Romeo and Juliet

Romeo and Juliet – Calendar and Assignments
Feb 26 - A
Why Shakespeare?
Background Notes
Before Reading
Begin Prologue
Continue Prologue
March2 - B
Anticipation Guide
Act I
Character chart
Continue Act I
Reader’s Guide
16 - A
Blog #2
Finish Act I
Character chart
17 - B
19 - B
20 – A
Blog #4
Act II, Scenes iv-v
23- B
24 – A
Blog #5
Act II – Video
Act II – Quiz
24 - B
18 – A
Blog #3
Act I – Video
Act I – Quiz
Act II, Scenes i-iii
Character Chart
25 - B
26 – A
Blog #6
Act III – Video
Act III – Quiz
27 - B
25 – A
Act V
26 - B
27 – A
Blog #9
Act IV –V – Video
Anticipation Guide
“What a Week!”
23 - A
Blog #7
Act IV
30 - B
Romeo and Juliet
Questions DUE!
April 1-B
Romeo and Juliet – Unit Grades
6 Daily – Decorating Challenge, Character Chart, Act I Questions, Act II Questions, Act III Questions,
Act IV-V Question
4 Quizzes – Act I Quiz, Act II Quiz, Act III Quiz, Journals
2 Tests – Test, Point of View Essay
Romeo and Juliet - Anticipation Guide
Name: ________________________
Respond to each of the following statements before and after reading Romeo and Juliet.
SA – Strongly Agree
A – Agree
D – Disagree
SD – Strongly Disagree
Violence can solve problems.
Long-term neighborhood feuds can be solved peacefully.
Teenage love is real love.
There are times when secrets must be told.
Love at first sight is possible.
Luck is a figment of someone’s imagination.
There is no such thing as luck.
Your parents should have the final say about whom you date.
You are the pilot of your own life.
There is no greater force determining the outcome of your life.
You determine your own destiny.
Suicide is never a reasonable option.
(Gallagher, Kelly. Deeper Reading: Comprehending Challenging Texts, 4-12. , Portland, Maine:
Stenhouse Publishers, 2004.)
Romeo and Juliet – Blogger Posts
In approximately one-half to one page answer the following prompts on Blogger. Be sure to include text
evidence to support your answers when required. Include a picture with your post.
Blog #1 -
Write about a time when you really wanted to do something, buy something, or go
somewhere, and your parents said, “NO!” What was your reaction? Who was right
(honestly), you or your parents?
Blog #2 -
What character trait best described Romeo based on the first three scenes of the
play? Be sure to include text evidence to support your answer.
Blog #3 -
Based on Act I, do you really think Romeo and Juliet are in love? Be sure to include text
evidence to support your answer.
Blog #4 -
Based on the beginning of Act II, do you think Friar Laurence is right to marry Romeo
and Juliet without their parent’s knowledge?
Blog #5 -
Based on Act II, Scene iii, how does the character of the Nurse, fulfill the role of comic
relief? Be sure to include text evidence to support your answer.
Blog #6 -
Based on Act III, how does Romeo’s reaction concerning banishment reveal his
character? How is it different from Juliet’s reaction to the problem? Be sure to include
text evidence to support your answer.
Blog #7 -
As a group, re-write one scene in modern English. Consider the opening battle, the
party, the balcony, or another approved scene. You will reenact this scene for the class
to demonstrate understanding.
Blog #8 -
Based on the end of Act II, what character trait best describes Juliet? Be sure to include
text evidence to support your answer.
Blog #9 -
What are some examples of dramatic irony in Act IV? How does this irony effect the
audience’s reaction to the play.
Blog #10 -
Who is the most responsible for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? Why? Some
possibilities are Romeo, Juliet, Friar Laurence, Prince Escalus, Lord Capulet, or Nurse.
Be sure to include text evidence to support your answer.
Romeo and Juliet - Prologue
Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life,
Whose midadventured, piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents’ strife.
The fearful passage of their death marked love,
And the continuance of their parents’ rage,
Which but their children’s end, naught could remove,
Is now the two hours’ traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
1. What is the place setting of the play?
2. What is the relationship between the two households?
3. What does Shakespeare mean by “star-crossed lovers”?
4. What happens to the lovers?
5. What is the subject matter of the play?
6. What does the chorus ask of the audience in the last two lines? Why?
7. What is the name of the poetic form which Shakespeare uses for the Prologue? How many lines
are there?
