ExamView - APUSH-MIDTERM-1415-REVIEW.tst

Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. Which of the following is the correct order of passage of legislation affecting the colonies
a. Proclamation of 1763, Sugar Act,
c. Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Declaratory Act,
Declaratory Act, Stamp Act
Townshend Acts
b. Townshend Acts, Declaratory Act, Stamp d. Declaratory Act, Sugar Act, Stamp Act,
Act, Sugar Act
Coercive Acts
2. The fighting back of Natives against the Spanish in the Rio Grande region because of religious persecution and
intolerance was known as the
a. Spanish American War
c. Mexican American War
b. King Philip’s War
d. Pueblo Revolt
3. In response to South Carolina's nullification of the Tariff of 1828, President Andrew Jackson
a. dispatched naval and military forces to
c. mobilized all the other southern states to
the state while denouncing nullification.
oppose nullification.
b. sought a Supreme Court ruling declaring d. worked quietly to defuse the
nullification invalid.
4. John Quincy Adams had the distinction of being ALL of the following EXCEPT:
a. the son of a former President
c. the first one term President
the first pro-western politician on the
national scene
the first post—Revolutionary President
5. The most vital trans-continental development in railroad building occurred when…
a. the Southern Pacific connected the North c. the Northern Pacific railroad was
and South
d. the Central Pacific and Union Pacific was
b. the Great Northern railroad was
joined at Promontory Point
6. At the beginning of the Civil War, the North had all of the following advantages EXCEPT:
a. stronger consensus concerning war aims c. more manpower
b. more industry
d. an established government recognized by
all nations
7. In his first inaugural address Jefferson was pledged to the task of
a. Reconciling political differences with the c. Reducing the debt of the United States
b. Jailing all subversives of the government d. Strengthening the military
of the U.S
8. Everything President Washington did set a precedent for later American Presidents. Which area of presidential
precedent have historians determined to be his most significant precedent?
a. Nominations to the Supreme Court
c. Providing for civilian control of the
b. Establishment of the presidential cabinet d. Exert effective control over organization
of Congress
Name: ________________________
9. What the exchange of plants, animals, humans, diseases, and culture between Europe, Africa, and the
Americas called?
a. New World Colonization
c. European Expansion
b. The Encomienda System
d. The Columbian Exchange
____ 10. At the beginning of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln favored
a. long-term enlistments for Union soldiers. c. postponing military action as long as
b. quick military action to show the folly of d. seizing control of the Ohio and
Mississippi Rivers.
____ 11. Which of the following movements did not occur in the 1844-1848 period of US History?
a. Hawthorne writes The Scarlet Letter
c. Gag Rule
b. Publication of The Essay on Civil
d. George Morton discovers ether as
____ 12. The Tariff of 1828 provoked publication of a pamphlet called The South Carolina Exposition & Protest. This
pamphlet offered what solution to the tariff dilemma?
a. Virtual representation
c. Nullification
b. Doctrine of implied powers
d. Secession
____ 13. Men who became giants and forerunners of the Civil War era included ALL EXCEPT:
a. William Lloyd Garrison
c. Stephen A. Douglass
b. Abraham Lincoln
d. Henry Clay
____ 14. The major achievement of the Grant Administration which was actually a process out of it’s control concerned
which of the following issues that dramatically was beneficial to the whole American nation?
a. allowing the rise of industrialism to go
c. effective and peaceful completion of
forward unregulated
b. effective reestablishment of diplomatic
d. efficient readjustment of southern
relations with European nations
agricultural problems
____ 15. Among the powers that Congress has under the Constitution but did not have under the Articles of
Confederation is the power to
a. Establish post offices
c. Regulate commerce
b. Declare war
d. Borrow money
____ 16. The case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) established that the Constitution mandated that the Supreme Court and
not Congress nor the president of the United States had the authority
a. to impeach federal executive branch
c. to impeach other Supreme Court justices.
officers for "high crimes and
b. to determine the meaning of the
d. to purchase foreign territory for the
United States.
