If Satan Had the Power

Pastor Cliff Hall ValleyCowboyChurch.net |
Sunday, March 23, 2014
If Satan Had the Power
Satan's power is very over-rated when he only has an ability to mess with your mind How
does he appear to have so much power? First, we need to see just who Satan really is. Before
creation, Satan was a high angelic creature who rebelled against the Creator to become
opposition to God and man. He was known as Lucifer in his past heavenly position and is now
better known as the evil one. Here is what makes him look like he has power. He is the leader of
the fallen angels who room free will through the heavenlies. These fallen angels are so numerous
that they create an illusion that Satan is omnipresent (everywhere) just like God. Yes, he did
cause the fall of the human race as noted in Genesis chapter three and yes, he has already been
defeated, though he has not yet admitted so.
If Satan had the power, he would be equal to God in power. Satan, created by God makes
him at very best, second to the Creator. It is simple God - has the power to create and Satan does
not. Since he is a creation, he is limited, and only has power permitted by God. The destruction
left in his path leaves a powerful impression. His demons recognize the power of his defeater,
Jesus, and do fear him.
If Satan does not have the power, then who does? Luke 4:31-44 holds the answer. Notice
what verse 32 says. Jesus was not there speaking good words nor was He blessing people with
miracle. No, Jesus was speaking with authority in a town called Capernaum, headquarters for
Roman troops. What a place to spread the Word! The evil spirit recognizes Jesus, "I know who
you are---the Holy One sent from God." (4:34 NLT) Jesus cut him short and told him to come
out of the man and he did. (4:35) This demon is actually going to church. If you think demons do
not go to church, you had better think again. God is omnipresent (everywhere), not Satan so he
uses his demons to get the work done. In this case, to make himself better known the demon had
entered the body of a man that he might be visible.
Jesus has the power, not Satan and the people recognized it. "Amazed, the people
exclaimed, 'What authority and power this man's words possess! Even evil spirits obey him, and
flee at his command!" (4:36 NLT) If Satan had the power, these evil spirits would not flee from
Jesus. All Satan has the power to do is send evil spirits to harass, tempt, and destroy. Demons are
real, they are dangerous, and they are nothing to casually mess with. Never think that you are
strong enough to battle them one on one. Only Jesus can do that. With Jesus on your side and in
your heart, the demon can never enter you.
From Genesis to Revelation the Bible does not attempt to cover up the evil of Satan. The
Word of God does not down play the danger Satan and his demons possess. The Bible does say
that Jesus has conquered evil, as the power of Jesus is greater than the power of Satan. Jesus
treated demons as real and we should treat them as real. Recognizing the power and authority of
Jesus is the first step in conquering fear of evil. This is what Jesus said about the evil one. "The
thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to
Pastor Cliff Hall ValleyCowboyChurch.net |
Sunday, March 23, 2014
the full." (John 10:10 NIV) I do not think that as a whole, the Christian world has a grip on the
demonic army of Satan. Christians claim salvation through Jesus, yet I wonder if some Christians
truly understand from "what" they are saved. Satan can send his army of demons to mess with
you and if you let your guard down, he will defeat you. Who do you depend on for power?