1 THE SYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC FEATURES OF RECIPROCAL VERBS IN THAI Amara Prasithrathsint Professor Emeritus Chulalongkorn University B Bangkok, k k Thailand Th il d 03/06/54 CONCEPTS: reciprocal verb 2 Reciprocal verbs=verbs that refer to an action that two or more people do to each other or one another;; for example, the verb meet in My client and I sometimes meet in a restaurant. t t to meet = reciprocal verb 03/06/54 CONCEPTS: reciprocal verb 3 JAPANESE kodomo-tachi-ga kodomo tachi ga otagai-o otagai o naguri-at-ta naguri at ta child-PL-NOM otagai-ACC g hit-aw-PST ‘The children hit each other.’ kodomo-tachi-ga mato-o uchi-at-ta child PL NOM target-ACC child-PL-NOM target ACC shoot-aw-PST shoot aw PST ‘The children shot the target one after another.’ 03/06/54 CONCEPTS: reciprocal p construction 4 FRENCH Nous nous aimons même si nous nous disputons un peu. We love each other even if we fight a little bit. bit ’ ‘We Ils se téléphonent chaque soir. ‘They call each other every night.’ Ils Il ss'aiment aiment beaucoup b ‘They love each other very much.’ 03/06/54 CONCEPTS: reciprocal p construction 5 ITALIAN Si abbracciarono affettuosamente. They embraced each other affectionately. Ci scambiammo alcune informazione. We exchanged some information. Vi scriveste frequentemente, dopo quell'estate. You frequently wrote to each other after that summer. 03/06/54 CONCEPTS: reciprocal p construction 6 SPANISH Antonio y y yo nos besamos. ‘Antonio and I kiss each other.’ ¿Vosotros ¿V t os conocéis? ‘Do you all know each other?’ Juan y María se casaron. Juan and Maria got married to each other. other ’ ‘Juan Los estudiantes se ayundan. ‘ h students ‘The d hhelp l each h other.’ h ’ 03/06/54 PREVIOUS STUDIES 7 Dalrymple, D l l Mary, M Makoto M k t K Kanazawa, Yookyung Y k Ki Kim, Sam Mchomobo, and Stanley Peters. 1998. Reciprocal Expressions and the Concept of Reciprocity. In Linguistics and Philosophy 21.159-210. Faller, Martina. 2007. The Ingredients of Reciprocity in Cusco Quechua Quechua. In Journal of Semantics 24: 255288. Fiengo, F Robert, R b and d Howard H d Lasnik. L k 1973. 1973 The Th Logical Structure of Reciprocal Sentences in English. In Foundation of Language 9: 447-468. 03/06/54 PREVIOUS STUDIES 8 Heim, H i Irene, I Howard H d Lasnik, L ik and d RRobert b tM May. 1991. Reciprocity and Plurality. In Linguistic, Inquiry 22. pp.63-101. Yamada, Masahiro. 2007. Reciprocal without Reciprocal Relation between Two (Syntactic) Arguments Verbal Reciprocal in Japanese. Arguments:Verbal Japanese http://udel.edu/~myamada. Reciprocals cross-linguistically @ Berlin, Germany. November 30th, 2007. 03/06/54 OBSERVATION OF RECIPROCAL CONSTRUCTIONS IN THAI 9 raw phóp kan thúk sàpdaa ‘We We meet every week. week ’ Here pphópp ‘to meet’ is a reciprocal p verb, which occurs with kan ‘each other.’ *raw * phóp hó thúk sàpdaa à d i ungrammatical. is i l ‘We We meet ee eve every y wee week.’. 03/06/54 MOTIVATION 10 Not all verbs with kan ‘each other’ signify reciprocal relation. relation No previous study that focuses specifically on reciprocal verbs in Thai. Many Man questions q estions about abo t reciprocal verbs in Thai. 03/06/54 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 11 Are reciprocal verbs a separate subcategory g y of verbs? Are they similar to English reciprocal verbs? Are they implicitly signified by their lexical meaning and plural subjects? What are syntactic and semantic features that differentiate them from other types off verbs? b? 03/06/54 DATA 12 Thai Concordance Online Thai Th i N National ti l C Corpus Both provided by the Department of Linguistics, Chulalongkorn University. 03/06/54 FINDINGS 13 Preliminary finding: There are certain verbs found to occur with kan ‘each other’ and kap ‘with’ Examples: tâm lѓ lѓ֤ nít thalѝѝ̧ kan Tam and Nid quarrel each other Tam and Nid quarreled. tâm thalѝ̧ kàpp nít Tam quarrel with Nid ‘Tam q quarreled arreled with Nid.’ Nid ’ 03/06/54 PROBLEMS 14 1. 