419 SPRING 2014 COMPREHENSIVE EXAM QUESTIONS THE 602A/B Theological Foundations (Dr. Michael Sirilla) 1) Using at least three of the following principal texts read and discussed in class (namely, Donum Veritatis, Gregory of Nazianzus’ first theological oration, T. Weinandy’s article “Doing Christian Systematic Theology”, Aquinas STh I.1.1, Ratzinger Principles and Nature and Mission, Webster’s article “Principles of Systematic Theology”, Healy’s “What is Systematic Theology” and Williams’, “What is Systematic Theology”), explain the nature, purpose, and method of sacred theology. 2) Drawing from Ratzinger (Nature and Mission), R. R. Reno (“Theology After the Revolution”) and either Weinandy’s or Healy’s article, identify some of the principal problems regarding the current state of theology/theologians. What do they explicitly or implicitly suggest by way of solutions? 3) With reference to the texts read in Rusch’s book (The Trinitarian Controversy), summarize Arius’ main problem regarding the divinity of the Son and the Church’s response to it up to and including Nicea. 4) How does Aquinas describe the eternal processions of the Word from the Father and of the Holy Spirit from the Son and the Father in STh I, qq. 34–38? THE 603A Historical Foundations (Dr. Alan Schreck) Certain key issues emerged in the main eras of history of Christianity and became focal points of attention for the Church's leaders and scholars for decades. In this question, I would like you to summarize the key figures, issues, and development of thought or doctrine involved in one of the two topics from each of the four major eras of Christianity. (Therefore, you should summarize four issues, one from each period below.) A. Patristic period (Christ - 800 A.D.) either: 1) the doctrine of the Son of God in relation to the Father, and in the Union of His divine and human natures or 2) the reasons for the persecution of Christians and the Christian response to persecution B. Medieval period (800 - 1500 A.D.) either: 1) Church-State relations, especially the "lay investiture" crisis or 420 2) movements of renewal in the Church in the early, middle, and late middle ages C. The Reformation and Counter-reformation (1500 - 1750 A.D.) either: 1) the basic objections against Catholicism of the various Protestant reformers or 2) the contribution of the various saints of the Catholic reformation to the reform and renewal of the Catholic Church D. The "Modern" era (1750 A.D. - present) either: 1) impact of Enlightenment thought on Christianity or 2) significant movements of renewal in the Church (Catholic and Protestant) in this era THE 603B Historical Foundations (Dr. Stephen Hildebrand) The proctor will choose one from among the following questions: 1. Explain the teaching of the first seven ecumenical councils as coherent clarification of the Gospel. 2. Describe the Church in the Middle Ages by explaining: a. the Lateran Councils and their distinction from patristic councils; b. the rise and fall of the papacy and its relationship with secular powers; c. the development of monasticism, from traditional forms to the new mendicant orders. 3. Why did the Reformation happen? What led to it, what were the central doctrinal issues, and what was the Catholic response? 4. Explain the teaching of the first Vatican Council and the issues of the day that it addressed. THE 641A Catechetics: Content & Curriculum (Professor Ron Bolster) In light of the General Directory for Catechesis and Catechesi Tradendae, discuss the content of catechesis regarding the maintenance of its integrity, the hierarchy of truths, and the need for its systematic presentation. 421 THE 650 A Christian Liturgy (Fr. Dominic Scotto, TOR) Please develop the emergence of Sunday as the principal day for the celebration of the Eucharist by the early Church, including the Easter controversy of the 2nd Century. THE 655 A Mary in the Modern World (Dr. Mark Miravalle) Answer both questions: 1. Offer a competent theological definition of the Mariological terms: "Co-Redemptrix" and "Mediatrix of all Graces" with support from Divine Revelation, and 2. In light of Tim 2:5-6, a) provide a theological justification for secondary and subordinate mediation; b) specify whether such subordinate mediation obscures the glory of Jesus Christ, the one Mediator; and c) identify to what level the Mother of Jesus participates in the one mediation of Jesus Christ. THE 660B PI: Catholic High School:Pedagogy (Professor Amy Roberts) Discuss the implementation of Catechesi tradendae 5 into the many dimensions of a high school teacher’s ministry: academics, discipline, relations with students, colleagues, administration, clergy, diocese, and parents, and the cultivation of the Catholic identity of a school. How does a religion teacher accomplish the definitive aim of catechesis in high school teaching ministry? Include quotes from relevant Church documents such as CT, Evangelii nuntiandi, the General Directory for Catechesis, and The Catholic School. THE 692A Catechetical Methods II (Sr. M. Johanna Paruch, FSGM) 1) Discuss Truth, Beauty, and Goodness as applied in a comprehensive use of the Ecclesial Method. Answer must include specific references to art, music, and literature. Appropriate citations of magisterial documents must be made, as well as references to the work of Saward and Viladesau. 2) Discuss inculturation in a catechetical framework. You must include a discussion of how 1 John 1 and the Liturgy make a Catholic world view possible both in the catechist and in those being catechized. Cite all pertinent magisterial documents used in class. THE 694A Catechetical Practice Today (Professor Ron Bolster) 422 Propose a model of adult catechesis, that is, consider what you would do if your pastor asked you to set up a program in your parish to catechize adults. Describe the program in detail taking into account the content, the marketing, the audience, and the logistics. Include in your description the rationale for why you are doing it this way as articulated in the appropriate magisterial documents. That is, demonstrate the mind of the Church on this topic. THE 700A CMP: Theology of the Body (Dr. Donald Asci) "Write an essay summarizing the main teachings of the first and second cycle of Pope John Paul II's Man and Woman He Created Them. Then identify the main points of contrast between 'the beginning' and 'the man of concupiscence' with some practical application for contemporary men and women." THE 700B CMP: Catholic Social Thought (Dr. Kevin Miller) Canceled THE 711A NTW: Galatians (Dr. Andrew Minto) INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (TO BE SELECTED BY PROCTOR) 1.Explain which of the four views of Paul’s theology expressed by Schreiner, Johnson, Campbell, and Nanos that you identify the most with and which one you see yourself the furthest from. Explain in detail why you hold this position. 2. Which of the three views of Paul’s theology expressed by Schreiner, Johnson, Campbell, and Nanos best helps to explain Galatians and why. 3. Select at least two of the key features of Paul’s theology identified either by Schreiner, Johnson, Campbell, or Matera that is developed in Galatians. First explain the theological feature as identified by the exegete in question and then explain Paul’s presentation of those theological points in Galatians. THE 730A Grace and the Virtues (Dr. Regis Martin) 423 1. Trace the development of the Church's teaching on grace from St. Paul, through Augustine, to the councils of Orange and Trent. 2. What has been the impact of that teaching in terms of understanding of virtue? THE 732 A Sacraments (Dr. Seth Cherney) INSTRUCTIONS: Be prepared to answer ONE question of your choice from the following three questions. The answer should be in thesis format. 1. Explain the relationship between the paschal mystery and the sacraments. Include reference to the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. 2. Explain the distinction of Res tantum, Res et Sacramentum, and Sacramentum tantum, as well indications in the fathers that would allow us to enrich this perspective. 3. Explain the significance of the sacramental structure in relation to human life, to Christ, and to the Church. Why are there seven sacraments?