____ 17. The cotton gin is to the South as ____ is to ____
a. railroad :: West
b. commerce ::New York
lumbering :: Northeast
cattle raising :: Wyoming
Name: ________________________
____ 18. What was the first women's rights convention that advertised itself as "a convention to discuss the social,
civil, and religious condition and rights of woman” held in Seneca Falls, New York, and spanned two days
over July 19–20, 1848.
a. Seneca Falls Convention
c. Ida B. Wells convention
b. Million Women March
d. Woman’s Suffrage Movement
____ 19. Thomas Jefferson’s vision of the good society included ALL OF THE FOLLOWING EXECPT:
a. A society based upon education,
c. An economy that relied on the national
agriculture, and politics.
government to provide subsidies
b. A citizenry of virtuous independent
d. A national government with limited
____ 20. An unofficial and long-term 17th & 18th-century British policy of avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary
laws, meant to keep the American colonies obedient to England was called
a. Salutary Neglect
c. Columbian Exchange
b. Townshend Acts
d. Mercantilism
____ 21. Which of the following treaties was the one in which the resolution of the Revolution of 1800 was made under
the leadership of John Adams?
a. Treaty of Boudreaux
c. Treaty of Paris 1803
b. Treaty of Reims
d. Treaty of Mortefontaine
____ 22. According to Thomas Jefferson, which of the following was most vital to the security of the United States in
a. Nova Scotia
c. Cuba
b. Florida
d. New Orleans
____ 23. The Ku Klux Klan could best be described as
a. movement for openly protesting northern c.
b. a movement for openly protesting
northern oppression.
____ 24. The Battle of Gettysburg was significant because
a. it guaranteed Lincoln's re-election in
b. Philadelphia and New York were safe
from attack.
the military arm of the southern
Democratic party.
a secret terrorist organization seeking to
subjugate and terrorize blacks in the
South through violent means.
Union victory meant that the Southern
cause was doomed.
it revived Southern military fortunes and
hopes for an ultimate military victory of
the Union.
____ 25. The aggressive administration of President Franklin Pierce sought to…
a. force Japan open to trade
c. annex Canada
b. dig a Nicaraguan canal
d. acquire Cuba
____ 26. Which of the following men did NOT participate in the election of 1860 as a candidate
a. Lincoln
c. Douglas
b. Buchanan
d. Breckenridge
Name: ________________________
____ 27. The Iroquois relied on a society that was based on female authority; women made the majority of decisions
and tended crops. What was this called?
a. Feminism
c. Matriarchal Society
b. Women’s Sufferage
d. Iroquois League of Women
____ 28. The debate between the supporters and critics of the Articles of Confederation centered on how to
a. Abolish slavery yet preserve national
c. Transfer territories to equal statehood
b. Balance the power of legislative and
d. Reconcile states’ rights with strong
executive offices of government
national government
____ 29. Which Civil War battle led to convince the British not to help the South, led to the Emancipation Proclaimation,
and was the bloodiest?
a. Antietam
c. Sumner
b. Gettysburg
d. Bulge
____ 30. A rising new young and dynamic group of men elected to Congress while Madison was the President included
a. Henry Clay
c. Andrew Jackson
b. Daniel Webster
d. Rufus Zmija
____ 31. The election of 1852 was genuinely significant in US History because:
a. It spawned a compromise over slavery
c. It gave birth to the Republican Party
that avoided civil war
b. It doomed the Whig Party in national
d. It highlighted the achievements of the
political culture of the future
____ 32. Which of the following massacres occurred during the presidential watch of Ulysses S. Grant”?
a. The Fetterman Massacre
c. The Little Big Horn Massacre
b. Wounded Knee Massacre
d. The Colfax Massacre
____ 33. The delegates of the Hartford Convention adopted resolutions that demanded all of the following EXCEPT
a. reduction in the amount of representation c. abolition of the three-fifths clause.
the South had in Congress.
b. a guarantee of no future wars with
d. a single-term limit on the presidency.
____ 34. Thomas Paine’s pamphlet Common Sense
a. Called for a democratic republic
Remained unpopular for several years
before being accepted by the public
____ 35. It has been claimed that John Q. Adams:
a. did his finest work for the American
before and after he was President
b. was a week spineless politician prone to
making political deals for the federalists.
