Zimmerman Telegram - Lebanon R

The Zimmermann Telegram
Social Studies
Grades 9-12
Scott D. Sawyer
MAP Team Member
Carl Junction R-I School District
Southwest Regional MAP Center
Fifth Edition: Performance-Based Assessments for Classroom Use: Missouri Assessment Program, 2002 - 2003
The Zimmermann Telegram
Purpose: This module may be used after the study of the events leading
up to U.S. entry into World War I. It consists of a variety of question
types that require students to apply content knowledge and primary source
document interpretation to answer selected response items, constructed
response items and do a performance event. Students need to interpret
likely responses of significant historical persons to significant historical
Subject: Social Studies
Show-Me Standards Addressed:
Knowledge: SS 2 & SS 7
Performance: 1.5, 1.8, 2.1, 3.1, 3.6, 3.8, 4.1
Grade Level: 9-12
Materials needed:
Module packet which consists of the stimulus material, the student response
sheets, the student prompt and the scoring guides for the performance event.
Time needed: 3-5 class periods
Instruction for Administration: Present students with the module packet
and make sure they clearly understand what is expected. Go over the
scoring guides to ensure the students know what is meant by quality.
Pre-Assessment Instructions:
Prior to the assessment, the students must have a basic knowledge of the
events leading up to the entrance of the United States into World War I.
Students should also have a basic knowledge of what primary source
documents are and how they may be interpreted to gain information.
Fifth Edition: Performance-Based Assessments for Classroom Use: Missouri Assessment Program, 2002 - 2003
The Zimmermann Telegram
Stimulus Material
Directions: Use this translation of the Zimmermann Telegram and your
understanding of World War I to complete the following questions and
Attention Teachers! You will
need to provide a translation of
the Zimmerman Telegram for
students. A translation can be
found in: Crutchfiled, James A.
WW I 1914-1918: A Jackdaw
Portfolio. Amawalk, NY:
Jackdaw Publications, 1999.
Fifth Edition: Performance-Based Assessments for Classroom Use: Missouri Assessment Program, 2002 - 2003
The Zimmermann Telegram
Student Response Sheet # 1
1. The purpose of the Zimmermann Telegram was to convince
Mexico to:
A. declare war on the United States.
B. help Germany make peace with Japan.
C. help keep the United States out of the war.
D. launch submarine attacks against England.
2. In exchange for their help, Germany promised to give
______________________________________ to Mexico.
A. financial support
B. the islands of Japan
C. New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona
D. submarines
3. Based on the Zimmermann Telegram, what actions did
Germany cite as being likely to “compel England to make
4. If Germany was unsuccessful in its goal of keeping the
United States neutral, what did Germany propose to create with
Fifth Edition: Performance-Based Assessments for Classroom Use: Missouri Assessment Program, 2002 - 2003
The Zimmermann Telegram
Student Response Sheet # 2
5. Create a graphic organizer which details 3 costs and 3
benefits for Mexico if that nation were to say “yes” to the
German proposal.
Fifth Edition: Performance-Based Assessments for Classroom Use: Missouri Assessment Program, 2002 - 2003
The Zimmermann Telegram
Student Response Sheet # 3
6. Based on your graphic organizer from the previous
question, construct a response from the Mexican government
to the details of the Zimmermann Telegram. Support and
explain your reasoning with information gained from the
telegram and your graphic organizer.
Fifth Edition: Performance-Based Assessments for Classroom Use: Missouri Assessment Program, 2002 - 2003
The Zimmermann Telegram
Student Response Sheet #4
7. Identify and describe one problem or concern caused by the
Zimmermann Telegram for each of the following people:
A. a captain of a U.S. trading vessel in the Atlantic
B. a German submarine captain
C. a Mexican/American citizen living in south Texas
Fifth Edition: Performance-Based Assessments for Classroom Use: Missouri Assessment Program, 2002 - 2003
The Zimmermann Telegram
Performance Event
Student Response Sheet #4
Fifth Edition: Performance-Based Assessments for Classroom Use: Missouri Assessment Program, 2002 - 2003
The Zimmermann Telegram
Scoring Guides
Item 1: Selected Response
Content: SS 7
Process: 1.5
Correct Answer: A
Item 2: Selected Response
Content: SS 7
Process: 1.5
Correct Answer: A
Item 3: Closed Constructed Response
Content: SS 7
Process: 1.5
Correct Answer: Ruthless submarine warfare
Item 4: Closed Constructed Response
Content: SS 7
Process: 1.5
Correct Answer: An alliance
Item 5: Constructed Response
Content: SS 2 & SS 7
Process: 1.8 & 3.8
Example of a Top Score Point Response:
1. Mexico would find itself at war with
a powerful enemy.
