" G A P Gap Academy M9N 1J3 F 416-249-1500 Fax: 416-246-9155 Website: www.gapacademy.ca Email: pbreda@gapacademy.ca 4 John Street, Suite # 2, Weston, Ontario Dear Student and Parents: Thank you for your interest in Gap Academy. Enclosed please find some basic information about our goals and philosophies as well as an application form. If you have already decided to join us, or you are interested in joining us, the application form in this package must be filled out and returned to us. There is also a Student Application Form which must be filled out by the prospective student themselves to the best of their ability - and without parental involvement. Gap Academy is a place where students who have learning disabilities and behavioural, attentional, or emotional problems can learn in their own unique way, yet be part of a social setting that intensively promotes the attainment of the social, personal and survival skills needed to eventually be part of a regular setting. Each student in our population is so specific that we tailor-make a program especially for them, modifying the behaviours and skill building one problem at a time. We believe that one of the keys to our successes at GAP is this highly individualized studentoriented program. Another perhaps even more important key is the students’ own motivation. They need to learn to want to make a change. They must be prepared to confront their own disability, learn about it, and then make changes based on their own specific problems. By doing so, we believe that they unlock their true potential. Our methods are very alternative and sometimes change daily, based on the student and his or her own particular problems. Parents must be prepared to accept this alternative method of teaching prior to registration. We also strongly believe in independence; only families who are really interested in the achievement of true independence would be best suited to the Gap environment. Gap students and families must be prepared for the work required for real change. They must also be prepared for the real change and the remarkable development which comes with hard work and determination. If you are really ready to make a change in your lives and you are committed to the hard work needed to make these changes, then Gap Academy may be the option for you. Call us anytime, Paola Breda Principal " G A P Gap Academy M9N 1J3 F 416-249-1500 Fax: 416-246-9155 Website: www.gapacademy.ca Email: pbreda@gapacademy.ca 4 John Street, Suite # 2, Weston, Ontario PRIMARY GOAL Our primary goal is the ultimate and successful reintegration of our students into a regular school setting with minimal support. This will be accomplished by an intensive upgrading of students’ skills gaps to the level of the Ministry guidelines for appropriate grade levels and by providing them with individually tailored learning strategies, which they can bring to regular settings to ensure their continued success. SECONDARY GOALS 1. 2. 3. 4. The understanding and attainment of socially acceptable and appropriate behaviours. The further comprehension and integration of personal awareness, including students’ understanding of their own disabilities and abilities. An attainment of a level of independence in life skills. The development of academic tolerance, determination, and success through the use of effective study, learning, and homework strategies. EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY At Gap, we believe that high potential learning-disabled students can experience academic success. Most of the students who have been labelled L.D. have huge skills gaps in their learning because of their particular learning style or their specific learning difference. As they progress chronologically, their skill gaps widen; it is impossible for a student who cannot read adequately at his/her grade level to follow specific instructions from a math text written for students who can read at the same level. Learning disabled students can learn to study and acquire knowledge by applying learning strategies specific to their very own learning styles. We believe that by helping our students “fill the gaps” in their learning and social behaviour, while at the same time teaching them to learn on their own, they will ultimately be equipped to reintegrate into a regular setting with minimal support. Gap staff do not endorse or encourage this use of psychotropic medications in the treatment of the symptoms of learning disabilities. We believe that these are learning problems, not medical problems. We believe in a much more direct and individualized solution-oriented plan. " G A P Gap Academy M9N 1J3 F 416-249-1500 Fax: 416-246-9155 Website: www.gapacademy.ca Email: pbreda@gapacademy.ca 4 John Street, Suite # 2, Weston, Ontario METHOD OF INSTRUCTION W e believe that a structured, but flexible day is integral to teaching high potential learning disabled students. Our school day is usually divided into nine 45 m inute periods starting at 9:00 am , although specific changes are m ade year-to-year, based on the specific group of students during the given year. At least one period per day is dedicated to the personal and academ ic skill building Gap is known for, including but not lim ited to L.D. Awareness and specific learning strategies. Independence and ‘learning to learn’ is a prim ary goal during these classes; we believe that this is the key to their future success in other non-supported environm ents. A variety of m aterials and presentations will be used to get students to fulfill the necessary requirem ents for the day. The m aterials and type of presentation will depend on the students’ individual learning style and/or level. Relative strengths in auditory, visual or tactile learning or a com bination of these will dictate the m ethod of instruction for a particular student. A special tim e at the