Was published before any fighting took
place between the colonists and the
Called on the British people to overthrow
the king
nationalist more than he was an
political conformist rather than a creative
and idealistic diplomat.
Name: ________________________
____ 36. One direct long term effect of the Navigation Act was that it
a. promoted commerical treaties with Spain c. led to the imposition of heavey taxes on
and Grance throughout the 1700s
the North American colonists in the early
b. encouraged colonists in North America to d. contributed to the rise of opposition that
expand trade agreements with American
ultimately fostered the independence
____ 37. Historians Thomas A. Bailey and David Kennedy have argued that Reconstruction was…
a. a static and reactionary move that set the c. to delay the effectiveness of women’s
US back a century in progress
rights movement
b. an effective and enduring revolution to
d. a more bitter pill for the South to
advance political democracy
swallow than the War itself.
____ 38. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of the pre-Grant years of Reconstruction?
a. There were only minimal affects upon
c. The per capita wealth was more than
African Americans
twice that of all eleven Confederate
b. Every major southern city law in ruins
d. The war devastated southern society
____ 39. During the Age of Jackson, democracy was characterized by which of the following changes?
a. The percentage of eligible voters casting c. Parties relied primarily upon mass
ballots increased with each election as
communication tools, especially the
mass politics became a popular activity.
newspaper and pamphlets.
b. Politicians emphasized a high education d. Political deals, congressional caucuses,
or strong qualification for the job and
behind the scenes manipulation were
boasted of their upper class status or
common during this era.
____ 40. Which was the major item of debate in the election of 1828 which saw the ascension of Andrew Jackson to the
a. Western land sales and prices
c. Personalities of the candidates
b. Interventionist European foreign policy
d. Tariffs
____ 41. Which of the following events or developments happen while James Monroe was President, but, which he had
very little to with their development? Which is the lone EXCEPTION to this assertion?
a. Dartmouth College vs Woodward
c. Recognition of Latin American
Independence movements
b. Missouri Compromise
d. Development of the American System
____ 42. What democratic political bureaucrat was the leader of the New York “Buck Tails?”
a. Shabaz K. Morton
c. Gouverner Morris
b. Martin Van Buren
d. John C. Calhoun
____ 43. Which of the following combinations of rivals did Lincoln choose to nominate as cabinet members upon his
election 1860?
a. Larry, Moe, Curly, and Shemp
c. Douglas, Bates, Jeff Davis, and Cameron
b. Seward, Chase, Bates, and Cameron
d. Blair, Douglas, Fremont, and Grant
Name: ________________________
____ 44. The period in which philopshers John Locke, Thomas Paine, and Montesquieu promoted changes in reason
and leadership that was influential in the creation of the Declaration of Indepence and the American
government was called the
a. Renessiance
c. Prostant Reformation
b. Columbian Exchange
d. Enlightenment
____ 45. Unlike Separatists, Puritans
a. advocated seperation of Chruch and State c.
b. were Calvinists
practiced witchcraft
Remained members of the Church of
____ 46. Henry Clay’s “American System” consisted of three parts:
a. yours, mine, and ours.
c. internal improvements, tariffs, and Bank
of the U.S.
b. internal, external, and middle
d. executive, legislative, and judicial.
____ 47. Which of the following exclamations did John Adams give voice when he heard about the XYZ Affair?
a. “Caesar had his Brutus, and Napoleon
c. “We will not be held with hoops of steel
may have his Robespierre!”
to the anarchy of the French!”
b. “We will spend millions for defense, but d. “These are times that try men’s souls!”
not one cent for tribute
____ 48. The election of 1856 is significant for a variety of reasons. Which of the following is NOT an 1856 issue?
a. Buchanan failed to take strong measures c. This election brought forth the advent of
against secession.
the long awaited sectional party—the
b. The rendering of the Dred Scott case
d. Brooks attacked Sumner in one of the
most appalling scenes of modern
____ 49. Considering the issue of government and economics, Andrew Jackson was a(n)…
a. defender of the national debt
c. soft money advocate
b. hard money advocate
d. advocate of a graduated income tax
____ 50. What event pushed Natives further West and eventually forced them onto reservations, and moved slavery onto
the National spotlight?
