
Preschool Screening at Hope Lutheran Church
7/8 VB vs. Florence/Henry in Waubay 4:00 pm, C
team 5:00 pm
VB vs. Florence/Henry in Waubay 6:15 pm
Friday, September 25
No staff day
7/8 FB vs. Florence/Henry in Florence (2 games)
4:15 pm
FB vs. Florence/Henry in Florence 7:00 pm
Saturday, September 26
ECC VB Tournament at GPL in Watertown
Monday, September 28th
CC in Groton 4:00 pm
JV FB vs. Florence/Henry in Wilmot 4:30 pm
VB vs. CGB in Graceville, MN 6:00 pm
Tuesday, September 29th
Picture retake day starting at 9:00 am
7/8 FB vs. Browns Valley in Wilmot 5:00 pm
Booster Club Meeting at Bitter Lake Lodge 7:00 pm
Monday, September 28th
Breakfast: Cereal, toast, fruit, juice, and milk
Lunch: Lasagna dinner, corn, garlic toast, peach
sauce, milk
Tuesday, September 29th
Breakfast: Cereal or yogurt cup, toast, fruit, juice,
Lunch: Chicken patty on whole grain bun, French
fries, peas and carrots, mandarin oranges, milk
Wednesday, September 30th
Breakfast: Cereal or parfait, toast, fruit, juice, milk.
Lunch: Mr. Rib, baked potato, peas, pear sauce,
dinner roll, milk
Thursday, October 1st
Breakfast: Pancakes or cereal, sausage links, fruit,
juice, milk
Lunch: Hamburger on a bun, baked beans,
applesauce, milk
Wednesday, September 30th
SAEG Meeting at Todd and Billi Whempner’s House
7:00 pm, free child care available
Thursday, October 1st
CC in Sisseton 4:30 pm
7/8 VB vs. Langford in Waubay 5:00 pm
VB vs. Langford in Waubay 6:15 pm
Happy Birthday!
Andrew Amdahl
September 28th
Page 2
Volume 30, Issue 4
(Continued from page 1)
The Homecoming Parade was held on Friday,
September 18th. Parade floats are judged on
appearance, originality, and enthusiasm. The
judges this year were Lynne Quale, Sandra
Christofferson, and Cory Zirbel. The winners in
each category are shown below.
1st place—Preschool/Kindergarten
2nd place—5th grade
3rd place—4th grade
High School
1st place—Band
2nd place (tie)—8th grade and Seniors
3rd place—Juniors
1st place—People’s State Bank
2nd place—Coffee Cup
3rd place—Abbey of the Hills
Page 3
The Class of 2016 at Coronation
Volume 30, Issue 4
Threshing Show Field Trip
By Travis Purdy
On Friday, September 11th members of the History Day Club traveled to Andover for a threshing show.
There was around 27 students that attended the show with Mr. Bloom. The show started on Friday and
ended on Sunday. The field trip was on Friday so they missed the Saturday and Sunday Activities. Some
of the activities that were at the threshing show
were an old dining cart where the farmers would
eat, they also took them to an old one room
school house, there was a steam run saw mill.
There was a sowing and craft station to see how
looms would make rugs and blankets and other
clothing. The next station was operating the
threshing machines. There was also a parade of
antique steam engines and tractors. Overall the
students really enjoyed the show and saw things
that they probably have never seen before.
Book of the Week– September 21st
Book of the Week– September 28th
Recommended by Madison Zirbel
Recommended by Cierra Fonder
My favorite book is Stuart Goes to School
By Sara Pennypacker
My favorite book is Charlottes’ Web
By E.B. White
I would recommend this book to others because
you shouldn’t be scared to go to another school. I
like this book because it was entertaining.
I would recommend this book to others because it’s
fun and sad. I like this book because of all of the
animals and Charlotte.
