reg. 1.166–2(d)(1). §§1.166–2, 1.585–1. (Secs. 166, 585; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 79-214, 1979-2 C.B. 90. 46.5 Banks; charged off; instructions of national bank examiner. Where a national bank charges off a debt in obedience to a written report of a national bank examiner, or in obedience to an examiner’s oral instructions which are confirmed in writing, the debt will be treated as properly charged off in compliance with the “specific order” of a “supervisory authority”. §1.166–2. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 66-335, 1966-2 C.B. 58. 46.6 Banks; charged off; instructions of supervisory federal authority. A bank charged off the entire outstanding balance of a loan in accordance with a specific order by the bank’s supervisory federal authority and deducted the balance on that year’s tax return as a bad debt. In a later year, the authority reconsidered its charge off action and took the position that only twothirds of the balance should be classified as a loss. The bank’s bad debt deduction was proper and the later action by the authority does not constitute a recovery. §§1.111-1, 1.166-2. (Secs. 111, 166; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 80-180, 1980-2 C.B. 66. 46.7 Banks; charged off; presumption of worthlessness. For purposes of determining the existence of a bad debt deduction. reg. 1.166–2(d)(1) does not create a conclusive presumption of worthlessness when the amount that the Comptrol Currency requires to be written down and charged off is not based on bad debt criteria under section 166. §1.166–2. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 84-95, 1984-2 C.B. 53. 46.8 Banks; deposits in other banks. Losses incurred by banks, other than domestic building and loan associations, mutual savings or cooperative banks, with respect to deposits made by them in other banks may be deducted only under the Bad debts specific charge-off method. Rev. Rul. 65–314 (See also: Banks) superseded. §1.166–1. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 68-3, 1968-1 C.B. 75. 46.1 Accounting change; specific charge-off 46.9 Banks; express determination letter. to reserve method. Procedures are provided for taxpayers using an accrual method of accounting This procedure provides a uniform express deterto change their method of accounting for bad debts mination letter for a bank to obtain from its regulafrom the specific charge-off method to the reserve tory authority for purposes of the conformity elecmethod. Rev. Proc. 82–19 clarified, modified and tion of reg. 1.166-1(d)(3). Rev. Proc. 92–18 superseded. §§1.166-4 1.44-1, 1.481-1, modified and superseded. §1.166–2. (Sec. 1.585-2, 1.586-2, 1.593-2. (Sec. 601.204, S.P.R.; 601.105, S.P.R.; Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Proc. 92-84, 1992–2 C.B. 489. Secs. 166, 446, 585, 586, 593, ’86 Code.) Rev. Proc. 85–8, 1985–1 C.B. 495. 46.10 Banks; property sold at foreclosure sale. A bank made loans secured by real proper46.2 Accounting change; specific charge-off ties. The borrowers defaulted and the bank to reserve method. A taxpayer who timely files acquired the properties at foreclosure sales by bidForm 3115 to change its accounting method for ding them in at prices below the unpaid mortgages. bad debts from the direct charge-off method to the Held, for purposes of determining gain or loss reserve method under the provisions of Rev. Proc. under reg. 1.166-6, the fair market values of the 64–51, but fails to spread the initial reserve over properties equal the bid prices. The bank properly the required period, is deemed to have initiated a calculated the bad debt deduction resulting from change of accounting method without the Com- the foreclosures. § 1.166-6. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) missioner’s consent and may not change to the Community Bank, 62 T.C. 503; Acq. issue 1, reserve method for the year of attempted change Acq. in result issue 2; 1975-1 C.B. 1. or the following year upon audit of the returns for 46.11 Banks; uncollected interest; charged those years. § 1.446–1. (Sec. 446, ’86 Code.) off; Federal Home Loan Bank Board regulaRev. Rul. 78-237, 1978-1 C.B. 135. tions. Earned but uncollected interest that was accrued and reported in income by a sav46.3 Banks; allocated transfer risk reserve. properly This ruling informs banks of the treatment of ings and loan association in 1978 and that was off in 1979 in accordance with Federal amounts allocated to allocated transfer risk charged reserves for purposes of the conclusive presump- Home Loan Bank Board regulations is conclution of worthlessness under reg. 1.166-2(d)(3). sively presumed worthless under reg. 1.166-2(d) Rev. Rul. 84–94 amplified and superseded. if claimed as a bad debt deduction for 1979. Such interest, when due after 1978, is not required to be §§1.166-2, 1.585-2. (Secs. 166, 585; ’86 Code.) accrued under section 451 provided no bad debt Rev. Rul. 92-14, 1992–1 C.B. 93. deduction is claimed for the interest. §§1.166-2, 1.451-1. (Secs. 166, 451; ’86 Code.) 46.4 Banks; charged off; classified by FDIC Rev. Rul. 81-18, 1981-1 C.B. 295. examiner. Loans classified as losses by FDIC examiners and charged off by a commercial bank 46.12 Building and loan association; are conclusively presumed to be worthless under reserves; capital stock account. The permanent Bad debts nonwithdrawable capital stock account of a domestic building and loan association is not a reserve for bad debts. Current earnings credited to such account, by way of stock dividends or otherwise, are not credited to a reserve for bad debts, and, therefore, are not deductible from gross income. §1.593–7. (Sec. 593, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 66-82, 1966-1 C.B. 155. debt deductible only as a capital loss. (Secs. 23(e), 25(k), ’39 Code; Secs. 165, 166, ’86 Code.) J. C. Bradford, 22 T.C. 1057, Acq., 1955–2 C.B. 4. ited partnership formed to manufacture and sell prefabricated houses. Loans made by him for use in the business became worthless and were deducted as business bad debts. Held, the loans were proximately related to the partner’s business 46.19 Business; reserve method; election. A and were deductible as business, rather than nontaxpayer may adopt the reserve method of business, bad debts. (Sec. 23(k), ’39 Code; Sec. accounting for bad debts for the first taxable year 166, ’86 Code.) in which he is entitled to a bad debt deduction George A. Butler, 36 T.C. 1097, Acq., 1962-1 46.13 Business; advances to clients. Taxpayer, without prior permission of the Commissioner. C.B. 3. a minority shareholder in the client’s business, §1.166-1. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) 46.26 Business v. nonbusiness; payments for Rev. Rul. 69-548, 1969-2 C.B. 32. loaned funds to the client that later became insolinsolvent corporation. A partnership, engaged in vent. Held, the loans were related to the taxpayer’s advertising business and the losses thereon were 46.20 Business; stockholder’s advances to the construction business, owned stock in a corpodeductible as business bad debts. The loans were related corporation. Advances to a corporation, ration with which it contracted to build houses, made to retain the client, hold other clients who formed by the taxpayer-shareholder to provide guaranteeing lien-free completion and agreeing to advertised in the insolvent’s publication, and to bananas for his grocery business, were proxi- purchase bank loans made the corporation on each maintain the taxpayer’s credit and reputation. mately related to his business and deductible as lot if not paid at maturity. Costs exceeded the loans business rather than nonbusiness bad debts; and the partnership advanced funds to the insol(Sec. 23(k), ’39 Code; Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) advances to another corporation, of which tax- vent corporation to pay the excess costs. Held, the Stuart Bart, 21 T.C. 880, Acq., 1954-1 C.B. 3. payer was majority shareholder, prior to a decision advances were not capital contributions but were 46.14 Business; advances to mining corpora- to liquidate due to financial difficulties, were deductible either as business expenses or business tion. The taxpayer made several advances in the deductible business bad debts and not contribu- bad debts. (Secs. 162, 166; ’86 Code.) Ray A. Myers, 42 T.C. 195, Acq. in result, form of loans and received interest bearing notes tions to capital. (Sec. 23(g), ’39 Code; Sec. 165, 1964-2 C.B. 6. and, as a bonus, stock in the debtor corporation ’86 Code.) from its parent. When repayment became doubtJ. T. Dorminey, 26 T.C. 940, Acq., 1957-1 C.B. 46.27 Child support payments. A taxpayer is ful, the taxpayer surrendered its stock, partially 4 . not entitled to a bad debt deduction for the amount recovered the advances and claimed a deduction for the losses. Held, the advances were loans, not 46.21 Business v. nonbusiness; advances to of the taxpayer’s own payment in support of the capital contributions, and a worthless debt deduc- controlled corporation. Losses from worthless taxpayer’s children caused by an arrearage in tion was allowable. (Sec. 23(k), ’39 Code.; Sec. promissory notes received by a writer as evidence court-ordered child support payments owed by a of advances he made to a publishing company that former spouse. §1.166-1. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 93-27, 1993-1 C.B. 32. National Lead Co., 23 T.C. 988, Acq., 1965-2 he had established and operated, in part, to provide a ready outlet for his own works and enhance his 46.28 Collateral declined in value; debtor C.B. 6. reputation, were deductible as business bad debts. going concern. No bad debt deduction is allow46.15 Business; guarantee payments. A home (Sec. 23(k), ’39 Code; Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) to an individual for the taxable year in which construction partnership, formed by a real estate Wilfred J. Funk, 35 T.C. 42, Acq., 1961-2 C.B. able a debtor is a going concern with assets that could partnership and a partner-corporation, purchased 4. be reached to satisfy a part of the debt, even though land from the home construction partnership’s property on which an individual had a third wholly owned corporation. Loans to the corpora- 46.22 Business v. nonbusiness; advances to real mortgage securing a note that evidenced the tion were guaranteed by the real estate partnership insolvent corporation. The taxpayer corpora- trust indebtedness had declined in value until the which paid the notes upon the corporation’s tion’s partnership made secured loans to an unre- amount that would be received in the event of forelated corporation which was to furnish the partnerdefault. Held, the loan guarantees were directly would not be sufficient to reach any part of related to the real estate partnership’s business, ship new business with third parties. Unbeknown closure debt. A.R.R. 365 superseded. §1.166-2. (Sec. wholly apart from its interest as a stockholder to the taxpayer, the corporation was insolvent. the 166, ’86 Code.) through the construction partnership, and the Held, the loans were bona fide, proximately Rev. Rul. 71–37, 1971-1 C.B. 78. losses resulting from the guarantee were a busi- related to the taxpayer’s business, and were ness bad debt. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) deductible as business bad debts. (Sec. 23(k), ’39 46.29 Contract to merge creditor and stock Louis Lesser, 42 T.C. 688, Acq., 1966-2 C.B. 5. Code; Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) interest in a corporation; death prior to S. E. Maitland Brenhouse, 37 T.C. 326, Acq., completion. A taxpayer who had entered into a 46.16 Business; loan guaranteed; conditionof 1962-2 C.B. 4. contract to merge his creditor interest in a corporaemployment. An employee who, as a condition of tion with his stock interest died before the contract his employment, guaranteed a loan obtained by an 46.23 Business v. nonbusiness; advances to was carried out. Held, following sale of taxpayer’s officer of his corporate employer is entitled to a son-in-law; guaranteed debt obligations. Tax- entire interest in the corporation, a bad debt deducbusiness bad debt deduction when the loan payers’ son-in-law was required to provide a bond tion was allowable on the final return for his credibecomes worthless in his hands. §1.166-1. (Sec. to assure faithful and prompt accounting and pay- tor interest. (Sec. 23(k), ’39 Code; Sec. 166, ’86 ment of all funds he received as operator of a live- Code.) 166, ’86 Code.) stock auction barn. In addition to agreeing to Rev. Rul. 71-561, 1971-2 C.B. 128. W. D. Bartlett, 22 T.C. 1228, Acq., 1955-2 C.B. indemnify the bonding company for payments it 4. 46.17 Business; loans to corporation; share- might be required to make under the bond, the taxholder sole proprietor. Taxpayer operated a road payers advanced the son-in-law $8,500 which he 46.30 Cooperative’s allocation certificates. construction company as a sole proprietorship and was unable to repay. The business failed and the Where an allocation in document form is made by was required to submit surety bonds to obtain con- taxpayers, rather than indemnifying both surety a cooperative to its patrons, the type of instrument tracts. In mid-1965 he became the sole share- payments and fees, advanced funds directly in liq- will indicate whether a loss due to worthlessness, holder of a corporation engaged in oil well servic- uidation of claims against the business.Held, the upon dissolution or insolvency of the cooperative ing. The corporation ceased operating in $8,500 advance was deductible as a nonbusiness which issued it, should be treated as a bad debt or December 1965, but in January 1966 taxpayer debt loss; the claims advance was deductible as a a capital loss. §§39.23(g)-1, 39.23 (k)-1. (Secs. advanced funds from his road construction busi- business debt loss. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) 23(g), 23(k), ’39 Code; Secs. 165, 166, ’86 Code.) ness to enable the corporation to pay off its crediGiffin Andrew, 54 T.C. 239, Acq., 1970-2 C.B. Rev. Rul. 55–66, 1955-1 C.B. 282. tors. Held, the taxpayer’s advance was motivated XVIII. 46.31 Dishonored note; cause of action to protect his credit rating for bonding purposes, was proximately related to his trade or business, 46.24 Business v. nonbusiness; guaranty pay- against seller. A taxpayer purchased an unsecured and is deductible as a business bad debt. (Sec. 166, ments. The taxpayer guaranteed a bank loan to a bearer promissory note. On the due date, the note corporation he had participated in organizing and was presented for payment, but was dishonored. ’86 Code.) Oddee Smith, 60T.C. 316, Acq., 1973-2 C.B. 3. deducted a nonbusiness bad debt loss when the Legal action to enforce payment on the note corporation failed. Held, the taxpayer was would, in all probability, not result in satisfaction 46.18 Business; payment for discharge from engaged in organizing, financing, and operating of execution on a judgment. The taxpayer has a liability as endorser; subrogation. Taxpayer, in corporations and business ventures and the guar- cause of action against the seller that may require the business of making speculative loans, made anty payment constituted a business bad debt, not the seller to return the purchase price of the note. The taxpayer was entitled to a bad debt deduction part payment to a bank to release himself from a capital loss. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) liability as an endorser on a note he executed for in the year the note was dishonored. If amounts are Glenn E. Alexander, 34 T.C. 758, Acq., 1961-1 recovered from the seller, they will be ordinary a bank loan. State law prevented subrogation since C.B. 3. income. §§1.61–1, 1.66-2. (Secs. 61, 166; ’86 the bank, which still held the note, had not been paid in full. Held, the payment as endorser was a 46.25 Business v. nonbusiness; partner’s Code.) Rev. Rul. 80-24, 1980-1 C.B. 47. deductible business expense, not a worthless bad loans. A practicing attorney participated in a lim- Bad debts 46.32 Election for banks to establish a conclusive presumption of worthlessness for bad debts. This notice provides relief to banks that on or before December 1, 1993, filed or files a federal income tax return for a year ending on or after December 31, 1991, but did not make an election to use a method of accounting that establishes a conclusive presumption of worthlessness. Notice 93-50, 1993-2 C.B. 46.33 Foreign expropriation losses; domestic corporations. The tax treatment of expropriations by foreign countries of properties in such countries owned by domestic corporations is explained. Clarified by Rev. Rul. 75–501. §§1.165-1, 1.166-1, 1.172-11, 1.1231-1. (Sec. 165, 166, 172, 1231; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 72-1, 1972–1 C.B. 52. 46.34 Guarantor of corporate obligation. Where a controlling stockholder guarantees the payment of his corporation’s promissory notes, executed in obtaining bank loans, the loss which he sustains upon the corporation’s insolvency and his payment of the notes is deductible as a shortterm capital loss for nonbusiness bad debt, not as an ordinary nonbusiness loss. §39.23(k)-6. (Sec. 23(k), ’39 Code; Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Putman, 352 U.S. 82, Ct. D. 1800, 1957-1 C.B. 501. 46.35 Guarantor of corporate obligation. A loss incurred by an individual as guarantor from the worthlessness of an insolvent corporation’s debts is deductible only as a bad debt, not as a loss sustained in the transaction entered into for profit. §§1.165-1, 1.166-8. (Secs. 165, 166; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 60-48, 1960-1 C.B. 112; Abraham Greenspon, 8 T.C. 431, Nonacq., 1960-1 C.B. 7. 46.36 Guarantor of defunct corporation. A corporation’s manager gave his personal note as security for a debt of the corporation. Six years after the corporation’s financial collapse, he settled the debt and took a bad debt deduction. Held, the nonbusiness bad debt deduction was allowed. (Sec. 23(k), ’39 Code; Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) George Aftergood, 21 T.C. 60, Acq., 1954-1 C.B. 3. ment accounts receivable and the basis is the repurchase price. Accounts which have been or are to be sold should not be considered in computing additions to the reserve for bad debts. Commitment fees incurred do not constitute interest but are deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses. §§39.23(a)–1, 39.23(b)–1, 39.23(f)-1, 39.113(a)-2. 39.117(a)-1. (Secs. 23(a), 23(b), 23(f), 113(a), 117(a), '39 Code; Secs. 162, 163, 165, 1012, 1221, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 54-43, 1954-1 C.B. 119. 46.40 Interest accrued on uncollectible loan. An accrual method taxpayer must include in gross income for the taxable year in which a loan payable to the taxpayer becomes uncollectible the interest that accrues on the loan for the part of that year prior to the time the loan becomes uncollectible. If the accrued interest subsequently becomes uncollectible, the taxpayer may be entitled to a bad debt deduction under section 166. §§1.61-1, 1.166-1, 1.451-1. (Secs. 61, 166, 451; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 80-361, 1980-2 C.B. 164. 46.41 Land contracts purchased by finance company; cancellation. Taxpayer who purchased real estate contracts, made between a vendor of land and individual purchasers, and took possession of the land upon default and the resultant contract cancellation is allowed a bad debt deduction if the property value was less than the unrecovered costs. §§1.61–1, 1.166–1, 1.453-6, 1.1038–1 (Secs. 61, 166, 453, 1038; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 68–523, 1968-2 C.B. 82. 46.42 Liquidation of subsidiary. A merger of a wholly owned subsidiary into its parent at a time when the subsidiary’s indebtedness to the parent exceeded the fair market value of the subsidiary’s assets does not qualify as a nontaxable distribution or tax-free reorganization, since no part of the transfer is attributable to the stock interest of the parent. The parent is entitled to a bad debt deduction. Amplified to provide that where a parent continues to operate the subsidiary’s business as a branch it is entitled to the bad debt deduction and, in addition, is entitled to a deduction for loss on worthless stock of the subsidiary. §§1.165–5, 1.166-2, 1.332-2, 1.368-2. (Secs. 165, 166, 332, 368; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 59-296, 1959-2 C.B. 87; Rev. Rul. 70-489, 1970-2 C.B. 53. 46.37 Guarantor-shareholder; profit share in management contract. Taxpayer, a member of a partnership which for a percentage of premium 46.43 Loan to corporation and guaranty payincome, contracted to manage the underwriting ment. The taxpayer, engaged in manufacturing aspects of an insurance company of which the tax- springs as a sole proprietor, made loans and guarpayer was a shareholder and director, guaranteed anteed obligations of a corporation organized to bank loans to the insurance company and made provide fabrics to customers of his spring busiguaranty payments when the company became ness. Held, the taxpayer was entitled to a business insolvent. Held, the managerial services were part bad debt deduction rather than a capital loss for of a separate business and the guaranty of notes claims against the corporation resulting from the constituted an extension of the credit to the insur- uncollectible loans and guaranty payments, even ance company whose success would have though subsequent to writing-off the claims, he increased the taxpayer’s profits under the contract; received a token payment for such claims from a therefore, the guaranty payments were deductible prospective purchaser of the corporation. (Secs. 23(g), 23(k), ’39 Code; Sec. 165, 166, ’86 Code.) as business bad debts. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Mac Levine, 31 T.C. 1121, Acq., 1959-2 C.B. 5. R. B. Cowden, 34 T.C. 819, Acq., 1961-1 C.B. 4. 46.44 Merchandise purchased for a corpora- 46.38 Indemnifying payments; loan to sever tion by an individual. Taxpayer-president obtained merchandise for sale by his corporation. business relationships. Indemnifying payments made by a guarantor of a loan to his partner in a The purchases were invoiced to the taxpayer but partnership are not deductible where the proceeds paid by the corporation until it became insolvent. of such loan were used to purchase the guarantor’s The supplier obtained a judgment against the taxpartnership interest. The decision in Max Axelrod payer for the amounts owed. Held, the judgment will not be followed. §1.166–8. (Sec. 166, ’86 and related cost amounts were deductible as a loss not a non-business bad debt. (Secs. 165, 166; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 68–616, 1968-2 C.B. 89. Code.) Harry Horner, 35 T.C. 231, Acq., 1961-1 C.B. 46.39 Installment accounts sold on commit4. ment basis. A merchant who sells his installment accounts receivable to a bank at a discount under 46.45 Nonbusiness; advances to controlled a commitment agreement may sustain an ordinary corporation. The activities of an individual in loss. Defaulted accounts repurchased at their connection with his organization and management unpaid balance again become part of his install- of several corporations, in which he held control- ling interest, do not, of themselves, constitute a trade or business, even though he devoted his full time and energies to them, particularly since there was no intention of developing the corporations as going businesses for sale to customers in the ordinary course of affairs. Therefore, a loss resulting from advances which he made to one of such corporations is not a business bad debt. §§39.23(k)-4, 1.166-5. (Sec. 23(k), ’39 Code; Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Whipple, 373 U.S. 193, Ct. D. 1882, 1963-2 C.B. 641. 46.46 Nonbusiness; advances to symphony orchestra. Taxpayer advanced cash through his business to the symphony orchestra for operating expenses during his 3 year tenure as president. After an unsuccessful fund raising campaign to repay the taxpayer and provide for operational costs, the taxpayer wrote the advances off as nonbusiness bad debts. Held, the advances constituted loans, not contributions, and were deductible in the year of the unsuccessful campaign. (Sec. 23(k), ’39 Code; Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Dallas Rupe & Son, 20 T.C. 363, Acq., 1953-2 C.B. 6. 46.47 Nonbusiness; deposits; embezzlement causing insolvency. The loss incurred by a depositor as a result of a bank being declared insolvent due to embezzlement by a bank employee is a nonbusiness bad debt loss rather than a theft loss. The loss is deductible only as a short term capital loss and only when there is no longer a likelihood of recovery. §§1.165–8, 1.166–5. (Secs. 165, 166; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 77–383, 1977–2 C.B. 66. 46.48 Nonbusiness; loan evidence of destroyed by fire. Documentary evidence to substantiate a loan made by the taxpayer was destroyed and the borrower disappeared after the loan was made. Held taxpayer’s testimony that a loan was made, that the debt had value when created, and that the debt became worthless in the year claimed was accepted and a short-term capital loss deduction of the loan amount was allowed. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) I. Hal Millsap, Jr., 46 T.C. 751, Acq., 1967-1 C.B. 2. 46.49 Nonbusiness; home mortgage loan; default by subsequent purchaser. A nonbusiness bad debt deduction is allowable with respect to an uncollectible claim for amounts paid by a taxpayer to the V.A. and to a mortgagee arising from the settlement of a home mortgage loan initiated by the taxpayer with the V.A. and assumed by a subsequent purchaser who defaulted on the loan. § 1.166-5. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 70-222, 1970-1 C.B. 40. 46.50 Nonbusiness; involuntary debt by subrogation. Mechanics and materialmen liens, filed against the house which the taxpayers had engaged a builder to erect under a fixed-cost contract, were paid by the taxpayers to prevent foreclosure when the builder became insolvent.Held, the payments for the liens were deductible as nonbusiness bad debts. (Sec. 23(k), ’39 Code; Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Haywood P. Martin, 38 T.C. 188, Acq., 1963-1 C.B. 4. 46.51 Nonbusiness; legatee; unrecoverable tax attributable to included insurance proceeds. A legatee whose share of the estate bears the burden of estate tax attributable to insurance proceeds that the executor is unable to recover from an insurance beneficiary is entitled to a bad debt deduction under section 166(d)(1). However, no deduction is allowable under section 2054 to the estate by reason of the executor’s inability to recover the amount of such tax from the beneficiary. §1.166-1. (Secs, 166, 2054; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 69–411, 1969-2 C.B. 177. Bad debts 46.52 Nonbusiness; loan to family corporation. The taxpayer loaned $92,350 to a corporation controlled by her then husband, for which she took demand notes. In 1944 she was divorced from her husband and received $2,500 in settlement of the notes from the corporation, which had become insolvent prior to that year. Held, the taxpayer sustained a nonbusiness bad debt loss in 1944. (Sec. 23(k), ’39 Code; Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Miriam C. Pierson, 27 T.C. 330, Acq., 1957-1 C.B. 4. sents an equity interest of the borrower in the association. §1.166-4. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 70-138, 1970-1 C.B. 39. 46.60 Recovery; sale of property acquired in partial satisfaction. A creditor who sells property acquired in partial satisfaction of an indebtedness cannot exclude from gross income the gain from such sale as representing income attributable to a recovery of the unsatisfied portion of the original indebtedness which he previously deducted without tax benefit. §1.111-1. (Sec. 111, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 66-320, 1966-2 C.B. 37. 46.53 Nonbusiness; loan to son-in-law. Taxpayer, as surety for his minor son-in-law’s loan, paid the balance due the bank after the son-in-law separated from his wife, defaulted on the loan pay- 46.61 Recovery; worthless stock; charitable ments, and then disappeared. Held, no gift was donation. When a guarantor of obligations held intended and the amount paid by the taxpayer was by the taxpayer entered bankruptcy proceedings, deductible as a nonbusiness bad debt. (Sec. 166, taxpayer received stock in the face amount of its claim and in complete satisfaction of it. Taxpayer ’86 Code.) determined the stock to be worthless and charged Morris Cohen, 39 T.C. 886, Acq., 1974-1 C.B. the face amount to its bad debt reserve, resulting 1. in a tax benefit. Taxpayer’s subsequent deduction 46.54 Nonbusiness; loans to corporation; of the appreciated stock’s fair market value upon shareholder employee. The loss sustained from donating it to a charitable organization in 1968 advances made to a closely held corporation in was a separate transaction, not a recovery that which the taxpayer was a shareholder employee is must be returned to income under the tax benefit treated as a nonbusiness bad debt since the proxi- rule. (Secs. 111, 1221; ’86 Code.) Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust mate motive for making the loans was to protect a capital investment and not his status as an Co. of Chicago, 69 T.C. 357, Acq., 1978-2 C.B. 1. employee. In determining whether a bad debt has a proximate relation to the taxpayer’s trade or 46.62 Reserves; addition for extraordinary business, the proper standard is that of dominant loss; subsequent recovery. An accrual-method motivation. §1.166–5. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) taxpayer who uses the reserve method of accountGeneres, 405 U.S. 93, Ct. D. 1952, 1972-1 C.B. ing for its bad debt losses and who sustains in its 61. taxable year a large and unpredictable bad debt loss far in excess of its bad debt reserve may not 46.55 Nonbusiness; purchase price of stock properly charge the loss to such reserve account lost. Losses sustained on purchases of undelivered and then add to the account to restore its normal stock from a securities corporation that subse- balance. Likewise, the recovery of such an quently becomes bankrupt are deductible as short- extraordinary loss in a subsequent year should not term capital losses under the nonbusiness bad debt be handled through the bad debt reserve account, provisions of section 166 in the taxable year in but should be taken directly into income. which the debts become worthless. §§1.165–1, §§1.61-1, 1.111-1, 1.166-4. (Secs. 61, 111, 166; 1.166-5. (Secs. 165, 166; ’86 Code.) ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 69-458, 1969-2 C.B. 33. Rev. Rul. 74-409, 1974-2 C.B. 61. 46.56 Nonbusiness; savings deposit; bankadditions; debentures ruptcy. The balance of a savings on deposit in a 46.63 Reserves; bankrupt savings and loan association is consid- changed from registered to unregistered. For ered worthless upon notification by the receiver in purposes of the deduction for additions to bad debt bankruptcy that payment after liquidation of reserve, corporate debentures are effectively assets is doubtful. However, any amount recov- changed from registered to unregistered form ered in a subsequent year with respect to the debt when the registration language is actually is includable in income to the extent a tax benefit removed from the face of the debentures and the was received in a prior taxable year. §1.166–5. underlying loan contracts. §§1.165–5, 1.166-4. (Secs. 165, 166; ’86 Code.) (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 73-101, 1973-1 C.B. 78. Rev. Rul. 71-577, 1971-2 C.B. 129. 46.57 Nonbusiness; unrecoverable deposit for residence construction. A nonbusiness bad debt deduction is allowable for unrecoverable deposits made for the construction of a residence when the construction company becomes insolvent and fails to fulfill under the contract. §1.166-5. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 69-457, 1969-2 C.B. 32. 46.58 Partnership; deceased partner’s insolvent estate. The amount of a dissolved general partnership debt paid by a partner on behalf of a deceased partner’s insolvent estate is deductible as a debt that became worthless within the taxable year. I.T. 1976 superseded. §1.166-1. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 72-505, 1972-2 C.B. 102. 46.59 Production credit association; additions to reserves; invested equity.A production credit association is not required, in computing reasonable annual additions to its reserves for bad debts, to reduce the amount of its outstanding loans to its members by the amount of equity reserve, even though the equity reserve serves as collateral for such loans and reduces the risk involved. The amount of the equity reserve repre- 46.64 Reserves; additions; reasonableness. The taxpayer, a real estate developer, made additions to bad debt reserves which were partially disallowed as unreasonable in amount. Held, the additions were reasonable since they were based on the advice of a national accounting firm after a study of the financial position of each debtor, (Secs. 166, 1033, 1221: ’86 Code.) Westchester Development Co., 63 T.C. 198, Acq., 1975-2 C.B. 2. 