1 eCore Faculty Resource Guide Updated 12/05 SPRING 2006 Edition 2 Table of Contents I. Introduction 3 II. Administrative Services 3-6 Registration First Weeks of Term Course Withdrawal Midpoint Class Rolls Final Grades Instructions to Access “Grade Change” and “Incomplete” Forms Administrative Website III. Affiliate Institutions 6 IV. WebCT 6 V. Bookstore 6 VI. Test Proctoring Services 7 VII. Student Disability Services 8 VIII. Evaluation Process eCore Course and Faculty Evaluations 8 IX. Contacts 9-10 X. Appendix A – Getting Started Letter Sample B – Class Roster Sample C – Spring 2006 Academic Calendar D – Instructor Exam Form E – Exam Request Form F – Proctored Exam Sites 11-13 14 15-16 17 18 19-20 3 I. Introduction This document outlines procedures related to enrollment and student support services for eCore courses. These services include course registration, enrollment management, bookstore services, test proctoring services, and student disability services. II. Administrative Services eCore Administrative Services serves as the central coordinating and distribution point for all enrollment information, including class and grade rosters, registration status reports, faculty services, and login information for WebCT/Vista. Registration Students register for eCore courses in the Student Information System at their affiliate institutions. Affiliate Registrars send enrollment information to the Administrative Services office. Administrative Services compiles all eCore enrollment information into a database and sends notice to registered students. The notice includes the student’s WebCT username and password and detailed instructions for logging into the course, purchasing textbooks, etc. (see Appendix A – Getting Started Letter). The Getting Started information can also be seen on the affiliate eCore web sites (listed on page 6). Students should contact their affiliate institutions with questions about enrollment issues. First Weeks of Term eCore Administrative Services distributes all class and grade rosters (see Appendix B for sample roster). Rosters are created in Microsoft Word and distributed to faculty as an email attachment. During the drop/add period, a new roster will be sent every day or two, and afterward, the rosters will be sent once a week until midpoint. Faculty members should check email frequently and notify eCore Administrative Services of any changes in their email addresses or telephone numbers. Angie Malone (angie.malone@georgiacenter.uga.edu) is the primary eCore Administrative Services contact for course rosters and faculty support information. The following events will occur during the first few weeks of the term. Please see the Academic Calendar (Appendix C) for a detailed listing of dates and events: First Week of Class – expect frequent changes in class enrollments as students Drop and Add courses. The roster within your course will list students that are not on the roster that is sent to you by eCore Administrative Services. When students drop or withdraw from your courses, it takes awhile for those students to be removed from your course. For the most accurate listing, please use the roster that is sent by Angie Malone. 4 Preliminary Class Roster - Students must log into WebCT/Vista course and complete an activity during the first week of class (Spring 2006 – Students must log in by Friday, January 13.) This process validates that students have “attended” class during the first week. The eCore Administrative Services staff will enter your course early that week to confirm which students logged into the class by January 13. Rachel Bainum (rachel.bainum@georgiacenter.uga.edu) is the primary eCore Administrative Services contact for student “login” information. Class Rosters – Administrative Services will email class rosters every Friday until midterm. Faculty should use rosters to check against Vista class rolls. Notify Administrative Services of any discrepancies. Course Withdrawal After the first three days of the term, if students wish to withdraw from a class, the student must complete the Course Intent to Withdraw form, http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/ecore/withdraw/ Submission of the Withdrawal form will generate an email withdrawal notice to the Administrative Services staff (Rachel Bainum is the primary contact for student withdrawals), and the Affiliate Institution will be notified of the withdrawal. Midpoint Class Rolls At the midpoint of the semester, Administrative Services will send Affiliate Registrars class rosters to review for accuracy. Any changes in student registrations will be reflected and Administrative Services will then send each faculty member a mid-term roster. Sometimes, students stop participating in eCore classes and fail to officially withdraw. This process of mid-term roster validation allows the