Page 4
Volume 30, Issue 4
Packing Healthy Lunches and Snacks
By Carsten Zirbel
When packing a sack school lunch, we need to meet all the USDA regulations required daily for
the age group needing lunches. We use whole wheat bread, sliced turkey or sliced ham and a
slice of American cheese. Students are given a packet of Miracle Whip Light to put on their
sandwich if so choosing. Along with the sandwich we packed a baggy of vegetables, a fruit, a juice
cup, and a half pint of milk.
We have to watch the sodium and the calorie count as well. Sodium guidelines for the elementary
students K-8 are: under 1230 mg; High School students’ sodium is under 1420 mg.
High School students are allowed more calories, so we pack a bag of whole grain chips or a whole
grain snack bar.
School Breakfast Meal Pattern
Food Components
Grade K-5
Grade 6-8
Grade 9-12
5 cups/week
(1 cup daily)
5 cups/week
(1 cup daily)
5 cups/week
(1 cup daily)
Meat or Meat Alternates
None required but may substitute 1 oz equivalent of
meat/meat alternate for 1 oz
equivalent grains after minimum daily grain is met.
May be substituted for fruits,
but the first 2 cups/week
must be from a subgroup
other than starchy (dark
green, red/orange, legumes,
-Daily/ Weekly minimum
5 cups/week
(1 cup daily minimum)
-Daily/ Weekly minimum
7 oz equivalent/week
(1 oz daily minimum)
8 oz equivalent/week
(1 oz daily minimum
9 oz equivalent/ week
(1 oz daily minimum)
< 540 mg
< 600 mg
<640 mg
0 grams/serving
0 grams/serving
0 grams/serving
-All whole grain rich
Calories (kcal)
Weekly average
Saturated Fat (% of
total calories)
Weekly average
Trans Fat
(Continued on page 6)
Page 5
Volume 30, Issue 4
(Continued from page 5)
National School Lunch Meal Pattern
Food components
Grade k - 5
Grade 6 - 8
Grade 9 - 12
5 cups/week (1 cup
8 oz equivalent/week
(1 oz daily minimum)
5 cups/week (1 cup
9 oz equivalent/week
(1 oz daily minimum)
Dark green
3¾ /cups/week ( ¾
cup daily minimum)
½ cup/wk
3¾/cups/week ( ¾
cup daily minimum)
½ cup/wk
5 cups/week (1 cup
10 oz equivalent/
week (2 oz daily minimum)
5 cups/week (1 cup
daily minimum)
½ cup/wk
¾ cup/wk
¾ cup/wk
1¼ cup/wk
½ cup/wk
½ cup/wk
½ cup/wk
½ cup/wk
½ cup/wk
½ cup/wk
½ cup/wk
½ cup/wk
¾ cup/wk
2½ cups/wk (½ cup
daily minimum)
8 oz equivalent/wk (1
oz daily minimum)
5 cups/wk (1 cup daily minimum)
10 oz equivalent/wk
(2 oz daily minimum)
Meat or meat alternates
Vegetables (total)
Saturated fat (% of
total calories)
2½ cups/wk (½ cup
daily minimum)
8 oz equivalent/wk
(½ cup daily minimum)
Trans fat
0 grams/serving
0 grams/serving
0 grams/serving
Page 6
Volume 30, Issue 4
Booster Club Meeting
All are invited to the next Booster Club gathering on Tuesday, September 29th at 7:00pm at Bitter Lake
Lodge in Waubay!
We will be planning fun holiday activities for the kids in the community. Everyone is welcome to join the
Summit Booster Club!
SAEG Meeting
The next SAEG meeting will be on Wednesday, September 30th at Todd and Billi Whempner’s house.
Everyone is welcome. Please come and share your ideas. Student Council members will be present to
provide free child care.
Root Beer Floats
The Summit Backpach Program will be selling root beer floats for $2 each at the volleyball game vs. Wilmot
on October 6th. Proceeds will go to the Summit Backpach Program.
