STOR 155-007 – “Introductory Statistics” – Fall 2008 MWF 1:00 – 1:50 PM, PE 217 Prerequisite: Math 110 (or exemption) Instructor: Sungkyu Jung Credits: 3 Office: B24 Hanes Hall Telephone: 962-9688 Email: Monday 2:30 – 3:30 pm Tuesday 2:00 – 3:00 pm Thursday 10:30 – 11:30 am - The instructor is usually available immediately after class, also. - If you are unable to meet at these times, then schedule an appointment with the instructor for an alternate time - An additional review session will be scheduled for the day before each Exam. Instructors Office Hours: Instructional Assistant: Eric Lock Office Hour: Wed 10:30-11:30 am Open Tutorial Leaders: Christopher Cabanski Jessica Cisewski Philip Howard Eric Lock Office: B04 Hanes Hall B46 Hanes Hall B52 Hanes Hall B01 Hanes Hall Office: B01 Hanes Hall Telephone: 843-2432 Telephone: 962-1488 843-9051 843-9057 843-2432 Email: Email: Open Tutorial Sessions: Smith Bldg. Rm107 Sun – Mon – Tues –Wed – Thurs 7 pm – 8 pm Bring along your own CCI laptop computer when you attend Open Tutorial Sessions. Textbook: “Introduction to the Practice of Statistics” 6th Edition, by Moore, McCabe and Craig (2009); Access to the accompanying “StatsPortal” is also required. Bring the textbook and a calculator to every class meeting. Laptops will not be permitted in class. All cell phones must be off in class. Syllabus: Chapter 1 1 Sections 1,2 3 Descriptions Describing Data Distributions: Graphically & Numerically Normal Distribution 2 2 2 1,2,3,4 6 Describing Data Relationships: Scatterplots, Correlation, Regression Causation 3 1,2,3 Collecting Data: Experiments & Sampling 4 4 1,2 3,4 Randomness & Probability Random Variables: Distributions, Means, Variances 5 5 5 1 2 Sampling Distributions Binomial Distribution Central Limit Theorem 6 6 6 1 2,3, Figure 6.17 Statistical Inference Confidence Intervals Hypothesis Testing 7 1 Inference for a Mean, using the t-distribution 8 1 Inference for a Proportion Homework: Homework will be assigned after each class meeting and will be due at the start of the next class meeting. No late homework will be accepted. Any homework not turned in at the regular class meeting must be deposited in the Instructional Assistant’s mailbox (Room 310 in Hanes Hall) before 1:00 p.m. on the due date; do not deposit in the Instructor’s mailbox, and do not slide it under the Instructor’s door. Homework will not be accepted via email, disk, or any other electronic form. All homework is required. Missed homeworks will receive a grade of zero. Homework assignments will be posted shortly after class at our course site in “Blackboard” under Assignments. “Blackboard” can be reached at the address and you will need to provide your “ONYEN” and “PASSWORD” in order to login at “Blackboard”. Once you are in “Blackboard”, go to our course site entitled “STOR 155 Section 7 (Fall 2008)”, and then press the “Assignments” button. To receive credit on homework, you must: show all work neatly, write in blue or black pen or pencil (never in red), clearly label each problem (including Excel exercises), circle your final answers (circling is necessary only for numerical answers, and circling is not necessary on Excel output), staple the entire assignment (including the Excel exercises) together in the correct order (the order they were assigned) with your name printed in ink on every page; only turn in Excel output corresponding to the template requested in the assignment – do not turn in additional Excel worksheets or other output. Any homework violating these rules will receive a grade of zero for the entire assignment. The homework will be graded, and each assignment carries equal weight, your semester average counts as 20% of your course grade. You are allowed to work with other students on the homework problems, however, verbatim copying of homework is absolutely forbidden and constitutes a violation of the Honor Code; therefore each student must ultimately produce his or her own homework to be turned in and graded. You are encouraged to ask the Instructor, the Instructional Assistant, and the Open Tutorial Leaders for help on homework problems, after you have attempted to solve the problems on your own. The Instructor is available during his Office Hours, the Instructional Assistant is available during his Office Hours, the Open Tutorial Leaders are available during the Open Tutorial Sessions. Note the textbook provides the answers to the odd-numbered problems. Any questions about your homework grades should first be taken up with the Instructional Assistant; if these questions cannot be resolved with the Instructional Assistant, then feel free to discuss them with the Instructor. If you are absent from class when a homework is returned, you can still get the homework back from the Instructional Assistant. Exams: There will be 2 in class Midterms, each worth 20% of your course grade; the Final will be worth 40% of your course grade. All exams are required, and there will be no make-up exams. Missed exams will receive a grade of zero. All exams are entirely closed-book and closed-notes with no formula sheets permitted; computers are not permitted during exams, but calculators may be used. Any questions regarding exam grades should be taken to the Instructor. If you are absent the day the exams are returned you may pick them up at Office Hours. Any student needing to be excused from the regularly scheduled Final Exam because he or she has 3 Final Exams within 24 hours must obtain a written Dean’s excuse and must discuss the situation with the Instructor at least 3 weeks before the regularly scheduled Final Exam, so the alternative arrangements can be made. Schedule: . First Midterm Exam Deadline to Drop Course Second Midterm Exam Final Exam Homework Average Total Friday Monday Friday Tuesday Sep 26 (in class) October 13 October 31 (in class) December 9 (12:00 noon) 20% 20% 40% 20% 100% All questions about course registration and waitlists should be directed to: Ms. Charlotte Rogers (, Room 321 in Hanes Hall, 962-2307). Each student is responsible for verifying his or her own recorded score during the semester. The Honor Code will be observed at all times in this course. This class will participate in the Carolina Course Evaluation Each student should feel comfortable approaching the Instructor with any problems he or she has with the course. If there is a problem which cannot be resolved with the Instructor or which you do not feel comfortable approaching the Instructor, you may confidentially contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies at the STOR Department - Professor Ed Carlstein (office room: 334 Hanes Hall, 962 – 1275,