C H U R C H C A L E N D A R JANUARY N O R T H C A M P U S WWW. REIDTEMPLE.ORG 301.679.1100 REV. DR. LEE P. WASHINGTON SENIOR PASTOR REV. MATTHEW L. WATLEY EXECUTIVE MINISTER JANUARY N O R T H C A M P U S CA L E N DA R H I G H L I G H TS C H U RC H-W I D E AC T I V I T I ES Greetings, Happy New Year to you and your families! With the “Everything Must Go” campaign and the old year now behind, we move forward into 2014 with excitement and the understanding that “the best is yet to come!” I am elated about this season of new beginnings and what I believe it will mean for you and for our church. Every Tuesday night in the month of January we will meet here at our North campus for our “New Beginnings Revival.” I believe it is going to be life changing! You do not want to miss a single night. Come and hear what God has to say to each of us. Also in January, we will once again participate in our Daniel Fast. Fasting is a powerful spiritual exercise that helps us develop a more intimate relationship with the Lord. The Daniel Fast is a biblically based partial fast and we have provided information and instructions about it in this calendar. God has great things for us to accomplish in the New Year. Let’s walk and work for His glory!! Blessings, Rev. Matthew L. Watley 1 Church Closed and Activities Cancelled for New Year’s Day 16 20/30 Third Thursdays Worship Service 7pm 4 New Members Orientation 9am–12pm 18 Baptism Orientation Class 10am–11am Eleven 22 (K-5th grade) 11am–4pm Dave and Buster’s Outing, Arundel Mills Maryland Women of Faith Leadership Meeting 8am–11am 19 Sunday Worship Services 8am, 10am and 12pm Sunday Worship Services 8am, 10am and 12pm 5 Kids’ Style Church (K-5th grade) 8am; 10am and 12pm. Nursery (9 months to Pre-K) All Services. TRANSIT (6th and 7th grades) 10am Service Only 7 New Beginnings Revival 7pm Guest Minister, Pastor Sheryl Brady 9 Baptism Orientation Class 7am–8am 11 20/30 Open Meeting 10am 12 Sunday Worship Services 8am, 10am and 12pm Kids’ Style Church (K-5th grade) 8am; 10am and 12pm.Nursery (9 months to Pre-K) All Services. TRANSIT (6th and 7th grades) 10am Service Only Baptism Service 6pm Service Baptism 12pm Service 20 Martin Luther King Day— Church Closed 21 New Beginnings Revival 7pm Guest Minister, Pastor Marvin Sapp 25 Refreshing Women’s Bible Study 9:30am Continental Breakfast; 10am Study A Brothers’ D.A.R.E. Bible Study 8:30am Continental Breakfast; 9am Study 26 Sunday Worship Services 8am, 10am and 12pm 27 (Glenn Dale Campus) 14 New Beginnings Revival 7pm Guest Minister, Rev. Dr. Michael Bell, Sr. Nursery (9 months to Pre-K) All Services Official Board Meeting 7pm (Glenn Dale Campus) (Glenn Dale Campus) 12–18 Warm Nights Nursery (9 months to Pre-K) All Services 28 New Beginnings Revival 7pm Guest Minister, Rev. Dr. Ralph West fasting? what is I n the Old Testament, the word “fast” is derived from the Hebrew term tsom, which refers to the practice of self-denial. It was Hannah, who later became the mother of Samuel, who was so troubled about her inability to have children that “she wept and did not eat.” (I Samuel 1:7) In the New Testament, the word “fast” is derived from the Greek word nesteia, which also refers to self-denial. When Jesus began his public ministry, Jesus did so with an extended fast of 40 days. (Matthew 4:1,2) Fasting is abstaining from food for a spiritual purpose. Fasting is not a tool to twist the arm of God so that He will give you exactly what you want. The purpose of fasting is to get your flesh out of the way so that the Spirit of God can move in your life. Fasting removes the barriers to communication with God and allows your spiritual nature to commune directly with the heavenly Father – without disturbance. the daniel fast In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, Nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled. DANIEL 10:2-3 THE DANIEL FAST IS A BIBLICALLY BASED PARTIAL FAST. THE DANIEL FAST, ESSENTIALLY REQUIRES THAT WE EAT ONLY FRUIT AND VEGETABLES, AND DRINK ONLY WATER. There are two anchoring scriptures for the Daniel Fast. In Daniel 1 (specifically Daniel 1:12-13) the Prophet (Daniel) ate only vegetables (that would have included fruit) and drank only water. So from these scriptures we get two of the guidelines for the fast: 1. Only fruit and vegetables. 2. Only water for a beverage. FOUR KINDS OF FASTS Be sure to consult your doctor before beginning any of the fasts listed here, especially if you have any type of medical condition. 1 THE NORMAL FAST is going without food for a definite period during which you ingest only liquids (water and/or juice). The duration can be 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month or 40 days. Extreme care should be taken with longer fasts, which should only be attempted after medical advice from your physician. 2 THE ABSOLUTE FAST allows no food or water at all, and should be short. Moses fasted for 40 days, but this would be a challenge for anyone without supernatural intervention. 3 THE PARTIAL FAST is one that omits certain foods or is on a schedule that includes limited eating. Elijah practiced partial fasts at least twice. John the Baptist and Daniel with his three friends are other examples of those who participated in partial fasts. The most frequently used example of a partial fast is found in Daniel chapter 10. 4 A ROTATIONAL FAST consists of eating or omitting certain families of foods for designated periods. For example, grains may be eaten only every fourth day. The various food families are rotated so that some food is available each day. In Daniel 10:2-3 we read that the Prophet ate no meat nor any precious breads or foods and he drank no wine for 21 days. So from this scripture, we get a third guideline: 3. No sweeteners (including artificial) and no breads are allowed on the Daniel Fast. Another important guideline is drawn from the Jewish principles of fasting, where no leaven is used during the fast. So that’s why yeast, baking powder and the like are not allowed on the Daniel Fast. Be sure to read the ingredients on labels of prepared foods to make sure they only include Daniel Fast friendly ingredients. PREPARATION FOR THE DANIEL FAST During the Daniel Fast you will not consume any sugar or sweeteners of any kind, nor will you have any caffeine or artificial chemicals. Many people experience a physical detox during the first few days of the fast including headaches, fatigue, leg cramps and other typical symptoms. You can reduce these effects by weaning yourself from these foods before the fast begins and also by drinking at least 1/2 gallon of filtered water each day before, during and after the fasting period. Anytime you have concerns about symptoms you may be experiencing, please be sure to contact your healthcare professional. Fasting should never be harmful to the body. THE DANIEL FAST FOOD LIST The Daniel Fast is a very healthy way to eat. It is full of nutritious and healthy foods, however, if you have special dietary needs, please consult your health professional before you start this fast. You can then modify the fast to meet your specific health needs. * FISH OPTION: We recognize that fasting is a lifestyle into which we must grow. As a result, we have chosen to allow the optional eating of a fish. If you choose to eat fish, we ask that you limit your intake of fish to no more than twice a week and abstain from shellfish, catfish and any other fish or seafood that is a scavenger or does not have fins or scales in accordance with Leviticus 11: 9-10. FOODS INCLUDE THESE IN YOUR FAST FOODS AVOID THESE DURING YOUR FAST ALL FRUIT. These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Fruit include but are not limited to apples, apricots, bananas, blackberries, boysenberries, cantaloupe, cherries, cranberries, figs, grapefruit, grapes, guava, honeydew melon, pineapples, plums, prunes, raisins, raspberries, strawberries, tangelos, tangerines, watermelon. ALL MEAT AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS: including but not limited to beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish. ALL VEGETABLES. These can be fresh, frozen, dried, juiced or canned. Vegetables include but are not limited to artichokes, asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chili peppers, collard greens, corn, cucumbers, eggplant, garlic, ginger root, kale, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard greens, spinach, squashes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, turnips, watercress, yams, zucchini, veggie burgers are an option if you are not allergic to soy. ALL WHOLE GRAINS. Including but not limited to whole wheat, brown rice, millet, quinoa, oats, barley, grits, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat tortillas, rice cakes and popcorn. ALL NUTS AND SEEDS. Including but not limited to almonds, cashews, peanuts, sesame. Also nut butters including peanut butter. ALL LEGUMES. These can be canned or dried. Legumes include but are not limited to dried beans, pinto beans, split peas, lentils, black eyed peas, kidney beans, black beans, cannellini beans, white beans. ALL QUALITY OILS. Includes but not limited to olive, canola, grape seed, peanut, and sesame. BEVERAGES. Spring water, distilled water or other pure waters. OTHER. Tofu, soy