2014-2015 CURRICULUM ACADEMIC CALENDAR SUMMARY Event SEMESTER STARTS SEMESTER ENDS Schedule Adjustment Week Begins Schedule Adjustment Week Ends Deadline for dropping with 100% refund Deadline for dropping with 75% refund (10% point of semester) Deadline for withdrawing with W grade (60% point of semester) – 0% Refund Mid-term break Other breaks Final Exams Deadline for Grade Submission by faculty on WebAdvisor Commencement Exercises Fall 2014 16 Weeks Fall 2014 1st Mini-mester Spring 2015 16 Weeks 8/18/14 10/17/14 8/18/14 8/19/14 8/17/14 Fall 2014 2nd Minimester 10/20/14 12/18/14 10/20/14 10/21/14 10/19/14 Spring 2015 2nd Mini-mester Summer 2015 10 Weeks 1/7/15 5/8/15 1/7/15 1/13/15 1/6/15 Spring 2015 1st Minimester 1/7/15 3/4/15 1/7/15 1/8/15 1/6/15 8/18/14 12/18/14 8/18/14 8/22/14 8/17/14 5/18/15 7/28/15 5/18/15 5/22/15 5/17/15 Summer 2015 1st 5-Week Session 5/18/15 6/22/15 5/18/15 5/19/15 5/17/15 Summer 2015 2nd 5-Week Session 6/23/15 7/28/15 6/23/15 6/24/15 6/22/15 3/5/15 5/8/15 3/5/15 3/6/15 3/4/15 8/27/14 8/21/14 10/23/14 1/16/15 1/12/15 3/10/15 5/26/15 5/20/15 6/25/15 10/29/14 9/19/14 11/21/14 3/23/15 2/10/15 4/15/15 6/29/15 6/8/15 7/14/15 10/2-10/7/14 10/2-10/7/14 9/1/14; 11/11/14; 11/26-11/29/14 9/1/14 12/12-12/18/14 12/19/14 at 9:00 a.m. 12/13/14 Ceremony Times TBA N/A 10/24/14 at 9:00 a.m. 12/13/14 Ceremony Times TBA N/A 11/11/14; 11/2611/29/14 N/A 12/19/14 at 9:00 a.m. 12/13/14 Ceremony Times TBA 3/16-3/20/15 N/A 3/16-3/20/15 N/A N/A N/A 1/19/15; 4/2-4/3/15 1/19/15 4/2-4/3/15; 5/25/15; 7/3/15 5/25/15 7/3/15 5/4-5/8/15 5/11/15 at 9:00 a.m. 5/2/15 Ceremony Times TBA N/A 3/10/15 at 9:00 a.m. 5/2/15 Ceremony Times TBA N/A 5/11/15 at 9:00 a.m. 5/2/15 Ceremony Times TBA N/A 7/30/15 at 9:00 a.m. 5/2/15 Ceremony Times TBA N/A 6/29/15 at 9:00 a.m. 5/2/15 Ceremony Times TBA N/A 7/30/15 at 9:00 a.m. 5/2/15 Ceremony Times TBA General Information from the Registrar’s Office 1. This Curriculum Academic Calendar Summary is furnished for planning purposes and is subject to revision to meet changing conditions. Changes in the curriculum academic dates for 201415 will be posted online at http://www.waketech.edu/calendar/ (click on the “Archives in PDF Format” link) and at http://www.waketech.edu/student-services/registration-student-records. Updates and corrections will also be disseminated via WTCC Outlook e-mail. 2. Semester Class Days: Fall and Spring semesters consist of 80 class days. Summer semesters consist of 50 class days. When using the online calendar (http://www.waketech.edu/calendar/) the numbers in the lower right-hand corner of the calendar blocks indicate the class day for the semester. 3. Key Terms & Definitions: a. b. c. d. e. Rev: 12/3/13 Adding a Course: A student may change his/her registration by adding a course through the last day to add, as published in the academic calendar (i.e. Schedule Adjustment Week) Auditing a Course: Registration (including tuition charges) for courses to be audited is the same as for courses to be taken for credit. Dropping a Course: A student may change his registration by dropping a course prior to or on the 10-percent (subject to change) date of the semester/term. Withdrawal Policy: Students who withdraw or who are withdrawn for any reason, including attendance policy violations, on or before the 60% point are assigned a grade of W. Students who withdraw or who are withdrawn after the 60% point will be awarded a grade of WP or WF. Graduation: Graduation exercises are held at the end of the fall and spring semesters for all students who have completed degree or diploma requirements since the last graduation. Prospective graduates must request a graduation clearance by submitting an "Application for Graduation" form to the Registration and Student Records Services Division. The deadline for submitting this application is the last day of registration of the term in which the student will complete the requirements for the degree, diploma, or certificate. Potential Summer graduates who will enroll in their final coursework are allowed to participate in the May graduation ceremony. Registration & Student Records Services Phone: (919)866-5700 Email: registrar@waketech.edu Website: http://www.waketech.edu/student-services/registration-student-records