end of the school day has been allocated for review of hom ework assignm ents. This will ensure that the student is aware of exactly what is expected and they they can actually do the hom ework. W e do our best to ensure that nothing will be sent hom e which the student cannot do; we believe that hom ework should be a tim e to practise what has already been learned, not a tim e to learning som ething new. Parents are expected to com ply with our rule of non-involvem ent in hom ework and other assignm ents. Students need to learn to be independently responsible for their own hom ework. This does take tim e and com m itm ent as well as patience. W e respectfully request that parents not succumb to the temptation of helping out, as this just prolongs the process of attaining independence. Homew ork and assignments are betw een the students and teachers. W e will insist on compliance in this area. School uniform s were originally developed by Gap students to im ply form al expectations are param ount, to encourage unity within the school student body, to delineate a difference between the teachers and students in our casual environm ent, to test behavioural choices, to work on oppositional disorders, and to encourage connectivity, as well as equalize social standing. A form alized student tim etable is developed yearly to accom m odate specific student course needs and our yearly schedule is based on the Ministry of Education’s yearly schedule. W e do spend som e tim e during the year on field trips specifically related to the topic areas in various subjects. Minor ‘trips’ are som etim es im prom ptu; but am ple notice is given for m ore form al outings. Several overnight trips and retreats per year are integral to our program ; this helps us determ ine what skills are lacking in personal independence and m ore im portantly, gives us all a different perspective. Learning at Gap Academ y is quite the com m itm ent. W e are dedicated to pushing the student to attain the m ost significant academ ic and personal change in the least am ount of tim e. This can prove to be stressful for all concerned, but it is crucial for the students’ developm ent. T hese students are here for one reason alone: they cannot cope independently with regular school. Tim e is not on their side and failure is usually a part of their past. The prim ary onus is to get their skills level closer to the skill level of other students their own age. This is quite a tall order in som e cases, so the student will be constantly challenged. " G A P Gap Academy M9N 1J3 F 416-249-1500 Fax: 416-246-9155 Website: www.gapacademy.ca 4 John Street, Suite # 2, Weston, Ontario Email: pbreda@gapacademy.ca ACADEMIC PROGRAM Our academic program follows the Guidelines for Policies and Outcomes as issued by the Ontario Ministry of Education. Textbooks are selected from those listed in the Ministry’s Trillium List, which is a Ministry listing of required and suggested texts. Additionally, textbooks which have been successfully used by the LD population will be added. Language Art Physical Education Music Phonics/Spelling Independent Reading Grammar Comprehension Creative Writing Literature & Poetry Oral Speaking Vocabulary Development Creative Art Art Appreciation Art History Creative Expression Skating/Swimming Various Sports Fitness Study Appreciation Lyrics and Style Reading Music Social Studies Contemporary Studies Man In Society History Canadian History European History Western History Personal Skills Survival Skills Personal Awareness Risk-Taking Study Skills Organizational Skills Assertiveness Self-Esteem Training Ego Awareness LD Awareness Independence Critical Thinking Problem Solving Technology Computer Science Business Studies Logical Thought Keyboarding Programming Social Skills Social Interaction Social Competence Geography Physical Geography Global Geography Mathematics Ontario Curriculum Time & Money Value Science Life Science Earth Science Space Science Physical Science Biology & Healthy Environmental N.B. Exact course load may vary year to year and from student to student, as well as from term to term. EVALUATION PROCEDURE The evaluation of progress will be done daily by homework and general review, but will also be done intermittently by formal testing and examinations. There will be a series of mid-term tests and there will be exams at the end of each term. The examinations will include the testing of topics studied during the course of the year. A portfolio of quizzes, tests, and exams will be compiled for each student so progress can be monitored. " G A P Gap Academy M9N 1J3 F 416-249-1500 Fax: 416-246-9155 Website: www.gapacademy.ca Email: pbreda@gapacademy.ca 4 John Street, Suite # 2, Weston, Ontario ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2008 - 2009 The number of days of tuition will be slightly above the number prescribed by the Ministry of Education. The academic calendars for Gap follow the same general dates followed by regular public schools, except that we rarely have P.A. days. Instead, students will finish the school year slightly ahead of regular public school. This year will be divided into three terms: Fall, Winter, and Spring. FALL TERM Tuesday, September 2nd Monday, October 13th Friday, November 21st Friday, December 19th First Day of School Thanksgiving Day - School Closed School Closed Last Day of First Term WINTER TERM Monday, January 5th Monday, February 16th Friday, March 13th First Day of Second Term Family Day - School Closed Last Day of Second Term SPRING TERM Monday, March 23rd Friday, April 10th Monday, April 13th Monday, May 18th Friday, June 12th First Day of Third Term Good Friday - School Closed Easter Monday - School Closed Victoria Day - School Closed Last Day of School Summer School 2009 Monday June 29th - Friday, July 31st " G A P Gap Academy M9N 1J3 F 416-249-1500 Fax: 416-246-9155 