Caribou Coffee Donates $3000 to the Summit Booster Club
Through various fundraisers and donations like Caribou
Coffee’s, the Summit Booster Club and its volunteer
members are able to help teachers, advisors, students,
and athletes of the area financially with extracurricular
activities and programs which help our youth stay active
and healthy in the Summit community and school. Since
the Club’s inception in July 2015, the Club has made
contributions for students to attend Jostens yearbook
conference, provided funds for warm up uniforms for the
Mustang cross country team, supplied 8 new Summit
school staff members with a welcoming baskets full of
teacher, Mustang, and community goodies, provided
giveaways for the homecoming parade, and made a
donation to the local Backpack Program for their annual
grill out.
The Summit Booster Club is partnered with Summit Area
Economic Growth, and are always looking for volunteers
Val Nelson, General Manager of the Coffee Cup; Randy
Hills, Summit Booster Club President; and Josh Simpson, or donors who would like to be active members of the
Caribou Coffee Manager.
Club. The Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,
September 29, 7pm at Bitter Lake Lodge.
Page 7
Volume 30, Issue 4
Summit School Develops New Science Program with $10,000 Grant
America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education grants support math and science education
SUMMIT, S.D. (Sept. 21, 2015) – Summit School District 54-6 has received a $10,000 grant from
America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund. The district will use the
money to launch a new science program that uses engineering and technology to create sustainable
sources of natural energy.
The grant will be used to purchase wind turbine building kits, a plant growing lab, laptops and
textbooks. Students in seventh through 12th grade will participate in projects related to this curriculum. For
example, some students will construct wind turbines and others will calculate energy output to wattage and
use the created energy to grow plants. The new curriculum will be implemented in established STEM
(science, technology, engineering and math) and agriculture courses.
“The curriculum provides optimal hands-on learning experiences with technology because it
combines Summit’s two biggest industries of agriculture and wind energy,” said Becky Hubsch, special
projects director. “This project is the start of a brand new way of learning for our students. It will truly have
an impact on the future of our community.”
Farmers who nominated the school district and representatives from the school and the Monsanto
Fund attended a check presentation to celebrate the grant prior to the homecoming football game Sept. 18.
This year the school district also received an educational starter kit from Monsanto Company to
help establish a pollinator garden, which will give students first-hand knowledge of the critical role habitat
plays in providing bees and butterflies with food, shelter and places to lay eggs.
Since 2011, Grow Rural Education has awarded more than $9 million to help keep rural public
school districts growing. The program works with farmers to nominate public school districts to compete for
math and science grants of $10,000 or $25,000. Grant applications are reviewed and finalists selected by a
panel of teachers. Winning applications are chosen by an advisory council comprised of farmers from
across the U.S.
Visit www.GrowRuralEducation.com to see the full list of winners for this year. A sister program,
America’s Farmers Grow Communities, is currently enrolling farmers for 2016. To sign up, visit
www.GrowCommunities.com before Nov. 30.
These programs are part of the America’s Farmers initiative. The America’s Farmers campaign and
programs have advocated on behalf of farmers and their efforts to meet society’s needs through
agriculture. Today, consumers are more interested than ever in agriculture and how food is grown.
Farmers and others in the industry are joining in on
the conversation to help raise awareness about
agriculture and share their stories with their
communities. Learn more at cfiengage.org.
From Left to Right Back Row: Cory Zirbel (Local Farmer),
Corrie Quale (School Board Member), Travis Purdy (STEM
Student), Tyler Arend (STEM Student), Mark and Logan
Miller (Local Farmer), and David Zirbel (Local Farmer).
Front Row: Becky Hubsch (Project Coordinator), Carsten
Zirbel (STEM student), Kurt Jensen (Summit CEO), Ferdy
Zirbel (Summit School Board Chairman), Brittany Hanson
(Monsanto Representative), Makayla Johnston (STEM
Student), and Lyle Zirbel (Local Farmer).
