Hacker Perspectives

Hacker Perspectives
Advanced Computer
SS 2007
Franz Sommerauer
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Definition of a Hacker
History of Hacking
How to get into Scene
Information Gathering
Ethical Hacking
Most famous Hackers
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
(see Hacker Jargon file)
1. A person who enjoys learning the details
of programming systems and how to stretch
their capabilities, as opposed to most users
who prefer to learn only the minimum
2. One who programs enthusiastically, or
who enjoys programming rather than just
theorizing about programming.
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Types of hackers
White hat
Grey hat
A person who is ethically opposed to the abuse of computer
systems (ethical hacker)
Generally focuses on securing IT systems
A skilled hacker who sometimes acts legally, sometimes in
good will, and sometimes not
Hybrid between white and black hat hackers
Black hat
Someone who compromises the security of a system
without permission from an authorized party
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
History of hacking
John Draper discovers that a 2.6
kHz tone allows to access the
internal trunking mechanism of Ma
2.6 kHz tone created by a whistle
With a Blue box it was possible to
take internal control of Ma Bell's
long distance switching equipment
College students Steve Wozniak
and Steve Jobs begin making and
selling blue boxes
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
History of hacking
Chaos computer Club forms in Germany
Hacker group of six teenage hackers (414’s)
broke into 60 computer systems and instiutitions
(including Los Alamos Labs)
Kevin Mitnick secretly monitors the e-Mail of
security officials (sentenced for one year to jail)
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
History of hacking
Robert T. Morris launches a worm on governments
ARPAnet (precursor of the Internet)
The worm spreads to 6000 networked computers
First person indicted under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
of 1986
3 years probation
400 hours community service
Fine of $10,050 and cost of his supervision
First National Bank of Chicago became victim of $70-million
computer theft
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
History of hacking
Hackers in West Germany were arrested
Broke into U.S. Government and corporate computers
Sold OS-Sourcecode to Soviet KGB
Fry Guy was arrested
earned the name by hacking into a local McDonald's
computer and giving raises to his hamburger-flipping
Got credit card numbers by social engeneering
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
History of hacking
During radio station call-in contests, Kevin
Poulsen and 2 friends rigged the stations phone
systm to let their calls through
Won 2 Porsches, vacation trips and $20.000
Texas A&M Univerity professor received death
threats because a hacker used his email account
to sent 20.000 racist emails
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
History of hacking
Vladimir Levin and his group transferred $10
million from Citibank to bank accounts all over the
Sentenced to three years in prison
Kevin Mitnick arrested again
FBI accused him of stealing 20.000 credit card numbers
stealing files from companies as Motorola and Sun
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
History of hacking
2 hacker were sentenced to death in China for stealing 260.000 Yuan
Unidentified hacker seized control of British military communication
satellite and demanded money in return for control of satellite
Hackers broke into Microsoft‘s corporate network
Russian cracker attempts to extort $100.000 from online music retailer
CD Universe
accessed source code for latest versions of Mircrosoft Windows and Office
threatening to expose thousands of customers credit card numbers
I love you virus spread rapidly around the world
infected image and sound files
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
History of hacking
Mircrosoft sent more than 8.000 programmers to
security training
Myron Tereshchuk was arrested
Attempting to extort $17 million from Micropatent
Jeanson James Ancheta received a 57 month
prison sentence
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
How to get into scene
How to become a hacker
Learn about the techniques behind (program, UNIX, WWW)
Contribute to a hacker culture
You aren't really a hacker until other hackers consistently call you one
Hackers publish their work under real-names, Crackers use
Experiment and try out things
How to become a cracker
Download a script and run it somewhere
Download a file called “40HEX”
Use your hacking skills for bad purpose
The final reason a cracker cracks is for money
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Information gathering
The more you know the easier you can attack.
There are many ways to gather information
Footprinting, Ping Sweep, Port Scan, OS Detection, Finger
Giving away knowledge is more dangerous than
running insecure software.
Manuals must be secret!
Never give away secret information over telephone!
Try to conceal what software / hardware / versions you are
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Information gathering
Learn as much as you can about a system
Remote access possibilities, ports, services …
How does the phone-system work?
How does the back-bone work?
How does the company deal with the system?
Who is responsible, who knows the system?
Read papers, manuals and ask the ones who know
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Information gathering
Social Engineering
Attacker tries to convince someone to give out information,
Most innocent questions
What is the phone number/IP address for…
Who is responsible for administrating the computer network
Network structure
The technical know-how is less important than
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Information gathering
Ping sweep
Ping a range of IP addresses to find out which
machines are currently running
Port Scan
TCP Scan:
Scan ports to see which services are running
UDP Scan:
Send garbage packets to ports
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Information gathering
OS Detection
This involves sending illegal ICMP or TCP
packets to a machine
Retrieving the User List to get all accounts.
Read Log-Files that show from where and when
users are logging in.
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Ethical Hacking
Best protect a system by probing it while causing no
damage and fixing vulnerabilities found
Simulate how an attacker with no inside knowledge
of a system might try to penetrate
Includes permission to intrude
Consulting services
Hacking contests
Beta testing
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Ethical Hacking
The Problem
Current software engineering practices do not produce
systems that are immune from attack
Current security tools only address parts of the problem and
not the system as a whole
→ lack understanding leads to reliance upon partial
Policy and law in cyberspace is immature and lags the
state-of-the-art in attacks
System administration is difficult and becoming
unmanageable due to patching against increased
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Ethical Hacking
The result
Average time for a PC to be broken into directly
out-of-box from the store and attached to the
Internet is less than 24 hours.
The worst case scenario is about 15 minutes
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Ethical Hacking
Scanning Tools
Typical information that can be learnd from a port
scan is:
Existence of computer
Version of OS
Types of available services (smtp, httpd, ftp, telnet…)
Type of computing platform
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Ethical Hacking
Dual nature of a port scanner
Most powerful tool an ethical hacker can use in
protecting a network of computers
Most powerful tool a cracker can use to generate
Historically most popular cracker attacks are
those that use scanning tools to target known
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Ethical Hacking
Conflicts of interest
Security firms hype and invent threats
Persons who work at security firms have been
known to spend their off-hours creating and
distributing the very attack tools their company
sells to protect against
Due to market pressure, businesses have used
ethical hackers to:
Beta test products
Hacking contests
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Ethical Hacking
The present poor security on the Internet, ethical
hacking may be the most effective way to
proactively plug security holes an prevent
On the other hand, ethical hacking tools have also
been notorious tools for crackers.
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Most famous Hackers
Black hat hackers
Jonathan James
installed a backdoor into a Defense Threat Reduction Agency
cracked into NASA computers
stealing software worth approximately $1.7 million
started a computer security company
Adrian Lamo
His hits include Yahoo!, Bank of America, Citigroup and
Now he is working as journalist and public speaker
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Most famous Hackers
Kevin Mitnick
Kevin Poulsen
He hacked into computers, stole corporate secrets, scrambled
phone networks and broke into the national defense warning
is now a computer security consultant, author and speaker
His hacking specialty, however, revolved around telephones
He is now a senior editor for Wired News
Robert Tappan Morris
is currently working as a tenured professor at the MIT
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Most famous Hackers
White hat hackers
Stephan Wozniak
Co-founded Apple computers with Steve Jobs
got his start in hacking making blue boxes
Wozniak even used a blue box to call the Pope while
pretending to be Henry Kissinger
Tim Berners-Lee
famed as the inventor of the World Wide Web
While working with CERN he created a hypertext prototype
system that helped researchers share and update information
founded the World Wide Web Consortium at MIT (W3C)
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Most famous Hackers
Linus Torvalds
Richard Stallman
Father of Linux
He started with a task switcher in Intel 80386 assembly and a
terminal driver. Then he put out a call for others to contribute
code, which they did. Only about 2% of the Linux kernel is
written by Torvalds himself (most prominent examples of
free/open source software)
Founded the GNU Project to develop a free OS
Tsutomu Shimomura
he was hacked by Kevin Mitnick. Following this personal
attack, he made it his cause to help the FBI capture him
Using Mitnick's cell phone, they tracked him near RaleighDurham International Airport
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives
Thank you for your attention!
ACN SS 07 - Hacker Perspectives