Watch this video, starting at 8:15: iTyTx13Clo What does the word “renaissance” mean? Rebirth In what country did the Renaissance begin? Italy Compare the Medieval Ages to the Renaissance Theology: The study of God Humanism: The study of Man Compare the Medieval Ages to the Renaissance 2-dimensional 3-dimensional Compare the Medieval Ages to the Renaissance Roman Catholic Church Protestant Reformation 1510 Compare the Medieval Ages to the Renaissance Roman Catholic Church AND the English Reformation 1534 Do you remember what type of music Martin Luther is known for? Choral Music • How many voices? Usually 4 • What language? German • Homophonic or polyphonic texture? Homophonic What type of music was usually used for religious services in the Anglican Church? Anthem • How many voices? Four • What language? English The Catholic Church kept the Gregorian Chant as the official singing of the church. However, they also developed polyphony at that time. What was the form of religious polyphony used in the Catholic Counter-Reformation? Motet What language was a motet written in? Latin Do you remember the vocal categories for men and women? Women (from highest to lowest): Men (from highest to lowest): • Soprano • Mezzo-soprano • Contralto • Tenor • Baritone • Bass Secular Music Madrigal • vocal form • 4 – 5 voices • compound polyphonic texture Secular Music Chanson • vocal form with instrumental accompaniment • polyphonic texture • often used onomatopoeias Secular Music Romance • a narrative song about historic or legendary matters or about social events • has a melody made up of 4 different musical phrases Secular Music Villancico • made up of 4 voices • homophonic texture • follows a text structured in choruses and coplas* *a copla consists of 4 verses (of no more than 8 syllables), of 4 lines each Secular Music Ensalada • composed of 4-5 voices • mixes different genres, forms and text What changed for instrumental music during the Renaissance Period? • instruments were improved • for the first time, music composed only for instruments appeared • music was written down What changed for instrumental music during the Renaissance Period? New notation symbols were created, called a tablature. Three basic types of composition developed during the Renaissance: 1. Adapted pieces from vocal works. 2. Pieces based on improvisation. 3. Pieces based on variation. The concept of the orchestra still didn’t exist at this time. They used whatever instruments were available. They were divided into two groups. Haut (loud/outdoors) Bas (quiet/indoors) Dance in the Renaissance Pavane: • slow • binary rhythm • usually had three parts, all of them repeated twice Galliard: • lively and fast • ternary rhythm • more difficult choreography than the pavane Who made ballet popular? Watch video beginning at 3:45: xGQTDwHv8o She also made these things popular: