Randa, Bio100 1 Chapters 19 / Evolution: Mechanism and Evidence I. Introduction Evolution: genetic change in organisms over time --populations microevolution --species: interbreeding group of individuals that produce fertile offspring speciation --macroevolution: evolutionary change above the level of species (genera, orders, etc.); evolution of major groups of organisms (and major phenotypic changes) Concept of evolution is the unifying theme in biology. II. Early Ideas of Evolution A. Geological clues 1. rock layers geological time scale 2. remnants of organisms-- W. Smith* a. What is a fossil? b. conditions for fossil formation c. dating fossils i. correlation with rock strata (layers)--C. Lyell ii. radiometric dating B. How does evolution occur?—Lamarck’s early evolutionary theory: acquired traits inherited* III. Describing Evolution: Charles Darwin Randa, Bio100 2 A. Background 1. naturalist 2. voyage of the HMS Beagle 3. observations a. biogeography b. fossils c. similar appearing organisms in similar habitats convergent evolution: similar traits exhibited in organisms that did not originate from a common ancestor, but represent similar adaptations to similar environments. B. Adaptation and natural selection Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection 1859 “decent with modification” 1. adaptation: divergent evolution: new species or lineages arising from a common ancestor *adaptive radiation: divergence of new types of organisms (possessing modified traits) from a single ancestor 2. natural selection a. premises --tendency of overproduction of offspring --variation among offspring --competition among organisms for limited resources Some offspring may exhibit forms of traits more favorable for their particular environment. *b. sexual selection --preferential selection of forms of traits by a member of the opposite sex; confers reproductive advantage C. Synthetic theory of evolution --merging Darwin’s ideas with Mendelian genetics: Randa, Bio100 Natural selection of certain traits + why variation exists and how traits are inherited IV. Evolution in Action Emerging (and remerging) Infectious Diseases --antibiotic resistant bacteria V. Evidence Supporting Evolution A. Fossil record paleontology: study of fossils and the fossil record to decipher evolutionary origins and relationships phylogeny: evolutionary history of a particular lineage geological time scale 1. conditions for fossil formation 2. dating fossils --correlation with rock strata (layers) --radioisotope dating B. Comparative anatomy of related species homologous structures vs. analogous structures divergent evolution vs. convergent evolution C. Mimicry --strong resemblance of one species to another species or an inanimate object D. Patterns of development between related species (Comparative embryology) E. Distribution of plants and animals --biogeography: each species evolved once from a single point of origin 3 Randa, Bio100 F. Evidence from molecular biology 1. protein sequences 2. DNA sequences *Note: review your notes to discern what details we covered on this topic 4