Visa and MasterCard Order Form


Visa and MasterCard Order Form

Print out and complete this form to place an order.

Order the School Foods Tool Kit now, and improve children’s eating habits

$ ________ Total payment enclosed (price includes shipping and handling)

Payment and shipping:

Check (payable to CSPI)

Credit Card: Visa or MasterCard

Credit Card Number ____________________________ Exp. date __________

Signature ____________________________

Name (please print) ________________________

(Organization) ____________________________

Address _________________________________


City, State, Zip ____________________________

Phone _____________________________ Fax _________________________

E-mail ___________________________________

Send to:

CSPI — School Foods Tool Kit

1875 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 300

Washington, DC 20009-5728

Or, fax order to (202) 265-4954

Please allow four to six weeks for delivery.

Note: We will NOT be accepting purchase orders for this item.
