prayer and fasting guide january 2011

In uniting together during this time of fasting, we are expecting to see a greater
demonstration of God's power and presence in our lives and in the life of our church.
Review this guide to see what we will be praying for during this time, learn more about
the basics of fasting and discover new ways to journal the Word you will receive from
God. Enjoy!
IMPORTANT: This fast is not required and is on a volunteer basis. Before beginning any fast consult with
your doctor to determine if you are healthy enough to participate in an extended fast. The Bridge Church,
and any of its related entities, are not responsible for any health related conditions prior to and after this
fasting period. Please pray about participating and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you to a decision.
*Fasting is abstaining from food for a spiritual purpose. Fasting is not a tool to twist the arm
of God so that He will give you exactly what you want. Fasting has a spiritual purpose, and
that purpose is to get your fleh out of the way so that the Spirit of God can move in your life.
Fasting removes the barriers to communication with God and allows the spirit man to
commune directly with the heavenly Father – without disturbance. When a person makes a
determination to fast, they are making a determination to remove the obstacles in their life
to total submission to the will of God. No wonder Satan is determined to eradicate this
practice! Fasting tears down his strongholds. Fasting clears the way for our victory. Satan
will do anything to prevent that. Man is a triune being made up of body, soul and spirit. It is
the spirit that came from God and longs to be reunited with God. Given the opportunity, the
spirit will reach out to God and communicate with Him. These three parts of the person,
however, compete for influence. Your spirit can influence your soul, and your soul can
influence your flesh. If you are in tune spiritually with God, your soul has no choice but to
delight in the decisions of your spiritual life. Your flesh submits to the authority of your soul.
1. The Church and Kingdom of God January 18 and January 25
The Bridge Church
Pastor and Family
Our Leaders
The Bridge Church
Father God, I pray for the body of The Bridge Church, that you would give to us the
spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you; the eyes of our understanding
being enlightened; and that you would strengthen us with might by your Spirit in the
inner man.
I thank you that we speak the truth in love, and grow up into Christ, our head; that the
whole body of The Bridge is fitly joined together and compacted and every joint
supplies; that every part is effectually working together, causing the body to increase, as
everyone is edified in love.
Father, I now pray for every man in the body of The Bridge. I cancel every strategy and
operation designated to destroy his manhood, his success, his family life, his selfesteem, his reputation, his financial, intellectual and social advancement; his business
success, prosperity, achievements, and his legacy; and every other area targeted to
keep him oppressed, controlled, dishonored, dominated, and beneath his potential.
Father, cause our men to be transformed by the renewing of their minds, that they may
all be saved and spirit-filled, see their status in Christ, and never again settle for
anything less than their inheritance provides.
Father God, I pray for all the married men of The Bridge that each husband rules well
his own house, provides godly headship and financial stability for his family. Every
husband loves his wife, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it.
Father God, I pray for all the married women of The Bridge that each one is a virtuous
woman, and submits to her husband as unto the Lord, and is subject unto him in
Father, I thank you that every married couple has a covenant marriage, and
successfully overcome every obstacle in life together by faith and the Word of God.
Now Lord, I pray for all single men and women in the body of The Bridge. I pray that
they would care for the things of the Lord, how they may please the Lord, being holy
both in body and in spirit. I decree that the world’s values have no control or influence
on their desires of lifestyle. They walk in the light and keep fellowship with the saints of
Father God, I thank you for the children of The Bridge that they all grow strong in spirit,
are filled with wisdom, and the grace of God is upon them. They are taught of the Lord
and great is their peace. An excellent spirit is in them, there is no blemish, but they are
well favored, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge and understanding,
and have risen to the top as the greatest leaders on the face of the earth.
Father, I pray that every member of The Bridge will grow to be a strong, mature, fruitbearing disciple of Christ, sanctified from the world, empowered to serve, fulfilling your
purpose and plan for their lives.
Pastor and Family
Father God, I thank you that Pastors Vince & Marcia Allen are filled with the Spirit of
knowledge, counsel, might, understanding, wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of
I thank you that they study diligently the Word of God to feed your flock, and their
speech and preaching are in demonstration of the spirit and of power. They are skilled
in the Word of righteousness and speak as the oracles of God. I thank you that they
preach the uncompromised Word of God and signs and wonders confirm the word
preached. I thank you that they are godly examples for those you have given them
oversight of.
I thank you that no weapon that is formed against them shall prosper and every lying
tongue risen against them shall be silenced. I cover Pastor Vince and Marcia with the
blood of Jesus, and release the angels of God to minister for them and bring them into
God’s best every day of their life.
Father, I thank you that you have opened doors of utterance for them to proclaim boldly
the gospel. They are teaching believers how to live independent of this world system
and have dominion over it. They have clarity of vision, unimpeded by ungodly sources
or input.
Father, I thank you that the anointing of increase is upon their lives and whatsoever they
do prospers. Every business deal works in their favor and to their advantage. Your
blessings overtake them because they hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord their
God. I thank you that their family is of one heart and in one accord, and are enjoying
the days of heaven upon the earth.
Our Leaders
Father God, we thank you for the leadership that you have given us for the work of the
ministry. We thank you that we have the right people serving in the right places with the
right anointing. They have received and operate in the spirit of wisdom and revelation in
the knowledge of God and in their particular area in ministry. They walk in the Spirit, are
filled with the Spirit, are led of the Spirit, are spiritually minded and do not fulfill the lust
of the flesh. Out of their mouths proceed blessings and not cursing. They walk by faith,
not by sight.
The wisdom that is from above leads them in the way of righteousness to make right
decisions and to exercise sound judgment and discretion in all matters. They are
prospering and are in health because their souls are prospering. They meditate in God’s
Word day and night, and everything they set their hands to prospers, and they serve in
the area of their giftedness.
They are committed to the vision you have given our Pastor, and they run with it to see
to it that this vision comes to pass. There are no hidden agendas. They will never do or
say anything that will be of harm to this ministry, or will bring reproach against Christ.
Their personal lives are blameless, without spot, wrinkle of blemish and are above
They are diligent and not slothful, rendering service as unto the Lord, and not unto men.
They are of one mind and in one accord. All strife and attacks of the enemy are cut off
and will not infiltrate this local church. We thank you Father that you are watching over
your Word and you will perform it, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
2. Evangelism, Outreach and Harvest of Souls January 19 and January 26
World Missions and Missionaries We Support - Dr. Keith Hershey and Dr.
Patricia Bailey-Jones
God, I thank you that at The Bridge we are evangelizing the lost and we are seeing new
believers added to our church daily. Those who are coming with sickness and disease
are all cured. And there is not one feeble among us.
Father, we stand boldly in prayer for missionaries all over the world. We pray especially
for our partners Dr. Keith Hershey of Mutual Faith Ministries and Dr. Patricia BaileyJones of Master’s Touch Ministries as they go forth to minister the gospel. We pray that
many doors of utterance are opened for them to share the Kingdom of God, in
demonstration of the Spirit and of power.
Thank you Father that Dr. Hershey and Dr. Bailey-Jones are anointed to minister the
gospel to the poor, bring healing to the brokenhearted, deliverance to the captives and
recovery of sight to the blind. We declare that deaf ears will be opened, the lame will
walk, the blind will see, the dead will be raised and every captive will be set free. Signs,
wonders and miracles confirm the word preached. Father, we declare that the Word will
go forth with accuracy and clarity and the light of the glorious gospel will penetrate every
We thank you that Dr. Hershey and Dr. Bailey-Jones are protected and covered by the
blood of Jesus from all schemes and plots of the devil. We forbid any demonic activity
against them, their possessions, their travel schedules, their transportation vehicles,
their health, their meals and sleeping accommodations. Father, give your angels charge
over them to keep, defend and preserve them in all of their ways.
We loose the heavenly presence of God, his mercy, grace, favor, anointing, love, power
and peace upon their meetings and all involved. Father, thank you that the time of the
harvest is come so we call in multitudes of souls and declare that they are delivered out
of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of your dear Son.
We praise You for doing abundantly above all that we are asking according to the power
that is working mightily in us, in Jesus’ name, Amen!
3. Health and Healing January 20 and January 27
Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray Your Word concerning healing. As I do this, I
believe and say that Your Word will not return unto me void, but will accomplish what it
says it will. Therefore, I believe in the name of Jesus that all are healed. It is written in
Your Word that Jesus took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses. Therefore, with great
boldness and confidence I pray on the authority of that written Word that all are
redeemed from the curse of sickness, and refuse to tolerate its symptoms.
Satan, I speak to you in the name of Jesus and say that your principalities, powers, your
spirits who rule the present darkness and your spiritual wickedness in heavenly places
are bound from operating against God's people in any way. We am the property of
Almighty God, and give you no place in us. We dwell in the secret place of the Most
High God. We abide, remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, whose
power no foe can withstand.
Now Father, because I reverence and worship you, I have the assurance of Your Word
that the angel of the Lord encamps around about your people and delivers us from
every evil work. No evil shall befall your people; no plague or calamity shall come near
our dwelling. I pray that the Word of God abides in your people and delivers to us
perfect soundness of mind and wholeness in body and spirit. The Word is medication
and life to our flesh for the law of the Spirit of life operates in us and makes us free from
the law of sin and death. We have on the whole armor of God, and the shield of faith
protects us from all the fiery darts of the wicked. I stand immovable and fixed in full
assurance that your people have health and healing now in the name of Jesus.
4. Finances January 21 and January 28
Father God, I come to you in Jesus’ name to thank you for blessing and prospering us
as children of the Most High God, so we can be a blessing to the nations of the earth.
As Abraham’s seed and heir of the world, today I will use your power to get wealth, and
I believe I receive wealth in every form you will to get it to me.