Website: www.gapacademy.ca Email: pbreda@gapacademy.ca 4 John Street, Suite # 2, Weston, Ontario SCHOOL UNIFORMS Uniforms are to be purchased prior to the beginning of the school year. They can be purchased at Beattie’s (416-481-4459). We strongly suggest going early in August, as the line ups can be long at the end of August, especially if alterations are necessary. Grey pants (or skirt) for girls 5-6 button down white shirts Gap tie Grey socks Black shoes or runners Sweaters (blue, maroon or grey) STUDENT SUPPLIES 6 10 10 1 1 1 1 1 1" binders of varied colour duotangs notebooks (120 page preferred) Scholastic daytimer package of HB pencils package of blue pens, red pens and black pens package of labels package of reinforcements " G A P Gap Academy M9N 1J3 F 416-249-1500 Fax: 416-246-9155 Website: www.gapacademy.ca Email: pbreda@gapacademy.ca 4 John Street, Suite # 2, Weston, Ontario APPLICATION FORM (Please attach a copy of your son or daughter’s Birth Certificate and Health Card) Fam ily Nam e: Student’s Nam e: Date of Birth: Student’s Health #: Previous School or Last School Attended: School Phone Num ber: School Fax Num ber: Last Grade: Full Address (including postal code): Mother’s Mother’s Mother’s Mother’s Mother’s Mother’s Mother’s Mother’s Mother’s Nam e: Full Address: Residence Phone #: Business Phone #: Cellular Phone #: Fax Phone #: Em ployer: W ork Hours: Em ail Address: Father’s Father’s Father’s Father’s Father’s Father’s Father’s Father’s Father’s Nam e: Full Address: Residence Phone #: Business Phone #: Cellular Phone #: Fax Phone #: Em ployer: W ork Hours: Em ail Address: Em ergency Contact # 1: Nam e: Phone #:: Relationship: Em ergency Contact # 2: Nam e: Phone #:: Relationship: " G A P Gap Academy M9N 1J3 F 416-249-1500 Fax: 416-246-9155 Website: www.gapacademy.ca Email: pbreda@gapacademy.ca 4 John Street, Suite # 2, Weston, Ontario FEE SCHEDULE 2008 - 2009 L.D. Program “Intensive Change” Program $18500.00/year $20500.00/year Supplementary Fees Lunch Fees Uniform School Trips Textbook Float Based on $6/day To be purchased at Beattie’s To be announced (specific to each year) $500.00 payable by PDC August 1 Terms of Payment Deposit Textbook Fee Food Fees $3000/at application time **non-refundable $ 500/ post-dated for August 1 submitted with application To be determined yearly and included in installment payments. Fees can be paid in three ways: Please circle the most appropriate payment schedule for your family. Option # 1: Remainder paid by monthly post-dated payments due on the first of each month from September through to June. Option # 2: Remainder paid in thirds on September 1st, December 1st and March 1st Option # 3: Remainder paid completely on the first day of school with 2% discount. Student Name: We understand that the signing of this form signifies the acceptance of a contract for a full year’s attendance and the incurring of fees associated with same. We also understand that the deposit and text book fees are completely non-refundable. We also approve the request of my son/daughter’s Official School Record from his or her last school. Signature:_______________________________________ Dated: " G A P Gap Academy M9N 1J3 F 416-249-1500 Fax: 416-246-9155 Website: www.gapacademy.ca Email: pbreda@gapacademy.ca 4 John Street, Suite # 2, Weston, Ontario HEALTH PROFILE AND CONSENT FORM Student Name: Health Card #: (Please submit a photocopy of the Health Card. If there are any medical, religious, or philosophical reasons why your son or daughter should not receive immunization, please submit a statement to that effect. Previous Communicable Diseases: Current Medication: Special Diet Medication: Allergies: Health Concerns: Student’s Current Physician (Name & Phone Number): Emergency Consent In any em ergency, every possible effort will be m ade to contact you. However, if at any tim e em ergency m edical treatm ent is required due to such circum stances as accidents, sudden illness or other situations deem ed to be em ergency by staff, we give Gap Academ y staff tem porary decision m aking for our son or daughter. This shall be for the purposes of giving orders or m aking m edical decisions for your son or daughter, to select physicians and/or hospitals, and any other m edical decisions deem ed necessary by Gap Academ y staff. Consent for School Outings W e hereby consent to allow our son or daughter to leave the prem ises from tim e to tim e to participate in any and all excursions planned by Gap staff to places of interest, as deem ed satisfactory by Gap staff. Consent for Travel and Transport W e hereby consent to allow our son or daughter to be transported by a Gap Academ y staff m em ber within or outside of school hours for situations such as m edical em ergencies, bus delay, school excursions, etc either by car, public transit or by bus. W e agree further that in no circum stance will Gap Academ y or Gap Academ y staff or its founder be held liable in any way shape or form . W e further agree that this consent is valid for the duration of the student’s school enrollm ent at Gap Academ y, and that withdrawal of this consent be m ade in writing. Signed (both parents):_____________________________ Date: " G A P Gap Academy M9N 1J3 F 416-249-1500 Fax: 416-246-9155 Website: www.gapacademy.ca Email: pbreda@gapacademy.ca 4 John Street, Suite # 2, Weston, Ontario STUDENT APPLICATION FORM Date: Name: Date of Birth: Address: Home Phone Number: Your Cell #: Your Email Address: Current School: Brothers/Sisters: Favourite Subjects: Most Hated Subjects: The hardest subject for me in school is: The easiest subject for me in school is: The best thing about school is: The worst thing about school is: Are you left-handed or right-handed: Do you wear glasses? Why are you attending Gap? Are you happy to attend Gap or not? List 5 things you would like to change about your life: