A Datta‐Bassed Asssessm ment of R Researrch‐Do octora ate Pro ogram ms in the United SStatess National Re esearch h Counccil Initial A Analysis for Uniiversity of Califfornia, Davis Graduat G te Progrram in Neurroscience Table of Contents About the NRC Study .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 UC Davis Coordination ........................................................................................................................................................ 1 Rankings by Lead Dean ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 S‐Rankings – by Lead Dean ................................................................................................................................................. 2 R‐Rankings – by Lead Dean ................................................................................................................................................. 3 Dimensional Measures ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 Research Activity – by Lead Dean ................................................................................................................................... 4 Student Support & Outcomes – by Lead Dean ............................................................................................................... 5 Diversity – by Lead Dean ................................................................................................................................................. 6 Neuroscience (GNES) .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Distribution of Range of Rankings by Percentile within the NRC Field ................................................................................... 9 Key to Distribution of Range of Rankings Tables ................................................................................................................ 9 Distribution of Range of Rankings ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Graphs of Program Rankings ................................................................................................................................................. 10 All NRC Rankings, by Program ........................................................................................................................................... 10 S‐Rankings – by Field ......................................................................................................................................................... 11 R‐Rankings – by Field ........................................................................................................................................................ 13 Dimensional Measures ...................................................................................................................................................... 15 Research Activity – by Field .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Student Support & Outcomes – by Field ...................................................................................................................... 17 Diversity – by Field ........................................................................................................................................................ 19 NRC Tables ............................................................................................................................................................................ 21 Dimensional Measures ...................................................................................................................................................... 26 Page | ii AbouttheNRCStudy The National Research Council (NRC) has reported the results of its latest project to assess U.S. research doctorate programs. This is the most comprehensive survey of research doctorate programs in the United States. The NRC has reported data for 5000 programs at 212 different institutions across 62 fields of study. Each participating university provided data at an institutional level, at the program level and at the faculty level. Additionally, students in five selected fields were invited to complete questionnaires regarding their programs. The assessment offers data for each program on 20 characteristic variables: ‐‐ Percent non‐Asian minority students ‐‐ Publications per allocated faculty member ‐‐ Percent female students ‐‐ Citations per publication ‐‐ Percent faculty with grants ‐‐ Percent international students ‐‐ Percent faculty Interdisciplinary ‐‐ Average PhDs 2002 to 2006 ‐‐ Percent non‐Asian minority faculty ‐‐ Percent completing within 6 years ‐‐ Percent female faculty ‐‐ Time to degree ‐‐ Awards per allocated faculty ‐‐ Percent students in academic positions ‐‐ Average GRE‐Q ‐‐ Student work space ‐‐ Percent 1st‐yr. students with full support ‐‐ Health insurance ‐‐ Percent 1st‐yr. students with external funding ‐‐ Number of student activities offered The assessment also illustrates how the data can be used to rank the quality of programs based on the importance of particular characteristics to various users. It does not include an authoritative declaration of the 'best programs' in given fields, as the study committee concluded that no single such ranking can be produced in an unambiguous and rigorous way. Rather, to illustrate how the data can be used to assess and compare the quality of programs, the report offers five sets of rankings of programs in each field. These illustrative rankings should not be interpreted as definitive conclusions about the relative quality of doctoral programs, nor are they endorsed as such by the National Research Council. Rather, they demonstrate how the data can be used to rank programs based on the importance of particular characteristics to various users ‐‐ in this case, to faculty at participating institutions. The approach used to generate the illustrative rankings incorporates both data on program characteristics and faculty values. For each program, the study analyzed data on 20 characteristics, "weighing" the data according to the characteristics valued most by faculty in that field. The rankings are given in broad ranges rather than as single numbers, to reflect some of the uncertainties inherent in any effort to rank programs by quality. The full set of illustrative rankings includes overall rankings based on weights of characteristic variables determined from a direct survey that asked faculty to rate the importance of the 20 different program characteristics in determining the quality of a program (S weights). In addition, a second set of rankings is based on an indirect way of determining the importance faculty attach to various characteristics. First, groups of randomly selected faculty were asked to rate the quality of a sample of representative programs in their field. Based on the sample program ratings, weights were assigned to each of the 20 characteristics using statistical techniques (R weights). Additional rankings are based on research activity, student support and outcomes and diversity of the academic environment. UCDavisCoordination Jeffery Gibeling, Dean of Graduate Studies, was designated to serve as the UC Davis Institutional Coordinator (IC) for this project. In that capacity, he is the campus liaison to the NRC. Helen Frasier, Director of Analysis and Policy, Office of Graduate Studies, is the principal technical coordinator and contact person for the NRC Assessment Survey on the Davis campus. In July 2006, each eligible program was asked to name a Program Responder (faculty or staff) who will serve as the principal contact person for that program. Page | 1 RankingsbyLeadDean SOM & SOVM L&S: SS L&S: MPS L&S: HARCS Engineering CA&ES Biological Sciences S‐Rankings–byLeadDean Population Biology (n=94) 4 Plant Biology (116) Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Physiology (63) Neuroscience (94) Genetics (65) Biophysics (159) Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (159) Cell & Developmental Biology (122) Animal Behavior (94) Entomology (28) 1 24 5 29 19 48 23 69 28 28 56 100 33 106 42 100 51 78 7 Agricultural & Resource Economics (28) 2 4 Nutritional Biology (44) 3 16 Food Science (31) 4 17 Ecology (94) 5 28 Plant Pathology (116) 7 42 Geography (49) 10 30 Ecology (w/ SDSU) (94) 16 56 Pharmacology & Toxicology (116) 19 Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry (178) 31 Soils & Biogeochemistry (159) Civil & Environmental Engineering (130) 6 37 Materials Science and Engineering (83) 7 31 Chemical Engineering (106) 13 41 Computer Science (126) 15 51 Biomedical Engineering (74) 26 54 Transportation Technology & Policy (130) 32 Electrical & Computer Engineering (136) 53 Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (127) 55 Applied Science Engineering (161) Spanish (60) 1 6 Performance Studies (27) 4 16 Music (63) 12 28 Comparative Literature (46) 14 28 French (43) 22 34 English (119) 44 Applied Mathematics (33) 4 15 Mathematics (127) 9 33 Statistics (61) 12 24 Chemistry (178) 30 Physics (161) 31 Geology (140) 46 Anthropology (82) 7 21 Political Science (105) 7 26 Psychology (236) 21 57 Economics (117) 29 44 History (137) 40 Sociology (118) 48 Philosophy (90) 53 Microbiology (74) 16 44 Immunology (78) 17 56 Comparative Pathology (78) 24 Epidemiology (91) 29 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 77 90 71 144 95 99 95 72 136 75 88 85 95 68 77 76 63 70 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 Page | 2 R‐Rankings–byLeadDean SOM & SOVM L&S: SS L&S: MPS L&S: HARCS Engineering CA&ES Biological Sciences Plant Biology (n=116) 1 Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Physiology (63) 3 Population Biology (94) 4 Animal Behavior (94) Genetics (65) Neuroscience (94) Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (159) Biophysics (159) Cell & Developmental Biology (122) Ecology (94) 1 Nutritional Biology (44) 1 Agricultural & Resource Economics (28) 2 Entomology (28) 2 Food Science (31) 4 Plant Pathology (116) Geography (49) Pharmacology & Toxicology (116) Ecology (w/ SDSU) (94) Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry (178) Soils & Biogeochemistry (159) Civil & Environmental Engineering (130) Materials Science and Engineering (83) Biomedical Engineering (74) Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (127) Chemical Engineering (106) Computer Science (126) Applied Science Engineering (161) Electrical & Computer Engineering (136) Transportation Technology & Policy (130) Performance Studies (27) 6 Music (63) Comparative Literature (46) Spanish (60) French (43) English (119) Applied Mathematics (33) 5 Statistics (61) Mathematics (127) Chemistry (178) Physics (161) Geology (140) Anthropology (82) Philosophy (90) Political Science (105) Psychology (236) History (137) Sociology (118) Economics (117) Microbiology (74) Epidemiology (91) Comparative Pathology (78) Immunology (78) 0 5 27 20 9 41 40 21 28 53 33 73 44 91 62 105 4 5 5 10 21 11 36 14 39 23 25 72 71 35 86 114 11 151 23 14 30 22 22 24 41 65 44 31 54 36 79 58 95 73 126 18 9 10 30 26 13 42 24 35 38 79 16 15 16 16 43 47 59 61 33 52 14 85 41 19 20 35 35 24 67 29 29 30 50 60 56 14 13 16 33 52 50 25 10 20 58 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 Page | 3 DimensionalMeasures SOM & SOVM L&S: SS L&S: MPS L&S: HARCS Engineering CA&ES Biological Sciences ResearchActivity–byLeadDean Population Biology (n=94) 3 Plant Biology (116) Biophysics (159) Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Physiology (63) Genetics (65) Neuroscience (94) Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (159) Cell & Developmental Biology (122) Animal Behavior (94) 25 6 43 16 79 19 19 49 56 28 29 81 113 46 106 59 Agricultural & Resource Economics (28) 2 5 Entomology (28) 2 13 Food Science (31) 3 17 Nutritional Biology (44) 4 21 Plant Pathology (116) 5 Ecology (94) 7 Geography (49) 9 32 Pharmacology & Toxicology (116) 15 Ecology (w/ SDSU) (94) 18 Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry (178) 24 Soils & Biogeochemistry (159) Materials Science and Engineering (83) 4 32 Civil & Environmental Engineering (130) 10 Chemical Engineering (106) 14 Computer Science (126) 15 Biomedical Engineering (74) 24 Transportation Technology & Policy (130) 29 Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (127) 37 Electrical & Computer Engineering (136) 41 Applied Science Engineering (161) Spanish (60) 2 6 Music (63) 12 28 Performance Studies (27) 15 20 Comparative Literature (46) 35 French (43) 37 English (119) Applied Mathematics (33) 4 15 Mathematics (127) 5 24 Chemistry (178) 23 Statistics (61) 25 Physics (161) 31 Geology (140) 38 Political Science (105) 6 23 Anthropology (82) 13 27 Psychology (236) 21 Economics (117) 31 History (137) Sociology (118) Philosophy (90) Microbiology (74) 14 Epidemiology (91) 19 Immunology (78) 26 Comparative Pathology (78) 32 0 10 20 30 40 91 42 43 75 71 102 51 135 60 50 72 57 108 95 103 64 136 44 41 74 97 97 44 101 104 63 44 54 55 86 81 79 63 48 69 68 72 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 Page | 4 SOM & SOVM L&S: SS L&S: MPS L&S: HARCS Engineering CA&ES Biological Sciences StudentSupport&Outcomes–byLeadDean Biophysics (n=159) 2 Neuroscience (94) 8 51 Population Biology (94) 8 58 Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Physiology (63) 18 46 Genetics (65) 22 48 Animal Behavior (94) 52 Cell & Developmental Biology (122) 68 Plant Biology (116) Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (159) Ecology (w/ SDSU) (94) 2 29 Entomology (28) 3 15 Agricultural & Resource Economics (28) 5 15 Food Science (31) 5 17 Nutritional Biology (44) 8 25 Ecology (94) 8 51 Geography (49) 10 33 Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry (178) 11 Pharmacology & Toxicology (116) 35 Plant Pathology (116) 46 Soils & Biogeochemistry (159) 55 Materials Science and Engineering (83) 5 31 Biomedical Engineering (74) 7 29 Transportation Technology & Policy (130) 8 52 Chemical Engineering (106) 18 Computer Science (126) 20 Civil & Environmental Engineering (130) 49 Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (127) 57 Electrical & Computer Engineering (136) 68 Applied Science Engineering (161) 68 Comparative Literature (46) 1 14 Performance Studies (27) 10 25 Spanish (60) 11 39 French (43) 12 28 Music (63) 19 41 English (119) 30 Statistics (61) 6 28 Applied Mathematics (33) 9 24 Physics (161) 18 Mathematics (127) 24 Geology (140) 28 Chemistry (178) Political Science (105) 5 31 Anthropology (82) 13 41 Philosophy (90) 23 History (137) 26 Sociology (118) 34 Economics (117) 51 Psychology (236) Microbiology (74) 42 Immunology (78) 15 47 Comparative Pathology (78) 16 55 Epidemiology (91) 17 56 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 126 83 113 78 102 89 141 83 83 77 142 79 75 93 92 112 131 82 87 89 94 76 156 70 75 75 89 84 174 68 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 Page | 5 SOM & SOVM L&S: SS L&S: MPS L&S: HARCS Engineering CA&ES Biological Sciences Diversity–byLeadDean Animal Behavior (n=94) 2 12 Genetics (65) 16 Neuroscience (94) 16 Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Physiology (63) 19 Cell & Developmental Biology (122) 23 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (159) Plant Biology (116) Population Biology (94) Biophysics (159) Entomology (28) 3 12 Geography (49) 3 13 Food Science (31) 11 Nutritional Biology (44) 13 Ecology (94) 18 Agricultural & Resource Economics (28) 19 Ecology (w/ SDSU) (94) 20 Agricultural & Environmental Chemistry (178) Plant Pathology (116) Soils & Biogeochemistry (159) Pharmacology & Toxicology (116) Chemical Engineering (106) 4 12 Materials Science and Engineering (83) 8 17 Biomedical Engineering (74) 26 Computer Science (126) Transportation Technology & Policy (130) Civil & Environmental Engineering (130) Applied Science Engineering (161) Electrical & Computer Engineering (136) Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering (127) Performance Studies (27) 4 8 Spanish (60) 5 Comparative Literature (46) 9 Music (63) 10 French (43) 26 English (119) Statistics (61) 2 11 Geology (140) 15 Applied Mathematics (33) 17 Chemistry (178) Mathematics (127) Physics (161) History (137) 11 Economics (117) Anthropology (82) Sociology (118) Philosophy (90) Political Science (105) Psychology (236) Microbiology (74) 17 Immunology (78) 3 10 Comparative Pathology (78) 19 Epidemiology (91) 0 10 20 46 48 42 62 38 89 42 72 53 80 106 139 26 31 47 28 57 34 91 44 80 48 49 108 89 57 39 75 54 55 98 102 78 120 103 126 107 120 26 24 24 37 37 82 43 26 52 106 99 114 120 145 40 42 80 54 56 71 87 88 83 88 100 126 188 44 39 45 30 40 70 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 Page | 6 Neuroscience(GNES) Program ID: Broad Field: Field: Website: # Programs: Size Quartile: 20067324 Biological and Health Sciences Neuroscience and Neurobiology http://neuroscience.ucdavis.edu/grad 94 3 5th Percentile: 95th Percentile: R Rankings: 28 53 S Rankings: 23 69 DIMENSIONAL RANKINGS: Research Activity: 28 81 Student Support & Outcomes: 8 51 Diversity: 16 48 DATA: RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Average Number of Publications (2000‐2006) per Allocated Faculty, 2006: Average Citations per Publication: Percent of Faculty with Grants, 2006: Awards per Allocated Faculty Member, 2006: DATA: STUDENT SUPPORT & OUTCOMES: Percent of First Year Students with Full Financial Support, Fall 2005: Average Completion Ratio, 6 Years or Less: Median Time to Degree (Full‐ and Part‐Time Graduates), 2006: Percent with Academic Plans: Collects Data About Post‐Graduation Employment: DATA: DIVERSITY: Non‐Asian Minority Faculty as a Percent of Total Core and New Faculty, 2006: Female Faculty as a Percent of Total Core and New Faculty, 2006: Non‐Asian Minority Students as a Percent of Total Students, Fall 2005: Female Students as a Percent of Total Students, Fall 2005: International Students as a Percent of Total Students, Fall 2005: DATA: OTHER OVERALL RANKING MEASURES: Average Number of Ph.D.s Graduated, 2002‐2006: Percent of Interdisciplinary Faculty, 2006: Average GRE Scores, 2004‐2006: Percent of Students with External Fellowships, 2005: Is Student Work Space Provided? Is Health Insurance Provided? Number of Student Activities (Max=18): Width of Rankings Band: 25 46 53 43 32 1.30 3.49 88.2% 0.51 100.0% 56.7% 6.22 40.9% Yes 9.5% 35.4% 8.0% 55.3% 13.2% 4.40 27.3% 707 0.0% Yes Yes 18 Page | 7 DATA: NOT USED IN RANKING: Total Faculty, 2006 Number of Allocated Faculty, 2006 Assistant Professors as a Percent of Total Faculty, 2006 Tenured Faculty as a Percent of Total Faculty, 2006 Number of Core and New Faculty, 2006 Number of Students Enrolled, Fall 2005 Average Annual First Year Enrollment, 2002‐2006 Percent of Students with Research Assistantships, Fall 2005 Percent of Students with Teaching Assistantships, Fall 2005 DATA: STUDENT ACTIVITIES: 66 42.67 29.0% 64.0% 48 38 7.80 45.9% 0% KEY: 1=provided for by institution; 2=program support only; 3=both institutional and program support; 4=neither institutional nor program support. Orientation for New Graduate Students International Student Orientation Language Screening / Support Prior to Teaching Instruction in Writing Instruction in Statistics Prizes / Awards for Teaching or Research Assistance / Training in Proposal Writing On‐campus Graduate Research Conferences Formal Training in Academic Integrity Active Graduate Student Association Staff Assigned to the Graduate Student Association Financial Support for the Graduate Student Association Posted Academic Grievance Procedure Dispute Resolution Procedure Regular Graduate Programs Directors / Coordinators Meetings Annual Review of All Enrolled Doctoral Students Organized Training to Help Students Improve Teaching Skills Travel Support to Attend Professional Meetings Count of Student Activities 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 Page | 8 DistributionofRangeofRankingsbyPercentilewithintheNRCField KeytoDistributionofRangeofRankingsTables KEY: NRC Broad Field Example NRC Broad Field NRC Field UCD Program [program range of rankings] NRC Field. VALUES = ‘Cut‐off’ of percentile rankings → YELLOW = Range of rankings in top 5% of field overall BLUE = Range of rankings in top 10% of field overall PINK = Range of rankings in top 25% (or 1st Quartile) of field overall GREEN, program name not highlighted ‐ Range of rankings as high as 2nd Quartile overall PURPLE, program name not highlighted ‐ Range of rankings as high as 3rd Quartile overall GREY, program name not highlighted ‐ Range of rankings as high as 4th Quartile overall MIXED SCORES: The range of rankings for a program does not always fall within the same set of percentiles within the distribution. In such instances, the program's range can only be reported in terms of the highest range in which both rankings fall. For example: Mixed 5% and 10% scores = range in top 10% of field overall Mixed Q2 and Q1 scores = range in 2nd Quartile of field overall NRC’s 5th Percentile Ranking Percentile Distribution of Rankings ↓ in Field ↓ Top Top 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5% 10% Q Q Q Q NRC’s 95th Percentile Ranking Percentile Distribution of Rankings ↓ in Field ↓ Top Top 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5% 10% Q Q Q Q 1 3 7 12 20 30 3 7 16 42 50 60 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Biological and Health Sciences: Neuroscience and Neurobiology DistributionofRangeofRankings NRC Field UCD Program [program range of rankings] S‐Rankings UCD: Neuroscience [23‐69] R‐Rankings UCD: Neuroscience [28‐53] Research Activity UCD: Neuroscience [28‐81] Student Support & Outcomes UCD: Neuroscience [8‐51] Diversity UCD: Neuroscience [16‐48] 5% 2 2 2 2 3 5th Percentile Ranking 1st 2nd 3rd 10% Q Q Q 4 14 26 51 x 7 16 35 59 x 2 10 24 37 x 3 6 17 41 x 5 15 29 50 x 4th Q 94 92 94 87 91 5% 14 9 18 26 14 95th Percentile Ranking 1st 2nd 3rd 10% Q Q Q 19 50 69 83 x 14 34 62 83 x 25 54 76 83 x 41 55 70 87 x 20 46 69 84 x 4th Q 94 94 94 94 94 Page | 9 GraphsofProgramRankings AllNRCRankings,byProgram Neuroscience S‐Ranking 23 69 R‐Ranking 28 DM: Research Activity 28 DM: Student Support & Outcomes 53 81 8 51 DM: Diversity 16 0 10 48 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Programs Ranked = 94 Page | 10 S‐Rankings–byField NRC S‐Rankings by Field: Neuroscience and Neurobiology (page 1) MASS. INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 1 HARVARD UNIV. 1 STANFORD UNIV. 1 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐SAN DIEGO 2 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV. 2 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐IRVINE 2 BRANDEIS UNIV. 2 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐SAN FRANCISCO 2 YALE UNIV. 2 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐BERKELEY UNIV. OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL COLUMBIA UNIV. IN THE CITY OF NEW Y CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐LOS ANGELES UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐IRVINE WASHINGTON UNIV. IN ST. LOUIS UNIV. OF PENNSYLVANIA CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIV. UNIV. OF MICHIGAN‐ANN ARBOR EMORY UNIV. WAKE FOREST UNIV. UNIV. OF PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH CAMP GEORGETOWN UNIV. STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK AT STONY BR UNIV. OF WASHINGTON NEW YORK UNIV. VANDERBILT UNIV. NEW YORK UNIV. UNIV. OF COLORADO AT BOULDER UNIV. OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL H BROWN UNIV. UNIV. OF IOWA DUKE UNIV. UNIV. OF MINNESOTA‐TWIN CITIES BOSTON UNIV. UNIV. OF ROCHESTER UNIV. OF VIRGINIA UNIV. OF WISCONSIN‐MADISON UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT CORNELL UNIV. UNIV. OF ARIZONA BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIV. UCD: Neuroscience TUFTS UNIV. UNIV. OF CINCINNATI MAIN CAMPUS CORNELL UNIV. 0 7 10 10 12 14 14 15 16 18 17 4 4 20 25 5 5 27 31 6 34 34 8 8 37 9 47 11 42 12 49 13 13 51 48 14 14 14 14 50 50 53 44 15 15 15 15 48 51 55 53 16 16 16 16 58 58 59 58 17 56 18 18 18 58 62 58 19 19 19 60 61 62 20 58 22 22 69 69 69 23 24 68 25 66 26 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Programs Ranked = 94 Page | 11 NRC S‐Rankings by Field: Neuroscience and Neurobiology (page 2) UNIV. OF FLORIDA UNIV. OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA UNIV. OF CHICAGO UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT GEORGIA STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF MIAMI PURDUE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS UNIV. OF CHICAGO GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIV. OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIV. UNIV. OF MARYLAND COLLEGE PARK NORTHWESTERN UNIV. WAKE FOREST UNIV. DREXEL UNIV. UNIV. OF COLORADO DENVER (UNIV. OF STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO UNIV. OF HOUSTON UNIV. OF KENTUCKY PENN STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN TULANE UNIV. BOSTON UNIV. UNIV. OF TOLEDO UNIV. OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA‐CHAMPAI STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK HEALTH SCIE COLORADO STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM WASHINGTON STATE UNIV. STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK UPSTATE MED INDIANA UNIV. PURDUE UNIV. INDIANAP MICHIGAN STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF TEXAS HLTH SCI CNTR. AT HO FLORIDA STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF VERMONT UNIV. OF MASSACHUSETTS AT WORCESTER UNIV. OF LOUISVILLE UNIV. OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST OHIO STATE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS LOYOLA UNIV. CHICAGO UNIV. OF UTAH IOWA STATE UNIV. INDIANA UNIV. AT BLOOMINGTON UNIV. OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIV. OF THE HEA UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIV. KENT STATE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS 68 68 26 28 28 73 67 29 70 30 30 30 75 76 73 31 31 74 77 33 69 34 78 35 35 35 80 81 81 38 79 40 40 83 79 79 43 44 44 81 79 45 85 46 82 82 47 51 83 52 52 85 86 53 85 54 87 58 58 88 87 87 59 61 86 62 90 63 89 64 88 65 87 67 67 90 90 90 71 72 91 76 93 79 92 85 93 93 93 87 88 89 94 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 94 95 Programs Ranked = 94 Page | 12 R‐Rankings–byField NRC R‐Rankings by Field: Neuroscience and Neurobiology (page 1) HARVARD UNIV. 1 2 STANFORD UNIV. 4 2 MASS. INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 6 2 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐SAN FRANCISCO 9 2 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV. 11 2 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐SAN DIEGO 8 3 COLUMBIA UNIV. IN THE CITY OF NEW Y 13 4 WASHINGTON UNIV. IN ST. LOUIS 15 4 YALE UNIV. 11 5 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐BERKELEY 14 7 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐LOS ANGELES 15 7 UNIV. OF PENNSYLVANIA 14 8 CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 8 OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIV. 9 BRANDEIS UNIV. 9 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐IRVINE 12 BROWN UNIV. 15 UNIV. OF PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH CAMP 15 UNIV. OF WASHINGTON 15 UNIV. OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL 15 CORNELL UNIV. 16 NORTHWESTERN UNIV. 16 UNIV. OF MICHIGAN‐ANN ARBOR 16 DUKE UNIV. 16 NEW YORK UNIV. 16 UNIV. OF MINNESOTA‐TWIN CITIES 17 UNIV. OF VIRGINIA 17 BOSTON UNIV. 18 EMORY UNIV. UNIV. OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL H CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIV. BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE GEORGETOWN UNIV. UNIV. OF CHICAGO UNIV. OF WISCONSIN‐MADISON VANDERBILT UNIV. UNIV. OF ROCHESTER UCD: Neuroscience NEW YORK UNIV. WAKE FOREST UNIV. STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK AT STONY BR UNIV. OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN UNIV. OF CHICAGO UNIV. OF CINCINNATI MAIN CAMPUS UNIV. OF COLORADO DENVER (UNIV. OF CORNELL UNIV. UNIV. OF ARIZONA 0 5 10 15 19 18 28 24 30 34 34 37 30 30 30 31 33 36 39 37 36 20 41 21 43 22 42 24 50 25 25 52 47 26 54 27 45 28 28 53 54 29 60 30 57 31 31 59 50 32 32 69 54 33 33 60 59 34 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Programs Ranked = 94 Page | 13 NRC R‐Rankings by Field: Neuroscience and Neurobiology (page 2) UNIV. OF MIAMI UNIV. OF FLORIDA UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐IRVINE UNIV. OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIV. UNIV. OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA‐CHAMPAI UNIV. OF UTAH TULANE UNIV. INDIANA UNIV. PURDUE UNIV. INDIANAP UNIV. OF IOWA UNIV. OF MARYLAND COLLEGE PARK UNIV. OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM UNIV. OF KENTUCKY BOSTON UNIV. TUFTS UNIV. UNIV. OF COLORADO AT BOULDER PENN STATE UNIV. COLORADO STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF TEXAS HLTH SCI CNTR. AT HO UNIV. OF MASSACHUSETTS AT WORCESTER UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIV. UNIV. OF HOUSTON OHIO STATE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK HEALTH SCIE PURDUE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS FLORIDA STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST UNIV. OF VERMONT UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT INDIANA UNIV. AT BLOOMINGTON DREXEL UNIV. UNIV. OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM UNIV. OF TOLEDO GEORGIA STATE UNIV. IOWA STATE UNIV. MICHIGAN STATE UNIV. STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK UPSTATE MED WASHINGTON STATE UNIV. STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO UNIV. OF LOUISVILLE WAKE FOREST UNIV. FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIV. UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIV. OF THE HEA KENT STATE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS LOYOLA UNIV. CHICAGO UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT 63 36 36 66 62 62 37 37 63 39 39 65 64 40 61 41 41 73 68 42 42 42 72 74 70 45 45 71 72 48 48 91 69 49 77 51 73 52 52 78 85 54 75 55 85 57 81 81 59 59 85 61 79 63 63 63 83 86 86 64 84 66 88 88 68 68 91 69 88 70 91 71 89 89 72 73 73 92 91 91 74 75 93 93 93 78 83 85 85 92 94 94 94 90 95 87 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Programs Ranked = 94 Page | 14 DimensionalMeasures ResearchActivity–byField NRC Research Activity Rankings by Field: Neuroscience and Neurobiology (page 1) MASS. INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY STANFORD UNIV. HARVARD UNIV. UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐SAN FRANCISCO BRANDEIS UNIV. UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐IRVINE UNIV. OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL COLUMBIA UNIV. IN THE CITY OF NEW Y JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV. UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐LOS ANGELES YALE UNIV. UNIV. OF PENNSYLVANIA WASHINGTON UNIV. IN ST. LOUIS UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐BERKELEY VANDERBILT UNIV. STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK AT STONY BR NEW YORK UNIV. EMORY UNIV. UNIV. OF PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH CAMP UNIV. OF MICHIGAN‐ANN ARBOR UNIV. OF IOWA CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIV. OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIV. NEW YORK UNIV. OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIV. CORNELL UNIV. UNIV. OF WASHINGTON BROWN UNIV. UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐IRVINE TUFTS UNIV. NORTHWESTERN UNIV. DUKE UNIV. UNIV. OF CINCINNATI MAIN CAMPUS UNIV. OF ROCHESTER UNIV. OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL H UNIV. OF ARIZONA UNIV. OF WISCONSIN‐MADISON UNIV. OF MIAMI BOSTON UNIV. UNIV. OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN CORNELL UNIV. UNIV. OF MINNESOTA‐TWIN CITIES GEORGETOWN UNIV. UNIV. OF VIRGINIA DREXEL UNIV. 8 1 1 1 1 12 15 15 18 18 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 23 23 24 27 3 36 4 35 5 40 7 7 47 37 8 8 8 48 50 47 9 9 48 47 10 10 10 10 50 55 57 54 11 52 12 12 62 59 13 13 62 62 14 14 66 59 15 66 16 16 68 67 17 17 17 68 71 73 18 71 19 19 72 80 20 70 21 21 21 21 71 72 75 81 22 80 23 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Programs Ranked = 94 Page | 15 NRC Research Activity Rankings by Field: Neuroscience and Neurobiology (page 2) GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIV. UNIV. OF FLORIDA UNIV. OF COLORADO AT BOULDER UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT UNIV. OF COLORADO DENVER (UNIV. OF UNIV. OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM UCD: Neuroscience MICHIGAN STATE UNIV. INDIANA UNIV. PURDUE UNIV. INDIANAP BOSTON UNIV. UNIV. OF MASSACHUSETTS AT WORCESTER WASHINGTON STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA UNIV. OF VERMONT WAKE FOREST UNIV. BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE UNIV. OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA‐CHAMPAI UNIV. OF CHICAGO WAKE FOREST UNIV. TULANE UNIV. UNIV. OF CHICAGO UNIV. OF KENTUCKY UNIV. OF MARYLAND COLLEGE PARK COLORADO STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF TEXAS HLTH SCI CNTR. AT HO GEORGIA STATE UNIV. PENN STATE UNIV. STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK HEALTH SCIE STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK UPSTATE MED LOYOLA UNIV. CHICAGO FLORIDA STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF HOUSTON STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO UNIV. OF UTAH INDIANA UNIV. AT BLOOMINGTON UNIV. OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST OHIO STATE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS PURDUE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS IOWA STATE UNIV. UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIV. OF THE HEA UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT UNIV. OF LOUISVILLE UNIV. OF TOLEDO UNIV. OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIV. UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT KENT STATE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS 76 76 24 24 24 24 78 79 80 80 25 28 28 28 81 83 74 29 29 29 78 84 77 30 30 30 78 82 83 31 79 32 80 34 34 34 83 83 81 36 36 36 83 83 75 37 37 85 83 83 38 41 84 42 85 45 86 47 47 88 85 48 88 88 88 51 52 52 90 59 88 61 91 91 65 65 90 68 68 91 91 70 92 78 93 93 93 93 81 84 88 88 94 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 94 95 Programs Ranked = 94 Page | 16 StudentSupport&Outcomes–byField NRC Student Support & Outcomes by Field: Neuroscience and Neurobiology (page 1) UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT 1 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐IRVINE 1 WAKE FOREST UNIV. 1 STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO 2 UNIV. OF FLORIDA 2 UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT 2 UNIV. OF LOUISVILLE 2 UNIV. OF CHICAGO 2 UNIV. OF HOUSTON 2 UNIV. OF WISCONSIN‐MADISON 3 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐BERKELEY 3 UNIV. OF COLORADO AT BOULDER 3 MASS. INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 3 WAKE FOREST UNIV. 3 GEORGIA STATE UNIV. 3 UNIV. OF CINCINNATI MAIN CAMPUS 3 UNIV. OF CHICAGO 3 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV. 4 CORNELL UNIV. 4 UNIV. OF ARIZONA 4 GEORGETOWN UNIV. 4 UNIV. OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL 4 PENN STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF MINNESOTA‐TWIN CITIES BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK HEALTH SCIE UCD: Neuroscience KENT STATE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS UNIV. OF MARYLAND COLLEGE PARK VANDERBILT UNIV. BRANDEIS UNIV. EMORY UNIV. UNIV. OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL H WASHINGTON UNIV. IN ST. LOUIS TUFTS UNIV. TULANE UNIV. BROWN UNIV. UNIV. OF IOWA COLORADO STATE UNIV. FLORIDA STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF VIRGINIA YALE UNIV. NEW YORK UNIV. LOYOLA UNIV. CHICAGO CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIV. STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK UPSTATE MED BOSTON UNIV. 0 10 25 42 22 25 26 57 64 91 30 37 37 46 52 53 57 60 36 42 48 51 75 40 6 6 48 47 7 7 53 51 8 8 8 69 77 63 9 57 10 55 55 11 11 11 11 66 79 56 12 12 68 55 13 13 67 61 14 57 57 15 15 15 15 62 78 66 16 16 67 60 17 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Programs Ranked = 94 Page | 17 NRC Student Support & Outcomes by Field: Neuroscience and Neurobiology (page 2) HARVARD UNIV. GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIV. UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐IRVINE UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐SAN DIEGO UNIV. OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA UNIV. OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK AT STONY BR OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIV. UNIV. OF TOLEDO CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PURDUE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS STANFORD UNIV. UNIV. OF VERMONT UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐LOS ANGELES DUKE UNIV. DREXEL UNIV. WASHINGTON STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF PENNSYLVANIA UNIV. OF ROCHESTER FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIV. UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐SAN FRANCISCO UNIV. OF COLORADO DENVER (UNIV. OF UNIV. OF MICHIGAN‐ANN ARBOR NEW YORK UNIV. UNIV. OF KENTUCKY OHIO STATE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS CORNELL UNIV. UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIV. OF THE HEA UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT UNIV. OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM UNIV. OF UTAH COLUMBIA UNIV. IN THE CITY OF NEW Y UNIV. OF MIAMI NORTHWESTERN UNIV. UNIV. OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN MICHIGAN STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF WASHINGTON INDIANA UNIV. AT BLOOMINGTON UNIV. OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA‐CHAMPAI UNIV. OF PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH CAMP IOWA STATE UNIV. OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIV. BOSTON UNIV. UNIV. OF TEXAS HLTH SCI CNTR. AT HO UNIV. OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM INDIANA UNIV. PURDUE UNIV. INDIANAP UNIV. OF MASSACHUSETTS AT WORCESTER 62 17 17 74 70 18 64 21 68 22 22 77 67 25 68 26 26 86 85 27 27 88 78 32 32 87 74 33 33 82 79 34 34 81 79 35 89 36 80 37 78 38 79 41 41 41 80 81 89 43 43 90 84 45 45 86 90 49 86 50 87 53 93 56 89 58 88 59 59 90 91 91 60 60 92 63 91 67 90 69 93 71 91 73 93 93 76 78 94 94 94 84 87 87 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Programs Ranked = 94 Page | 18 Diversity–byField NRC Diversity Rankings by Field: Neuroscience and Neurobiology (page 1) PURDUE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS 1 3 UNIV. OF COLORADO AT BOULDER 1 3 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐IRVINE 2 CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIV. 3 GEORGETOWN UNIV. 3 UNIV. OF MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST 4 BRANDEIS UNIV. 4 UNIV. OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL H 4 UNIV. OF HOUSTON 5 MICHIGAN STATE UNIV. 5 WAKE FOREST UNIV. 5 UNIV. OF MARYLAND COLLEGE PARK 6 DUKE UNIV. 6 UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐IRVINE 6 GEORGIA STATE UNIV. OHIO STATE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT BOSTON UNIV. LOYOLA UNIV. CHICAGO FLORIDA STATE UNIV. TUFTS UNIV. UNIV. OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM MASS. INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY UNIV. OF VIRGINIA UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT IOWA STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA‐CHAMPAI UCD: Neuroscience UNIV. OF MASSACHUSETTS AT WORCESTER NORTHWESTERN UNIV. EMORY UNIV. UNIV. OF CHICAGO UNIV. OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN WASHINGTON STATE UNIV. UNIV. OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA UNIV. OF MICHIGAN‐ANN ARBOR DREXEL UNIV. UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐LOS ANGELES GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIV. COLORADO STATE UNIV. CORNELL UNIV. UNIV. OF TOLEDO CORNELL UNIV. UNIV. OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM NEW YORK UNIV. UNIV. OF TEXAS SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK AT STONY BR 0 5 6 12 14 16 18 20 19 20 20 21 23 27 29 8 8 8 30 35 38 10 10 39 43 13 52 14 44 15 15 15 15 15 46 46 47 48 45 16 16 48 47 17 17 17 49 53 50 18 18 57 51 19 19 52 56 20 20 61 59 21 21 62 75 22 59 23 68 24 59 25 63 26 65 27 67 28 28 10 15 20 25 74 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Programs Ranked = 94 Page | 19 NRC Diversity Rankings by Field: Neuroscience and Neurobiology (page 2) UNIV. OF CONNECTICUT STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO UNIV. OF KENTUCKY UNIV. OF MIAMI UNIV. OF ROCHESTER UNIV. OF PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH CAMP UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐SAN FRANCISCO STANFORD UNIV. UNIV. OF MINNESOTA‐TWIN CITIES UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIV. OF THE HEA UNIV. OF WISCONSIN‐MADISON COLUMBIA UNIV. IN THE CITY OF NEW Y VANDERBILT UNIV. UNIV. OF COLORADO DENVER (UNIV. OF WAKE FOREST UNIV. OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIV. UNIV. OF TEXAS HLTH SCI CNTR. AT HO UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐SAN DIEGO STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK HEALTH SCIE UNIV. OF PENNSYLVANIA UNIV. OF CINCINNATI MAIN CAMPUS UNIV. OF UTAH STATE UNIV. OF NEW YORK UPSTATE MED UNIV. OF LOUISVILLE UNIV. OF FLORIDA YALE UNIV. HARVARD UNIV. PENN STATE UNIV. BAYLOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE BROWN UNIV. FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIV. OREGON HEALTH AND SCIENCE UNIV. TULANE UNIV. UNIV. OF ARIZONA KENT STATE UNIV. MAIN CAMPUS UNIV. OF IOWA UNIV. OF VERMONT JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV. UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA‐BERKELEY BOSTON UNIV. INDIANA UNIV. PURDUE UNIV. INDIANAP INDIANA UNIV. AT BLOOMINGTON WASHINGTON UNIV. IN ST. LOUIS UNIV. OF WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NEW YORK UNIV. UNIV. OF CHICAGO 72 29 76 31 65 32 32 32 66 72 70 33 69 34 74 74 35 35 35 75 73 37 75 38 78 39 39 79 74 41 41 80 80 80 80 43 44 47 81 49 49 49 49 83 84 86 80 50 84 84 52 52 83 55 86 57 85 85 58 58 84 59 59 59 85 85 87 61 90 62 87 67 89 68 87 70 89 73 88 76 92 78 90 85 93 93 88 89 90 90 91 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 94 94 94 95 Programs Ranked = 94 Page | 20 NRCTables TABLE 1: Standardized Program Values and Range of Regression-Based (R) and Survey-Based (S) Coefficients Institution Name: Program: Program ID: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-DAVIS Neuroscience 20067324 (Col 1) Description Publications per Allocated Faculty Cites per Publication Percent Faculty with Grants Percent Faculty Interdisciplinary Percent Non-Asian Minority Faculty Percent Female Faculty Awards per Allocated Faculty Average GRE Percent 1st yr. Students with Full Support Percent 1st yr. Students with External Funding Percent Non-Asian Minority Students Percent Female Students Percent International Students Average PhDs 2002 to 2006 Percent Completing within 6 Years Time to Degree Full and Part Time Percent Students in Academic Positions Student Work Space Health Insurance Number of Student Activities Offered (Col 2) Variable V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 (Col 3) (Col 4) Program Program Value (Col 5) Value* Standardized** Minus 1 SD*** 1.302 -0.603 -0.048 3.486 -0.234 0.108 88.22% 0.160 0.010 27.27% 0.187 0.033 9.52% 1.813 0.011 35.42% 0.827 -0.043 0.507 -0.172 0.094 707 0.045 0.094 100.00% 0.295 -0.038 0% -0.781 0.014 (Col 6) Regression Coefficients 8.00% -0.398 0.002 55.26% 0.320 -0.012 13.16% -0.656 -0.088 4.4 -0.104 0.138 56.67% 0.626 0.020 6.22 0.835 0.028 40.91% 0.625 -0.063 1 1.000 -0.019 1 1.000 0.024 18 0.827 0.008 (Col 7) Plus 1 SD*** Minus 1 SD*** 0.008 0.118 0.150 0.104 0.043 0.165 0.062 0.049 0.032 0.008 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to (Col 8) Survey-Based Coefficients -0.008 0.017 0.118 0.059 0.121 0.075 0.009 0.056 0.049 0.040 0.023 0.020 0.022 0.020 -0.060 0.007 0.169 0.021 0.048 0.061 0.052 -0.032 -0.021 0.081 0.011 0.004 0.051 0.004 0.034 0.033 Plus 1 SD*** to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 0.123 0.109 0.169 0.053 0.010 0.019 0.063 0.078 0.059 0.043 0.022 0.022 0.008 0.023 0.063 -0.030 0.084 0.005 0.005 0.035 * Col 3 shows data submitted by the program or calculated from these data. ** Col 4 shows the standardized program value across all program values in the field, with mean of 0 and variance of 1. *** Col 5 shows Minus 1 Standard Deviation from the Mean for the regression-based coefficients for the field as a whole *** Col 6 shows Plus 1 Standard Deviation from the Mean for the regression-based coefficients for the field as a whole *** Col 7 shows Minus 1 Standard Deviation from the Mean for the survey-based coefficients for the field as a whole *** Col 8 shows Plus 1 Standard Deviation from the Mean for the survey-based coefficients for the field as a whole Page | 21 TABLE 2a: 5th Percentile for the Regression-Based (R) Ranking Calculation Institution Name: Program: Program ID: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-DAVIS Neuroscience 20067324 (Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3) (Col 4) Variable Program Value* Program Value with Variation† (Col 5) (Col 6) Regression Coefficient‡ Product of Col 4 X Col 5 Standardized Description Publications per Allocated Faculty Cites per Publication Percent Faculty with Grants Percent Faculty Interdisciplinary Percent Non-Asian Minority Faculty Percent Female Faculty Awards per Allocated Faculty Average GRE Percent 1st yr. Students with Full Support Percent 1st yr. Students with External Funding Percent Non-Asian Minority Students Percent Female Students Percent International Students Average PhDs 2002 to 2006 Percent Completing within 6 Years Time to Degree Full and Part Time Percent Students in Academic Positions Student Work Space Health Insurance Number of Student Activities Offered Program Ranking: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 28 1.302 -0.564 -0.025 0.014 3.486 -0.195 0.134 -0.026 88.22% 0.038 0.016 0.001 27.27% 0.074 0.048 0.004 9.52% 1.856 0.022 0.040 35.42% 1.469 -0.011 -0.016 0.507 -0.084 0.093 -0.008 707 -0.090 0.082 -0.007 100.00% 0.099 -0.025 -0.002 0% -0.605 0.024 -0.014 8.00% -0.284 0.016 -0.005 0.014 55.26% 0.580 0.023 13.16% -0.734 -0.085 0.062 4.4 0.042 0.161 0.007 56.67% 0.581 0.045 0.026 6.22 2.134 0.038 0.081 40.91% -0.061 -0.072 0.004 1 1.000 0.001 0.001 1 1.000 0.043 0.043 18 -0.752 0.036 -0.027 of 94 programs * Col 3 is based on data submitted by the program or calculated from these data. † Col 4 is standardized value for the set of perturbed program values that produced the 5th percentile ranking. Standardized values have a mean of 0 and variance of 1. ‡ Col 5 is the regression-based weight for each variable Page | 22 TABLE 2b: 95th Percentile for the Regression-Based (R) Ranking Calculation Institution Name: Program: Program ID: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-DAVIS Neuroscience 20067324 (Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3) (Col 4) (Col 5) (Col 6) Variable Program Value* Program Value with Variation† Regression Coefficient‡ Product of Col 4 X Col 5 1.302 -0.562 0.069 -0.039 Standardized Description Publications per Allocated Faculty Cites per Publication Percent Faculty with Grants Percent Faculty Interdisciplinary Percent Non-Asian Minority Faculty Percent Female Faculty Awards per Allocated Faculty Average GRE Percent 1st yr. Students with Full Support Percent 1st yr. Students with External Funding Percent Non-Asian Minority Students Percent Female Students Percent International Students Average PhDs 2002 to 2006 Percent Completing within 6 Years Time to Degree Full and Part Time Percent Students in Academic Positions Student Work Space Health Insurance Number of Student Activities Offered Program Ranking: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 53 3.486 -0.158 0.093 -0.015 88.22% -0.975 0.075 -0.073 27.27% 0.016 0.036 0.001 9.52% 1.843 0.024 0.044 35.42% 1.132 -0.055 -0.062 0.507 -0.227 0.098 -0.022 707 0.188 0.111 0.021 100.00% 0.913 0.016 0.014 0% -0.789 0.090 -0.071 8.00% -0.382 0.004 -0.002 55.26% -0.072 0.014 -0.001 13.16% -0.649 -0.058 0.038 4.4 0.071 0.106 0.007 56.67% 1.208 0.017 0.020 6.22 -0.718 0.043 -0.031 40.91% 0.844 0.018 0.015 1 1.000 -0.034 -0.034 1 1.000 -0.012 -0.012 18 1.231 0.030 0.037 of 94 programs * Col 3 is based on data submitted by the program or calculated from these data. † Col 4 is standardized value for the set of perturbed program values that produced the 95th percentile ranking. Standardized values have a mean of 0 and variance of 1. ‡ Col 5 is the regression-based weights for each variable (See Appendix A). Page | 23 TABLE 3a: 5th Percentile for the Survey-Based (S) Ranking Calculation Institution Name: Program: Program ID: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-DAVIS Neuroscience 20067324 (Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3) Description Variable Publications per Allocated Faculty Cites per Publication Percent Faculty with Grants Percent Faculty Interdisciplinary Percent Non-Asian Minority Faculty Percent Female Faculty Awards per Allocated Faculty Average GRE Percent 1st yr. Students with Full Support Percent 1st yr. Students with External Funding Percent Non-Asian Minority Students Percent Female Students Percent International Students Average PhDs 2002 to 2006 Percent Completing within 6 Years Time to Degree Full and Part Time Percent Students in Academic Positions Student Work Space Health Insurance Number of Student Activities Offered Program Ranking: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 23 (Col 5) (Col 6) Program Value* (Col 4) Standardized Program Value with Variation† Survey-Based Coefficient‡ Product of Col 4 X Col 5 1.302 -0.761 0.123 -0.094 3.486 -0.213 0.109 -0.023 88.22% 0.982 0.168 0.165 27.27% 0.139 0.052 0.007 9.52% 1.836 0.009 0.016 35.42% 0.504 0.018 0.009 0.507 -0.202 0.060 -0.012 707 0.091 0.077 0.007 100.00% 1.478 0.056 0.082 0% -0.681 0.043 -0.029 8.00% -0.376 0.021 -0.008 55.26% 0.171 0.020 0.003 13.16% -0.613 0.008 -0.005 4.4 -0.089 0.021 -0.002 56.67% 0.580 0.061 0.035 6.22 0.941 -0.031 -0.029 40.91% 1.223 0.081 0.099 1 1.000 0.004 0.004 1 1.000 0.005 0.005 18 0.091 0.034 0.003 of 94 programs * Col 3 is based on data submitted by the program or calculated from these data. † Col 4 is standardized value for the set of perturbed program values that produced the 5th percentile ranking. Standardized values have a mean of 0 and variance of 1. ‡Col 5 is the survey-based weights for each variable Page | 24 TABLE 3b: 95th Percentile for the Survey-Based (S) Ranking Calculation Institution Name: Program: Program ID: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-DAVIS Neuroscience 20067324 (Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3) (Col 4) (Col 5) (Col 6) Variable Program Value* Program Value with Variation† Survey-Based Coefficient‡ Product of Col 4 X Col 5 1.302 -0.705 0.120 -0.085 Standardized Description Publications per Allocated Faculty Cites per Publication Percent Faculty with Grants Percent Faculty Interdisciplinary Percent Non-Asian Minority Faculty Percent Female Faculty Awards per Allocated Faculty Average GRE Percent 1st yr. Students with Full Support Percent 1st yr. Students with External Funding Percent Non-Asian Minority Students Percent Female Students