affiliate institution to reconcile any discrepancies between enrollment information and course attendance. Please note that some affiliate institutions withdraw students from eCore courses for nonparticipation, while others require that the student officially withdraws to make a withdrawal official. At the end of the semester, do not be surprised if students who never participated or stopped participating are still on your final grade roll. Final Grades 1. One week prior to the end of term, Administrative Services will email faculty members their final class grade rosters. Remember: As mentioned above, some affiliate institutions withdraw students from eCore courses for non-participation, while others require that the student officially withdraws to make a withdrawal official. At the end of the semester, do not be surprised if certain students that you listed as “non-participating” students are still on your final grade roll. Faculty should enter grades on the grade roster and return the roster to Administrative Services (see Appendix C for the date when “Grades are Due to eCore Administrative Services”). 5 At this time, within the eCore grade structure, there is no grade of “WF”; official grades are A, B, C, D, F, I (incomplete), and NG (no grade). Students who fail to participate and do not officially withdraw should be given a grade of “F”. Beside the “F”, please list the last date the student logged into the course. If grades are late from faculty members, Administrative Services will enter a NG “No Grade” in the database so that Registrars can receive grades on schedule. 2. Administrative Services will consolidate rosters by affiliate institution and distribute grades to Registrars. 3. Affiliate Registrars will enter grades on their Student Information Systems. 4. Students will view their grades on the affiliate institutions’ Student Information System websites. It is not necessary for you to post grades within your course. “Grade Change Form” and “Incomplete Form”: Faculty members have access to these two forms for grading purposes. Grade Change: http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/ecore/faculty/cog.form.html Incomplete Form: http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/ecore/faculty/incomplete.form.html Incomplete Form – Please see the Board of Regents policy on student eligibility for a grade of Incomplete (see below). If a student is eligible, fill out the Incomplete Form in WebCT (see directions above) and assign an Incomplete grade on the Grade Roster. Board of Regents Policy: “I” – This symbol indicates that a student was doing satisfactory work but, for non-academic reasons beyond his/her control, was unable to meet the full requirements of the course. The requirements for removal of an “I” are left to the respective institutions; however, if an “I” is not satisfactorily removed after three academic terms of residence, the symbol “I” will be changed to the grade “F” by the appropriate official. Grade Change Form – Use this form to change a student grade from NG or I to a letter grade. The form may also be used if there has been an error in grading and you wish to change a student’s letter grade. eCore Administrative Website To view eCore enrollments throughout the term, visit the Administrative website, http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/ecore/admin/index.html. This website also contains information on Academic Calendars and eCore Policy manuals. 6 III. Affiliate Institutions Six institutions within the University System of Georgia admit and enroll students in eCore courses. The six eCore affiliate institutions are listed below. Students should use their affiliate institution as the key contact for eCore questions, and the eCore website (http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/ecore/) will answer many of their questions. Each affiliate has an eCore advisor; see Contact page of this guide for eCore advisor names. The advisor serves as the point of contact for students. eCore Affiliate Institutions Columbus State University Georgia Highlands College Georgia Southwestern State University Valdosta State University University of West Georgia Southern Polytechnic State University IV. WebCT/Vista eCore courses are developed and taught in WebCT/Vista (https://ecore.view.usg.edu), an online course management system adopted by over 3,000 colleges and universities internationally. This software enables faculty to develop, deliver, and manage course materials and interactions online. eCore students and other USG students have the most advanced and comprehensive set of tools available for communicating, collaborating, and learning in an online environment. The USG Vista site provides links to faculty and student resources developed by the University System and others. In addition, all students, faculty and staff can access the Online Support Center (http://supportcenteronline.