Today I exercise diligence, for the hand of the diligent maketh rich. Today my household
is blessed, and the blessing of the Lord maketh us rich. We hearken diligently unto the
voice of the Lord our God and we observe to do according to all his commandments,
which he commands us this day. Today God’s grace is abounding towards me and my
family with a bountiful harvest from our seed sown. Jesus became poor that we through
his poverty might be rich, and God promised that wealth and riches would be in our
house because we fear him and delight greatly in his commandments; and God is rich
to all who call upon him. I am wealthy and I leave an inheritance to my children’s
I command my harvest of all the seed that I have sown for wealth to grow and come to
me now, in Jesus’ name. Because I sow bountifully, I reap bountifully. Devil, you are
rebuked by the Lord and you can’t steal my harvest because I’m a tither. Angels,
reapers, go forth and bring my blessings and my harvest to me now in Jesus’ name. My
wealth is paid for by the blood of Jesus and I call in my inheritance as a joint heir with
Lord, I thank you that every member of The Bridge Church is a tither and living
independent of the world’s system. I thank you that The Bridge is a tithing ministry and
the devour is rebuked on our behalf and we are a debt free church.
Father, I thank you that we have favor with businesses and that they are pouring
financial resources into this ministry. In Jesus name. Amen.
5. Our Mission and Vision and Ministries January 22 and January 29
Father, I thank you for our mission of Connecting with God, People and Purpose. And I
thank you for our vision of building bridges that span religious, racial, social and
economic barriers, leading us to live more fulfilled lives through Jesus Christ. At The
Bridge we are developing an authentic relationship with you through prayer, worship
and the Word as we draw nigh to you every day. I thank you that we are leading the
unsaved and unchurched to a meaningful relationship with Jesus, and building
relationships with other believers through fellowship opportunities that create diversity
and foster unity - we love our neighbors as ourselves. We are creating an environment
of spiritual growth and maturity so that every believer can fulfill their God-given purpose
in the body of Christ. Everything we do works together for the good of them who love
you, to them who are called according to your purpose.
6. Family and Children January 23 and January 30
Our family is a blessing from the Lord. They are also blessed of the Lord.
As parents we are mighty warriors and our children are like arrows in our hands.
They will hit the target in their natural life and for God. The best jobs are already
prepared for them and they will find and fulfill the will of God. God has already chosen
their mates and they will not be led astray.
They will not be taken by the lusts and temptations of the world. Because we train up
our children in the way they should go, when they are old, they will not depart from it.
It will be well with them and they will live a long time on the earth. They will honor their
parents and not bring them to shame. They will grow up and call their parents blessed.
Wealth and riches will be in our house to provide for our family and enough will be left
over to provide an inheritance for our children and our children’s children.
We will guide our house with discretion and with the promises of God and the direction
of the Holy Spirit. The path for our family grows brighter every day. No problem will be
bigger than the Word of God or the Holy Spirit. No evil shall befall us and no plague will
come near our dwelling. Sickness is an intruder in our home for we are the property of
God, purchased by the blood and stripes of Jesus.
We declare our house to be healed. Our children are taught of the Lord and great is
their peace. And peace reigns in our house.
7. Our Nation January 24 and January 31
Father, thank You for the United States and its government. I pray for the president, the
national and local government, judges, military, policemen, business leaders and all
those who are in leadership positions in this country. Please protect them from the evil
that is in the world and keep them safe and free from all harm. Your Word says, “that
requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and
all those in authority, that I may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and
Father, I thank you that this nation is blessed because our God is the Lord and we are
the people you have chosen for your inheritance. Thank you that the righteous are in
authority and the people rejoice. I release the truth into every realm of life in this nation
that men may say, "Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people."
Father, I pray for the major issues that face our nation: The economy, crime, war,
terrorism, healthcare and many others. I pray that the people of this nation will turn to
you during these difficult times and “trust in you with all their hearts, and lean not unto
their own understanding.”
You have promised to bless any nation that follows after You. Help us to continue to
spread the Good News of the Gospel throughout our land. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Keep a journal and write out your prayers to God and His response to you.
What has God revealed to you about Himself?
What has God revealed to you about His purposes?
What has God revealed to you about His ways?
What has God done in your life or through your life that has caused you to
experience His presence?
What Scripture has God used to speak to you about Himself, His purposes or His
What particular person or concern has God given you a burden to pray for? What
has He guided you to pray for in this situation?
What has God done through circumstances that has given you a sense of His timing
or direction concerning any aspect of His will?
What word of guidance or truth do you sense God has spoken to you through
another believer?
What adjustment is God leading you to make in your life?
What acts of obedience have you accomplished this week? What further steps of
obedience do you know God is wanting you to take?
Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough
Author: Elmer L. Towns
Copyright © 1996
ISBN: 0-8307-1839-7
Prayer and Fasting: Purpose, Preparation, Action, Result
Author: Dr. Kingsley A. Fletcher
Copyright © 1992
ISBN: 1-56043-070-2
The Power of Prayer and Fasting
Author: Ronnie W. Floyd
Copyright © 1997
ISBN: 0-8054-0164-4
Fasting: The Private Discipline That Brings Public Reward
Author: Jentezen Franklin
Copyright © 2004
ISBN: 0-9718254-9-1
Toxic Relief
Author: Don Colbert, M.D.
Copyright © 2001
ISBN: 0-88419-760-3
* Content was taken from some of these referenced resources.