Electric Flux Recall that when electric field lines are carefully drawn that the density of lines (the number of lines crossing a unit area perpendicular to the lines) is proportional to the electric field magnitude. Therefore if we have a flat rectangular area A perpendicular to the electric field, the number of electric field lines crossing the area is proportional to Φ E = EA , where this is called the flux of E where E is a constant and is perpendicular to the area A. The concept of the flux of a vector is not limited to electric fields but can be applied to any vector field, e.g. the velocity field for fluid flow. Here, we will gradually generalize this definition to cases a. when E is not perpendicular to the area b. when E is not a constant c. to curved surfaces d. and finally to closed, rather than open, surfaces. a. With flux associated with the number of field lines crossing the surface, it is straightforward to generalize to the case when E is not perpendicular to the area. Imagine a bull’s eye target. First when arrows are aimed at the target perpendicular to the surface, you have the greatest probability to hit the bull’s eye. If, by mishap, the bull’s eye were oriented so that the normal to its surface were not horizontal, but were up at some angle, then the area presented to you as you shoot your arrows would decrease – the projected area you would see would be smaller. By how much? Well, if A’ is the projected area perpendicular to E , A’ = A cosθ, where the angle is that between E and the normal to the surface. So in this case we have that the electric flux is given by Φ E = EA cos θ having a maximum value of EA when the normal is along the E and a minimum of 0 when it is perpendicular to E and presents zero projected area. b. Now suppose that E ≠ constant. How shall we define the electric flux over some area A? We divide A up into small areas ∆Ai. Let’s make these into vectors with the direction given by the direction of the normal vector (perpendicular to the surface), so that ∆Ai = ∆Ai nˆ where n̂ is a unit vector perpendicular to the area ∆Ai. n Then we can define the electric flux over the small E area ∆Ai to be ∆Φ E = Ei i∆Ai = Ei ∆Ai cos θ i , where the angle is (from the usual dot product) that between the two vectors. To get the total electric flux over the total area A, we first imagine that the small areas ∆A become differential areas dA and then we integrate over the total area A to find Φ E = ∫ d Φ E = ∫∫ E idA , R where the integral is the usual double integral over the plane area A. Note that HRW write this integral with a single integral sign in a short-hand notation. Don’t get confused – it is really a surface integral. c. What happens, next, if the surface is curved in space? You will see a lot more of this from Julius, but here we simply quote that the result will look almost the same, but with the plane region R replaced by the curved surface S, so that Φ E = ∫∫ E idA E S n d. Lastly, what happens if the surface is closed? This means that the surface encloses a volume so that there is an inside and an outside volume bounded by the closed surface. Then we simply write that the electric flux is given by Φ E = ∫∫ E idA dA S where the circle on the integrals indicates that S is a closed surface and where now, to be specific, the normal to the surface is always taken as the outward normal – that is pointing toward the external volume, pointing outward from the surface. Example 1: Find the flux through a cube of side L oriented with its faces parallel to the Cartesian axes and with a uniform electric field along the + x direction. Solution: Note that there are 6 faces to the cube. y For the two faces with normals along ± k (front and back): E E ikˆ = 0 , so ΦE = 0 for these. Similarly the flux through the the two faces with normals along ± j are zero x But the two faces with normal along ± I each contribute to ˆ + E i(−iˆ) A = 0 . the total flux: Φ E = E iiA z So, we conclude that the total flux through the cube is zero. Example 2: Find the flux through a hemisphere of radius a due to a uniform electric field along its axis as shown. z We want to calculate E idA where ∫∫ S y x E = Eo kˆ and dA = dA rˆ since the outward normal points along the radial direction. Remembering that in spherical coordinates dA = a2sinφ dφ dθ , we have Φ E = Eo ∫∫ kˆirˆ(a 2 sin φ ) dφ dθ where the limits of integration on φ are 0 to π/2 and on θ are 0 to 2π. Noting that the dot product involves two unit vectors and that the angle between them is φ, we have E Φ E = Eo a 2 π /2 ∫ 0 2π cos φ sin φ dφ ∫ dθ 0 But the second integral is just 2π and the first integral can be done directly to give π /2 sin 2 φ 1 = , so that the total electric flux is given by Φ E = Eoπ a 2 . 2 0 2 Notice that, if we had been clever, we might have guessed this result since it represents the product of the uniform electric field and the projected area perpendicular to the electric field – namely the area of the circle in the x-y plane that bounds the hemisphere. Example 3: Find the electric flux through a closed sphere of radius a due to a uniform electric field. Using the previous result, this is fairly straightforward. Divide the sphere into two hemispheres and use the previous result for each – remembering that when you take kˆirˆ in the integral and use the limits of π/2 to π that this contribution is negative for the bottom hemisphere. Therefore the total electric flux through the sphere is zero.