englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #1 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) k i n d A. B. C. D. nice wild funny best 2) s h i n y A. B. C. D. extra careful bright angry 3) gl ad A. B. C. D. broken happy open round 4) b i g A. B. C. D. large many next only 5) f as t A. B. C. D. clear main clean quick 6) n oi s y A. B. C. D. first loud afraid small Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) thick A. B. C. D. thin heavy fat young 2) early A. B. C. D. very way now late 3) cold A. B. C. D. cool hot easy low 4) s l ow A. B. C. D. dark fast lucky old 5) similar A. B. C. D. present different important secret 6) s af e A. B. C. D. dangerous important terrible busy englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #2 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) f i n al A. B. C. D. last first heavy small 2) tiny A. B. C. D. very loose very happy very thick very small 3) great A. B. C. D. very soft very loud very hard very good 4) merry A. B. C. D. safe happy upset angry 5) tired A. B. C. D. kind sleepy ready angry 6) unhappy A. B. C. D. playful alive sad angry Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) first A. B. C. D. last primary early late 2) late A. B. C. D. heavy soon long early 3) difficult A. B. C. D. hard nice easy tough 4) thick A. B. C. D. worn old dirty thin 5) right A. B. C. D. hard wrong correct wicked 6) near A. B. C. D. long away far close englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #3 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) s k i n n y A. B. C. D. small little thin strong 2) weird A. B. C. D. strange great unhealthy typical 3) similar A. B. C. D. correct different alike unequal 4) scared A. B. C. D. happy sad angry afraid 5) smart A. B. C. D. dumb wide intelligent old 6) sure A. B. C. D. likely doubtful certain smart Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) dark A. B. C. D. colorful heavy light smooth 2) ol d A. B. C. D. sleepy tired young gray 3) least A. B. C. D. less more equal most 4) u gl y A. B. C. D. pretty hard young straight 5) west A. south B. north C. east 6) strong A. B. C. D. heavy thin weak skinny englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #4 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) angry A. B. C. D. happy mad tired sad 2) amazing A. B. C. D. small irregular crazy incredible 3) f ai r A. B. C. D. equal large loose unbalanced 4) h u ge A. B. C. D. light determined tiny giant 5) hilarious A. B. C. D. very smart very funny very small very large 6) lovely A. B. C. D. very shy very expensive very nice very tired Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) b ad A. B. C. D. happy cruel good angry 2) sick A. B. C. D. dizzy energetic upset well 3) easy A. B. C. D. fine fast hard strong 4) l oos e A. B. C. D. super tight sticky strong 5) l ow A. B. C. D. here middle there high 6) b i g A. B. C. D. small normal tiny average englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #5 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) cheap A. B. C. D. valuable costly pricey inexpensive 2) packed A. B. C. D. alone light crowded heavy 3) difficult A. B. C. D. soft easy old hard 4) terrible A. B. C. D. sweet incredible bad horrible 5) super A. B. C. D. lousy rainy good great 6) disgusting A. B. C. D. tasty gross flavorful good Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) mean A. B. C. D. happy tall weird nice 2) beautiful A. B. C. D. expensive hostile ugly brave 3) h ap p y A. B. C. D. disturbed mad sad afraid 4) rare A. B. C. D. painful creepy normal common 5) strong A. B. C. D. thin young weak light 6) tiny A. B. C. D. puny large small huge englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #6 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) nervous A. B. C. D. short angry crazy anxious 2) ready A. B. C. D. late prepared afraid lazy 3) awesome A. B. C. D. wild bad amazing sorry 4) closed A. B. C. D. loose ajar open shut 5) shout A. B. C. D. yell say speak whisper 6) shy A. B. C. D. meek silent early strange Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) careful A. B. C. D. fast loving reckless painless 2) shiny A. B. C. D. bright new old dull 3) doubtful A. B. C. D. unsure unlikely certain possible 4) skinny A. B. C. D. fat large small chubby 5) brave A. B. C. D. cowardly courageous heroic passionate 6) loud A. B. C. D. quiet small noisy tight englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #7 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) many A. B. C. D. a few some none a lot 2) total A. B. C. D. sum none addition some 3) cent A. B. C. D. dime quarter penny nickel 4) market A. B. C. D. grocery store food vegetables fruit 5) val u e A. B. C. D. good price worth number 6) place A. B. C. D. water home location sad Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) buyer A. B. C. D. owner price farmer seller 2) end A. B. C. D. finish middle last beginning 3) ad u l t A. B. C. D. man grandparent woman child 4) nothing A. B. C. D. something anything everything someone 5) girl A. B. C. D. uncle niece sister boy 6) sunset A. B. C. D. sunshine moon star sunrise englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #8 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) mom A. B. C. D. brother father sister mother 2) worker A. B. C. D. boss employee helper friend 3) father A. B. C. D. uncle aunt mother dad 4) woman A. B. C. D. husband girl lady man 5) grandpa A. B. C. D. grandfather uncle grandmother nephew 6) person A. B. C. D. woman man human son Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) w i f e A. B. C. D. daughter uncle niece husband 2) s on A. B. C. D. daughter neighbor wife sister 3) au n t A. B. C. D. uncle husband cousin friend 4) teacher A. B. C. D. professor school grade student 5) queen A. B. C. D. knight peasant bishop king 6) brother A. B. C. D. woman girl wife sister englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #9 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) k i d A. B. C. D. man adult woman child 2) cup A. B. C. D. dish bowl plate glass 3) picture A. B. C. D. window table mirror photo 4) carpet A. B. C. D. table television floor rug 5) b ox A. B. C. D. sink room attic crate 6) oven A. B. C. D. stove dryer iron washer Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) peace A. B. C. D. war battle love year 2) l i f e A. B. C. D. pain disease happiness death 3) health A. B. C. D. pain hospital sickness doctor 4) f ood A. B. C. D. health water hunger drink 5) niece A. B. C. D. cousin uncle brother nephew 6) n i gh t A. B. C. D. late day morning light englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #10 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) h an d b ag A. B. C. D. shoe hat belt purse 2) robber A. B. C. D. officer police thief banker 3) help A. B. C. D. assistant aid payment application 4) fear A. B. C. D. cry hide run terror 5) hotel A. B. C. D. bed stay inn room 6) d oor A. B. C. D. key gate wall tunnel Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) evening A. B. C. D. afternoon night midnight morning 2) enemy A. B. C. D. person friend war soldier 3) f al s e A. B. C. D. correct ready right true 4) l os s A. B. C. D. score win point goal 5) lock A. B. C. D. gate door opening key 6) danger A. B. C. D. accident sport health safety englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #11 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) s ou n d A. B. C. D. peace whisper computer noise 2) move A. B. C. D. stand stay sit travel 3) keep A. B. C. D. hide play buy save 4) b u y A. B. C. D. trade compromise purchase sell 5) watch A. B. C. D. hear touch understand see 6) talk A. B. C. D. hear present speak listen Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) learn A. B. C. D. teach smell hear talk 2) sleep A. B. C. D. dream wake play retire 3) p l ay A. B. C. D. know work finish begin 4) l au gh A. B. C. D. cry sigh faint hurt 5) s i t A. B. C. D. run walk fall stand 6) sell A. B. C. D. receive buy get take englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #12 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) hurt A. B. C. D. take hold injure receive 2) smile A. B. C. D. speak touch grin say 3) start A. B. C. D. end break finish begin 4) l i k e A. B. C. D. love enjoy hate dislike 5) clean A. B. C. D. wash dirty use soil 6) jog A. B. C. D. talk walk stand run Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) glance A. B. C. D. make watch check stare 2) notice A. B. C. D. hold steal ignore attack 3) raise A. B. C. D. decide lower fly jump 4) subtract A. B. C. D. multiply divide equal add 5) pitch A. B. C. D. hold catch toss steal 6) p u l l A. B. C. D. lean push wrestle fight englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #13 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) attack A. B. C. D. protect resist stop defend 2) twist A. B. C. D. open tighten lock turn 3) make A. B. C. D. do destroy build clean 4) see A. B. C. D. decide hear do understand 5) mix A. B. C. D. cook bake stir burn 6) rattle A. B. C. D. entertain vibrate maintain move Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) repair A. B. C. D. break brake move fix 2) h i d e A. B. C. D. play win seek run 3) l os e A. B. C. D. stay win take try 4) f ai l A. B. C. D. correct succeed try help 5) yell A. B. C. D. cry shout whisper scream 6) escape A. B. C. D. hurt dodge jump capture englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #14 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) produce A. B. C. D. buy make sell find 2) q u i t A. B. C. D. fire accept stop hire 3) increase A. B. C. D. subtract remove decrease grow 4) an n oy A. B. C. D. scold establish bother punish 5) think A. B. C. D. sleep decide wonder watch 6) rip A. B. C. D. collect