8. Mark the rhyming pattern.
9. Underline examples of alliteration.
Romeo and Juliet - Vocabulary
Sonnet –
Stanza –
Couplet –
Blank verse –
Stage directions –
Rhyme scheme –
Comedy –
Foil –
Soliloquy –
Aside –
Allusion –
Foreshadow –
Narrator –
Tragedy –
Romeo and Juliet - Character Chart:
Prince Escalus
Lord Capulet
Lady Capulet
Lord Montague
Lady Montague
County Paris
Friar Laurence
Friar John
Romeo and Juliet
Act I Questions
Scene 1
1. What insult by whom (servant from which family)starts the fight between the servants?
2. Who attempts to stop the fight amongst the servants? Why isn’t he successful?
3. Who finally does stop the fight, and why is this person so angry?
4. What consequences will the families face if they fight again?
5. Where has Romeo been during the fight, and what is wrong with him?
6. What is an oxymoron? Who uses them? Why? Give examples.
7. What is Benvoilio’s advice to Romeo at the end of the scene?
Scene 2
8. When Paris asks for Juliet’s hand in marriage, what is Capulet’s response? (Two parts)
9. Why does Romeo end up reading the invitation to the Capulet party?
10. Why does Benvolio want the two of them to attend the masquerade?
11. Why does Romeo agree to go?
Scene 3
12. How old is Juliet?
13. What does Juliet’s mother encourage her to do?
Scene 4
14. Who is Queen Mab?
15. What sort of dream does Romeo have?
16. What is foreshadowing?
Scene 5
17. Who first notices Romeo at the party?
18. Why does Capulet not want to do anything about Romeo being there? (Two reasons).
19. What is Romeo’s request when he first speaks to Juliet?
20. What is Juliet’s first response to his request?
21. What don’t Romeo and Juliet realize when they first meet?
Act I
I, iv, 96-100
Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
I, v,42-45
Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
I, v, 50-51
Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
I, v, 136-137 Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
Romeo and Juliet
Act II Questions
Scene 1
1. Where is Romeo in this scene?
2. What do Romeo’s friends still believe at this point?
Scene 2
3. What does Romeo mean by the line “He jests at scars that never felt a wound”?
4. What is this scene most commonly referred to as?
5. What is Juliet’s problem with Romeo’s name?
6. What does Romeo compare Juliet to?
7. What is Juliet’s first concern about Romeo’s presence? What is her second concern?
8. Who brings up marriage first?
9. By what time will Romeo have the plans?
10. Where does Romeo plan to go for help with the marriage plans?
Scene 3
11. What is Friar Laurence doing at the beginning of the Scene? What does he say about the
nature of plants and humans?
13. Technique-wise—what is unique about this scene?
14. Why does Friar Laurence agree to perform the wedding ceremony?
15. What is the Friar’s warning?
Scene 4
16. What do Romeo’s friends still think?
17. What does Mercutio know that Romeo does not?
18. What is an epithet? Give an example from this scene.
19. What does Mercutio say about Tybalt’s style of fighting?
20. Give an example of an allusion used in this scene. (There are several)
21. Who does Juliet send to get info about the wedding plans?
22. What is Juliet’s excuse to leave the house?
23. How will Romeo get up to Juliet’s room for the wedding night?
Scene 5
24. Why is Juliet so impatient at the beginning of this scene?
25. Why is Juliet annoyed with the nurse after she returns?
Scene 6
26. What is the Friar’s advice to Romeo about love? What is the Friar’s foreshadowing?
27. What happens in this scene?
Act II
II, ii, 2-3
Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
II, ii, 38
Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
II, ii, 43-44
Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
II, ii, 133-135 Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
II, ii, 156-157 Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
II, ii, 185-186 Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
II, iii, 46
Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
II, iii, 67-68
Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
II, iv, 94-95
Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
II, iv, 171-172 Speaker: ____________________
Spoken to: _____________________
ROMEO and JULIET Questions - Act III
Scene 1
1. Why does Benvolio want to leave the square at the beginning of this scene?
2. Why doesn’t Romeo want to fight Tybalt?
3. Why does Mercutio fight Tybalt?
4. Why does Mercutio curse both of the houses?
5. Why does the Prince just exile Romeo?
Scene 2
6. Who does Juliet think is dead at first?
7. What technique does Juliet use to show the chaos her mind and heart are in after she hears what has
happened? Give an example.