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=1314) for assistance with WebCT/Vista and other technical questions or problems. Assistance from the Online Support Center can be obtained 24/7 by submitting a trouble ticket, chatting with a customer service representative or by calling the toll-free support number at 1-877-708-2910. V. Bookstore and Textbook Orders The MBS Direct Bookstore supplies textbooks and most materials for eCore courses. Prior to the beginning of each semester, please take a look at the eCore site to ensure that the textbooks for your course are correct: http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/ecore/booklist.html. To order an instructor copy of the textbook for your course, please do so through the textbook publisher. If you have questions about textbooks, send an email message to Rachel Bainum (rachel.bainum@georgiacenter.uga.edu), and include all information regarding the text and materials (name of text, author, edition ISBN number, etc.). 7 VI. Test Proctoring Services The Spring 2006 eCore final exams are set and are posted on the eCore calendar. Faculty members, however, may choose one of two weeks for the Spring midterm exam. You will notice that a copy of your midterm exam is due to Ginny Coleman (eCore Testing Coordinator) shortly after the semester begins (see below). The date of Midpoint is Feb 24. Please look over your course prior to creating your syllabus. Once you have done so, choose the dates (see below) for your proctored midterm exam, if you plan to give a midterm. Once your proctored midterm exam week is set, email the dates to Ginny Coleman, eCore Testing Coordinator (testing.coordinator@georgiacenter.uga.edu). Faculty Members - Please choose one of the midterm weeks listed below. • Week 1 – February 5-February 10 Deadline for submission of faculty and student testing forms – Jan 15, 11:59pm • Week 2 – February 12- February 18 Deadline for submission of faculty and student testing forms – Jan 22, 11:59pm As we approach your proctored midterm dates, the testing coordinator will contact you via outside email, and will assist your students with their test site scheduling. From time to time the testing coordinator will seek your assistance in posting a reminder note into the course. Faculty members must submit two items to Ginny Coleman no later than 15 BUSINESS DAYS prior to the START date of each exam (midterm and final) 1) the Instructor Exam Form (Appendix D) and 2) your exam (electronic copies are preferred). Students must also submit the Exam Request Form (Appendix E) no later than 15 business days prior to the start date of the exam. The 15 BUSINESS DAY deadline is set because each student’s exam must be mailed to the selected exam site in time for administration of the exam. Students who do not submit their exam site information by the deadline will be assessed a $15 fee to mail the exam via overnight mail. Once the “master copy” of your exam is received by the Testing Coordinator, test packets will be created and mailed out to the test sites. At the test sites, the students are required to show a photo id and Social Security number in order to take the exam. This ensures that the person taking the course is the person taking the exam. Once the exam has been completed, the test sites will mail the completed exam directly to you for grading. If at any time you have questions, concerns, or if you require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Testing Coordinator (ginny.coleman@georgiacenter.uga.edu), who will help in any way possible. 8 VII. Student Disability Services The eCore program has made a commitment to provide reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. In order to determine if the accommodation/s and/or service/s can be approved, the faculty member and/or testing coordinator must refer the student to the Regents Center for Learning Disorders (RCLD) at the University of Georgia (UGA). Students may not be given special accommodations unless they are officially approved through the RCLD. If accommodations are approved, the student must provide the faculty member and/or the testing coordinator with a copy of the Accommodation Approval Letter from the UGA RCLD listing the approved accommodations. Only the approved accommodation/s in the letter will be provided. Should the student request an accommodation/s not listed in the approval letter, the student must be referred back to the UGA RCLD in order to determine if the requested accommodation/s can be approved. Faculty members are encouraged to contact the RCLD at the phone number and/or e-mail below if there are questions or concerns about the issue of accommodations. Please note that communication via e-mail is not secure so identifiable student information must not