a. Manifest Destiny
c. Indian Trail of Tears
b. Compromise of 1820
d. California Gold Rush
____ 51. John Adams held a firm, consistent, and almost blind proclivity for which of the following nations of Europe?
a. Great Britain
c. France
b. Spain
d. Germany
____ 52. John Adams played a major role in ALL OF THE FOLLOWING EVENTS EXCEPT:
a. Leader of the Constitutional Convention c. Vice President of the U.S.
b. Delegate to the Declaration of
d. Serving as cabinet member to George
Name: ________________________
____ 53. Abraham Lincoln viewed the Civil War primarily as a…
a. struggle to secure full citizenship for
c. crusade to abolish slavery
b. struggle in the economic interest of the
d. test of the inviolability of the union
northern bankers and merchants
____ 54. A common feature of southern agriculture under the Hayes Administration was:
a. homesteading
c. sharecropping
b. government land grants
d. subdividing plantations
____ 55. Bacon’s Rebellion was supported mainly by
a. Those protesting the increased
importation of African slaves
b. People from Jamestown only
Young men frustrated by their inability to
acquire land
The local Indians
____ 56. The system of enslaving Natives that the Spainish instituted was called the
a. Atlantic Slave Trade
c. Indian Slave System
b. Columbian Exchange
d. Encomienda System
____ 57. John Quincy Adams was President who dealt with revolutions of ALL but which of the following?
a. social & religious revolutions
c. gender revolutionary issues
b. transportation revolution
d. market revolution
____ 58. The single greatest impact of actions and events taken during the Buchanan Administration was the
a. drafting of the Chrittendon Compromise c. the publication of Uncle Tom’s Cabin
on slavery
b. decisions by the Buchanan pro-Northern d. political reemergence of Abraham
Supreme Court
____ 59. Alexander Hamilton became the financial wizard of the Washington Administration by recommending several
economic moves. Among these was a bill of assumption to be paid by 8% tariff and…
a. Head tax on slaves sold at auction
c. Income tax on the very wealthy
b. Raising the prices on western land sales d. Excise tax on whiskey production
____ 60. The Articles of Confederation were finally approved when
a. astates gave up their right to coin money
c. an aggreement was reached on who
would be president
the states gave up their power to establish d. l states claiming western lands surrendered
them to the national government
____ 61. During Hayes’ Administration, he was able to gain recognition as reformer and fighter against:
a. radical reconstruction
c. abuse of workers in the burgeoning
factories of America
b. abusive pork barrel riders to essential
d. Indian massacres in the mid-West
appropriation bills
Name: ________________________
____ 62. One of the most farsighted provisions of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787
a. Prohibited slavery in the Old Northwest c. Set aside a section of each township for
b. Abolished slavery in all of the United
d. Kept power in the national government
____ 63. What was the slave rebellion that took place in Southampton County, Virginia, during August 1831 and caused
the the highest number of fatalities caused by any slave uprising in the American South?
a. Turner’s Rebellion
c. Shay’s Rebellion
b. Bacon’s Rebellion
d. Zmija’s Rebellion
____ 64. The case of McCulloch v Maryland established upheld constitutionality of
a. separate but equal rights for blacks
c. separation of church and state
b. the pledge of Alligence
d. 2nd BUS
____ 65. What diplomatic conference ended the War of 1812 and thus achieved American nationalism from Britain, once
and for all.
a. Treaty of Ghent
c. Treaty of Joinville
b. Treaty of Chapultepec
d. Treaty of Paris 1815
____ 66. Andrew Jackson was the forerunner of which late nineteenth century movement?
a. Pragmatism
c. Industrialism
b. Populism
d. Social Darwinism
____ 67. In Washington’s “Farewell Address to the Nation” he pointed warned against the…
a. the right to vote for women and women
c. establishment of permanent alliances
and minorities
with foreign nations.