8. In what way does Juliet’s initial reaction to the news that Romeo has killed Tybalt change almost immediately?
9. What does Juliet send with the nurse to give to Romeo and what does it represent?
Scene 3
10. Why is Romeo so upset about being banished? What does he want to do?
11. What reasons does he give him that he has to be happy”?
12. What is the plan that Friar Laurence gives Romeo?
Scene 4
13 What is Paris’ excuse for not being able to “woo” Juliet?
14 Why does Capulet agree now to let Paris marry Juliet?
15 When will the marriage take place?
16 Why can they not have a large celebration?
Scene 5
17 Why does Juliet say it was the nightingale and not the lark they heard singing?
18 Where is Romeo’s place of exile?
19 What news does Lady Capulet come with?
20 Give one example of a double-meaning line Juliet uses and tell how she means it and how her mother
interprets it.
21 What does Capulet threaten to do if Juliet will not agree to the plans?
22 Where does Juliet plan to go for help? What excuse does she give to the nurse for why she is leaving the
23 Why does Juliet no longer trust the nurse?
24 What is Juliet prepared to do herself if she cannot find help with her situation?
III, i, 95, 99-100 Speaker: ____________________ Spoken to: _____________________
III, i, 129 Speaker: ____________________ Spoken to: _____________________
III, ii, 86-88
Speaker: ____________________ Spoken to: _____________________
III, iii, 2-3
Speaker: ____________________ Spoken to: _____________________
III, iii, 64-70
Speaker: ____________________ Spoken to: _____________________
III, v, 192-196
Speaker: ____________________ Spoken to: _____________________
ROMEO and JULIET Questions - Acts IV and V
ACT IV - Scene 1
1. What is the setting of this scene?
2. Why is Lord Capulet now allowing Paris to marry Juliet without waiting for wooing?
3. What are the six things Juliet says she would rather do than marry Paris?
4. What day of the week is it in this scene?
5. What are the pats to Friar Laurence’s plans for Juliet?
Scene 2
6. What reason does Juliet give her parents for why she has been to confession (with Friar Laurence)?
7. How does Lord Capulet change the wedding plans? What effect will this change have?
Scene 3
8. List at least four of Juliet’s fears as she prepares to drink the potion.
9. Why does Juliet fear that Friar Laurence may have given her poison?
Scene 4
10. What is the purpose of this scene?
Scene 5
11. What is the dramatic irony?
12. What does the audience know that Juliet’s family does not know? (More than one thing).
13. How does Friar Laurence comfort the family?
14. The wedding plans will now be changed to _____________________ plans.
ACT V - Scene 1
15. What is the setting of this scene?
16. Describe Romeo’s dream.
17. What news does Balthazar bring?
18. Why does Romeo go to an apothecary?
19. Why does Romeo believe this apothecary will help him even though it is against the law?
20. What does Romeo say is a “worse poison too men’s souls”? How is it poison?
Scene 2
21. What was the errand that Friar John was unable to perform? Why was he unable to complete it? What effect
will this failure have?
Scene 3
22. Why is Paris at Juliet’s tomb? Why does Paris believe Romeo has come?
23. What does Romeo notice about Juliet’s appearance? The audience knows this means what?
24. Why does Friar Laurence leave after Juliet awakens?
25. What has happened to Lady Montague?
26. What do the parents vow to do that shows the feud is over?
Act IV
IV, iv, 11-12
Speaker: ____________________ Spoken to: _____________________
IV, v, 28-29
Speaker: ____________________ Spoken to: _____________________
IV, v, 84-85
Speaker: ____________________ Spoken to: _____________________
Act V
V, i, 75
Speaker: ____________________ Spoken to: _____________________
V, iii, 292-293
Speaker: ____________________ Spoken to: _____________________
What a Week!!
The events that take place in Romeo and Juliet occur within a span of only six
days. List the major events that occurred each day during the fateful week in
Verona. Refer to the text of the play as you complete this activity.