be transmitted via e-mail. A phone call is the preferred means of communication; however, general, unidentifiable information can be requested/sent via e-mail. Students can contact the UGA Regents Center for Learning Disorders at 706/542-4589. Students may also contact the UGA RCLD via e-mail at rcldecor@uga.edu. Please remember that communication via e-mail is not secure and confidentiality cannot be assured if students choose to correspond via this means. VIII. Evaluation of eCore® Program evaluation is an important part of the ongoing development and improvement of the University System’s distance learning opportunities and support services. We will ask your support in releasing the course evaluations and in encouraging your students to complete these evaluations. The following is a description of the survey instrument, when and how it is distributed. eCore Course and Faculty Evaluations Two weeks before finals, students are asked to complete an eCore course and faculty evaluation for each course in which they are enrolled. During the semester, you will be given instructions regarding how to release the evaluation to students. This instrument asks students to evaluate the course and its components, to evaluate the faculty member, and to evaluate their own efforts in the course. They are given an opportunity to provide qualitative feedback on whether they found the course intellectually stimulating, what factors influenced and hindered their learning, what problems they had accessing the course, and what suggestions they would make to improve the course. This information is used to update courses, make corrections, and is provided to faculty to aid them in developing their online teaching skills. This information is compiled and mailed to you at your institution at the end of the term. The reports are not shared with your campus administrators unless you request so. If you have questions about the evaluations, please contact Nancy Thompson or Dee McKinney. 9 IX. Contacts Administrative Services Nancy Thompson, Head, eCore Administrative Services Nancy.Thompson@georgiacenter.uga.edu 706-542-6748 Rachel Bainum, Assistant Registrar and Textbook Services Coordinator Rachel.Bainum@georgiacenter.uga.edu 706-583-8216 Ginny Coleman, Test Proctoring Coordinator Ginny.Coleman@georgiacenter.uga.edu 706-583-0895 Angie Malone, Coordinator for Payroll and Faculty Services Angie.Malone@georgiacenter.uga.edu 706-542-6701 Dee McKinney, Faculty Support Coordinator dmckinney@ega.edu Affiliate Institutions Columbus State University, http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/ecore/contact.html Rebecca Hunter, eCore Advisor Hunter_Rebecca@colstate.edu 706-568-2035 Georgia Highlands College, http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/ecore/contact.html Walter Cotter, eCore Advisor wcotter@fc.peachnet.edu 404-218-9265 Georgia Southwestern State University, http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/ecore/contact.html Lynda Lee Purvis, eCore Advisor llpurvis@canes.gsw.edu (229) 931-2019 10 Valdosta State University, http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/ecore/contact.html Marsha Walden, eCore Advisor mwalden@valdosta.edu 912-245-4378 University of West Georgia, http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/ecore/contact.html Janet Gubbins – eCore Advisor jgubbins@westga.edu 678-839-0630 Southern Polytechnic State University, http://www.georgiacenter.uga.edu/ecore/contact.html Dawn Ramsey- eCore Advisor dramsey@spsu.edu 678-915-4287 WebCT/Vista Course sign-on http://vista.usg.edu WebCT Support Desk (course technology support) 1-877-855-3238 Bookstore MBS Direct http://direct.mbsbooks.com/eCore.htm 1-800-325-3252 Rachel Bainum, Assistant Registrar and Textbook Services Coordinator Rachel.Bainum@georgiacenter.uga.edu 706-583-8216 Test Proctoring Services Ginny Coleman, Test Proctoring Coordinator Ginny.Coleman@georgiacenter.uga.edu 706-583-0895 Student Disability Services rcldecor@uga.edu 706-542-0389 11 X. Appendix Appendix A – Student “Getting Started” Letter (sample from CSU) The University System of Georgia’s Core Curriculum Online 1197 South Lumpkin Street Suite 192 Athens, GA 30602 Affiliate Institutions: Columbus State University (706) 568-2035 Georgia Highlands College (706) 295-6339 or 1(800) 332-2406 Georgia Southwestern State University (229) 928-1331 Southern Polytechnic State University (678) 915-4287 University of West Georgia (678) 839-6438 Valdosta State University (229) 333-5727 eCore classes at COLUMBUS STATE UNIVERSITY Spring 2006 Semester Important Dates Student Guide to eCore available Classes Begin Drop/Add Course Withdrawals Begin Log In Deadline eCore Holidays Midpoint (last day to withdraw with a ‘W’) Classes End Final Exams Grades available Dec 6 Jan 6 Jan 6, 9, 10 Jan 11 Jan 13 Jan 16 Feb 24 April 12 April 