patch tear give Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) recommend A. B. C. D. declare advise depend show 2) b u i l d A. B. C. D. make destroy start create 3) let A. B. C. D. clap deny laugh allow 4) agree A. B. C. D. disturb disagree disrupt dismiss 5) arrive A. B. C. D. come hug leave greet 6) reject A. B. C. D. choose say accept refer englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #15 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) create A. B. C. D. write make hurt run 2) h op A. B. C. D. walk stand run jump 3) h op e A. B. C. D. dream frown love sleep 4) send A. B. C. D. package attend deliver wrap 5) go A. B. C. D. stay talk move ask 6) b ak e A. B. C. D. build make cook create Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) p u t A. B. C. D. give place handle take 2) cut A. B. C. D. peel burn stir slice 3) lead A. B. C. D. direct help follow manage 4) l ove A. B. C. D. hate fear like dislike 5) enter A. B. C. D. come exit celebrate join 6) p ay A. B. C. D. sell trust earn stain englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #16 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) change A. B. C. D. steer switch remain drive 2) decide A. B. C. D. choose steal think attempt 3) clean A. B. C. D. put wash hang push 4) try A. B. C. D. fail attempt score shoot 5) hurry A. B. C. D. rush drive sail run 6) turn A. B. C. D. assemble generate rotate change Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) ab l e A. B. C. D. real sure helpless certain 2) l i f t A. B. C. D. hold pull grab drop 3) punish A. B. C. D. bring accept reward give 4) hire A. B. C. D. employ fire deny quit 5) teach A. B. C. D. comprehend understand learn listen 6) jump A. B. C. D. walk run skip fall englishforeveryone.org ● Name________________ Date________________ Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms #17 Synonyms: words that have the same (or nearly the same) meanings Example: large big Antonyms: words that have opposite meanings Example: hot cold Directions: Choose the best synonym for the following words. 1) s k i l l A. B. C. D. wish work ability task 2) courageous A. B. C. D. powerful cowardly quick brave 3) h on or A. B. C. D. determination respect courage dignity 4) required A. B. C. D. terrible wicked doubtful necessary 5) watch A. B. C. D. taste see smell hear 6) furious A. B. C. D. very playful very calm very angry very interested Directions: Choose the best antonym for the following words. 1) pathetic A. B. C. D. careful concerned excellent mediocre 2) create A. B. C. D. intend make destroy incite 3) cowardly A. B. C. D. brave exceptional cautious friendly 4) excel A. B. C. D. achieve fail hinder repeat 5) reveal A. B. C. D. invite obscure correct discover 6) cautious A. B. C. D. careful foolhardy fitful wasteful englishforeveryone.org Beginning Synonyms and Antonyms Answer Key # # 1 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. B 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. A 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. C # 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. C # 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. D 6. B 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. D 1. D 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. C 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. B 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. C 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. B 1. D 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 5 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. A 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. B # 1. D 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. D 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. D 6. A 10 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. B 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. B # 1.B 2.C 3. D 4. C 5.C 6.C 1. D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. D # 14 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. D 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. D # 9 13 17 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. D 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C # # 16 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. C 6. C 8 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. D # 4 # 12 # 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. C 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. C # 11 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. C 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. C 7 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. A 6. A # 3 # 6 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. A # 2 15 1. B 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. C 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. C 1. D 2.D 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C