Page 8
Summit Eaglet
Football Spotlight
Name: Tyler Arend
Grade: 10th
Parents: Brad and Norma
Siblings: Ashley
Volleyball Spotlight
Name: Jaclyn Bludorn
Grade: 11
Parents: Jerry & Tammie
Position: Center/DL
Siblings: Janelle, Kelsey,
Elizabeth, Connor, and Jamie
Pre-game Prep: Snap the ball
Position: Middle Hitter
Food: Steak
Pre-game Prep: Food
Subject: STEM
Color: Blue
Song: “ Barbara An”
Movie: The Waterboy
Pet Peeve: When people
drive the wrong direction down
the aisles in a parking lot
Advice to other players: Play
angry and under control
Page 9
Food: Ice Cream
Subject: History
Color: Grey
Song: “ Lone Boy, Twenty One
Movie: Jurassic Park III
Pet Peeve: Homework
Advice to other players: Just
put in time outside of practice
and work hard all of the time, it
pays off.
Volleyball Spotlight
Name: McKayla Johnston
Grade: 10th
Parents: Joe and Jolene
Siblings: Joey, Jonathan,
Dog - Maggie
Position: Setter
Pre-game Prep: Kelsey doing
my hair
Food: Cheeseburger soup
Subject: History
Color: Purple
Song: “ Wildest Dreams” –
Taylor Swift
Movie: Ride Along
Pet Peeve: Spanish II
Advice to other players: Take
practice seriously and always
do your best at everything
Summit Eaglet
Mustangs Defeat the Coyotes
By McKayla Johnston
On September 10th, the Waubay-Summit Mustangs played the
Waverly-South Shore Coyotes. The Mustangs Varsity beat the
Coyotes going to four sets losing the first set 25-22, and
winning the last three sets 18-25, 22-25, and 14-25. Leading the
team was Shelby Ness at 54 for 54 sets with 5 assists and 15
for 15 serves with 3 aces. Jaclyn Bludorn was 21 for 22 hits with
8 kills and 3 blocks. The Mustangs JV won two of the three sets
they played. No further stats available.
Grizzlies Defeated at Wilmot’s Homecoming
By Travis Purdy
On September 11th in Wilmot, the Grizzlies faced off against the Hamlin Chargers. The Hamlin Chargers
scored 38 points in the first quarter. The Grizzlies and the Chargers scored a touchdown in the second
quarter. The Grizzlies scored one more touchdown in the third quarter, and the final score was 46-16. The
stat leaders for the Grizzlies were Paul Munro with 53 passing yards along with 2 touchdowns, Travis
Purdy with 58 rushing yards, and Ethan Jorgenson with 9 solo tackles.
Clark-Willow Lake Volleyball Tournament
By McKayla Johnston
On September 12th, the Lady Mustangs traveled over to Clark for a Volleyball tournament. The first game,
they faced Florence-Henry. The Mustangs took two of three sets with scores of 25-19 and 25-14. Leading
the team in kills, blocks, and digs against Florence-Henry was Nicolette Kneeland with 4 kills, 2 blocks, and
she was 5 for 6 on digs. Shelby Ness was 10 for 10 serves with 4 aces, and 28
for 28 setting with 4 assists. The second game the Mustangs played RedfieldDoland. The Mustangs took this game to 3 sets, winning the first set with a score
of 25-23, and the losing the last two 26-24 and 25-18. Leading the team against
Redfield-Doland was Shelby Ness being 47 for 47 for setting with 5 assists and
serving 15 for 17 with 1 ace. The third game was played against the home team,
Clark-Willow Lake. The Mustangs took this game to three sets with the losing the
first with a score of 23-25, winning the second 25-22, and unfortunately losing
the third 16-25. The leading the team against Clark-Willow Lake was Jaclyn
Bludorn being 14-18 on serving and having 6 aces, and she was 19 for 22 hits
having 8 kills. The last game was against Clark-Willow Lake JV. The Mustang
took this game in two sets with scores of 25-10 and 25-15. Leading the team was
Jenna Larson with 11 for 12 serves with 1 ace, and she had 4 for 4 digs.