14, 17, 18 Around May 6 Drop or Add Drop or add a course on January 6 on ISIS and on January 9 and 10 by submitting a Roll Correction Form to the Division of Enrollment Services in the Fine Arts Hall or faxing a written request to (706) 568-2462. Please note that there is often a 24 to 48 hour delay from the time that you add a course until the time that the course will appear on your MyWebCT page. Dropped courses may appear on your MyWebCT page after you have dropped them, however your access will be denied. Withdrawal After the first three days of the term, if you wish to withdraw from your class, you must complete the Course Intent to Withdraw form, http://www.gactr.uga.edu/ecore/withdraw/. Please review the withdrawal policies at your institution prior to submitting this form. This form notifies the registrar at your affiliate institution of your withdrawal. If you stop participating in your course without submitting the proper withdrawal form, you may receive an “F” for the course. It may take up to three days from the date that you submitted the withdrawal request for it to be reflected on your schedule. Please note that courses from which you have withdrawn will still show up on your MyWebCT page, but you will no longer have access. It is recommended that you print a copy of your withdrawal request for your records. Proctored Examinations Each eCore course will have a minimum of one, and as many as three proctored examinations. You must schedule your proctored exams at a test site of your choice. Please note that most, if not all, sites charge a testing fee for their services. After you have made an appointment with your test site, the date of the test and address of the test site must be reported to the eCore Testing Coordinator at least 15 business days prior to the start date of the exams. Failure to allow a 15 business day notification will result in a late fee. If you have questions, please contact the eCore Testing Coordinator at 1-866-248-5179, testing.coordinator@georgiacenter.uga.edu or visit http://www.gactr.uga.edu/ecore/exams/. 12 Student Support I. II. eCore Advisor at Columbus State University – Rebecca Hunter, hunter_rebecca@colstate.edu III. eCore Website - http://www.gactr.uga.edu/ecore/ Online Support Center - http://supportcenteronline.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=1314, 1-877-708-2910 Change of Contact Information - http://www.gactr.uga.edu/ecore/changecontact.html Textbooks - http://direct.mbsbooks.com/ecore.htm Checklist prior to first day of class ___ Log in to be certain that your username and password work. Although you will be unable to access your course(s) until the first day of class, January 6 you will be able to access your MYWebCT page as well as the Student Guide to eCore® starting December 6. If you have problems logging in, please visit the Online Support Center http://supportcenteronline.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=1314 ___ A wealth of information on the various aspects of eCore® is available to you in the Student Guide to eCore® course into which you are automatically enrolled upon registration. After you log in to check your username and password, you will have the option to begin this course. You should do so as soon as possible as many of the WebCT/VISTA skills you need to be successful are explained. ___ Review the information included in the course expectations and technical requirements. Go to http://www.gactr.uga.edu/ecore/computer.html. ___ Make sure your web browser (Internet Explorer or Netscape) is set up properly so that you will be able to access your course. Prior to logging in the first time, we recommend that you visit the web browser tune-up page, choosing Vista 3.0 as your WebCT version. The browser tune-up will ensure that you are using a supported web browser and it includes step-by-step instructions to make sure your web browser settings are optimized, http://www.webct.com/browser. Students using the AOL web browser sometimes experience technical problems. It is strongly advised that you use Internet Explorer or Netscape as your web browser for these classes. ___ Buy your textbooks and other course materials. The required textbooks for all eCore classes are available for purchase on the MBS Direct web site http://direct.mbsbooks.com/ecore.htm , or by telephone at 800-325-3252. While students are strongly encouraged to purchase their textbooks from MBS Direct, it is not mandatory. If you choose to purchase your books elsewhere, you are responsible for ensuring that you receive the correct textbooks. A textbook list is available at http://www.gactr.uga.edu/ecore/booklist.html. If you purchase your textbooks online; please choose a shipping method that will guarantee that your books will arrive by the first week of classes. It is recommended that you purchase your textbooks