10 Reasons to Join - American Constitution Party

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An Economic Primer
Compliments of the American Constitution Party
SOCIALISM - You have two cows. The Government
take one and gives it to your neighbor.
COMMUNISM - You have two cows. The Government
takes both and gives you some of the milk.
FASCISM - You have two cows. The Government tells
you when to milk them, takes the milk, and sells it back
to you.
NAZISM - You have two cows. The Government takes
both and shoots you.
NEW DEAL-ISM - You have two cows. The
Government buys both, shoots one, milks the other, and
throws away the milk.
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to join the
cows. You sell one and buy a bull.
Quotes you need to know
Government can not give to the people anything that it
does not first take from the people.
~ Foundation for Economic Education
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The government that’s big enough to give you
everything you want, is big enough to take everything
you’ve got.
~ President Gerald Ford,
addressing Congress, 1974
Colorado affiliate of the Constitution Party
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That government governs best which governs least.
~ Thomas Jefferson
Founder of the Democratic Party
Government is the only entity that can take a valuable
commodity like paper, slap a little ink on it, and make
it totally worthless.
~ Austrian Economist
Ludwig von Mises
Because you believe we’re right...join us !!!
The American Constitution Party
Mail completed form to P.O. Box 1776, Arvada, CO 80001.
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I’ll change my registration to ACN:  Yes  Maybe; I’d like to have more info first
Government ought to be limited - Government control over
private property and industry is the very definition of
fascism; government ownership of them is communism. The
great lesson of history is that the closer a government moves
toward these characteristics, the greater becomes the tyranny
of the elite and the suffering of the people. Government’s
job is to create a fair and level playing field, protect the
players against force or fraud, then stand back and let the
people do their jobs… creating and producing.
Money ought to be soundly based - The value of our money
ought not to be manipulated at the whim of the self-serving
bankers and bureaucrats in New York and Washington who
have the power to control it to their own benefit. The
creation of fiat (thin-air) money, to cover deficit spending,
devalues all money in circulation at the time and is the direct
and only cause of true inflation. [A rise in prices due to
supply/demand fluctuations is not inflation.] The Federal
Reserve System is a bank-owned franchise with unConstitutional control over the money supply and interest
rates, which should be rescinded. We must return to a
constant precious-metal standard as a fixed measure of the
value of money (regulated by Congress as required by the
constitution) and interest rates set by the free-market laws of
supply and demand.
Taxation ought to be limited - The imposed burden of
taxation should never exceed 10% of the earnings of the
people (Gross National Income). Current taxes at all levels
of government absorb 47.3% of GNI on average. This has
created a bloated, repressive, non-productive bureaucracy
and a scarcity of savings for capital formation, which, in
turn, has lead to a declining standard of living, exported
jobs, and disincentives to productivity as the people are
denied the right to keep the fruits of their labor. Furthermore,
this has created the untenable circumstance of mothers being
forced to abandon their home and family lives in order to
work for enough money to cover the taxes levied on their
husbands’ incomes, which in turn have been driven into ever
-higher tax brackets by inflation.
Government ought to be debt-free - Government debt is an
insidious, hidden anchor on the economy by which we
obligate our children to pay forever for our appetites and
excesses. The interest payment on the national debt exceeds
all proceeds from the personal income tax. Estimates now
predict that, as early as 2015, these payments will not be
able to be made; we will be bankrupt as a nation. ACP
candidates will vote against any local, state, or federal
budget which does not seek to pay off its debts.
Defense ought to be the national government’s highest
priority - After all, that was its first Constitutionally
mandated function. And, the alleged “break-up” of the
Soviet Union not withstanding, nations still exist from which
Americans need protection against conventional, nuclear,
terrorist or combined threats. Toward this end, we support
such protective systems as The Strategic Defense Initiative
and other similar applications of our technological
Sign me up! ____ out of 10 ain’t bad!
We Believe...
The right of life ought to apply to all citizens - There is no
difference between human personhood and human life. Each
living human has a right to continuity of that life, as
described in the Declaration of Independence, without regard
to race, color, gender, creed, age, environmental status, or
degree of dependency on others, and without respect to
anyone else’s judgment as to the “ quality” of that life.
Charity ought to be privately funded and privately
administered - Our governments have never been
commissioned or authorized by any constitution to fund
welfare programs of any kind. Indeed, we are biblically
admonished to personally and individually assist the
stranger, the poor, the handicapped, the elderly, and the
unemployed. It is we, as neighbors, churches, and “just plain
folks,” we are called to love others and show kindness.
Governments do not care for people; they merely fund
programs. Mandatory charity is the ultimate oxymoron.
Education ought to be the prerogative of the family– The
government must not mandate through the funding process:
(1) The nature, content, or goals of education; (2) That
children shall be exposed to certain “politically correct”
attitudes or beliefs about science, art, history, government,
‘social awareness’ topics, or any other subject; or (3) that
children should not be exposed to such “psychologically
damaging” concepts as individual achievement, competitive
spirit, personal responsibility, self-control, liberty, morality,
and spirituality.
Government ought to protect citizens from criminals first
– One can not be truly free in a society where criminals
operate with impunity, whether as a result of lack of law
enforcement capacity or court processes that are overindulgent in emphasizing the rights of the criminal to the
detriment of justice for the victim. We support capital
punishment for capital crimes, stiff sentences for crimes of
violence, and restitution to victims as effective means of
deterrence and justice for families. The state should sue
civilly on behalf of the victims, for damages resulting from
the commission of the crime, as a post-conviction addendum
to the criminal proceeding, rather than dumping the entire
cost and burden of that action into the laps of those who
have suffered the loss.
The right to keep and bear arms ought to remain intact–
The second amendment has nothing in the world to do with
hunting or target practice. It does have to do with protecting
the nation from external and internal subversion… and self
and family from criminals. We oppose all attempts to
control the ownership of guns by law-abiding citizens. We
strongly support the imposition of stiffer penalties for the
brandishment or discharge of a firearm during the
commission of a crime, and for bodily harm caused by any
such discharge; but we should fear the government that
fears our guns.