Page 10
Summit Eaglet
Milbank Hardees Invite
By Makayla Zirbel
The Mustang Cross Country team traveled down to Milbank, on September 12th. Tristen Ness participated in
the girl’s 4000 meter JV race placing 1st out of 35 runners with the time of 18:39. In the girl’s 5000 meter varsity race, Makayla Zirbel placed 8th out of 52 runners with the time of 20:57, and Victoria Zirbel in 13th place
with the time of 21:23. The Milbank Invite also had a Bull Pup run which was held for ages K-4th grades. Madison Zirbel ran in the 3rd and 4th grade division running 600 meters, and finishing 1st out of the girls.
Webster Area Invite
By Makayla Zirbel
The Mustang Cross Country team traveled over to Webster on
September 14th. The first race was the Girls Varsity, Makayla Zirbel
placed 5th out of 58 runners with the time of 21:49, and Victoria Zirbel
placed 12th in 23:01. Tristen Ness ran in the Girls JV race placed 3rd
out of 37 runners with the time of 15:36. In the Girls JH race, Livia
Tomac placed 18th out of 22 runners with a time of 15:22 and Tasha
Zirbel behind her in 21st with the time of 17:30. In the Boys JH Logan
Tomac placed 10th out of 10 runners with the time of 16:38.
Mustangs Fall Short of the Dolphins
By Kelsey Pearson
On September 15th, the Waubay-Summit Mustangs traveled over to Toronto to take on the Deubrook
Dolphins. The mustangs took 1 of the 4 sets played. Leading the team in hitting was Nicolette Kneeland
with 10 kills, Kelsey Pearson and Jaclyn Bludorn combined together adding in 10 more. Bludorn and
Kneeland also helped the team with 11 blocks. Pitching in with 58 perfect sets was Shelby Ness. Also
losing the game that night was the JV taking neither one of the 2 sets played.
Mustangs Trounce Panthers
By Kelsey Pearson
On Thursday, September 17th the Waubay/Summit Mustangs headed
over to the Great Plains Lutheran Gymnasium. The Mustangs came
out strong taking a 3 sets right away. The leaders for Thursday’s
game were, Kelsey Pearson leading the team in hitting with a total of
9 kills, with Jaclyn Bludorn and Jenna Larson pitching in 11 more.
Nicolette Kneeland had a total of 15 out of 15 digs. Shelby Ness had
31 out of 32 completed sets with 6 assists. The Mustangs JV won
both of their sets with no further stats available.
Page 11
Summit Eaglet
Grizzlies Fall Short on Homecoming
By Travis Purdy
On September 18th the Grizzlies faced off against the Britton/Hecla Braves in Waubay.
The Braves scored 27 points in the first half and 26 in the second half. The final score was
53-0. The stat leaders for the Grizzlies were Paul Munro with 13 passing yards, Brendan
Metz with 28 rushing yards, and Ethan Jorgenson with 14 solo tackles. The Grizzlies next
game will be on September 25th in Florence against the Falcons.
Deuel Invite
By Makayla Zirbel
The Mustang Cross Country team went over to Deuel on September 9th. Makayla Zirbel placed 4th out of 49
runners with the time of 20:51, Victoria Zirbel placed 7th with the time of 21:12. Tristen Ness ran in the Girls
JV race and placed 1st out of 38 runners with the time of 15:13.
Lady Mustangs C Team Defeats Aberdeen Christian
By Travis Purdy
On September 21st the Mustangs JV and C team traveled to Aberdeen to take on
the Aberdeen Christian Knights. The C team won two of the three sets they
played. No further stats were available. The JV won two of the three sets they
played. The stat leaders for the Mustangs JV were Nerissa Welch, leading in
blocking with 2 blocks, serving 34 for 37 with 4 aces, and spiking 4 for 5 with 3
JV Grizzlies Fall to the Braves
By Carsten Zirbel
The Dakota Hills football team traveled to Britton on Monday, September 21st. The Grizzlies suffered their
first loss of the season. The score was 8-20. The lone scorer for the Grizzlies was Dylan Jurgens with a
rushing touchdown. On the defensive side, Carsten Zirbel had 10 tackles with 1 sack and Chris Anderson
had 8 tackles. The next JV Grizzlies game is on September 28th vs Florence/Henry in Wilmot.
