Energy Stored in Magnetic Field ÎJust like electric fields, magnetic fields store energy uE = 1 ε E2 2 0 2 Electric field energy density B uB = 2μ0 ÎLet’s Magnetic field energy density see how this works PHY2049: Chapter 30 47 Energy of an Inductor Î How much energy is stored in an inductor when a current is flowing through it? Î Start with loop rule ε = iR + L di dt Î Multiply by i to get power equation di ε i = i R + Li dt 2 Power produced = dissipated + stored Î Let PL = power stored in inductor Î Identify energy stored in inductor Î q2 = 2C Similar to capacitor: UC dU L di PL = = Li dt dt 1 2 U L = ∫ Lidi = Li 2 48 Energy in Magnetic Field (2) ÎApply UL = ÎUse l to solenoid (constant B field) 1 2 Li 2 = 1 2 ( ) μ 0 n 2 lA i 2 r formula for B field: B = μ 0 ni N turns 2 B UL = lA 2μ0 UL ÎCalculate energy density: u B = V B2 uB = 2μ0 ÎThis B field V = Al u E = 12 ε 0 E 2 E field is generally true even if B is not constant PHY2049: Chapter 30 49 Energy Calculation Examples ÎCalculate uB for earth field, B = 5 x 10-5 T ( −5 ) 2 5 × 10 B2 −3 3 uB = = 10 J/m 2 μ 0 2 × 4π × 10 − 7 ÎCalculate uB for neutron star, B = 108 T ( ) 8 2 10 B2 21 3 = × uB = 4 10 J/m 2 μ 0 2 × 4π × 10 − 7 ÎCalculate uB for magnetar, B = 1011 T ( 11 ) 2 10 B2 27 3 = × uB = 4 10 J/m 2 μ 0 2 × 4π × 10 −7 Equivalent mass density uB 10 3 ρ = 2 4 × 10 kg/m From E = mc2 c PHY2049: Chapter 30 50 Web Sites on Neutron Stars, Magnetars ÎOriginal magnetar discovery ÎMore recent magnetar discovery (Feb. 2005) ÎOnline articles on magnetars 0201.html ÎArticles on neutron stars (second one has videos) PHY2049: Chapter 30 51 Quiz on Energy ÎEach circuit has identical values of V, R and L. After the switch has been closed for a long time, which circuit has the largest energy stored in the inductor L? (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1 2 3 1 2 only only only &2 &3 V Answer is modified from what was given in class. Answers 2 and 3 were accepted R R R L V R L V R L R PHY2049: Chapter 30 52 Gigajoule Magnet at CERN ÎCMS experiment at CERN p-p collisions at world’s highest energy in 2009 Hope to discover new particles, find the origin of mass and new fundamental forces Compact Muon Solenoid PHY2049: Chapter 30 53 Human PHY2049: Chapter 30 54 CMS Experiment Magnet ÎLarge central solenoid magnet to study particle production B = 4T, R = 3.15 m, L = 12.5 m UB = 2.6 x 109 J = 2.6 gigajoules!! UB ( ) B2 42 2 lA = 3.15 = π × (12.5 ) − 7 2μ0 2 × 4π × 10 PHY2049: Chapter 30 55 Articles on CMS and LHC ÎLarge Hadron Collider at CERN ÎHome page and picture of CMS experiment ÎWikipedia articles PHY2049: Chapter 30 56