Percent International Students Average PhDs 2002 to 2006 Percent Completing within 6 Years Time to Degree Full and Part Time Percent Students in Academic Positions Student Work Space Health Insurance Number of Student Activities Offered Program Ranking: V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11 V12 V13 V14 V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 69 3.486 -0.285 0.107 -0.030 88.22% -0.671 0.163 -0.109 27.27% 0.184 0.052 0.010 9.52% 1.739 0.009 0.015 35.42% 0.833 0.018 0.015 0.507 -0.041 0.063 -0.003 707 -0.077 0.075 -0.006 100.00% -0.646 0.057 -0.037 0% -0.755 0.042 -0.032 8.00% -0.298 0.023 -0.007 55.26% 0.782 0.023 0.018 13.16% -0.810 0.008 -0.006 4.4 -0.067 0.022 -0.001 0.023 56.67% 0.379 0.061 6.22 -0.162 -0.029 0.005 40.91% 0.990 0.082 0.081 1 1.000 0.005 0.005 1 1.000 0.006 0.006 18 -0.690 0.035 -0.024 of 94 programs * Col 3 is based on data submitted by the program or calculated from these data. † Col 4 is standardized value for the set of perturbed program values that produced the 95th percentile ranking. Standardized values have a mean of 0 and variance of 1. ‡Col 5 is the survey-based weights for each variable Page | 25 DimensionalMeasures TABLE 4a: 5th Percentile Dimensional Ranking Calculation: Research Activity UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIADAVIS Neuroscience 20067324 Institution Name: Program: Program ID: (Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3) Description Variable Publications per Allocated Faculty Cites per Publication Percent Faculty with Grants Awards per Allocated Faculty V1 V2 V3 V7 Program Ranking: 28 (Col 5) (Col 6) Program Value* (Col 4) Standardized Program Value with Variation† Survey-Based Coefficient‡ Product of Col 4 X Col 5 1.302 -0.312 0.263 -0.082 3.486 -0.250 0.228 -0.057 88.22% 1.453 0.387 0.562 0.507 -0.158 0.122 -0.019 of 94 programs * Col 3 is based on data submitted by the program or calculated from these data. † Col 4 is standardized value for the set of perturbed program values that produced the 5th percentile ranking. Standardized values have a mean of 0 and variance of 1. ‡ Col 5 is the survey-based weights for each variable. TABLE 4b: 95th Percentile Dimensional Ranking Calculation: Research Activity UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIADAVIS Neuroscience 20067324 Institution Name: Program: Program ID: (Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3) Description Variable Publications per Allocated Faculty Cites per Publication Percent Faculty with Grants Awards per Allocated Faculty Program Ranking: V1 V2 V3 V7 81 (Col 5) (Col 6) Program Value* (Col 4) Standardized Program Value with Variation† Survey-Based Coefficient‡ Product of Col 4 X Col 5 1.302 -0.536 0.258 -0.138 3.486 -0.208 0.224 -0.047 88.22% -1.379 0.391 -0.539 0.507 -0.250 0.127 -0.032 of 94 programs * Col 3 is based on data submitted by the program or calculated from these data. † Col 4 is standardized value for the set of perturbed program values that produced the 95th percentile ranking. Standardized values have a mean of 0 and variance of 1. ‡ Col 5 is the survey-based weights for each variable. Page | 26 TABLE 5a: 5th Percentile Dimensional Ranking Calculation: Student Support and Outcomes UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIADAVIS Neuroscience 20067324 Institution Name: Program: Program ID: (Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3) Description Variable Percent 1st yr. Students w/ Full Support Percent Completing within 6 Years Time to Degree Full and Part Time Percent Students in Academic Positions Program Collects Outcomes Data V9 V15 V16 V17 V21 Program Ranking: 8 (Col 5) (Col 6) Program Value* (Col 4) Standardized Program Value with Variation† Survey-Based Coefficient‡ Product of Col 4 X Col 5 100.00% 0.794 0.234 0.185 56.67% 0.771 0.260 0.201 6.2 0.577 -0.121 -0.070 40.91% 0.951 0.193 0.183 1 1.000 0.193 0.193 of 94 programs * Col 3 is based on data submitted by the program or calculated from these data. † Col 4 is standardized value for the set of perturbed program values that produced the 5th percentile ranking. Standardized values have a mean of 0 and variance of 1. ‡ Col 5 is the survey-based weights for each variable. TABLE 5b: 95th Percentile Dimensional Ranking Calculation: Student Support and Outcomes UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIADAVIS Neuroscience 20067324 Institution Name: Program: Program ID: (Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3) Description Variable Program Value* Percent 1st yr. Students with Full Support Percent Completing within 6 Years Time to Degree Full and Part Time Percent Students in Academic Positions Program Collects Outcomes Data Program Ranking: V9 V15 V16 V17 V21 51 (Col 4) Standardized Program Value with Variation† (Col 5) (Col 6) Survey-Based Coefficient‡ Product of Col 4 X Col 5 100.00% 0.029 0.239 0.007 56.67% -0.049 0.260 -0.013 6.2 1.408 -0.114 -0.160 40.91% 0.431 0.194 0.084 1 1.000 0.194 0.194 of 94 programs * Col 3 is based on data submitted by the program or calculated from these data. † Col 4 is standardized value for the set of perturbed program values that produced the 95th percentile ranking. Standardized values have a mean of 0 and variance of 1. ‡ Col 5 is the survey-based weights for each variable. Page | 27 TABLE 6a: 5th Percentile Dimensional Ranking Calculation: Diversity of the Academic Environment Institution Name: Program: Program ID: UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA-DAVIS Neuroscience 20067324 (Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3) Description Variable Program Value* Percent Non-Asian Minority Faculty Percent Female Faculty Percent Non-Asian Minority Students Percent Female Students Percent International Students V5 V6 V11 V12 V13 Program Ranking: 16 (Col 4) Standardized Program Value with Variation† (Col 5) (Col 6) Survey-Based Coefficient‡ Product of Col 4 X Col 5 9.52% 2.091 0.080 0.166 35.42% 0.702 0.200 0.141 -0.104 8.00% -0.356 0.292 55.26% 1.223 0.286 0.350 13.16% -0.650 0.142 -0.092 of 94 programs * Col 3 is based on data submitted by the program or calculated from these data. † Col 4 is standardized value for the set of perturbed program values that produced the 5th percentile ranking. Standardized values have a mean of 0 and variance of 1. ‡ Col 5 is the survey-based weights for each variable. TABLE 6b: 95th Percentile Dimensional Ranking Calculation: Diversity of the Academic Environment UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIADAVIS Neuroscience 20067324 Institution Name: Program: Program ID: (Col 1) (Col 2) (Col 3) Description Variable Program Value* Percent Non-Asian Minority Faculty Percent Female Faculty Percent Non-Asian Minority Students Percent Female Students Percent International Students Program Ranking: V5 V6 V11 V12 V13 48 (Col 4) Standardized Program Value with Variation† (Col 5) (Col 6) Survey-Based Coefficient‡ Product of Col 4 X Col 5 9.52% 1.997 0.067 0.133 35.42% 0.488 0.210 0.102 8.00% -0.484 0.301 -0.146 55.26% -0.143 0.291 -0.042 13.16% -0.755 0.132 -0.100 of 94 programs * Col 3 is based on data submitted by the program or calculated from these data. † Col 4 is standardized value for the set of perturbed program values that produced the 95th percentile ranking. Standardized values have a mean of 0 and variance of 1. ‡ Col 5 is the survey-based weights for each variable. Page | 28