Reading Assignment
Before beginning this assignment, create pages for continuous
note-taking. This is best accomplished on loose leaf or done on
computer so that notes can be inserted where necessary. Create pages
on the following topics:
Lady Macbeth
King Duncan
Theme of Deception
Consequences of Wrongdoing
Underlined words will indicate under which topic the note should be written.
Each of your notes should clearly indicate the question being answered or the point being made;
i.e. all comments and quotations must be introduced. Answers and notes should be detailed and
well-explained. Sometimes quotations are required. Please also include them where they would
further explain or enhance your answer.
Act One
Scene 1
Describe the atmosphere of the opening scene and explain why it is symbolic.
Which line in this scene introduces the theme of deception?
Scene 2
In your notes about the character Macbeth explain how this scene shows that the tragic hero is a
noble figure with the potential for greatness. Include two quotations from this scene, noting the
words of the Sergeant and King Duncan.
Provide evidence from this scene that Duncan is generous and grateful to those who are loyal to
Scene 3
Macbeth’s opening words are in this scene: So fair and foul a day I have not seen”. Write this
quotation under Macbeth and explain its significance.
Notes: Macbeth’s reaction to the prophecies of the witches is the first sign of his tragic flaw and marks
the beginning of his internal conflict.
Quote and explain a short passage which clearly illustrates Macbeth’s tragic flaw.
Quote and explain a short passage which clearly illustrates that he is struggling with his
Write the following quotation as an example of the theme of deception. Of what is Banquo
warning Macbeth?:
“And oftentimes, to win us to our harm,
The instruments of darkness tell us truths,
Win us with honest trifles, to betray us
In deepest consequence.”
Scene 4
Notes: &
Quote and explain the statement made by Duncan in lines 13 - 16 which illustrates the
theme of deception.
What does this quotation also reveal about Duncan’s character?
Notes: Refer to Macbeth’s aside (lines 56 - 61):
How does this aside reveal, once again, Macbeth’s tragic flaw?
Shakespeare permeates this play with images of light and darkness. Quote such imagery
from this aside and explain how it supports the theme of deception.
Scene 5
What lines in Lady Macbeth’s opening soliloquy comment upon Macbeth’s noble character?
Notes: Refer to Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy (lines 41 - 57).
Provide two references from this soliloquy which show that Lady Macbeth is ambitious
and manipulative
Note, once again, imagery of darkness in this soliloquy and comment on how this
imagery develops the theme of deception.
Scene 6
The juxtaposition of this scene with the previous scene creates several examples of dramatic
irony. The irony lies in the fact that Duncan and Banquo are unaware of the ominous
conversation of the previous scene. Illustrate the contrast between these two scenes by quoting
the following speeches made by Duncan or Banquo in scene 6 and supplying a contrasting image
or quotation from scene 5.
“The guest of summer,
The temple-haunting martlet, does approve
By his loved maisonry ...”
“...that heaven’s breath
Smells wooingly here.”
“See, see our honoured hostess”
Scene 7
The opening of this scene is a soliloquy of major importance. It reveals Macbeth’s inner turmoil
and shows the tragic hero facing his own tragic flaw. Under your notes about Macbeth write this
speech in your own words.
How does Lady Macbeth, in this scene, manipulate Macbeth’s emotions and ego?
In your notes about deception, write and explain the final line of this scene.
Act Two
Scene 1
“So I lose none
In seeking to augment it, but still keep
My bosom franchised and allegiance clear,
I shall be counselled.”
How does this speech reveal a contrast between the characters of Banquo and Macbeth?
Notes: &
In your notes on symbolism, quote and explain two of Macbeth’s references to the
dagger. What does the dagger symbolize?
Add a note to your discussion of Macbeth, adding the image of the imaginary dagger as
a sign of his internal conflict
Scene 2
Quote and comment upon two lines spoken by Lady Macbeth in the opening of this scene which
show that she has been unable to deny her human feelings despite her former resolve.
Notes: &
Quote a reference to sleeplessness in this scene. What does sleeplessness represent or
Provide two other references from this scene which reveal Macbeth’s tortured state of
Notes: “Will all Neptune’s ocean wash this blood/ Clean from my hand”?
What does the washing of blood from the hands symbolize and what, then, is revealed
through this quotation?
Scene 3
“O gentle lady,
‘Tis not for you to hear what I can speak
The repetition is a woman’s ear
Would murder as it fell.”
Identify the speaker and circumstance of this quotation. Explain why the quotation is an example
of irony.
What words spoken by Donalbain illustrate his distrust of men and their deceptions.
Scene 4
In this scene, and in scene 3 there are reports that nature is revolting, imitating the violence and
unnaturalness of Duncan’s murder. Add to your symbol notes by explaining two frightful
examples of nature’s revolt.
Macduff refuses to attend Macbeth’s coronation at Scone. What has influenced his decision?
Which line best illustrates his suspicions? What are your first impressions of Macduff based on
this scene and the previous one?
Act Three
Scene 1
Notes: Refer to Macbeth’s soliloquy (lines 53 - 79):
What does this soliloquy indicate about Macbeth’s state of mind? How does this
contribute to the Macbeth’s depiction as a tragic hero?
Explain how this soliloquy supports the theme that there are consequences to
Scene 2
Lady Macbeth’s short soliloquy at the opening of this scene depicts the theme of consequences of
our behaviour. Quote and comment.
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s conversation in this scene suggests the deterioration of Macbeth’s
peace of mind. Provide at least two quotations.
How does the planning of the murder of Banquo and Fleance contrast with the planning of
Duncan’s murder? How does this illustrate the deterioration of Macbeth’s character?
Scene 4
This scene marks the beginning of the tragic hero’s reversal of fortune. How does Macbeth
reveal his crimes to the noblemen? Provide two quotations.
“I am in blood
stepped in so far that,
should I wade no more,
returning were as tedious as go over.”
What is the symbolic value of the ghost of Banquo?
What is the significance of this quotation with reference to Macbeth as a tragic hero.
Scene 5
Note: Under your notes about deception, paraphrase Hecate’s comment: “And you all know security/
is mortals chiefest enemy.”
Scene 6
Provide two examples from Lennox’s speech which are examples of verbal irony. What do these
comments reveal about public opinion about Macbeth?