History ideas PeoPle Politics A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO THE PROGRESS PARTY www.frp.no The Progress ParTy (FremskriTTsParTieT) In 1973, the Norwegian people had experienced successive conservative and socialist governments, all of which had increased the burden of taxes and the level of government intervention; voters simply had no alternatives to these high taxation policies. As a result of this predicament, a new party, named Anders Lange’s Party for a Strong Reduction in Taxes, Duties and Public Intervention (ALP), was founded. These ideas are as present today as there were then, as the mission statement of the Progress Party is: The Progress Party is a classical liberal party that shall work for a major reduction in taxes, duties and government intervention, and for the safeguarding of the rights of the people and their freedom, as the Constitution presupposes. The Party changed its name to the Progress Party in 1977, and is today Norway’s second largest political party and the leading party on the right of the political centre in Norway. In the parliamentary election of 2009 in Norway, the Progress Party received 22.9 percent of the votes, the best election results in the history of the Progress Party. It is now represented by 41 out of 169 members in the Storting (the Norwegian Parliament). At present, the Progress Party has approximately 27,000 members. Membership is steadily increasing and has more than doubled over the past ten years. The Progress Party is represented in all 19 counties, and in more than 350 local constituencies. For almost four decades, the Progress Party has been the foremost political force pushing for free-market reforms and liberalization in Norway. From the energy sector to the telecom sector to the aviation sector, the Progress Party was the first political party to propose liberalization and competition in Norway. For decades, the Progress Party seemed to be the only political party in Norway discussing immigration and the challenges of state multiculturalism. The same relates to other policy areas as well, such as the issue of foreign aid to developing countries or monetary policy. For years the Progress Party has been the foremost voice in warning against too much reliance on foreign aid, and at the same time has been the most steadfast advocate of global free trade in Norwegian politics. The Progress Party has, since its beginning almost 40 years ago, been synonymous with political change. A change for the better. // www.frp.no // Values... FreeDom // Freedom is the right to choose; to be independent. TrUsTWorThyNess // To be trustworthy is to honour commitments, to be reliable. DyNamiC // To be dynamic is to innovate, to be committed and to work towards a goal. LoyaL // Loyalty is at the core of our values – loyalty to country, to democracy and to the people. For The PeoPLe // Dedication to the people’s concerns are our concerns. resPoNsiBiLiTy // To take responsibility is a task not to be taken lightly. Our duty is to be responsible. moDerNiTy // In a constantly changing society, our commitment to innovation is our primary asset. ... a change for the better! The hallmark of a free society is individual liberty. Individual liberty is a fundamental requirement for human progress and prosperity. The Progress Party’s goal is to promote timely and concrete policy solutions, inspired by classical liberal ideas. The Progress Party wants to transfer political and economic power from the government to the people. Limited government is about respect. Respect for the decisions made by the people. Throughout its existence the Progress Party has been the foremost advocate for individual liberty, smaller and more effective government and free markets. Victor Hugo once said «One resists the invasion of armies; one does not resist the invasion of ideas». History has shown that individuals make a difference. Ideas to spark productivity, enthusiasm and prosperity are needed more than ever. Classical liberal ideas are such ideas, and the Progress Party is the primary defender of these ideas in Norway. In the following pages you can learn more about the history, people, ideology and policies of the Progress Party. I hope that you will enjoy the reading. We are eager to share ideas and experiences with friends of liberty and human progress around the world. This brief introduction to the Progress Party is not only about us, it’s also about you. The Progress Party and I, therefore, extend an invitation to you to become a part of our efforts to reaffirm and strengthen the timeless principles that underpin a prosperous and free society. It is time for renewal; a change for the better. Siv Jensen Leader of the Progress Party PEOPlE ARE UNIqUE. wHAT FITS ONE DOES NOT NECESSARIlY FIT All. THEREFORE, IT IS OUR GOAl TO ENHANCE THE FREEDOm OF THE INDIvIDUAl. // www.frp.no // iDeoLogy aND PriNCiPLes oF The Progress ParTy The Progress Party’s ideology, classical, liberalism starts with the democratic assumption that the people are best placed to decide what is best for them. Authoritarian and top-down governance run counter to the prosperity, harmony and happiness of the individual. People are unique. What fits one does not necessarily fit all. Therefore, it is our goal to enhance the freedom of the individual. A classical liberal view of society is based on the fact that people are different and that this difference should be respected and valued. The best way to organize society while preserving the rights of individuals is by to grant them the freedom of choice to decide who shall provide the services they can benefit from. Future welfare depends on innovation and the desire to work in order to generate wealth for the individual and society as a whole. In today’s society, the creation of wealth is limited by the burden of taxation, business costs and public regulation. Centralisation must have its limits. Power should be, to the greatest extent possible, transferred from politicians to the people. We will pursue this objective by letting