as soon as possible to avoid paying expedited shipping costs. Please note that most campus bookstores will not carry the textbooks for eCore courses. SPR2006 Listing 13 ATTENTION: All eCore students CRN 28050 ----------------Instructor--------------Sect Prefix Suffix Title Hrs Name Institute take a 1111 look at theCollege contact information below. If it isAtkinson incorrect, you must update yourUniveristy information at CSU Algebra Alvina Fort Valley State 1Please MATH 3 by using ISIS at http://academics.colstate.edu/ISIS/ and going under ‘Personal Information’. eCore Administrative Services may need to send you important information so it is imperative that we have a ----Registration---Student Institute Date SSN If this is Grade current email address. The email contact information that we have Status on file for you is listed below. The University West Georgia Anding, Jacqueline Active 11/21/2005 incorrect, please fill out the Contact ChangeofForm at http://www.gactr.uga.edu/ecore/changecontact.html. You Columbus Statethe University 11/16/2005 will be able to access this form throughout semester. Please note that it is your responsibility to update your contact information as it changes to ensure that you receive all important information that eCore Administrative Services sends out. «FORMATTED_NAME» «STREET1» «STREET2» «LOCALITY», «REGION» «PCODE» «TELNUM1» «EMAIL» IV. V. VI. Log into your eCore course using Vista: You will be unable to log into your class until the first day of class, January 6, but you will be able to access the Student Guide to eCore starting December 6. You should log in upon receiving your login information to make sure that you have the correct browser settings and that your account is accessible. 1. Go to this web site address, https://ecore.view.usg.edu 2. Click once on Log in. DO NOT create a username. 3. Enter your Vista username and password exactly as they appear in this letter (including small and capital letters and underscores). Usernames exclude spaces, Roman numerals, apostrophes and periods. Username: «WEBCT_ID» Password: «WEBCT_PASSWORD» 4. Click once on OK. This will take you to your Vista Homepage. This page includes links to all the courses in which you are enrolled. 5. To access a specific course, click once on the name of the course. This is where you will find the student guide, course syllabus, assignments, lecture notes and other information for your class. 6. Please disregard any eCore courses from previous semesters. It is our policy to keep these courses in WebCT for three semesters and they can not be removed. NOTE: If you cannot log in within 48 hours you MUST contact the Online Support Center (OSC) (http://supportcenteronline.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=1314.You should report any technical problem to the OSC that you encounter throughout the rest of the semester. If you do not report the problem immediately, you may miss important deadlines or course work. Instructors are not obligated to accept your excuse concerning technical problems, especially unreported technical problems. Your instructor will have an assignment that you must complete during the first week of class. Please complete this assignment as early as possible to verify your enrollment in the class. Please note that if you do not log in by Tuesday, January 13, 2006, you will be considered ‘non-participating’ and could be withdrawn from the course or receive a failing grade. Failure to participate after the login deadline may also result in being reported as nonparticipating. 14 Baker, Derek Barber, Carl Bermudez, Yolanda Carver, Anna Collins, Cynthia Crase, Nathan Craven, Ashley De La Cruz, Lemuel Edwards, Elizabeth Frazier, Heather Fullington, Babette Gaines, Gail Gallof, Lindsay Gardner, Lindsay Hall, Danielle Hayes, Spencer Hollis, Racheal Hooks, Catherine Lam, Simon Millwood, Jerry Pate, Joshua Pike, Kristi Puopolo, Christina Royal, Ashley Schartok, Elizabeth Shouse, Sarah Smith, Michael Summers, Mickenzie Tekie, Yonas Tenney, April Wartes, Ulrich Wilder, Alison Wise, Evanda Total Registered: 34 The University of West Georgia Columbus State University Georgia Highlands College Columbus State University Columbus State University Georgia Southwestern State University Columbus State University The University of West Georgia Columbus State University The University of West Georgia Georgia Southwestern State University The University of West Georgia The University of West Georgia The University of West Georgia Columbus State University Columbus State University Valdosta State University Valdosta State University Southern Polytechnic State University Columbus State University Columbus State University The University of West Georgia Valdosta State University Southern Polytechnic State University The University of West Georgia Columbus State