products, vinegar, seasonings, salt, herbs and spices. ALL DAIRY PRODUCTS: including but not limited to milk, cheese, cream, butter, and eggs. ALL SWEETENERS: including but not limited to sugar, raw sugar, honey, syrups, molasses, and cane juice. ALL LEAVENED BREAD: including but not limited to Ezekiel Bread (it contains yeast and honey) and baked goods. FOR PERSONAL ST U DY O N FA S T I N G . . . check out these resources Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough Elmer L. Towns ISBN: 0-8307-1839-7 ©1996 ALL REFINED AND PROCESSED FOOD PRODUCTS: including but not limited to artificial flavorings, food additives, chemicals, white rice, white flour, and foods that contain artificial preservatives. Prayer and Fasting: Purpose, Preparation, Action, Result ALL DEEP FRIED FOODS: including but not limited to potato chips, French fries, corn chips. The Power of Prayer and Fasting ALL SOLID FATS: including shortening, margarine, lard and foods high in fat. BEVERAGES: Including but not limited to coffee, tea, herbal teas, carbonated beverages, energy drinks, and alcohol. Remember to READ THE LABELS! Dr. Kingsley A. Fletcher ISBN: 1-56043-070-2 ©1992 Ronnie W. Floyd ISBN: 0-8054-0164-4 ©1997 Fasting: The Private Discipline That Brings Public Reward Jentezen Franklin ISBN: 0-9718254-9-1 ©2004 Toxic Relief Don Colbert, M.D. ISBN: 0-88419-760-3 ©2001 The Daniel Fast–For the Body, Soul and Spirit Susan Gregory www.daniel-fast.com A MESSAGE TO about praying and fasting together YOUR CHILDREN CAN FAST WITH YOU! EXPLAIN TO THEM THAT FASTING WILL HELP THEM GROW STRONGER AS CHRISTIANS AND CLOSER TO JESUS. WHEN THEY TAKE SPECIAL TIME OUT TO PRAY TO JESUS AND AT THE SAME TIME, TAKE SPECIAL EFFORT TO NOT ENJOY A FAVORITE FOOD/SNACK ITEM OR ACTIVITY DURING A CERTAIN PERIOD OF TIME, THEY ARE FASTING. As a family, sit down together and talk about for whom or what your children are seeking God and in which way they are going to fast. Then, have your children write down their decisions on a card, and you do the same and seal it in a self-addressed envelope. Explain to your children that there will be times when they will find it hard to fast and may even want to change their minds in the middle of the fast. However, as parents, gently encourage them and help them keep the commitment they made to the Lord and see how God answers their prayers. Following the 21 Days of Fasting and Praying, sit down with your children and talk with them about what the Lord did during this special time. Remember that a child’s body needs the proper nutrition and activity as well as rest to keep them healthy and whole. They don’t need to fast complete meals or healthy food choices for days at a time or give up the exercise that playtime affords. Children respond best with a set schedule, so be sure to create one where they will know which days they will be fasting and what exactly they are fasting. FASTING SUGGESTIONS FOR CHILDREN: • Their favorite cartoon or TV program. • No “Fast Foods” for all or part of the 21 days. • No TV, texting or electronics on a specific day/night. Use this time • A special treat or snack to play games or spend quality family time together. (candy, cookies, sweets, etc.). a final word about fasting FASTING IS BIBLICAL (Daniel 2:2-3) FASTING IS A SPIRITUAL COMMITMENT (Daniel 1:8) BE SPECIFIC AND MAKE A VERBAL COMMITMENT TO THE LORD: Fast for financial breakthrough, restoration in your relationships, your family, specifically for your children, for a spiritual breakthrough, to discover God’s Will on a matter, for supernatural healing, or for the discipline to walk in the vision God has given you. Be clear. Before beginning your fast, write down a plan and make a verbal commitment to the Lord. “Daniel proposed in his heart that he would not defile himself” Daniel 1:8 When you approach your fast with determination, and a clear goal you’ll be less likely to waiver in weak moments. JANUARY N O R T H C A M P U S SERVICES MORNING PRAYER DAILY 7am – 7:10am 661.673.8600 (or 661.673.8609 for playback) ACCESS CODE: 217780# S U N DAY 7am – 7:10am 8am 8am 10am 10am 10am 12pm 12pm MORNING PRAYER WORSHIP SERVICE CHILDREN’S CHURCH* WORSHIP SERVICE CHILDREN’S CHURCH* TRANSIT (6th and 7th Grade)* WORSHIP SERVICE CHILDREN’S CHURCH* CHILDCARE PROVIDED BY NURSERY MINISTRY AT EACH SERVICE. * EVERY 1ST AND 2ND SUNDAY T U E S DAY 7am – 7:10am 7pm 7pm 7pm MORNING PRAYER BIBLE STUDY TEEN BIBLE STUDY KIDSTYLE WORSHIP W E D N E S DAY MORNING PRAYER 7am – 7:10am T H U R S DAY MORNING PRAYER 7am – 7:10am F R I DAY MORNING PRAYER 7am – 7:10am S AT U R DAY MORNING PRAYER 7am – 7:10am 7:30pm REMIX (1st & 2nd SAT)