the people retain more of their tax contributions and by introducing more competition in public services from individuals, firms and voluntary organisations. Our main goal is to reduce taxes, business costs and government intervention for a more free society. The Progress Party is a party for the people. Its values are that of the Norwegian constitution, Norwegian and Western traditions and culture heritage inspired by both Christian and humanistic values. Fundamental to our vision of society is the belief in and respect for the individual’s distinctive characteristics and the right to self-determination. The family institution, the right to private ownership and individual freedom are the foundations of society. We oppose any discrimination based on gender, religion or ethnic origin. All citizens will enjoy the same rights and protections under the Norwegian constitution, such as the right to ownership, freedom of trade, personal freedom, freedom of expression, religious freedom and freedom of assembly. wE BElIEvE THAT INDIvIDUAlS HAvE THE ABIlITY TO mAkE THEIR OwN DECISIONS AND lIvE wITH THE CONSEqUENSES OF THEIR ACTIONS. // www.frp.no // a Free-markeT eCoNomy For TraDe aND ProsPeriTy The Progress Party is an advocate of free-market economics. Economic growth is brought about through a solid financial framework and free competition. Norway has one of the largest public sectors in Europe. This sector must be downsized and made more efficient in order to give the inhabitants better and more affordable services. A portion of the oil revenues should be invested in infrastructure and other necessary common endeavours. The Progress Party stands for the lowest possible levels of taxation, charges and a flatter tax system. eNergy aND The eNviroNmeNT We believe the polluter should pay. Pollution knows no borders; therefore Norway should work towards international accords that limit pollution. Norwegian businesses should not be penalized with market-distorting regulations that limit competitiveness internationally, as this will put people’s livelihoods at risk. Political symbolism, empty rhetoric and unrealistic goals will not solve the climate challenge. In this, as in all other fields, we must seek cost-effective and concrete solutions. Energy security is one of the most important issues we face today. Europe and the rest of the world need stability in energy supply. The Progress Party will ensure that Norway remains a leading energy supplier. The energy industry will continue to be an important part of our business sector and a reliable supplier to international markets. The High North area will be one of the world’s dominating energy provinces in the future, and is an area of great strategic importance to Norway. saFeTy iN everyDay LiFe It is the individual citizen’s responsibility to comply with the laws, as this ensures the opportunity for all individuals to live their lives as they wish. The freedom of one must not infringe on that of the other. Today, the punishment for many types of crimes in Norway is so feeble that it offends against the sense of justice of the general population. Therefore, we desire stricter punishments and sentencing in accordance with the letter of the law. Crime should not pay! CENTRAlIZATION mUST HAvE ITS lImITS. POwER SHOUlD BE, TO THE GREATEST ExTENT POSSIBlE, TRANSFERRED FROm POlITICIANS TO THE PEOPlE. // www.frp.no // immigraTioN aND iNTegraTioN The Progress Party believes in the basic ideal that there should be the freest possible movement of goods, services, capital and labour. However, this assumes that people who take up residence in Norway do not automatically receive welfare rights, which burden the Norwegian taxpayer. The Progress Party stands for a restrictive and responsible immigration policy where taking up residency is made subject to obligations. Participation in employment, language proficiency and obeying the law are central elements in a successful integration policy. Equality among groups is a decisive factor in preventing conflicts. There is no place for religious extremism and intolerant cultural traditions in a democratic society. This is a natural focus for a classical liberal party. The PUBLiC heaLTh serviCe aND soCiaL seCUriTy The state should be responsible for financing health-care services for its citizens based on the concept of unit-priced financing, under a system where the money follows the customer. The individual should be able to choose services from private and public providers according to need. Welfare benefits should be made subject to enforceable conditions in order to deter misuse. A high employment rate is a goal in itself. It should pay to work! Freedom of choice and dignity for the elderly are important issues. We will therefore strive to increase the choices available for the elderly and the quality of the services. eDUCaTioN aND researCh The Progress Party wants an education system of a high international standard. Introducing school choice is an important part of our education policy. Each student should be free to choose between approved private and public schools. This should be financed by unit-priced financing where the money follows the student. Research is a source of increased knowledge and development in society. Research and development should enjoy the best possible conditions. This is advantageous for society as a whole, and should be brought about in collaboration with trade and industry. THE kEY TO DEvElOPmENT IS THE ExPANSION OF FREEmARkET ECONOmICS, FREE TRADE, lIBERAl DEmOCRACY AND HUmAN RIGHTS // www.frp.no // NorWay aND The WorLD The Progress Party will protect Norwegian foreign-policy interests in security, economy, autonomy and prestige. This will be ensured by supporting free trade, human rights and the building of alliances with democratic countries that share our core values. Traditional development policy with emphasis on foreign aid has not worked. It is naive to believe that dictatorships around the world are unaware of basic human rights. These countries must be pressured