46.65 Reserves; additions; reasonableness. The reasonable addition to the reserve for bad debts may be an amount lesser or greater than the amount computed under the Black Motor decision formula as determined in the light of facts existing at the close of the taxable year. §1.166–1. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 76-362, 1976-2 C.B. 45. 46.66 Reserves; additions; reasonableness. Additions were made to a bad debt reserve that presupposed a higher charge-off rate than that experienced in the immediately preceding years. The Commissioner did not abuse his discretion in recomputing a reasonable addition according to the Black Motor formula. §§1.166-4, 1.446-1, 1.471-2. (Secs. 166, 446, 471; ’86 Code.) Thor Power Tool Co.,435 U.S. 522, Ct. D. 1996, 1979-1 C.B. 167. 46.67 Reserves; additions; year deductible. An accrual method taxpayer added an amount to its bad debt reserve for the current taxable year that was less than the amount determined under its normal and proper method of computing reasonable additions to the reserve. Such lesser addition does not entitle the taxpayer to make a correspondingly larger addition in the following year, and the amount of the reserve inadequacy that resulted for the current year is deemed added to the reserve in that year. Rev. Ruls. 59–83, 65–92, 66-26, and 70-124 modified. §§1.166-1, 1.166-4, 1.446-1, 1.461-1. (Secs. 166, 446, 461; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 79-88, 1979-1 C.B. 100. 46.68 Reserves; additions for doubtful account; subsequent collection. The collection of a specific doubtful account upon which an addition to a bad debt reserve was made should be reflected in the determination of the reasonable addition to the reserve rather than as an addition to income in the collection year. (Sec. 23(k), ’39 Code; Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) R. Gsell & Co., 34 T.C. 41, Acq., 1960-2 C.B. 5. 46.69 Reserves; bail forfeitures. A taxpayer engaged in the business of issuing bail and administrative bonds may not establish a reserve for bail forfeitures similar to that allowed for bad debts. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 58-305, 1958-1 C.B. 117. 46.70 Reserves; cash-method consumer finance company. A consumer finance company using the cash receipts and disbursements method of accounting and loaning its own money, thus owning notes and earning interest thereon, may use the reserve method for bad debts. § 1.166–1. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 74-604, 1974-2 C.B. 60. 46.71 Reserves; change in method after merger of thrift institution into bank. The integration under section 381(c)(4) of a distressed thrift institution’s bad debt reserve computed under section 539 into an acquiring commercial bank’s bad debt reserve computed under section 585 results in a change in method of accounting. Therefore, an adjustment under section 481(a) is required. Rev. Ruls. 75-445 and 79–123 distinguished. §§1.166-4, 1.381(c)(4)–1, 1.446-1, 1.585-1, 1.593-1. (Secs, 166, 381, 446, 585, 593; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 85–171, 1985–2 C.B. 148. 46.72 Reserves; change in method; building and loan associations. A building and loan association that computes its addition to the bad debt reserve for the current year under the percentage of loans method provided by section 593(b)(3) may subsequently change to either the percentage of taxable income method or the experience method provided by section 593(b)(2) and (4) for that year without obtaining the Commissioner’s consent. §1.593–6A. (Sec. 593, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 79-123, 1979-1 C.B. 215. 46.73 Reserves; dealers; withheld by finance company. Credits to a dealers reserve by banks or finance companies to cover possible losses on notes purchased from dealers constitute income to the dealers employing the accrual method of accounting at the time such credits are made; losses sustained by the dealers on such notes are to be separately established. (Sec. 61, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 57-2, 1957-1 C.B. 17. 46.74 Reserves; guaranteed debt obligations. After agreeing to a determination disallowing a deduction for additions to a bad debt reserve for guaranteed debt obligations, the taxpayer filed a refund claim contending entitlement to maintain such reserves. Held, the taxpayer is entitled to reserves for tax years open for deficiency assessment. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) United Surgical Steel Co., Inc., 54 T.C. 1215, Acq., 1971-2 C.B. 3. 46.75 Reserves; guaranteed debtobligations. Rev. Rul. 62–214, relating to the deductibility of additions to bad debt reserves covering losses on guaranteed debt obligations, is revoked. §1.166-1. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 68-313, 1968–1 C.B. 75. 46.76 Reserves; installment sales; personal property. A domestic corporation that reports income from the sale of personal property on the installment method of accounting may use the reserve method for bad debts with respect to the sales and may deduct reasonable additions to the reserve. I.T. 3957 superseded. §§1.166-4, 1.453-1. (Secs. 166, 453; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 70-139, 1970-l C.B. 39. 