2. Mexico could lose many lives and
3. Mexico could lose the war with the U.S.
1. Mexico could gain the help of a new and
powerful ally.
2. Mexico could gain many resources from
conquered territories.
3. Mexico could help to dictate any future
peace treaty with the U.S.
Scoring Guide for SS 2, SS 7 & 3.8
3 Points:
Response includes 3 appropriate costs and 3 appropriate benefits.
2 Points:
Response includes 2 appropriate costs and 2 appropriate benefits.
1 Point:
Response includes 1 appropriate cost and 1 appropriate benefit.
0 Points:
Scoring Guide for 1.8
1 Point:
0 Points:
Response includes an appropriate graphic organizer with correct labels.
Fifth Edition: Performance-Based Assessments for Classroom Use: Missouri Assessment Program, 2002 - 2003
The Zimmermann Telegram
Scoring Guides
Item 6: Constructed Response
Content: SS 2 & SS 7
Process: 3.8 & 4.1
Example of a Top Score Point Response:
My government has requested that I inform representatives of Kaiser Willhelm II of the German Empire
that we must respectfully decline. Due to the great potential for loss of life and resources and the general
feeling of peace my government wishes to maintain with our neighbors, we reject the offers of war and
instead council peace. It is true that my country has suffered great territorial loss to the United States in
the past, but at present it is in no one’s interest to add to the level of conflict currently ravaging the world.
2 Points:
Response includes elements from the telegram and their own graphic organizer
to construct a thoughtful reply.
1 Point:
Response includes elements from either the telegram or the graphic organizer
to construct a thoughtful reply.
0 Points:
Item 7: Constructed Response
Content: SS 2 & SS 7
Process: 3.1 & 3.6
Example of Top Score Point Response:
A. A problem facing a U.S. trading vessel captain might be an increase in the threat from German
submarine attacks as outlined in the telegram. The telegram described this threat as forthcoming
and many merchant marines may die, lose business, or lose resources.
B. A problem facing a German submarine captain might be facing the added dangers of attacking a
new foe. The telegram described this threat as forthcoming and many submarine captains will
likely face attacks from the U.S. Navy in addition to those from the British.
C. A problem facing a Mexican/American citizen living in south Texas after the telegram is made
public in the U.S. might be an increase in racial prejudice and mistrust perpetrated by other
U.S. citizens. Many U.S. citizens may see the telegram as a call to arms against all potential
enemies, including Mexico.
3 Points:
Response includes one reasonable problem or concern for each of the three
people and answers are directly related to the information presented in the
Zimmermann Telegram.
2 Points:
Response includes one reasonable problem or concern each for two of the
people and answers are directly related to the information presented in the
Zimmermann Telegram.
1 Point:
Response includes one reasonable problem or concern for one of the people
and the answer is directly related to the information presented in the
Zimmermann Telegram OR a vague or general (but essentially correct)
response is given for all three people.
0 Points:
Fifth Edition: Performance-Based Assessments for Classroom Use: Missouri Assessment Program, 2002 - 2003
The Zimmermann Telegram
Scoring Guide for Performance Event
Crite ria
SS 7 - Us e of
docume nts
Response shows
a deep
understanding of
the document,
the problems it
presents to the
U.S. and how it
could affect the
U.S. position in
the world.
Response shows
a clear
understanding of
the document
and the
problems it
present to the
U.S. position in
the world.
Response shows
understanding of
the document
and the
presented within.
Response shows
understanding of
the document.
2.1 - Plan &
make writte n
pre s e ntations
for a varie ty of
audie nce s
includes a clear
middle and end.
It also includes
realistic and
arguments for
others to follow
a plan.
includes a clear
middle and end.
It also includes
arguments to
persuade others
to follow a plan.
includes a
middle or end.
It also includes
an attempt to
persuade others
to follow a plan.
includes some
evidence of
middle or end.
It also includes
some evidence
of a plan.
4.1 - Explain
re as oning and
ide ntify
us e d to s upport
de cis ions
Response is
based on the
document and
clearly addresses
presented by the
document in
realistic and
creative ways.
Response is
based on the
document and
clearly adresses
presented to the
U.S. by the
addresses some attempts to
problem from
the document.
problems from
the document.
Fifth Edition: Performance-Based Assessments for Classroom Use: Missouri Assessment Program, 2002 - 2003