Zoo Atlanta Scavenger Hunt (with answers) Flamingos • Which bird

Zoo Atlanta Scavenger Hunt (with answers)
Which bird is taller, the flamingo or the kori bustard?
o The kori bustard is 3’5”-4’2” and the flamingo is 3”6”.
African Plains
How much does an ostrich’s egg weigh?
o 3 lbs
How many bones does a giraffe have in its neck?
o 7 vertebrae
How do a zebra’s stripes serve as protection from predators?
o It is thought that they make it difficult for a predator to focus on a single zebra
What is the lifespan range of an elephant?
o 65-70 years
How many muscles do elephants have in their trunks?
o 100,000 muscles
What do elephants use their trunks for?
o To reach food, to bring water to their mouths, to put dust on their backs, and to breathe
What is one alternative to ivory?
o Tagua nuts
What are four purposes of feathers?
o Insulation, protection, flight, steering
What purpose do the warts on a warthog’s body have?
o They are fleshy pads that protect his face and eyes when fighting
How do meerkats intimidate their predators?
o They band together as a clan and jump up and down and hiss
How tall is a baby giraffe when it is born?
o ~6 feet tall
Rhinos are critically endangered because their horns are harvested by poachers. Why are rhino
horns in high demand and what are they made of?
o Rhinos’ horns are used in ornaments and medicine and are made of keratin.
What is the farthest distance from which a lion’s roar can be heard?
o Five miles away
What does the word “duiker” mean?
o Diver
What is the term for a granite rock outcrop on a savannah?
o Kopje
Ford African Rain Forest
What species of gorillas are at Zoo Atlanta?
o Western lowland gorillas
What mineral commonly found in cell phones is being aggressively harvested and causing
extreme habitat loss for gorillas?
o Coltan
Where in the Zoo can you recycle old cell phones to help prevent habitat loss for gorillas?
o Ford Willie B. Gorilla Conservation Center
What is the predominant way used by researchers to tell gorillas apart?
o Noseprints
At what age does a male gorilla’s back turn silver?
o ~12 years old
The Living Treehouse
What type of primates are lemurs and what two species does Zoo Atlanta have?
o Prosimians, and Zoo Atlanta has ringtailed lemurs and black-and-white-ruffed lemurs
Which is taller, a Wolf’s guenon or a lemur?
o A Wolf’s guenon is 50” tall, and a lemur is 22” tall.
What is the most endangered monkey species in Africa and why is it endangered?
o The drill, because of habitat loss and illegal hunting
What type of otters does Zoo Atlanta have?
o Asian small-clawed otters
Are otters hand-oriented or mouth-oriented?
o Hand-oriented
What are two major threats to otter populations?
o Habitat loss and pollution
Naked Mole Rats
Naked mole rats exhibit the same type of social behavior as do ants, bees, and wasps. What is
this called and what does it mean?
o It is eusocial behavior, and it means that populations of naked mole rats have a caste
system that revolves around the needs of their queen
How do orangutans help forests grow?
o They disperse seeds throughout their habitat.
How can Bornean and Sumatran orangutans be told apart?
o Bornean orangutans are darker in color.
What does it mean that animals like orangutans are “arboreal?”
o Orangutans spend most of their time in trees and little time on the ground.
Is the childhood of an orangutan long or short?
o It is the second longest childhood of any animal, second to humans.
What is the current conservation status of Sumatran and Bornean orangutans in the wild?
o Critically endangered and endangered, respectively.
How can a mature and an immature male orangutan be told apart?
o The cheek pads on a mature male are bigger.
Komodo Dragon
How does the size of the Komodo dragon compare to other lizards?
o It is the largest lizard in the world.
How much can a Komodo dragon eat?
o A Komodo dragon can eat up to half its body weight in one meal.
World of Reptiles
What are the two largest rattlesnake species in Georgia?
o The eastern diamondback rattlesnake is the largest, and the timber rattlesnake is the
second largest.
What are two of the most serious threats to frog species in the wild?
o Habitat loss, pollution, overharvesting, and chytrid fungus
What are three ways scientists and researchers are using to fight the amphibian crisis?
o Creating breeding colonies, monitoring the situation, and conserving amphibian habitats
What is the range of length the reticulated python can reach?
o 15-25 feet
What is the name of the most ferocious animal in the world and how much forest does this
species consume annually?
o Humans, 15 million acres
Is it possible to tell how old a rattlesnake is by counting the segments in its rattle?
o No, rattlesnakes add segments every time they shed their skin.
Trader’s Alley
Which animal is commonly called the “raccoon dog?”
o Tanuki
What are the tiny cages sun bears are often kept in called and why are they put in them?
o They are called a crush, and they are put in them when people harvest them for bile
Where do sun bears get their name?
o The yellow semi-circle marking on their chests
Are the chest markings on the sun bear unique or identical to those on other sun bears?
o They are unique like human fingerprints.
Of the subspecies of tigers, which three are extinct and what reason do they have in common?
o Bali, Caspian, and Javan are three extinct subspecies of tiger due to habitat loss.
Do Sumatran tigers live in groups or independently?
o Sumatran tigers are solitary animals.
Why are Burmese star tortoises endangered?
o Overharvesting for the high-end pet trade
When does a male wreathed hornbill enclose his female mate in a tree cavity?
o When she is ready to lay her eggs
Giant Panda
Giant pandas are endangered. How many pandas are estimated to remain in the wild?
o Fewer than 1,600
Bamboo makes up 99% of the giant pandas’ diet, but the species retains what physical
characteristic(s) of a carnivore?
o Digestive tract
What is the sixth digit on the panda’s claw called?
o Pseudothumb
Up to how many bowel movements can a giant panda have a day?
o 100 a day
Outback Station & KIDZone
What species of kangaroo does Zoo Atlanta have?
o Red kangaroo
For what purpose does a kangaroo need a tail?
o Balance when it hops and as a third leg when it sits.
How does the wattled crane exhibit aggressive behavior?
o Its wattle expands
How many Kunekune pigs were in existence in the 1970’s?
o 18
What is a vocalization between two golden lion tamarins in different parts of a habitat called?
o A long call
What are the two types of tamarins that Zoo Atlanta has?
o Geoffroy’s tamarins and golden lion tamarins
From which island does the Victoria crowned pigeon originate?
o New Guinea
What does the call of an adult female Cereopsis goose sound like?
o Pig-like grunt
How long can an Aldabra tortoise live?
o Over 100 years.
Which sense is not particularly strong in birds?
o Sense of taste
What is the largest carnivore found on the island of Madagascar?
o Fossa
Which social carnivore likes to swim?
o Bush dog
How do binturongs help forests grow?
o Their droppings help disperse seeds.