b. the evils of revolution
d. the evils of society which provided for
permanent slavery
____ 68. Mormons are to Utah as ____ is to ____
a. Quakers :: Oregon
b. Lutherans :: Mississippi Valley
Utopian Socialists :: Old Northwest
Catholics :: California
____ 69. What required that all escaped slaves were, upon capture, to be returned to their masters and that officials and
citizens of free states had to cooperate in this law?
a. Underground Railroad
c. Compromise of 1877
b. Fugitive Slave Act
d. Indian Removal Act
____ 70. The unforeseen relocation of power within the Federal Government came as the result of…
a. Gibbons vs Ogden
c. Marbury vs Madison
b. Fletcher vs Peck
d. Dartmouth College vs Woodward
____ 71. Which Supreme Court case decision stated that slaves were property, could not be removed without due
process, and Congress could not regulate the slave trade in territories?
a. Dred Scott v Sanford
c. Miranda v Arizona
b. Plessy v Furgeson
d. Madison v Marberry
____ 72. The Oregon Treaty of 1846
a. was a colossal Russian defeat
b. established a boundary on the Columbia
was a reasonable compromise
fulfilled Polk’s campaign slogans and
Name: ________________________
____ 73. Which of these is NOT a true statement about the Louisiana Purchase?
a. It more than quadrupuled the size of the c. It cost $15 million.
United States.
b. It had enthusiastic public support.
d. Senators quickly approved the purchase.
____ 74. Which post-war President of Reconstruction signed the now powerful and precedent setting 14 th Amendment to
the Constitution?
a. Ulysses S. Grant
c. Andrew Johnson
b. Obama hahahahaha
d. James A. Garfield
____ 75. President Jackson required Native tribes in Georgia to move west of the Mississippi River. This was called the
a. Indian Removal Act
c. Westward Expansion
b. Columbian Exchange
d. Triangular Trade
____ 76. Which of the following events expressed dissatisfaction with the War of 1812, and can be called the first
American anti-war movement?
a. Treaty of Greenville
c. Seneca Falls Convention
b. Port Huron Statement
d. Hartford Convention
____ 77. Probably the most alarming characteristic of the new Constitution to those who opposed it was the
a. Creation of a federal district for the
c. Omission of any reference to God
national capital
b. Creation of a standing army
d. Absence of a bill of rights
____ 78. The Monroe Doctrine, which has been the foundation of American foreign policy, was brilliant bold step taken
by which of the following secretaries of state?
a. James Monroe
c. James Madison
b. John Quincy Adams
d. Thomas Jefferson
____ 79. During Washington’s Farewell Address, the two things he stressed that should not happen was
a. trade with Britian and tariffs
c. permanent alliances and political parties
b. abolishment of slavery and taxation
d. division of power between church and
____ 80. One purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to
a. Ask for an end to slavery
c. Explain to the rest of the world why the
colonies had revolted
b. Appeal for fairer treatment by Parliament d. Warn other nations to stay out of the
____ 81. Which political party favored states-rights, supporter by lower and middle classes, farmers, Pro-French, strict
interpretation of the Constitution
a. Loyalists
c. Democratic-Republicans
b. Whigs
d. Federalists
____ 82. The government of the Confederate States of America was first organized in
a. Atlanta, Georgia in February 1860.
c. Montgomery, Alabama in February 1861.
b. Charleston, South Carolina in February
d. Richmond, Virginia in February 1861.