46.77 Reserves; liquidating corporation. The complete liquidation, to which sections 332(a) and 336 apply, of a subsidiary that used the accrual method of accounting and the reserve method of treating bad debts results in income to the liquidating corporation to the extent that the fair market value of accounts receivable, the basis of which in the hands of the transferee determined under section 334(b)(2) is equal to its fair market value, exceeds the face amount of the receivables less the amount of the reserve for bad debts, additions to which had resulted in tax benefits in prior years. Rev. Rul. 65-258 revoked. §§1.61-1, 1.332-1, 1.334-1, 1.336-1. (Secs. 61, 332, 334, 336; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 78-278, 1978-2 C.B. 134. 46.81 Reserves; transfer to controlled corporation. A reserve for bad debts is not includable in income when accounts receivable are transferred to a controlled corporation in exchange for securities equal in value to the accounts receivable less the reserve. §1.351-1. (Sec. 351, ’86 Code.) Nash, 398 U.S. 1, Ct. D. 1941, 1970-1 C.B. 72. mine the reasonableness of further additions to the reserve. After 1968 an average loss experience of the small business investment industry will be used as a basis for such reserves as to a new company or one which is without adequate loss experience data. Clarified to provide that reserves for bad debts in excess of ten percent may be established where reasonable. §1.166-4. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 64-48, 1964-1 (Part 1) C.B. 104; Rev. Rul. 65-88, 1965–1 C.B. 112. 46.83 Small business investment companies; convertible debentures. Loan agreements which are evidenced by numbered convertible debentures payable to a company licensed under the Small Business Investment Act or to its registered assigns, or which require that such debentures be fully registered, are “securities” as defined in section 165(g)(2)(C); therefore, section 166 relating to bad debts does not apply to debts evidenced by such loan agreements by reason of section 166(e). However, under section 1243, losses from the sale, exchange, or worthlessness of convertible debentures shall be treated as ordinary losses. §l.165-5, 1.166-4, 1.1243-1. (Secs. 165, 166, 1243; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 66-321.1966-2 C.B. 59. 46.78 Reserves; liquidating corporation. The sale, pursuant to a plan of complete liquidation under section 337, of accounts receivable by a cor- 46.84 Small business investment companies; poration that had used the accrual method of reserves. No adjustment is required for a reasonaccounting and the reserve method of treating bad debts from which it had received a tax benefit able addition to the bad debt reserve in computing results in income to the extent that the amount received exceeds the face amount of the receivables less the amount of the reserve for bad debts. Rev. Rul. 57-482 superseded. §§1.61-1, 1.337-1. (Secs. 61, 337; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 78-279, 1978-2 C.B. 139. 46.79 Reserves; production credit association. In computing annual additions to its reserve for bad debts, a production credit association is not required to reduce the amount of its outstanding loans by (1) the amount of class B stock which it holds as collateral for such loans or (2) the amount of promisory notes received therefor and transferred to the Federal Intermediate Credit Bank as collateral on loans to the association under an agreement making the association primarily liable for payment of all funds loaned to it by the bank. §1.166-4. (Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 65-315, 1965-2 C.B. 51; Rev. Rul. 67-32, 1967-1 C.B. 52. 46.80 Reserves; receivables transferred to controlled corporation. The proper method is shown for determining the transferor’s and transferee’s basis in transferred accounts receivable and the treatment of these receivables by a transferee using either the reserve method of treating bad debts or the specific charge-off method, in a situation involving the transfer of accounts receivable by a sole proprietor, who had used the reserve method and bad gained a tax benefit in prior years from the use of such method, to a newly formed corporation in exchange for all the stock of the corporation. Rev. Rul. 62-128 revoked. §§1.351-1, 1.358-1, 1.362-1, 301.7805-1. (Secs. 351, 358, 362, 7805; ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 78-280, 1978-2 C.B. 139. 46.86 Subordinated claim; loan to corporation. Taxpayer corporation advanced funds in return for promissory notes to a related corporation for a 2-year period at the end of which the borrower filed a bankruptcy petition and the taxpayer agreed to subordinate its claim to the allowed claims of all general, unsecured creditors. After the bankrupt’s assets were sold insufficient funds were available for allowed claims and expenses. Held, the subordination of the claim did not convert the debt into a capital advance; taxpayer was entitled to deduct bad debt losses, (Sec. 23(k), ’39 Code; Sec. 166, ’86 Code.) Giles E. Bullock, 26 T.C. 276, Acq., 1957-2 C.B. 4. 46.87 Worthless mortgage note; insurance companies. A note evidencing a loan made by an insurance company, secured by a second mortgage that was eliminated by foreclosure of the first mortgage, qualifies as a bill receivable and is deductible as a bad debt. I.T. 2920 superseded. §1.832-5. (Sec. 832, ’86 Code.) Rev. Rul. 70-35, 1970-1 C.B. 154.