Page 12
Summit Eaglet
2015 Summit 5th & 6th Grade Basketball
Waverly/South Shore
St. Martin’s
Waverly/South Shore
Grant-Deuel (Girls Only)
Summit Tournament
ECC JH Football Jamboree
The ECC Football Jamboree will be held on Saturday, October 3rd at Clark beginning at 10 AM. Teams
participating are Clark-Willow Lake, Florence-Henry, Hamlin (2), Tri State, Waverly-South Shore, and Dakota
Hills (2). Deuel, Britton, and Webster have chosen not to attend; GPL has no JH program.
RULES: Start at the 30. 20 minute running clock. No kicking game. Otherwise, same rules as we normally
Page 13
North Field
CWL-Hamlin 1
DH 1 – W/SS
DH 2- Langford
Hamlin 2-Langford
CWL-Tri State
South Field
Langford – FH
Hamlin 2-Tri State
FH-Hamlin 1
Tri State-W/SS
Hamlin 1-DH1
Hamlin 2-DH 2
Volume 30, Issue 4
Student Council Meeting Minutes
Page 14
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
12:20 P.M.
Ms. Hoffman’s room
Call meeting to order, Student Body President Whitney Zirbel
Attendance – everyone present
Review Minutes – Motion-DH/Second-AA
Discussion items
A. Review Points – Motion-AA/Second-DH
B. Positive Attitude/ Sportsmanship Committee – committee will put up bulletin boards
Soaring Eagles
C. Education Committee
Gift card for Harlan - $50, Motion-KP/Second-MJ
Texting/ Driving
Seatbelt – committee will make seatbelt posters
D. Fundraising Committee
Shoebox Recycling
E. Health/Safety Committee
Blood Drive – dress like vampires / figure out when
F. T-shirts – Motion-KP/Second-AA
Next meeting
A. Executive Board – Tuesday, September 22, 2015
B. Entire Student Council – Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Summit Eaglet
Student Council Meeting Minutes
Page 15
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
12:20 P.M.
Ms. Hoffman’s room
Call meeting to order, Student Body President Whitney Zirbel
Attendance – everyone present besides DH
Review Minutes from previous meeting – Motion-AA/Second-KP
Discussion items
A. Homecoming Evaluation
No Human Foosball
Next Year – Flag Football and Kickball at the park
Football Throw at Battle of the classes, have two tarps and frames, Shorten up
the time as well
Good Dress up days – suggestion dynamic duo day/ and penalty for all Student
Council members next year who don’t dress up on dress up days
B. Review Points – Ms. Hoffman – DH, AA, KP, JZ 5pts each for not calling businesses
C. Finance Review – Treasurer Andy Amdahl
D. Region Student Council
Friday, October 16th
Entire Student Council will be going
E. Bulletin Boards
Soaring Eagles/Birthdays for September need to be finished this week
F. Sportsmanship – put the Sportsmanship article in next week’s paper, Motion – AA/
Second- WZ
G. Clean bleachers after Volleyball Game (Tuesday, October 6)
Next meeting
A. Executive Board – Tuesday, September 29, 2015
B. Entire Student Council – Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Volume 30, Issue 4
September 2015 Town Board Minutes
Town of Summit
The Town Board met in regular session on September 8th, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the town fire hall. President
Frank Eccles present, members Kathleen Quale & Steve Christofferson present. Others present were: Norma
Arend-finance officer, Dawn Wright, Arlo Anderson, Calvin Pies, Nancy Wyman, Jim Wohlleber, Dale
Bauer, and David VanElacker.
Eccles called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Public communications: there were complaints about a sewer
smell outside, a question was asked about when the various gutters in the streets would be repaired also. Pete
will check on when we can hire someone to fill the gutters.
Motion by Quale, second by Christofferson to approve the minutes, financial reports and claims as presented.
Motion carried. *Insert Claims
Old Business:
Delinquent water bills were discussed.