2. 3. Not all verbs can occur with the two markers: kan and kàp. p So are the verbs that can occur as such inherently reciprocal? Certain verbs can occur only with kan only. l Why? W Certain verbs can occur with kan and kàp. , but semantically non-reciprocal. What are they? 03/06/54 FINDINGS: THREE TYPES OF RECIPROCALS IN THAI 15 1) true reciprocal verbs marked by kan or kàpp ONLY and the meaning g of true exchange, e.g., thalѝ̧ ‘to quarrel,’ 2) semi-reciprocal semi reciprocal verbs marked by kan only and two-way resultative meaning, e.g., khâa kh ‘to kill,’ and 3) pseudo pseudo-reciprocal reciprocal verbs marked by kan, kàp, dûay-kan ‘together’, and comitative meaning, meaning e.g., e g kin ‘to to eat. eat ’ 03/06/54 MARKERS 16 kkan (adverb) ‘each other, one another another’ ka֣p (preposition) ‘with’ duըay-kan (adverb) ‘together’ duըay means ‘also, too’ as in khun caº kin chaam ni"i du¼ay may Are you going to eat this one, one too? ‘Are 03/06/54 EXAMPLES: TRUE RECIPROCAL 17 Á¸¸É¥ª¡´´ ´Â¥o Á oµ · ®µ ¨µÂ¨oª Ânµ ¨oµ¥¨¹ »¥¥ ki֣aw-phan h ‘ connect’’ ‘to kha֣t-yѓ֤ѓƾ ‘to be in conflict ’ khaըw ‘to get along’ kho֤p ‘to date, to be friends’ kho֤p-khit ‘to conspire’ kho֤p-haa ‘to be friends’ khlaըat-khlѓ֤ѓw ‘to miss, fail to meet’ tѓ֣ѓƾƾ-ƾaan ƾ ‘to g get married’ khla֤ay-khlѠƾ ‘to resemble’ khuy ‘to to talk talk’ 03/06/54 choғk ‘to box’ TRUE RECIPROCAL (true exchange) 18 (1) dam d kap k ֣ nít ít tѓѓƾ-ƾaan tѓ֣ѓƾ ƾaan kan ‘Dam and Nit got married.’ d tѓ֣ѓƾ-ƾaan ka֣p nit ‘Dam got married dam i d to Nit.’ i (2) chn ka֣p khw khâw kan day dii ‘He and I get along well.’ chn khâw ka֣p khw dâayy dii ‘I gget alongg well with him.’ (3) sээƾ sэհэƾ r࠴ang r࠴ը ang níi khlaay-khlѠƾ khla֤ay-khlѠƾ kan ‘ These two stories are similar.’ r࠴ը ang níi khla֤ay-khlѠƾ kap r࠴ը ang nán ‘ 03/06/54 This story resembles that one.’ SEMI-RECIPROCAL SEMI RECIPROCAL (resultative) 19 ((1)) chэ h ը эp ‘to ‘ lik like’ raw chэըэp kan ‘We like each other.’ cha̗n chэըэp khon na̗n ‘I like that guy.’ *cha̗n chэըэpp ka֣p ((with)) khon na̗n ‘I like with that g guy.’ y (2) thэըэt-thi̗ƾ ‘to neglect, abandon’ saհamii phanrayaa khuu saamii khuըu nii niըi thээt-thiƾ thэըэt thi̗ƾ kan ‘this couple (husband and wife) neglect each other,’ saհa հ miiii thэ h ը эt-thiƾ hi̗ phanrayaa h ‘ h hhusband ‘the b d neglects l the h wife.’ * a *saհ հ mii thэ h ը эt-thiƾ hi̗ ka֣ k p֣ phanrayaa 03/06/54 PSEUDO-RECIPROCAL PSEUDO RECIPROCAL (comitative) 20 (1) chum-num h ‘ gather, ‘to h assemble’ bl ’ raw chum-num kan ph࠴ը a riըak-rэ̗эƾ khwaam-pen-tham ‘We gather together to fight for justice.’ raw chum-num ka֣p ঃiik fa֣ay … ‘We gather together with another group.’ raw chum-num duըayy-kan …‘We g gather together.’ g (2) kin ‘to eat’ na̗k-rian nak rian kam kam-laƾ laƾ kin ঃaahaan ঃaahaհan kan ‘the the students are having a meal together.’ chaհn kin khaըaw ka֣p pph࠴ը an ‘I eat with myy friend.’ na̗k-rian kin ঃaahaհan duըay-kan ‘The students eat together.’ 03/06/54 SUMMARY 21 TYPE OF SYNTACTIC RECIPROCAL FEATURES TRUE RECIPROCAL ONLY kan, k kap k ֣ SEMANTIC FEATURES T True exchange h iin action SEMI-RECIPROCAL ONLY kan Resultative meaning PSEUDORECIPROCAL Comitative meaning (togetherness) 03/06/54 kan, ka֣p, duըay-kan CONCLUSION 22 Thaii has Th h a group off verbs b that th t can be b labeled l b l d as “true “t reciprocal verbs” or “inherently reciprocal verbs.” Syntactically, y y, theyy occur with the adverb kan ‘each other’ and the preposition kap ‘with’. Semantically, they signify exchange of action. O h verbs Other b that h can occur with i h only l kan k ‘each ‘ h other’ h ’ are not true reciprocal verbs. Semantically, they only suggest thee meaning ea g of o mutual u ua result esu of o some so e action ac o represented ep ese ed by the verb. This class of verbs are labeled as “semireciprocal”. M verbs can occur with kan, Most k kap, k and also duay-kan d k ‘together ’ to signify comitative action or togetherness. These are classified as “pseudo-reciprocal pseudo reciprocal verbs verbs”.. 03/06/54