MMS – Student Tutorial Signup

MMS – Student Tutorial Signup
1. Login to MMS using your institution login username and Password (the same as Webmail)
2. From the Modules page select the Tutorial Signup link under the module name
3. The Tutorial Signup Overview page will display a list of boxes, one for each tutorial, and
will contain the tutorial details, how full that tutorial group is, and a button labelled Join, as
in Figure 1.
4. To sign up to a tutorial click the Join button corresponding to the group that you wish to
join. You can only join a group if there is free space.
5. Once you have signed up your group will appear darker in colour and will be outlined in
thick black as in Figure 2. To alter your tutorial group before the closing date simply click
Join on the group you wish to change to.
6. If, after the end of the sign-up period, you wish to change group contact the Module
Click Join to Signup to a
Figure 1: Tutorial Signup Overview
Figure 2: Tutorial after signup
Sept 2009
Tutorial Signup Tool
ver 4