University The University of West Georgia Georgia Southwestern State University The University of West Georgia Southern Polytechnic State University Southern Polytechnic State University The University of West Georgia Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active Active 11/21/2005 11/15/2005 11/15/2005 11/15/2005 11/15/2005 11/01/2005 11/14/2005 11/11/2005 11/16/2005 11/22/2005 10/31/2005 11/07/2005 11/22/2005 11/18/2005 11/15/2005 11/16/2005 11/14/2005 11/14/2005 11/07/2005 11/15/2005 11/15/2005 11/10/2005 11/15/2005 11/07/2005 11/14/2005 11/15/2005 11/21/2005 10/26/2005 11/22/2005 11/07/2005 11/07/2005 11/22/2005 15 Appendix C – Spring 2006 Academic Calendar (use when preparing course syllabus) Spring Semester 2006 eCore® Academic Calendar Last update – 12/2005 Event Courses available to Faculty eCore® New Teaching Faculty Orientation Course Rosters Sent to Faculty First Day Students May Log into ‘Student Guide to eCore® ’ Classes Begin Drop/Add Course Withdrawals Begin Students Must Log Into Course to Confirm Participation Deadline for Students to Submit Forms to Test Proctoring Services for Proctored Midterm Exams (faculty member will choose one of two option weeks to administer midterms – 2/5-10 or 2/12-18 Contact Ginny Coleman if there are questions (ginny.coleman@georgiacenter.uga.edu) Deadline Approx. Dec 6 Dec 14 and 15 Jan 6,9,10 and then every Friday through midpoint Tuesday, Dec 6 Friday, Jan 6 Jan 6, 9, 10 Jan 11 Fri, Jan 13, 5 p.m. All student test proctoring forms due 3 weeks prior to start date of exams Week 1 (2/5-10) Deadline for submission of Testing forms – Jan 15, 11:59pm Week 2 (2/12-18) Deadline for submission of Testing forms –Jan 22, 11:59pm Deadline for Faculty to Submit Copies of Exams to Test Proctoring Services for Proctored Midterm Exams (ginny.coleman@georgiacenter.uga.edu Master copy of midterm exam due from faculty member to Ginny Coleman 3 weeks prior to start date of exams: Week 1 (2/5-10) Deadline for submission of Testing forms – Jan 15, 11:59pm Week 2 (2/12-18) Deadline for submission of Testing forms –Jan 22, 11:59pm eCore® Holidays eCore® Midpoint Date- Last Day to Drop with a “W” Deadline for Students to Submit Forms to Test Proctoring Services for Proctored Final Exams Monday, Jan 16 Feb 24 Fri, Mar 24 - 11:59pm 3 weeks prior to first day of final exams 16 Deadline for Faculty to Submit Master Copies of Final Exams to Test Proctoring Services Fri, Mar 24 - 11:59pm 3 weeks prior to first day of final exams End-of-Semester Telephone Conference Call to Review Grade Submission Procedures (info will be sent to faculty by email) Week of April 10 Grade Roster sent to Faculty members Week of April 10 Classes End (last day of classes) Final Exams April 12 April 14, 17, 18 Grades Due from Faculty Member to eCore® office Friday, April 28, 9 a.m. Grades Due from eCore® office to Affiliate Registrars Thursday, May 2, 9 a.m. Grades Available to Students Total Instructional Days = 75 (Count every other Saturday) Around May 6 (varies per affiliate) 17 Appendix D – Instructor Exam Form Faculty Exam Form To be completed by Instructor and returned with copy of exam Course: _____________ Semester:______________ Midterm or Final Instructor: _______________________________Phone:_____________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Date range exam may be scheduled: (e.g. Feb 12-Feb 18 – please choose from options given by Ginny Coleman for midterms) _____________________________ Date you need completed exams returned to you: ___________________ Time limit of exam: (e.g. 2 hours, etc.) ________________________________ Special Instructions: Items students should bring to exam (please check, if applicable) _____Pens _____Pencils _____Calculator _____Dictionary Additional items _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Additional items inserted into test packet: “Test booklet” – 10 pages of lined paper _____________________ Scantron forms (specify type you use) _______________________ Additional notes: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Return this form with a copy of exam to: Ginny Coleman – fax: (706) 583-8218 or e-mail testing.coordinator@gactr.uga.edu Appendix E – Exam Request Form (Students complete and submit 15 business days prior to exam) 18 eCore Test Proctoring Service 192 Georgia Center for Continuing Education The University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602-3603 (706) 583-0895 / 1-866-248-5179 (U.S.) Fax: (706) 583-8218 testing.coordinator@gactr.uga.edu PROCTORED EXAMINATION REQUEST FORM This form will be used to determine when and where your proctored examinations will be delivered. • • • • • • Choose a test site and contact the site directly to schedule your testing appointment. Complete this form and e-mail or fax (706) 583-8218 to the eCore testing Coordinator (see address