in international forums and through diplomatic relations. Developing countries must be given the opportunity to undergo economic growth and development. They must be allowed to sell their goods to Norway unimpeded by special duties and restrictions. We cannot accept a development policy that on one side assists the build-up of production capacities in poor countries, and on the other side impose restrictions on the import of goods from those same countries. The Progress Party believes that the key to development is the expansion of market economies, free trade, democracy and human rights. Norway is not a member of the EU. Regarding the question of possible future membership, the Progress Party will respect the will of the people through a referendum. We believe that reform of older international institutions such as the United Nations is needed to make them more effective, relevant and focused on the challenges that we are facing and will face in the future. The UN is not something sacred. A critical debate and examination of the UN and its role will not weaken, but rather strengthen, the organization. seCUriTy aND DeFeNCe The Progress Party is in favour of a strong national defence, and wants to start prioritizing investments in Norwegian defence capacities, which for many years have been downsized. Norway should actively participate in the struggle against international terrorism by cooperating internationally and participating in international operations.Under the Progress Party, NATO will remain the cornerstone of Norway’s security and the basis of Norway`s defence policy. 15 ProPosaLs For a reNeWaL oF NorWay: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Liberalisationoftheeconomytopromotegrowthandanincreaseinwelfare. Stimulatingfreetradebyreducingimportandexportduties. Reducinggovernmentbureaucracyandstrengtheningthecapacityforworkinthe privatesector. Strengtheningresearchinordertostimulatethecreationofwealth. Investingmoreofthestate’ssurplusincomeininfrastructure. Reducingpublicownership. Providingagloballycompetitivetaxationsystem. Reducingor,wherepossible,discontinuingsubsidiestoindustry,businessandtrade. Implementingthelowestpossibleleveloftaxationandcharges. Bringingaboutchangestothepublicbenefitssysteminordertoencouragehigher levelsofemployment. Makingiteasierfortheindividualtostartupandrunabusiness. Introducingfreechoicefortheuserthroughunitpricefinancingforwelfareservices. Workingtowardsinternationalenvironmentaltreatiesthatensureafair frameworkandacost-effectiveandrealisticapproach Reviewingthecriminalsentencingsystem. Implementingaresponsibleimmigrationpolicycombined withanactiveintegrationpolicy. // www.frp.no // LeaDershiP Ms.SivJensen, LeaderoftheProgressParty andParliamentaryLeader Mr.PerSandberg, FirstDeputyLeader oftheProgressParty Mr.PerArneOlsen, SecondDeputyLeader oftheProgressParty oTher LeaDiNg FigUres Mr.ErlandVestli SecretaryGeneral Mr.GeirA.Mo ChiefofStaff Mr.PerKristianSolbak HeadofSecretariat Mr.FredrikFärber HeadofCommunications The Progress Party holds several key positions in the international activity of the storting. These include: • Chairman of the Standing Committee on Justice (Mr. Per Sandberg) • Chairman of the Standing Committee on Labour and Social Affairs (Mr.Robert Eriksson) • Chairman of the Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs (Mr. Anders Anundsen) • First Vicepresident of the Storting (Mr. Øyvind Korsberg) • Head of the delegation to the Arctic Cooperation (Mr.Morten Høglund) • Deputy Head of delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (Mr. Morten Høglund) • Head of the delegation to the Parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe (Mrs. Karin S. Woldseth) «THE PRINCIPlES OF ClASSICAl lIBERAl IDEOlOGY ARE NEEDED NOw mORE THAN EvER. THATCHERISm IS NEEDED NOw mORE THAN EvER, SO IT IS AN HONOUR FOR mE TO BE CHARACTERIZED AS THE SCANDINAvIAN THATCHER.» Siv Jensen on being labelled «Scandinavia`s Thatcher» by the British magazine Standpoint. Leader of the Progress Party, Siv Jensen, giving a lecture in the British Parliament, at an event hosted by the Henry Jackson Society in May 2009 . The topic of the lecture was «Promoting Liberty and Stability in the 21st Century A Norwegian Perspective». // www.frp.no // iNTerNaTioNaL Work international delegations The Progress Party’s Members of Parliament are represented in all of the Parliament’s international delegations. These include: • • • • • Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. Delegation for Relations with the European Parliament Delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Delegation to the Nordic Council international secretariat The International Secretariat manages work in the field of international relations for the Progress Party, such as: contact with political parties, think tank and other organizations from abroad, international media inquiries, international speaking engagements from the Progress Party, events with international speakers in Norway and other areas related to networking with other classical liberal or conservative political parties and movements at the international level. Please contact the International Secretariat for further information about the Progress Party and our policies. For further information contact: International Secretary: Kristian Norheim E-mail: kristian.norheim@stortinget.no Tel.: + 47 23 31 34 73 Cell phone: + 47 997 24 170 Fax: +47 23 31 38 35 Address: Stortinget, 0026 Oslo, Norway Political Adviser – International Delegations and European Issues Thor Magne Bostad E-mail: thor.bostad@stortinget.no Tel: +47 23 31 34 35 Cell Phone: + 47 976 65 061 Fax: + 47 23 31 38 35 Address: Stortinget, 0026 Oslo, Norway International Political Adviser: Aina Stenersen E-mail: aina.stenersen@stortinget.no Tel.: + 47 23 31 24 26 Cell phone: + 47 957 57 021 Fax: +47 23 31 38 35 Address: Stortinget, 0026 Oslo, Norway For news, videoes, interviews, events and other updates in english please visit www.frp.no Karl Johans gate 25 0159 Oslo, Norway +47 23 13 54 00 +47 23 13 54 01 frp@frp.no