Name: ________________________
____ 83. James K. Polk, sent John Slidell to Mexico to:
a. purchase California
end the Mexican War
secure recognition of the Texas
negotiate the purchase of the Oregon
____ 84. In which of the following events does James Madison, NOT play a major and determinative role?
a. A Justice of the Supreme Court
c. An author of the Federalist Papers
b. Architect of the Constitution of 1787
d. Participant in the Presidents cabinet
____ 85. The Mayflower Compact can be best described as
a. a promising step toward genuine
b. a constitution
a religious promise
a document which allowed women
limited participation in government
____ 86. Senator William H. Seward, labeled the national political crisis a(n)…
a. age of permanent sectionalism
c. victory for republicanism
b. irrepressible conflict
d. blundering generation
____ 87. The issue upon which Jefferson changed his view of strict construction of the Constitution was:
a. The Lewis and Clark Expedition and
c. The destruction of the national bank by
Louisiana Purchase
Albert Gallatin
b. The issues involving slavery in 1808
d. The writing of the Declaration of
____ 88. Thomas Jefferson, commenting on the Missouri Compromise under James Monroe called it:
a. the compromise to save the union
c. abolitionist propaganda
b. a compact with the devil
d. a firebell in the night
____ 89. Which of the following events DID NOT TRANSPIRE UNDER Martin Van Buren?
a. Independent Treasury Act was passed
c. Mormon migration to Illinois
into law by Congress
b. Whig Party organized
d. Invention of the steel plow by John Deere
____ 90. The Reconstruction Act of 1867 dealt specifically with:
a. the establishment of military
c. the rebuilding of the rail system in the
reconstruction in five districts under
Union generals
d. the social conditions of the ex-slaves
b. the steps necessary to go from
“conquered provinces” to member of the
republican union.
____ 91. Which of the following was NOT a unique long range cause of the War of 1812?
a. Indian relations on the frontier
c. Imperialism
b. Anti-Spanish ethnicity
d. Impressment
____ 92. The period 1856-1860 included ALL OF THE historical crises EXCEPT:
a. Panic of 1857
c. Buchanan accepted skillful aid of
Thurlow Weed
b. Lincoln vs Douglas Debates
d. Sent Col. Albert Sidney Johnson against
the Mormons in Utah
Name: ________________________
____ 93. Which political party favored stronger central government, supported by upper-class, merchants and bankers,
and Pro-British, loose interpretation of the Constitution
a. Federalists
c. Democratic-Republicans
b. Loyalists
d. Whigs
____ 94. The newly formed legislative caucus in New York led by Martin Van Buren was known as:
a. republicans
c. loyalists
b. regency
d. democrats
____ 95. Which of the following historical issues did NOT occur under John Q. Adams?
a. Joseph Smith establishes the Mormon
c. Cherokee Nation vs Georgia was
religion in Kirtland, Ohio
rendered under John Marshall
b. James Fennimore Cooper’s Last of the
d. Canal building begins spurred into reality
Mohicans was published
by Henry Clay
____ 96. Which agreement allowed Missouri to become a slave state, Maine a free state and any new state North of the
36°30’ line be a free state?
a. Compromise of 1850
c. Compromise of 1877
b. Missouri Compromise
d. Declaration of Independence
____ 97. The primary advocate of “Manifest Destiny” as the public policy of the United States Government was:
a. James K. Polk
c. Obama hahahahaha
b. Henry Clay
d. John L. O’Sullivan
____ 98. At the time of his inauguration, President Hayes was view by a great majority of the American people as having
a. a pro-Western railroad magnate
c. a New England conservative
b. elected by fraud
d. considered to be a major reformer
____ 99. Which of the following events was considered by many to be Van Buren’s major economicachievement?
a. Samuel F.B. Morse invents the telegraph c. Mormon migration to Utah
b. Large scale development of railroads
d. Gold Rush to California
____ 100. The War of 1812 was notable in the history of American warfare because
a. of the nation's apathy and national
c. talented military commanders emerged.
b. of inadequate financing of the war
d. the historically high level of Americans
killed and wounded in military action.
____ 101. The consensus “great” Whig leader of the Van Buren era was?
a. Tu Pac
c. Ralph Waldo Emerson
b. Daniel Webster
d. Henry Clay
____ 102. Which descriptive term most carefully identifies Abe Lincoln’s abolitionist feelings?
a. He was undecided and unconcerned
c. He was a fanatic abolitionist
about abolitionism
b. He was anti-abolitionist
d. He was a moral or conscience abolitionist
Name: ________________________
____ 103. Which of the following is true of the John Q. Adams Administration?
a. Adams cabinet was one of the most able c. Except of the “Corrupt Bargain” the
and harmonious on record
Adams Administration was absent of
b. Adams refused to use the spoils systems d. Adams was able to win over with
and dismiss public workers to fill their
personality that he could not control
jobs with political supporters.
