Hi Fellow members! I hope that this Bulletin reaches everyone in

Hi Fellow members! I hope that this Bulletin reaches everyone in good health and happiness. Please make sure to volunteer this year to help us make it the best year ever! Constitution Day is a great start, but we have clean up dates coming up this spring. As I am sure that you are aware, we have had a lot of damage to the trees due to the Ice storm and will have a ton of clean up required to get done before the trailer park opens, and certainly prior to Constitution Day. So, please ask the question…what can I do to help? Thanks to all the volunteers, apartments 1 – 6 have enjoyed some upgrades that not only will save hydro, but will also help to make the apartments safer for our tenants; as well as increased functionality. The flat roofs that are located over the restaurant in two areas have been replaced. This will take care of the leaks that had started to show their ugly faces. This coming summer we will have to replace the shingled roofing over the rest of the restaurant, as well as the apartments 1-­‐6. The flashing is starting to show failure in some areas as well and this will be addressed during the re-­‐roofing. There is, as I write, a leak in the roof over a shingled part of the restaurant and we will be doing what is required to make sure the damage is limited and permanently corrected. We have begun negotiations with Bennie and Anna regarding the lease that is coming to end of term in about 1 year. We hope to be able to reach an agreement that will both help Bennie and Anna to enjoy another successful term and to help Sunset Villa to provide some added value to its members. I know that there are a lot of different concerns and I have listened to all that I have been told to me and I will give it my best effort to address all concerns equally and fairly. Please reach out to me if you have any concerns that you feel have not been heard or dealt with. In the event that we do not reach a mutually agreed upon arrangement, we will be tendering out the Lease for the restaurant. Moving forward we are currently acquiring quotes to replace the windows in apartments 7 – 10, this seems to be challenging to say the least. Despite the high unemployment rate it seems to be difficult, almost impossible, to get contractors to agree to come take a look at the windows and yet another to get them to quote a price. I think we have a few now, so I think we are on a better road. I have been looking into the septic and water concerns and have taken numerous courses to become educated in these two areas. This is an ongoing project and I hope to have a recommended course of action in the coming months to address our concerns as well as the ways that we can make changes to save some money for the association. Unfortunately, I do not think that I will be prepared to address this at the AGM. At the Annual General Meeting I will be giving a presentation on a project that I think will really get our members excited. You will have to be at the AGM (Annual General Meeting) to hear what it is and to be fully informed, so please mark the date on your schedule! As my first year as a Member of the Board of Directors comes to a close, it is clear that membership of Sunset Villa needs to get more involved. How can I get involved, you may ask? Ask a board member, what can I do to help? Join the Geratol gang on Fridays; I hear they have a great cook for lunches J There is also the Sunshine Girls who do a wonderful job at fundraising. We are always in need of volunteers to help with all functions that we have. So just tell us that you want to do something and I am sure that we can find a great fit for all your wonderful talents; it is always a very gratifying experience! If you are interested in volunteering for Constitution Day please let us know at the AGM, this is the start of when we are building the teams that will run the entire event! We have a great place to teach our children, as well as for ourselves, to learn more about the Danish heritage and enjoy the beautiful property that we own. We all should enjoy the time that have been blessed with to spend with our family, friends, neighbors and fellow members. If you have ideas on how we can improve anything, please talk to me, your neighbor, a board member or any other member as this breeds a positive motion forward. If you dislike something, why not ask…what can I do to help to make a change? Bickering gets us nowhere but sad and mad! And so with one last question I have a roof leak to go fix: What can I (John Hansen) do to help? Thank you for everything! John Hansen 