above). E-mail or fax this form separately – do not send this form with other course or lesson materials. This request form should be received by the eCore Testing Coordinator no later than 15 BUSINESS DAYS prior to the start date of your proctored examination. You will receive e-mail confirmation after your test has been sent to the testing center. Please review this information carefully. A photo I.D. and your Social Security Number is required for admission to the examination. Please use the following checklist: I have scheduled my examination date with a testing center, allowing at least a 15-business day notification to process my request and send the exam to the test site. Again, please e-mail or fax this form separately. Do not attach it to other lesson materials or correspondence. Examination Information Course Information __________________________________ ___________________________________ Scheduled Examination Date Time Course Number and Name __________________________________ ___________________________________ Name and Phone Number of Testing Official Instructor __________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Student Name and E-Mail Address ___________________________________ Name and Address of Testing Site TO BE COMPLETED BY eCore Testing Coordinator Request Received _________________ Verified by ________________ Date _____________ 19 Appendix F – Proctored Exam Sites eCore Test Proctoring Service 192 Georgia Center for Continuing Education The University of Georgia Athens, Georgia 30602-3603 (706) 583-0895 / 1-866-248-5179 (U.S.) Fax: (706) 542-6770 testing.coordinator@gactr.uga.edu Partial List of Proctored Exam Sites in Georgia It will be important for you to contact a test site near your home or work. When you have secured an appointment, please complete the Proctored Examination Request Form (Page 1). This is a partial list of test sites in Georgia. We have sites worldwide, too. If one of these sites is not convenient, please contact the eCore Testing Coordinator at the number/email listed above. Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Dr. Maggie Martin 48 ABAC, 2802 Moore Highway Tifton, GA 31794 (229) 386-3231 Atlanta Metropolitan College Kimberly J. Pennamon 1630 Metropolitan Parkway Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 756-4916 Augusta State University Angie Kitchens 2500 Walton Way Augusta, GA 30904-2200 (706) 737-1471 Bainbridge College Grace Nix 2500 East Shotwell Street Bainbridge, GA 31717 (229) 248-2579 Clayton College and State University Sharon Stufflebean - Learning Support Ctr. 5900 N. Lee Street Morrow, GA 30260 (770) 961-3445 Coastal Georgia Community College Ms. C. A. Lee 3700 Altama Avenue Brunswick, GA 31520-3644 (912) 264-7220 Columbus State University Stephen Mills or Dr. Hassenplug Turner Center, Room 205 Columbus, GA 31907-5645 (706) 568-2226 Dalton State University Sarita Gale or Jane Clark Ctr. for Cont. Ed. – 213 N. College Drive Dalton, GA 30720 (706) 272-4454 Darton College Jean Satterfield 2400 Gillionville Road Albany, GA 31707-3098 (229) 430-6735 East Georgia College Bennie Brinson 131 College Circle Swainsboro, GA 30401 (478) 289-2035 Emmanuel College G. Earl Beatty P.O. Box 129 Franklin Summers, GA 30639-0129 (706) 245-2802 Georgia Highlands College Phyllis Chunn – Assessment Center 3175 Cedartown Highway SE Rome, GA 30161 (706) 802-5318 20 Gainesville College David Johnston – Pace Center P.O. Box 1358 Gainesville, GA 30503 (770) 718-3863 Georgia College and State University Sharon L. Jones – Center for Testing CBX 074 Milledgeville, GA 31061 (478) 445-5016 Georgia Perimeter College (Dunwoody) Lori Payne 2101 Womack Road Dunwoody, GA 30338 (770) 551-3172 Georgia Southern University Michelle Smith P.O. Box 8067 Statesboro, GA 30461-8067 (912) 681-5415 Kennesaw State University Paula M. Almond 1000 Chastain Rd., Bldg 1, Rm. 2401 Kennesaw, GA 30144 (770) 423-6000 North Georgia College & State University Randall Howe – Testing Center Barnes Hall, Room 214 Dahlonega, GA 30597 (706) 864-1799 Paine College Earnestine H. Bell 1235 Fifteenth Street Augusta, GA 30901 (706) 821-8343 Savannah State University Shirley Barber James 259 Whiting Hall, P.O. Box 20428 Savannah, GA 31404 (912) 353-3112 Shorter College – Lawrenceville James A. Fisher, Ph. D. 585 Old Norcross Road, Ste K. Lawrenceville, GA 30045 (770) 237-5288 Shorter College – Rome Ann S. House 315 Shorter Avenue Rome, GA 30165 (706) 233-7266 University of West Georgia Francie Taylor 114 Strozier Hall Carrollton, GA 30118 (770) 836-6435 University of West Georgia – Newnan Dennis Gould 7 Solor Circle Newnan, GA 30265 (770) 254-7287 Valdosta State University Mike Gibbons - Powell Hall W., First Floor 1500 N. Patterson Street Valdosta, GA 31698 (229) 245-3878 Waycross College Merry Trammell 2001 South Georgia Parkway Waycross, GA 31503 (912) 285-6012