____ 104. Andrew Johnson’s conception of what was to be done following the Civil War is best described by the term:
a. “Military reconstruction”
c. “Squatter sovereignty”
b. “Scalawag supremacy”
d. “Restoration”
____ 105. For the American colonies, the French and Indian War
a. Ended the myth of British invincibility
c. Offered the opportunity to grow closer to
the British
b. Left them in need of experienced officers d. Gave them the opportunity finally to gain
control of Mississippi
____ 106. Which action allowed Kansas to be allowed as slave state and Nebraska as a free state and overturn the Missouri
a. Kansas-Nebraska Act
c. Reconstruction
b. Compromise of 1850
d. Compromise of 1877
____ 107. The Monroe Doctrine was issued in response to
a. the purchase of Florida
b. the threat of the Quadruple Alliance to
reestablish Spanish Power in the
____ 108. James Buchanan openly sided with:
a. provisions of the Kansas-Nebraska Act
advocates of Manifest Destiny
the threat of war with Austria
the threat of war with England
anti-slavery prosecutors of the Dred Scott
southerners who were pro-slavery in
Kansas over the Le Compton
____ 109. One feature of the American economy that strained the relationship between the colonies and Britain was the
a. British rejection of the Molasses Act
c. the repeal of Navigation Acts
b. Growing desire of Americans to trade
d. The Americans’ unwillingness to trade
with other nations in addition to Britain
with the French West Indies
____ 110. The Monroe Administration was called “The Era of Good Feelings” because of
a. the dominance of one major party
c. the absence of sectionalism
b. the absence of political strife
d. the lack of important national issues
____ 111. The case of Gibbons v Ogden established upheld the Congress NOT the states could regulate
a. civil rights
c. gun laws
b. railroads and slavery
d. interstate commerce
Name: ________________________
____ 112. The most alarming aspect of the Compromise of 1850 to northerners was the concession to the South
a. slavery in the District of Columbia.
c. slavery in the New Mexico and Utah
b. the revised, more stringent and coercive d. continuation of the interstate slave trade.
Fugitive Slave Law.
____ 113. The remarkable characteristic of Johnson’s reconstruction policy was that it was:
a. mild and compromising
c. arbitrary and suspicious
b. vague but diplomatic
d. original and visionary
____ 114. The delegates of the Hartford Convention adopted resolutions in 1814 that included a call for
a. a separate peace treaty between New
c. a suspension of peace negotiations with
England and the British.
Britain in Ghent, Belgium.
b. a constitutional amendment requiring a
d. a Constitutional Convention to address
two-thirds vote in Congress before war
New England's political and economic
could be declared, new states admitted, or
grievances and objections that stemmed
a trade embargo instituted by the federal
from the War of 1812.
____ 115. Triangular trade was part of what colonial economic system that was forced onto them by the British?
a. Utopianism
c. Unitarianism
b. Imperialism
d. Mercantilism
____ 116. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787
a. Provided for the survey and sale of public c.
lands in the Old Northwest
b. Established a procedure for governing the d.
Old Northwest territory
Banned slavery from all territories of the
United States
Cleared the way for ratification of the
Articles of Confederation
____ 117. George Washington immediately added an innovation to the new government by “interpreting” the new
Constitution to provide for…
a. State of the Union Address
c. Veto power
b. Annual budget
d. Provide for Presidential Cabinet
____ 118. During the Election of 1860, Lincoln ran on the platform that
a. stated non-expansion of slavery
c. wanted to live long and prosper.
b. helped save the Natives
d. advocated popular sovereignty
____ 119. The two issues that faced John Adams during his Presidential Administration were the Alien & Sedition Acts
a. Assassination of Alexander Hamilton
c. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
b. Establishment of the Whiskey Tax
d. The Embargo Act
____ 120. The distinguishing factors about William Henry Harrison as the President of the US were ALL EXCEPT:
a. He was known as “Old Hickory//and
c. He inaugural address was the longest on
Billy Budd
record//Director of US Bank
b. He was a military hero//and a
d. He was the oldest man to become
Congressional delegate from Ohio
President//lived the shortest time in office