New Business: Discussion was held regarding the property where Scott & Julie Ulm reside. The board
decided to table the lawsuit for now. The property will be monitored. Some improvements have been made.
Motion carried.
Motion by Quale, second by Christofferson to set September 22, 2015 as a special meeting date for the
rezoning of certain lots owned by H&H Enterprises. This special meeting will also be for a variance
requested by H&H for 2 building permits for 2 houses. The meeting will be at 7pm, September 22.
Red’s Bar & Grill will lease the bar effective October 1. Jody Wyman will be given the new operating
agreement to sign for 1 year and she will also need to provide a certificate of insurance showing bar liability
before October 1.
Motion by Quale, second by Christofferson to approve a building permit for Summit School. Motion carried.
The second reading of the 2016 budget was held. Motion by Quale, second by Christofferson to approve the
2016 budget as presented. Motion carried. *Insert Budget
The second reading of revised Chapter 5-2 alcoholic ordinance was read. Motion by Quale, second by
Christofferson to approve the revised ordinance. Motion carried. Ordinance on file with the Finance
Public communications. Residents have asked if the Town will do a second fall clean-up. Rolloffs will be
set out Oct 15-19 by the rail road tracks. We will have only 2 rolloffs this time and they will be on a first
come first serve basis. Once they are full we will not call for additional roffoffs.
Next regular Town Board meeting will be Monday, October 5, 2015 at 7pm.
Norma Arend, Finance Officer
Page 16
Summit Eaglet
Booster Club Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 31
7pm Summit School Library
Present: Beth Hills, Brittany Hills, Corrie Quale, Kurt Jensen, Randy Hills, Jennica Pottebaum, Cassi Quale,
and Becky Hubsch.
Meeting called to order.
Old news
7 welcome baskets were distributed to all new staff members of the Summit School District. Items in baskets
included a mustang t-shirt, dry erase markers, boards, white out, and coupons from various businesses in
B. Hills reported school staff were introduced during teacher in-service on how to file for a Request for Funds
from the Booster Club. Request papers and volunteer sign-up sheets are located in the school business office.
August budget approval; motion by R. Hills, second by Pottebaum.
New News
Adding two board members for the Member at Large positions. Motion to table until September meeting for
more participants, second by B. Hubsch. Fill two Members at Large vacancies tabled until September.
First reading of Summit Booster Club Bylaws. Second reading to take place at September meeting and
adopted when Members at Large positions are filled.
Thank you letters will be printed and mailed to all booster backers who bought an advertisement slot for the
2015-2016 school year. Letter will include a Mustang Booster Backer window cling as well. Group will meet
September 9 to address envelopes and mail.
Concession order items were discussed for lower concessions and one football game.
Burger and Brat Feed at Waubay September 8. K Jensen agreed to grill, Ca. Quale, Be. Hills, B. Hills, B.
Hubsch volunteered to help.
Burger and Brat Feed at Summit. K Jensen agreed to grill, all agreed to volunteer to help as well.
Football Concessions September 18. Create a sign-up for volunteers. R. Hills and B. Hubsch agreed to bring
Booster concessions to Waubay.
Concessions for volleyball games at home October 6,8, and 23. Menu items discussed included chili with
Fritos or chili dogs, and walking tacos.
Club will be actively looking for sponsors to donate hamburger for lower concessions throughout the year.
Two organizations put in Request for Funds
Yearbook class advisor Cassi Quale asked for $60. Funds will be used for Josten’s Yearbook Conference. Group signed up to volunteer working 50/50 at a volleyball game. Motion to approve funds
by R. Hills, B. Hubsch second, $60 request approved.
Cross Country advisor Susan Zirbel asked for $85. Funds will help team purchase long-sleeve warm
up shirts. Group signed up to volunteer in concessions Dec. 15, Jan. 7, and 50/50 Dec. 11 and
Feb 20. Motion to approve funds by B. Hubsch, J. Pottebaum second, $85 request approved.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by R. Hills, second by J. Pottebaum. Next Booster Club meeting September 29, 7pm at Bitter Lake Lodge.
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